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‘CSR Activities of Advanced Eye Hospital & Institute’






ROLL NO: 16008






I “SUJIT BHOGE” declare that, I have completed Industry Oriented

Dissertation project titled as “CSR Activities of Advanced Eye Hospital &

Institute” which is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Master in Management Studies (FINANCE) of University of

Mumbai during 2016-2018.

The information presented in this project is original work and does not form

any part of the project undertaken previously to the best of my knowledge.

DATE: Signature

ROLL NO.___________


This is to certify that the Industry Oriented Dissertation Project titled as “CSR

Activities of Advanced Eye Hospital & Institute” submitted by “Sujit

shashikant bhoge” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master in Management Studies (Marketing) of University of Mumbai during 2016-

2018 is his/her original work & does not form any part of the project undertaken

previously to the best of our knowledge.




Institute Seal


In the first place, I thank the YMT College of Management, Navi Mumbai for
giving me an opportunity to work on this project.

I would also like to thank PROF.BHAGYASHREE NARAYAN, YMT College

of Management, and Navi Mumbai for having given me her valuable guidance for
the project. Without her help it would have been impossible for me to complete the

I would also like to thank the various people from the Broking Firm (Branch
office) who have provided me with a lot of information and in fact even sharing
some of the confidential company documents and data – many of which I have
used in this report and without which this project could not have been completed.

I would be failing in my duty if I do acknowledge with a deep sense of gratitude

the sacrifices made by my parents and this have helped me in completing the
project work successfully.

Place: Mumbai



The project titled "Advanced eye care" is for an E y e B a n k . T h i s e y e b a n k

i s a c h a r i t a b l e o r g a n i z a t i o n a n d i s n o t f o r profit organization.
They are purely functioning for the benefit of the society. The eye
bank facilitates removal of eyes processing of eyes and evaluation of the
eyes and distribute them to the needy.

In India there are tentative 4.9% million people suffering from corneal
blindness. Majority of the 4.9% million are young adults who have to spend long
blind years even though they have a care. These people
need a common platform to share their information. &o this organization can
provide them assistance.

It is estimated that out of this about 10 lakh people can regain Vision
with appropriate treatment. Surgery can restore vision to those who
have become blind due to cataract or those whose cornea has been
affected. The damaged whitish cornea should be replaced by a crystal like
healthy cornea which has been donated by a healthy person. & eye)
donation should be encouraged in a large scale, as one of the best means of social
service. To enable another person obtain !vision is one of the best forms of
charity. Even after death the donor lies in the eyes of recipient. Eyes from
a dead person can enable two blind people to acquire vision.

Eye donation is an act of donating ones eyes after his, her death. Only
corneal blinds can be benefited through this process not other blinds. it
is an act of charity purely for the benefit of the society and is totally voluntary. It is
done after death. The eye donation of the deceased can be authorized by the

ne-t of kith & kin even if the deceased did not pledge to donate his , her
eyes before death.

The eyes, which are received through such magnanimous gestures, are
of great benefit to the society. The front clear and transparent t i s s u e
of the eye called as cornea can be used to restore vision to
corneal blind person. The other portions of the eye are also used for
research and training purposes to develop cares for some of
t h e common eye diseases.

so if people pledge their eyes they can collect after their death. Any
relative of diseased can call the doctor listed in this website
f o r t h e assistance. The collected cornea will distributed to the need patient



1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Need of the Project 10
1.3 Objectives of the Study 11
1.4 Research Methodology 12
1.5 Literature Review 13
1.6 Limitation of the Project 17
1.7 Bio-data of External Expert Guide
Company profile of advance eye hospital &
2.1 History 21
2.2 Services 23
3. Cooperate social responsibility

3.1 Importance 32
3.2 current state of blind population 34
3.3 why eye donation 35
3.4 Condition for eye donation 36
4 Finding 48
5 Suggestion 49
6 Conclusion 50



1.1 Introduction
1.2 Need of the Project
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Literature Review
1.6 Limitation of the Project
1.7 Bio-data of External Expert Guide


It is a common belief that the sole objective of business is to earn profits. However,
this belief is not accepted in modern times. A businessman starts his business in
Society, he selects employees from society, and he earns profit from Society,
produces goods from member of Society. Directly or indirectly business is
related with member of society. It is not possible to run a company without the
help of member of society. So, company should pay the depth of business to the
Society. For that purpose, every company is doing certain activities for society.
This activities is known as CSR activity. It is not compulsory for every company to
do CSR activity. There are many ways of doing CSR activities. Different company
has their different CSR activities.

