(Language, Discourse, Society) Ian Hunter, David Saunders, Dugald Williamson (Auth.) - On Pornography - Literature, Sexuality and Obscenity Law-Palgrave Macmillan UK (1993) PDF
(Language, Discourse, Society) Ian Hunter, David Saunders, Dugald Williamson (Auth.) - On Pornography - Literature, Sexuality and Obscenity Law-Palgrave Macmillan UK (1993) PDF
(Language, Discourse, Society) Ian Hunter, David Saunders, Dugald Williamson (Auth.) - On Pornography - Literature, Sexuality and Obscenity Law-Palgrave Macmillan UK (1993) PDF
Stanley Aronowitz
SCIENCE AS POWER: Discourse and Ideology in Modern Society
John Barrell
Norman Bryson
VISION AND PAINTING: The Logic of the Gaze
Lesley Caldwell
ITALIAN FAMILY MATTERS: Women, Politics and Legal Reform
Teresa de Lauretis
ALICE DOESN'T: Feminism, Semiotics and Cinema
TECHNOLOGIES OF GENDER: Essays on Theory, Film, and Fiction
Jane Gallop
Peter Gidal
UNDERSTANDING BECKETT: A Study of Monologue and Gesture in the Works
of Samuel Beckett
Peter Goodrich
LEGAL DISCOURSE: Studies in Linguistics, Rhetoric and Legal Analysis
Piers Gray
MARGINAL MEN: Edward Thomas; Ivor Gurney; J R Ackerley
Ian Hunter
CULTURE AND GOVERNMENT: The Emergence of Literary Education
Andreas Huyssen
AFTER THE GREAT DIVIDE: Modernism, Mass Culture and Postmodernism
Colin MacCabe (editor)
THE TALKING CURE: Essays on Psychoanalysis and Language
Christian Metz
Jean-Claude Milner
Jeffrey Minson
GENEALOGIES OF MORALS: Nietzsche, Foucault, Donzelot and the Eccentricity
of Ethics
Angela Moorjani
Laura Mulvey
Douglas Oliver
Michel Pecheux
Denise Riley
AM I THAT NAME?: Feminism and the Category of 'Women' in History
Jacqueline Rose
Brian Rotman
SIGNIFYING NOTHING: The Semiotics of Zero
Michael Ryan
POLffiCS AND CULTURE: Working Hypotheses for a Post-Revolutionary Society
David Trotter
CIRCULATION: Defoe, Dickens and the Economics ot the Novel
THE MAKING OF THE READER: Language and Subjectivity in Modern American,
English and Irish Poetry
Peter Womack
IMPROVEMENT AND ROMANCE: Constructing the Myth of the Highlands
Literature, Sexuality and Obscenity Law
Ian Hunter
Senior Lecturer, Division of Humanities,
Griffith University, Australia
David Saunders
Senior Lecturer, Division of Humanities,
Griffith University, Australia
Dugald Williamson
Senior Lecturer, Division of Humanities,
Griffith University, Australia
©Ian Hunter, David Saunders, Dugald Williamson 1993
Acknowledgements Xlll
1 An Introduction 1
4 Literary Erotics 92
Notes 247
Bibliography 265
Index 282
The reader who picks up a book on the history of the policing of pornogra-
phy has every right to demand of its authors a clear statement of their
approach to the subject. After all, few subjects of historical and cultural
enquiry are more contentious and leave less scope for detached observation
and disinterested analysis. The development of research into pornography
and its legal regulation obeys none of the comforting models for the evolu-
tion of scholarly fields. It is characterised neither by the patient accumula-
tion of historical facts and progressive refinement of disciplinary frame-
works, nor by the sudden and momentous theoretical breakthrough that
grounds the object of enquiry in a revelation of its fundamental conditions.
Knowledge of pornography is too deeply embedded in its auto-erotic use, in
the medical and pedagogical categories of its legal regulation, and in cam-
paigns for its aesthetic emancipation or moral eradication for the researcher
to be able to approach it in a Kantian manner as the universal subject of
reason. From D. H. Lawrence's attempt to distinguish erotic art and pornog-
raphy to the feminist denunciation of Lawrence as a pornographer, from the
specification and regulation of pornography as a social harm by jurists in
the 1860s to the debunking of this claim by their liberal colleagues in the
1960s, from this debunking to the reinstatement of the social harmfulness of
pornography as the instrument of sexism, knowledge of pornography has
been inseparable from the competing agencies of its use and regulation, its
discrediting and valorisation. For this reason all attempts to provide a
general statement of the truth of pornography - whether to discover its
origin in the puritanical repression of healthy sexuality, its essence in the
patriarchal objectification of women, or its rightful place in the sphere of
private morality or in that of literary emancipation - must be greeted with
a degree of scepticism. Invariably and perhaps inevitably, such statements
are driven by particular interests formed in the heterogeneous spheres of
private erotics and public policy, cultural projects and governmental pro-
grammes. For the same reason, however, strict limits are imposed on the
scope of sceptical enquiry. In acknowledging the interested character of
various reasonings about pornography, we can neither claim to see through
them in a purely disinterested manner to a new truth, nor indeed suspend all
judgement and wait for the marching orders of history.
We have responded to this problem in a number of ways. In the first place
we have not attempted to overcome the interested character of knowledge in
the field but have treated it as establishing limits and parameters for our
Preface ix
own investigations. In this regard, the speed with which the liberal debunk-
ing of the Victorian conception of the harms of pornography has itself been
debunked by the feminist reinscription of the older conception in a new
form has proved salutary. These shifts are exemplary of the circumstantial
character of pornography as an object of knowledge and a target of policy.
For this reason we have not attempted to describe pornography in terms of
a single origin, underlying essence or general function. Instead, we have
concentrated our attentions on the shifting historical circumstances in which
it has emerged as an eroticising instrument, a saleable commodity, a crime,
an object of governmental concern and medical regulation, an ethical occa-
sion or an aesthetic phenomenon.
This methodological strategy has in its tum alerted us to the dominant
rhetorical forms through which books on pornography address their readers
and their object. Whether in the name of 'man's' long-repressed erotic
being, or in the name of a marginalised feminine desire, these books find
their voices in a speaking for that which has been silenced, a discovery• of
that which has been hidden. This rhetoric disables analysis in several ways.
First, it activates the 'fable' of repression, as it is termed in Michel Foucault's
work on the history of sexuality. In the wake of this work, we must suspect
that the so-called 'sllence' surrounding sexuality exists only in order to be
endlessly broken, our 'hidden' sexuality being in practice a stalking-horse
for a remorseless engine of discovery and industry of publication. Repres-
sion undoubtedly occurs, but it is also a tactic within a confessional mecha-
nism, a tactic for getting us to treat sexuality as the great secret of ourselves.
Most books on pornography treat sexuality in just this way, relaying the
mechanism of confession rather than describing it.
Second, in purporting to break the silence surrounding sexuality the
authors of such books lay claim to what Foucault has called 'the speaker's
benefit'. This is the claim to a certain moral authority flowing from the
courage displayed in breaking taboos, transgressing prohibitions, and speak-
ing up for the silenced. No doubt this helps explain the portentous and
momentous aura surrounding much of the writing on pornography, as well
as the immense reservoir of indignation that feeds into it. Unfortunately, it
also suggests why so much of this writing is basically uninformative. When
the 'silence' of sexuality is in fact a device in a ritual for getting people to
break it, little is achieved by speaking up, except to draw attention to one's
own claim to moral courage. The level of moral heroism in writing about
pornography has thus tended to be inversely related to its informational
Third, the rhetoric of speaking out is typically accompanied by the
textual strategy of copious quotation from erotic and pornographic works.
X Preface
I. H., D. S., D. W.
The debts we have incurred during the course of this work have been largely
institutional. Its origins lie in our teaching in the erstwhile Forms of Com-
munication programme in the Division of Humanities at Griffith Univer-
sity. To the students of this programme whose presence obliged and whose
interest inspired our initial work on the relations between literature, sexual-
ity and the law, our thanks are due. To Waddick Doyle, Jenny Freeman and
Bronwyn Hammond, who at different times worked with us as research
assistant~, we offer our particular gratitude. We should also like to record
our appreciation of the work done by the Division's general staff who with
good nature and great efficiency have worked on the typescript at various
times between 1986 and 1991. The staff of Griffith University's Inter-
Library Loan service have been similarly helpful over this same period.
Finally, we should like to acknowledge the material support of the Division
and the University which has made the writing of this book possible.
1 An Introduction
We can set the scene with two citations. The first is well known, being taken
from Samuel Pepys, a government official of some standing and a posthu-
mously famous diarist. Writing early in 1668, Pepys describes his encounter
with what we now call pornographic literature:
Lords day. Up, and at my chamber all the morning and the office,
doing business and also reading a little of L' escholle des Filles, which is
a mighty lewd book, but yet not amiss for a sober man once to read over
to inform himself in the villainy of the world . . . We sang till almost
night, and drank my good store of wine; and then they parted and I to my
chamber, where I did read through£' escholle des Filles; a lewd book, but
what doth me no wrong to read for information sake (but it did hazer my
prick para stand all the while, and una vez to decharger); and after I had
done it, I burned it, that it might not be among my books to my shame;
and so at night to supper and then to bed.
2 On Pornography
matised for centuries but society was now mature enough to accept the truth
about itself told by the literature of sexuality. Driven perhaps by the heri-
tage of Puritanism, or by capitalism's will to harness sexual energy to its
own economic ends, or perhaps simply by the fear of sex itself, the law from
this point of view had imposed itself in an area that was the proper preserve
of the artist or the therapist.
Even reforming jurists accepted this view. True, the centuries of repres-
sion had distorted sexual instincts and pornography could be seen as the
revenge of sex on the society that had injured it: a perverse, fantasmatic,
even pathological reflux expression of true sex. The law might, therefore,
have to continue to draw the line of prohibition around pornography, or at
least restrict access to it. But now it would do so with the help of literary
critics and psychologists whose project of fostering the true literary expres-
sion of sex would surely lead to the withering away of both pornography
and its legal regulation.
As for our historians of culture, they provided this account of repression
and liberation with a periodisation and a telos. They assured us that from the
relative freedom of sexual expression in Elizabethan England flowed a
literature of sexuality both frank and healthy, a state of affairs which
continued well into the seventeenth century. With the rise of Puritanism,
however, and successive waves of stigmatisation and legal repression dur-
ing the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, sexual expression was driven
underground where, divorced from reality, it went bad, finally to re-appear
in the form of the pornography of perversions.
It is with regard to just this historical framework that the relation between
our two cited passages would be typically understood. Donald Thomas
(1969, pp. 26-7; 1972, p. 55), for example, regards L' Ecole des filles as an
open and realistic portrayal of the joys of sex, and Pepys' reading of it as
characteristic of the uninhibited period prior to the Puritan revival - the
revival which produced the fantasmatic and perverse pornography of the
Victorians. Chidley' s pathological auto-erotic use of lewd literature, on the
other hand, would be fitted neatly into the analysis of the cultural repression
and perversion of sexuality that we find in Peter Gay's (1984, pp. 328-402)
account of Victorian pornography. Of course, on our side of Chidley - seen
as a late victim of a repression he struggled to overcome - lay the dawn of
a free, realistic, and joyous erotica into whose light we were about to step.
That bright day did not arrive. Indeed, the kindest words one could
use to describe the state of the erstwhile liberal intellectual consensus on
obscenity - until so recently the vehicle of sexual enlightenment and his-
torical progress- would be confusion and disarray. Far from being a sign of
cultural backwardness, the concept of obscenity has today resumed its place
4 On Pornography
shall argue that Pepys' capacity to make himself into an object of know-
ledge and pleasure for himself- and to do so by himself in a closed chamber
- is inseparable from a specific component of this apparatus: the technology
of the printed book. We have already isolated as a topic for further discus-
sion the ease with which the manuals of sexual confession could be con-
verted into repositories of self-eroticisation and thus used for ends quite
other than but just as definite as a seeking of grace. As far as Pepys in
Protestant England is concerned, the literate techniques of Puritan self-
examination- spiritual journalism and autobiography (of which Pepys was
a virtuoso exponent) and casuistical reasoning- could just as easily support
the eroticising confessions of Fanny Hill as the pious life of Robinson
Crusoe, both texts serving exemplary roles for their readers.
