Plenty Side Entry Mixers
Plenty Side Entry Mixers
Plenty Side Entry Mixers
Plenty High Efficiency, Heavy Duty Side Entry Mixers for the optimum in tank farm agitation........................................2
Plenty HIgh Efficiency Side Entry Mixers........................................................................................................................3
Unique Side Entry Mixers Tank Shut-off Device..............................................................................................................5
Side Entry Mixer Types................................................................................................................................................... 6
Fixed Angle Heavy Duty Belt Driven............................................................................................................................... 8
Technical Data: Fixed Angle Belt Drive........................................................................................................................... 9
Swivel Angle Heavy Duty Belt Driven............................................................................................................................10
Technical Data: Swivel Angle Belt Drive........................................................................................................................11
Fixed Angle Heavy Duty Gear Driven........................................................................................................................... 12
Technical Data: Fixed Angle Belt Drive......................................................................................................................... 13
Swivel Angle Heavy Duty Gear Driven..........................................................................................................................14
Technical Data: Swivel Angle Belt Drive........................................................................................................................15
Criteria for Side Entry Mixer tank agitation....................................................................................................................16
Recommended Mixer Orientations................................................................................................................................18
Tank Mounting Details...................................................................................................................................................19
Process Operation Details............................................................................................................................................ 20
Mounting Flange Details............................................................................................................................................... 21
Recommended cut out dimensions of floating roof tanks fitted with Fixed Angle mixers..............................................22
Typical Site References................................................................................................................................................24
Plenty High Efficiency Side Entry Mixers
Why Side Entry Tank Mixers? Belt Driven Units
The Plenty Side Entry mixer is the most efficient These are flexible powergrip high torque drive (HTD)
converter of energy into fluid motion. Unlike jet mixer reinforced antistatic tooth belts for longer life with a minimum
systems, they do not suffer significant energy losses at service factor of 1.5. The whole transmission is enclosed in a
the pump, in the pipework, in the bends, or most weatherproof, non-sparking guard with internal surfaces
significantly, at the jet nozzles. Also, capital costs are coated with a fire resistant resin. Bearings are hermetically
lower and access to intank components is not restricted, sealed for life, fully grease packed, with life ratings ISO and
while the problem of frequent, urgent maintenance on ANSI in excess of 47,000 hours.
tanks that must be emptied and cleaned, is eliminated.
Side Entry mixers are also more efficient than top entry
mixers, and are significantly less expensive for larger
diameter tanks. Side Entry mixers are ideal for use on
tanks with floating roofs where practical considerations
preclude the use of top entry mixers.
A properly selected side entry mixer, complete with
a reliable shut off device and high efficiency impeller
out performs all other mixing devices.
Tooth Belt Mixers
Standard Range
■ 2-55 kW
■ 356-838 mm (14-33 inches) diameter impellers
■ Belt and Gear Drive
■ Fixed and Swivel Angle
Gear Driven Units
Utilise high efficiency case hardened spiral bevel gears to
These four variables form the comprehensive standard
AGMA Class 2 having a minimum service factor of 1.5 for
range. In every case the design concept has been to
longer life. The gearbox may be removed as a unit for shop
provide units suitable for long and continous operation maintenance without disturbing motor mounting alignment or
under arduous site conditions with minimum maintenance. moving coupling halves. The Plenty gearbox achieves
positive splash oil lubrication to all rotating components,
effects low noise emission and maximum heat dissipation.
Model Designation
There is no danger of lubrication failures and over heating
All Plenty Side Entry mixers have designated
which can occur with pump circulation systems. All bearings
model numbers inline with the following example:
are open cage type with life ratings ISO and ANSI in excess
of 44,000 hours.
30 P - 70 -S TM - 30
Standard Materials of Construction
Impeller Diameter Motor Rating Impeller Cast Iron
(inches) (kW) Shaft Carbon Steel
Shaft diameter (mm) Mounting flange Carbon Steel
TM = Tooth Belt Drive
SM = Gear Drive
Special materials such as stainless steel wetted parts or
other exotic materials, etc may be provided to suit
No Letter = Fixed Angle individual requirements.