But there are main three ways of doing CSR activity which are as follows

1) Health

2) Environment

3) Education

what is the CSR Activity :

-CSR is the acknowledgement by companies that they should be accountable not

only for their financial performance, but for the impact of their activities on society
and/or environment. The concept are still at an evolutionary stage, although the
principles of CSR have long been part of business strategy. Business is already
accountable for its activities over the diverse strands that now came under the “csr”
umbrella such as human resources and environmental issues, sustainable
development, waste management, health and safety practices, through a wide range

of existing guidelines at national and global level. But it is important to distinguish
between these base-line standards and CSR activity which is voluntary, business-
driven and often goes well beyond what is required by legislation.The CBI(UK
is top business lobbying) believes that if CSR Activity is to develop
successfully , it should remain voluntary and market driven. Company
must be allowed to define CSR according to their own activities and
context. We are therefore extremely concerned that some individuals
and interest group favour the idea of legislating on companies CSR
activities. We don't believe it is a possible to raise standard through
standardization, as this word remove and they suggest CSR activity
which put a company ahid compare to other companies. CSR Activity of
Advanced eye hospital.


This project was aimed to understand the importance of the CorporateSocial

Responsibilities. And as a citizen of a country it is important to contribute to
societal responsibilities. Main aim is to study CSR by studying the initiatives and
activities done by the advance eye care. Nowadays, it has become a compulsory for
all organizations to carry out CSR activity.


 To study & understand the CSR initiatives by Advanced eye care hospital.
 To analyses the special activities, programs & strategies implemented by
advanced eye hospital


Research methodology is a comprehensive approach to solving a research problem

very systematically and scientifically. For a researcher, it is not only important to
know the different methods or techniques of research but also he is supposed to
know how and when a particular method or technique is to be used. In other words,
he is to know which method or technique is relevant for solving a given research
problem. A well-planned methodology can help in enriching the research by
systematic collection and compilation of data for meaningful analysis and their
proper interpretation to find out the hidden truth underlying the research problem.
Considering all the facts, we have developed our research methodology, which we
think, is very appropriate to our research study. The methodology of our study is
explained in the following sections:

Secondary data

It has collected from various sources newspapers magazines and websites is used
for the purpose of study.


Over the past decades, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has
become the most important concept in the study of researchers, industrialists and
The concept of CSR is one of the key ethical and moral problems which corporate
decision-making and behavior is surrounded (Branco and Rodrigues 200611). As a
business concept, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged in the late
years of the twentieth century, when a growing number of companies started to
consider the impacts of corporate decisions on society and the environment. In
general, CSR refers to the obligations of firms to society, more particularly, refers
to the obligations to stakeholders and those who persuade corporate policies and
practices. According to Caroll (1991) 12 CSR consists of four elements
represented in the form of a pyramid, whose top is a philanthropic, followed by
legal, economic and social responsibility to the bottom.
 Economic responsibility is the basic responsibility of the company in terms of
company profits through the satisfaction of the needs and expectations of
 Legal responsibility is reflected in the fact that the corporation has a
responsibility to comply with the law. A company that behaves in accordance with
the requirements of social responsibility, we can say that it works considering the
business ethical standards.
 Philanthropic responsibility assumes that the company is a "good citizen" and
contributes to community resources.CSR encompasses two main aspects
accountability and transparency. In addition to the default responsibility for its

financial performance and profitability, companies are accountable to stakeholders,
for their performance in relation to human rights, environmental policies, business
moral principles, corporate governance, society development, and diversity and job
creation problems.

Advocates of CSR point out the following benefits of corporate social

responsibility: the increased engagement and retention, stronger associations with
the community, enhanced reputation and brand image, competitive advantage,
better financial performance and profitability and improved access to capital. CSR
is the solution of achieving sustainable competitive advantage in the turbulent
global environment.

