High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Plate With Low Carbon and Restricted Sulfur For Improved Weldability, Formability, and Toughness
High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Plate With Low Carbon and Restricted Sulfur For Improved Weldability, Formability, and Toughness
High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel Plate With Low Carbon and Restricted Sulfur For Improved Weldability, Formability, and Toughness
A945/A945M – 06´1
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements 6. Chemical Composition
NOTE—Where “...” appears in this table, there is no requirement. 6.1 The heat analysis shall conform to the requirements
Composition, % given in Table 1.
Element Thickness Grade 50 Grade 65 6.2 If a product analysis is made, it shall conform to the
Carbon (max)† All 0.10 0.10 requirements given in Table 1, subject to the product analysis
Manganese All 1.10–1.65 1.10–1.65 tolerances in Specification A370.
Phosphorus (max)† All 0.025 0.025
Sulfur (max)† All 0.010 0.010
Silicon All 0.10–0.40 0.10–0.40 7. Mechanical Properties
Nickel 11⁄4 in. [32 mm] max.†† 0.40 max 0.40 max
Over 1 ⁄4 in. [32 mm]
1 0.40 max 0.50–1.00
7.1 Tensile Properties:
Chromium (max) All 0.20 0.20 7.1.1 The plates as represented by the test specimens shall
Molybdenum (max) All 0.08 0.08 conform to the tensile properties given in Table 2 for the
Copper (max) All 0.35 0.35
Vanadium (max) All 0.10 0.10
applicable grade.
Columbium (max) All 0.05 0.05 7.1.2 For quenched and tempered plates, one tension test
Aluminum (max) All 0.08 0.08 shall be taken from a corner of each plate as heat treated.
Titanium All ... 0.007–0.020
Nitrogen (max) All ... 0.012
7.1.3 If measured on a 11⁄2 in. [40-mm] wide specimen (see
Fig. 3 of Test Methods and Definitions ), the elongation may be
Value corrected editorially.
determined in a 2 in. [50-mm] gage length that includes the
fracture and shows the greatest elongation.
TABLE 2 Tensile Requirements 7.2 Charpy V-Notch Impact Properties:
7.2.1 Except as allowed by section 7.2.2, Charpy V-Notch
Yield Point or Yield Minimum Elongation, %B impact tests shall be conducted in accordance with Specifica-
A Tensile Strength
Grade Strength In 8 in. In 2 in. tion A673/A673M. All plates shall be tested in accordance with
ksi [MPa]
min, ksi [MPa] [200 mm] [50 mm] frequency (P) Piece Testing.
50 50 [345] 70 [485]–90 [620] 21 24 7.2.2 The plates as represented by the test specimens shall
65 65 [450] 78 [540]–100 [690] 18 22
conform to the impact properties given in Table 3 for the
Measured at 0.2 % offset or 0.5 % extension under load as described in applicable grade. For Grade 50, the longitudinal axis of the
Section 13 on yield strength of Test Methods and Definitions .
For plates wider than 24 in. [600 mm], the elongation requirement is reduced specimens may be parallel or transverse to the final direction of
two percentage points. See elongation requirement adjustment in the Tension rolling of the plate at the option of the manufacturer, unless the
Tests section of Specification A370.
test orientation is specified in the purchase order.
7.2.3 For material thicknesses below 7⁄16 in. [10 mm], the
TABLE 3 Charpy V-Notch Impact Test Requirements absorbed energy in Table 3 shall be reduced proportionally in
Longitudinal Specimens, Transverse Specimens,
accordance with Table 1 in Specification A673/A673M for
Temperature min avg min avg sub-sized Charpy test specimens.
°F [°C]
ft·lbf [J] ft·lbf [J]
8. Report
50 −40 [−40] 30 [41] 20 [27]
65 −40 [−40] ... ... 70 [95] 8.1 The manufacturer or processor shall report the results of
all tests required by this specification as identified in Section 18
of Specification A370.
5. Heat Treatment 8.2 The manufacturer shall furnish a certification that the
5.1 Grade 50 plates and Grade 65 plates are normally material has been manufactured and tested in accordance with
furnished without heat treatment. The manufacturer has the the requirements of the material specification.
option to normalize or quench and temper such plates to meet
the mechanical requirements of Section 7 provided that the 9. Keywords
heat treatment is reported on the test report. 9.1 as-rolled; high-strength; low-alloy; low-carbon; normal-
5.2 Grade 65 plates greater than 1 1⁄4 in. [32 mm] in ized; plate; quenched; restricted sulfur; ship applications; steel;
thickness shall be furnished in the quenched and tempered heat structural applications; tempered; thermo-mechanical control
treatment. processed (TMCP); weight; welded construction
A945/A945M – 06´1
Supplementary requirements shall not apply unless specified in the purchase order or contract.
Standardized supplementary requirements for use at the option of the purchaser are listed in
Specification A370.
In addition, the following special supplementary requirements are also suitable for use with this
S78. First Article Inspection near the mid-length of the plate (four test locations). Impact
S78.1 The manufacturer shall demonstrate the uniformity of tests shall be performed at −40°F (−40°C) on one set of
properties throughout the plate prior to the initial shipment of specimens taken parallel and one set of specimens taken
the order. transverse to the principal direction of rolling at each location.
S78.1.1 Testing shall be conducted on a single plate of the S78.1.1.3 The Nil-ductility transition temperature shall be
maximum thickness to be supplied to the order. determined for the plate in accordance with Test Method E208.
S78.1.1.1 Tensile tests shall be conducted on material taken S78.2 A first article inspection report shall be prepared and
from each end of the plate and along both edges near the submitted to the purchaser prior to shipment of the order.
mid-length of the plate (four test locations). One tensile test
from each area shall be oriented parallel to the direction of
S79. Weldability
rolling and one tensile test from each area shall be oriented
transverse to the principal direction of rolling. S79.1 Weldability tests shall be conducted. The type of test
S78.1.1.2 Charpy V-notch impact tests shall be conducted and the acceptance criteria shall be as agreed upon between the
on material from each end of the plate and along both edges manufacturer and the purchaser.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A945/A945M – 05) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Sept. 15, 2006.)
(1) Changed minimum Nickel content from 0.4 % to 0.5 % for (2) Added section 7.2.3, adding reference to Table 1 of Speci-
plates over 1 1⁄4 in. thickness in. fication A673/A673M for sub-size Charpy specimens.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A945/A945M – 00) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Sept. 1, 2005.)
(1) Changed maximum plate thickness for Grade 65 in section (4) Removed test orientation option for Grade 65 from section
1.2. 7.2.2.
(2) Added section 4.2, to include requirement for Grade 65. (5) Revised Table 1 for Grade 65.
(3) Added section 5.2 to include heat treat requirement for (6) Changed impact values for Grade 65 in Table 3.
Grade 65 over 1 1⁄4 in. (7) Deleted reference to Supplemental Requirement S5.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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