S = Swivel Angle
Standard Design Features
All Plenty Side Entry Mixers incorporate the following:
Impeller Bearings
The high efficiency true helical pitch impeller with In every case the units are designed and manufactured
foward rake was originally developed by Plenty for Side to require minimum maintenance. The mixer bearings in
Entry mixers. particular have been engineered to provide long life and
Years of research in the field of liquid dynamics have been have minimum B.10 lives as shown in fig.2. The figures
rewarded by a technically advanced design of impeller, are those of lowest life bearing - other bearings have
having a large blade area that provides the optimum greater B.10 lives.
cavitation free suction conditions promoting maximum
pumping rate and entrainment for any installed power. Each
impeller is accurately cast as a one-piece component, thus
eliminating the setting variances and welding problems often
present with alternative fabricated designs. Rigid inspections Gear Driven Mixer
of pitch uniformity and balancing ensures minimal vibration The bearings of the gear driven units are all open
and optimum pumping efficiency. caged type including the input pinion gear support
bearings. All these bearings are splash oil mist
lubricated via lubrication channels in the gearcase.
Advanced Impeller Design
The shaft has been designed to minimize misalignment,
■ High Pumping ■ High Thrust deflection and vibration which all affect the mechanical seal
■ Minimum Power Draw ■ No Cavitation and bearing life. It is a one-piece component with no
■ Solid Reliability intermediate couplings and is ground between centres
at the bearing and seal areas. All shafts are engineering
hard-chrome plated in seal and shut-off areas. The range
Impeller Fixing of Plenty mixers has been designed for heavy duty
operation and the large diameter shafts have a first critical
Positive fixing and driving of the impeller on the shaft
speed of at least 250% of the operating speed as shown in
is achieved by the use of taper to taper, side fitting key
fig.1. The shaft is supported by heavy duty antifriction
and retaining bolt.
bearings, outboard of tank product, making maintenance
easier and allowing the performance to be monitored.
Unique Side Entry Mixer
Tank Shut-off Device
fig. 3
Tank Shut-Off Mechanism valve for ensuring that the shut-off is bush outboard of the mechanical
All units incorporate a tank shut-off 100% effective before removal of seal to restrict leakage rate of tank
device to allow the shaft seal and any bearings or mechanical seal. media in the event of ultimate seal
bearings to be changed under full The Plenty shut-off mechanism offers failure. A safety check valve is fitted
tank conditions. (See fig. 3, 4 & 5). complete safety and security as it does for venting the seal chamber to
The tank shut-off mechanism not incorporate any flexible ‘O’ rings or ensure that it is completely filled with
incorporates tapered metal to metal gaskets which deform wear or perish. liquid prior to start-up as well as to
faces, positively clamped by a bolted check that the shut-off device is
flange which both seals products in Mechanical Seal 100% effective. (See fig. 3, 4 & 5).
the tank and securely supports the The mechanical seal was developed in
shaft during bearing and/or shaft seal conjunction with a leading manufac- Alternative Seal Arrangements
changes. All tapered faces are wear turer for use in the Petrochemical field ■ Stuffing Box
and corrosion resistant. on fluids from asphalt to xylene. The ■ Double Mechanical Seal
The most important aspect of the mechanical seal is completely ■ Cartridge
Plenty mechanical seal assembly is enclosed inside a housing which is ■ High Temperature Sealing Units
that it incorporates a safety check fitted with a close clearance throttle
fig. 4 fig. 5
Side Entry Mixer Types
Fixed Angle
Mounting Support Slings
Normally used in blending applications, maintaining
All Mixers can be installed without support slings, but in view
homogeneity, aiding heat transfer or to maintain
of the already highly stressed condition of large tanks in
temperature uniformity. All these applications demand
particular, we recommend that all mixers over 700 kg (all 70
complete top to bottom turnover and for this purpose
mixers are permanently installed at an angle of 10° to the &85mm units) are fitted with support slings to dissipate
left of the tank axis. the load over as large an area as possible. The standard
support slings incorporate variable load settings to
Swivel Angle accommodate tank shell movement during filling and
Swivel Angle mixers incorporate a feature which allows the emptying. (See fig. 8).
mixer angle of entry to be varied through 30° either side of
the tank centreline in 10° increments and enables the entire
tank floor to be directly scoured by the impeller flow stream.