The analysis of CSR literature reveals the below mentioned economic arguments
which can make implementation of CSR more successful:
Creation of a good corporate reputation - reputation is the key to corporate success
and comes on top of the list of intangible assets. The scope in which the company
can identify, balance, give priority to, and fulfill expectations of, a number of a
variety of stakeholders, is very important for the creation and preservation of
reputation; Increased sales and improved consumer loyalty - consumers today not
only seek high quality and safety of a product but wish to be secure in the
knowledge that the purchased goods were produced in a socially and
environmentally responsible way; Easier access to capital – until recently
companies believed that investors have little or no interest in non-financial aspects
of business operations. However, it is becoming more obvious every day that there
exists a positive connection between good corporate citizenship and financial
performance; a small number of investors can ignore the ways within which
companies perform their business activities in accordance with their environmental
and social responsibilities; Improved retention, motivation and the moral of
employees - stakeholders have the power to commend or punish corporations. An
employee who is considered to be a stakeholder is not only the user of CSR
policies but is also the key instrument in the implementation of company policies.
Employees who are satisfied with the company’s commitment to the society will
most probably be more optimistic, trustworthy and fruitful than those who work for
a less socially responsible employer.

Cannon (1992) 13 discussed the development of corporate social responsibility via

the historical development of business involvement leading to a post-war re-
examination of the nature of the relationship between business, society and
government. This traditional contract between business and society has changed
over the years because of the addition of new social value responsibilities placed
upon business. Social value responsibilities include: stricter fulfillment with local,
state, and international laws; social problems; human values; health care; pollution;
quality of life; equal employment opportunities; sexual harassment; elimination of
poverty; child care and elderly care; support of the arts and universities; and many

Fredrick (1986, 1994) identified corporate social responsibility as an examination

of corporations’ responsibility to work for social betterment and refers this to as
CSR1. According to Frederick (199414), the move to ‘‘corporate social
responsiveness’’ started from 1970, that he refers to as CSR2. According to him,
corporate social responsiveness as the ability of a corporation to respond to social
pressures. He argues that the effect of the move from CSR1 to CSR2 is reflected
from a philosophical approach.

John Elkington who the founder of a British consultancy called SustainAbility in
1994 framed the phrase “the triple bottom line”. According to him, companies
should be preparing three different bottom lines. The traditional measure of
corporate profit— the profit and loss account. The second bottom line of a
company is “people account”—a measure in some form of how socially
responsible an organization has been throughout its operations. Company's
“planet” account is the third bottom line of the companywhich is the measure of
how environmentally responsible the company has been. The triple bottom line
(TBL) thus consists of three Ps: profit, people and planet which aims to measure
the social, financial and environmental performance of the corporation over a
period of time. TBL of the company is taking account of the full cost involved in
doing business. Within the literature on corporate social responsibility, we can
recognize developments in our understanding as well as in business practice (Moir,
200115). The article of Windsor (2001)16, examined the future of Corporate Social
Responsibility or the relationship between business and society in long run. The
researcher tried to find out that whether the organization and society will come
closer to each other in future or not and the changing stage of CSR. With the help
of history or past movement of CSR, Caroll’s model analysis and in global context,
the researcher found three up-and-coming alternatives of CSR i.e. global corporate
citizenship, conception of responsibility, stakeholder management practices.


 There was limited time in the company available for the study
 Data collected are not sufficient
 Organization did not disclose full information



Company profile
Advanced eye hospital & institute

2.1 History

2.2 Services


Advanced eye hospital & institute

Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute was launched in 2012. It was founded by
cornea specialist and Stanford alumnus Vandana Jain and pediatric urologist and
healthcare entrepreneur ArbinderSingal.

After having worked in the field of eye care for so many years, we realized that
apart from the pain of the disease per se, a patient has to undergo unnecessary
stress in his journey from diagnosis, evaluation, surgery to follow up care and often
has to travel to multiple places and specialists for full care of the eyes. Hence, we
decided to bring together all these under one roof in a soothing environment so that
we take good quality care not only of your eyes but also of you. AEHI team serves
with respect, attention, and responsiveness and we work to make room for

Bringing cutting edge technology in eye care and having a well-trained team of
ophthalmologists, AEHI aims to bring compassion, healing and joy to those in
need. AEHI strives to provide seamless quality eye care to every person every time
with a personal touch going beyond the limits of medical science. For us, your trust
and your smile are our biggest achievements every single day.

