UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template: Course: EDU 450

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UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

Name: Program: Elementary Course: EDU 450

Melissa Eelman Education
Lesson Topic / Title:
Special quadrilaterals
Lesson Date: 2/9/18 Lesson Length: 55min Grade/Age: 5th

Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and
performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals based on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Students will be able to explain why a

quadrilateral is classified in a particular way This is the objective in the book. It goes along with
based on its attributes learning goal 2.

Learning Target: We are learning to explain

how to classify a quadrilateral based on its

Success Criteria
-Identify properties of each quadrilateral
-Determine which properties apply to a given
-Classify the quadrilateral using 1 or more
Explain why the quadrilateral is classified in a
specific way

Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.G.B.3 This is the standard for this topic in the Envisions

Understand that attributes belonging to a category curriculum.
of two-dimensional figures also belong to all
subcategories of that category. For example, all
rectangles have four right angles and squares are
rectangles, so all squares have four right angles
Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance and determines
best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Formative assessment (5 min): I will draw a shape This formative assessment allows me to check for
on the board and students will use whiteboards to understanding. Students who demonstrate that they
identify the shape in as many ways as possible, I will need more practice or do not understand the concept
put a check plus next to their name on a checklist if will have further instruction in a small group or 1 on
they get all of them a check if they name more than 1 1 depending how many students need assistance.
and a check minus if they name it only one way The whiteboards allow me to check in with all
(except the trapezoid) If they choose the wrong students at once.
name I will make an x next to their name. This will
give me an idea of who I need to work with during
independent practice

Self- Assessment- Traffic light (1min) Students

will use sticky notes with their name on it to mark The traffic light is a good way for students to think
where they are at with their understanding. about where they are at and also gives me another
opportunity to see which students need more
support with the topic. Students can determine
which worksheet they should take based on their
Independent Practice (10 min) Students will
complete an independent practice worksheet. They The independent practice worksheets are leveled so
can choose re-teaching or practice. that students can work at their level. Giving students
choice keeps them engaged and allows them to feel
confident in themselves. I will work with students in
a small group who struggle with the independent
practice the next day using the re-teaching activity in
the back of the book.

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in reviewing
instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner needs.
Materials, Resources, and/or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
-Computer to play the Envisions video
-Worksheets for the independent practice
-Paper Shapes for the opening activity
-Whiteboards for the formative assessment
-Sticky notes and traffic light for the student self-
-Teacher edition of Envisions for reference
-Student math books for guided practice

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks by using a

Rev 8/17
variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning accessible to all learners and
support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

Introduction: (3min) I will have a student read the It is important to involve students in the learning
learning target and students will take a minute to target so that they know what they are working
discuss it. towards

Opening activity (10 min) I will break the class

into 2 groups of 5. I will hand out 5 different
quadrilaterals to each group, 1 per person. Students
need to try to find at least 1 other person in their
group who has a shape that has something in Allowing students to make their own discoveries is
common with theirs, other than the fact that it is a important in the learning process.
quadrilateral, if possible. (For the trapezoid that will
be the only similarity) I will tell students that there is
1 quadrilateral that only shares the same number of
sides and does not share any other properties
I will circle around and prompt students to think
about sides, angles, parallel lines etc.

We will go around the room and discuss the

similarities that students find. (10 min)
Discussion helps students to learn from one another.
Students will return to the carpet with their shapes I
will call out a property of a
quadrilateral/quadrilaterals. Students will hold their
shape up if the property fits. We will use this to This is a good way for students to see the
discuss how some shapes are special cases of other connections between shapes.
shapes (a square is also a rectangle). (5 min)
Instructional Dialogue
Formative assessment (5 min): I will draw a shape “Look at the shape you have. Hold up the shapes that
on the board and students will use whiteboards to have 4 equal sides. What are you holding up (square
identify the shape in as many ways as possible, I will and rhombus) So, what should we call a shape with 4
put a check plus next to their name on a checklist if equal sides? Both rhombus and square fit but if we
they get all of them, a check if they name more than 1 wanted the most general name what would it be?
and a check minus if they name it only one way Could you call a square a rhombus?” (Yes, a square
(except the trapezoid) If they choose the wrong fits all of the qualifications to be a rhombus.)
name I will make an x next to their name. This will
give me an idea of who I need to work with during
independent practice The whiteboards worked well previously and
students really enjoyed them. I can also check all
Learning Bridge video-( 5 min), Students will students understanding at the same time. The
watch the envisions video to reinforce the concept. assessment allows me to see which students are on
the right track and which students need more
Guided Practice 5 min- We will do numbers 1,3 and
5 in the book for guided practice

Quick self- assessment with the traffic light

(1min) Students will use sticky notes with their
name on it to mark where they are at with their This video is required by Envisions and reinforces
understanding. the concept using a visual.

This is an important step in the workshop model,

students are moving from “I do” to “we do”. This
progression scaffolds their learning.

The traffic light is a good way for students to think

Independent Practice (10 min) Students will about where they are at and also gives me another
complete an independent practice worksheet. They opportunity to see which students need more
can choose re-teaching or practice. support with the topic. Students can determine
which worksheet they should take based on their
self-assessment. Re-teaching is for students who do
not feel comfortable with the topic and practice is for
students who feel that they have at least some
understanding of the topic

Closure (1min): Students will determine whether or The independent practice is a formative assessment
not they met the learning target for the day. We will but also gives students a chance to work with the
use thumbs up for met, thumbs to the side for material that they just learned. The worksheets are
partially met and thumbs down for did not meet. leveled so that students can work at their level.
Giving students choice keeps them engaged and
allows them to feel confident in themselves. I will
work with students in a small group who struggle
with the independent practice the next day using the
re-teaching activity in the back of the book.

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

extensions, modifications, accommodations)

Differentiation Choice is motivating for my students. In addition,

Students can choose which level worksheet they students are given the opportunity to work at their
would like. own level.

An enrichment worksheet is available for students It is important to provide a challenge for students
who finish early. I anticipate C.M, R.C, and M.P. might who find the concept easy.
finish early because they are strong math students.

No IEP modifications or accommodations are

necessary for this lesson Misconceptions
The video explains that a parallelogram has at least 1
pair of parallel sides. Students may think that this
means that a trapezoid is a parallelogram. (I need to
clarify this because the video makes it confusing)
Field Course Only – Post lesson

This lesson went much better than I expected it to. The whiteboards were extremely useful. Each student
was able to do the guided practice and show me what they knew. I didn’t originally plan on using the
whiteboards for the guided practice but it was a good choice by the students that I went along with. I will
continue to use the whiteboards because for the most part the students were mature with them and really
enjoyed them. It also kept all students engaged during the guided practice. All of the students felt that they
at least partially met the learning goal for the day and all but 1 self-assessed as green. This is the first lesson
that has happened and I think it has to do with the hands-on activity and discussion at the beginning of the
lesson. Students made their own observations about the similarities and I think that helped them to
remember. I am glad I designed my own opening activity for this one because I think the other one would
not have been as effective. I encouraged all students to take the practice worksheet and they seemed to do
well with it. If I were to teach this lesson again I would plan to use the whiteboards for guided practice. I
would also make sure to keep the groups closer together so I could see them both at the same time during
the opening activity. The results of the independent practice demonstrate that students understood the
concept. 7 students fully met the goal and 3 students partially met the goal.

Teaching Standards and Rationale

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