The constitutional ambivalence of this sexual conscience - the ease with
which the scrutiny of the soul could assume the form of an erotic search for
sexual grace - as well as its dependence on the printed dissemination of a
specific set of ethical techniques, both bode ill for the project to draw an
essential line between erotica that should be left to judgments of the private
conscience and those other publications which should fall under the public
regulation of the law. If that project is in fact ill-conceived, the distinction
between morality and law begins to look less like a basic philosophical
boundary than a tactic of demarcation. Moreover, this tactic might itself
have depended on the practical forms of ethical education and on the
variable thresholds which have marked the 'juridification' of conducts, that
is, their administration by specifically legal means and instruments. In
short, the distinction between morality and law may not be open to a general
philosophical account or adjudication.
Similar remarks apply to the attempt to reform obscenity law on the basis
of a fundamental distinction between art and pornography. Censorious
judges and campaigning feminists join forces in pointing out that such a
distinction has no necessary pertinence for the sphere of erotica. Chidley's
auto-erotic use of Reynolds and Smollett suggests that this distinction,
far from being an aesthetic or ethical foundation on which the law can
build, itself depends on the positive formation of particular cultural and
ethical capacities that may be unevenly disseminated in a given historical
If this is so, we might suspect that the global advance of the philosophi-
cal-legal categories informing the movement of liberal reform will bog
down in the practical and variable distribution of the ethical capacities
actually responsible for the appropriation of erotica. Small wonder, then,
thatthe categorical distinctions which were to have provided a clear basis
for the new law -between private and public, morality and law, art and
10 On Pornography
• finally, an ethical and legal interest that seeks to remain within the
range of the actual ethical and legal capacities supported by this field;
that is, within range of ethical intelligibility and legal possibility.
The Pornographic Field 13
It was in the context of this fragile and highly charged moral physiology -
in which sexual medicine had joined the health of the body to the purity of
the mind and the pathology of the individual to that of society - that the
harms of pornographic literature could be known and calculated:
The dangers arising from vicious literature of any kind, cannot be over-
estimated by parents. Whether sensuality be taught by police reports, or
by Greek and Latin literature, by novels, plays, songs, penny papers, or
any species of the corrupt literature now sent forth broadcast, and which
finds its way into the hands of the young of all classes and both sexes, the
danger is equally real. It is storing the susceptible mind of youth with
words, images, and suggestions of vice, which remain permanently in the
mind, springing up day and night in unguarded moments, weakening the
power of resistance, and accustoming the thoughts to an atmosphere of
vice. No amount of simple caution, given by parents or instructors,
suffices to guard the young mind from the influence of evil literature. It
must be remembered that hatred of evil will never be learned by intellec-
tual warning. The permanent and incalculable injury which is done to the
young mind by vicious reading, is proved by all that we now know about
the structure and methods of growth of the human mind ... Physiological
inquiry is constantly throwing more light upon our mental as well as
physical organization ... All that we observe of these processes, shows
us that different physical changes are produced in the brain, by different
classes of ideas, and that the moral sense itself, may be affected by the
constant exercise of the brain in one direction or another, so that the
actual individual standard of what is right or what is wrong, will be quite
changed, according to whether low or high ideas have been constantly
recorded in the retentive substance of the brain.
These important facts have a wide and constant bearing on education,
showing the really poisonous character of all licentious literature, whether
ancient or modem, and its destructive effect on the quality of the brain.
(pp. 89-90)
Writing some eighty years after our doctor of sexual medicine, two
American professors of law take as their task the reformation of the tangle
of laws that had grown up around the literature of sexuality in the eighteenth
14 On Pornography
At the same time the professors are well aware that the right of free
expression cannot be extended to pornography. They therefore concentrate
their energies on formulating a legal mechanism for distinguishing between
pornography and legitimate sexual expression. This cannot be achieved,
they argue, by using the armory of common law tests and definitions of
obscenity, reliant as these had been on conceptions of harm that do not
stand the test of modem knowledge, and scattered as they were across a
patchwork of administrative and legal jurisdictions that robbed them of
consistency and left sexual literature to the mercies of sectional extremism
and local ignorance.
The solution, they argue, is to acknowledge the aesthetic specificity of
this literature: to acknowledge that it too is a vehicle for important ideas,
albeit ideas expressed in a manner that is unique to literature - embodied in
story, character, and setting. Once this is done it will be possible to draw the
protective circle of the Constitution around sexual literature by building
aesthetic criteria into legal statutes (courts must concern themselves with
the aesthetic place and role of erotic passages in the work as a whole), and
The Pornographic Field 15
• First, that the deployment and use of erotica has no general form
(deriving from 'man's' true or fantasmatic desire) but varies with the
distribution of erotic interests and competences within the variable
mix of institutions and discourses (religious discipline, sexual medi-
cine, the erotic book trade, pedagogy, policing, social reform cam-
paigns, legislative and judicial decisions) which has constituted the
pornographic field.
• Second, that this field is not characterised by intrinsic differences
between art and pornography or morality and law, but by the contin-
gent and shifting historical configurations of its elements: these form-
ing mobile thresholds for the juridification, pathologisation and
aestheticisation of erotica.
Almost all current discussion of obscenity law and pornography takes place
within the horizons of the liberal strategy. If, however, we are to understand
this strategy as itself a specific historical mutation occurring in a much
20 On Pornography
wider field, we must first learn how to detach ourselves from it. How are we
to understand that proliferation of articles, books, and legal testimony
through which, in the 1950s and 1960s, a variety of experts sought to lift the
legal restraints on erotic art, or at least restrict their scope? The phenom-
enon is all the more striking, given the silence of these experts today. 1 What
was it that permitted them to change the status of erotica from a legally
controlled 'toxic' substance to that of the most important agency in 'man's'
quest for sexual and personal truth, in need of policing only when more
essential and inward forms of restraint broke down?
The liberal strategy emerges at the intersection of three distinct forces.
First, psychology with its theme of an optimum form of sexual develop-
ment; second, aesthetics, in particular a romantically-derived literary criti-
cism with its theme of an ideal mode of organic personality and sexual
expression; lastly, jurisprudence with its project for a rational rectification
of the boundary between morality and law. Taking shape within this set of
coordinates, the liberal strategy harnessed a therapeutics of sexual matura-
tion to an aesthetics of the erotic text, thereby transforming the problem of
pornography and relocating the threshold of its legal regulation.
As far as psychology is concerned, pornography is symptomatic of a
breakdown in the mechanism of sexual development, not harmful in itself
but indicative of a harm occurring elsewhere, in a fundamental maturational
process. In what was 'perhaps the single most influential psychological
account of pornography in the 1960s -Pornography and the Law: The
Psychology of Erotic Realism and Pornography- Eberhard and Phyllis
Kronhausen tell a familiar fable of human sexual development. Emerging
between inborn sexual drives and the countervailing force of social mores
and customs, the process of maturation is said to be governed by a funda-
mental dialectic of desire and norm. As the ageless product of this eternal
dialectic, the literature of sexuality is presented with the difficult dual task
of satisfying 'the natural and desirable interest in sex, without turning it into
morbid channels, confusing and linking it with violence, or keeping it
antiseptically detached from the physical sensations which should accom-
pany it, and by connecting the sexual impulse with those love feelings
which are its highest perfection' (Kronhausen and Kronhausen, 1959,
p. 260). It is with reference to the options presented by this dialectic that the
psychologists draw a line through the field of sexual literature separating
what they call 'erotic realism' from 'hard core pornography'.
Erotic realism, they say, has only goal: 'To depict life as it is, including
man's basic biological needs' (p. 28). We should note, however, that the
criterion for success in this regard is that erotic writing function as a vehicle
for the dialectic of psycho-sexual maturation; that is, that it permit a full
The Pornographic Field 21
In its attempts to suppress the sexual needs of the individual, society has
always exercised a certain amount of literary and artistic censorship. In
defiance of this limitation, erotic realism insists on giving the sexual
interests . . . their proportionate share in the particular medium of the
artist. (p. 26)
At worst- but typically -the law is treated as complicit with the fearful and
repressive imposition of such norms which, in blocking the appropriately
sublimated expression of desire, actually produces the pornography of
perversions that it attempts to eradicate. Psychology therefore shows the
law how to withdraw from what is claimed to be the psycho-therapeutic
domain of erotic literature, leaving it only a residual function at the margins,
to handle cases of bad development, which will become fewer and fewer as
the yoke of repression is lifted.
In the case of aesthetics (and literary criticism), pornography is the sign
22 On Pornography
The sentimentalism and the niggling analysis, often self analysis, of most
of our modem literature, is a sign of self abuse. It is the manifestatiqn of
masturbation, the sort of conscious activity stimulated by masturbation,
whether male or female. The outstanding feature of such consciousness is
that there is no real object, there is only subject. This is just the same
whether it be a novel or a work of science. The author never escapes from
himself, he pads along within the vicious circle of himself.
Once again, however, the criterion for this realism - the co-presence of
erotic detail with developed characters, setting, 'philosophy' - signifies
neither more or less than the textual availability and deployment of the
materials of the aesthetic-ethical dialectic.
We can observe in passing, and mark for future comment, the fact that the
aesthetic specification of pornography also provides the basis for much
feminist analysis. Despite Lawrence's claim that both men and women are
susceptible to the 'sentimentalism' that leaves them locked in an auto-erotic
relation to the self- and despite the bestiary of Lawrence's female charac-
24 On Pornography
ters, many of whom are indeed masturbatory and wilful - it was possible
from the outset to identify the pornographic tyranny of fantasy with the
male imagination, and to replace the one-sidedness of masturbation with
that of rape. For example, in a general article on 'Literature and Pornogra-
phy', Colin Wilson (1982, p. 212) is quite happy to write that 'Pornography
is a more civilised version of rape. That is to say, it is an appeal to this
masculine desire to conquer and penetrate, without personal involvement
... Rape has been transposed into the world of the imagination'. With this,
we are already in that quirky domain where - like masturbation before it -
rape will be used as a general metaphor for any failure of aesthetic reciproc-
ity and thus of sexual mutuality, bringing the stigma of crime to an ethical
failing but thereby threatening to tum the crime into a matter of aesthetics
and ethics.
In either case, it is clear that, like psychology, literary criticism provides
a powerful means for rolling back the area of sexual literature open to legal
regulation: this time by making the aesthetic-ethical dialectic central to the
realisation of true sexuality and by reconstructing the problem of pornogra-
phy as a failure in 'man's' aesthetic education. The claims of aesthetics to
adjudicate in this matter are given their full romantic charge in the follow-
ing remarks:
One point seems evident, that literary standards should not be regulated
by law. Literature is creative, imaginative and aesthetic, with no extrinsic
purpose, its one criterion being fidelity to its own nature. It is the study
of the universal, but in the light of the individual and the particular, an
expression of man's creative faculty, intent on beauty not on utility. Law
is not creative but regulative, seeking not a special ideal harmony but a
generalized justice and the application of universally valid principles.
Thus it is impossible to attempt to confine literature within the Procrustean
bed of the law.
But the impact of aesthetics is no less clear. Lockhart and McClure (pp. 58-
68) draw in equal measure on Lawrence and the Kronhausens, seeking to
construct the boundary between 'erotic realism' and 'hardcore pornogra-
phy' in terms of the latter's fantasmatic and retardational properties. 'Por-
nography is daydream material, divorced from reality, whose main or sole
purpose is to nourish erotic fantasies or, as the psychiatrists say, psychic
autoeroticism' (p. 65).
Existing American obscenity law was organised around the 1868 English
definition of obscenity (in Regina v. Hicklin) in terms of its 'tendency to
deprave and corrupt those whose minds were open to such immoral influ-
ences and into whose hands it might fall'. In the new cultural-legal environ-
ment, however, this law appeared to be beset by a fundamental weakness.
The existing law, it was argued, defined obscenity in terms of certain
alleged causal effects (and in particular its harmful effects on the most
vulnerable) instead of in terms of the aesthetic and psychological responses
of which it is susceptible. In so doing it confused the unethical with the
harmful and failed to distinguish erotic literature (necessary for 'man's'
The Pornographic Field 27
legally recognised. Individuals are equipped with these capacities -that can
affect their legal personhood - by a complex infrastructure of other institu-
tions adjacent to the law and overlapping it.
The jurisprudential project to withdraw obscenity law from the ethical
sphere is simply utopian, to the degree that this project assumes that ethical
capacities inhere in a private realm of subjectivity independent of social
provision and regulation. As far as psychology and aesthetics are con-
cerned, it follows that sexual attributes and ethical abilities do not derive
from the dialectical division of a general human subject but are variably
acquired in the disparate passages of individuals and groups through cul-
tural institutions. Acknowledgement of the fact that the 'appropriate' psy-
chological and aesthetic response to erotica will vary with the cultural level
of the audience means that these responses are themselves contingent ca-
pacities differentially distributed in actual populations.