Cooperate objective


We, at the Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute, believe that we cannot embark on
a journey to success without having clarity about why we are here:

Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute, located at Sanpada, near Vashi station,
strives to be a top tier Eye Hospital in the country, recognized for its high quality
medical staff, cutting edge technology, outstanding service to the community, and
as the region’s employer of choice

To provide compassionate, quality eye care services to those in need, for the
purpose of alleviating human suffering and bringing people to wholeness in the
midst of suffering and impaired vision.

A: aim to provide our patients with the best treatment modalities
available in the world of eye care
E: endeavor to stand true to the trust placed in us by our patients and
maintain the highest levels of safety
H: hope to touch the lives of our patients and serve each one with
kindness and benevolence
I : innovate and improve ourselves so as to better our standards each
and every day


 Cataract Surgery
 Retina and Vitreous
 Corneal and external diseases
 Laser Vision Correction-Lasik
 Oculoplastic

Cataract Surgery

A cataract is a painless, cloudy area in the lens of the eye. The lens is enclosed in a
lining called the lens capsule. Cataract surgery separates the cataract from the lens
capsule. In most cases, the lens will be replaced with an intraocular lens
implant (IOL). If an IOL cannot be used, contact lenses or eyeglasses must be
worn to compensate for the lack of a natural lens.

Phacoemulsification and standard extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) are

surgical methods that remove the cataract as well as the front portion of the lens
capsule (anterior capsule). The back of the lens capsule (posterior capsule) is left
inside the eye to keep the vitreous gel in the back of the eye from oozing forward
through the pupil and causing problems. The posterior capsule also supports the
IOL and helps keep it in the proper position. These types of surgery are usually
done in an outpatient setting and not in a hospital.

Phacoemulsification (small-incision surgery) is the most common type of cataract
surgery. It is used more often than standard ECCE, even though they are similar

During phacoemulsification surgery:

 Two small incisions are made in the eye where the clear front covering (cornea)
meets the white of the eye (sclera).
 A circular opening is created on the lens surface (capsule).
 A small surgical instrument (phaco probe) is inserted into the eye.
 Sound waves (ultrasound) are used to break the cataract into small pieces.
Sometimes a laser is used too. The cataract and lens pieces are removed from the
eye using suction.
 An intraocular lens implant (IOL) may then be placed inside the lens capsule.
 Usually, the incisions seal themselves without stitches.
During standard ECCE:

 An 8 mm to 10 mm incision is made in the eye where the clear front covering of

the eye (cornea) meets the white of the eye (sclera).
 Another small incision is made into the front portion of the lens capsule. The lens
is removed, along with any remaining lens material.
 An IOL may then be placed inside the lens capsule. And the incision is closed.

Retina and Vitreous

The retina is a light-sensitive layer of tissue, lining the inner surface of the eye.
The optics of the eye create an image of the visual world on the retina (through
the cornea and lens), which serves much the same function as the film in a camera.
Light striking the retina initiates a cascade of chemical and electrical events that

ultimately trigger nerve impulses. These are sent to various visual centers of the
brain through the fibers of the optic nerve.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss in

adults after age 50.

Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness in adults. Taking care of

your eyes helps reduce your risk of vision loss. Treatment procedures such as
Laser Treatment and Vitrectomy may help slow the progress of diabetic

Retinal Tears and Detachments can occur as a natural part of aging or through
injury or other issue. These can often be repaired with a surgical procedure. Your
ophthalmologist will discuss available procedures with you, including the risks and
benefits of each.

Corneal and external diseases

Corneal and external diseases involve the cornea, anterior chamber of the eye, iris,
lens, conjunctiva and eyelids, including cataracts; corneal allergies, infections and
irregularities; refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism);
conjunctivitis (pink eye); dry eye; tear disorders; keratoconus; pterygium;
endophthalmitis; Fuch’s Dystrophy and many others.

What is the cornea?

The cornea is the transparent, dome-shaped, outermost layer that covers the iris
and pupil in the front of the eye. Corneal tissue consists of five basic layers:

epithelium, Bowman’s layer, stroma, Descemet’s membrane and endothelium.
Although the cornea is clear, it contains a highly organized group of cells and
proteins. Unlike most tissues in the body, the cornea contains no blood vessels to
nourish or protect it against infection. Instead, the cornea receives its nourishment
from the tears and aqueous humor that fill the chamber behind it.
The cornea, one of the protective layers of the eye, serves two functions:
 First, along with the eyelid, eye socket, and sclera (white part of the eye), and the
tear film, the cornea shields the eye from dust, germs, and other harmful matter.
 Second, as the eye’s outermost lens, it is the entry point for light into the eye.
When light strikes the cornea, it bends, or refracts, the incoming light onto the lens.
The lens further refocuses the light onto the retina, a layer of light-sensing cells
lining the back of the eye.

