03-23-18 Edition
03-23-18 Edition
03-23-18 Edition
District names
its new school
board member
Kenneth Chin appointed as trustee
By Austin Walsh
Broadway by the Bay stages always popular musical Half Moon Bay looks at
By Judy Richter
DAILY JOURNAL CORRESPONDENT short-term rental rules
Broadway by the Bay brings on the
marching band with its production of a
Officials seek to strike balance between
perennial favorite, Meredith Willson’s encouraging visitors, minimizing impact
“The Music Man.” By Zachary Clark
Set in the early 20th century, this is
the story of a slick, traveling sales-
man, Harold Hill (David Schiller), who
cons residents of little River City, As cities around the United States continue to grapple
Iowa, into buying band instruments, with regulations on short-term rentals, Half Moon Bay offi-
lesson books and uniforms for their cials are considering an ordinance intended to minimize
kids. impacts on neighborhoods and the city’s housing stock
Harold doesn’t know the first thing while still encouraging visitors to the area.
See PLAY, Page 23 See RULES, Page 31
“ ”
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Jumbles: TASTY NOVEL THRIFT WEEKLY As a public service, the Daily Journal prints obituaries of approximately 200 words or less with a photo one time on the date of the family’s choosing if space allows. To submit
Answer: The tennis player hadn’t lost a single game to obituaries, email information along with a jpeg photo to [email protected]. Free obituaries are edited for style, clarity, length and grammar. If you would like to have an
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003 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 9:05 PM Page 1
Local brief
Charges against man asking
Woman accused of murder granted
to touch 2-year-old dismissed
A Redwood City transient charged with felony sexual
supervised visits with her children
annoyance after he asked the father of a 2-year-old girl if he DAILY JOURNAL STAFF REPORT 3 1 -y ear-o l d plea deal with pros-
could touch his daughter in January had boyfriend Kaveh ecutors in February.
his charges dismissed Thursday, accord- A Hillsborough woman charged with Bayat and Having pleaded no
ing to the San Mateo County District conspiring to murder the father of her Burlingame resident contest to accessory
Attorney’s Office. two daughters was granted limited Olivier Adella, 42, to murder for assist-
Because 46-year-old David Donald supervised visits with her children to kill Green and ing in the disposal
Lewis’ comments were directed at the after a judge granted a request to modi- dispose of his body, of Green’s body
girl’s father instead of her, a judge found fy the conditions of her bail Thursday, according to prose- after the murder,
there was not sufficient evidence to pro- according to the San Mateo County cutors. Adella agreed to tes-
ceed with his charge of felony sexual District Attorney’s Office. Almost two Kaveh Bayat tify at the Sept. 17
Though Tiffany Li’s bail conditions Tiffany Li
weeks after the 27- trial of his conspir-
David Lewis annoyance Thursday, according to prose- previously did not allow her to have year-old met up ators, according to prosecutors.
Lewis was allegedly looking through trash cans outside physical contact with her children per with Li at a Millbrae Prosecutors allege Li had a custody
the downtown Redwood City library Jan. 22 when the man an order from the family law court, a pancake house the dispute with Green at the time of his
judge in that court recently granted her evening he disap- disappearance April 28, 2016, which is
and his daughter walked past him around 10:30 a.m. When
request for supervised child visitation, peared, Green’s described in a civil lawsuit filed last
Lewis allegedly asked the man if he could touch his daugh- according to prosecutors. body was discov- week by Green’s mother, Colleen Cudd.
ter, the man replied no and called police, according to pros- Li famously made headlines nearly a ered near a Sonoma Cudd is seeking compensatory and
ecutors. year ago for posting $35 million bail County homeless punitive damages, among other costs,
Lewis allegedly told a police officer who responded to the by putting up several Bay Area proper- encampment May against the three defendants being held
scene he thought the little girl was cute and wanted to touch ties valued at $62 million along with responsible for her son’s death on
Olivier Adella 11, according to
her. While walking to the police car, he allegedly told the $4 million in cash, according to pros- prosecutors. behalf of Green’s estate and his two
officer he was thinking about sex a little bit and that the ecutors. Though Li, along with Bayat, who is daughters, according to the suit.
girl is sexy but he didn’t mean that, according to prosecu- Charged with conspiring to murder believed to have pulled the trigger of Formerly resident of Washington,
tors. Keith Green, a Millbrae man and father the gun that killed Green, are facing Cudd allegedly moved to San Mateo to
A registered sex offender, Lewis has prior misdemeanor of her children, 32-year-old Li is murder charges, Adella is facing a three- care for her granddaughters, of whom
convictions of public indecent exposure and annoyance of believed to have conspired with her year prison sentence after striking a she shares custody with Li’s mother.
a child, prosecutors said previously.
Having violated his parole Friday by disabling his GPS
device, Lewis remains in custody, according to prosecutors. Protest over shooting of unarmed black man overtakes freeway
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS been breaking windows in the South also at risk at being shot by police.
Sacramento neighborhood. “He was a great dad,” he recalled of
SACRAMENTO — Protesters decry- But police found only a cellphone. Clark, the father of sons ages 1 and 3.
ing this week’s fatal shooting of an “He loved both of them to death.”
unarmed black man marched from “We are at a place of deep pain”
Sacramento City Hall and onto a nearby because of recent violence directed at Sacramento resident Vanessa Cullars
freeway Thursday, disrupting rush hour black people in Sacramento and else- said she has lost two family members to
traffic and holding signs with messages where,” said the Rev. Les Simmons, a police violence.
like “Sac PD: Stop killing us!” community leader. He said the city’s “I’m fed up with this,” she said at the
Hundreds of people rallied for first black police chief, Daniel Hahn, is protest. “I feel like our lives don’t mat-
Stephon Clark, a 22-year-old who was doing what he can but protested the ter to them.”
shot Sunday in the backyard of his actions of Hahn’s officers. Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg
grandparents’ home. Police say they Clinton Primm said he was friends earlier said he was horrified but won’t
feared he had a handgun when they con- with Clark, who was nicknamed “Zoe,” second-guess the “split-second deci-
fronted him after reports that he had for about six years and fears others are sions” of the officers.
005 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 8:06 PM Page 1
Few details emerging about The renaming of the terminal has been a
long time in the making.