This helps to make sense of our earlier remarks that in speaking of the
'realism' of legitimate erotica the liberal strategy is in fact referring to the
contingent presence of a particular aesthetic-ethical practice and skill. It
also allows us to propose that mastery of this particular practice and skill,
in which desire is played off against norm and fantasy against experience,
by no means exhausts the historical field in which erotic capacities have
been acquired and pornography has circulated. Once we see the liberal
strategy as a recent configuration of the pornographic field, we can begin to
pursue our investigation outside the specific form of psycho-aesthetic intel-
ligibility which that strategy has imposed upon the field.
But this often-stated theme, that sex is outside of discourse and that only
the removing of an obstacle, the breaking of a secret, can clear the way
leading to it, is precisely what needs to be examined. Does it not partake
of the injunction by which discourse is provoked? Is it not with the aim
of inciting people to speak of sex that it is made to mirror, at the outer
limit of every actual discourse, something akin to a secret whose discov-
ery is imperative, a thing abusively reduced to silence, and at the same
time difficult and necessary, dangerous and precious to divulge? We
must not forget that by making sex into that which above all else had to
be confessed, the Christian pastoral always presented it as the disquieting
enigma: not a thing which shows itself, but one which always hides
.... Doubtless the secret does not reside in that basic reality in relation
to which all the incitements to speak of sex are situated . . . . It is a
question rather of a theme that forms part of the very mechanics of these
incitements: a way of giving shape to the requirement to speak about the
matter, a fable that is indispensable to the endlessly proliferating economy
of the discourse on sex. What is peculiar to modem societies, in fact, is
30 On Pornography
not that they consigned sex to a shadow existence, but that they dedicated
themselves to speaking about it ad infinitum, while exploiting it as the
secret. (pp. 34--5)
One could plot a line going straight from the seventeenth-century pasto-
ral to what became its projection in literature, 'scandalous' literature at
that. 'Tell everything', the director would say time and again: 'not only
consummated acts, but sensual touchings, all impure gazes, all obscene
remarks ... all consenting thoughts'. Sade takes up the injunction in
words that seem to have been retranscribed from the treatises of spiritual
direction: 'Your narrations must be decorated with the most numerous
and searching details; the precise way and extent to which we may judge
how the passion you describe relates to human manners and man's
character is determined by your willingness to disguise no circumstances;
and what is more, the least circumstance is apt to have an immense
influence upon the procuring of that kind of sensory irritation we expect
from your stories'.
(Foucault, 1979, p. 21)
We can now see what it means to say that sexuality is not the possession
of a generalised psychological subject- the expression of a timeless dialec-
tic between drive and norm - but the artefact of a limited set of institutional
and discursive.arrangements, initially focused in the practice of confession.
Far from silencing and repressing sexuality, the Christian churches were the
initial locus of a powerful machinery for sexualising larger sectors of the
population; for disseminating the techniques of sexual conscience; for 'putting
sex into discourse'.
Since the confession of the flesh was not simply a matter of doctrine and
belief but the product of a whole technology of instituted relationships,
regulated practices, and types of discourse, there was no guarantee that this
technology would remain within the limits and purposes of its initial reli-
gious deployment. Even here the eroticising effects of confession and the
direction of conscience could not be strictly controlled. The unstable ex-
change between excitation and restraint often broke down, sometimes with
spectacular and alarming effects, as in the phenomenon of demonic posses-
sion. We should not too surprised then, if outside its religious deployment,
the intensification of desire produced by the confessional technology could
easily assume 'lewd and lascivious' forms. This was not the subversive
retort of a repressed sexuality rooted in the body and its drives, however. It
was a sign that, transposed beyond its religious deployment through the
agency of print and print literacy, this migrating technology continued to
produce its effects of desire in other milieus governed by other norms. It is
to this transposition that we must look for the emergence of early modem
pornography, which was both its instrument and its effect.
Consider, for example, this extract from a confessional manual published
in the early seventeenth century. Giving directions for confessing the sin of
lust, the manual states that:
With respect to the confession of bad gestures the penitent must describe:
a. exactly what he was thinking at the time of the pollution
b. whether he made use of any instrument
c. whether he made use of the hand of another
d. which part of the body was used to make the gesture
e. was the reason for using this part of the body uniquely for reasons of
utility, or was it for reasons of particularity?
Special names of those organs which are primarily the ones to minister to
love's desires, beginning with another description of the yard .... A
discussion of mounting and the various ways of riding, as well as others
which can be imagined ... Care which must be taken in approaching the
climax of love-making. Brief description and classification of all the
pleasures which should precede and accompany it, in words and thoughts,
as well as actions .... The aim of love is physical pleasure. Reason for
this with a charming explanation of the subject . . . Reasons why the
buttocks are clenched during intercourse. An explanation of this. A
further enquiry as to why men experience more pleasure when women
touch the yard with their hands than with any other part of their bodies.
The special virtue of this pleasure attributed to the female hand . . ..
Necessary means to ensure the enjoyment of perfect bliss by two lovers
during copulation. An exhortation to follow this method. Those girls who
wish to learn this lesson will please take the trouble to read what is
written here.
The very reason why this work is put forward to expose the practices of
the Roman Catholic confessional is a tendency of questions, involving
practices and propensities of a certain description, to do mischief to the
minds of those to whom such questions are addressed, by suggesting
thoughts and desires which otherwise would not have occurred to their
minds. If that be the case between the priest and the person confessing, it
manifestly must equally be so when the whole is put into the shape of a
series of paragraphs, one following upon another, each involving some
impure practices, some of them of the most filthy and disgusting and
unnatural description it is possible to imagine.
we find a single structure linking one of the most pious novels in English to
one of the most erotic. That Fanny Hill's life should lead her only from one
erotic encounter to the next is not a sign ofthe author's inability to achieve
an exemplary reconciliation of the imperatives of fantasy and the pressures
of experience. Instead, it indicates that - once redeployed as an erotics of
the flesh - the autobiographical schema (awakening, search for grace,
conversion) could promise a different kind of election; one in which each
event in the exemplary life revealed a new level of pleasure and took one a
step closer to erotic grace:
Pornography, it is said, is read and written by those who have not yet
learned to mediate between the power of fantasy and the resistance of
experience; it is essentially a symptom of an aesthetic immaturity. Its appeal
signifies the retardation of a formative process- Peter Gay's 'education of
the senses' - rooted deep in the divisions of the human ethical substance
and whose culminating point is represented by the true artist and true erotic
art. Or so we are told.
What, then, are we to make of Samuel Pepys who, in order to read
pornography, not only had to possess a relatively scarce cultural compe-
tence -print literacy - but had to possess it in a foreign language if he was
to consume this rare literary import? What are we to make of the fact that
his reading of pornography overlapped with a quite different cultural ac-
complishment: the discipline of the diary which permitted him to open the
space of inner reflection on his daily conduct? Finally, what are we to make
of the fact that the literary channel through which Pepys shaped his auto-
erotic desire not only required specific cultural abilities, but was also gender
specific? (Pepys had picked up L' Ecole des Filles as a possible translation
exercise for his wife, but found in it a device for a practice of erotic
intensification from which she was excluded.) All these questions suggest
40 On Pornography
In the second dialogue Susanne, having come back several days later to
inquire of Fanchon how she enjoyed the sport of love and being made a
woman of, got the girl to give her a complete account of what had gone
on. The two girls being thus absorbed in a conversation which they found
so delightful, stop to investigate and examine all the aspects of the game
of love. They do this with enquiries which are so choice, and stimulating,
The Pornographic Field 41
Our final question to the aesthetic model concerns its history of pornogra-
phy. In tandem with its historical twin, cultural history, aesthetics has
managed to bring this rather inglorious cultural product within the great
schema of Romantic historicism. While the aesthetic model depicts porno-
graphy as emerging from the crucial mediation of fantasy and experience,
of sexual drives and social conventions, cultural history projects this dialec-
tical schema on to the 'whole culture'. Pornography is thus held to emerge
from an imbalance in the historical dialectic: typically from epochs of social
repression in which sociaf norms, too forcefully imposed, deny desire its
true object and force it into a surrogate outlet. This produces the standard
periodisation: pornography is alleged to arise at the end of the seventeenth
century with the onset of Puritanism and to take on new and fantasmatic
forms in the Victorian era, itself understood in terms of the resurgence of
The Pornographic Field 43
a far more important phenomenon that it had ever been before. The more it
became the hidden cause of the dormitory ailment - the guilty secret that
any boy might confess -the more thoroughly consciousness of it took hold
in the new spaces of sexual surveillance.
Second, with the codification of aberrant sexual acts into personality
types a pornography of perversions became possible. This was not, as
Stephen Marcus assumes, a fantasmatic reflux of increased repression. It
resulted from a particular cultural exchange. On the one hand, pornography
absorbed the medical and psychiatric specification of perverse personali-
ties. It transposed and re-valorised these new types, acquiring in the process
a vastly expanded erotic characterology, as the compact libertines of early-
modern pornography -typified by Fanny Hill- fragmented into specialised
pederasts, masochists, fetishists and so on. On the other hand, the machin-
ery of the novel was itself a powerful force in this codification and prolif-
eration of perverse personalities. Not only was it to permit the migration of
medical characterologies to new milieus where they could be put to erotic
and self-affirmatory uses, the novel was also the popular vehicle for those
techniques of conscience through which readers learned to organise their
feelings and conduct around the incitation-interrogation of the flesh. It was
through this unforeseen exchange that certain acts which in libertine litera-
ture had obeyed a logic of the progressive intensification of pleasure - for
example, mutual masturbation which Fanny Hill learns as simply one skill
or element of the erotic repertory - reappeared in the pornography of
perversions as the identifying traits of proudly inverted sexual personalities.
Third, the scientific coding of the confessional pleasure-power-
knowledge nexus - accompanying the emergence of sexual medicine and
psychology - is also a key feature of the modern deployment of pornogra-
phy. Continuing to function as a profane variation on the now scientifically
re-coded technology of sexual confession, pornographic writing itself ac-
quired a scientific character. Hence the appearance during the nineteenth
century of a whole catalogue of erotic books, memoirs and letters in which
the intensification of pleasure is attached to perverse yet methodical forms
of recording, measurement and classification. Such are the writings whose
heroes and authors are pictured as enthusiastic sexual sociologists and
anthropologists, adept in the methods of participant observation, or - like
poor William Chidley- doctors of sexual medicine obsessed by the pathol-
ogy of their own desire.
At the same time, because the new sciences of sexuality could approach
their object only through the writings of their subjects - whether fantasies,
therapeutic dialogues, diaries, published and unpublished memoirs - they
themselves acquired a certain pornographic character. We have noted that
The Pornographic Field 47
To say that the role of the law in the pornographic field has outstripped the
public understanding of it would be a decided understatement. Lawrence's
early cri de coeur 'The law is a dreary thing, and its judgements have
nothing to do with life' (Lawrence, 1936, p. 170) might seem a little
exaggerated, but it still echoes in St John-Stevas' already cited contrast of
a law which is 'regulative' and a literature which, being 'creative, imagina-
tive and aesthetic, with no extrinsic purpose', cannot be confined 'within
the Procrustean bed of the law'. Moreover, as we have seen, these ideas are
at work in jurisprudence itself where they have informed the attempt to
disengage the law from morality precisely along the line alleged to separate
pornography from erotic art.
Jurisprudential reasoning about obscenity law has been disabled by its
openness to the psycho-aesthetic analysis of pornography, an analysis which
is in fact barely legally literate. Placing it at the intersection of erotic desires
and social utility, private fantasies and public norms, this analysis has
allowed the law a very narrow field of action indeed. What is more, this
action has been typically and overwhelmingly seen in negative terms, as a
matter of censorship.
The law, we are told, silences and prohibits. Fuelled by a norm-fed fear
of the drives whose psychological repression it duplicates at the social level
- or else by a utilitarian straitjacketing of the fantasy whose aesthetic
reconciliation with experience it blocks - obscenity law is made to appear
as a monolithic refusal of sexual expression. It is for this reason that even
our best history of it- Donald Thomas' A Long Time Burning - is subtitled
The History of Literary Censorship in England, and places the legal regu-
lation of obscenity in the same series as the law controlling blasphemy and
The Pornographic Field 49
Until the 1970s, the only option allowed to the law was that it convert this
repressive and censorious function into one of true mediation and reconcili-
ation. In effect this meant leaving the field of erotic expression to the
intrinsic dialectics of human subjectivity, except for some residual policing
along the line which marked the occasional failure of this dialectic; that is,
the line separating erotic art and pornography. We have already noted the
problems which the liberal reformers faced when they attempted to draw
such a line through an organisation as shifting and ambivalent as the
pornographic field. We will return to these problems below. Our prior task,
however, is to address the limitations of the psycho-aesthetic understanding
of obscenity law itself. Here we must pose the following question: Does
obscenity law emerge from a fundamental conflict between desire and
norm, fantasy and utility, in which it has played the role of censor? A
number of considerations suggest an answer in the negative.
