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How To Use Radiofacsimile Weather Maps

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How to Use

Weather Maps

by: Kenneth E. Lilly, Jr.


Wind ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Waves ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Fog ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Superstructure Icing ..................................................................................................................................... 6


Analysis Maps .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Prognosis Charts .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Recognizing Weather Patterns ...................................................................................................................... 9
Typical progressive weather pattern .................................................................................................. 9
Explosive development of storms ................................................................................................... 11
The Omega block ............................................................................................................................ 12
Fronts and frontal movement ......................................................................................................... 13
Tropical weather .............................................................................................................................. 14
Basic Forecasting Techniques .................................................................................................................... 14
Extended Outlooks ..................................................................................................................................... 16


Weather Example I ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Weather Example II .................................................................................................................................... 19

Glossary of Terms ...................................................................................................................................... 21

Symbols used on Surface Weather Maps ................................................................................................... 23

Additional Reading .................................................................................................................................... 25


1 Winds around low (L) and high (H) pressure centers in the Northern
Hemisphere ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Superstructure icing situation from a low pressure system shown on a sur-
face weather map ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
3 Typical progressive weather pattern on a surface weather map ................................................................................ 9
4 Typical jet stream paths over the eastern North Pacific Ocean ............................................................................... 10
5 Explosive development of a storm .......................................................................................................................... 11
6 Blocking high at the 500 millibar and surface level ................................................................................................. 12
7 Development of fronts and the «dumbbell effect.» ................................................................................................. 13
8 Forecasting positions of low and high center, fronts and strong wind areas
using two surface weather maps. ............................................................................................................................ 15
9 Suggested weather map display using station NPM charts ..................................................................................... 17
10 NPM surface analysis versus the 500 mb prog. ....................................................................................................... 18
11 NPM surface weather analysis charts for Weather Example II. .............................................................................. 20



I Conversion of millibars to inches of mercury ................................................................................. .............................. 2
II Significant wave height versus wind speed, duration, fetch ......................................................................................... 5
III Frontal weather .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
The purpose of this booklet is to show techniques that can be applied to effectively use radlofacsimile
weather maps at sea and to give the basic information needed to understand the development of waves and the
weather. The booklet is supplemented with a separate pamphlet containing sample maps and the latest broad-
cast schedules for radiofacsimile stations in the U.S. and Canada.


I. INTRODUCTION ing maps that eventually covered the entire country. Fore-
casts were primitive by today’s standards as they were only
It was once remarked by Benjamin Franklin that «some valid eight hours into the future. Improvements came rap-
men are weatherwise but most are otherwise», which was idly for land areas, but lagged considerably for mariners
certainly true back in his day because it was impossible to because there was no way the seafarer could send obser-
get an understanding of the weather patterns from the few vations from his vessel to meteorological offices ashore.
stations that made observations. Folklore methods hand- This situation changed shortly before WWI when radio-
ed down from ancient times were about the only methods telegraphy came into use, permitting real time observations
used by sailors to forecast the coming weather. Most of us to be sent to shore where they could be analysed, and, in
have found the old maxim «rainbow at night, sailor’s de- turn, forecasts could be sent back to the vessels at sea.
light; rainbow in the morn’, sailors take warn’» to be occa- As the radio equipment improved over the years, so
sionally true, but it fails us more often than not. Having a did the forecasts; however, the mariner was never able to
radiofacsimile recorder aboard your vessel clearly gives you get a detailed picture of the overall situation. Radiofacsim-
advantages far beyond any of the folklore sayings or just ile changed all that. A few of the advantages of radiofac-
trusting to plain luck. It is the purpose of this publication simile are:
to show you what weather charts, you actually need to 1. You can sec the weather pattern almost at a glance
help you track this weather, how to interpret them, and and can follow most changes with case.
finally, how to make judgements about future weather and 2. You can use the maps to see some of the facts
sea conditions. that were used by the meteorologist when he is-
A very large number of different types of radiofacsim- sued the marine forecast. (The latest marine fore-
ile charts are broadcast by various organizations through- cast for your location should always be aboard,
out the world, but we use as examples those produced by too.)
the United States and Canada for the North Pacific Ocean. 3. You can make a general weather prediction for
The principles learned in this publication can be applied to your track or area up to 72 hours ahead.
weather charts put out by any nation due to standards set 4. You can often plan evasive action and avoid the
forth by the World Meteorological Organization and adopt- worst of a storm before you are in it.
ed by all nations. By the time you finish this booklet, you 5. If a storm is unavoidable, you can get a good
should not only be able to keep track of the weather, but idea how long it will last.
also be able to anticipate what changes will occur. It will 6. Some of the sea surface temperature charts can
be essential to become familiar with the symbols used on be used to locate warm and cold patches of water
weather maps to represent wind speed and direction (see where certain species of fish tend to congregate.
symbol figs.) Before you read Section II if you have not Naturally, you can think of other advantages for your
used weather maps before. particular situation, but the list shows that having actual
The broadcasting of actual weather maps to ships at maps aboard permits you to judge the situation much bet-
sea by civilian organizations is a relatively new innovation ter than by relying on forecasts alone or just trusting to
that was begun in the U.S. in 1971 by the National Weath- luck. To get the most out of the maps as possible, the im-
er Service with the cooperation of the U.S. Coast Guard portant factors that affect the weather and the state of the
(USCG). (However, weather maps have been drawn in this sea need to be examined.
country on a regular basis since 1870, though initially for
only the eastern part of the nation.) As methods of com-
municating improved more and more observations could
be collected at a central location and then used for produc-


The four weather elements that affect operations
at sea the most are wind, waves, fog, and superstruc-
ture icing. (In some areas sea ice is important)

The strength of the wind is directly related to the differ- error, which, in turn, permits isobars to be drawn on a com-
ence IN barometric pressure between two points The sur- mon sea level reference plane. Centers of high pressure
face weather map, which depicts the weather pattern next and low pressure can be determined as well as the shape
to the earth’s surface, shows the pressure pattern through of the general weather pattern.
the use of isobars (pronounced «eye-so-bars»). Isobars are The pressures found on weather maps arc in millibars
lines connecting points of equal sea level pressure, and the (mb or MB) instead of inches of mercury (the height of a
closer they are together, the stronger the wind will be. The column of mercury in an evacuated tube due to the weight
barometric readings used to draw the isobars are collected of the air). Table I shows the conversion of millibars to
from ships at sea and a large number of land stations along inches of mercury for the range of pressures normally en-
with a few readings from environmental weather buoys countered at sea level.
moored in the ocean. Corrections are applied to many of
the readings to compensate for elevation and instrument

Conversion of Millibars to Inches of Mercury
(1 mb = 0.02953 in. of mercury)


940 27,76 970 28,64 1000 29,53 1030 30,42

941 27,79 971 28,67 1001 29,56 1031 30,45
942 27,82 972 28,70 1002 29,59 1032 30,48
943 27,85 973 28,73 1003 29,62 1033 30,50
944 27,88 974 28,76 1004 29,65 1034 30,53
945 27,91 975 28,79 1005 29,68 1035 30,56
946 27,94 976 28,82 1006 29,71 1036 30,59
947 27,97 977 28,85 1007 29,74 1037 30,62
948 27,99 978 28,88 1008 29,77 1038 30,65
949 28,02 979 28,91 1009 29,80 1039 30,68

950 28,05 980 28,94 1010 29,83 1040 30,71

951 28,08 981 28,97 1011 29,86 1041 30,74
952 28,11 982 29,00 1012 29,88 1042 30,77
953 28,14 983 29,03 1013 29,91 1043 30,80
954 28,17 984 29,06 1014 29,94 1044 30,83
955 28,20 985 29,09 1015 29,97 1045 30,86
956 28,23 986 29,12 1016 30,00 1046 30,89
957 28,26 987 29.15 1017 30,03 1047 30,92
958 28,29 988 29,18 1018 30,06 1048 30,95
959 28,32 989 29,21 1019 30,09 1049 30,98