The first attempt was by former
On Twitter, Campos, also openly gay,
thanked Ronen and Supervisor Jeff Sheehy,
among others, for supporting the effort,
saying, “In the age of Trump it is critical to
Supervisor David Campos in 2013 but that
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008 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 10:03 PM Page 1
Congress OKs $1.3T budget, averts shutdown By Lisa Mascaro and Alan Fram
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “Shame, shame. A pox on
WASHINGTON — Congress gave
both Houses — and parties. ...
final approval Friday to a giant $1.3 No one has read it. Congress is broken.”
trillion spending bill that ends the
budget battles for now, but only after — Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.
late obstacles skirted close to another
shutdown as conservatives objected to Then, an unusual glitch arose when delay, but not stop, the outcome and
big outlays on Democratic priorities at Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, wanted to had made his point.
a time when Republicans control the remove a provision to rename a forest The omnibus spending bill was sup-
House, Senate and White House. in his home state after the late Cecil posed to be an antidote to the stopgap
Senate passage shortly after mid- Andrus, a four-term Democratic gover- measures Congress has been forced to
night averted a third federal shutdown nor. pass — five in this fiscal year alone —
this year, an outcome both parties At one point, Sen. Bob Corker, R- to keep government temporarily run-
wanted to avoid. But in crafting a Tenn., stepped forward to declare the ning amid partisan fiscal disputes.
sweeping deal that busts budget caps, entire late-night scene “ridiculous. It’s Leaders delivered on President
they’ve stirred conservative opposi- juvenile.” Donald Trump’s top priorities of
tion and set the contours for the next Once the opponents relented, the boosting Pentagon coffers and start-
funding fight ahead of the midterm Senate began voting, clearing the ing work his promised border wall,
elections. package by a 65-32 vote a full day while compromising with Democrats
The House easily approved the meas- before Friday’s midnight deadline to on funds for road building, child care
REUTERS ure Thursday, 256-167, a bipartisan fund the government. development, fighting the opioid cri-
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan speaks at a news conference tally that underscored the popularity of “Shame, shame. A pox on both sis and more.
on Capitol Hill. the compromise, which funds the gov- Houses — and parties,” tweeted Sen. But the result has been unimaginable
ernment through September. It beefs Rand Paul, R-Ky., who spent the after- to many Republicans after campaign-
up military and domestic programs, noon tweeting details found in the ing on spending restraints and balanced
delivering federal funds to every corner 2,200-page bill that was released the budgets. Along with the recent GOP tax
of the country. night before. “No one has read it. cuts law, the bill that stood a foot tall at
But action stalled in the Senate, as Congress is broken.” some lawmakers’ desks ushers in the
conservatives ran the clock in protest. Paul said later he knew he could only return of $1 trillion deficits.
Letter to the editor The American news industry has some governmental
oversight, but is mainly self-regulating and benefits
from its traditions of objectivity and transparency.
While there will always be arguments about what levels
The Democrats game. They often get complacent. hoped for, it would have forced the of objectivity and transparency there are, there is also
When they play the Rockets, their Democrats to raise their game and try the American system of capitalism that will provide
and the Warriors preparation and effort are at a higher to find solutions to real problems. ways to keep certain organizations in check.
Editor, level. The same thing is happening Instead they are coasting along and As social media companies grow into distributors of
President Trump is rapidly becom- to the Democratic party. Their strate- smiling as Trump self-destructs tak- news, mostly provided by other sources, there also
ing the best thing to ever happen to gy is to bash Trump and many believe ing many in his party with him. We comes a certain responsibility to ensure objectivity and
the Democratic party. that merely putting a D after their continue to read letters in this paper transparency. That, however, is coming secondary to
They will undoubtedly gain name will get them elected. We hear from party hardliners who point their other objectives such as growth, profit and scale. Still,
nothing where they address the prob- once something, no matter what it is, loses the trust of
Congressional seats in the midterm finger at the other party as the source
lems that got Trump elected in the its users, that becomes an existential crisis. It is far
elections. The same campaign strate- first place. of all our country’s woes. We can
gy that failed Hillary — he’s an idiot, only hope that someday they will greater than annoyance about the number of ads, or the
An article in a major newspaper distribution of information — though one could argue
I’m not him, vote for me — may be purported that from 2000-2015 the realize that the only way things will
enough this time around. The prob- improve is when they point that fin- that the algorithms that modify that can contribute to
economic position of 80 percent of the inherent lack of trust.
lem with this type of campaign is Americans was flat or they lost ger at their own party and demand bet-
that our country will not get the best Selling user data is seen as the ultimate breach of
ground. Both parties failed 80 percent ter.
effort from our elected officials. Let trust, though I don’t understand why anyone would be
of Americans and it was their frustra- surprised that this was happening. Many online servic-
me use the Warriors as an analogy. tion with the political system and its Steven Howard es — particularly free ones — sell user information,
When the Warriors play a bottom-tier gridlock that got Trump elected. Had
Redwood City though oftentimes without identifying information. It
team we often don’t see their best Trump been what the 80 percent had
is a business decision.
And yet many of us, without giving it a second
OUR MISSION: thought, gladly provided all sorts of personal informa-
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most tion to a large database, most of which is public, and
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for some that is private, in exchange for the privilege of
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. using their servers to communicate with others in an
By combining local news and sports coverage,
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, open forum.
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief
Moe Alshafie Michael Davis lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to We now have learned what many have long suspected.
Charles Gould Paul Moisio provide our readers with the highest quality That there was manipulation. That there was data shar-
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza information resource in San Mateo County.
Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we ing. That this free service had a cost.
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: Last week, I wrote about the impact of social media on
choose to reflect the diverse character of this
Nicola Zeuzem, Production Manager Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman dynamic and ever-changing community. our collective consciousness and how we need to be
Jim Clifford Elizabeth Cortes
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Talia Fine Robert Hutchinson aware of its larger effects. This week, it is more than
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter
Priscilla Jin Tom Jung SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM that. It is more specific. The questions that are left are
Connor Lin Laurel Lujan
Jeanita Lyman Brigitte Parman Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: these: Are we safe to use this service? It does not appear
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler Sophie Penn Nick Rose facebook.com/smdailyjournal so, and that is damning. Should we give second thought
Joel Snyder Gary Whitman to our social media and online activity? Yes. In all
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events twitter.com/smdailyjournal
instances. Some might say that it is too late, that we are
Dave Newlands, Production Assistant Online edition at scribd.com/smdailyjournal already too entrenched. But it’s never too late to be
thoughtful and deliberate in our actions. It might be
Letters to the Editor • Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy inconvenient, but then the alternative is even more so.
Should be no longer than 250 words. [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors.
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily
Should be no longer than 600 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and [email protected] Jon May s is the editor in chief of the Daily Journal. He
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
• Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal can be reached at jon@smdaily journal.com. Follow Jon
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
on Twitter @jonmay s.
010 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 6:15 PM Page 1
Toy co. CEO leads effort to salvage Toys R Us A record 965M passengers
packed U.S. planes last year
Business briefs
cent of seats were filled.
By Anne d’Innocenzio investors, to generations of children and par- A record 965 million airline pas-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS which he ents for its sprawling stores, sing- sengers flew in the United States CareDx reports 4Q loss
declined to along jingle and Geoffrey the last year, a 3.4 percent increase BRISBANE — CareDx Inc. on
NEW YORK — Toy company name, believe giraffe mascot. over 2016. Thursday reported a loss of $31.7
executive Isaac Larian says he and salvaging part The store has an iconic place in Figures from the Transportation million in its fourth quarter.
other investors have pledged a of the Toys R Us American culture, said Larian. “We Department show that air travel has On a per-share basis, the
total of $200 million in financing business will be can’t just sit back and just let it dis- been rising since the Great Brisbane-based company said it had
and hope to raise four times that good for the toy appear.” Larian, who is a billion- Recession that ended in 2009. a loss of $1.13. Losses, adjusted for
amount in crowdfunding in order to industry, cus- aire, is using his own money, not The department said Thursday that non-recurring costs and stock
bid for up to 400 of the Toys R Us Isaac Larian tomers and MGA funds, for the bid. air travel within the U.S. rose 3 per- option expense, came to 9 cents per
stores being liquidated in bankrupt- wo r k e r s . Why might Larian be successful cent and international traffic to and share. The molecular diagnostics
cy. They’re interested in more than half with a retail chain struggling to from the U.S. grew 4.8 percent. company posted revenue of $12.5
The unsolicited bid still faces the 735 U.S. stores Toys R Us plans stay relevant in the age of Amazon? Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson million in the period.