First, there is the organisation of the field in which obscenity law initially
appeared. We have argued that in its technical complexity and historical
contingency this field does not share the exemplary dialectical structure of
the human subject, or its collective surrogate, culture. As a result we must
be sceptical concerning the existence of a general repressive function - the
tyranny of norm over drive and fantasy- to which the law supposedly gives
social expression and force. This scepticism is borne out if we look at the
creation of the offence of obscene libel in early eighteenth-century English
common law. We can be brief here as the following chapter deals with this
topic in more detail.
Typically this event is discussed in terms of the early eighteenth-century
resurgence of Puritanism, manifest in the formation of the Societies for the
Reformation of Manners. There is no denying the importance of this event
with regard to the policing of obscenity. We have, however, already cast
doubt on the existence of a uniformly repressive relation between the
Puritan conscience and the deployment of sexuality; what is more, the
sparse obscenity case law of the period reveals no clear evidence for such
a relation. There was, for example, none of the legal mobilisation of the
reforming societies which was to be characteristic of the nineteenth-century
Societies for the Suppression of Vice. The circumstances permitting the
first emergence of obscenity law lie elsewhere.
As a preliminary we need to note that the first book to cause its publisher
to be convicted of obscene libel in a major court- Jean Barrin's translated
Venus in the Cloister, or The Nun in Her Smock, printed and sold by
Edmund Curll in 1724 - had in fact been freely available in London since
1683, just as Millot and L' Ange's L' Ecole des filles and Chorier's Satyra
Sotadique had been sold openly, apparently without legal interference,
50 On Pornography
since the 1670s. 8 What was it that brought such books to the attention of the
common-law courts in the first decades of the eighteenth century? What
made the criminal law assume a form, in 1727, that permitted it to attend to
them? There seem to be two key factors, tied to the concepts of 'public' and
'public morality'.
Even in these preliminary remarks it is clear that the cause for concern is the
unregulated and indiscriminate character of a dissemination. Through the
metaphor of pornography as social toxin, Victorian jurists and legislators
articulated two different elements of the pornographic field: the medical
and pedagogical specification of pornography as a pathological agent in-
vading bourgeois homes and schools and whose emblem was the masturba-
tory child; and the Malthusian campaigns and moral reform movements
The Pornographic Field 53
I think the test of obscenity is this, whether the tendency of the matter
charged as obscenity is to deprave and corrupt those whose minds are
open to such immoral influences, and into whose hands a publication of
this sort may fall.
58 On Pornography
sexual self as the driving but always secret force behind works written
across the span from Tudor to contemporary times. Such a tactic is the sign
of over-commitment to an epic narrative of censorship as the key to the
nature and history of obscenity law. Under 'Origins of Censorship', Robertson
(1979, p. 20) thus takes his readers back to Ezekiel, Aristophanes andOvid
before returning to modem times by way of the Puritan's 'legacy of shame
and guilt about sexual pleasure which was never quite eradicated from the
national conscience and which created consumer demand for the new por-
nography'. Doubtless a glow of historical pedigree comes with the claim to
be part of the one continuous history of personal liberty (of which sexual
expression is made emblematic), but this is fit the price of losing the
specificity not only of different regimens of sexuality but also of the
historical discontinuities that mark the different regimes of English obscen-
ity law. The problem is exemplified by the title which Thomas chooses for
his concluding chapter: 'The Twentieth Century: "Plus ~a change ... "', as
it is by Robertson's (1979, p. 16) claim that '[t]he only lesson we learn from
the legal history of censorship is that the more the law changes, the more the
social reality remains the same'. It remains to be seen, of course, where our
own political calculations are concerned, whether our historical analysis
will avoid the fatalism which seems to be the condition of approaching
obscenity law through an undiscriminating censorship and personal liber-
ties narrative.
Our aim- unlike Marcus (1964), Robertson (1979) and Gay (1984)- is
not to indict the supposed hypocrisy and repressiveness of the Victorians
and, by extension, the flawed nature of nineteenth-century obscenity legis-
lation and law-enforcement. Instead, much of this chapter is expended on
historical description of what in fact were the particular forms of institu-
tional arrangements, infra-legal fields of knowledge, ethical practices and
governmental measures that made the Obscene Publications Act 1857 and
the 1868 Hicklin judgement intelligible to contemporaries. In our view, the
chance of reconstructing in some detail the terms of intelligibility of nine-
teenth-century legal regulation of obscene publications more than compen-
sates for losing the utopian option of participation in a trans-historical
struggle for sexual emancipation supposedly achieved through the blossom-
ing of sexual literature and the withering away of obscenity law. This means
rejecting the approach of studies as diverse as Rolph (1969), Pearsall (1976)
and Heath (1982).
Let us begin by turning the negativity of the censorship model on its head
and asking: Is it possible that obscenity law played a positive role in the
regulation of nineteenth-century sexualities and pornographies?
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 59
(146 Hansard Parliamentary Debates, 3rd series 1857, pp. 327 ff.)
The mid-Victorian legislature did not pass Lord Campbell's Bill with open
acclamation and expressions of complete support. On the contrary, parlia-
mentary and extra-parliamentary opposition to the proposal ranged from the
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 61
Lord Chancellor- in Lord Cranford's view the existing law was adequate
to the task - to organs of the legal profession such as The Justice of the
Peace, which voiced a characteristic criticism of the extensive powers of
search and seizure which the Bill sought to grant to complainants and to the
Surely it could never have been intended that the complainant and the
police constable should be enabled to exercise such an irresponsible
power as would thus be given to them, and that the latter should be the
sole judge of whether the things which he may seize are of a kind and
nature of those sworn to by the complainant .... We most strongly object
to such a power being given to any constable, or, indeed, to any authority
whatever, until the things seized have been judicially condemned as
being obscene within the meaning of the Act; after which an officer of the
court which condemns them might be entrusted to destroy them before
one or more witnesses.
safe with such a weapon in the hands of fanatics? .... We do not fear its
use by sensible men, but its abuse . . . . It is not merely possible, but
probable, that two justices will be found to hold pictures, and statuary,
and books, which lovers of art look upon as art, to be 'obscene' within the
meaning of the Act, injurious to morals and offensive to decency. What
is to restrain them from doing that which they will conscientiously
believe to be a duty and 'putting down' the, to them, obnoxious objects?
We fear that Lord Campbell has not sufficiently reflected upon this.
(Law Times (1857), quoted in Manchester, 1988, p. 235)
[T]o put a pornographer in prison, the prosecutor had to give the pub-
lisher the option of trial by jury and had to prove the obscenity of his
books beyond a reasonable doubt. The House of Commons inserted two
further safeguards before enacting the Bill: a right of appeal to a judge at
Quarter Sessions and a requirement that the prosecutor prove that the
offending book was actually for sale to the public. Lord Campbell acqui-
esced in these amendments, and looked forward to a time 'when Holywell
Street would become the abode of honest, industrious handicraftsmen
and a thoroughfare through which any modest woman might pass'.
These were the product of a whole series of voluntary and state investiga-
tions of the city which traced the distribution and disposition of the popu-
lation in terms of a set of overlapping threats to its health, decency, good
order and well-being. It was in the context of such 'moral topographies'
that cheaply-printed pornography could appear as a noxious substance
and a contagious threat to insufficiently socialised and self-protecting
Second, the specialist knowfedges of moral psychology and sexual medi-
cine. Here -as in Elizabeth Blackwell's warnings concerning the consump-
tion of pornography by children - moral danger and physical pathology
were linked at the level of the individual mind and body. This was achieved
through a moral physiology which in effect transformed medical pathology
into a source of admonitory images used for an ethical discipline of the self
while simultaneously bringing the latter within the confessional sphere of
the doctor-patient relationship. It was here, primarily in the context of the
great anti-masturbation campaigns directed at the bourgeois family, that the
failure to resist the incitements of erotic words and images became intelli-
gible in terms of a general debilitation of body and soul.
Lord Campbell's references to poison and obscene publications regain
their historical intelligibility when read against these dual agencies:
[F]rom a trial which had taken place before him on Saturday, he had
learned with horror and alarm that a sale of poison more deadly than
prussic acid, strychnine or arsenic - the sale of obscene publications and
indecent books - was openly going on.
other words, pornography's power to join moral and physical harm was not
a chimera of Victorian ignorance and irrationality. It was a sign of the
pivotal place that erotic words and images came to occupy at the juncture
where the policing of the streets met the government of the self.
I think the test of obscenity is this, whether the tendency of the matter
charged as obscenity is to deprave and corrupt those whose minds are
open to such immoral influences, and into whose hands a publication of
this sort may fall.
among them- their destruction was ordered on the grounds that the text was
in part obscene.
The publication was not new, having seen a number of editions since
1836. It contained an anthology of extracts from the Catholic theologians
Dens and Liguori, together with shorter selections from Bailly and
Cabassutius, focussed on the practice of confession. They were printed in
Latin on one side of the page, with English translations facing. The charac-
ter of the extracts was not uniform, some dealing with doctrinal and casuistical
matters and others, in a manner that the magistrates had no hesitation in
finding obscene, with the conditions of 'females in confession'. There was
also a preface in which, as in the commentary on the extracts, the editor
attacked Catholic practices and beliefs: 'In the later part of the pamphlet I
have given a few extracts without abridgement, to shew into what minute
and disgusting details these holy men have entered. This alone has been my
object, and not the filling of the work with obscenity' (Regina v. Hicklin,
p. 362n). The copies seized came from the stock of an edition of The
Confessional Unmasked that, together with the plates from which it
was printed, had been bought from a William Strange, 'very possibly the
same William Strange who had been sent down for three months by Lord
Campbell in 1857 for selling obscene literature' (Thomas, 1969, p. 264).
The buyers were the Protestant Electoral Union, a society committed to
protect the Protestant tradition and to resist Catholicism in England.
A member of the Protestant Electoral Union, a Wolverhampton metal
broker Henry Scott, had then purchased copies from the Union's head office
in London. Scott, 'a person of respectable position and character' (Regina
v. Hicklin, p. 362), was the subject of the prosecution when the pamphlets
were seized in his dwelling house. Faced with the detail of the sexual
confessions illustrating the immorality of Catholic practice, the Justices
moved to have the material destroyed as an obscene libel.
Scott, however, appealed against the destruction order, taking his case to
the Quarter Sessions where the Recorder found that publication of the
pamphlet was redeemed by its moral objective, a religious conviction that
was in no sense indictable. Scott's intention, it was argued, was not to
corrupt public morals, but to promote the case of the Protestant Electoral
Union by exposing the 'iniquity of the confessional'. Nonetheless, recog-
nising the legal implications of the case, the Prosecution asked the Recorder
to put the matter up for consideration by a Queen's Bench Divisional Court.
The ruling of the Wolverhampton Justices was therefore quashed, condi-
tional on confirmation by the Court of Queen's Bench that, on the stated
facts, Scott's possession, sale and distribution of The Confessional Un-
masked was not a misdemeanour within the meaning of the Obscene
68 On Pornography
the Lord Chief Justice offer any elaboration of the terms of his definition,
other than to reiterate, later in his comments, what he has already said:
I cannot suppose but that they had that intention which constitutes the
criminality of the act, at any rate that they knew perfectly well that this
work must have the tendency which, in point of law, makes it an obscene
publication, namely the tendency to corrupt the minds and morals of
those into whose hands it might come.
(Regina v. Hicklin, p. 373)
I think that if there be an infraction of the law the intention to break the
law must be inferred, and the criminal character of the publication is not
affected or qualified by there being some ulterior object in view (which
is the immediate and primary object of the parties) of a different and of
an honest character. (p. 370)
Now what the magistrate or justices are to be satisfied of is that the belief
of the complainant is well founded, and also that any of such articles so
published for any of the purposes aforesaid, are of such a character and
description that the publication of them would be a misdemeanour, and
that the publication in the manner alleged would be proper to be pros-
ecuted; and having satisfied themselves in respect of those things, the
magistrates may proceed to order the seizure of the works. And then the
justices in petty sessions are also in effect to be satisfied of the three same
things; first, that the articles complained of have been kept for any of
the purposes aforesaid, and that they are of the character stated in the
warrant, that is, that they are of such a character that it would be a
misdemeanour to publish them; and that it would not only be a mis-
demeanour to publish them, but that it would be proper to be prosecuted
as such; and then, and only then, are they to order them to be destroyed.