960 28,35 990 29,24 1020 30,12 1050 31,01

961 28,38 991 29,26 1021 30,15 1051 31,04
962 28,41 992 29,29 1022 30,18 1052 31,07
963 28,44 993 29,32 1023 30,21 1053 31,10
964 28,47 994 29,35 1024 30,24 1054 31,13
965 28,50 995 29,38 1025 30,27 1055 31,15
966 28,53 996 29,41 1026 30,30 1056 31,18
967 28,56 997 29,44 1027 30,33 1057 31,21
968 28,59 998 29,47 1028 30,36 1058 31,24
969 28,62 999 29,50 1029 30,39 1059 31,27
When viewed from space, the wind direction is clock- more curved near the center of the low. The isobars would
wise around a high pressure center and counter-clockwise have to be much closer together at A to get the same
around a low pressure center in the Northern Hemisphere. strength of wind found at B.
In the Southern Hemisphere, the winds are counterclock- Refer to boxed area enclosed by dashed lines. Straight
wise around a high and clockwise around a low. Over wa- isobars spaced closely together create high winds and seas.
ters bounded by land masses, the wind tends to blow from Refer to line CD. The same effect on wind speed due
higher pressure toward lower pressure in directions orient- to curvature of the isobars occurs as along line AB, but
ed by the terrain. Figure 1 shows some of the important changes in wind speed due to changes in latitude also oc-
features about the wind in lows and highs. cur. Winds near D are 80 knots versus 50 knots nearer to N
The isobars in the figure are labeled every four milli- for the same 1° of latitude spacing between isobars and for
bars with the 10 or 9 preceding the value omitted (e.g., 28 the same curvature of the isobars. Thus, the lower the lati-
= 1028 mb, 24 = 1024 mb ... 00 = 1000 mb, 96 = 996 mb, tude, the stronger the winds will be, providing the isobaric
92 = 992 mb, etc.). Winds usually blow at a 10° to 30° spacing and curvature are equivalent to that found at high-
angle to the isobars toward lower pressure over the open er latitudes. This relationship, for theoretical reasons be-
ocean, but over (he land, the wind direction is highly af- yond (the scope of this booklet, begins to break down be-
fected by the terrain. low about 15° to 20° of latitude and does not apply at all at
Refer to line AB along latitude 50°N. Note that the iso- the equator.
bars are evenly spaced (1° of latitude apart in this case), Refer to E. Winds blow easterly out of the bay due to
but that the winds increase from 35 knots near A to 50 higher pressure at the head of the bay than at its mouth.
knots near B. This is due to the fact that (lie isobars are The terrain funnels the wind.


The winds shown in Figure 1 would be typical for a isobaric spacing in fjords, passes, and between islands
weather pattern having the isobars oriented as they are, where the air is tunneled by the land.
but each pattern is different and has to be judged on its Similarly, if the distance between isobars is 1/2° lati-
own merits. In some cases, the isobars will be much clos- tude, the wind speeds double in both cases, and if the
er toward the center of the low, and the storm will have spacing is 2° of latitude, the wind speed is half what it is
much higher winds toward the center despite the curva- at 1° spacing. We have assumed that the curvature and
ture of the isobars. Wind speed is also affected by the stability of the air mass is the same in all these cases.
stability of the air mass. If the map you arc using has eight millibar isobaric
If the air is colder than the water, it is heated from intervals, then the assumptions we have just discussed
below, which causes the air to rise and mix with the air do not apply very well because we do not know where
aloft. The effect of this is to cause higher winds aloft to the intervening isobars should be drawn. When applying
be brought to the surface in strong gusts and a general these rules, always check to determine if the isobars are
increase in the prevailing wind. This is why cold winds drawn at four millibar intervals and that they arc drawn
from the land during late fall through early spring can be in smooth, not wiggly lines which come together and
very hazardous to vessels in more northerly latitudes. The spread apart erratically. Isobars drawn in this fashion have
cold wind gets a strong bite on the water, causing steep not been drawn to acceptable standards.
waves and perhaps icing due to the sub-freezing temper-
atures and flying spray. Conversely, if the air is warmer WAVES
than the water, it is cooled from below and does not read-
ily mix vertically. The winds creating the waves are not Waves may be nothing more than tiny ripples on a
as likely to be as strong as they otherwise would be in glassy sea to gigantic cascading walls of water capable of
this case. This is not to say, however, that high seas can- terrible damage. For example, over the period October
not be created by warm winds, for they certainly can be. 22 and 23, 1968, a storm off the British Columbia coast
By using the most recent surface weather maps and sent a 100 foot wave into the drilling rig SEDCO 135F in
surface weather prognosis (forecast) maps, we can tell Queen Charlotte Sound. Fortunately, the structure had
whether the wind will be coming from colder land or sea been designed so that the working platform was more
ice areas. Unfortunately, most of the surface weather maps than 100 feet above the water level. Anyone who has spent
we get have few actual wind speeds and directions plot- any length of lime at sea will sooner or later have his own
ted on them. (However, the Navy’s Preliminary Surface stories of harrowing experiences with waves.
Analysis charts from station NPM at Pearl Harbor do have Through the use of radiofacsimile wave height prog-
a number of computer derived surface winds.) We are nosis charts and surface weather maps, some hazardous
faced, in most cases, with the task of making an estimate circumstances can be anticipated, though not all, as these
ourselves. extremely unusual circumstances are not that frequent
Determining the wind speed and direction at a given and are beyond present day forecasting methods. The
point on the surface weather map can be done using cer- eight factors most important in creating waves are:
tain techniques that are too involved to be shown here, 1. Wind speed.
but we should be aware of the important factors involved. 2. Wind duration.
Basically, the speed depends on the distance between the 3. Length of wind fetch (distance of water over
isobars bracketing either side of the point of interest; the which the wind blows).
latitude of the point; the radius of curvature of the iso- 4. Width of the body of water (not a factor in open
bars bracketing the point; and the type of curvature of ocean).
the isobars (i.e., are the isobars curving around a low or a 5. Depth of water.
high pressure center?). Additionally, the stability of the 6. Set (direction) and drift (speed) of water cur-
air as discussed above must be considered. rents.
As a very general rule, isobars that are drawn at four 7. Air and water temperature differences.
millibar intervals spaced 1° latitude (60nm) apart will cre- 8. Rate of rainfall.
ate winds of gale force or higher in the areas where the Waves on the open ocean will continually develop
isobars appear very curved and storm force winds in are- under a given wind speed, duration, and fetch until they
as where the isobars appear straight or nearly so. Gale reach the maximum height they can attain for those
force winds are 34-47 knots and storm force winds are 48 conditions. Table II illustrates this point. Notice that
knots and up. Winds can be much higher than this for 1° most of the development occurs with a fetch of only
100 nm and that longer fetches do not dramatically increase es. By using the surface weather charts and surface weath-
the heights except at higher wind speeds. er prognosis charts, a reasonable estimate of wind direc-
The faster the wind, the higher the waves get in a short- tion can be made.
er period of time. This can also be verified from Table II. In Finally, heavy rainfall helps reduce the development of
their initial stage of development, waves are steeper be- waves because the less dense fresh water tends to slide
cause the wind energy is «pumped» in faster than the waves across the sea surface when the wind blows, which retards
can adjust. The shallower the water, the smaller the locally the transfer of energy from the wind to the sea. This effect
generated waves will be; however, depths .of less than about is most noticeable in tropical climates where extremely
100 fathoms arc needed to observe this effect. Higher waves heavy downpours can almost quench the waves.
coming from off the open ocean over shallower banks are Marine forecasts and wave prognosis charts give pre-
going to become higher and steeper as they enter the sho- dictions of the significant wave height—the height of the
aler water. waves that turns out to be very close to what the ex-
A current of over two knots flowing in opposition to perienced mariner would report them to be. As mentioned
the wind and/or waves or within about 45° of them will earlier, it is the average height of the highest one third of
create higher and steeper waves than if the current flowed the waves. The following relationships are useful when
with them. Strong tidal currents, such as in Cook Inlet, using forecasts or wave charts:
Alaska or strong ocean currents, such as the Japanese Cur- • Most frequent wave height = 0.5 x significant wave
rent or Gulf Stream, can have profound effects on the height height.
and steepness of the waves. • Average wave height = 0.6 x significant wave height.
Cold air blowing over warmer water will create higher • Highest 10% of the waves = 1.3 x significant wave
and steeper waves than a warm wind having the same speed height.
blowing over colder water. The waves will also develop in • One wave in 1,175 is likely to be 1.9 times the sig-
a much shorter period of time with the cold wind. This nificant wave height.
factor is important in the fall, winter, and spring months in • One wave in 300.000 may be up to 2.5 times the
northerly latitudes when air comes off the colder land mass- significant wave height.
Significant Wave Height (ft.)
Versus Wind Speed, Duration, Fetch
Wind Fetch (nm) Wind Fetch (nm)
Duration Duration
(hours) 20 50 100 200 300 400 500 (hours) 20 50 100 200 300 400 500

