Rocket Engine
Rocket Engine
Rocket Engine
A rocket engine, or simply "rocket," is a jet engine that uses only
propellant mass for forming its high speed propulsive jet. Rocket engines are
reaction engines and obtain thrust in accordance with Newton's third law. Since
they need no external material to form their jet, rocket engines can be used for
spacecraft propulsion as well as terrestrial uses, such as missiles. Most rocket
engines are internal combustion engines, although non combusting forms also
Chemical rockets are rockets powered by exothermic chemical reactions of the
Liquid rockets (or liquid-propellant rocket engine) use one or more liquid
propellants that are held in tanks prior to burning.
Hybrid rockets have a solid propellant in the combustion chamber and a second
liquid or gas propellant is added to permit it to burn.
Thermal rockets are rockets where the propellant is inert, but is heated by a power
source such as solar or nuclear power or beamed energy.
Rocket engines give part of their thrust due to unopposed pressure on the
combustion chamber
For chemical rockets the combustion chamber is typically just a cylinder,
and flame holders are rarely used. The dimensions of the cylinder are such that the
propellant is able to combust thoroughly; different propellants require different
combustion chamber sizes for this to occur. This leads to a number called L * :
Typical temperatures (T) and pressures (p) and speeds (v) in a De Laval Nozzle
The large bell or cone shaped expansion nozzle gives a rocket engine
its characteristic shape.
The exhaust speeds vary, depending on the expansion ratio the nozzle
is designed to give, but exhaust speeds as high as ten times the speed of sound of
sea level air are not uncommon.
About half of the rocket engine's thrust comes from the unbalanced
pressures inside the combustion chamber and the rest comes from the pressures
acting against the inside of the nozzle (see diagram). As the gas expands
(adiabatically) the pressure against the nozzle's walls forces the rocket engine in
one direction while accelerating the gas in the other.
For a rocket engine to be propellant efficient, it is important that the
maximum pressures possible be created on the walls of the chamber and nozzle by
a specific amount of propellant; as this is the source of the thrust. This can be
achieved by all of:
Since all of these things minimize the mass of the propellant used,
and since pressure is proportional to the mass of propellant present to be
accelerated as it pushes on the engine, and since from Newton's third law the
pressure that acts on the engine also reciprocally acts on the propellant, it turns out
that for any given engine the speed that the propellant leaves the chamber is
unaffected by the chamber pressure (although the thrust is proportional).
Many engines require the overall thrust to change direction over the length of the
burn. A number of different ways to achieve this have been flown:
• The entire engine is mounted on a hinge or gimbal and any propellant feeds
reach the engine via low pressure flexible pipes or rotary couplings.
• Just the combustion chamber and nozzle is gimbled, the pumps are fixed,
and high pressure feeds attach to the engine
• multiple engines (often canted at slight angles) are deployed but throttled to
give the overall vector that is required, giving only a very small penalty
• fixed engines with vernier thrusters
• high temperature vanes held in the exhaust that can be tilted to deflect the jet
The most important metric for the efficiency of a rocket engine is
impulse per unit of propellant, this is called specific impulse (usually written). This
is either measured as a speed (the effective exhaust velocity Ve in meters/second or
ft/s) or as a time (seconds). An engine that gives a large specific impulse is
normally highly desirable.
Below is an approximate equation for calculating the net thrust of a rocket engine:
If the pressure of the exhaust jet varies from atmospheric pressure, nozzles can be
said to be (top to bottom):
Under expanded
Over expanded
Grossly over expanded
If under or over expanded then loss of efficiency occurs, grossly over expanded
nozzles lose less efficiency, but can cause mechanical issues with the nozzle.
Rockets become progressively more under expanded as they gain altitude. Note
that almost all rocket engines will be momentarily grossly over expanded during
startup in an atmosphere.
