T Box Mutation
T Box Mutation
T Box Mutation
From the Medical Biochemistry and Developmental Biology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Helsinki, PO Box 63,
00014 Helsinki, Finland (Hytönen and Sainio); the Institut de Génétique et Développement, UMR 6061 CNRS/Université
de Rennes1, Faculté de Médecine, 35043 Rennes Cedex, France (Grall, Hédan, Dréano, Seguin, Galibert, and André); the
Antagene, Research and analysis laboratory in animal genomics, 2 allée des séquoias, 69760 Limonest, France (Delattre and
Thomas); the DNA Sequencing Laboratory, Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, PO Box 56, 00014 Helsinki,
Finland (Paulin); and the Department of Medical Genetics and Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences, University of
Helsinki and the Folkhälsan Institute of Genetics, Department of Molecular Genetics, PO Box 63, 00014 Helsinki, Finland
(Hytönen and Lohi).
Dogs differ greatly in their morphological characteristics tools (Sutter and Ostrander 2004; Lindblad-Toh et al. 2005;
including various tail phenotypes. Congenitally short-tailed dogs Starkey et al. 2005; Tsai et al. 2007). Selective breeding has
are present in many breeds; however, the causative mutation enriched many breed-specific morphological characteristics
located in the T-box transcription factor T gene (C189G) had including tail length. Tail length depends on the number of
only been described in the bobtailed Pembroke Welsh Corgis. the caudal vertebrae, which can vary significantly between
We investigated here the presence of the T gene mutation in individuals. Several dog breeds show very short tails
23 other breeds (360 dogs, including 156 natural short tailed) in (brachyury) or even complete absence of the tail vertebrae
which natural bobtailed dogs exist. In the 17 breeds in which the (anury) as illustrated in Figure 1. A genetic cause of short-tail
C189G mutation was observed, there was a perfect correlation phenotype has been identified in Pembroke Welsh Corgis
between this mutation and the short-tail phenotype. However, (Haworth et al. 2001). The C189G mutation in exon 1 of the
6 breeds did not carry the known substitution or any other T-box transcription factor T gene affects the DNA-binding
mutations in the T gene coding regions. No dogs were found property of the T protein resulting in the bobtail phenotype.
to be homozygous for the C189G mutation, suggesting that
Pembroke Welsh Corgis heterozygous for the C189G
the homozygous condition is lethal. In order to study the effect
mutation have short tails, and this mutation is thought to
of the T gene mutation on litter size, we compared the number
cause embryonic lethality in homozygotes (Haworth et al.
of puppies born from short-tailed parents to that born from
2001; Indrebø et al. 2007). T gene mutations in mouse cause
long-tailed parents. In the Swedish Vallhund breed, we observed
a 29% decrease in the litter size when both parents were early embryonic lethality and abnormalities in the de-
short tailed. Given that the T gene mutation is not present in all velopment of mesodermal tissues, including the tail and
breeds of short-tailed dog, there must be yet other genetic spine, thus suggesting an essential role for the T gene during
factors affecting tail phenotypes to be discovered. mammalian development (Wilson et al. 1995). In addition to
the T gene, mutations in other genes like Pax1 and Wnt-3a
Key words: dog, mutation, short-tail phenotype, T-box
have been associated with tail development in mouse (Greco
transcription factor T
et al. 1996; Wilm et al. 1998).
Dogs have become important models for genetic studies In Pembroke Welsh Corgis, the length of the natural
due to their extensive phenotypic variation, unique breed bobtail varies from a complete tailless to a short tail with
structure, as well as available genome sequence and genetic half the length of a normal tail and occasional kinks. For
Brief Communications
Figure 1. Illustration of Bourbonnais Pointer dogs showing a tailless (anury) phenotype on the left, a short-tail (brachyury)
phenotype in the middle, and a long-tail phenotype on the right (photo: Michaël Comte).
comparison, another likely recessively inherited type of mutation decreases litter size, which confirms a major role
bobtail exists in Bulldogs where all dogs in the breed have of T gene during embryogenesis.
short tails with multiple kinks (Whitney 1947). There are
also occasional reports of short-tailed dogs born from long-
tailed parents in some breeds, revealing multiple patterns of Materials and Methods
inheritance or variations in penetrance.
