Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Registration of Indian Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2000 F.No - IRDA/Reg./7/2000.
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Registration of Indian Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2000 F.No - IRDA/Reg./7/2000.
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Registration of Indian Insurance Companies) Regulations, 2000 F.No - IRDA/Reg./7/2000.
(f)“health insurance business” or “health cover means the effecting of
contracts which provide sickness benefits or medical, surgical or hospital
expense benefits, whether in-patient or out patient, on an indemnity,
reimbursement, service, prepaid, hospital or other plans basis, including assured
benefits and long term care;
(iv) a co-operative society registered under any relevant law for the time
being in force;
(iii) telecommunication;
(v) any other public facility of a similar nature as may be notified by the
Authority in this behalf in the Official Gazette;
(j) “non-linked business” means life insurance contracts or health insurance
contracts which are not linked business;
(l) “principal officer” means any person connected with the management of the
applicant or any other person upon whom the Authority has served notice of its
intention of treating him as the principal officer thereof;
(m) All words and expressions used herein and not defined in but defined in the
Insurance Act, 1938(4 of 1938), or in the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority Act, 1999 (41 of 1999), shall have the meanings
respectively assigned to them in the those Acts.
(2) An applicant, whose requisition for registration application has been accepted
by the Authority, shall make an application in Form IRDA/R2 for grant of a
certificate of registration.
(2) The classes of business of insurance for which requisition for registration
application may be made are :
(b) general insurance business including health insurance business (or health
(iv) name does not contain the words ‘insurance company’ or
‘assurance company’;
shall not be eligible to make a requisition for registration application under this
(b) the name, address and the occupation of the directors and principal officer;
(ii) will be in a position to comply with all the requirements for
grant of certificate;
may accept the requisition and direct supply of the application for registration to
the applicant.
(1) The order rejecting the application under sub-regulation (1) shall be
communicated by the Authority within thirty days of such rejection to the
applicant in writing stating therein the ground on which the application has
been rejected.
(3) The Authority shall consider the application made under sub-regulation (3)
and communicate its decision, as soon as possible, in writing to the applicant.
(a) documentary proof evidencing the making of deposit required under section 7
of the Act.
(b) evidence of having rupees one hundred crore or more paid up equity share
capital, in case the application for grant of certificate is for life insurance
business or general insurance business;
(c) evidence of having rupees two hundred crore or more paid up equity share
capital, in case the application for grant of certificate is for re-insurance
(d) an affidavit by the principal officer and the promoters of the applicant
certifying that the requirements of the first proviso to section 6 of the Act to
the effect that paidup share capital is adequate after excluding any preliminary
expenses incurred in the formation and registration of the company and the
deposit required to be made under section 7 of the Act have been satisfied;
(f) an affidavit by the principal officer and the promoters of the applicant
certifying that the paid up equity capital referred to in sub-clause (b) of clause
(7A) of section 2 of the Act, calculated is in accordance with regulation 11
does not exceed twenty six percent;
(h) a certified copy of the standard forms of the insurer and statements of the
assured rates, advantages, terms and conditions to be offered in connection
with insurance policies together with a certificate by an actuary in case of life
insurance business that such rates, advantages, terms and conditions are
workable and sound;
promoters as a whole including details of the support comfort letters
exchanged between the parties;
(j) the original receipt showing payment of the fee of rupees fifty thousand for a
class of business;
(l) any other information required by the Authority during the processing of the
application for registration.
11. Manner of calculation of twenty six per cent. equity capital held by a
foreign company.—
(1) For the purposes of the Act and these Regulations, the calculation of the
holding of equity shares by a foreign company either by itself or
through its subsidiary companies or its nominees (hereafter referred
to as foreign investor) in the applicant company, shall be made as under
and shall be aggregate of:-
down by the Securities and Exchange Board of India under its
rules, regulations or guidelines issued from time to time.
(2) Every insurer who has been granted registration under the Act shall,
within 15 days of the end of every quarter, furnish to the Authority a
statement indicating changes exceeding 1% of the issued capital in the
holding of the shares in his company and those of the promoter.
12. Consideration of Application.-(1) The Authority shall take into account for
considering the grant of certificate, all matters relating to carrying on the
business of insurance by the applicant.