many hurdles, including finding to liquidate, and want to be able to For one thing, Larian wouldn’t have International Airport had the most For the year, the company report-
other deep-pocked investors and use the valuable brand name. the massive $5 billion in debt that passengers, followed by Los ed that its loss widened to $55.5
getting a bankruptcy judge to agree And they’re hoping the outpour- hampered the current owner of Toys Angeles International and million, or $2.38 per share.
to it. But this is the first public ing of affectionate nostalgia when R Us. He also says the toy industry Chicago’s O’Hare. New York’s Revenue was reported as $48.3 mil-
plan to keep the cherished toy Toys R Us announced its plans — needs a big chain like Toys R Us, Kennedy Airport had the most inter- lion.
brand in existence in the United (hash)SaveToysRUs has been a where children can touch and feel national passengers. CareDx expects full-year revenue
States. trend on social media — translates the toys and toymaker’s can test Southwest Airlines again carried in the range of $61 million to $63
Such a long-shot move would into pledges toward their $1 billion new products. the most passengers, while Delta million.
also greatly benefit Larian’s pri- goal. The chain’s liquidation will have Air Lines barely leapfrogged CareDx shares have decreased 19
mary business. He’s CEO of Bratz Toys R Us sought court approval a “devastating effect” on the toy American Airlines for second place. percent since the beginning of the
doll-maker MGA Entertainment, last week to liquidate its remaining industry, said Larian, who estimates But American had slightly more year. In the final minutes of trading
which relies on Toys R Us for near- U.S. stores, threatening the jobs of that 130,000 jobs in the U.S. could international passengers than Delta on Thursday, shares hit $5.98, more
ly 1 in every 5 sales. some 30,000 employees and be lost when you include layoffs at or United Airlines. than quadrupling in the last 12
Larian says he and the other spelling the end for a chain known suppliers and logistic operations. On the average flight, 82.5 per- months.
011 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 10:15 PM Page 1
is ruining sport
Bumgarner learned a tough lesson The 2014 got here this year and the new staff
and he’s ready for a do-over. San World Series ... the players that they brought
Francisco’s ace is as motivated as MVP missed in, I’m really excited,” Bumgarner
ever after the embarrassment of a nearly three said. “I feel like we’ve got a good
dirt bike accident that cost him months after chance to compete and win some By Hal Bock will begin each extra inning with a
nearly three months and con- Madison the dirt bike games this year.” THE ASSOCIATED PRESS runner on second base. This will be a
tributed to his club falling out of Bumgarner accident on After six straight seasons with better opportunity to break the tie so
contention in a hurry. April 20 during The proprietors of baseball, we can all go home.
Same goes for all of the Giants, an off day in Colorado. See GIANTS, Page 14 charged with the task of protecting That’s fine. It just isn’t baseball.
and preserving the sport, insist on In baseball, runners are not awarded
bases for no reason. They earn their
A’s look to build on 2017 finish tinkering with it
They keep
way there. Not this season. Not in the
minor leagues. Forget hits, runs and
errors. Welcome to the baseball’s
By Janie McCauley somewhere. ... It season with soreness in his pitching fooling around
just feels like shoulder. Now, he is thankful for a with the game, brave new world where we are in a
home. This is a new year. changing the hurry to get done with the game.
special place and Melvin said of Graveman’s spot rules every so This is not new. It has been going
OAKLAND — Kendall Graveman I think we’ve got atop the rotation, “He’s ready for it.” often, adding a on for some time. They insist on
will take the ball on opening day for something real- “It’s an honor to be able to go out designated hitter monkeying around with a sport that
Oakland in a second straight season, ly good going and kind of set the tone for the sea- here, and a wild seemed awfully good in its original
eager to be the leader of a young rota- on.” son and to be that guy,” Graveman Hal Bock card team there. form.
tion at age 27. The right-han- said. And now they It started with the designated hitter,
“It’s fun. I feel healthy,” Kendall der spent a pair He will have a new catcher in have come up with the goofiest idea a gimmick that turned a nine-player
Graveman said as he begins his Graveman of stints on the Jonathan Lucroy to back him, too. of all. game into 10. Never mind that the DH
fourth season with the A’s. “It’s spe- disabled list last This season, every minor league
cial. It’s the longest I’ve ever been See A’S, Page 14 game that is tied after nine innings See BOCK, Page 14
012 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 10:16 PM Page 1
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Continued from page 11
of the number of concussions, sure there’s
some concern. With that said, when you see
Belt, he’s just got a hop to his step, he looks
so good, he’s in a great frame of mind. He’s
Continued from page 11
POWER MATTS: The A’s will clear the
fences. To complement Davis’ big bat, Matt
Chapman hit 14 homers in 84 games as a
looking forward to really getting back on the rookie and Matt Olson had a remarkable 24
field. He missed two months. That’s a long over 59 games and just 189 at-bats.
double-digit wins, more than 200 innings time.” The A’s are counting on some momentum
and 30-plus starts — the previous three years from winning 17 of their final 24 games last That home-run rate has been topped over a
MELANCON’S CHANCE: Closer Mark season, which meant a lot to Melvin seeing whole season only twice, when Mark McGwire
with 18, 18 and 15 victories — Bumgarner
Melancon will try to pitch a full season in the how well his young club performed in and home run king Barry Bonds each set the
went 4-9 with a 3.32 ERA in 17 starts last
ninth inning after his disappointing first September. single-season home run record.
season and threw just 111 innings to match
year in the Bay Area was cut short when he The A’s reached the playoffs in three straight BEST CASE: The familiar faces of Brett
his low total from 2010 when he came up in
needed right forearm surgery in September. years from 2012-14 but have finished last in Anderson and Trevor Cahill are back with the
“You talk to the players and you can see a He made 32 appearances over 30 innings the AL West in each of the past three seasons. A’s, nine years after breaking into the big
different attitude coming into this spring with 11 saves. Here are some things to watch for with leagues with Oakland. If they can boost the
with what’s happened this offseason,” man- BEST CASE: Longoria and McCutchen Oakland as 2018 begins: rotation or provide much-needed depth to the
ager Bruce Bochy said. “And also the fact that are still stars, Bumgarner and Cueto — who DAVIS’ BAT: Khris Davis shined again pitching staff at this stage of their careers the
it’s a new slate and we’re going to be healthy, decided in November to stay put when he with his big bat and got paid. This offseason, signings will prove a success.
so there’s a lot of reason to be optimistic.” could have opted out of his contract — are an he signed a $10.5 million, one-year contract, Also, the A’s should have a formidable,
San Francisco certainly figures Bumgarner elite 1-2 punch and the Giants return to the more than doubling his healthy and deep outfield with the addition of
and Johnny Cueto — who made only 25 starts playoffs. salary after he beat the Stephen Piscotty in a trade from St. Louis as he
last season — will return with strong seasons “I don’t think you can fill it in any more team in arbitration the pre- returns home to the Bay Area as his mother
leading the rotation after being limited by than putting a guy like Andrew McCutchen vious winter. fights Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Oakland hopes
injuries in 2017. out there,” Longoria said. “He’s made a huge Now, the slugging out- center fielder Dustin Fowler can have a great
Even newcomers third baseman Evan impact on the players both young and old fielder will try for another rookie season after a devastating knee injury
Longoria and Andrew McCutchen understand that he’s played with and he’s got nothing but 40-homer season. occurred after just one inning in his debut for
the pain of losing so many games and the a great reputation. So all of those things are He hit a career-best 43 the Yankees — before he even got an at-bat.
importance of pushing past that to contend very important and make everybody confi- home runs in 2017, con- New York traded him to the A’s for Sonny Gray
again after a 64-98 season. dent that he’s going to be a great fit here.” necting on the last day of last summer.