I think that with respect to the last clause, that the object of the legislature
was to guard against the vexatious prosecution of publishers of old and
recognised standard works, in which there may be some obscene or
mischievous matter. (pp. 373-4)
The final remark raises the possibility that the concept of obscenity might
have been in need of defmition, but on balance the judge's words seem to
refer less to a problem than to a wise provision of the Statute. Later he
recalls Regina v. Moxon, the prosecution for blasphemous libel half a
century earlier involving Shelley's Queen Mab, but only to distance himself
from that judgement ('I believe, as everybody knows, that it was prosecu-
tion instituted merely for the purpose of vexation and annoyance.'). The
judge then reflects on the 1857 Act and offers the reassurance that 'I think
the legislature put in that provision in order to prevent proceedings in such
cases' (p. 374).
In other words, for the Bench, adequate statutory provision had been
made to distinguish between obscene and non-obscene writings. No hint is
given that the drawing of that boundary requires an explicit act of interpre-
tation. Justice Blackburn makes no further mention of the Statute, but
comments instead on the all-important issue of intention in terms identical
to those of the Lord Chief Justice. Only in a remark of Justice Mellor on the
subject matter of the pamphlet - confessional practices - might some doubt
concerning the obscenity of the item seem to reside:
The nature of the subject itself, if it may be discussed at all (and I think
it undoubtedly may), is such that it cannot be discussed without to a
certain extent producing authorities for the assertion that the confessional
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 71
Perhaps there is a suggestion in this hint that erotic writing cannot even be
cited for the purposes of discussion without provoking a certain incitatory
effect, a point made in Chapter 2, it being a peculiarity of pornography that
even as an object of knowledge and judgement it cannot be entirely de-
tached from the excitation of the knower or the judge.
The text of Hicklin thus provides little evidence that the judges of the
Queen's Bench saw themselves confounded by the absence of a clear idea
of obscenity. In assuming such a lacuna, historians of obscenity must be
suspected of anachronism. It is certainty, not doubt, which characterises the
court's handling of obscenity. There was no doubt because obscene publi-
cation was defined not in the abstract but concretely and circumstantially by
its mode and place of dissemination, that is, by its demographic targets.
However, in talking of certainty, it remains important not to imply that the
judges were locked into some iron-clad ideology which blinded them to the
reality of (what has since become) the slippery concept of obscenity. The
question is rather: What allowed the judges of the Queen's Bench in 1868
to be so certain about obscenity that definition of the concept occupied so
little of their time? From the historical viewpoint, this certainty calls for
explanation, not denunciation.
The multiple answers to the question of why the court in Hicklin was so
unconcerned with the definition of obscenity do not tum on a crude socio-
logical characterisation of the judges as the mere vehicles of a class mental-
ity functionally determined by the structure of mid-Victorian society. We
shall look first towards explanations involving the specialist infra-legal
know ledges- sexual medicine and moral psychology- which informed the
network of policing agencies.
The criteria and classifications which at the time of Hicklin organised
knowledge of moral character no longer provide us with an admissible
characterology, except perhaps at the level of our common sense, that
sedimentation of former knowledges. The Wolverhampton justices, the
Recorder of Quarter Sessions and the Judges of Queen's Bench could
identify 'obscenity' without hesitation because of their capacity to work
within the knowledge .that morality was positively connected to health and
that, in those who lacked the appropriate prophylactic preparation, moral
health was damaged by exposure to obscene words and images. The 'de-
72 On Pornography
Earlier, the court had made the following explicit observation on the cir-
cumstantial nature of obscene publication:
Causes Act of 1847, the Post Office Act of 1870, the Public Health Act of
1875, the Customs Consolidation Act of 1876, the Post Office (Protection)
Act of 1884, and the Indecent Advertisements Act of 1889. Merely to list
these titles suggests something of the heterogeneous character of the admin-
istration of pornography. This unplanned regulatory concert can be
schematised as a graduated scale, at one end of which are minor offences
involving indecent handbills, sandwich-boards, placards and shop-window
displays. These are tried in courts of summary jurisdiction by magistrates
and justices and carry relatively light sentences to a maximum of forty
shillings or one month in prison. Such offences and sentences constitute the
legal infrastructure for keeping public order on the streets, and are dealt
with by the police, often in an informal manner by the issuing of warnings.
The police develop their own tests and classificatory mechanisms. The
offenders - shopkeepers, street comer sellers, itinerant pedlars - appear to
have accepted this policing as part of the particular commercial system
within which they operated.
At the other end of the scale are the common law provisions. Here,
obscene publication is constituted as a serious misdemeanour, handled
under the criteria and procedures built up by the courts since the early
eighteenth century. Obscene publication is here less a street offence subject
to policing by the local constable than the descendant of the common-law
delict ef obscene libel which, as we have already noted, emerged when an
obscene libel which defamed no one was recognised to be a corruption of
the morality of everyone, and when with Curll' s case in 1727 the Sedley
precedent was imported into the newly-expanding domain of print publica-
tion and dissemination. At this high end of the scale lie the ceremonial of
trial by jury and the heavier penalties faced by 'grossly indecent' materials.
How does the Obscene Publications Act of 1857 relate to this spectrum?
The Act retained the existing common law offence of obscene libel. It
classified the conditions under which the police could enter and search
premises, and seize and destroy materials found to be obscene. Proof of
exhibition and sale had to be obtained by police or informants purchasing
materials, following which the magistrate or justices could issue the search
warrant. The police as prosecutor could then seize the materials, returning
with them to the magistrate who, unless a change of mind had occurred
since the issue of the search warrant, could issue a destruction order. This
summary procedure was embodied in the Act for use by the police against
street pornography.
However, the Act also allowed an appeal by a defendant to a judge at
Quarter Sessions and provided for jury trial under the common law. It thus
connected, at least in theory, the routine policing of the streets and the
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 75
ceremonial trial of condemned works, where the jury could speak for the
entire community on what the state of public morality was to be. Across this
bridge it became possible for the objectives and norms of moral policing to
meet up with laws governing public morality and health. It was here that
'classics' could become caught up in the regulation of the circulation of
socially harmful and dangerous commodities. This connection is mani-
fested in the text of Hicklin. In a single sweep, reference is made on the one
hand to what the 'boys and girls ... see as they pass' and to the works 'sold
at the comers of streets' (Regina v. Hicklin, pp. 367, 372); and, on the other,
to the dignity of Juvenal and Chaucer, Milton and Dryden, Byron and Bayle
before an appropriately respectful law (p. 365).
If taken to imply that serious works could appear only at the common law
end of our scale, this listing of classics is misleading. On the contrary, the
evidence of prosecutions demonstrates that established literary works had
no uniform condition of existence under the law. If and when they entered
the 'penny edition' circuit, Boccaccio, Balzac, Maupassant and Zola could
become objects of routine street comer policing. In Regina v. Thomson, for
instance, a London bookseller was in 1900 charged with having published
'a certain lewd, wicked, bawdy, and obscene libel in the form of a book
entitled The Heptameron of Margaret Queen of Navarre'. The publication
had come to the attention of the Metropolitan Police, for whom Inspector
Arrow testified. In opening for the prosecution, R. D. Muir 'suggested that
though it was a classic in the French language it was not a classic in the
English language'. However, more than with a matter of incompatible
national literary canons, in the words of the Common Sergeant's summing
up of the case to the Central Criminal Court jury the court had 'to deal with
the time and circumstances under which the book was put forth': 'If it had
been in a library to which students had access, no one would deny that the
book was properly there and properly kept for a proper use' (Regina v.
Thomson, p. 457). Some half-century before it dawned on literary theorists,
the police were thus aware that the meaning and effects of literature varied
with the circumstances of its consumption and the cultural capacities of its
users. As we shall see in Chapter 6, this pragmatic dependence of obscenity
on the variable strategies of its policing would later pose major difficulties
for its jurisprudential definition, codification and reform. In the event,
Margaret Queen of Navarre was found fit to read.
Earlier, in 1888, action had been taken against Henry Vizetelly, the
London publisher of translations of Gautier, Flaubert, Daudet, Maupassant
and Zola. If the Vizetelly prosecution is the first example of the successful
use of the 1857 Act against works which might be deemed to be of literary
merit, two comments are appropriate. If it took more than thirty years from
76 On Pornography
the passage of the Act or twenty years from Hicklin for there to occur this
ftrst example of the law being successfully invoked against literary works,
a question must be raised about the standard censorship account of the
effect of Victorian obscenity law. Robertson (1979, p. 30) claims that,
'[a]rmed at last with a definition of obscenity, Victorian prosecutors pro-
ceeded to destroy many examples of fine literature'. Set against the fact of
a single successful literary prosecution in the twenty central years of the
Victorian era, such indignation and hyperbole is simply wrong. Yet the
standard account is what underpins the received historiography of obscenity
law. As if indifferent to what actually happened, the 'censorship' story
endlessly returns to a fundamental and unchanging dichotomy between
literary subjectivity and the generalised repressive agency of obscenity law
depicted as blanket censorship.
The second comment concerns the way the conduct to which obscenity
law applies - publication - is habitually represented as an invariant and
transparent adjunct of subjectivity. Literature and publication have their
histories. What counts as literature has changed, as have the uses made of
published writings. It is therefore anachronistic to set a fourteenth-century
collection of satirical folk-novellas and a nineteenth-century naturalist novel
alongside one another as 'literature', imagine their prosecution and con-
clude with the usual observation on the philistine repressiveness of Victo-
rian obscenity law. In the following chapter, therefore, we consider the
possibility that with writings such as those of Zola or - more particularly -
of D. H. Lawrence, serious literature had entered into a new and unforeseen
relation with sexuality and the pornographic genre. For the moment it is
enough to note that the aesthetic (and ethical) certainty implied by
Robertson's phrase- 'many examples of ftne literature'- may turn out to
be quite misplaced. As we have seen, for the police the difference between
lascivious material and improving literature was not inherent. It depended
on where and to whom the literature was disseminated, how and by whom
it was used. In showing a pair of clean and pragmatic pair of heels to
modem reader-response theories, the nineteenth-century policing of erotic
writing is also more subtle and flexible than twentieth-century attempts to
write the history of obscenity law in terms of the censorship of a putatively
self-evident and constant phenomenon called 'literature'.
The diverse issues before the Committee illustrate the interlocking objec-
tives of medical, social and pedagogical policing and define the series as the
system of police developed for the regulation of city populations. 6
The scale of offences, practices and institutions which was outlined in the
previous section is evident in the 1908 Report. Constables on the beat use
specified criteria to recognise and deal with offences under the Vagrancy
Acts of 1824 and 1838, the Metropolitan Police Act of 1839, the Town
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 79
Police Causes Act of 1847 and various local acts and by-laws. Evidence on
this aspect of policing is given by Commissioners of the Metropolitan
Police, by the Chief Constables of Liverpool, Manchester, Hull and Dublin,
and by the Director of Public Prosecutions. Reference is also made to the
Obscene Publications Act of 1857 and the common law on obscene libel.
The Head Constable of Liverpool identifies the difference between routine
street policing practices and the statutory and common law provisions in
explaining how his officers police obscene and indecent materials. Where
indecent advertisements are found, instructions are given 'to the ordinary
constable on the street' on how to handle matters himself, exercising a not
insignificant measure of discretion. But the Head Constable then adds: 'Of
course, with regard to the Obscene Publications Act 1857, that is mostly
carried out by instructions from headquarters,and there are no more instruc-
tions issued to the police on the street on the subject, except that they would
report anything which seemed to them suspicious' (p. 640).
Drawing a distinction between routine street policing and the ceremony
of jury trial does not imply that the police acted entirely independently of
the law. The point - as the detail of the 1908 Report demonstrates - is that
police regulation of pornography had its relative autonomy and developed
its specific criteria and norms as appropriate to its circumstances. Hence the
pragmatic and incorrigible tests that the police had locally developed for
use by the constables, as instanced by Chief Inspector Drew:
There is not room in this practical instruction to constables for the panoply
of possible exemptions and the finer evidential concerns of the jury trial.