1 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1
2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9 4,9
3 2,4 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 2,8 3 5,6 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0 7,0
6 2,4 3,9 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 4,0 6 5,6 8,4 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8 9,8
12 2,4 3,9 4,3 4,6 4,6 4,6 4,6 12 5,6 8,4 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0
24 2,4 3,9 4,3 4,9 5,0 5,0 5,0 24 5,6 8,4 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0

Wind Fetch (nm) Wind Fetch (nm)
Duration Duration
(hours) 20 50 100 200 300 400 500 (hours) 20 50 100 200 300 400 500

1 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 1 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4 8,4
2 9,1 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 11,0 2 15,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0
3 9,1 15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 15,0 3 15,0 25,0 25,0 25,0 25,0 25,0 25,0
6 9,1 16,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 18,0 6 15,0 25,0 29,0 30,0 30,0 30,0 30,0
12 9,1 16,0 18,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 20,0 12 15,0 25,0 29,0 32,0 32,0 32,0 32,0
24 9,1 16,0 18,0 20,0 21,0 21,0 21,0 24 15,0 25,0 29,0 32,0 32,0 32,0 33,0

Wind Fetch (nm) Wind Fetch (nm)
Duration Duration
(hours) 20 50 100 200 300 400 500 (hours) 20 50 100 200 300 400 500

1 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 16,0 1 28,0 28,0 28,0 28,0 28,0 28,0 28,0
2 21,0 32,0 32,0 32,0 32,0 32,0 20,0 2 28,0 47,0 47,0 47,0 47,0 47,0 47,0
3 21,0 35,0 39,0 39,0 39,0 39,0 39,0 3 28,0 47,0 53,0 53,0 53,0 53,0 53,0
6 21,0 35,0 42,0 44,0 44,0 44,0 44,0 6 28,0 47,0 53,0 56,0 56,0 56,0 56,0
12 21,0 35,0 42,0 46,0 46,0 46,0 46,0 12 28,0 47,0 53,0 56,0 56,0 56,0 56,0
24 21,0 35,0 42,0 46,0 46,0 47,0 47,0 24 28,0 47,0 53,0 56,0 56,0 56,0 56,0
NOTE: This table is only valid in open ocean area over 600 ft. deep and where water currents are less than two knots. Significant wave heights are in feet. (Significant height
is the average of the highest one third of the waves). Maximum wave heights may be up to twice the height shown in the table
When using a forecast or wave chart, keep in mind that tioned briefly here. Sea smoke or steam fog occurs when
the highest waves are not predicted and that waves ninety very cold and dry air flows out from frozen land masses
percent higher than the predicted height occur occasional- over warmer water. These wispy streamers of log may form
ly if the forecast proves correct. Fortunately, waves 2.5 ice on vessels, but it is usually not hazardous.
times as high as the significant height are rare, and a career
at sea can be spent without experiencing one. SUPERSTRUCTURE ICING

FOG When the air temperature drops below about 27°F,

spray from wind-blown wave tops and from spray thrown
Fog occurs when the air next to the sea surface is cooled up by the vessel itself will freeze on exposed areas of the
enough so that the water vapor present in the air condens- vessel. The rate of accumulation can become phenomenal
es into droplets. Fog may also occur when rain falls through with tragic consequences for the vessel and her crew. Cold
an underlying layer of much cooler air in which the winds winds off land or ice areas are the most likely to cause ic-
are too light to mix the air vertically. The additional water ing, especially in areas off the coast of Alaska. The surface
vapor from the rain brings the air layer to saturation and weather and surface weather prognosis charts can be used
fog forms. The densest and most persistent fogs arc due to to forewarn of offshore winds exceeding 15 to 20 knots.
the movement of warm moist air from southerly latitudes The winter months, of course, are (the favored months for
to northern latitudes or to areas where cold ocean waters icing to occur.
exist. The subject of icing is a fairly involved one since the
One of the foggiest areas in the world is in the vicinity type of vessel and her stability characteristics enter into
of the Aleutian Islands during the late spring to early fall the factors that have to be considered. Vessels with high
months due to warm air from southerly latitudes moving freeboard, such as ocean liners and large cargo ships, will
north along the west side of a high pressure weather pat- not be affected by icing as much as smaller vessels be-
tern that normally dominates the eastern Pacific Ocean at cause the spray may not be flying up high enough to reach
this time. As the air moves northward, it encounters colder topside structures. This also depends on how big the waves
water temperatures, eventually cooling enough to form fog. are and which way the vessel is heading. A fishing trawler
The resulting fogs can persist in winds of over 30 knots for with much lower freeboard is very susceptible to icing as
days at a time. The coasts of California and Oregon are records of sinkings each year in Alaska will attest to. The
other likely places for very extensive fog banks during the further offshore, the more chance the air has to be warmed
summer months because of the cold water just off the by the sea, so areas closer to shore (say within 150 to 200
shoreline. Sometimes the fog extends along the coasts of nm) can be areas where icing is most likely to occur. The
Washington and British Columbia. , state of the sea also needs to be taken into account when
Therefore, by keeping track of the weather pattern on considering the severity of icing because waves will be big-
the surface weather map, it can be seen where warmer air ger further offshore in a wind blowing from the land.
from the south might be carried northward into the Alaskan The western half of a deep low that has gale to storm
region. There will almost definitely be fog along the U.S. force winds or the eastern edge of a strong high pressure
West Coast if a high pressure system dominates the re- system are the types of weather patterns that can cause
gion. Clear nights and calm or light winds are conducive to icing conditions. Figure 2 shows an icing situation.
its formation in bays. Some of the surface weather maps The air temperatures will be well below freezing in
have areas outlined on them where fog is located at the the area approximated by the dashed line as the wind
time of observation for that chart. A change in the weather comes off the frozen land mass during winter. As the air
pattern, such as the approach of a front or strong winds continues to flow further to sea, it is heated by (he wa-
can be watched for to clear out the fog. Also, a change in ter until it reaches a temperature near that of the water
the wind direction in which air comes off the land will help itself. In the northeastern Pacific Ocean, temperatures
clear the fog. In places where sea breezes occur during the less than 32°F occur less than about five percent of the
summer, such as San Francisco or Cook Inlet, Alaska, fog time below 50°N over the open ocean. However, the
may be carried toward shore into adjacent bays and per- closer to land, the greater chance of encountering sub-
sist for days even in 20 knots of wind. freezing temperatures occurs if the wind comes from
One other type of fog occurs and will only be men- the land, even at latitudes below 50°.

