Co Operatives Notes
Co Operatives Notes
Co Operatives Notes
Shania M. Alexander
They sell shares to their The members of a
members to make profits Cooperative elect a Board of
Membership is voluntary and Directors who will manage the
open without artificial business on their behalf.
restriction to all who qualify. Members have equal voting
Capital invested, whether as rights: one member one vote.
shares or loans, receives only Profits or surpluses belong to
a limited return. the members and should be
All co-operatives should distributed or otherwise
pursue social as well as applied in such manner as
commercial objectives. avoids one member gaining at
All co-operative organizations the expense of another.
should actively co-operate All co-operatives should
with one another in every consider environmental issues
practical way. in their day to day running.
Shania M. Alexander
State Assistance
Co-operatives may have the advantage
of patronage in the form of exemptions
and tax concessions and financial
assistance from the governments.
Decision making by members on specific
terms are democratized. Each member
has only one vote.
Additional Notes Pg. 447-448
Shania M. Alexander