Design L. Lemmens
Design L. Lemmens
Design L. Lemmens
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cable in the belief that this will reduce
the im~edance.In fact. it will attenu-
ate the signal. probably also cause
ghosting [signal reflections in the
cable), and is susceptible to interfer-
A single-lc amplifier is described that makes it possible in a ence leaking into the cable.
With radio reception, these effects
simple way to apply the TV antenna signal to two or more TV are not nearly as bothersome as in
receivers in the same household without any attenuation. reception, but distortion of the signal
may still occur.
Fig. 1.Antenna, connecting cable and receiver must all have Fig. 2. This inexpensive splitter
the same characteristic impedance: here. 75 R. causes a serious mismatch.
Fig. 3. These antenna splitters. for two. three and four receivers. do not cause mismatches.
the addition of a single operational
amplifier. ICI. Unfortunately. the out-
put impedance of IC1 is 50 R , which
means that the resistance values of
the splitters are different from those
in Fig. 3.
The antenna signal a t the input
socket is applied to pin 1 of ICl via Cl.
The amplified signal a t pin 3 of ICI is
applled to splitter resistors Rz and R3
and then, via 75 R cable. to the inputs
of two (TV or radio) receivers.
Power for IC1 is supplied by a 12 V
source via network RI-LI to pin 3 of
the op amp. Pins 2 and 4 are the neg-
ative or ground connections of the de-
vice. The 12 V is derived from a 15 V
mains adaptor via regulator ICz, which
keeps the supply very stable. and thus
free of interference.
The supply rail is decoupled by C3,
which at the same time prevents the
connection between RI and the output
Fig. 4. Circuit diagram of the active antenna splitter. of 1C2 picking u p or radiating the an-
tenna signal.
Capacitors C4 and C5 smother any
Most modern FM receivers have a impedances of the antenna or cable tendency of IC2 to oscillate and at the
300 R and a 75 R antenna input. outlet and the receivers is represented same time short-circuit any spurious
Apart from a n impedance trans- by the 7 5 R resistor connected to the signals.
former. the impedance at both ends of plug or socket by a dashed line. As
the 7 5 R antenna cable can be put stated earlier. these resistors ensure Construction
right by the use of a simple resistance correct matching and prevent ghost-
network a t the cable ends. The re- ing, but they do cause some attenua- The circuit may be built on a piece of
sistors used can be connected in se- tion. prototyping board or on a ready-made
ries or in parallel with the impedance board Type 85000 (see p. 70) a s
they are to correct. The network is de- shown in Fig. 5. The layout shown is
Active antenna splitter not obligatory. but it is important to
signed such that whatever is con-
nected to it. a TV receiver, an antenna The attenuation caused by the split- keep the input and output of the cir-
or a coaxial cable, is always correctly ters in Fig. 3 is nullified in Fig. 4. by cuit well separated. It is. of course.
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Gi2OD201 . . . . . . . . . . 27 SO
Gl200101.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 50
V23056-A0105-A101 relay . . 1 2 50
Ceriillilc washer A05220 .............. 1 Q5
Ce+"hlt llirnll.lOl 11
K11 incl PCB and MACH 124 00
P8P 1000
4-0 3-w rotary r w i l h . . . 335 C-I Electronics P.O. Box 22089 NL-6380-AB Nuth
I X R l innm uPOmds The Netherlands
DVM, type PM-13
Csie Donau KG3
18.50 2 2 p F 5 0 V M U l ....................... 2.75
KHPC-0-071 PC card bracket . . 4 75 ,>* .............
fa,. ( - 3 1 2 5 5 2 4 1 8 7 7