Due to the specific impulse varying with pressure, a quantity that is
easy to compare and calculate with is useful. Because rockets choke at the throat,
and because the supersonic exhaust prevents external pressure influences travelling
upstream, it turns out that the pressure at the exit is ideally exactly proportional to
the propellant flow , provided the mixture ratios and combustion efficiencies are
maintained. It is thus quite usual to rearrange the above equation slightly:
And hence:
Rockets can be throttled by controlling the propellant combustion rate
(usually measured in kg/s or lb/s). In liquid and hybrid rockets, the propellant flow
entering the chamber is controlled using valves, in solid rockets it is controlled by
changing the area of propellant that is burning and this can be designed into the
propellant grain (and hence cannot be controlled in real-time).
which are very close to that of the Carnot cycle. Given the temperatures reached,
over 60% efficiency can be achieved with chemical rockets.
This high performance is due to the small volume of pressure vessels that
make up the engine- the pumps, pipes and combustion chambers involved. The
lack of inlet duct and the use of dense liquid propellant allows the pressurization
system to be small and lightweight, whereas duct engines have to deal with air
which has a density about one thousand times lower.
For efficiency reasons, and because they physically can, rockets run with
combustion temperatures that can reach ~3500 K (~5800 °F)(~3227 °C).
Most other jet engines have gas turbines in the hot exhaust. Due to their
larger surface area, they are harder to cool and hence there is a need to run the
combustion processes at much lower temperatures, losing efficiency. In addition
duct engines use air as an oxidant, which contains 80% largely uncreative nitrogen,
which dilutes the reaction and lowers the temperatures. Rockets have none of these
inherent disadvantages.
Therefore in rockets temperatures employed are very often far higher than
the melting point of the nozzle and combustion chamber materials, two exceptions
are graphite and tungsten (~1200 K for copper), however both are subject to
oxidation if not protected. Indeed many construction materials can make perfectly
acceptable propellants in their own right. It is important that these materials be
prevented from combusting, melting or vaporizing to the point of failure. This is
sometimes somewhat facetiously termed an 'engine rich exhaust'. Materials
In rockets, the heat fluxes that can pass through the wall are among the
highest in engineering, fluxes are generally in the range of 1-200 MW/m^2. The
strongest heat fluxes are found at the throat, which often sees twice that found in
the associated chamber and nozzle. This is due to the combination of high speeds
(which gives a very thin boundary layer), and although lower than the chamber, the
high temperatures seen there. (See rocket nozzles above for temperatures in
Rocket combustion chambers are normally operated at fairly high
pressure, typically 10-200 bar (1 to 20 MPa, 150-3000 psi). When operated within
However, these high pressures cause the outermost part of the chamber
to be under very large hoop stresses – rocket engines are pressure vessels.
In addition, the extreme vibration and acoustic environment inside a
rocket motor commonly result in peak stresses well above mean values, especially
in the presence of organ pipe-like resonances and gas turbulence.
The combustion may display undesired instabilities, of sudden or
periodic nature. The pressure in the injection chamber may increase until the
propellant flow through the injector plate decreases; a moment later the pressure
drops and the flow increases, injecting more propellant in the combustion chamber
which burns a moment later, and again increases the chamber pressure, repeating
the cycle. This may lead to high-amplitude pressure oscillations, often in ultrasonic
range, which may damage the motor. Oscillations of ±200 psi at 25 kHz were the
cause of failures of early versions of the Titan II missile second stage engines. The
other failure mode is a deflagration to detonation transition; the supersonic
pressure wave formed in the combustion chamber may destroy the engine.
This can be caused due to insufficient pressure drop across the injectors.
It generally is mostly annoying, rather than being damaging. However, in extreme
cases combustion can end up being forced backwards through the injectors – this
can cause explosions with monopropellants.
For all but the very smallest sizes, rocket exhaust compared to other
engines is generally very noisy. As the hypersonic exhaust mixes with the ambient
air, shock waves are formed. The Space Shuttle generates over 200 dB(A) of noise
around its base.
Rocket engines are usually statically tested at a test facility before being
put into production. For high altitude engines, either a shorter nozzle must be used,
or the rocket must be tested in a large vacuum chamber.
