Tugas Jawab TN-F 1-100 Hal 1225-1249
Tugas Jawab TN-F 1-100 Hal 1225-1249
Tugas Jawab TN-F 1-100 Hal 1225-1249
6. Transducers are devices which translate the value of one measured value
into diferent measurement units (for instance units of temperature to
A. The difference between possible maximum and minimum
B. The maximum output signal
C. The type of measurement
D. The maximum length of the connecting leads
10. What will be the probable outcome, if the amplification is set too high on a
temperature controller?
A. The process will oscillate and get out of control
B. Nothing
C. The process response will be very slow
D. The set-point will change
13. Which of the following systems will include a D/P transmitter in the
A. Pressure
B. Temperature
C. Smoke indication
D. Oil mist
14. Why is it important that a transmitter has been correctly installed at the
correct location
A. The control system is depending on the best possible process
B. It is important to have easy access to the transmitter for
C. It must be easy to observe for troubleshooting
D. Can be installed anywhere in the piping system
15. A resistor has three red bands. If they all carry information about
resistance value as opposed to tolerance, what is the indicated resistance?
A. 2200 ohm
B. 22 ohm
C. 222 ohm
D. 220 ohm
26. PT-100 sensors are some times used with 3 or 4 wires. What is the reason
for this?
A. Higher measuring accuracy.
B. Higher mechanical strength of the cable.
C. Because of power-consumption.
D. For fault indication.
27. Radio frequency signals can carry information from one place to another if
they are modulated. There are several ways to modulate a carrier. Which
modulating method is illustrated here?
A. Amplitude modulation (AM)
B. Frequency modulation (FM)
C. Pulse-width modulation (PWM)
D. Pulse-code modulation (PCM)
28. Some areas of ships require that any electrical equipment used must be
intrinsically safe. What is meant by being intrinsically safe?
A. Can not produce enough energy to ignite a gas (explode)?
B. Electric wiring executed by approved manufacture?
C. Any electrical product, being water resistant?
D. Explosion proof product having a special wiring system?
29. Some equipment may be marked with the following symbol: What does it
A. Intrinsically safe.
B. Explosion proof.
C. Internally explosion proof.
D. Not safe in gas dangerous area.
30. The circuit consists of two inductors, L(1) = 6 H and L(2) = 12H,
connected in parallel. Calculate the equivalent L(S) of the two inductors.
A. L(S) = 4H
B. L(S) = 18 H
C. L(S) = 1,5 H
D. L(S) = 0,667H
31. The figures show a graphical symbol for a particular electronic
component and a typical operating characteristic for the same. Which
A. Transistor
B. Tunnel diode
C. Thyristor
D. Zener diode
32. The figures show a graphical symbol for a particular electronic component
and a typical operating characteristic for the same component. Which
A. Triac
B. Zener diode
C. Tunnel diode
D. Field effect transistor
34. The range of a transducer is 0-200 bar. The output signal is 4-20 mA.
What is the span of the output signal?
A. 16 mA
B. 20 mA
C. 24 mA
D. 4 mA
35. Thermocouples are often used for measuring temperatures. Which of the
following descriptions explains the principle of operation of a
A. A junction between two dissimilar metals generates a
small voltage.
B. A semi-conductor device that exhibits a negative
coefficient of resistance with temperature.
C. A resistance device that exhibits a positive coefficient
of resistance with temperature.
D. A quartz crystal that changes its resonant frequency
with temperature.
36. This circuit is widely used for rectification of AC into DC. Which of the
diagrams is correct for the out- put voltage when the input voltage is sine-
shaped as shown?
A. Figure 1
B. Figure 2
C. Figure 3
D. Figure 4
37. This circuit consists of two capacitors, C(1) = 6 µF and C(2) = 12 µF, in
series. Calculate the equivalent C(S) of the two capacitors.
A. C(S) = 4 µF
B. C(S) =2µF
C. C(S)=1,5µF
D. C(S) =18µF
40. This circuit is a logic gate with two input signals, A and B, and one output
signal Q. Which type of logic function does the gate perform?
A. NOR gate
B. NAND gate
C. OR gate
D. AND gate
41. This graphical symbol is a logic gate with truth table. Which gate?
42. This is the graphical symbol and truth table for a logic gate. Which gate?
43. This resistor has the value of 68 k ohm. Which colour code should be
marked on the rings (assume ring d is the tolerance ring)?
A. a. blue b. grey c. orange
B. a. black b. red c. orange
C. a. violet b. green c. yellow
D. a. red b. black c. yellow
44. Two reference points for pressure exist, absolute zero and atmospheric
pressure. What is the common name pressures measured relative to
atmospheric pressure?
A. Gauge pressure
B. Atmospheric pressure
C. Absolute pressure
D. Pressure drop
45. Use Kirchoff's voltage law and Ohm's law to calculate the voltage V2
across the resistance R2.
A. 4,5V
B. 0,75V
C. 6V
D. 2V
52. When measuring level of liquids with a differential pressure meter, the
name of the sensing device is:
A. Pressure diaphragm
B. Float
C. Capacitance probe
D. Positive displacement tube
53. When calibrating a pressure transducer we have to adjust both SPAN and
ZERO. Please indicate in which order these adjustments should be done.
