Staar Raw Score Conversion Table English I

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State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness

Raw Scale Raw Scale

Score*** Score Percentile Score*** Score Percentile
0 1135 0 39 3775 43
1 1689 0 40 3799 44
2 2014 0 41 3833 46
Approaches 2012-15*
3 2209 0 42 3867 48
Raw Score 4 2350 0 43 3902 51
Conversion Table 5 2462 0 44 3937 54
6 2555 0 45 3974 57
English I 7 2634 0 46 4000 59

December 2017 8 2705 0 47 4049 62

9 2767 0 48 4088 65

10 2824 0 49 4128 67
11 2875 1 50 4169 70
12 2923 1 51 4212 73
13 2966 1 52 4256 75
14 3007 2 53 4302 78
15 3046 3 54 4350 80
16 3082 4 55 4400 83
17 3116 5 56 4452 85
18 3149 6 57 4508 87
19 3180 Did Not Meet 7 58 4567 89
20 3211 8 59 4630 91
21 3240 10 60 4691 94
22 3269 11 61 4772 94
23 3297 12 62 4855 95
24 3325 14 63 4948 97
25 3353 15 64 5059 Masters 98
26 3381 16 65 5196 99
27 3409 18 66 5383 99
28 3436 20 67 5696 100
29 3465 21 68 6237 100
30 3493 23
31 3521 24
32 3550 26
33 3580 28
34 3610 30
35 3640 32
36 3671 34
37 3702 36
38 3734 39

*** Approaches 2012-15 standard applies to students who took their first EOC tests before the December 2015 administration.
*** Approaches standard applies to students who took their first EOC tests on or after the December 2015 administration.
*** Number of multiple-choice items correct + (essay score x 2).

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