Co Po Mapping and Attainment of Cos and Pos
Co Po Mapping and Attainment of Cos and Pos
Co Po Mapping and Attainment of Cos and Pos
S. C. Sahasrabudhe
Accreditation Criteria-NBA
Crirterion1: Vision, Mission and Programme Educational
Criterion2: Program Curriculum
Criterion3: Program Outcomes
Criterion4: Student Performance
Criterion5: Faculty Contributions
Criterion6: Facilities and Technical Support
Criterion7:Continuous Improvement
Criterion 8:First Year Academics
Criterion 9: Student Support systems
Criterion10: Governance, Institutional Support and Financial
Role of the two criteria
• Program Curriculum PO
• Program Outcomes
• Curriculum and the Teaching/ Learning
processes are the basis on which the program
is built
• Attainment of POs indicates that the job is well
Program Educational Objective-
Program Educational Objectives
Essentially Answer the Question: Why
does the Program exist in the first
Qu. Employment Scenario?
Program Outcomes
Curriculum &
Course Outcomes
Teaching, Learning 2
For Evaluators – Records?
Curriculum Design Flow
• Define PEOs
• Place Starting Design alongside NBA’s
Program Outcomes.
• Can you cover All POs within the
Credit Limit Requirements?
• If Yes, then Sequencing Requirements?
• In a Few iterations a Solution should
Sample Syllabus
Course: Electrical Circuits and Network Theory.
Offered in either 2nd or 3rd semester to students of Electrical
Sciences. Credits: (Typical) 3-1-0. Course is Compulsory.
Course Objective: To prepare a student to take courses normally
offered in subsequent semesters, like: Electronic Circuits, Signals and
Systems, Advanced Electronics, etc.
Syllabus: The circuit concept as an approximation to a physical
system {modeling, Application of laws of physics (PO 1)}.
Kirchoff’s Laws, voltage and current sources, Network equations,
use of source transformations, Loop and Nodal analysis, Matrix
representation of circuit equations and their solutions {Apply
knowledge of mathematics (PO1)} Continued…
Transient response, solution of differential equations with constant
coefficients, initial and final conditions, time constant, its physical
significance, and use in solving engineering problems {PO 2
particularly, switching circuits}. Use of Laplace transform in circuit
analysis {again PO 1}
Two-port networks, two-port parameters {necessary for all the
electronics systems that would follow}, sinusoidal steady state analysis
and frequency response
Use of computers for solving large problems {PO 5}
Text books: 1.Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, 3rd Edition, PHI.
{For an 8 credit advanced course}
2. V Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd Edition
{For a 6 credit standard course}
Course Outcomes: PO 1, PO 2, PO 5
Reference: The Mathematics of Circuit Analysis, E.A. Guillemin,
Oxford & IBH
Course Outcomes
Program Outcomes
If True, Done
Broad Outline
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
• Have to be understood
• Some Difficult to Attain
• Also, Difficult to Assess and .
• We examine all these aspects
Why the NBA’s POs are-
What they are?
WA – Graduate Attributes and
NBA- Program Outcomes
Washington Accord NBA Program
Attributes Outcomes.
1.Engineering knowledge, Apply 1.Engineering knowledge, Apply the
knowledge of mathematics, science,
knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and engg.
engineering fundamentals and an
specialization to the solution of
engineering specialization to the solution
complex engineering problems
of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem Analysis, Identify, 2. Problem Analysis, Identify,
formulate, research literature and formulate, research literature, and
analyze complex engineering problems analyze engineering problems to arrive
reaching substantiated conclusions using at substantiated conclusions using first
first principles of mathematics, natural principles of mathematics, natural, and
sciences and engineering sciences engineering sciences.
Crux of the Matter –
Program Outcomes
What is True for Evaluators is True
Authors of SAR
Two Terms- Assessment &
For Evaluators
It is one or more processes that identify,
collect, and prepare data to evaluate
the achievement of Program Outcomes
and program educational objectives
Evaluator’s View
Part B: Evaluation
Part C : Examples
PART A: Evaluation Processes
Presentation Flow
Meaning and Purpose of POs {slides 60-65}
PO 1
Set of
PO 2 {COs}
PO 3 {Associated
set of
PO 4
Are the COs well defined?
• CO Analysis-
• How well do the CO statements match with the
PO statements?
• Very often a part of a PO is embedded in the
• Else, we reason on the degree of match.
• contd
Answer to this question could be in terms of
degree of match such as:
(a) Excellent/ 4
(b) Good / 3
(c) Fair /2
(d) Little /1
{To be recorded for all the COs. Examples
Assessment Procedure
• Step 1- Collect information from question
papers, assignments, tutorials, answer scripts,
• Step 2- SAR might also furnish projects {mini
and major} and Lab work as evidence towards
• The two steps together give assessment.
• Step 3: Analysis of questions in examinations
{In-semester for Tier-2}, tutorials, assignments,
etc*. will point to those questions that are devised
to evaluate attainment of COs.
•Step 4: An examination of the relevant answer
scripts along with the extent of relevance of the
questions with the COs will reveal the actual level
of attainment. {Steps 3 and 4 are judged by you
as the domain expert. The CO Attainment levels
need to be determined and recorded in your
notes. Some illustrative examples will follow }
PO Attainment
• Establish Attainment levels for all the COs
applicable for that course by Inspection of the
evidence available for the purpose.
• Then, as per the CO – PO matrix, created for
the purpose, map these results into PO
attainment levels. { Cumulate}
• Continue this with selected set of courses so
that attainment levels are established for all POs-
Important Sequence of Steps
Question –OK?
Answers/ Evidence-OK
Then, PO attained
PART – B: Evaluation
Let us look at PO 1
Why is PO 1 needed?
C1 C2
• Judgment needed:
Direct, Indirect
Assessment and Evaluation
Qu. What is it that we are trying to assess?
Ans. Have the Graduates qualified for the Profession.
But, we assess the students continually as they progress
through the program!
So, most of the tools used here can be the ones that we
use regularly, like: In-Semester exam, End-Semester
exam, Tutorials, Quizzes, Assignments, and (may be)
some more.
Qu. Then, what has changed?
Ans. What has changed is: Now, we have to make
assessments against the POs that we have declared as
creating the required profile of the Graduate. Thus
Assessment and Evaluation have to address this new
requirement (and that is the Catch).
A CO could be embedded in a PO
{Course Outcomes} {Program Outcomes}
The 12 POs
{COs} of module/course
POs- Working Details
1. Definition and Validation of Course Outcomes and their
mapping to Program Outcomes
2. List all the Course Outcomes (COs), Program Outcomes
(POs), and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
3. List Assessment tools employed for evaluation of level
of attainment for COs (and evidence for this)
4. Establish Attainment Levels for the POs and PSOs
5. Indicate processes employed.
6. {This and the next slide}
An Example of a Project
A Group Project Assignment:- Design a SMPS for 12V, 500 mA
C1 C2