(1) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing without
in any manner affecting its freedom, the Authority shall consider the
following matters for grant of certificate to the applicant, namely:-
(b) the record of performance of the directors and persons in management of the
promoters and the applicant;
(c) the capital structure of the applicant company;
(d) the extent of obligation to provide life insurance or general insurance
policies to the persons residing in the rural sector, workers in the unorganised
sector or informal sector or for economically vulnerable or backward classes of
the society and other categories of persons specified by the Authority;
(e) the nature of insurance products;
(f) the planned infrastructure of the applicant company, including branches in
rural areas, to effectively carry out the insurance business;
(g) the level of actuarial and other professional expertise within the
management of the applicant company;
(h) the organisation structure of the applicant to meet the requirements of
regulation 7(c).
(i) other relevant matters for carrying out the provisions of the Act.
13. Rejection of application for registration.—(1) Where an application for
registration is not complete in all respects and does not conform to the
regulations or instructions specified in Form IRDA/R2, and after considering
matters referred to in regulations 12 and 16 and on being satisfied that it is not
desirable to grant a certificate by the Authority, by an order, may reject the
(1) The order rejecting the application under sub-regulation (1) shall be
communicated by the Authority within thirty days of such rejection to the
applicant in writing stating therein the ground on which the application has
been rejected.
(3) The decision of the Central Government on such appeal shall be final and
shall not be questioned before any Court.
(4) The fees, referred to in clause (j) of sub-regulation (2) of regulation 10, shall
not be refunded.
An applicant may approach the Authority with a fresh request for registration
after a period of two years from the date of rejection, with a new set of promoters
and or for a class of insurance business other than the originally proposed one.
15. Manner of payment of fee for registration.- The fee of rupees fifty
thousand for each class of business for registration shall be remitted by a bank
draft issued by any scheduled bank in favour of the Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority payable at New Delhi.
(c) the volume of business likely to be available to, and the capital structure and
earning prospects of, the applicant will be adequate;
(d) the interests of the general public will be served if the certificate is granted to
the applicant in respect of the class of insurance business specified in the
application; and
(e) the applicant has complied with the provisions of sections 2C, 5, 31A 32 and
32A has fulfilled all the requirements of these sections applicable to him,
may register the applicant as an insurer for the class of business for which the
applicant is found suitable and grant him a certificate in Form IRDA/R3.
Provided, however, that if the company feels that it will not be able to commence
the insurance business within the specified period of 12 months, it can before the
time limit expires, seek an extension, by a proper written application, to the
20. Manner of renewal of certificate. – (1) An insurer, who has been granted a
certificate under section 3 of the Act, shall make an application in Form
IRDA/R5 for the renewal of the certificate to the Authority before the 31st day of
December each year, and such an application shall be accompanied by evidence
of the payment of the fee which shall be the higher of,---
(a) fifty thousand rupees for each class of insurance business, and
(b) one-fifth of one per cent. of total gross premium written direct
by an insurer in India during the financial year preceding the year
in which the application for renewal of certificate is required to
be made, or rupees five crores, whichever is less; (and in the case
of an insurer carrying on solely re-insurance business, instead of
the total gross premium written direct in India, the total premium
in respect of facultative reinsurance accepted by him in India
shall be taken into account)
(1) If the insurer fails to apply for the renewal of registration before the date
specified in sub-regulation (1), the Authority may accept an application for
renewal of registration on receipt of the fee payable with the application along
with an additional fee by way of penalty of ten per cent. of the fee payable
with the application.
21. Manner of payment of fee for renewal of certificate.- The fee for renewal
of certificate shall be paid to the account of Insurance Regulatory and
Development Authority with the Reserve Bank of India.
may be suspended for a class or classes of insurance business for such period as
may be specified by the Authority by an order;
Provided that the Authority for reasons to be recorded in writing may, in case of
repeated defaults of the type mentioned above, impose a penalty of cancellation
of certificate.
(4) The enquiry officer shall give a reasonable opportunity of hearing to the
insurer to enable it to make submissions in support of its reply made under sub-
regulation (3).
