DA20 32 04 Rev 1
DA20 32 04 Rev 1
DA20 32 04 Rev 1
4. Compliance: Compliance with Part 1 and 2 of this service bulletin is required at the
next scheduled inspection but not later than July 30 2008.
Compliance with Part 3 is recommended.
To obtain satisfactory results, procedures specified in this service bulletin must be accomplished in accordance with
accepted methods and current government regulations. Diamond Aircraft Industries Inc. cannot be responsible for the
quality of work performed in accomplishing the requirements of this service bulletin. Diamond Aircraft reserves the right to
void continued warranty coverage in the area affected by this Service Bulletin if it is not is incorporated.
If you no longer own the aircraft to which this service bulletin applies, please forward it to the current owner and send the
name of the current owner to Diamond Aircraft Industries, Inc., at the address below
Diamond Aircraft Industries Inc. 1560 Crumlin Sideroad, London, Ontario, Canada N5V 1S2
Phone: (519) 457-4041 Fax: (519) 457-4045