This is the only satisfactory solution to B.S. & W. control in
large tanks and ensures that the heavy solids, water and
corrosive salts which settle in areas least agitated by a
permanently fixed mixer are maintained in suspension.
Gearbox Lubrication System
The Plenty gearbox achieves positive lubrication to all
rotating components, effects low noise emission and
maximum heat dissipation from the lubricating oil. The oil
reservoir capacity is designed such that the gearwheel ‘picks
up’ oil, providing the necessary meshing oil film at the pinion
and displacing ‘oil mist’ up the lubrication channel to the top
pinion bearings. The oil then floods downwards through the
bearings into the pinion/wheel meshing.
Each gearcase has a magnetic plug fitted to remove
any foreign metallic particles that may be present. Oil
level windows are fitted as standard.
Fixed Angle Heavy Duty Belt Driven
Specification Model TM
Driven by a horizontal foot mounted is available for all ATEX approval A close clearance throttle bush is fitted
motor fitted above the main mixer needs. Drive service factor is 1.5 outboard of the mechanical seal to limit
frame on a steel mounting plate with minimum. The main mixer frame is a the leakage rate in the event of
a hinged adjustment for correct belt rigid one piece casting spigot located catastrophic seal failure. Optional tank
tensioning. Hinge pins and adjusting to the steel mounting flange and adaptor flanges can be supplied to suit
screws etc. are cadmium plated to incorporating pre-lubricated sealed for all tank manhole/nozzle fixings. The
protect against atmospheric life hermetically sealed shaft bearings mixer shaft is hard chromed in the
corrosion. The motor and mixer shafts having a minimum B.10 life of 47,000 shaft seal and shut off area and fitted
are connected by a Fire Resistant Anti hours. The mounting flange with a one piece cast, three bladed,
Static (FRAS) High Torque Drive (HTD) incorporates a single mechanical seal high efficiency, special pitch impeller,
Tooth Belt adequately sized to with a corrosion and wear resistant balanced and keyed in position.
transmit motor power. The pulleys have tank shut off device permitting seal
taperlock bushes for ease of removal and bearing replacement under full
and are enclosed in a sparkproof and tank conditions.
weatherproof guard. A standard guard
Technical Data: Fixed Angle Belt Drive
Variable spring loaded support
slings recommended for 70mm
and 85mm mixers
A dia
Optional tank
adaptor flange
min (6’’)
C B (max) J
Tank Floor
Dimensions are approximate only and certified drawings will be supplied at time of order.
Swivel Angle Heavy Duty Belt Driven
Technical Data: Swivel Angle Belt Drive
82,0 Variable spring loaded support
slings recommended for 70mm
and 85mm mixers
Flanged to suit customers
A dia
Tank Floor
Dimensions are approximate only and certified drawings will be supplied at time of order.
Fixed Angle Heavy Duty Gear Driven
Specification Model SM
Driven by a vertical electric motor which is flange mounted The mounting flange incorporates a single mechanical
on the support bracket above the gearbox and connected by seal with a corrosion and wear resistant tank shut-off
an all metal flexible coupling protected by a guard. A device permitting seal and/or gearbox removal under full
standard guard is available for all ATEX approval needs. tank conditions. A close clearance throttle bush is fitted
outboard of the mechanical seal to limit the leakage rate in
The gearbox comprises a single reduction hardened high
the event of catastrophic seal failure.
efficiency spiral bevel gear set having a minimum service
factor of 1.5 to AGMA gear class 2. The gears and all The mixer shaft is engineering hard-chromed in the shaft
bearings are splash oil lubricated and enclosed in a large seal and shut-off area and fitted with a one-piece cast
gear case for maximum heat dissipation. The mixer three bladed, high efficiency, special pitch impeller,
bearings have a minimum B.10 life of 44,000 hours. balanced and keyed in position.
The mixer frame is a rigid one-piece iron casting spigot
located to the gearbox and the steel mounting flange.
Optional tank adaptor flanges can be supplied to suit all
tank manhole/nozzle fixings.
Technical Data: Fixed Angle Gear Drive
Variable spring loaded support
slings recommended for 70mm
and 85mm mixers
E NB ANSI 150lb RF
A dia
150 mimimum
Tank Floor
Dimensions are approximate only and certified drawings will be supplied at time of order.