Icing due to sea smoke is usually not as hazardous as on the vessel. Because of the calmer seas, it is often possi-
that from freezing spray because the wind is usually light, ble to send people topside to knock some of the accumu-
and the only icing is due to the freezing of the fog droplets lation off.



There are two types of weather maps:
analysis and prognosis maps

ANALYSIS MAPS use in checking for changes in the weather pattern, We can
relate the weather map to what we actually see is happen-
These maps, as the name implies, are based on ing. The shipboard barometer reading
Weather observations from which patterns of highs and with which comparison to the map is made must give a
lows as well as the locations of weather fronts are drawn. true sea level pressure reading, which usually means that
Much of the accuracy of the chart depends on the skill of the barometer reading has corrections applied to compen-
the meteorologist or analyst who draws the pattern based sate for elevation and instrument error. All isobars on the
on his interpretation of the observations. chart are for sea level pressure, and (the reading we use for
Undoubtedly, the surface weather analysis charts are comparison with the chart must be the one taken at the
going to be the most frequently used because they are the time of observation used on the analysis. Do not be sur-
ones which depict what the actual pattern looked like at a prised if your reading differs somewhat from the pressure
certain time. Weather observations are taken world wide at at your position on the analysis. Your weather report (if
specific times (0000, 0600, 1200, and 1800 GMT). From you are involved with the weather observation program)
these observations and the use of satellite pictures of the may not have been used on the analysis for one reason or
cloud tops, the surface analysis charts are drawn for the another (Sometimes reports get lost in transmission to the
ocean and land areas every six hours. However, of the U.S. various meteorological centers!). If you are not in the
radiofacsimile sources, only the Navy broadcasts a chart weather observing program, then your observation could
for each of these times. The NWS charts are transmitted not have been used in any case. The observations were
for the observations taken at 0000, 1200, and 1800 GMT. analyzed using the best information available, and some
There are two important factors to keep in mind when guesswork has to be used in placing isobars where data do
using any surface analysis map. First, the weather pattern not exist. Besides the surface weather analysis charts, there
over the ocean outside the major shipping lanes may be are some others that have more specialized applications.
based on very few observations. In some cases, only one The sea surface temperature (SST) analysis charts con-
observation may be available for an area larger than Texas. sist of isotherms (lines connecting points of equal temper-
Meteorologists have techniques for partially compensat- ature) delineating regions of various water temperatures.
ing for the lack of observations, but the locations of low Since changes in ocean temperatures take place rather slow-
and high centers may be in error by more than a hundred ly as compared to the atmosphere, these maps may be
miles. Aboard ship we have no indication how many ob- updated only once or twice a week. They are derived from
servations were used for each chart, so whether the analy- measurements of’ sea temperature from engine intake tem-
sis is precise or not has to be left to trust. Second, the anal- peratures, bathythermograph measurements, and weather
ysis chart is not showing the pattern as it exists at time of satellite pictures.
receipt aboard the ship, but is the pattern as it was some
three to six hours earlier depending on which maps we PROGNOSIS CHARTS
elect to copy. This will be important in those weather situ-
ations that are changing rapidly, such as deepening lows The prognosis («prog» for short) charts normally used
moving at 40 knots. By the time we receive the chart, the are the surface weather prog, the significant wave height
lows may be from 120 to 240 miles from where they are prog, and perhaps the 500 millibar prog. There are other
shown on the analysis. This can be compensated for by prognosis charts, such as weather depiction charts show-
simple methods that will be discussed lately ing the types of clouds and weather expected over the
Use of a shipboard barometer along with changes in ocean, but most information needed is available from the
the wind and other weather elements are valuable aids to three types of charts mentioned above.
The prog charts showing weather patterns at the sur- one-third to one-half that of the jet found at 500 millibars.
face and the 500 millibar level (about 4,800 to 6,200 meters Jet streams sometimes split into two parts with one part
above the earth’s surface) are produced by computers. As
heading in a northerly direction and the other branch in a
might be expected, the further into the future the progno-
sis, the more inaccurate it is likely to be. Thus, prog charts southerly direction. Weather fronts moving into such a
that predict for 12 to 48 hours ahead will usually be more «split» are literally torn in two with parts of the cloud mass
precise than ones that are for 72 hours, especially in fast branching off into the two streams. The area underneath
changing weather situations. or cast of the split may experience very nice weather as a
In order to predict the weather pattern beyond 36 hours, result.
computer prog charts arc needed because the method of The lines drawn on the 500 millibar prog look similar
simply advancing highs, lows, and fronts based on their to isobars, but instead of being lines connecting points of
previous movements on the weather analysis maps become equal pressure, they connect points of equal elevation
very unreliable. Experience has shown that the 500 milli- where the pressure measures 500 millibars. They are called
bar progs are usually more accurate in predicting the up- contour height lines or simply contours. The closer the
per level weather patterns than the surface weather progs contours arc together, the faster the winds. The Navy broad-
are in predicting sea level patterns. The upper level progs casts a whole series of 500 millibar progs as well as other
can be used to locate the jet stream as well as locations of upper level progs.
upper highs and lows; and from this information, a judge-
ment can be made of whether or not the weather will gen- RECOGNIZING WEATHER PATTERNS
erally be stormy, remain about the same, or improve.
The jet stream is a ribbon of fast moving air often found The variety of weather patterns is virtually without limit,
between about 15,000 feet to over 40,000 feet with speeds and any general rules made about the various patterns have
varying from 50 to over 200 knots. It can be located on the strings of exceptions. This makes weather prediction a fas-
500 millibar prog by simply reading the wind speeds plot- cinating and sometimes frustrating job.
ted on the chart which are about 50 knots or higher. Lows Typical progressive weather pattern: Lows and highs
at the surface of the earth often travel beneath the jet, fol- generally move from a westerly direction toward an east-
lowing it like a leaf in a creek. Surface lows, when located erly direction. Fig 3 shows this.
underneath a jet stream, often move at speeds from about


In a very general sense, weather patterns shift eastward and trough axes using previous progs to see how rapidly
with time, but there are exceptions to this, which is why they have moved compared to the latest prog chart. Figure
radiofacsimile maps are so useful. Sometimes a pressure 4 shows some typical jet stream paths over the eastern
center may move north or south, and, in some cases, even North Pacific Ocean.
west. Figure 3 shows a trough with the low center and a Track I: Lows follow a northwest to southeast track
ridge with the high center. A trough is often a region of along the coasts of Southeast Alaska and
cloudiness and inclement weather as well as the area where British Columbia often bringing snow to the
weather fronts form and move away from the low pres- Pacific Northwest during winter: but dur-
sure center. A ridge is often, but not always, a region of ing the rest of the year, rains are usually not
fair weather. Areas west of the ridge axis may be quite too heavy with lows following this trajec-
cloudy and windy, and areas slightly east of a well-devel- tory.
oped ridge may have very pleasant weather. As you get Track II: Lows following this path bring storms to
further west or east of the ridge axis, you get closer to ad- areas between 20oN and 40oN and may be
jacent troughs and more adverse weather. It should be particularly devastating to Southern Califor-
pointed out that the troughs and ridges may be oriented in nia. Areas north of about 40o may have very
any direction, not just as they arc shown in the figure. nice weather. It is unusual for the jet stream
Similarly, at the 500 millibar level, ridges and troughs to remain at this low latitude off the south-
exist, and much can be deduced about the movement of ern California coast, and as it drifts back
surface lows. If (the contours are oriented west-cast, the northward, lows move into Oregon, Wash-
low pressure centers move west-east. When the contours ington, and finally, Southeast Alaska.
bend around a ridge, then the lows will move from a south- Track III: Lows move west to cast on this track into
erly to a northerly direction on the west side of the ridge the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia.
and from a northerly to a southerly direction along the east Track IV: Torrential rains and unseasonably warm tem-
side of the ridge. These movements occur if the 500 milli- peratures during the winter and spring
bar ridge is well developed and nearly stationary or sta- months occur in the Pacific Northwest with
tionary. If the high is not well developed or the entire pat- this track because the lows bring warm and
tern is shifting eastward with time, the lows will move ac- moist subtropical air. Seas will be stormy
cordingly. Use the 500 millibar progs to determine the from the coast to several hundred miles off-
movement of the pattern and note the positions of ridge shore.