Khris Davis
“I think they’re going to be a huge key to the year to best the season WORST CASE: The A’s young pitching
WORST CASE: An older team struggles high he set the previous season for Oakland.
our success this year,” catcher Buster Posey to stay healthy again and it might be time to staff shows its inconsistencies. Prized
said. The 30-year-old Davis is the only A’s player prospect A.J. Puk is likely to come up from
seriously consider a major rebuild. Posey is aside from Jimmie Foxx from 1932-34 with
“You can only go up, right?” Longoria said. confident, and he can’t wait to play with Triple-A Nashville at some point for a group
Here are things to look for as the Giants try consecutive 40-homer seasons. that must stay healthy after it already lost
Longoria and McCutchen. Davis’ 85 homers the past two seasons are
to bounce back in a tough NL West: Jharel Cotton. The right-hander underwent
HEALTHY BELT: First baseman Brandon “There’s a lot of teams that have backed up, second in the majors to Giancarlo Stanton’s Tommy John reconstructive elbow surgery
Belt has endured a series of concussions over punted and have gone the rebuilding route,” 86. Davis batted .247 with a career-high 110 Wednesday.
the past two seasons — and he didn’t play Bochy said. “I think you look at our core
players it just makes sense to do what we’re from the postseason if they lose a single game
after Aug. 4 last year.
“It’s obvious we’re hoping that we don’t
deal with this again,” Bochy said. “Because
doing because we still feel like there’s a nice
window there for us to play winning base-
Continued from page 11
when they played 162 for that opportunity. A
mistake here or there and a team that fought for
one more chance at the postseason gets sent
home in a heartbeat.
With analytics and algorithms encroaching
SAGE Specialties: leads to us having the World Series played with
on the game, sooner or later, technology was
two sets of rules depending on whether games
t$BSEJPMPHZ are played in American League parks, where the
sure to follow. So now, after complaining that
t&NFSHFODZ$SJUJDBM$BSF DH is embraced, or National League parks
games were taking too long, we have video
where it is dismissed. Doesn’t that make a lot of
replays and umpires huddling to debate their
t%FSNBUPMPHZ calls for what seems an eternity while both
sense for the showcase event of the sport?
t*OUFHSBUJWF.FEJDJOF teams stand around waiting for a decision.
Oh, and speaking of the World Series, which
t*OUFSOBM.FEJDJOF once was a best-of-seven affair played in the To make things move along, we now have
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015 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 9:09 PM Page 1
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016 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 10:14 PM Page 1
Sharks come up aces against Vegas LAX Padres. Last year, he spent most of the sea-
son a reserve defensive midfielder. This
year, he’s added offense to go along with his
Sharks 2, Golden Knights 1 Continued from page 11 “He’s the heart and soul of our team on
SAN JOSE — Logan Couture scored 39 both ends (offense and defense),” Loscialpo
Malcolm Subban. He stopped 42 shots but it at the 5:48 mark. That was followed with a
seconds into overtime to send the San Jose said. “If there was a guy who was going to
wasn’t enough for Vegas to come up with the man-advantage goal with 3:44 left.
Sharks to their season-high sixth straight improve … it would be him.”
win. But that was as close as Serra would get.
victory, 2-1 over the Brogan Reed took over the scoring chores
After Jones made a big save early in the SHC scored the next two goals for a 12-8
Vegas Golden Knights on from Callagy after that, scoring two of the
overtime, the Sharks came up with the puck lead before Randy Lewis rounded out the
Thursday night. Padres’ final three goals of the quarter. He
in transition and Couture beat Subban with a scoring for Serra.
Brent Burns also scored slammed home a one-time off an assist from
backhand for his 31st goal of the season.
and Martin Jones made The final three quarters were a far cry from Ryland Hayes to put Serra up 3-0 with just
The Golden Knights struck first on a pret-
24 saves to help the the opening 12 minutes as Serra came out under eight minutes to play in the period. He
ty passing play early in the first period that
Sharks move within flying, while the Irish struggled to find a then scooped up a loose ball deep in the
ended when Jonathan Marchessault found
seven points of first- rhythm. It took less than two minutes for SHC end and converted for a 4-0 lead.
Tatar cutting through the slot ahead of
place Vegas with eight the Padres to get on the board as Brendan SHC finally got on the board with just
Justin Braun. Tatar skated past Jones and
games remaining in the Callagy, a junior midfielder, scored the first under five minutes left in the quarter, but
Logan Couture regular season. San Jose backhanded the puck into the open net.
of his two goals. He used his large frame to Gross re-established the Padres’ four-goal
Vegas has been dominant when getting off
also opened a four-point hold off a SHC defender before unloading a lead with a strike with 50 seconds left.
to a lead, posting an NHL-best 31-5-1 record
lead over third-place Los Angeles in the laser of a shot to put Serra up 1-0 on the first In the second quarter, Serra’s offense dried
when scoring first heading into this game.
Pacific Division with a game in hand as the shot of the game. up, but the defense was still on point as the
But the Sharks dominated the second period,
Sharks close in on home-ice advantage in Callagy added his second about two min- Irish scored once to close to 5-2 at halftime.
outshooting the Golden Knights 18-4 and
the first round of the playoffs. utes later when he received a pass on the “[Lacrosse is] a game of runs,” Loscialpo.
getting the equalizer on a blast by Burns
Tomas Tatar scored the lone goal for the right wing, worked in close and fired a shot “This (Serra) team is a young team and
from the point after another strong shift by
Golden Knights, who were kept in the game into the far left corner. they’re still learning the ebbs and flows (of
San Jose’s fourth line.
by a sterling performance by goalie Callagy has been a pleasant find for the the game).”
O u r L ad y o fAn gel s
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017 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 8:44 PM Page 1
Bolton may herald rightward The EU states said they would “coordinate
on the consequences to be drawn in the light
of the answers provided by the Russian
He insisted that any measure “must have
an added value to this extremely strong
political declaration.”
American jobs and closing of plants. Dozens of industry groups sent a letter Business groups mostly agree that some-
Continued from page 1
The president said the tariffs could cover
“about $60 billion” in trade with China, but
senior White House officials said the U.S.
last weekend to Trump warning that “the
imposition of sweeping tariffs would trig-
ger a chain reaction of negative conse-
thing needs to be done about China’s
aggressive push in technology, but they
worry that China will retaliate by targeting
Trade Representative had identified 1,300 quences for the U.S. economy, provoking U.S. exports of aircraft, soybeans and other
product lines worth about $50 billion as retaliation, stifling U.S. agriculture, goods, products and start a tit-for-tat trade war of
including pork, apples and steel pipe, it potential targets. and services exports, and raising costs for escalating sanctions between the world’s
said may be hit with higher import duties. That list will include aerospace, informa- businesses and consumers.” two biggest economies.