Animals and Definition of the Tail Phenotype
We studied here the presence of the T gene mutation in
a large number of breeds to investigate its possible ancestral Samples were collected from 23 breeds including 360 dogs
origin and to identify whether other genetic causes exist in (156 short-tailed and 204 long-tailed dogs; Table 1). In
association with short tails. We tested 23 different breeds addition, samples were collected from 80 dogs including 9
and showed that the C189G mutation is present in all short- breeds presenting only the long-tail phenotype (American
tailed dogs of 17 breeds, supporting a correlation of Cocker Spaniel, Bichon Frisé, English Setter, English
mutation with the phenotype. We also showed that breeding Springer Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Long Haired Dachshund,
of 2 bobtailed Swedish Vallhund dogs with the T gene Shih-Tzu, Smooth Dachshund, and Yorkshire Terriers).
Table 1. Genotyping results of the T gene mutation (C189G) for 23 different breeds harboring the short-tail phenotype
Journal of Heredity 2009:100(2)
Pedigrees and tail phenotype information (anury, brachyury, genotyping 360 dogs including 156 short-tailed and 204
and long tail) were collected from sampled dogs. Anury long-tailed dogs. We identified 17 breeds in which the short-
corresponds to a complete lack of vertebrae and brachyury to tailed dogs carried the mutation and 6 breeds that did not
a short tail with variable lengths. Tail phenotypes were (Table 1). Moreover, this mutation was not found in any dog
recorded by the sample collector, taken from the breeding from a set of 80 dogs belonging to 9 breeds that do not
database (Finnish Kennel Club 2008) or directly reported by display naturally the short-tail phenotype (American Cocker
the owners. Spaniel, Bichon Frisé, English Setter, English Springer
Spaniel, Golden Retriever, Long Haired Dachshund, Shih-
Genomic DNA Extraction Tzu, Smooth Dachshund, and Yorkshire Terriers). These
Samples were either ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid-blood or breeds increase the list of breeds analyzed by Haworth et al.
buccal cell samples. Genomic DNA was extracted from (2001) from 19 to 28, thus confirming that this variant is not
blood and buccal cells using either the NucleoSpin Kit a nucleotide polymorphism. In the 6 breeds without the
(Macherey-Nagel, Hoerdt, France) or the BuccalAmp DNA T gene mutation, in order to find any other variations in the
Extraction Kit (Epicentre Biotechnologies, Madison, WI). T gene that could underlie the short-tail phenotype, we
Some samples with low DNA yields were amplified using the sequenced all the coding exons, exon/intron boundaries,
V2 Genomiphi Kit (GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, UK). and untranslated regions (UTR). The sequencing did not
reveal any causative mutations in any of the 6 breeds. In
Polymerase Chain Reaction and Sequencing addition to the several polymorphic sites described by
Haworth et al. (2001), one novel nucleotide change present
The C189G mutation in exon 1 of the T gene was tested by at the 5# UTR (G-6A) was found in Miniature Schnauzers.
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) from genomic DNA as However, this change did not segregate with the phenotype,
previously described by Haworth et al. (2001) or with the indicating that it was a noncausative polymorphic site. This
following primer pair: 5#-AGAGCCTGCAGTACC- fact tends to exclude the entire T locus as causal for the
GAGTG-3# designed in exon 1 of the T gene and 5#- phenotype in this Miniature Schnauzer pedigree, in which
CCGAGACTTCTCCCAGAAAA-3# designed in intron 1. the short-tailed dogs are descendants of long-tailed parents.
