3.5 Alchemical Items

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Alchemical Quiver

Price (Item Level): 2,000gp (6th)

Body Slot: — (worn)

Caster Level: 1st

Aura: Faint (DC 15) transmutation

Activation: Free (manipulation)

Weight: 2lb
An alchemical quiver is a standard quiver with pockets capable of carrying up to 30 lbs of
alchemical items. When drawing an arrow, one of those items, such as an acid flask, may be
applied to it. This is a free action, and any alchemical item up to 5 lbs can be applied to the arrow
before it is fired, where the alchemical item has its usual effects in addition to the arrow's.
Alchemical arrows can be continually fired as long as there is enough of the item available.
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item; stickSpC
Cost to Create: 1,000gp, 80 XP, 1 day
Alchemist Fire
Acid Flasks-Alchemist fire does 1d6 of fire damage to the main target, automatically setting it on fire and splashing
out to do 1 point of fire damage to all adjacent squares
Holy Water- 2d4 damage to an undead or evil creature, and can be poured out over incorporeal creatures which
makes it a handy weapon at lower levels against ghosts and evil there-not-there enemies.
Antitoxin- +5 to save
Antiplague- +5 to save
Tanglefoot Bag-
These two items are very undervalued for their strategic capabilities in a fight. Thunderstones have a range of 20
feet, a radius of 10 feet from the point of impact, and they require a DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid being deafened
for an hour. That's a -4 to Initiative, a 20 percent miscast chance on spells, and a field day for rogues who only have
to worry about keeping out of sight instead of being heard creeping up. This is a big boon, but the problem is that it
comes with a relatively low save. A 15 is a terrifying proposition at lower levels, with even fighters and barbarians
being at a 50/50 shot to avoid being deafened. As the threat levels increase and creatures get bigger, badder, and
have Fortitude saves that would make PCs cry if they could see them, these stones may seem pretty useless. On the
other hand, spellcasters are squishy at nearly any level, and the potential to lose spells makes one round spent to
chuck a thunderstone seem like a pretty worthy endeavor when it could save you from a fireball or a flamestrike.
The thunderstone's companion, also found on page 160 of the Core Rulebook, is the humble smokestick. It creates a
10-foot cube of smoke as per the fog cloud spell, and unless the smoke is blown away by a strong wind (not
common in dungeon settings) the cloud provides concealment. Said concealment works both ways sadly, but for
those players who need to hide from archers, who need a distraction to make a stealth check, or who need a ninja-
vanish for a retreat, smokesticks are a great way to Batman in or out of a fight.
Sticky Situations
Tanglefoot bags have become a phobia for several DMs, and for good reason. While players rarely use these items
they are a great way to debuff a villain regardless of the thrower's class or combat capabilities. On a direct hit it
requires a DC 15 Reflex save, or the creature is stuck to the floor. If the creature was flying the results on a failure
mean that it crashes. Even if the target makes the save though, it's entangled for 2d4 rounds. That's half movement
speed, -2 on attack rolls, -4 on Dexterity related checks, and a concentration check of 15+spell level any time it tries
to cast a spell. While it doesn't work on anything bigger than Large size, a tanglefoot bag can be a huge pain in the
butt for any enemy of the appropriate size.
Tanglefoot bags come in other flavors though! The tangleshot arrow (found in Elves of Golarion) is still a touch
attack, but it has the ability to be drawn and fired like any other arrow complete with range (well, half the range
anyway) and rate of fire. The trade off is that it's only a DC 10 Reflex save not to be stuck to the floor, and the
concentration check is only DC 10+spell level. On the other hand, a barrage of these arrows can very quickly stick
your enemies in their tracks. Also, for those who prefer the flavor of the friendly neighborhood web slinger, there's
Spider Sac (found in the Advanced Race Guide). Spider Sac is, more or less, a 10 foot web-shooter that can be used
when climbing, swinging through the air, falling, or it can be used as a lasso when a touch attack is made against an
opponent. This leaves the opponent entangled, and at the end of your rope.
Weapon Blanches
Weapon blanch comes in a variety of shapes and styles. When applied to a blade it gives that blade the ability to
overcome different kinds of damage reduction, or in the case of ghost salts the ability to hit incorporeal creatures.
These items are typically considered useful until the players can start buying magic weapons, but it never hurts to
keep blanch on hand for fighting creatures whose DR isn't going to be pierced by the weapon you've got.
An Ounce of Prevention, And A Pound of Cure
One of the most overlooked items that players can use are Antitoxins and Antiplague (the former in the Core
Rulebook, the latter in the Advanced Player's Guide). These things give a +5 bonus to poison and disease saves
respectively for an hour once ingested. They're great to keep on hand in case plague-born undead start reaching out
from the streets for you, or in case an assassin with a trademarked poison has marked a party for death. They need to
be used carefully, but a +5 bonus is nothing to sneeze at when it comes to staying healthy. Soothe Syrup (found in
the Advanced Player's Guide as well) has a similar effect on sickened and nauseated characters. Lastly, for those
who want to be prepared when battle breaks out, it's a good idea to take a draught of Troll Oil. This disgusting brew