How can the cornea be damaged?

The eye surface can be severely damaged by a number of problems, including:
 Chemical and thermal injuries
 Pathological diseases such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and pemphigoid
 Chronic infections or inflammations
 New tissue growths such as pterygium (thought to be related to sun damage) and
 Neurotrophic conditions (due to damage to the eye’s sensory nerves)
 Rare hereditary conditions such as aniridia (congenital absence of the iris)

Laser Vision Correction-Lasik

LASIK, or "laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis," is the most commonly performed

laser eye surgery to treat myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness)
and astigmatism.
Like other types of refractive surgery, the LASIK procedure reshapes the cornea to
enable light entering the eye to be properly focused onto the retina for clearer
In most cases, laser eye surgery is pain-free and completed within 15 minutes for
both eyes. The results — improved vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses —
can usually be seen in as little as 24 hours.
If you're not a good LASIK candidate, a number of other vision correction
surgeries are available, such as PRK and LASEK laser eye surgery and phakic
IOL surgery. Your eye doctor will determine if one of these procedures is suitable
for your condition and, if so, which technique is best.
How Is LASIK Surgery Performed?

First, your eye surgeon uses either a mechanical surgical tool called
a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser to create a thin, circular "flap" in the
The surgeon then folds back the hinged flap to access the underlying cornea (called
the stroma) and removes some corneal tissue using an excimer laser.
This highly specialized laser uses a cool ultraviolet light beam to remove ("ablate")
microscopic amounts of tissue from the cornea to reshape it so it more accurately
focuses light on the retina for improved vision.

For nearsighted people, the goal is to flatten the cornea; with farsighted people, a
steeper cornea is desired.

Excimer lasers also can correct astigmatism by smoothing an irregular cornea into
a more normal shape. It is a misconception that LASIK cannot treat astigmatism.
After the laser reshapes the cornea, the flap is then laid back in place, covering the
area where the corneal tissue was removed. Then the cornea is allowed to heal

Laser eye surgery requires only topical anesthetic drops, and no bandages or
stitches are required.


Oculoplastic surgery is a general term used to represent a variety of procedures that

involve the orbit, eyelids, tear ducts, and the face. Ocular reconstructive surgery,
aesthetic eyelid surgery, facial plastic surgery, and cosmetic procedures fall into
this category.

Some types of oculoplastic surgery are considered both medically necessary and
cosmetic. For instance, certain eyelid and periocular issues can affect a person’s
appearance as well as their vision, eye comfort, and eye health.

Before you can undergo such surgery, your surgeon will check with your insurance
company to determine whether your procedure is covered. An oculoplastic surgeon
is an ophthalmologist who has completed additional training that focuses on the
management of eyelid abnormalities, tearing problems, and orbital disease.

Because of the potential out-of-pocket cost of an oculoplastic procedure for the
patient, it is important that you ask your surgeon to thoroughly explain the benefits
of your procedure.

According to one study (Eye [London], 2012), patients who had undergone one of
four commonly performed oculoplastic procedures derived significant quality-of-
life benefits from it. These procedures included:

 Entropion repair, which corrects eyelids that fold inward

 Ectropion repair, which corrects eyelids that turn outward

 Ptosis repair, which corrects drooping of the upper or lower eyelid

 External dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), which restores the flow of tears

Most oculoplastic surgeries can be performed on an outpatient basis, which means

you go home the same day and recovery is fairly quick.

It is difficult to estimate the number of oculoplastic procedures performed in the

United States each year. Oculoplastic surgery is performed on people of all ages
for many different reasons.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, blepharoplasty (repair of

droopy eyelids by removing excess skin, muscle, and fat) is one of the top five
cosmetic plastic procedures performed. In 2012, over 200,000 blepharoplasties
were performed in the United States.