(5) Before the enquiry officer, the insurer may either appear in person or through
any person duly authorised by the insurer:
Provided that no advocate shall be permitted to represent the insurer at the
Provided further that where an advocate has been appointed by the Authority as
the presenting officer under sub-regulation (6), it shall be lawful for the insurer to
present its case through an advocate.
(6) If it is considered necessary, the enquiry officer may ask the Authority to
appoint a presenting officer to present its case.
(7) The enquiry officer shall, after taking into account all relevant facts and
submissions made by the insurer, submit a report to the Authority and
recommend the penalty to be awarded as also the justification of the penalty
26. Show-cause notice and order.---(1) On receipt of the report from the
enquiry officer, the Authority shall consider the same and if considered necessary
by it, issue a show-cause notice as to why a penalty as it considers appropriate
should not be imposed.
(2) The insurer shall, within twenty-one days of the date of receipt of the show-
cause notice, send a reply to the Authority.
(3) The Authority after considering the reply to the show-cause notice, if
received, shall as soon as possible but not later than thirty days from the receipt
of the reply, if any, pass such orders as it deems fit. If no reply is furnished to the
Authority by the insurer within 90 days of the service of the notice, the Authority
can proceed to decide the issue ex-parte.
(4) An order passed under sub-regulation (3) shall give reasons therefor
including justification of the penalty imposed by that order.
(5) The Authority shall send a copy of the order made under sub-regulation (3)
to the insurer.
28. Publication of order.--- The order of the Authority passed under sub-
regulation (3) of regulation 26, shall be published in atleast two daily newspapers
in the area where the insurer has his principal place of business.
(b) a confirmation that the requirements of section 7 of the Act have been met;
(c) evidence of having rupees one hundred crore or more paidup share capital, in
case the application for grant of certificate of registration is for life insurance
business or general insurance business;
(d) evidence of having rupees two hundred crore or more paidup share capital, in
case of an application for grant of certificate of registration for re-insurance
(e) an affidavit by the principal officer of the applicant certifying that the
requirements of section 6 of the Act have been complied with;
(f) a certified copy of the standard forms of the insurer and statements of the
assured rates, advantages, terms and conditions to be offered in connection with
insurance policies together with a certificate in case of life insurance business by
an actuary that such rates, advantages, terms and conditions are workable and
(g) the original receipt showing payment of fee of rupees fifty thousand for each
class of business;
(h) any other information required by the Authority during the processing of the
application for registration.
(3) The Authority shall register every applicant, who submits an application in
accordance with sub-regulation (2), and grant a certificate in Form IRDA/R3.
30. Transitory Provisions.--- Every existing insurer shall be required to comply
with all the Regulations made by the Authority from the date of their
(i) Accounts;
(ii)Assets, liabilities and solvency margin;
(iii) Reinsurance;
Provided further that where an existing insurer does not conform to the
regulations in the areas mentioned above within the time allowed to him under
this regulation, the Authority shall proceed against him for failure to comply with
its directions.
(This form is supplied free of cost to the applicants by the Insurance Regulatory
and Development Authority. Please fill in the application carefully. Should you
require any clarifications, please write to the Authority specifically mentioning
your query or call on us personally subject to prior appointment)
business enclosing statements of accounts of the company or body corporate
for the last 5 years are to be given. If there are more than one promoter, the
information may kindly be furnished in such a manner as to indicate clearly the
inter-relationship, if any, of parties. If a promoter is a nominee of another,
details of the principal in the above areas are to be given. Adequate care may
be taken to furnish full and complete information truthfully. Any
misrepresentation found later will lead to disqualification of the applicant, its
promoters and others connected thereto.
If the total required Capital has not yet been issued, please provide information
on the expected subscriptions to shares and whether the potential shareholders
have given any commitment or assurance to subscribe to the capital.
11. Applicant: This section should set out the background information.
Following information should be included:
• Particulars of the partners in the joint venture (e.g. company name, address,
names of directors, etc.).
• Constitution of the promoter companies – details of shareholders holding in
excess of 1% of the paid up capital.
• Nature of business, years in business of promoter companies.
• Past record of regulatory interventions/restrictive directions in respect of
promoter companies.
• The applicant’s reasons for entering the insurance market.
• Financial statements for the last five years. Strengths of the partners.
• Indication of the degree of commitment to the Indian market place displayed
by the applicant.