automatically stabilizes characters that have drunk it (for one hour), and it has a 50% chance to end any bleed
Alchemical items can also fix you right up even if you don't take them before getting hurt. Bloodblock (from the
Advanced Player's Guide) ends any bleed effect instantly, and provides a +5 bonus on Heal checks as if the person
had used a healer's kit. Smelling Salts (from the Advanced Player's Guide) give players who are rendered
unconscious or staggered by a spell effect a new save, and they automatically revive a dying character to
consciousness. A handy trick if the fighter needs to drink a healing potion or the cleric needs to channel energy, but
they're currently at negative hit points. For those who don't have access to magical healing, or for those occasions
where the healer is dying, a dose of Troll Styptic (Seekers of Secrets) is a great field dressing. It automatically ends
all bleeding effects and ongoing damage, granting the recipient 2d4 rounds of fast healing 2. It does require a
Fortitude save of 15 to not be sickened while the dressing does its work, but being a troll is far from pleasant.
Miscellaneous Alchemical Items You Should Keep Around
Sometimes it isn't worth stocking up on a certain alchemical item, but it's still nice to have in a pinch. Some of these
Ward Gel: Made for particular elements, this gel acts as protection from energy 5 up to 20 points of damage for one
hour. Great for raiding dragons and frost giants alike!
Bachelor's Snuff: Golarion birth control, this snuff renders male humanoids sterile for 2-3 days or so.
Smoke Pellets: The original ninja-vanish, these items are great for quick distractions that confuse enemies and
allow for fast escapes (or assaults).
Everburning Torch and Sunrods: With so many characters that can't see in the dark, don't you want to have a few
of these handy?
Clear Ear: It provides a +2 alchemical bonus on Perception and Knowledge checks, but a -2 on Charisma. Cranky
rogues anyone?
Barbarian Chew: Side effects may include ugly red teeth, and an extra round of Rage if a barbarian enters it in the
next hour after chewing.
Alchemical Hellfire[edit]
It looks like alchemist fire, but the liquid burns brightly as if already alight. Don't shake it, it might explode.
Devilish alchemists sought to capture the power of hellfire into their dark chemicals and succeeded all too well, as
their tower burned to the ground. Fortunately the secrets of alchemist hellfire was found, skipping the dark methods
used to learn its initial creation. Alchemist hellfire operates like alchemist's fire in every way, but it is hellfire
damage which ignores fire resistance and treats immunity as half damage. Alchemist hellfire is dangerously
unstable. Whenever subject to extreme shaking (that is, anything that would require a Concentration check to cast a
spell) the user must make a level check of d20 + your character level + Dexterity against DC 15. If you fail, the
alchemical hellfire you have on you explodes in a 5 ft radius burst centered on you, dealing 1d6 hellfire for every
alchemical hellfire on you, with a DC 15 Reflex save for half. You yourself do not get a saving throw. Fortunately,
merely taking damage or moving in combat is not enough shaking for it to explode.
Storing alchemical hellfire in an extradimensional space like a handy haversack is safest, as the folded space is
unaffected by your shaking. Any alchemical hellfire in your hand can still explode of course.
Though divorced from its evil origins, alchemical hellfire still has a small mote of darkness about it. It deals double
base damage against creatures with the [Good] subtype.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25. Market Price 100 gp.
Alchemical Lava[edit]
This heavy glass sphere has a lump of black pockmarked stone perfectly molded inside the glass. On breaking, the
black mass rapidly heats up to red hot temperatures.
Strange alchemical methods can be applied to molten lava and stabilize it, forming "meltstone", which solidifies into
shape but retains an unnatural warmth. The energy held within the lava has not escaped, and when jostled with
heavy impact it returns to its molten state. Alchemical lava operates like alchemist's fire, except it deals 2d6 fire
damage and does not catch the target on fire. Instead, the lava sticks to them, dealing an additional 1d6 fire damage
for 1d3 rounds after the initial strike. It is actual lava, and usually cools into glass or pumice afterward.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 20. Market Price 60 gp.
This substance can be applied to a weapon as a standard action. It will give the weapon the properties of alchemical
silver for 1 hour, replacing the properties of any other special material it might have. One vial will coat a single
melee weapon or 20 units of ammunition.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item; Price 250 gp.

Alchemical Torch[edit]
We combined a torch and a tindertwig.
When struck against a rough surface as a standard action or as an attack, the alchemical torch
ignites and stays lit for 1 hour, clearly illuminating a 20-foot radius and providing shadowy
illumination out to a 40-foot radius.
If an alchemical torch is used in combat, treat it as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals
bludgeoning damage equal to that of a gauntlet of its size, plus 1 point of fire damage.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 20. Market Price 1 gp. Weight 1 lb.
Enhanced Alchemical Torch[edit]
Using a greater concentration of alchemical agents, an enhanced alchemical torch is otherwise
like an alchemical torch, but counts as a protected flame against winds. It stays lit (even when
wet or submerged in water) for 10 minutes.
Craft (Alchemy) DC 25. Market Price 2 gp. Weight 1 lb.

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