Analogously, the Chief Constable of Manchester commented on his regu-
larly using the same stipendiary magistrate for the granting of summonses
under the 1857 Act: 'We always apply to him because you get a uniform
practice by applying to one man; on indecency publications, I always go to
the Stipendiary, so that you get a uniform practice' (p. 964). This evidences
the desirability of a predictable and 'uniform practice' at street level. By
contrast, the outcome of jury trial would be quite uncertain.
Other testimony points towards this 'high' end of the scale. Thus a Mr
Corfe, concerned citizen and author of letters to the papers, correspondent
with the Headmaster's Conference on the matter of their Memorial to the
80 On Pornography
I think you must consider the circumstances of the case - the circum-
stances of how the thing is advertised, how it is distributed, and so on; for
instance, we had a case before His Majesty's Judge of Assize last year, a
case of some indecent photographs, and the learned counsel who was
defending the prisoner drew rather a red-herring across the scent by
alluding to the fact that he kept classical books like the Contes Drolatiques
of Balzac, butthe judge said: 'Balzac's works are classic, and they would
not be regarded as indecent.' I do not think he would have used that
expression if he had known that the particular edition of the Contes
Drolatiques, which was found there, were penny editions of certain of
those stories, mostly sold to dirty-minded little boys. In the same way,
there is the Decameron of Boccaccio; I think it would be very undesirable
if that were split up into penny editions, although regarded as a classic,
perhaps it may be all right. (p. 652)
The Head Constable's point is not that there is no distinction between the
classic and the pornographic. It is, rather, that this distinction is subordinate
to a more important consideration: the need to calculate the effects of
literary matter relative to the circumstances of its consumption by particular
social-moral categories of person. This policeman's working assumption-
as we have said, it anticipates literary theory by some half a century - is
that there is no inherent or fixed distinction between art and pornography.
The status of a piece of literature depends upon the aesthetic and ethical
abilities and disposition of its audiences or - in other words - on the actual
uses to which particular categories of person put it. This is precisely the
point made by many feminists today about the masculine use of erotic
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 81
This eschewing of definition and the wide margins allowed for circum-
stance and discretion confirm our account of police objectives as sensitive
to context. The provision was not in fact made law, nor was the recommen-
dation for a single consolidated statute with explicit definitions. Nonethe-
less, the Committee's move towards exemption for literary and artistic
merit points to the developments later in the twentieth century.
In the 1908 Report the problem of erotic literature occupies a marginal
position. No men of letters testified. If the Committee sought an exemption
for literature, it did the same for medical men and registered chemists acting
bona fide. It also left the task of recognising what was pornographic and
what was literary and artistic to the police, magistrates and justices. Given
their predominant pattern of distribution, Three Weeks, Cynthia in the
Wilderness and The Sands of Pleasure would tend to be unproblematically
recognised as part of that socially harmful and thus criminal merchandise
which also included gambling games, advertisements for contraceptives
and abortion devices, images in mutoscopes and French postcards, a verita-
ble canon of unseemly artefacts aimed at the moral harm and financial
exploitation of the vulnerable. Circumstantially located here, erotic writings
82 On Pornography
could scarcely call in their defence upon a general and unconditional right
of aesthetic self-expression, any more than rubber goods can do today.
While literature is not a focus of the 1908 Report, obscenity law too fails
to occupy the central ground. Or, more precisely, it does not have that
central ground - the government of the national population's moral and
physical welfare- entirely to itself. The Committee's recommendation that
its proposed consolidated statute on obscenity be enforceable by summary
jurisdiction rests on the assertion reiterated by witness after witness that the
common law provisions for dealing with obscene publications are inappro-
priate, and that the offender should be dealt with summarily rather than only
on indictment before a jury. There is an element here of the notion - dear to
enforcers - that cheap, fast and easy judgement is best. These reiterations
endorse a shift away from jury trial, for example in the specific recommen-
dation that punishments should be calculated to fall below the level at which
defendants could claim trial by jury.
In addition, other agencies of regulation of obscene publication make a
substantial appearance in the 1908 Report. Civic rather than legal, these
agencies and their presence draw attention to the ordering of commercial
and personal conduCt by means other than the criminalisation of pornogra-
phy. These extra-legal agencies signal that at the threshold of the twentieth
century a multi-institutional fabric regulated conduct across the cultural
field in which lotteries, abortificients, pornography and overindulgence in
mutoscopes could constitute a coherent social harm with which it was a
government's proper responsibility to deal.
Agencies other than law and police were also involved, formulating
routine instructions for staff having to deal with offending materials. The
Committee received evidence on the routine guidelines issued to postmas-
ters by the Postmaster-General on the handling of illegal materials. 7 Indeed,
the Postmaster-General envisaged an extension of his regulatory powers
and sought a new power to open suspect mail:
[I]t is very difficult to deal with either lotteries or indecent matter, so long
as the letters relating to them are put in sealed covers. There are very
stringent provisions in the Post Office Acts against opening or delaying
any letter, and every officer of the Post Office has to make a declaration
when he is appointed that he will not open or delay, or suffer to be opened
or delayed, contrary to his duty, any letter or thing sent by the post.
(p. 76)
At issue is the locus of authority to take regulatory action. At the time of the
1908 Report, the Postmaster-General had no authority of his own to open
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 83
suspect items. Such authority was vested in the Home Secretary. Signs of
emerging boundary disputes are visible in the following exchange between
the Committee Chairman and the Solicitor to the Post Office:
Have you anything in your Post Office at all corresponding with the
Bureau of Chemistry in the Washington Post Office?- No, I do not think
we have. May I ask what the Bureau of Chemistry does?
The Bureau of Chemistry analyses a certain number of matters or
goods which are brought to their notice, and if under the report made to
the Post Office they appear not to come up to the qualifications that are
claimed for them by the advertisers the postmaster refuses to transmit
these goods at all. (pp. 82-3)
The Solicitor then confirms that the British Post Office has no machinery
comparable to the US Bureau of Chemistry. Asked whether he favoured the
establishment of some such agency, he replies: 'I should hardly have
thought it was necessary to have a Chemical Department to deal with these
questions. Such a thing would be primarily to help the Adulteration Acts'
(p. 86). An exchange of this kind testifies to the emergence of new agencies
from technical fields of knowledge in which criteria and tests are developed
for identifying harmful materials (here pharmaceuticals). These newagen-
cies construct their own boundaries of judgement - the Solicitor retreats to
the established legal arrangement when confronted by the prospect of a
'Chemical Department'. With the Post Office too, the fact of variable
judgement arises, Mr Muskett, legal adviser to the Commissioner of Police,
complaining that
the Post Office have expressed the view that a number of photographs of
nude women which came into their hands accidentally from a person who
is now being prosecuted, were not obscene, whereas in my judgement
they are exactly similar in every way to photographs which have always
been regarded by the police authorities as obscene, and which have
formed the subject of a large number of successful prosecutions. (p. 334)
This statement of the discrepancy between the pragmatic criteria and forms
of judgement deployed by two interested agencies underlines the heteroge-
neous character of the regulatory fabric of policing that was in place by the
end of the nineteenth century.
The regulation of obscene publication, it is clear, did not fall wholly
within the field of criminal law. On the contrary, this regulation was
84 On Pornography
Mr Hawke's regulatory superannuation scheme did not see the light of day.
But his image of poor postmen in 'the valley of temptation', acquiring
through the promise of benevolent funds the individual self-discipline that
makes a postal service possible, offers a polar opposite to the image of
judicial gravitas presiding at the ceremonial criminal trial where, in relation
to a certain publication, court and jury symbolically embody the community
pronouncing on the state of public morality.
Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality tells of the invasion of the law by
norms, and of the overlapping of the old juridical monarchy by
I do not mean to say that the law fades into the background or that the
institutions of justice tend to disappear, but rather that the law operates
more and more as a norm, and that the juridical institution is increasingly
incorporated into a continuum of apparatuses (medical, administrative,
and so on) whose functions are for the most part regulatory. (p. 144)
In its characteristic dialect, Foucault's aligning of the law with the 'con-
tinuum of apparatuses' invites us to find a historical instance in the spec-
trum of interlocking measures for dealing with what constituted- according
to governmental objectives and norms -the social problem of pornography.
In nineteenth-century England, obscenity law thus found itself in regulatory
partnership with a miscellany of other agencies. Given the multiple nature
of this regulatory field, to seek out a single great subject of power behind it
all - Victorian moralism, capital, patriarchy, the law, censorship - is to
create and to pursue a shadow, a chimera. It is to risk describing nothing,
when all the time the task should be to describe the actual agents which
organised and managed the pornographic field.
The theme culled from Foucault recalls the matter of how published ob-
scenity was brought within the common law sphere in the first place.
Literary histories of obscenity law - the work of what we have termed
'censorship historians' - identify the person who creates and the person
who is prosecuted. This identification is manifest in the attachment of post-
Romantic criticism to the figure of the transgressive author (or text), said to
embody the whole impetus of human development against the repressive
powers of law and state. This identification is so profoundly established that
these literary histories do not pause to digest the fact that the bulk of
obscenity prosecutions have been of printers, publishers and booksellers,
not of writers.
It was thus as a printer and bookseller, not as a writer, that an individual
was first convicted of obscene publication. In Chapter 2 we noted that in
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 87
1727, with Rex v. Curl!, the court of King's Bench created the offence of
obscene libel, conceptualised as a disturbing of the King's peace by virtue
of an obscene publication which does harm to public morality. 8 In 1724, the
London printer, bookseller, pamphleteer, journalist, publicist, employer of
hacks, pirate and pornographer Edmund Curll was charged in relation to the
publication of Venus in the Cloister; or, the Nun in her Smock, an English
translation of Jean Barrin's Venus dans le cloftre, together with certain
other works. For the first time, obscene publication appeared within the
purview of the common law, entering the criminal justice system and
thereby gaining a new social generality as the object of governmental
responsibility. With the sentencing of Curll in 1727, obscene publication
gained legal recognition as a danger which, left unchecked by the custodial
and legal powers of the sovereign, could morally harm the population at
large. In effect, the judges in Curll's case adopted a new disposition of
public morality, transferring a specific form of immorality froni. sin to crime
and shifting its control from religious to legal regulation.
This shift marked a significant mutation in the existing division of juris-
diction between the temporal or common law courts and the spiritual or
ecclesiastical courts which, hitherto, had dealt with matters pertaining to
personal morality and sex (hence their popular appellation as the Bawdy
Courts). 9 The spiritual courts had traditionally carried the responsibility for
dealing with 'personal' offences pro custodia morum of the community and
pro salute animae of the offender, that is, for the sake of reforming the
sinner. The judges did not slip obscene publication across this jurisdictional
boundary without a deal of debate about the existing demarcation of com-
petence between the different courts and about the indications and counter-
indications of such precedents as were to hand, notably Rex v. Sir Charles
Sedley 1663 and Regina v. Read 1707. A solid tussle was conducted within
the terms of a specific common law procedure - the construction, extension
and application of precedent. This is just one sign that the judges' action
was anything but automatic and driven by Puritan morality or by a reflex
repression of sexual expressivity.
Curll' s defence to the charge ran within established boundaries and
rested, one would think, on a solid precedent in Read. In 1707 the King's
Bench had quashed a conviction on the grounds that a written publication
which did not defame some actual person was not a criminal matter. As
Curll's counsel said of Read:
Courts; and the opinion of Chief Justice Holt was so strong with the
objection, that the prosecutor never thought fit to stir it again.
Yet this defence failed against an evidently successful analogy drawn by the
Attorney General: just as 'particular acts of fornication are not punishable
in the Temporal Courts, and bawdy houses are' (p. 850), so the action of
obscene publication - if it 'tends to disturb the civil order of society' or
reflect upon morality - should be considered by the court in the same terms
as the running of a bawdy house.
In this unforeseen reorganisation of the institutions of moral regulation,
the common law courts acquired a new responsibility: regulation of the
field of obscene publication. In its early modem configuration, this field
was organised around an equally unforeseen yet potent liaison between
certain literate products of a confessional practice concerned with instilling
an ever more detailed sense of the erotic and the sinful, and a commercial
book trade beginning to exploit that same developing erotic sensitivity but
for ends quite other than grace. The once specialist genre of libertine anti-
clerical erotica was thereby redirected to a new audience, as English trans-
lation and publication established new circulations for works such as Venus
dans le cloftre. In Chapter 2, in considering the question of this new
audience, we thus suggested that what pushed Curll's publication across the
threshold into the domain of criminal law was the formation of a new and
less specialised public with a disposition for pornography in English.
