Running Head: The Effects of Workplace Bullying 1
Running Head: The Effects of Workplace Bullying 1
Running Head: The Effects of Workplace Bullying 1
Ashley Martin
The intention of this review is to show the prevalence of bullying in the workplace and its
harmful effects on people as well as the workplace itself. This review will define workplace
bullying, the different ways it can manifest, and ways to address the issue. The literature was
collected from the Arkansas Tech University’s Library. Search topics were “Workplace
Bullying”, “Harmony in the Workplace”, “Getting Along With Co-Workers” and “Can Bullying
Effect Productivity”. The references are organized in order of relativity to the subject and were
(Tuckey & Neall, 2014, p. 413) Bullies are equally likely to be male or female. (Sitzman, n.d.) It
can be overt or covert and ranges from belittling, humiliation and excluding to undermining a co-
workers contribution. It is not to be confused with playful or benign teasing. This article gives
definitive cues to what the behavior is and how to differentiate bullying from harassment with
examples. Workplace bullying occurs between similar status levels in the workplace, insulting
administrators or managers are not included in this definition. (Vega & Comer, 2005) One
article gives a conflicting descriptive in its definition to include that bullying can be a managerial
History of Bullying
The United States has been one of the last to address the issue of power abuse. Joseph
and his brothers are a historical story of bullying from the Bible. “The demoralization victims
suffer can create toxic working environments and impair organizational productivity.” (Vega &
Comer, 2005, p. 101) The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was one of the largest efforts by the United
States to procure equal treatment of human beings. Bullying is illegal in some countries, but not
in the United States. Sweden passed legislation in 1997, The Swedish Work Environment Act,
prohibiting such behaviors. Australia has the Fair Work Act that cover about 85% of its workers
and an article was added to legislate actions that could be taken. (Pagura, 2014) By seeing the
legislation created in other nations as well as in the USA, it is apparent that no industry is
The bully, the witnesses and the person being bullied suffer physical and emotional
consequences. Headaches, sleep problems, rapid heart rate, clinical depression and weight issues
have been recorded. After prolonged periods, post-traumatic stress disorder can occur,
solidifying just how detrimental this can be. (Sitzman, n.d.) Facing or enduring harassment is
perceived by many as a traumatic experience and is a known producer of anxiety and lessens the
positive affect in daily. (Glaso & Notelears, 2012) All articles researched have concurring data
that list similar effects caused by negative behaviors and interpersonal relationships at work.
There are financial considerations to be taken into account. Workplace bullying has a
direct effect on rising absenteeism. It is the negative factor when discussing job satisfaction and
the want to relocate. Replacing employees is not only a considerable expense for a company, it
is a stressor for the other employees. One of the greatest expenses for a company can be in the
human resource department with recruitment and training. Positive and negative emotions were
studied in two hypotheses’ to test the relationship to job satisfaction, turn over and commitment.
Anonymous questionnaires were used to collect data from a survey that was voluntary and it
Expectations, rules and standards should be discussed from the beginning. Being
proactive about the company’s stance shows that workplace bullying is taken serious and will not
be tolerated. A handbook with the policies should be given to each new employee and a
would be more lucrative in the long run than a large turnover in staffing. The disciplinary
consequences should be outlined for infractions and also what steps to take to address and report
handle these allegations. This is a brief article that contains many pertinent ideas that are
Researching the company and its culture before you start is a good way to be proactive
and assertive. Talking to co-workers, asking questions, and finding out what would be valuable
to the team are also recommendations for a smooth transition. If there is a chain of command,
Workplace bullying is has been reported in every type of job place and at all levels. It
has adverse physical and emotional effects not only for the person being bullied, but for those
who witness it. A knowledgeable, effective manager will have positive methods that are
lucrative for the company and for the employees. Each article reviewed is in agreement that
workplace bullying is detrimental to all parties in the workforce. There are many ways to bully
contribution to a project. It is a costly not only in the physical way, but for the company by
losing long-term committed workers. Supervisors that encourage diversity will have a more
harmonious team and in turn be more productive. Keeping policies updated and reviewing them
Glaso, L., & Notelears, G. (2012). Workplace Bullying, Emotions, and Outcomes. Victims and
Tuckey, M. R., & Neall, A. M. (2014). Workplace Bullying Erodes Job and Personal Resoures:
19, 413-424.
Vega, G., & Comer, D. R. (2005). Sticks and Stones may Break Your Bones, but Words can
Break Your Spirit: Bullying in the Workplace. Journal of Business Ethics, 58, 101-109.