Rockets have a reputation for unreliability and danger; especially
catastrophic failures. Contrary to this reputation, carefully designed rockets can be
made arbitrarily reliable. In military use, rockets are not unreliable. However, one
of the main non-military uses of rockets is for orbital launch. In this application,
the premium is on minimum weight, and it is difficult to achieve high reliability
and low weight simultaneously. In addition, if the number of flights launched is
low, there is a very high chance of a design, operations or manufacturing error
causing destruction of the vehicle. Essentially all launch vehicles are test vehicles
by normal aerospace standards (as of 2006).
The X-15 rocket plane achieved a 0.5% failure rate, with a single
catastrophic failure during ground test, and the SSME has managed to avoid
catastrophic failures in over 350 engine-flights.
Rocket propellants require a high specific energy (energy per unit mass),
because ideally all the reaction energy appears as kinetic energy of the exhaust
gases, and exhaust velocity is the single most important performance parameter of
an engine, on which vehicle performance depends.
unidirectional motion, and 2/5 into rotation. A triatomic molecule like water has
six degrees of freedom, so the energy is divided equally among rotational and
translational degrees of freedom. For most chemical reactions the latter situation is
the case. This issue is traditionally described in terms of the ratio, gamma, of the
specific heat of the gas at constant volume to that at constant pressure. The
rotational energy loss is largely recovered in practice if the expansion nozzle is
large enough to allow the gases to expand and cool sufficiently, the function of the
nozzle being to convert the random thermal motions of the molecules in the
combustion chamber into the unidirectional translation that produces thrust. As
long as the exhaust gas remains in equilibrium as it expands, the initial rotational
energy will be largely returned to translation in the nozzle.
With liquid and hybrid rockets, immediate ignition of the propellant(s) as
they first enter the combustion chamber is essential.
Gaseous propellants generally will not cause hard starts, with rockets the total
injector area is less than the throat thus the chamber pressure tends to ambient prior
to ignition and high pressures cannot form even if the entire chamber is full of
flammable gas at ignition.
Once ignited, rocket chambers are self sustaining and igniters are not
needed. Indeed chambers often spontaneously reignite if they are restarted after
being shut down for a few seconds. However, when cooled, many rockets cannot
be restarted without at least minor maintenance, such as replacement of the
pyrotechnic igniter.
Rocket plume varies depending on the rocket engine, design altitude, altitude,
thrust and other factors.
Carbon rich exhausts from kerosene fuels are often orange in colour due
to the black body radiation of the unburned particles, in addition to the blue Swan
bands. Peroxide oxidizer based rockets and hydrogen rocket plumes contain largely
steam and are nearly invisible to the naked eye but shine brightly in the ultraviolet
and infrared. Plumes from solid rockets can be highly visible as the propellant
frequently contains metals such as elemental aluminum which burns with a orange-
white flame and adds energy to the combustion process.
Some exhausts, notably alcohol fuelled rockets, can show visible shock diamonds.
These are due to cyclic variations in the plume pressure relative to ambient
creating shock waves that form 'mach disks'.
The shape of the plume varies from the design altitude, at high altitude
all rockets are grossly under-expanded, and a quite small percentage of exhaust
gases actually end up expanding forwards.
Rocket engines were also brought in use by Tippu Sultan, The king of
Mysore. These rockets could be of various sizes, but usually consisted of a tube of
soft hammered iron about 8" long and 1½ - 3" diameter, closed at one end and
strapped to a shaft of bamboo about 4 ft. long. The iron tube acted as a combustion
chamber and contained well packed black powder propellant. A rocket carrying
about one pound of powder could travel almost 1,000 yards. These 'rockets', fitted
with swords used to travel long distance, several meters above in air before coming
down with swords edges facing the enemy. These rockets were used against British
empire very effectively.
During the late 1930s, German scientists, such as Wernher von Braun
and Hellmuth Walter, investigated installing liquid-fuelled rockets in aircraft
(Heinkel He 112, He 111, He 176 and Messerschmitt Me 163).
In the West, the first laboratory staged-combustion test engine was built
in Germany in 1963, by Ludwig Boelkow.
New engine designs are trying to find ways to accelerate ions or atomic
particles to extremely high speeds to create thrust more efficiently. NASA's Deep
Space-1 spacecraft was the first to use ion engines for propulsion.