The presence of the mutation in the amplified PCR product These results demonstrate that the T gene mutation is
was detected by 1) restriction enzyme assay or 2) present in many but not all short-tailed dogs and that also
sequencing. 1) Restriction enzyme assay was performed other genetic factors are likely to regulate tail length.
with BstEII enzyme (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA) Among the 315 dogs belonging to the 17 breeds
followed by visualization on agarose gel. All coding exons identified here, all the 133 short tailed were heterozygous
and surrounding splicing sites were sequenced for short- for the C189G T gene mutation and all the 182 long-tailed
tailed dogs that did not have the mutation using primers and dogs did not carry the mutation. This result indicates the full
conditions as previously described by Haworth et al. (2001), penetrance and the lethality of the homozygous mutation.
except exon 8 in which we used the following primer pair: To further investigate the homozygous lethality, we
5#-GCGGAGAAGGTGCCTTAGTA-3# and 5#-CCTGG- calculated litter sizes for 2 parent combinations (long tailed
GAGGTCAATCAAATC-3#. 2) PCR products were cleaned long tailed and short tailed short tailed) for Swedish
by ExoSAP-IT (GE Healthcare) and sequenced with the Vallhunds using the KoiraNet Breeding Database from the
BigDye Terminator v3.0 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Finnish Kennel Club (2008) (Figure 2). Altogether, 253
Biosystems, Foster City, CA) with ABI PRISM 3130XL
DNA analyzer (Applied Biosystems). The resulting sequenc-
ing data were analyzed with the DNA Sequencing Analysis
v5.2 software (Applied Biosystems). The nucleotide numbers
indicated throughout this study have been defined from the
T gene translation initiation codon (GenBank AJ245513).
Statistical Analysis
The possible effect of the homozygous T gene mutation for
embryonic viability was estimated by following the litter
sizes of short-tailed parents compared with long-tailed
parents in Swedish Vallhund breed. Statistical significance of
the variation between the study groups was measured by Figure 2. Comparison of litter sizes from different crosses in
Student’s t-test. Swedish Vallhund breed. The average litter size is 5.5 puppies/
litter with long-tail long-tail crosses and 3.9 puppies/litter
with short-tail short-tail crosses. The litter size is reduced of
29% with short-tail short-tail crosses (***P , 0.001)
compared with the average litter size of long-tail long-tail
We analyzed the presence of the known T-box transcription crosses. Results are expressed as mean (column value) ±
factor T gene mutation, C189G (Ile63Met), in 23 breeds by standard error of the mean (bars on the top of the column).
Brief Communications
puppies from 56 litters born between years 2000 and 2007 short-tailed dogs but the analyzed bobtails carried neither the
were included in the calculation. The average litter sizes known C189G T gene mutation nor the other novel causative
were 5.5 puppies for long long and 3.9 puppies for short mutations within the same gene. The short-tail phenotype
short crosses. The litter size reduction was 29% (P 5 includes either a complete lack of vertebrae or a short tail
0.0008) for short short crosses as compared with the long with variable length. The T gene mutation can cause both
long crosses. The observed 29% decrease, suggestive of anury and brachyury as illustrated in Figure 1. The 6 breeds
an in utero lethality, is compatible with the expected 25% above have both anury and brachyury, but the length and the
reduction in the litter size for short short crosses because number of kinks in these breeds are highly variable and could
one-fourth of the puppies will inherit the mutation from indicate heterogeneous genetic backgrounds. In mouse,
both parents. mutations in genes such as Pax1, Wnt-3a, DII3, and Noto
have been associated with short and kinked tails and, thus,
remain as potential candidates (Gruneberg 1961; Greco et al.
1996; Wilm et al. 1998; Abdelkhalek et al. 2004; Dunty et al.