Swivel Angle Heavy Duty Gear Driven
Technical Data: Swivel Angle Gear Drive
Variable spring loaded support
slings recommended for 85mm
H (MAX) 82,0
A dia
150 mimimum
Tank Floor
Dimensions are approximate only and certified drawings will be supplied at time of order.
Criteria for Side Entry Mixer tank agitation
The majority of Side Entry mixers are required to P= volume factor x tank ratio factor x viscosity factor
x gravity difference factor x blend time factor
meet one or more of the following duties
This calculated power must not be less than
1. Crude Oil B.S. & W. Control
the minimum power.
To control or prevent the accumulation of bottom
sludge and water pockets (B.S. & W.) especially in 1. Tank Ratio & Geometry
Crude Oil Storage Tanks at Refineries, Terminals or Side Entry mixers induce a spiral jet flow across the floor
Entrepots. Demands high velocity circulation in order of the tank continually entraining product from other areas
to completely scour the bottom of the tank of the tank. This jet stream initially only agitates the
higher gravity product in the bottom of the tank, but in
2. Maintain Homogeneity
time, providing there is the necessary installed power, will
To maintain homogeneity of refinery finished or
gradually penetrate the higher layers of the tank product
intermediate products or chemical plant feed stocks to
with sufficient velocity to generate both full top to bottom
ensure uniform specification. This demands complete
flow and to break the interface between the various
movement throughout the tank with top to bottom
densities and achieve a full homogeneous mix.
“turnover” as well as circulation round the tank, to
ensure that the product at the top, middle and bottom
If the actual height/diameter (Z/t) ratio is excessive this
remains uniform to specification. This may also
will influence the total power required as shown in
sometimes apply to crude oil storage especially in
Fig.11 below.
refinery tanks feeding direct to the distillation units.
3. Blend
To mix two or more different components to obtain
a homogeneous blend in a specified time to specific Tank Optimum Correction
requirements again demands complete top to Volume Height/Dia. Factor for
bottom “turnover”. m3 x 103 (Z/t Ratio) Higher Tank
4. Heat Transfer
Z/t Ratios
To aid heat transfer while heating or cooling or to 0.5 1.20
maintain temperature uniformity - again complete 1 1.15 Actual Z/t
fluid motion, top to bottom “turnover” would normally 2 0.98 Ratios /
be required. Location of mixers relative to the 5 0.72 Optimum
heating element is also important to the success of 10 0.55 Z/t ratio
the operation. 25 0.38 (minimum 1.0)
Note 50 0.32
It is possible that one or more of the duties may apply 75 0.29
to a particular application and the most critical duty
100 0.28
must determine the selection of mixer. Generally the 125 0.27 fig. 11
most power demanding duty is blending, application
3. 150 0.26
2. Viscosity
B. Design Parameters
In general, all refinery Side Entry mixer applications The viscosity of the product will also have an effect on
3 the minimum and required power, to achieve
require between 1.1 kW - 4.6 kW per 1000 m . In rare movement throughout the tank. The higher the
cases, for example B.S. & W. control of crude oil of viscosity the greater will be its resistance to the flow
very low viscosity and low B.S. & W: content, it is generated by the impeller. Generally in viscosities
possible to install less power but only if the mixers are below 50 cP the effect would be very slight, but above
of the swivel angle type. For each application there is this it is very important to make corrections.
a minimum power below which no matter how long the
mixer is operated a blend or homogeneity will never
be achieved. For product storage tanks this figure is
generally 1.1 kW per 1000m .
