MBFS Course Outline
MBFS Course Outline
MBFS Course Outline
email : [email protected]
Introduction to the Course
With globalization rapidly engulfing all the nations and with the financial
markets expanding at a fast clip ably aided by economic liberalization and
technological advancements, the financial services sector is compelled to
keep pace with the ever increasing demands of its customers both individual
and institutional. Innovations and user-oriented schemes have become the
order of the day.
Course Objectives
This course is designed with the intention and purpose of moulding the
students into well-informed professionals in the arena of Financial Services
so that at the end of the course, the students will be able
Course Content
a. Housing Finance & the Role of NHB and Real Estate Financing
b. Consumer Finance
c. Credit Cards and Debit cards
d. Leasing and Hire Purchase
e. Factoring and Forfaiting
f. Venture Capital Financing
III. Fee-based and Advisory Financial Services
Activities Marks
Attendance 10 %
Tests / Exercises 10 %
Presentations 20 %
Recommended Reading