Saptamsa and Navamsa Charts PDF
Saptamsa and Navamsa Charts PDF
Saptamsa and Navamsa Charts PDF
Fei Cochrane
Cosmic Patterns Software, inc.
March 9, 2012
Saptamsa & Navamsa Charts
In Vedic astrology the navamsa chart is regarded as being
essential for understanding some very important areas of a
person's life, such as selecting a marriage partner. The
saptamsa and navamsa charts are also keys to finding a
person's best spiritual path. Interestingly, these charts are used
by modern western astrologers and are called the 7th and 9th
harmonic charts.
• 1. Enter the birth data in Sirius and create the 8th, 7th and 9th
harmonic charts. Analyze the harmonic charts using the rules
described below.
• 2. In Sirius (and also Kepler) use aspect set “Harmonic, Med.
Major Only”. This aspect set has the correct orbs for harmonic
charts and also provides thicker aspect lines for aspects that
have smaller orbs. Wheel style HJJ has this aspect set by
default and it has a large inner area to see the aspects lines.
This is wheel style “K=Big, Large inner area.” This wheel has a
large area in the center of the wheel to see the aspect lines
as well as the correct aspect set by default.
Steps For Doing Quick Interpretation
The orbs for harmonic charts are:
• Conjunctions:16 degrees
• Oppositions: 8 degrees
• Square: 4 degrees
• Trines: a little more than 5 degrees (5 deg 20 min)
• Sextiles: a little more than 2 ½ degrees (2 deg 40 min)
These aspects will have thick green lines in the chart wheel.
If you can, you may be able to show the client that you
understand him/her deeply, and you can give examples of
how the client can deal with situations, make good
decisions, and reach their dreams.
The 7th and 9th harmonic charts are not part of modern western
astrology, unless you also incorporate ideas from Vedic astrology
or the very modern system of harmonic astrology.
Analysis of the Client’s Chart
• We will focus on aspects between planets. The
Moon’s Nodes are important in the natal chart but
have not been found to be as important as the
planets are in harmonic charts.
He is also a “feeler” he
feels people’s emotions
immediately, even
before other people
speak. This aspect also
makes him very
sympathetic and
somewhat naïve
emotionally, and he must
guard against being
taken advantage of.
The 7th Harmonic Chart Created with Sirius 1.3,
from Cosmic Patterns Software. Inc.
When he is quiet or by
himself, his high sensitivity
and his yearning for a
bigger (Jupiter) and more
idealistic (Neptune) that
brings happiness and
good feelings (Moon)
become very strong.
The 7th Harmonic Chart Created with Sirius 1.3,
from Cosmic Patterns Software. Inc.
Another three-planet pattern is
Mars square Pluto, and Pluto
opposite Mercury.
Because he was an
argumentative person
when I talked to him in
the past, I decided to
focus first on soft aspects
because these aspects
are usually easier for the
person to express and I
wanted to start off on a
positive note and
hopefully break through
his tendency to be
argumentative and rude.
The 7th Harmonic Chart Created with Sirius 1.3,
from Cosmic Patterns Software. Inc.
Mars is trine Uranus. As noted
above, Mars is also square
The baseball field is large, and the fast swing of the bat (Mars-
Uranus) and the ball flying at great heights and distances
(Jupiter-Pluto) when hit well seems like a naturally good fit for this
planetary pattern.
He also was successful at one time and had a high paying job. I
could feel his happiness and smiles in his voice. It worked! The
interpretation was specific and accurate and most importantly, it
broke through his unhappiness and negativity and found
something he can be proud of.
The 7th Harmonic Chart Created with Sirius 1.3,
from Cosmic Patterns Software. Inc.
He said, it is too late now. This is not an exact quote, but his words
were very similar to this:
At your service:
Fei Cochrane
Gainesville, FL, USA
[email protected]