• The Agreement among the shareholders promoting the company.
• The obligations undertaken by the foreign promoters.
• The obligations of the applicant company to the foreign promoters.
• Sources for meeting the initial and future capital needs.
• In cases of non-corporate promoters, information on the above lines, suitably
modified, may be given.
Promoters (Separate statements for Indian promoters and foreign promoters, if
any, are to be given).
Details of promoters: [Please give full name, address, percentage of holding in
the paid up capital, Occupation, Qualifications and Experience, Number and
Percentage of share capital in the company]
Full Name Date of Address with Qualifications Experience Present No. of equity Remarks
[first,middle, Birth Telephone Nos., occupation (voting rights)
surname] Fax Nos., E-mail shares and
percentage of
total holding
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
13. Capital structure
Amount of Authorised capital & No. of Shares:
Classification of Shares
Amount of Issued Capital & No. of Shares:
Amount of Paid up Capital & No. of Shares:
Voting Rights attached to each class of Shares
Nominal/Face value of Each Equity Share/ Other Share:
-whether the Directors and key persons have ever been refused (or had revoked) a licence or
authorisation to carry on any regulated financial business;
Any censure or disciplinary action initiated by any government, regulatory or
professional body;
Any dismissals from office or employment, subjection to disciplinary proceedings
by the Directors’ and key persons’ employer or been refused entry to any profession or occupation;
Any litigation with which the Directors and key persons have been involved over the
last 5 years;
Whether any governmental, regulatory or professional body has ever investigated
any employer, company or organisation with which the Directors and key persons have been
associated as a director, officer, manager or shareholder;
Whether any company or organisation with which the Directors and key persons
were associated as a director, officer, manager, shareholder or controller has ever been wound up,
gone into receivership or ceased trading either whilst the Directors and key persons was associated
with it or within one year after the Directors and key persons so ceased to be associated.
In the Remarks column, please mention whether any director is an agent, broker,
intermediary, director or employee of any other insurance company (or reinsurer) in
India or in any foreign country or director of any other company in India or in any
foreign country.
For these purposes, “Key persons” will include the Chief Executive, Chief Marketing
Officer, Appointed Actuary, Chief Investment Officer, Chief of Internal Audit and
Chief Finance Officer.
If auditors are a firm, state the name of the firm in Col (1), its date of registration
in Col (2)
Note: In choosing external statutory auditors, the applicant may be guided by the
Regulations for Preparation of Financial Statements and Auditors Report of
Insurance Companies, more particularly those dealing with appointment of
17. Where in the country do you wish to carry on insurance business? (tick the
(a) Regions: : North South East West Central
(b) Metropolitan cities: Mumbai Chennai Delhi
19. Financial Projections (Both for Life and general insurance – depending
on the class applied for registration)
A description of the model used for financial projections should be provided,
based on assumptions, for a period of 5 years, for each year from the start. These
should set out the following:
• Size of sales force.
• Amount of sales.
• Size of sales support and administrative staff.
• Premium income.
• Investment income.
• Commissions and other sales related expenses.
• Expenses of administration.
• Income tax and other taxes.
• Statutory reserves.
• Required solvency margins.
• Profit and loss accounts and balance sheets.
• First year and renewal expense ratios.
• Capital needs.—Indian and Foreign
• Break-even periods and the Return on Capital.
• Shareholder dividends: Indian and Foreign.
• Policyholder surpluses and bonus declarations
This section should also discuss the manner in which the future capital needs will
be met.
• Levels of mortality/morbidity, policy terminations.
• Administrative expenses (including inflation).
• Future investment conditions.
21.Rural Business
Legislation requires that a specified percentage of the new business should be
undertaken in the rural or social sector. The manner in which this requirement
will be fulfilled should be described. For the purpose of this section, please see
the relevant regulations covering this area.
I, the undersigned, solemnly declare that the facts given in this application form
on behalf of the Applicant Company, are true and that the projections and
estimations are based on reasonable assumptions.