Types of Oculoplastic Surgery

Oculoplastic surgery covers a wide range of procedures, including:

 Eyelid surgery, including blepharoplasty and eyelid reconstruction, for ptosis,

entropion, ectropion, and eyelid tumors

 Tear duct surgery

 Orbital surgery to manage thyroid and eye disorders, tumors, and trauma

 Pediatric oculoplastic surgery to correct congenital defects and manage eye

disorders in children

 Eyebrow and forehead lifts

 Facial rejuvenation (midface lift, lower face lift, facial implants)

Non-surgical treatments performed by oculoplastic surgeons include:

 Skin rejuvenation (laser skin treatments, chemical peels, home skin care regimens)

 Facial filler injections (Juvederm, Perlane, Restylane, Radiesse) to reduce wrinkles

Cooperate social responsibility

3.1 Importance
3.2 Current state of blind population
3.3 Why eye donation

3.4 Condition for eye donation

Importance of corporate social responsibility

The term corporate social responsibility gives a chance to all the employees of an
organization to contribute towards the society, environment, country and so on. We
all live for ourselves but trust me living for others and doing something for them is
a different feeling altogether. Bringing a smile to people’s life just because your
organization has pledged to donate eyes for needy peoples gives a sense of inner
satisfaction. One should never forget the importance of society and environment in
our lives. It is indeed high time when we also start thinking about people around us
who are less privileged and fortunate than us. Corporate social responsibility gives
an opportunity to organizations to work towards the betterment of the society and
make it a better place to live.

Corporate social responsibility goes a long way in creating a positive word of

mouth for the organization on the whole. Doing something for your society would
not only take your business to a higher level but also ensure long term growth and
success. Corporate social responsibility plays a crucial role in making your brand
popular not only among your competitors but also media and other organizations.
You really do not have to invest much in corporate social responsibility activities.
Do not undertake CSR activities only to gain publicity.

Corporate social responsibility also gives employees a feeling of unparalleled

happiness. Believe me, peoples take pride in donating there eyes to the needy
person. CSR activities strengthen the bond among employees. People develop a
habit of working together as a single unit to help others. Infact they start enjoying
work together and also become good friends in due course of time. They also

develop a sense of loyalty and attachment towards their organization which is at
least thinking for the society.

Corporate social responsibility in a way also plays a crucial role in the progress of
the society, which would at the end of the day benefit us only.

Current state of blind population in India



Corneal blindness can be treated by replacing the damaged cornea by a healthy

donated human cornea. The human cornea can be produced through Eye Donation

Give them the gift of Light

Why eye donation?

 Approximately 11 Lakh (1.1 Million) blind population of our country are

waiting for corneal transplantation and approximately 25,000 new cases are
being reported every year.
 Eye donation means donating the eyes of a person after death for
transplantation with the family consent.
 One eye donation can give sight to two corneal blind persons.

Condition for eye donation

 Eyes should be donated within 6-8 hrs of death.

 Total procedures take 15-20 minutes.
 There is no disfigurement of the face of the donor.
 After removal, the eyes are analyzed, processed at the eye bank and then
cornea is transplanted within 96 hours.
 Eye banks come under Human Organ Transplantation Act, and are given
registration after inspection by competent authorities. Donated ayes cannot
be brought or sold as it is a crime under the act.



4.2 Route of program


Advanced Eye Hospital and Institute

in association with

One Vision Health and Research Foundation


"Tamso Ma Jyotirgamaya, 2017"

World's Largest Walk Against Blindness

"Tamso Ma Jyotirgamaya" is the World's Largest Walk Against Blindness
Campaign for the last 3 Years.

After three years of tremendous success, Tamaso Ma JyotirGamaya, the Walk

against Blindness saw its fourth edition on 8 th January 2017 at 7:30 am on Palm
Beach Road in Sanpada, Navi Mumbai. Organised by Advanced Eye Hospital and
Institute (AEHI)

This annual event was led by Tharangam fame actress Neha Iyer and RJ Gaurav
Srivastav from Radio City who kept participants engaged throughout the
programme. The motivated crowd walked from Advanced Eye Hospital and
Institute till VishnudasBhave Auditorium via Palm Beach Road and sector-17
Vashi. Through the walk, there were kids and adults, all alike shouting slogans and
committing themselves to the cause of fighting blindness and promoting eye

The Chief Guest for the event was the Mayor of Navi Mumbai – Shri.
JayawantDattatraySutar who urged people to pledge their eyes.

this year, TMJ was loaded with several exciting contests and amazing performing
art forms. Several enthusiastic students from various schools and colleges
displayed their talent through conceptual dance performances and represented the
beautiful states of our country through their costumes.