The Commerce Ministry said the higher tion and communication technology, and Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts, Republican “China has been trying to cool things
U.S. tariffs “seriously undermine” the glob- machinery, according to a USTR fact sheet. chairman of the Senate Agriculture down for weeks. They have offered conces-
al trading system. The ministry urged the But further details were scant. Committee, suggested lawmakers may need sions, ” said Mary Lovely, a Syracuse
U. S. “to resolve the concerns of the The order signed by Trump directed the to consider what he called a “Trump Tariff University economist and senior fellow at
Chinese side as soon as possible,” and trade representative to publish a list of pro- Payment” to compensate farmers if their the Peterson Institute for International
appealed for dialogue “to avoid damage to posed tariffs for public comment within 15 crops face retaliation. Economics. “I fear they will take a hard line
overall Chinese-U.S. cooperation.” days. Trump also asked Treasury Secretary But some labor unions and Democrats said now that their efforts have been rebuffed. ...
At home, investors on Wall Street showed Steven Mnuchin to come up with a list of Trump was justified in delivering a swift China cannot appear subservient to the
their rising concern about retaliation and restrictions on Chinese investment and said blow to China after years of a lax response U.S.”
business-stifling cost increases for compa- the administration was preparing a case from the U.S. The move against China comes just as the
nies and consumers. The Dow Jones indus- before the World Trade Organization. “Chinese cheating has cost American United States prepares to impose tariffs of
trials plunged 724 points. Despite Trump’s confident words, busi- jobs and I applaud the administration for 25 percent on imported steel and 10 percent
Trump himself, joined by supportive ness groups and Republican lawmakers are standing firm in its commitment to crack on aluminum — sanctions that are meant to
business executives, complained bitterly worried his tariffs could undercut actions down on China’s continued violations,” hit China for flooding the world with cheap
about the nation’s trade deficit and accused they have welcomed in his first year. said Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio. steel and aluminum.
China of stealing America’s prized technol- “The vast majority of our members are Thursday’s announcement marked the end Trump campaigned on promises to bring
ogy. very concerned that these trade actions will of a seven-month investigation into the down America’s massive trade deficit —
“Any way you look at it, it is the largest at a minimum undermine the strong busi- hardball tactics China has used to challenge $566 billion last year — by rewriting trade
deficit of any country in the history of our ness confidence that has been created by the U.S. supremacy in technology, including, agreements and cracking down on what he
world. It’s out of control,” Trump said of the tax and regulatory process, ” said Josh the U.S. says, dispatching hackers to steal called abusive practices by U.S. trading
U.S-China imbalance. The U.S. reported a Bolten, president and CEO of the Business commercial secrets and demanding that U.S. partners. The president said Thursday, “It’s
$375 billion deficit with China last year, Roundtable. “And if it’s taken to an companies hand over trade secrets in probably one of the reasons I was elected,
which Trump has blamed for the loss of extreme, it will reverse that progress.” exchange for access to the Chinese market. maybe one of the main reasons.”
5 I F $ B
1029 EL CAMINO REAL, MENLO PARK | 650.485.2345 | WWW.BLACKPEPPER-USA.COM For more information, visit: SanCarlosChamber.org
019 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 9:07 PM Page 1
Food brief
Burgers outselling baguette sandwiches in France
PARIS — Forget the baguette. The French are going crazy
Chicken piri piri a treat with heat
By Katie Workman
Figures released this week revealed that sales of the jam-
bon-beurre — the ham and butter baguette sandwich, a clas-
Here’s the drill with butterflying — or
sic of French snacking — have been surpassed by sales of
spatchcocking — a bird. You cut the
American-style burgers.
backbone out of the chicken with
The study by restaurant consultants Gira Conseil showed
kitchen shears, then turn the bird over
that about 1.2 billion ham and butter sandwiches were sold
and press down on the breastbone until
in 2017, while 1.4 billion burgers were eaten over the same
the bird lies somewhat flat.
It’s not difficult to do, but a) you need
sharp kitchen shears, and b) you have to
be comfortable using them on poultry.
If either of those things poses a prob-
lem, ask the butcher to do it for you
(that’s what I do).
Why spatchcock a chicken? It cooks
more quickly and evenly, and also
allows for some nice overall browning.
Another somewhat arbitrary reason I
Piri piri chicken originated in Africa when Portuguese settlers arrived with
discovered is that if you are using all of
the racks in your oven, a spatchcocked
bird’s-eye chili peppers.
chicken takes up less headroom. Fun Serve this chicken with rice, either Cut the jalapenos in half, and remove
fact. plain or yellow, and a green salad. Beer the seeds and stems. Spread the
Piri piri chicken originated in Africa would be a great companion. And should jalapenos on a baking sheet, cut side
when Portuguese settlers arrived with there be any leftovers, they make a great down. Roast about 15 minutes, until
bird’s-eye chili peppers (“piri-piri” chicken salad. slightly shriveled. Let the jalapenos
means “pepper-pepper” in Swahili). cool. Combine the jalapenos, oil, vine-
Here jalapenos are used, which have a CHICKEN PIRI PIRI gar, paprika, oregano, garlic and salt in
more predictable level of heat and are Serves 4 a food processor or blender until it
readily available. Four jalapenos may Start to finish: 3 hours 20 minutes, forms a paste.
seem like a lot, but once you remove the including 2 hours marinating time, 1 Transfer the chicken to a glass or non-
seeds and ribs and roast the peppers, you hour cooking time reactive dish. Pour the marinade over the
will be left with a soft, level, nice, 1 (3 1/2- to 4-pound) chicken chicken and flip it a few times so that
smoky heat, but hardly a tongue-burn- 4 jalapeno peppers the marinade coats the chicken well.
ing level of spiciness. 1/2 cup olive oil Cover and refrigerate for 2 to 12 hours.
Either use plastic gloves when han- 1/4 cup red wine vinegar Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F, and
dling the jalapenos or wash your hands 2 teaspoons hot paprika let the chicken come to room tempera-
right afterward with plenty of warm 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano ture while the oven heats up. Remove
water and soap. You only have to touch 3 garlic cloves the chicken from the marinade and place
your eyes or lips once with jalapeno 1 teaspoon salt it skin-side-up on a rimmed baking
hands to know why. The longer you If the chicken is already butterflied, sheet. Roast for about 1 hour until the
marinate the chicken, the deeper the fla- move to the next step. If not, cut the juices run clear when a sharp knife is
vor. backbone out of the chicken with inserted into the meaty part of the
If you don’t have hot paprika, you can kitchen shears, then turn the bird over thigh. Let it sit for about 15 minutes on
substitute regular paprika and a couple and press down on the breastbone until a cutting board, then cut into pieces and
of generous pinches of cayenne pepper. the bird lies somewhat flat. serve hot.
021 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 5:21 PM Page 1
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022 0323 fri:0323 fri 184 3/22/18 5:37 PM Page 1
minds so they can work together. movie Kaijus and more designed to perma- en the violence.
Continued from page 19
The new film opens in 2035, 10 years
after the last Kaiju was defeated and the
breach closed. It’s the calm before the
nently upset our dreams.