Track V: Unseasonably mild and wet weather is the storm develops. The movement and changes in the
brought to eastern Alaska, and the Gulf surface low are shown in panel A. A rather weak low, one
of Alaska remains subject to a series of which might be ignored because it is more than a thou-
storms. sand miles away on Day 0, comes under a strong jet stream
Explosive development of storms: Certain weather pat- shown in panel B. The central pressure of the surface low
terns can create very fast moving and intensifying storms is shown for each of the days in panel A. However, by
over a period of less than two days. One of the most notable following the low on the surface map, it can be noted that
storms of this type occurred along the Oregon, Washington, it is moving rapidly eastward and deepening by Day 2. If
and British Columbia coasts over the period October 12 and we happen to be, say 1000 miles north of its position on
13, 1962. Called the Columbus Day Storm, it originated five Day 2, and have only been using surface weather analyses
or six days earlier when an old typhoon in the far western to follow its progress, we are likely to be unpleasantly sur-
Pacific moved northward and got caught under a strong jet prised less than 36 hours later. Using the surface prognosis
stream that had winds of over 100 knots at the 500 millibar charts and the 500 millibar progs could have given us an
level. The typhoon changed into a low pressure system that additional 24 to 36 hours of warning, and we could have
deepened extremely fast when it encountered a 500 millibar taken avoiding action. The low enters the area where the
pattern similar to that shown in Figure 5. jet stream makes a rapid bend to the north on Day 2 and is
The situation shown in this diagram presents an unu- now beginning to rapidly deepen and head straight for us.
sual risk to mariners because of the rapidity with which


Panel B shows a strong jet stream of 100 knots and The Omega Block: This pattern at the 500 millibar level
higher that runs west to east and then curves northward is named after the Greek letter Ω because the contours as-
along the west side of a well-developed high. The 500 mil- sume a shape similar to the letter. The high pressure pattern
libar progs arc usually fairly accurate picking up this type at the surface level is strong and very large, often covering
of development, often to 72 hours ahead. The surface low the entire northeastern Pacific Ocean. The Omega Block is a
rapidly deepens in the area shown by the heavy lines, go- special case of a blocking high shown in Figure 6.
ing from 980 millibars to 953 millibars by Day 3. (Lows as A blocking high may be welcomed or cursed depend-
deep as 928 millibars have been recorded in the Gulf of ing where you are in relation to it. A blocking high pre-
Alaska!) As the low nears the heavy line shown at Day 3, it vents the normal west to cast movement of lows and weath-
slows down and starts to slowly weaken, and it may drift er fronts and is one of the most persistent patterns of all
northwest and recurve back toward the southeast. Often when it assumes the shape of an Omega as shown in panel
times, another low follows the first one by a day or two A. Blocking highs over the U. S. West Coast, for example,
and may become a ferocious storm, too, with winds over have been known to bring warmer temperatures to An-
70 knots. It has been observed that the first low may move chorage, Alaska than those occurring at Miami, Florida!
southeastward while the second low moves northward and The areas west and cast of the high remain stormy, often
then northwest so that the first low eventually passes to for weeks on end.
the south of the second low. This is called the «dumbbell Use the 500 millibar progs to see where highs of consid-
effect» (see Figure 7). erable development occur (panel A) and also on the surface
The low on the surface map docs not necessarily have weather analysis charts (panel B), The high need not be ori-
to come from (he west for this explosive development to ented north-south as shown in the figure, but may be cant-
happen. Cases have been observed where a low drifted ed one direction or the other. In some cases, the lows on
northward from position 1 shown on panel B. Surface lows either side of the blocking high, especially if it is an Omega
that have their origins in the subtropics or tropical regions Block, may remain nearly stationary, so use the surface progs
should be followed very closely, especially if the 500 milli- to sec how they are expected to move. The region under the
bar progs show a pattern similar to that in panel B. surface high away from the tight isobar regions along
Conversely, some lows get separated from the jet the edges will usually have fine weather, light winds, and
stream. They will move erratically or very little at all until possibly, fog. A blocking high may last for as short as three
either the jet stream comes over them again or they simply to five days or longer than a month and can develop any-
dissipate a few days to over a week later. where over the ocean. Often times the pattern shifts


westward. It is common to have a jet stream that passes to deepen and winds increase.
well to the south of the high, which will carry lows east- Panel D: Low (primary low) reaches its maximum
ward underneath the high. Omega Blocks and blocking strength when the warm front has become
highs make ideal weather for crossing the Gulf of Alaska. totally occluded by the cold front. S o m e -
Fronts and frontal movement: The typical sequence times another low (secondary low) d e v e l -
of events in the life cycle of weather fronts is shown in ops to the south of the primary depression
Figure 7. The deeper the low, the stronger the fronts are, and becomes a very potent storm that
and confused seas with wind waves from one direction may become stronger than the primary low.
and swell from another may occur with the passage of a Panel E: Occluded front moves away from the pri-
front. mary low, and the depression begins to
Panel A: Wave develops on frontal zone separating weaken.
cold air from warm air. Panel F: Secondary low deepens. The region between
Panel B: Low center develops and deepens. Winds the two lows has light winds because the iso-
increase around the low. Low tends to move bars are far apart. However, gales still occur
in the same direction as the orientation of in the region enclosed by the isobars sur-
the isobars in the warm sector. rounding each of the low centers. Note how
Panel C: Cold front begins to overtake the warm front, the two lows rotate around each other like a
forming an occluded front. Low continues rotating dumbbell.


As mentioned in the Glossary, a weather front is into the area, This causes heavy rains on the normally lee-
the narrow zone separating two air masses of different ward sides of the islands. Similarly, depending on the lo-
densities from each other. The weather associated with cation of a low center, southerly winds may occur with the
them may range from nothing more than an increase in low as well as a generally unstable atmosphere in which
cloudiness to extremely strong winds and torrential down- heavy rainfalls occur at all locations. Then, of course, there
pours. Fronts that become stationary, say along the west- are also specifically tropical weather systems (see tropical
ern edge of a blocking high, may bring day after day of depression, tropical storm, hurricane, and typhoon in the
steady precipitation to those areas within a couple hun- glossary).
dred miles on either side of the front. When using surface The subject of tropical weather is an interesting one
weather charts to locate fronts over the open ocean, keep beyond the scope of this publication, but some of the ref-
in mind that the number of observations used to locate erences listed in the bibliography cover the subject quite
them may be quite small, so the positions are only approx- well. One of the most important tacts to consider is that it
imate. Weather satellites have improved the locating of might prove risky to cross in front of the projected path of
fronts, but there are still difficulties in exactly finding where a hurricane or typhoon unless it is certain that the vessel
the fronts touch the sea surface. Table III lists some of the will not encounter the swell generated by the storm. An
weather features associated with fronts. engine casualty or other emergency could prove embar-
Tropical weather: In the tropics, during the late fall rassing.
through spring months, extremely heavy rainfalls may oc-
cur when lows and fronts move into the area. Normally, BASIC FORECASTING TECHNIQUES
lows as experienced in the more northern latitudes do not
move into areas south of about 20° to 25° and neither do The technique used with surface analysis charts in
fronts. When a front moves into the Hawaiian Islands, for tracking the weather is based on the idea that the past is
example, the northeast trade winds are replaced by gale an indicator of the future. A minimum of two surface
force southerly winds until the equatorial regions is brought weather analysis charts received each day is recom-