(This form is supplied free of cost to the applicants by the Insurance Regulatory
and Development Authority. Please fill in the application carefully. Should you
require any clarifications, please write to the Authority specifically mentioning
your query or call on us personally subject to prior appointment)
3. Products to be Sold
Based on the market research and analyses undertaken, the partners would have
decided upon the products to be marketed -- individual or group insurance. The
description should include the following:
4. Distribution
This section should describe how the products will be or are proposed to be
distributed. This should cover the following:
5. Sales Promotion
The approach to be used for advertisement and sales promotion, e.g. the media to
be used, frequency, etc. Copies of sales material, literature advertising the
product, if any, should be provided.
6. Underwriting
This section should describe the approach used for underwriting of proposals; the
arrangements made for medical and other reports, etc.
7. Investments
Each company will have established its investment philosophy that will be
appropriate for the products it intends to market. This should be described.
Other information should include the investment personnel, investment adviser
(if outsourced), location of the investment operations, investment brokers to be
used, etc. Regulations regarding Investment, Valuation, Exposure – Prudential –
Provisioning Norms- Life & Non Life issued by the Authority may be taken into
8. Information Technology
Insurance industry is very much dependent on computer technology. Full
description should be provided for the following:
• The different areas where computer systems will be employed.
• Whether the systems will be bought off the shelf (with some customization),
developed locally or imported into India by the foreign promoter (with some
• The degree to which the systems will be used for policyholder servicing.
• The degree of interconnectivity of the systems.
• A description of how the I/T systems will be used to develop the required
Management Information Systems.
• Extent of procedures and operations which will remain manual.
9. Customer Service
Customer service could be provided either centrally through the head office or
decentralized to the branch offices/operational units. The degree to which
customer service is planned to be decentralized to the branch offices should be
described. The service standards planned to be introduced for the various aspects
of customer service should be described. Any plan to introduce “call-centres” or
customized grievance settlement machinery may be indicated.
Mention the time schedule for various types of service offered by the Company.
10.Retention Limits and Reinsurance
The nature of reinsurance arrangements should be described fully, giving the
following details:
• The name(s) of reinsurer(s).
• The basis of reinsurance.
• Terms of reinsurance.
The manner in which the retention limit(s) have been established should be
12.Internal Controls
The company will need to establish a set of procedures and norms for various
activities. The manner in which these will be monitored should be described.
These activities will relate to underwriting and policy issue, customer service,
investments, accounting, new product pricing, computation of reserves and
Required Solvency Margins, regulatory compliance, claim processing and
settlement procedures, etc.
The proposes expenses as a per cent. of premium at levels of operational offices
and each level of supervisory offices and head office.
14. New Product Pricing
The financial projections will incorporate the sale of planned products. A
description of these products to the extent possible should be provided. This
should include the following:
• The product features, such as coverage periods, premium levels, non-forfeiture
values, loan provisions, etc.
• Distribution channels to be used.
• Commission scales.
• Average policy size.
• Reserving method used.
• The levels of the various parameters built into the computations. These will
relate to mortality, policy terminations, expenses, interest and any other
parameters that may be relevant for the product. The values of these
parameters will have to be specified at two levels - at the Expected level and at
a level inclusive of the Margins for Adverse Deviations. The justifications for
both levels should be provided.
• Profitability criteria used in product pricing.
In respect of products not governed by market tariffs, please indicate how the
products will be priced, the data base which will be used to determine premium
bases and the terms and conditions, the statistical system which will be
established to review adequacy of rates.
16. Premium Rates: Enclose the Company’s Premium Tables for the products
along with rebates, if any, offered.
I, the undersigned, solemnly declare that the facts given in this application form
on behalf of the Applicant Company, are true and that the projections and
estimations are based on reasonable assumptions.
Date: Signature of the Authorised Person (with Seal)
Registration Number._________
Classes of business which may be transacted:--
4. ____________________________________
An insurer shall apply in the following format with the documents specified
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority.
New Delhi
Name of Insurer:
Registration Number:
1. Date of Certificate of Registration:
2. How original certificate has been lost, destroyed or mutilated?
Notes: 1. Enclose the original copy of the resolution of the board for the issue of
duplicate certificate, in duplicate.
2. Enclose a DD for Rupees five thousand drawn in favour of Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority payable at the place of head office of the
Registration Number:
(Name of Insurer)
N. RANGACHARY, Chairperson
[No. Advt.-3/4/Exty/161/2000]