If the first movie’s fight sequences were
often set in the rainy dark, “Pacific Rim
Part of the success of the “Pacific Rim”
films is that they have cobbled together
enough elements of other films to make
storm. Our heroes now are Jake (John Uprising” embraces the light. Cities are them familiar yet newish. They owe “Blade
Boyega), the rebellious son of Elba’s char- flattened during the day as monsters and Runner,” ‘’Independence Day,” ‘’Minority
had a very good reason for not showing up: acter, and the teen orphan Amara (Cailee robots slug it out. Skyscrapers get punched, Report, ” ‘’Star Wars” and, of course,
He blew himself up in the final moments of Spaeny), who builds her own Jaeger out of debris cascades down and cars get swiped “Transformers” — not to mention every
the original to keep the Pacific portal spare parts. They join together to help the around. The connection between special Godzilla movie ever made — some residu-
closed). military fight a new opponent — a rogue effects and human actors is seamless and als. But they also have defined and intro-
Steven S. DeKnight, who created and ran Jaeger that comes out of the sea and stomps astonishing. The level of detail — from duced their own world and language.
the TV series “Spartacus” on Starz, was around menacingly. It is soon clear there’s a complex cityscapes like Shanghai and It may not be nuanced, but it taps into
tapped to direct while del Toro focused on conspiracy afoot. Tokyo to the icescapes of Siberia — is bril- something mythical — ferocious monsters
the smaller monster movie “Shape of Boyega, fresh off his “Star Wars” gig, is liant. rising from nowhere to be battled by 21st
Water. ” DeKnight also teamed up with great here, is a dashing rogue who struggles The filmmakers have abandoned del century swordfighters. And it’s exhilarat-
Emily Carmichael, Kira Snyder and T.S. under his father’s shadow but soon earns the Toro’s political touches — pollution as a ing, like when one triumphant Jaeger gazes
Nowlin to craft the new story, which cham- respect of his peers. “We are a family now factor in the creature attacks and building a down at a downed opponent after a climac-
pions outsiders and misfits as well as cele- and we are Earth’s last defense,” he says. He wall to stop them, for example — but wise- tic fight and insouciantly lifts its middle
brates makeshift families and teamwork. and Spaeny have an easy rapport and some ly adopted his sly humor. In one loud fight fingers. “Pacific Rim Uprising” is so confi-
Plus, some stuff gets pummeled. moments between them seem genuinely sequence, massive monsters and robots dent in itself that it basically promises a
First, a step back for anyone not familiar charming and goofy. trade punches and one buckles, pancakes on third film as the end credits roll. We can’t
with this horrific near-future: Aliens have Charlie Day and Burn Gorman reprise the street and skids to a thudding, thunder- wait.
sent giant monsters called Kaiju to soften us their roles as squabbling scientists, and ing stop, only slightly nudging a parked “Pacific Rim Uprising, ” a Universal
humans up ahead of world domination. But Rinko Kikuchi is back as the adopted daugh- cherry red subcompact in the process. The release, is rated PG-13 by the Motion
we’ve created 270-foot tall robots called ter of Elba’s character. The rest of the cast is little car’s alarm soon wails indignantly. Picture Association of America for
Jaegers to fight back. They’re so big they multiethnic, competent and very sweaty. Those little touches — Muzak played in a “sequences of sci-fi violence and action, and
need to be manned by pairs of operators The robots now have hologram interiors tense elevator during an invasion or a battle some language.” Running time: 111 min-
who build a neural bridge between their and the monsters seem less homages to past beside a museum’s dinosaur exhibit — leav- utes. Three and a half stars out of four.
t-VODI1SPWJEFEUPFirst 70 Attendees by BJ’s Restaurant and Brew house
Location: 643 Bair Island Road (APN: 052-520-260) File No: (UP2018-004/AP2018-009)
Request for: Installation of a new wireless telecommunications facility on an existing rooftop
Applicant: Derek Turner
AT&T Mobility
How to get more information: All project and Who receives a notice: Ten days prior to the
environmental information is available for review hearing date, notice of this hearing is posted on the
at City Hall between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 City’s website, published in the newspaper, and
p.m., Monday to Friday. Direct any questions or sent to all owners or residents of property located
written comments about the project or public within 300 feet of the project site, including any
hearing to the project planner. interested person who requested a notice.
printmaker Hung Liu. For more infor-
Continued from page 1
before choosing a candidate,” said Ng.
“It was very difficult.”
The applicants sought appointment
Senior Showcase Information Fair. mation call 355-1894. to the board following Kohn Hsieh’s
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Twin Pines Senior announcement of her resignation in
Center, 20 Twin Pines Lane, Belmont. Learn to Build a Crystal Radio. 1: 30 available, Chin decided to seize his January to spend more time with her
Meet senior-related businesses and p.m to 3:30 p.m. Museum of opportunity. He was selected
learn about community services. For American Heritage, 351 Homer Ave., family.
more information contact Palo Alto. RSVP required. $85. For Wednesday, March 21, to fill the For Chin, beyond the inherited chal-
[email protected]. more information call 321-1004. vacancy left by former board presi- lenges of balancing the district’s
Foster City Rotary Healthy Aging Understanding Computer Viruses. dent’s Nancy Kohn Hsieh’s departure. major financial and infrastructure
Education Day. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 2 p.m. Grand Avenue Library, 306 Chin, whose two young children
Foster City Recreation Center, 650 Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. For issues, he said a key focus of his will
Shell Blvd., Foster City. For more more information call 877-8530. attend Baywood Elementary School, be establishing and preserving a deep
information call 218-5234. said he was thrilled with an opportuni- well of teaching talent.
‘The Elephant Man.’ 2 p.m. Hillbarn
In the Groove: A History of Record Theatre, 1285 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Foster ty to put his passion and expertise to “In order to have great schools, we
Players. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The City. $37-$54. Based on the life of use benefiting local schools. need to have great teachers,” he said.
Museum of American Heritage, 315 John Merrick. For more information
Homer Ave., Palo Alto. For more call 349-6411. “It’s great, I’m excited,” said Chin, Educators are struggling to afford the
information call 321-1004. 43. “I feel honored for this privilege of While acknowledging the variety of
Asian Ar t Museum Presents: qualified candidates who applied for cost of living locally, so Chin said he
Advanced Harmonica. 11:15 a.m. to Divine Bodies. 2 p.m. South San serving the kids. So let’s get to work.” would like to investigate the options
the position, Ng said she also appreci-
12:15 p.m. San Mateo Senior Center, Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Plenty of work is ahead for Chin, as ated the perspective Chin applies to available to the district beyond merely
2645 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Orange Ave., South San Francisco. A
Mateo. Residents $85, non-residents docent from the Asian Art Museum he joins the leadership team for a dis- school issues. wage hikes. The issue of staff turnover
$105. For more information call 522- will deliver an educational and trict weighing a potential tax measure “He is someone who looks at the can be expected to worsen in the com-
7490. entertaining multimedia talk on his-
torical paintings and sculptures while also seeking to build a new ele- school and looks at the district and ing years too, he noted, as an older
Adult Crafternoon: Ink Floating. 1 from Hindu and Buddhist traditions mentary school with limited funds, sees the schools are a part of the broad- generation ages into retirement.
p.m. South San Francisco Main alongside modern photography. For
Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., South more information contact ssf- amidst the variety of other school er community,” she said. “If we can’t pay teachers more
San Francisco. Create unique station- [email protected]. administrative challenges. Other candidates seeking appoint- because we have a funding problem …
ary through ink floating. For more Acknowledging the substantive hur-
information contact Romeo and Juliet in 55 Minutes ment included Mollie Carter, Karen are there other benefits we can give
[email protected]. Live. 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Redwood dles on the district’s horizon, Chin Chi, Cynthia Chin, Catherine Chou, them? I don’t know what the answer is,
City Downtown Library, 1044 said his work on a variety of communi-
Hung Liu: All Over the Map. 1 p.m. Middlefield Road, Redwood City. Christine Douglas, Garrett Dunwoody, but I do want to dive into that,” he
to 5 p.m. Sanchez Art Center, 1220 Easily understandable performance ty commissions and boards such as the Nicole Fernandez, Omar Garriott, said.