Frontal weather
Warm Front Warm Front Warm Air Cold Front After Cold
Approaching Passing Sector Approaching Front Passes

BAROMETER falling stops falling; little change, falling to rising

READING may slightly then falling rapidly falling

WIND (over open ocean) SE to S, S to WSW steady and strong SE rapid change
increasing with possible strong; possibly to S to SW to NW;
great increase becoming SE may increase
to S as cold
front nears

TEMPERATURE rising rising little little sudden

slowly change change drop

PRECIPITATION becoming rain or rain, heavy rain; heavy rain,

steady; drizzle drizzle, possible hail, or snow
drizzle to fog thunder- showers;
heavy rain storms then intermittent
or snow showers

VISIBILITY deteriorating poor poor improving good, except

rapidly in showers

NOTE: The effects listed in the table are the ones ordinarily observed. Sometimes another cold front follows
several hundred miles behind the first cold front, particularly in higher latitudes during winter and
spring months. An occluded front may act like a cold front or a modified warm front, depending on
the strength of the front and the temperature of the air behind the front.

mended and more than this when the situation is rapidly Kennedy Entrance, Alaska) and the speed of our vessel is
changing or critical operations requiring the most up-to- 12 knots.
date information are involved. On the 1200 GMT/21 chart plot the 0000 GMT/21 (00/
Take the latest map and the one previous to it (no more 21 for short) position of the low center and its central
than 18 hours previous, however) and then plot the earlier pressure (e.g., L 979/00/21). Then advance the distance it
locations of the high and low centers and fronts that are of has traveled between the two charts and label positions
interest to you. Plot these on the latest chart. Based on the of the low 12 and 24 hours later (e.g., L 00/22 and L 12/
past movement between the two maps, project ahead by 22). Similarly, the 00/21 position of the front is noted on
noting the positions of these features at 12 and 24 hours the latest map and is advanced 12 and 24 hours ahead.
into the future on the latest map. Another useful feature to Label the arcs representing the front (light dashed line) F
advance is the region of closely spaced isobars in which 00/22 and F 12/22. However, the front should be onshore
gale force or stronger winds are likely. (These isobars will by 12/22, so the position 24 hours ahead need not be
usually be about 1° of latitude or less apart.) Figure 8 shows shown. Finally, we notice that the isobars arc closely
how this is done. spaced around the low and are advancing toward our
In the figure, two maps 12 hours apart, 0000 GMT/21 trackline. Using a pair of dividers or a drawing compass,
January and 1200 GMT/21 January, are used. Let’s assume measure the distance from the center of the low at 12/21
our planned trackline is from A to B (Cape Spencer to to the outermost closely spaced isobar and transfer this

distance using the predicted locations of the low center 12 ities in regards to changes in the weather and the seas; (1)
and 24 hours ahead as the points from which to swing the conditions will worsen; (2) conditions will stay about the
arcs. The region between these arcs and the respective pre- same; (3) conditions will improve. The difficult part, natu-
dicted positions of the low center is the strong wind area. rally, is determining the magnitude of the changes.
Label these arcs G + 00/22 and G + 12/22 (heavy dashed
lines). Areas between the G + arcs and the predicted posi- EXTENDED OUTLOOKS
tions of the low center can be expected to be stormy be-
cause the low has deepened from 979 mb to 966 mb be- A forecast predicts such things as wind speed, wind di-
tween the two weather analysis maps and is unlikely to rection, wave height, and so forth for a particular time and
weaken because the front has not become entirely occlud- place. Similarly, the prog charts can be considered to be fore-
ed by 12/21. cast charts up to about 48 hours ahead. Beyond 48 hours, it
The estimated positions of our vessel along the trackline becomes increasingly difficult to make forecasts as we usu-
for 12, 24, and 36 hours ahead are shown as circles around a ally think of them and so broad generalizations are made
dot and labeled EP 00/22, EP 12/22, and EP 00/23. Our actu- about future conditions. The 72 hour extended outlook sur-
al position at 12/21 is also shown (point A). Note that the face progs from the NWS/USCG and the Navy’s (NPM) 72
ship will be at the G + 00/22 arc at EP 00/22. It can be ex- hour surface progs and 72 hour 500 millibar progs properly
pected that the winds and seas will start picking up from the fall into the category of outlooks rather than precise fore-
east to southeast between 12/21 and 00/22 and should be casts in predicting the future weather pattern.
gale force or higher by 00/22 and thereafter. Likewise, by Mentioned earlier was the fact that the weather pattern
00/22, the occluded front will be very close to our position. at 500 millibars is usually more accurately predicted than
Rain or snow should start falling several hundred miles ahead that at the earth’s surface, so the 72 hour 500 millibar prog
of the front, so the weather will be quite sour by 00/22. By can be used to advantage by noting where the jet stream is
12/22, the front should have gone onshore, but we will still along with the location of highs and lows. Using the 72 hour
be in a strong wind region (between the G+ 12/22 arc and surface progs can also provide useful information. The
the 12/22 low position). Winds should become more south- strength of the lows and highs on the surface weather anal-
erly and showers will continue. ysis can be compared to those on (he long-range progs. How
The work load can be lessened by using surface weath- much they change and their locations shown on the prog
er prognosis charts, but in case we are unable to copy them, charts can be in considerable error in some cases; but we
we can fall back on the technique shown. Acceptable re- can still draw conclusions about how the pattern is expect-
sults are more difficult to obtain beyond 24 to 36 hours. ed to change and be alerted to possible problems later on.
Finally, keep in mind that there are only three possibil-



Without question, there are many charts available for each new surface analysis is received, it is tacked over the
use In following North Pacific weather. It is best to use one preceding it so that we can leaf back through the anal-
only those charts actually needed and to become profi- ysis charts to see how the pattern is changing. It is recom-
cient in their interpretation and not to be burdened down mended that at least the past two or three day’s worth of
by too much detail. As mentioned earlier, the best results analysis charts be saved.
will be obtained if we receive charts on a regular basis and As each new prognosis chart is received, the previous
not just an occasional one here and there because a series version can be discarded. Compare the positions of highs,
of charts allows us to get thc «feel» of the weather pat- lows, ridges, and troughs with the older version before dis-
terns, especially when we use forecasts and our own weath- carding it to see how the pattern is predicted to change in
er observations in conjunction with the charts. Figure 9 relation to the older chart. Progression of the weather pat-
shows a suggested display of maps from station NPM that tern can be picked out using this method. It is possible to get
will give a very complete picture of the weather pattern for by on fewer charts than are shown in the figure, but for ex-
up to 72 hours ahead. tended outlooks to 72 hours, the 500 mb progs are very nec-
By using a bulletin board, a whole display of charts essary. If you are in protected waters, the significant wave
can be examined almost at a glance, and it also permits progs do not need to be copied. However, if you are in a bay
changes in the weather pattern to be easily picked out. As that opens up to the open sea, you may still want to receive








these charts because in-coming high waves may cause Let us first examine the 500 mb prog shown in the bot-
problems. Whether or not the horizontal weather depic- tom panel. The wind speeds are denoted just like they are
tion prog is copied depends on how important it is to you on the surface charts through the use of barbed shafts. For
to have some idea about significant weather that may af- example, the wind about 60 miles off the central Oregon
fect your area. It is a useful chart for seeing the predicted coast is SW at 25 knots. Instead îf using isobars to outline
location of fronts and lows. the weather pattern, height contours are used (solid lines),
A similar display can be made up using charts from which are lines showing the elevation of highs, lows, ridg-
other stations. At the very least, a surface weather analysis es, and troughs above sea level. A ridge extends from the
should be copied twice a day along with the surface progs high located at 35N/165W toward the NNE over the Gulf
and wave charts. There may not be space enough to put of Alaska. This is a strong blocking ridge because of its
up a map display on some smaller vessels, so clipboards extensive elongation. Another ridge lies north of the high
can be used to hold the various charts that can be stowed center located at 22N/168B, but it has little elongation, and
out of the way when they are not needed. a jet stream at 50 knots and more blows from west to east.
The closer the height contours are together, the stronger
WEATHER EXAMPLE I the wind will be just as was the case with isobars on the
surface map.
The purpose of this example is to show the relationship A trough extends SW from the low center at
between the surface map and the 500 mb chart. Figure 10 44N/138W. Note how this low is caught under the «curl» of
only shows part of the area covered by the actual charts the ridge. Lows in this pattern on the east side
that are transmitted.