All creative efforts were highly appreciated by Mr. Vijay Patkar, a theatre and
television actor of Marathi movies and Bollywood, who was one of the
celebrities supporting the social cause of fighting against blindness.

Motor and Bike Companies like Royal Enfield, Everest Cycle Company joined this
walk gyrating youngsters’ spirit.

Cataract and Refractive error are the two main reasons, which amounts to more
than 80% causing blindness across all India i.e. 1.2 crores. Amongst many, there is
one popular myth that people have is “Cataract needs to be removed only when it

is ripe”. Hence, to eradicate blindness from the society, awareness about eye care
needs to spread like fire.

The social organizations and NGOs who supported event were Humanity First
Foundation, Helen Keller Institute for Deaf and Blind, Evolve Business School,
Lions Club, Rotary Club, Y Guys, Kutch YuvakSangh, Leo Club, Lions Club,
Rotary Club, Rotaract Club, Awaaz Foundation, TarunMitra Mandal, Agarwal
Samaj, LohanaSamaj, Kannada Samaj, Jain Samaj, Muslim Samaj, Mangalam
Foundation, MITR Hospital and Yerala Medical Trust.


ASP Convent English High School, F G Naik School, RF Naik School,
Greenfingers Global, School, Harmony International School, Harmony ICSE
School, North Point School, NMMC School Sanpada, NMMC School
Koperkhairane, Sanjivani International School, St. Marys Multipurpose High
School & Jr. College, St Lawrence ICSE, St. Lawrence High School,
YashwantraoChavan English Medium School, Orchid school, Sadhu Vaswani
International School, Avalon Heights International School, DAV School,
Vidhyadeep School, Bright Future High School, ICL College, SIES College,
Modern College, YashwantraoChavan College, ITM College of Management and
Optometry, Sterling College and

Western College were few of many eminent Schools and Colleges that have
extended their support for this cause.


Opening ceremony

Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya means from darkness to Light, hence we begin this walk
every year by lighting up a lamp. At sharp 7:30 am, RJ Archana Pania will start the
ceremony with her energizing speech and take over for next 2 hours. Giving her
company on the stage would be DrArbinderSingal and they will set the rhythm for
the morning. The ceremony will see the dignitaries come on to the stage to light
the lamp and stand together showing their resolve to fight the blindness.

During the walk

Though the theme of the walk is a serious one, we will engage the young and old
with our energy and send across the message of eye donation to whole Navi
Mumbai. The walk will be led by blindfolded volunteers and Hellen Keller School
children. There would be large trailers with arrangements for music/
announcements. To keep the audience engaged, there will be mascots, dancing
troupes, singers, DJ’s, Gatka performers (traditional sikh warrior performers) and
dhol band. In short, it will be one big party on the streets celebrating the cause of

Culture program & closing ceremony

TMJ 2018 will see a befitting grand finale- a large stage closing ceremony with
presence of celebrities, Blind singers & orchestra, Rock Band Sanyaas, Dance
troupe from Sole2Soul and many more such performances. Also, there will a
collective eye pledging activity at the end of the walk with distribution of the
certificates for all participants.



 Social involvement may create a better image.

 Social involvement would enhance a harmonious and healthy relationship
between the societies.
 Business which is resourceful has a special responsibility to the society.


 They should organized free camps for that patient how are suffering from
blindness and they should create awareness related to the donation of the
 When there is death of a person and wishes to donate there is process of six
hours time. Call the nearest eye bank and switch off fans of the rooms and
keep AC on. Place wet cotton on closed eyes of the donor.
 If one person donates his eyes it will help two blind people.


“leave your I’s when you live……….leave your eyes when you

Eyes are one of the most important sensory organs in the human body because it
renders vision and the power to see. Visually impaired people feel that their life is
incomplete as they can just touch, feel and smell things but can’t see it.Statistics
show that there are 15 million blind people in India and out of this, 6.8 million
people are suffering from corneal blindness. There are wide spread social
awareness programs and activities conducted across the country to impart the
significance of eye donation and its usefulness to the visually impaired people. Till
date, medical researchers and scientists are working on developing artificial
cornea, but till that time, donating the eyes would be the best gift ever for a blind
person suffering from blindness.

“see the world even when you leave the world”.





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