This particular expansion of government and criminal law into the area of
public morality did not involve an abstract specification of the existence of
a public with a propensity for corruption. Without the definite means of
becoming corrupt, in other words without the communications technology
of the book and without the dissemination of a particular cultural compe-
tence - print literacy - a public which might be corrupted by obscene
publications could not actually exist. Hence the significance of one judge's
observation that '[t]he spiritual Courts punish only personal spiritual
defamation by words; if it is reduced to writing, it is a temporal offence'
(p. 850). More pointed still is the contrast drawn by Justice Reynolds
between Sedley, where Sir Charles had 'only exposed himself to the people
then present, who might choose whether they would look upon him or not',
and the action of Curll, whose 'book goes all over the kingdom' (p. 851).
The notion of the new distributional force of print, and the judges' suspicion
that print exercises a certain type of direct impact upon its readers, swings
the case against Curll. This had not been the decision in Read, and the
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 89
divergence of these two decisions at common law, separated by only twenty
years, says something of the instability of the pornographic field from the
very start. The court in Curl/ thus set itself to weigh up whether a publica-
tion of obscene literature, the distribution and reading of Venus in the
Cloister, could disturb the King's peace as surely as the actions of Sedley,
friend of Rochester, had been found to do in 1663. In the earlier case, along
with the public display of nakedness on the balcony, the defendant had, as
Chief Justice Fortescue remarked in Curl/, exercised a physical force in
throwing out bottles and pis sing down upon the people's heads.
Aside from the telling contrast with our own times when, in the Williams
Report (1979), books fall by their essential nature as 'writing' into the realm
of free 'choice' whereas photographs are excluded on the grounds of the
coercive immediacy of their impact, what is the historical and theoretical
interest of Curll's case for subsequent law on obscenity? 10 The judges in
Curll realised a complex piece of lawmaking which - as the offence of
obscene libel - was to endure in English criminal law for 232 years, until
the Obscene Publications Act of 1959. The creation of this new offence and
the judicial initiative to use the criminal law for the moral government of
the kingdom were contingent on an unpredictable conjunction of legal and
cultural factors: the Sedley precedent whereby the common law declared
itself competent- as custos morum of all the king's subjects- to indict on
the grounds of a subversion of public morals; the rise of the distribution of
printed works and a rapid expansion of the cultural capacity - discursive
literacy - needed to consume them; the emergence of a less specialist
interest in erotic writings and the formation of a system of supply, for
instance by a pornographer, printer and bookseller such as Curll, of a
market providing for this new 'personal' interest.
It is in this conjunction of otherwise unrelated factors - legal, govern-
mental, cultural, technological and commercial- that the contingency of the
early modem pornographic field is displayed. Set against this background
of unplanned circumstances, the attempt to account for the first emergence
of the crime of obscene publication in terms of some general movement of
consciousness of which the law was the pliant instrument - typically an
access of 'Puritan' repressiveness - promises only a loss of historical
specificity and a reduced descriptive capacity. Certainly, an expansion of
the sphere of government occurred through the mechanism of the criminal
law. But this unanticipated reorganisation of the institutions regulating
public morality resulted from a characteristic piece of common law innova-
tion, building up from gritty example and particularity of circumstance. The
court was confronted by the possibility of a crime involving a disturbance
of the peace where there was no use of physical force and a libel where no
90 On Pornography
one was libelled. The question of how such an act could have become
intelligible as a crime, as it evidently did with Curl!, calls for analysis in
terms of quite local circumstances, not grand philosophical schemes.
In Curll's case, a printed and published writing was recognised as consti-
tuting an obscene libel and made the object of a criminal sanction on the
grounds that - left unchecked - such a publication would harm public
morality and disturb the social balance by libelling the honour of the king
through an exposure of his subjects to the imperious force of printed
obscenity. By the time of the Obscene Publications Act of 1857 and Hicklin
in 1868, things are very different. By then, a work counted as obscene is
treated as a toxic substance having 'a tendency ... to deprave and corrupt
those whose minds are open to such immoral influences, and into whose
hands a publications of this sort may fall'. If the publication is dangerous
enough to be deemed a social risk and thus made subject to preventive legal
regulatory measures, it is no longer as an action liable to disturb the king's
peace. Rather, it has become a dangerous substance, a commodity capable
of inducing the user who comes from what is deemed a category of vulner-
able and non-competent persons to deviate from known norms of moral and
physical health. What nineteenth-century obscenity law targetted as an
essential object of governmental responsibility was no longer an act of
sedition endangering the social balance, but a dangerous poison inducing
moral and medical harm. To underscore such transformations is to break
with the received pattern of historiography that has been imposed on Eng-
lish obscenity law. We have in mind accounts such as St John-Stevas
(1956), Hyde (1964), Rolph (1969), Thomas (1969) and Robertson (1979).
These are unitary narratives which construct a history of the legal relations
of erotic writing in terms of a single trans-historical struggle between
repressive external controls - censorship, obscenity law, police- and an
essential subjectivity which seeks individual expression in writing the truth
about sex.
What is the problem with such accounts? It is not just that they write the
history backwards from the present as if a single logic, a single dark and
shining path led from Ezekiel to D. H. Lawrence (Robertson, 1979) or from
ancient Greece to the First Amendment and Arthur Schlesigner Jr (Widmer,
1970). More importantly, the received historiography does no justice to the
substantive changes in the social organisation of subjectivity. The medicalised
morality and moralised medicine which created and so minutely managed
the nineteenth-century sexual personality - and thus directly informed the
obscenity law of that time and cultural milieu - register a high degree of
historical particularity. In our present study, historical transformations of
subjectivity are taken as a necessary starting point for any attempt to put the
Nineteenth-Century English Obscenity Law 91
record straight concerning the objectives and norms of obscenity law. The
difference should be clear between a history which recognises the histori-
cally distinctive but impermanent arrangement of sexual, moral, medical
and legal attributes in nineteenth-century England and one - the received
historiography of the censorship historians - that assumes a timeless sexual
subject upon which, except at rare moments of emancipation, more or less
the same censorious law eternally impinges in more or less the same
repressive manner. No doubt the notion of a transhistorical sexuality is
convenient, providing both origin and destiny for the traditional history of
erotic writing, whether for the author behind the work, the reader in front of
it or the historian wanting to write his or her single story of repression.
By contrast, we have emphasised the historical and cultural differences
between a crime of obscene publication defined within a series comprising
sin, sedition, disturbance of the king's peace, print technology and a crime
of obscene publication defined within a series comprising moral offence,
medical harm, abortificients, lotteries, the Post Office, unregulated poisons
and mutoscopes allowing universal access. In foregrounding the fact of
historical difference, we directly confront those two traditional periodisations
of English obscenity law which tie the emergence of that law either to the
alleged excess of puritan moral conscientiousness or to the supposedly
overweaning power of Victorian moralism. In each case, the received
historiography underestimates the technical complexity and historical par-
ticularity of the legal-cultural arrangements, just as it underestimates the
possibility - if, that is, it even suspects it- that western sexuality is less the
locus of an essential human truth than a specialised cultural artefact into
which so much work has gone. Not the least important element of this work
has been a remarkable alteration in the relations between literature and sex.
It is to this theme - a quite unforeseen transformation of the concerns and
content of aesthetic literature and the problems which this transformation
posed for obscenity law - that we now tum.
4 Literary Erotics
Nothing is more obdurate to artistic treatment than the carnal, but it has
to be got in, I'm sure: everything has to be got in ...
Literary Erotics 93
and use of print literacy - and not just for the law - by the matter they
contained, their mode of distribution and their sites of sale. 2
The educative novel was not a target in nineteenth-century campaigns
against obscenity. It is equally important to note that serious literary writ-
ing, including criticism, was not among the array of 'infra-legal' disciplines
which guided the law in administering that area. The limited political
opposition to Lord Campbell's Bill which was voiced in Parliament was not
matched by widescale criticisms defending literary projects and rights, of
the sort which would become familiar in connection with twentieth-century
obscenity law. Generally, novelists, editors and critics felt no need to
mobilise opinion in order to protect their craft against supposed encroach-
ments by obscenity law. On the contrary, the literary establishment shared
the concerns of the legislature.
Consider, in this regard, the letter written by Charles Dickens to Wilkie
Collins in 1867, concerning certain scenes in a novel which had become
embroiled in controversy, Griffith Gaunt, or Jealousy, written by Charles
Reade (who had initiated suits against critics attacking his novel's treatment
of adultery, bigamy and seduction). With a clear sense of the difference
between the serious novel and 'Holywell Street literature' or pornography,
Dickens defends Reade's work against critics who have treated it as no
different from the latter. However, he is also aware that there are different
kinds of audience and distribution, and in this regard Dickens's views
accord with those of the police. What is to be made of a book depends in
part on the capacities, dispositions and habits of those who read it and the
uses to which they may put it. As the editor of a widely circulating periodi-
cal, Dickens recognises that if literature can improve it can also damage its
MY DEAR WILKIE, -I have read Charles Reade's book, and here follows my
state of mind - as a witness - respecting it.
I have read it with strongest interest and admiration. I regard it as the
work of a highly accomplished writer and a good man; a writer with a
brilliant fancy and a graceful and tender imagination. I could name no
other living writer who could, in my opinion, write such a story nearly so
well. As regards a so-called critic who should decry such a book as
Holywell Street literature, and the like, I should have merely to say of
him that I could desire no stronger proof of his incapacity in, and his
unfitness for, the post to which he has elected himself.
Cross-examined, I should feel myself in danger of being put on unsafe
ground, and should try to set my wits against the cross-examiner, to keep
well off it. But if I were reminded (as I probably should be, supposing the
94 On Pornography
Like the Chief Constable of Liverpool, Dickens was attuned to the fact of
differences in the social distribution of ethical culture and hence to the
circumstantial character of literary value. In a case where erotic passages in
a serious novel might prove too strong a medicine for the ethical constitu-
tion of a popular audience, Dickens accepts without hesitation the role of
aesthetic policeman. The writer and publisher of educative literature, in
contrast to the pornographer, must attempt to communicate edifying senti-
ments and conducts. The project of a writer such as Dickens could be said
to help manage 'sexuality' only if we understand by this term a way of
cultivating moral norms and manners which displays no interest in setting
up sexual acts or erotic pleasures as containing an ultimate truth, central to
the recovery and expression of personal identity. 3
By the 1920s, the relation of some serious literature to obscenity law had
become sensitised and vexed, not only for the literati but also for those
administering the law. The regulation of qbscenity- including the relation
of its customary object, pornography, to their own enterprise - had now
appeared on the agenda of advanced literary intellectuals. They responded
in various ways. E. M. Forster was sufficiently interested in accommoda-
ting erotic writing in the novel to compose his study of homosexuality,
Maurice, in 1913-4, although it was not published until after his death in
1970. In 1920 he wrote to Siegfried Sassoon the avowal, cited at the head
of this chapter, to achieve an artistic treatment of the carnal. James Joyce
recorded that in Ulysses, a work attracting legal attention in England
(Robertson, 1979, pp. 35, 38) and in the USA where its publication was
permitted in 1934 in US v. Ulysses, he was experimenting with 'the grossly
masturbatory prose of "dirty" books' (Charney, 1981, p. 51). D. H. Law-
rence, of course, wrote many erotic works and apologias for them and, in
Literary Erotics 95
During the Romantic period it became possible for autliors and readers to
orient themselves around the personal experience of sex. This was due to
the emergence of an ethical culture that created individuals who routinely
related to their 'selves' by problematising their sex. As a profane relay for
this interrogation-incitement of the flesh, pornographic writing, we have
argued, maintained an ambivalent and fugitive existence during the eight-
eenth and nineteenth centuries. Having emerged when the techniques of
auto-erotic inwardness were unexpectedly caught up in a new technology of
mass communication, pornographic writing was initially balanced precari-
ously on the cusp of private ethical and public legal regulation and was
bathed in the strange half-light where the sciences of pathological sexuality
embraced a literature that intensifies sexuality by pathologising it. So when,
at the end of the nineteenth century, serious literature began to experiment
with the techniques of pornographic writing and to dice with obscenity law,
it opened itself to the whole unstable play of forces that formed the porno-
graphic field.
Serious sexual literature emerged thanks not to the independent experi-
ence and vision of individual authors, but to a complex interaction with an
existing field of sexual techniques, problematisations and disciplines which
already had a role in constructing sexualities. In the late nineteenth and
early twentieth centuries, literature came to play a distinct part of its own in
organising sexuality. This was not because it reflected the intrinsic nature of
sexuality more accurately than other discourses had been able to do. It was
simply that a certain kind of literature provided the techniques through
which a particular group of writers and readers would be able to transform
-aesthetically- a certain deployment of sexuality. In this way, early in the
twentieth century, sexualised literature became the locus and the medium
for a highly specialised use of sex. For a little band equipped with the
cultural capacity to make them into serious ethical endeavours, erotic writ-
ing and reading became the instruments for a novel kind of work on the self.