of the ridge move rather slowly both at the 500 mb level We can see from the 500 mb prog that the high at 22N/
and at the earth’s surface. On the other hand, lows to the 168E shows little ridging to block any lows. If we have the
west of the ridge move rapidly in the west-east jet stream. 72 hour 500 millibar prog, we could see if this was to re-
The height contours are drawn for every 60 meters of main so for the next three days.
change and represent the elevation at which the pressure We note that the surface low southeast of Tokyo is
of 500 mb would be found. (The elevations are close to the moving NE at 15 knots. It is going to come under the jet
actual geometric height, but not exactly. This is a point that stream and move toward us, and so we would be wise to
is beyond the scope of this publication.) Consider the height keep copying the charts and follow its progress. Weather
contours in the region between 40N and 50N between 170E Example II shows what happened.
and 160E.
Contours in this area are labeled + 34, + 40, + 46, +52, WEATHER EXAMPLE II
+58, +64, +70, and + 76. To get the elevation. all we do is
multiply each of these numbers by 10 and add the result to This series of charts shown in Figure 11 consists of NPM
5000. Thus +34 = 5,340 meters; +40 = 5,400 meters; surface analysis (final) maps for 1800 GMT 21 April, 1200
+46 = 5,460 meters, and so forth. In a low. the elevations are GMT 22 April, and 1200 GMT 23 April 1979. We will use
less than those in a high. For example, the high at the technique of predicting the location of a low, weather
35N/165W is found at an elevation of 886 (5,886 meters), front, and high wind area as outlined with the discussion
and the low several hundred miles west of Oregon has a for Figure 8.
height of 511 (5,511 meters). Note that the elevations of the The 1800Z 21 April chart (top panel) shows that the
high and low centers do not have to be multiplied by 10 low that was near Tokyo 24 hours earlier is deepening and
before they are added to 5,000 (or 4,000 or 6,000, depend- advancing NE at 20 knots. The central pressure has dropped
ing on the depth of the low or height of the high). Whether from about 1006 mb to about 990 mb, but the high near
you add 4,000 or 6,000 to the height will be obvious from 50N/150W has remained nearly stationary with a very high
the labeling on the contours. The 500 mb chart is very sim- central pressure of over 1036 mb. Note how the isobars
ilar to a topographic map because the lows are the valleys in arc getting closer together between 180W and 170E. This
the weather pattern, and the highs are the mountain tops. area of close isobars with associated strong winds is ad-
The temperature lines (isotherms) are shown by the vancing toward us as we proceed toward Unimak Pass.
dashed lines and are labeled in °C. We will not go into the The occluded front near 160W is dissipating as shown by
effects of temperatures because this is a lengthy topic that the dashed lines. Winds are SSW 15 to 25 knots in our
is once again beyond the scope of this publication. Suffice vicinity.
it to say that the lowest temperatures are found in the lows. Let’s assume our present course and speed will get us
The main features to look for in using the 500 mb prog to within about 30 miles of Unimak Pass at OOOOZ 23
chart are: (1) the location of ridges and troughs as surface April. The weather situation is expected to worsen, which
lows deepen when they come under 500 millibar troughs; is confirmed on the 1200Z 22 April analysis, for the storm
(2) the location of strong jet stream in which winds are 50 has continued to deepen and is now at about 974 milli-
knots and higher; (3) changes in the jet stream by compar- bars at the center of low pressure. The region of gale force
ing the 36 hour prog with the 72 hour prog. Let us now and higher winds that was just west of 175W is now at
examine the surface chart for 1800 GMT 20 April 1979. about 170W. We employ the techniques shown in Figure
Note that a large high pressure system dominates the 8 and determine that gales will reach Unimak Pass about
Gulf of Alska. The front that lies along the western edge of the same time we will. To avoid the uncomfortable ride,
the high will move very slowly eastward and weaken be- we speed up so that we. will be through the pass before
cause a high of this strength will tear it apart. (A high of the high winds and seas arrive and will be in position to
1032 mb or greater over the ocean is a strong high.) Let’s use the north side of the Aleutians as a lee against the
assume we are underway from Kodiak, Alaska to the vi- southerly winds. Notice that the gales (heavy dashed lines
cinity of Unimak Pass in the Aleutians. The weather pat- labeled G +) will reach Unimak Pass at OOOOZ/23 and
tern looks fairly favorable for the next few days, but be- be past 160W by 1200Z/23. The strong high in the Gulf
cause we are on the western edge of the high and under a of Alaska remains at over 1036 mb and has shifted slight-
strong jet stream, it is not too likely that the good condi- ly westward. Additionally, we predict that the occluded
tions will persist too long. We should look for lows to the front will be near 170W at OOOOZ/23 and past 160W at
west of us or anywhere where they might be moving to 1200Z/23. All in all, the weather situation looks pretty
come under the jet stream that stretches from us to Japan. nasty, and we will have saved ourselves a rough trip by

(1800 21 April 1979 map)

(1200 22 April 1979 map)

(1200 23 April 1979 map)


speeding up to beat the storm. How good was our of the front by about 180 miles. However, we were almost
judgement? exact in our location of the high wind area. Note that the
Compare our predictions for 1200Z/23 with the actual isobars are closely spaced along the 160th meridian, which
analysis at 1200Z 23 April. We missed the position of the is where we predicted they would be at 1200Z 23 April.
low center by almost 300 miles. This is not bad consider- We can be satisfied with the results of our prediction be-
ing we used charts 18 hours apart upon which we based cause, after all, it was the location of the gales we were
the speed and direction of movement. Had we used the concerned about.
speed and direction of the low shown by the arrow on the This example points out the importance blocking highs
1200Z 22 April analysis of NNE 20 knots, we still would have. If we had been operating in the area cast of the high
have missed the location of the low center by about 240 pressure ridge in the Gulf of Alaska, we could have been
miles. (This points out the importance of using charts that confident that conditions would have remained pretty much
are within 12 hours of each other). We missed the position the same from at least the 20th through the 23rd of April.
The following terms are often used on weather charts and in forecasts.