The viscosity factor would be tabulated thus:
Recommended Mixer Orientations
Mixer Positioning: Fixed Angle Mixers
Plenty recommended mixer (Fixed Angle) positions for effective blending, homogeneity and temperature uniformity
Plenty recommended mixer (Swivel Angle) positions for effective B.S. & W. control in cruide oil tanks
Tank Mounting Details
Manhole or ‘X’ Nozzle length ‘Y’ (mm)
Nozzle Size (mm) 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375
Maximum Impeller Diameter (mm)
18’’ ANSI 150 430 560 510 510 460 460 460 460 460 460 460
20’’ ANSI 150 480 660 610 560 510 510 510 510 510 510 510
20’’ API 650 508 700 610 610 610 560 560 560 560 560 510
24’’ ANSI 150 580 815 815 790 790 700 660 660 660 660 610
24’’ API 650 610 840 840 815 815 740 700 700 660 660 660
30’’ ANSI 150 720 840 840 840 840 840 815 815 815 815 815
30’’ API 650 762 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840
Manhole or ‘X’ Nozzle length ‘Y’ (ins)
Nozzle Size (ins) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 3/4 13 3/4 14 3/4
Maximum Impeller Diameter (mm)
18’’ ANSI 150 16.93 22 20 20 18 18 18 18 18 18 18
20’’ ANSI 150 18.9 26 24 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20’’ API 650 20 28 24 24 24 22 22 22 22 22 20
24’’ ANSI 150 22.84 32 32 31 31 28 26 26 26 26 24
24’’ API 650 24 33 33 32 32 29 28 28 32 26 26
30’’ ANSI 150 28.35 33 33 33 33 33 32 32 32 32 32
30’’ API 650 30 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33
Process Operation Details
Swivel Angle Mixers
Normally used for suspension of sludge, solids etc.,
with occasionally a further requirement for blending
(mixer set in 10° left position). For optimum mixing
efficiency the mixers should be operated on the
following swivel programme.
The results of correct mixer selection and positioning for B.S. & W. Dirty Tanks - Solids Suspension
control in a 500,000 Bbls Crude Oil Tank Programme as for clean tanks but initially the mixer
should operate for approximately 8 hours on one angle
per batch i.e., first batch 30° left, second batch 10°
The advantage of operating Plenty
right, and so on until such time that the deposits are
Swivel Angle Mixers in crude oil storage tanks
reduced to a reasonable level. Then revert to a change
of swivel angle every 2/3 months. Specific process
In most crude oils there are varying quantities of Bottom
guidance is available from Plenty mixers.
Sludge and Water (BS&W) which contains paraffins, heavy
ends, sediments of sand / silts and water. The rate of
Blending, Maintaining Homogeneity,
accumulation varies with the quality of the crude stored.
Temperature, Uniformity
The mixer should be positioned at the 10° left angle
Some of the main reasons why BS&W should
to ensure full top to bottom turnover.
be controlled are:
■ Tankage is always available for storage and not
out of commission being cleaned or repaired
Typical mixing action in a crude oil storage tank
■ Problems of sludge disposal are overcome.
■ No environmental problems.
■ Accumulation of BS&W can cause severe
corrosion of tank floor and lower shell plates.
■ Hazardous, dangerous and costly tank cleaning
is practically eliminated.
■ Large accumulations of BS&W can
dramatically reduce ‘operations’ flexibility.
■ Up to 70% of the BS&W is recoverable
hydrocarbons which result in lost revenue if
not utilised.
■ Large accumulations, if not controlled or
monitored, can result in floating roof damage
when tank is on pump-down condition.
■ If slugs of BS&W break free during pump-down
then serious damage to the transfer pumps or even
disruption of the refinery operation can result.
■ Elimination of “plugged” water drains.
Mounting Flange Details
1. Dimensions in brackets are metric.
2. Mixers without manways are supplied with
this fl ange studded.
3. Flange thickness does not conform to ANSI or
API standards
4. Thickness of fl ange ‚D‘ is 1.125“ (28.6) on
swivel angle models
8“ ANSI 150 RF 13.5“ 10.63“ 8“ - 0.062“ 8 0.875“ 11.75“ 45MM & 60MM
(343) (270) (1.5) (22) (298) SEE NOTE 2.
10“ ANSI 150 RF 16“ 12.75“ 10“ - 0.062“ 12 1“ 14.25“ 70MM & 85MM
(406) (324) (1.5) (25) (362) SEE NOTE 2.