Linda Mar Blvd., Pacifica. Exhibition of the classic play. For more informa- county’s Measure K oversight commit-
by renowned Chinese painter and tion call 780-7058. Katherine Goodman, James Kim, Ian Chin received an opportunity to get
printmaker Hung Liu. For more infor- tee, the county Office of Education’s McCullough, Thomas Morgan, Randi right to work, as his first board meet-
mation call 355-1894. Docent Orientation. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Safe Routes to Schools group have Paynter, Ruchita Sinha, Jacob Thiel, ing came only one day after he was
San Mateo County History Museum,
Youth Ar t Show. 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. 2200 Broadway, Redwood City. Free. prepared him for the job. Annie Tsai and Shiraz Zack. appointed to the position. Now he’s
South San Francisco Municipal For more information call 299-0104. Board President Audrey Ng agreed, prepared to hit the ground running.
Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, Ng lauded the qualifications of the
South San Francisco. Two day event Dr. Seuss’s ‘Horton Hears a Who’ claiming Chin’s experience set him candidates, noting the exhaustive “I’m ready. Being a stay-at-home
showcasing the artistry of South San Activity and Movie. 3 p.m. Grand apart from his fellow candidates. interview process spanning almost six dad, at the moment I have the luxury of
Francisco Unified School District stu- Avenue Library, 306 Walnut Ave.,
dents from kindergarten through South San Francisco. For more infor- “He understands government hours to narrow the pack and ultimate- having a little bit more time than other
12th-grade. For more information mation call 877-8530. processes,” she said. “We are very ly land on Chin. people. So I’m itching to start,” he
contact [email protected].
‘Joseph and the Amazing excited to have him on board.” said.
Reel Great Films: Maudie. 7 p.m. to Technicolor Dreamcoat’
9 p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 Performance by Menlo-Ather ton.
women’s dance troupe in a hilarious Paroo, mother of Marian and
Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. 7:30 p.m. Menlo-Atherton High
Free. Open to adults 18+. For more School Performing Arts Center, 555 scene. Winthrop; and Andrew Plaschke as
information call 591-8286. Middlefield Road, Atherton. Adults
$14, seniors $10. Tickets can be pur- Then there’s Marian Paroo (Jennifer Tommy, the kid from the wrong side of
In the Heights: A Musical by Lin- chased online. For more information the tracks, are noteworthy.
Manuel Miranda. 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. call 906-7724. Continued from page 1 Mitchell), the town librarian. She’s
Capuchino High School, 1501 slow to succumb to his charm, but Production values are high, especial-
Magnolia Ave., San Bruno. For more ‘The Elephant Man.’ 8 p.m. Hillbarn eventually she does. ly the smart period costumes by
information call 553-9411. Theatre, 1285 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Foster about the instruments or music, but he Leandra Watson.
City. $37-$54. Based on the life of
does know how to charm people by And her young brother, Winthrop
‘Joseph and the Amazing John Merrick. For more information
Technicolor Dreamcoat’ call 349-6411. flattering them and bringing out posi- Paroo (Liam Kimhi), blossoms, over- The show is filled with memorable
Per formance by Menlo-Atherton. tive qualities. Therefore, even though coming his lisp and belting out “Gary, songs such as “(Ya Got) Trouble, ”
7:30 p.m. Menlo-Atherton High David Mamet’s ‘Race. ‘8 p.m. Indiana.” “Goodnight My Someone,” “Till There
School Performing Arts Center, 555 Dragon Productions Theatre Co., he fleeces them, he leaves a lot of good
Middlefield Road, Atherton. Adults 2120 Broadway, Redwood City. in his wake. Directed and choreographed by Was You” and, of course, “Seventy-six
$14, seniors $10. Tickets can be pur- Tickets are $35 for general admis- Trombones.”
sion and $27 for students and sen- For example, feuding school board Nicole Helfer with musical direction
chased online. For more information
call 906-7724. iors. For more information email members forget their differences when by Sean Kana, this is a highly enter- In short, it’s great fun.
[email protected]. taining production with fine perform-
‘The Elephant Man.’ 8 p.m. Hillbarn they become a barbershop quartet Running more than two and a half
Theatre, 1285 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Foster Woodside High School Musical (Derrick Contreras, Jonathan Chan, ances throughout its large cast of kids hours including one long intermission
‘On the Town.’ 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and adults.
City. $37-$54. Based on the life of
Woodside High School Performing Daniel Lloyd Pias and Mohammed (long lines for restrooms and conces-
John Merrick. For more information
call 349-6411. Arts Center, 199 Churchill Ave., Ismail) singing the likes of “Lida Mitchell as Marian is an outstanding sions), “The Music Man” will continue
Woodside. Cost is $10-20. For more singer, while Schiller as Harold through April 1 at the Fox Theater,
David Mamet’s Race. 8 p.m. Dragon information call 367-9750. Rose.”
Productions Theatre Co., 2120 Eulalie Mackecknie Shinn (Amy embodies his charm and unflappabili- 2215 Broadway, Redwood City.
Broadway, Redwood City. Tickets are
Hung Liu: All Over the Map. 1 p.m. Meyers), wife of the blustery, domi- For tickets and information call
$35 for general admission and $27
for students and seniors. For more to 5 p.m. Sanchez Art Center, 1220 neering Mayor Shinn (Scott In addition to the others already (650) 369-7770 or visit broadway-
information email info@dragonpro- Linda Mar Blvd., Pacifica. Exhibition Solomon), asserts herself as leader of a named, Jenny Matteucci as Mrs. bythebay.org.
ductions.net. by renowned Chinese painter and
printmaker Hung Liu. For more infor-
Woodside High School Musical mation call 355-1894.
‘On the Town.’ 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. A
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V
Woodside High School Performing ‘The Elephant Man.’ 2 p.m. Hillbarn 1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
Theatre, 1285 E. Hillsdale Blvd., Foster ^]PPQ
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
Arts Center, 199 Churchill Ave., F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
Woodside. Cost is $10-20. For more City. $37-$54. Based on the life of
information call 367-9750. John Merrick. For more information 6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
call 349-6411. 0 6 ; <
1>66;4 H>DA1
7 > >
, _
_^X]cb !