A. First Zero adjustment and the Span adjustment. Then
Zero should be rechecked.
B. First Span adjustment and then Zero adjustment. After
that Span setting should be checked again.
C. First Span adjustment and then Zero adjustment. Then
do not adjust anything.
D. The order of adjustment is of no importance.
54. When calibrating an instrument what is the most common first step in the
procedure ?
A. Adjustment of Zero-point
B. Adjustment of span
C. Adjustment of range
D. Adjustment of linearity
55. When calibrating an instrument what is the most common second step in
the procedure?
A. Check linearity
B. Adjustment of span
C. Adjustment of range
D. Adjustment of Zero-point
56. When measuring flow of fluids with a fixed area flow meter, the name of
the sensing device is?
A. Orifice plate
B. Float
C. Turbine rotor
D. Positive displacement rotor
71. Which of the following detectors would you choose for measuring the
torque of a steel shaft?
A. Strain gauge
B. Ultrasonic gauge
C. Synchro
D. Pyrometer
75. A 450 volt 3 phase brushless alternator will have the following
combination of items mounted on the rotor:
A. 3 phase excitation winding/rectifier bank/main field
B. 3 phase excitation winding/ main field winding
C. 1 phase excitation field winding/rectifier bank/main
field winding
D. Excitation field winding/main field winding
76. A second alternator has just been synchronized onto the main
switchboard, and it is necessary to equally share the load between the
"running" and incoming alternators. What should be done first?
A. Raise the governor speed controller of the incoming
alternator and reduce the governor speed controller of
the alternator already on the switchboard
B. Adjust voltage rheostat for the incoming alternator on
the front of the switchboard
C. Lower the governor speed controller of the incoming
alternator and increase the governor speed controller of
the alternator already on the switchboard
D. Trip the circuit breaker of the incoming alternator and
check the voltage and speed adjustments before trying
77. After successful synchronising an incoming machine the kW and kVar
loading are respectively transferred by the following controls:
A. Speed governor and voltage regulator
B. Current regulator and voltage regulator
C. Voltage regulator and synchroscope
D. Speed governor and load power factor
78. Alteration of the excitation voltage (or field current) of one alternator
operating in parallel, will cause which change in that alternators output:
A. Reactive load (kVAR)
B. Active load (kW)
C. Frequency
D. None of the mentioned alternatives
82. Due to failure of one of the carbon brushes the excitation voltage is lost on
one alternator that is operating in parallel. Will that alternator then:
A. Completely lose its share of the load causing the
auxiliary engine to speed up
B. Overload due to reduced voltage output and increased
C. Continue to share the active load (kW) but have very
high reactive load (kVAR)
D. Try to take all the load and so trip the main circuit
83. During regular inspection of alternator windings it is found that windings
are always covered with a heavy oil film coming from the atmosphere
surrounding the auxiliary engine. After cleaning with an approved solvent,
what should be done?
A. Improve material of intake air filters
B. Take no additional action
C. Blank off intake air filters
D. Reinsulate the windings after each cleaning
85. For ideal synchronising as the incomer circuit breaker contacts make, the
phase angle difference between the incomer e.m.f. and the busbar voltage
should be:
A. 0°
B. 30° behind
C. 90° lag
D. 30° ahead
86. Generators must be synchronised before they can operate in parallel.
During synchronising, the incoming generator should be running slightly
"fast" compared to the bus bar frequency. This is to ensure that the:
A. Incoming machine picks up as a generator
B. Most rapid synchronising action is achieved
C. Incomers reverse power trip is tested
D. Incomer picks up as a motor
88. Great care must be taken when manually paralleling two or more
alternators. At which point would you engage the main circuit breaker of
the incoming alternator when paralleling two alternators?
A. With the pointer of the synchroscope moving slowly
clockwise and almost at 0° (12 O'clock) or both
synchronizing lamps dark (off)
B. With the pointer of the synchronizer stopped at any
position and both synchronizing lamps bright (on)
C. With the pointer of the synchroscope rotating fast and
both synchronizing lamps flashing on and off
D. With the pointer of the synchroscope stopped at 0 (12
O'clock) or both synchronising lights bright
89. If the A.C. line current in a generator stator is doubled, the heating effect
in the stator windings will:
A. Quadruple
B. Remain about the same.
C. Half.
D. Double.
91. Regular (at least weekly) testing of the emergency generator must be
performed to check:
A. Its readiness to perform as specified.
B. Its environmental noise factor during emergency fire-
C. Its voltage/current and prime mover characteristics.
D. Its compliance with the shipbuilder's
94. The power requirements for the excitation winding/circuit for a 3-phase
alternator operating at rated output power are supplied by:
A. The alternators output itself via the automatic voltage
regulator and the prime mover
B. Independent battery supply with the AVR
C. Independent power supply and rectifier unit
D. The main switchboard via a three phase rectifier
98. Under normal conditions, the electric power for services supplied from the
emergency switchboard is supplied from:
A. The main generating plant.
B. Emergency batteries
C. An emergency battery charger.
D. A compressed air driven generator.