20“ ANSI 150 RF 20“ 27.5“ 23“ 20“ 0.875“ 0.062“ 20 1.25“ 25“ DIMN. ‚D‘
API NOZZLE (699) (584) (22) (1.5) (32) (635) NON STANDARD
24“ ANSI 150 RF 24“ 32.75“ 27.25“ 24“ 0.875“ 0.062“ 20 1.375“ 29.5“ DIMN. ‚A‘ & ‚D‘
API NOZZLE (832) (692) (22) (1.5) (35) (749) NON STANDARD
30“ ANSI 150 RF 30“ 38.75“ 33.75“ 30“ 0.875“ 0.062“ 28 1.375“ 36“ DIMN. ‚D‘
API NOZZLE (984) (857) (22) (1.5) (35) (914) NON STANDARD
20“ API 650 28.75“ - 20“ 0.875“ - 28 0.875“ 26.25“ DIMN. ‚D‘
MANWAY (730) (22) (22) (667) NON STANDARD
24“ API 650 32.75“ - 24“ 0.875“ - 28 0.875“ 30.25“ DIMN. ‚D‘
MANWAY (832) (22) (22) (768) NON STANDARD
30“ API 650 38.75“ - 30“ 0.875“ - 42 0.875“ 36.25“ DIMN. ‚D‘
MANWAY (984) (22 (22) (921) NON STANDARD
600 BS 2654 1973 (780) - (600) (22) - 36 (23) (740) DIMN. ‚D‘
600 BS 2654 1975 (780) - (600) (22) - 36 (22) (725) DIMN. ‚D‘
Recommended cut out dimensions of floating roof
tanks fitted with Fixed Angle mixers
45* 410 ‘C’ 394 368 343 318 292 267 241
60 470 ‘B’ 445 419 394 368 345 318 292 267 241 216
60 470 ‘C’ 546 521 495 470 445 419 364 368 343 317
70 580 ‘B’ 660 635 610 584 559 533 508 483 457 432
70 580 ‘C’ 794 768 743 718 692 667 641 616 591 565
85 610 ‘B’ 699 673 648 622 597 572 546 521 495 470
85 610 ‘C’ 870 844 819 794 768 743 718 692 667 641
45* 16 1/4 ‘C’ 15 1/2 14 1/2 13 1/2 12 1/2 11 1/2 10 1/2 9 1/2
60 18 1/2 ‘B’ 17 1/2 16 1/2 15 1/2 14 1/2 13 1/2 12 1/2 11 1/2 10 1/2 9 1/2 8 1/2
60 18 1/2 ‘C’ 21 1/2 20 1/2 19 1/2 18 1/2 17 1/2 16 1/2 14 1/4 14 1/2 13 1/2 12 1/2
70 23 ‘B’ 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17
70 23 ‘C’ 31 1/4 30 1/4 29 1/4 28 1/4 27 1/4 27 1/4 25 1/4 24 1/4 23 1/4 22 1/4
85 24 ‘B’ 27 1/2 26 1/2 25 1/2 24 1/2 23 1/2 23 21 1/2 20 1/2 19 1/2 18 1/2
85 24 ‘C’ 34 1/4 33 1/4 32 1/4 31 1/4 30 1/4 29 1/4 28 1/4 27 1/4 27 1/4 25 1/4
Recommended cut out ‘A’ = Max. offset of impeller swept arc from
dimensions of floating roof tanks tank/nozzle centre line.
fitted with Swivel Angle mixers. ‘B’ = Min. clearance (tank wall to back face of
‘C’ = Max. protrusion (tank wall to impeller tip).
Typical Site References
Plenty’s experience and knowlege is based upon data accumulated over many years, and field tests conducted with
Shell, ExxonMobil and BP refineries in the United Kingdom and Europe.
Plenty swivel angle belt drive mixers on a 1,000,000 Bbl (160,000 m ) crude oil tank in Europe.
Selected References
Country Qty End Users
Asia, Far East, Australia
Australia 90 Shell, Mobil, Caltex, BP
China 150 Chinese Petroleum Company, Dalian Refinery, Shanghai Yinfu Oils
India 500 Indian Oil Corporation, Reliance Petroleum, Kochi Refineries
Indonesia 30 Pertamina
Korea 350 LG Caltex Oil, Hyundai Oil, Ssangyong Oil, SK Corporation
Malaysia 230 Petronas, Shell, Esso, Malaysian Refining Compay
Pakistan 40 Attock Refinery, National Refinery, Pakistan Oilfields
Philippines 100 Shell, Caltex, Petron
Singapore 450 Shell, ExxonMobil, Caltex, Singapore Refining Co, Vopak, Singapore Petroleum Co.
Thailand 300 Thai Oil, Allied Refining Co, Bangchak Petroleum. Thai Petrochemical Industries
Taiwan 30 Chinese Petroleum Corporation, Formosa Petrochemicals
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