BACKING — Counterclockwise change in wind direction (e.g., change in direction from north to northwest to west;
east to northeast to north, etc.).
COMPLEX LOW — A large area often more than 1000 nm across in which two or more low centers exist.
DEEP LOW — A rather subjective term used to describe the central pressure of a low center (usually when it is about
975 mb or less). Winds are strong gale force to storm force around the low.
DEEPENING LOW — A low in which the central pressure is decreasing with time. Winds would be expected to
increase as the low deepens.
DENSE FOG — Fog in which visibility is less than V4 mile. DEVELOPING HIGH—A change in the weather pattern
in which higher pressure is building up over an area.
DEVELOPING LOW — A change in the weather pattern in which lower pressure is forming over an area that is likely
to result in a definite low center.
DISSIPATING LOW — A low center that is becoming weaker as the central pressure increases with time. Winds, in
most cases, decrease; low expected to vanish.
EASTERLY WINDS — True wind direction from the northeast to southeast sector; used when the forecaster is uncer-
tain about the exact wind direction, but is confident that it will come somewhere between NE and SE. FEW SHOWERS—
Low probability of precipitation in which a small number of showers will occur.
FILLING LOW — Low center in which the central pressure is increasing with time; not the same as dissipating low
because the low may not necessarily vanish.
FRONT — Boundary zone separating two masses of air, one of which is colder than the other. Types of fronts: (1) warm
front (warmer air overtaking colder air); (2) cold front (colder air overtaking warmer air); (3) occluded front (cold front
overtaking warm front); (4) arctic front (special case of cold front in which air behind front is very cold, say less than 10°F);
(5) stationary front (a front that is not moving). See Table III for winds and weather associated with moving fronts.
GALE — Sustained wind speed of 34 through 47 knots. GALE WARNING—Special alert to mariners for sustained
winds of 34 through 47 knots.
HIGH — An anticyclone, A weather pattern in which isobars at the center of the pattern are of higher than those further
from the center. Winds are clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.
HURRICANE — Severe tropical cyclone with winds higher than 65 knots. Winds are counterclockwise in the Northern
Hemisphere and have been estimated at over 200 knots in the severest of hurricanes.
INTENSIFYING HIGH — Anticyclone in which the central pressure is increasing.
ICING — Accumulation of freezing water droplets on a vessel. Light (0.4 to 1.4 inches accretion in 24 hours); moderate
(1.4 to 2.6 inches accretion in 24 hours); heavy (2.6 to 5.7 inches accretion in 24 hours); very heavy (5.7 inches accretion or
.more in 24 hours).
INSTABILITY LINE — Band of unstable air usually found ahead of a cold front that may develop into a squall line of
thunderstorms. Usually 10 to 50 miles wide and several hundred miles long. Not all cold fronts have instability lines.
LINE OF CONVERGENCE — Area in the trade wind zone found between about 10° to 15° latitude north or south of
the equator where the NE winds meet the SE trade winds from the Southern Hemisphere. Often called the In-tertropical
Convergence Zone or ITCZ. May also be used to denote any area in the tropics where winds from different directions meet.
Weather often consists of heavy rain and thunderstorms.
LINE OF DIVERGENCE — Zone in the tropics where winds flow away from each other. Area should be free of rain
or extensive cloudiness.
LOCALLY STRONGER WINDS — Conditions in which winds over many small areas too numerous to mention are
expected to be higher than the general wind in the area covered by the forecast (e.g., locally stronger winds may occur in
fjords and channels as compared to winds over the open waters).
LOW — Cyclone or depression. Weather pattern in which closed isobars at the center of the pattern are of lower
pressure than those further from the center.
MODERATE LOW — A rather subjective term used to describe the indensity of a low; used when the central
pressure is about 975 to 1000 mb. Winds generally less than about 40 knots.
NORTHERLY WIND — True wind direction from the NE to NW sector.
NUMEROUS SHOWERS — Frequent number of showers are likely over more than half the area covered by the
PATCHY FOG — Fog occurring in less than half the area covered by the forecast.
PERIOD — Time (in seconds) it takes for successive wave creasts (or troughs) to pass a fixed point.
PRESSURE GRADIENT — Difference in pressure between two points divided by the distance between them. The
greater the difference in pressure between the same two points, the greater the wind: The closer the isobars are together on
a weather map, the greater the pressure gradient.
RIDGE — Area of high pressure in which the isobars are elongated instead of circular or nearly circular (see Figure 3).
Flat ridge: elongation of isobars is not great enough to prevent penetration of weather fronts through the ridge. Strong ridge:
elongation of isobars is great enough to prevent weather fronts from penetrating the ridge. The concept of a ridge also
applies to upper air weather maps that are made for heights over 5,000 feet.
SCATTERED (SCT) SHOWERS — Precipitation is expected to fall within about 30% to 45% of the area covered by
the forecast.
SEAS — Combination of wind waves and swell making up the irregular surface of the sea.
SHEAR LINE — Narrow zone across which the wind direction changes rapidly.
SHORT WAVE — Term occasionally used in forecasts that may be considered to be a moving low, weather front, or high.
SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT — Average of the highest one third of the waves.
SOUTHERLY WIND — True wind direction from the SE to SW sector.
STATIONARY (STNRY) — Less than five knot movement of high, low, or front.
STORM — Low pressure system in which winds are 48 knots or higher.
STORM WARNING — Highest level of marine warning for storms that are not hurricanes or typhoons. Issued when
winds are expected to be 48 knots or higher.
STRONG LOW or STRENGTHENING LOW — Low pressure system in which the winds are at least gale force or
are likely to reach gale force or higher as the central pressure of the low drops.
SWELL — Waves that have left the wind fetch area where they were created and have become more rounded in shape
and regular in period.
TROPICAL DEPRESSION — Cyclone that originates over the tropical ocean and may be the early stage of a hur-
ricane or typhoon. Winds up to 33 knots.
TROPICAL STORM — More intense tropical cyclone in which the winds are 34 knots through 63 knots.
TROUGH — An elongation of the isobars around a low (see Figure 3). Inclement weather often occurs in a trough. This
term is also applied to weather patterns found in the upper air.
TYPHOON — A hurricane in the western Pacific Ocean.
WEAK LOW — Low pressure system with winds less than gale force. Central pressure is usually above 1000 mb.
WEAK FRONT — Weather front that has winds less than about 20 knots and which is disappearing with lime. A strong
front may become a weak one as it tries to push through a stationary ridge of high pressure: Some cloudiness and light
precipitation may still occur.
WEAK HIGH — High pressure system that is incapable of keeping weather fronts from passing through it. Central
pressure of a weak high will usually be 1020 mb or less.
WESTERLY — True wind direction from the NW to SW sector.

Symbols Used on Surface Weather Maps

These symbols are used on the surface weather maps made by the National weather Service and broadcast from
stations NMC (Pt. Reyes, CA) and NOJ (Kodiak, AK). Wind directions are true, not compass directions

These symbols are used on the surface weather maps made by the U.S. Navy and broadcast from stations NPM
(Pearl Harbour, Hawaii) and NAM (Norfolk, Virginia). Additional symbols used on the horizontal weather depiction
map are shown in the inset. The Navy uses the same wind barb symbols as used by the NWS.

Additional Reading
Crutcher, H.L. and R.G. Quayle. Mariners Worldwide Climatic Guide to Tropical Storms at Sea (NAVAIR 50-1C-61).
NOAA/Environmental Data and Information Service and U.S. Navy. 1970. (For sale by Superintendent of Documents,
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.)
Harding, E. T. and W. J. Kotsch. Heavy Weather Guide. Annapolis, Maryland: U.S. Naval Institute. 1965.
Heal, Ilmo and Taivo Laevastu. Fisheries Oceanography. London: Fishing News (Books), Ltd. 1970. Kotsch, W. J. Weather
for the Mariner. Annapolis, Maryland: U.S. Naval Institute Press. 1977.
Marine Climatic Atlas of the World, Volume VI. Arctic Ocean (NAVWEPS 50-1 C-533). U.S. Navy. 1963. (For sale by the
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.)
Pike, Dag. Power Boats in Rough Seas. Camden, Maine: International Marine Publishing Co. 1974.
U.S. Navy Marine Climatic Atlas of the World. Volume //, North Pacific Ocean (NAVAIR 50-1C-529). U.S. Navy. 1977.
(For sale by Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402)
Watts, A. Instant Weather Forecasting. New York: Dodd, Mead, and Co, 1968.
(An excellent reference with colored pictures of clouds and what types of weather to expect with various cloud formations.)


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