Discussion 2008). Short tail with multiple prominent kinks is a very
Natural bobtailed dogs are present in many breeds but the common phenotype in King Charles Spaniel. Further analyses
causative mutation has been identified only for the are underway to determine the mode of inheritance and the
Pembroke Welsh Corgis (Haworth et al. 2001), in which cause of the short-tailed phenotype in the breed. The rare
a dominantly inherited C189G mutation of the T-box short-tailed Miniature Schnauzers, Parson Russell Terrier, and
transcription factor T gene (Ile63Met) results in a short-tail Rottweilers that were part of the study were all born from
phenotype. In this study, we identified 17 additional breeds long-tailed parents, suggesting a recessive model, spontaneous
with this mutation, suggesting an ancestral origin of the developmental abnormality (congenital and not hereditary), or
T gene mutation. Indeed, these 17 breeds mainly belong to a sporadic mutation. We are currently extending sample and
2 groups: sheepdog and hunting breeds. All analyzed short- pedigree collections in these breeds to address these
tailed dogs were heterozygous for the C189G mutation as questions. Boston Terriers and English Bulldogs all either
previously shown for Corgis (Haworth et al. 2001). For the lack or have very short and kinky tails, indicating that the
Swedish Vallhunds, analysis of the litter sizes from short- phenotype is fixed and has become part of the breed
tailed short-tailed crosses revealed a 29% reduction in characteristics. The mode of inheritance has been suggested
litter size, further supporting recessive embryonic lethality to be recessive (Whitney 1947).
of the mutation. In the Brittany Spaniel and Bourbonnais Tail docking is prohibited in many European countries,
Pointer short-tailed short-tailed crosses, such a reduction and the docked dogs cannot participate in official dog shows
was not reported by the breeders; however, this observation or trials unlike natural bobtails. The owner of the bobtailed
being based on only few crosses, the reduction percentage dog needs a certificate from a veterinarian to prove the
could not be significantly calculated. Homozygosity for the natural short tail to get access to shows. In the breeds
mutation appears to cause either embryonic or early harboring the mutation, veterinary inspections can now be
postnatal lethality due to serious developmental defects replaced by the simple genetic test that confirms natural
(Indrebø et al. 2007). Similar observations have been bobtails. Our study extends significantly the list of breeds
previously seen in different mouse mutants for the T gene that could benefit from the genetic testing.
(Gluecksohn-Schoenheimer 1938; Wilson et al. 1995).
Recently, Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies with severe
anatomical defects having the homozygous mutation have Funding
been characterized. These puppies lacked tails, manifested
anorectal atresia with severe alterations in the posterior Ministère de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur to
lumbar region and spine, and had a failure to thrive (Indrebø A.G.; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique to B.H.,
et al. 2007). In contrast with homozygous, heterozygous S.D., S.S., F.G., and C.A.; the Academy of Finland to M.H.,
bobtailed dogs have not been reported to manifest any other K.S. (project no. 214448), and H.L. (project no. 118463).
abnormalities (Indrebø et al. 2007). In mouse mutants,
additional spinal defects have been described in heterozy-
gous T gene mutants. These phenotypic differences are most Acknowledgments
likely due to the different type of mutations in dogs and We thank all participating breeders, veterinarians, and dog owners for the
mice. Whereas the mutation in dogs affects only the T-box samples, especially Päivi Eerola, Michaël and Michel Comte; Pierre
domain, mice carry large deletions that cover the whole Willems, Christian Dagorne, Anka Obrist, Norbert Gainche, and the society
T gene and may also affect the other genes in the region ‘‘Amis des Epagneuls Nains Anglais’’; and Dr B. Denis and Dr B. Cattanach
BSc, PhD DSc, FRS, for helpful discussions.
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Indrebø A, Langeland M, Juul HM, Skogmo HK, Rengmark AH, Received April 17, 2008; Revised September 10, 2008;
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Pembroke Welsh Corgi. J Small Anim Pract. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-
5827.2007.00435.x Corresponding Editor: Elaine Ostrander