0 \PcTda
Getting Star ted with Pinterest. La Memoria del Agua: A Bilingual
Creative Workshop for Parents ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb , ,
Caah PV
10:15 a.m. South San Francisco
Main Library, 840 W. Orange Ave., and Children. 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
2 B C 1
create a new account or update a California Drive, Burlingame. For
more information call 692-2101. FT_ _dcb
current profile, search and navigate ^U[[TccTab2
the site, follow people with similar
Installation Worship Service. 3
interests and make boards. For
p.m. to 4:45 p.m. First Presbyterian 5X]S0
0C; ;40BC5 58E4B
more information contact ssf-
Church Burlingame, 1500 Easton VaXS^
0 : 4 0
[email protected].
Drive, Burlingame. Free. For more
Making A Family Video to Share.
10:30 a.m. to noon. Grace Lutheran
information call 342-0875.
Church, 2825 Alameda de las Pulgas, R agazzi Boys Chorus Presents
San Mateo. Free. For more informa- ‘From East to West.’ 6:30 p.m. 178
1 ; ;
Clinton St., Redwood City. Program
tion call 306-3423.
will showcase enchanting musical
Spanish B ook Club: ‘Retrato en traditions of less familiar cultures.
Sepia’ by Isabelle Allende Part II. Cost $12 to $32. For more informa-
11 a.m. Grand Avenue Library, 306 tion contact [email protected].
Walnut Ave., South San Francisco. For
MusiKohl Notes: Camerata Royal
more information call 877-8530.
Concertgebouw Orchestra. 7 p.m. 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R "!" '
!! '7
Kohl Mansion, 2750 Adeline Drive, 0]bfTabcc^C
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FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 2018
025-030 0323 fri 6.5:Class Master Odd 3/22/18 5:00 PM Page 1
CA seeks Technology Implementation
Specialist to work with clients in the dis-
covery and research of needs and re-
quirements. Must have Bachelor's in
Computer Science, Information Technol-
ogy, Engineering, MIS, or related with 5
years of experience in the job offered, as
Software Developer, Programmer Ana-
lyst, or related, or in a relevant consulting
role working on medium-large scale tech-
nology solution delivery engagements.
Must have: experience: (1) 5 years of ex-
For delivery of the San Mateo Daily Journal. perience leading delivery of one or multi-
ple projects; and (2) extensive experi-
We have 12 routes from Palo Alto to South SF. ence working with front-end user report-
ing (e.g.: MSTR, Business Object, Cog-
Six days per week, Monday thru Saturday. nos), back-end database management
Papers delivered from 3:30am to 8am. (e.g.: Oracle, Teradata) and/or ETL inter-
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Email inquiries only project assignment and company need
on a variable basis. Email resume to
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as: Osiel G Painting, 60 Lycett Circle,
DALY CITY, CA 94015. Registered Own-
er: Candido Osiel Gomez Cifuentes,
same address. The business is conduct-
ed by an Individual. The registrant com-
menced to transact business under the
FBN on 3/1/2018.
/s/Candido Osiel/
The best career seekers This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 3/1/18. (Published in
read the Daily Journal. the San Mateo Daily Journal, 3/2/18,
3/9/18, 3/16/18, 3/23/18).
We will help you recruit qualified, talented
individuals to join your company or organization.
Fictitious Business Name Statements,
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate,
Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
Notice of Public Sales and More.
Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County.
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
Email them to: [email protected]
025-030 0323 fri 6.5:Class Master Odd 3/22/18 5:00 PM Page 4
310 Misc. For Sale 311 Musical Instruments 316 Clothes 318 Sports Equipment 379 Open Houses 620 Automobiles
SILK SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for PIANO-1955 BALDWIN Acrosonic 36” GOLF SHOES FootJoy, brown and white MEN’S SKI Boots, Salomon, Size 9, very
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Continued from page 1
“I don’t think the city is trying to maxi-
mize TOT,” said Commissioner Jimmy
ence,” Commissioner John Evans said. “It
seems like we need this test drive of allowing
some unhosted units in residential neighbor-
As for where to allow rentals, the commis-
sion seemed to agree with staff’s recommen-
dation to prohibit short-term rentals in
Benjamin, according to a video of the meet- hoods to see if it can work because I can see affordable housing options, such as accesso-
ing. “We’ll take it, but it’s not major focus.” real business limitations to folks who want ry dwelling units, mobile homes and rental
The Planning Commission discussed at a Ekas said the California Coastal to rent their room but don’t want to be there.” multi-family housing-including duplexes,
meeting last week potential regulations on Commission has provided guidance on the The commission appeared to agree, but triplexes and apartments — to preserve those
short-term rental locations, occupancy lim- matter, and generally encourages short-term with lower caps on unhosted rentals. Chair units for lower-income residents.
its, nights per year and whether an on-site rentals for providing coastal access and Rick Hernandez suggested 60 or 30 days. There was also agreement that Half Moon
host should be required, among other rules. affordable lodging that doesn’t require new “The goal here is not to kill the rentals, the Bay shouldn’t have a cap on short-term
Last year, the City Council identified development, but the commission does defer goal is to kill the impacts,” Benjamin said. rentals throughout the city, but agreed the
short-term rentals as a policy priority for to local governments to work out their own “I want no more impacts than I would from a ordinance should be further studied after a cer-
2018, Community Development Director “reasonable regulations.” residence.” tain number of permits are issued: Hernandez
Jill Ekas said, and the discussion also comes The commission appeared to agree that And while commissioners appeared com- suggested 100.
at a time when San Mateo County is set to Half Moon Bay’s ordinance should limit the fortable with the unhosted option, there was Deputy City Attorney Sara Clark also said
implement its own short-term rental ordi- number of nights per year for short-term also talk of requiring rental managers within the ordinance will include a variety of stan-
nance, which it adopted in December, and rentals to no more than 90 and as few as 60 20 minutes of the property to handle any dard requirements, including indemnity pro-
that affects unincorporated areas of the coast. for units in which a host is present. potential complaints. Commissioners also visions and proof of residence and insurance.
Half Moon Bay’s zoning ordinances don’t “I think 90 is probably as high as we ought expressed support for documenting all com- Parking was not a focus of the discussion,
explicitly address short-term rentals, but to go, and if it’s less than that I wouldn’t plaints associated with short-term rentals but it was for one resident who spoke during
they are subject to the city’s transit occupan- mind, but more than that creates problems,” and a potential three-strikes rule that would the public comment period.
cy tax, according to the staff report. said Commissioner Les Deman. strip hosts of their rental license after the “Parking has had a big impact on quality of
A quick glance on sites like Airbnb and The commission at first appeared wary of third citation. life,” said El Granada resident Dave Olson,
VRBO and you’ll get a sense of how many allowing rentals in which a host is not pres- Local jurisdictions have taken various referencing a street on which six short-term
rentals are available in Half Moon Bay, but ent, citing concerns about the increased like- approaches to host requirements. San Mateo rentals have cropped up over the years.
Ekas said the city is aware of 33 of them, lihood of irresponsible behavior without the County allows unhosted rentals, but only up A draft of the ordinance will also consider
adding that most, but not all, pay the required oversight of the property owner, but eventu- to 180 nights per year, San Francisco allows further community input before it returns to
TOT. ally came around to allowing them. unhosted rentals for 90 nights and Redwood the Planning Commission, and eventually
While short-term rental tax revenue is a “Some landlords do great jobs and some do City allows unhosted rentals for 120 nights, City Council and Coastal Commission,
major consideration in many cities, it does- terrible jobs, and whether or not they’re on and none count hosted nights toward these according to a staff report.
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