What made this new role of literature possible? Two general factors were
in play. First, as we suggested in Chapter 2, an aesthetic mode of self-
fashioning - derived from the Romantic period and sustained thereafter by
a highly educated minority- converged with various disciplinary knowledges
and problematisations of sex. Second, in a particular development of this
aesthetic interest, the serious novel took over techniques of erotic writing,
especially from pornography, revalorising these as a true (because secret)
means of shaping and knowing the self.
From these factors emerged a re-organisation of literary interest, identi-
fiable in the Lawrentian project to realise and publish the truth of sex. We
shall examine these general factors in more detail below, but let us note for
Literary Erotics 97
the moment that this literary incursion into the territory of explicit sexual
representations was powerful enough to blur the existing boundary between
social genres. The distinction between pornography and serious literature
observed by the law was no longer respected by a hybrid form of the novel
which had become both literary and pornographic. This shift created a new
uncertainty in the regulation of pornography. Pornographic elements began
to surface in the educative novel, that much more widely disseminated
social relay of norms of conduct and sentiment, which now started teaching
its readers the need to experience and express erotic feeling. It was this
literary intensification of the erotic and perverse which posed problems for
legal regulation. Advocates of serious works about sex claimed that they
should not be subject to legal interference (cf. 'The Revaluation of Obsce-
nity', in Ellis, 1931, pp. 103--42). At the same time, many of them agreed
that pornography, the very form from which they were now borrowing, was
harmful and should be legally controlled (see, for example, Lawrence,
1936, p. 175 and the reviews by V. S. Pritchett and E. M. Forster reprinted
in Draper, ed., 1970, pp. 287-8, 508-9).
The nascent interest of the literati in using the educative novel as a means
of forming sexual identity depended on their social access to a special
practice of reading. This was the practice, developed by the Romantics, in
which literature is used to intensify and reconcile the antagonism between
the reader's sensual and moral sides, in pursuit of a commodious, harmo-
nised and stylised self. However, this practice and interest were anything
but universal. Once on the market, serious erotica was thus available to
readers not interested or schooled in applying such a method. The same text
might therefore have an aesthetic use for some and a more plainly porno-
graphic use for others. To investigate these issues further, we can consider
two very different contributions on the problem of obscenity which were
made in the 1920s to a Faber and Faber pamphlet series, The Criterion
Miscellany. The inclusion of these texts on obscenity in the literary project
of the Criterion is itself a sign of the interest which literary publishers and
writers had developed in this problem by this time.
D. H. Lawrence's 'Pornography and Obscenity' (first published in 1929)
was to become a definitive statement for proponents of liberal and libertar-
ian positions on obscenity, law and literature. 4 Implicit in the essay is the
new aestheticising of sex: individuals must allow themselves to be more
open to the profound meanings of sex - at once sensuous and spiritual -
which conventional morality suppresses. Alongside this aesthetic schema
stands the accompanying historical narrative. Like the censorship histori-
ans, Lawrence imagines a period before Puritan repression when literature
expressed sexual experience in a spontaneous unity of feeling and thought.
98 On Pornography
Those who object to all forms of censorship cannot, I imagine, realise the
extent of the traffic which goes on in filthy literature, and still more filthy
photographs. In the course of my administration at the Home Office I had
to place an embargo on pictures coming into this country of such a
character that, whatever artistic merit they might possess, I am quite sure
that not one hundred people in the country would be prepared to support
or even excuse them. I know, from the examination of letters passing to
certain shops on the continent, the nature of the traffic, the kind of person
who indulges in it, and the harm that is done in consequence: is the
Executive to allow this evil to go unchecked? (p. 12)
This 'executive' concern was with policing readily identifiable obscene and
indecent materials and their various distributions, including importation of
printed matter. 5 Despite claims to the contrary, a vendetta against serious
literature was not the order of the day. At the same time, however, Brentford
records a new problem for obscenity regulation, which is evident in reac-
tions to legal proceedings against a small number of books and in the charge
that he had tried 'to establish a dictatorship in the realm of literature and
morals' and to ban works which in the world of letters were held to have
literary merit (p. 5). He acknowledges that a case has been constructed,
through the press, literary circles and other enterprises such as the World
League for Sexual Reform (~omprising sexologists, psychologists, authors
100 On Pornography
and public figures), against the policing of literary and artistic works relat-
ing to sexuality. Significantly, he concedes that serious works about sex
may have artistic merit. This, however, does not solve the problem, as he
notes with reference to an unnamed literary work:
The merits of the book may be as great as its admirers claim - and I
confess I found it to contain much that, from a purely literary standpoint,
excited admiration- but surely its merits were not strictly material to the
issue; it was the demerits of the book which I was asked by the publishers
to consider- not whether it possessed something of greatness, but whether
it would tend to corrupt and deprave the public mind. (p. 19)
The object of 'corrupt and deprave', the 'public mind', is less specific than
earlier legal references to vulnerable classes of individuals. But it makes the
point that literary works on sex, however well-intentioned, can and do have
a circulation and use that is not just literary. As feminists would later argue,
literature's merit is rendered 'immaterial' by what appears, on balance, to
be its demerit. Placing restrictions on a certain artistic style of sexual
writing- specifically, on its public circulation- is simply seen as the lesser
of two evils, compared with tolerating a known medical and moral harm.
This ranking of criteria is to be reversed by the time of the Obscene
Publications Act of 1959 (see Chapter 5 below). By then, the spread of
aesthetic education could perhaps be counted on to have produced a com-
paratively generalised ability among readers to recognise literary merit and
in some measure to oversee their own reading of sexual fiction. In the first
decades of our century, however, it was not at all evident that an aesthetic
schooling of the sensibility had provided for the population at large a viable
alternative to the medical-legal regulation of pornography and obscenity.6
It is noteworthy that Brentford does not argue to introduce new obscenity
laws or strengthen existing ones. He holds that the law 'in its application to
frankly pornographic matter has well served its purpose' (p. 11). He de-
fends the Home Secretary's powers to violate the confidentiality of His
Majesty's mail, by referring to the scale of the traffic in 'vicious publica-
tions' imported through the post (pp. 12-13). He supports the status quo, in
which there is no official vetting of books on publication. Questionable
books are sent to the Home Office with a complaint from the public that
they are obscene, or with a publisher's request for advice whether there are
grounds for thinking the publication would constitute, or has constituted, an
infringement of the law (p. 15). Brentford states that there is a censorship of
stage plays, under the separate jurisdiction of the Lord Chamberlain (p. 8),
and a voluntary censorship of films, but that 'there is in England no
Literary Erotics 101
(1936, p. 174)- works hardly like to trouble constables on their beat. But
even if legal administrators had wished to use the criterion promoted by
Lawrence - the aestheticising of sex - to decide the regulation of porno-
graphy, they could not have done so effectively, for it was far too special-
ised to gain any general purchase.
By the early twentieth century, then, new relations were forming between
literature, pornography and the sexual 'sciences'. The introduction of the
erotic and perverse into the educative novel allowed certain individuals and
groups to carry out aesthetic self-culture through the cultivation of a sexu-
ality that - or so they told themselves - was repressed, fugitive and the key
to personal identity. Providing a new facility to eroticise body and con-
science, and forming a circuit between the sexologies and pornography,
serious sexual literature comprised an optional- primarily ethical- mecha-
nism for organising sexual identity even as it also constituted a new object
of policing, since it could be harmful for some readers.
These complexities provide evidence for the argument that serious sexual
literature has had no essential function such as representing the truth of sex,
but has played an uneven and contingent role in forming and regulating
sexualities. This argument may be pursued by considering in greater detail
the two sets of conditions which allowed literary and sexual organisations
of the self to converge: a particular interaction between literature and
sexology, and a literary appropriation of pornography.
In relation to the first of these, a major precondition of the sexualisation
of serious literature was the success of sexual medicine in making health,
understood in sexual terms, central to the new norms of management of
personal life. We recall from Foucault (1979, pp. 65-6) that the nineteenth-
century medical organisation of sexuality postulated that sex was an 'inex-
haustible and polymorphous' causal power and that there was 'a latency
intrinsic to sexuality'. Given the former, sex could be and was entertained
as the cause of almost any species of physical and moral problem. Sexual
causes and effects were thought to manifest fundamental processes which
could be charted through the temporal stages of an individual life. It became
possible to individuate persons with reference to norms of healthy sexual
development and deviations from them. This medical individualisation,
Foucault argues, implanted perversions. In contrast to an earlier classifica-
tion of sexual transgressions in terms of acts, in which a binary opposition
of licit and illicit was adequate, these new knowledges focussed on the
Literary Erotics 103
nature of the being of the actors, creating new types of personality requiring
to be investigated, measured and understood (pp. 36-49). So, for example,
in contrast to the sodomite once defined primarily by his illicit act, the
nineteenth-century homosexual came to be identified as a complex person-
ality with 'a past, a case history, and a childhood', and a problematic future,
a being with a specific character to be fathomed by being identified with a
certain inversion of the masculine and the feminine (p. 43). The implanta-
tion of perversions thus intensified and consolidated multiple sexualities,
such that the medical schemata of sexual kinds were at once mechanisms of
knowledge or classification and types of practice, forms which came to be
lived out by individuals (p. 48).
If the causal powers of sex were ubiquitous, they were also obscure, since
they promised to reveal a self whose truth was directly proportional to its
reclusiveness. The medical-moral expert emerged as one who could bring
to light that which was hidden in the individual and comprehend the mys-
terious workings of latent sexual natures. In the secularisation of confession
which Foucault identifies (pp. 53-73), sex became the deep and elusive
cause which must be spoken - in all the detail it may be necessary to hear
- by the individual who is the object of medical and moral concern. This
strategy of confession constituted sex as the always partly hidden problem
within the self which must be turned over and over. Confessional medicine
intensified the interest of the very sensations, thoughts, acts and desires
which it sought to know and regulate. If this form of speaking about sex was
therapeutic, it was also pathogenic. It complicated and deepened the
meanings which sexual problems could have. Even in fostering a desire for
self-improvement, sexual medicine made for volatile sensibilities. This is
reflected in concerns such as the fear that 'over-mothering' would bring out
a latent homosexuality in the sons of middle-class families. Exposure to
sexual-medical influences made it possible for individuals to internalise
various norms and feel new kinds of anxiety, alarm, pain, guilt, failure and
embarrassment, and to engage in new kinds of introspection. The pages of
William Acton's The Functions and Disorders of the Reproductive Organs
in Childhood, Youth, Adult Age, and Advanced Life (1865), for instance,
give an insight into this pathogenic dimension of Victorian medicine. Ap-
pealing to colleagues to humanise their practice by considering the physi-
ological, emotional and moral issues of sex, Acton publishes his work
precisely in order to exert 'some good and practical influence on public
health and public morals' (Preface). Yet the cases, anecdotes, testimonials
and advice on cures which he publishes show that his male patients and
readers could literally worry themselves sick in ways that would not have
been possible before the medical intensification of concerns with masturba-
104 On Pornography
[T]he slow and progressive derangement of his or her health, the dimin-
ished energy of application, the languid movement, the stooping gait, the
desertion of social games, the solitary walk, late rising, livid and sunken
eye, and many other symptoms, will fix the attention or"every intelligent
and competent guardian of youth.
(1970[1874], p. 362)
that knowledge itself is reduced to abstract 'thought' cast adrift from feeling
and immediate experience. Art suffers in this dissociation and grows away
from Nature and from actual life. Even within this second stage, though,
identified as usual with the long present, the third is anticipated as an
integral state of being and knowledge which is the condition of a culture
superior to the lost edenic state precisely because it has emerged through the
diversifying experience of disunity (1907, Chapter IV, 'The Three Stages of
This aesthetic paradigm is sexualised in Carpenter's work. To achieve
self-perfection, one must free oneself from purely rational consciousness by
accepting the reality of sensuous arid bodily experience. At the same time,
one must strive to ensure that this experience never becomes merely sensual
but is kept in touch with - and so renews - the capacity for intelligent and
moral reflection (1907, Chapters V and VI, 'The Self and its Affiliations').
Precisely because sexual feelings are so deeply implicated in life they must
be brought into harmony with the rest of human experience. Not until
sexual love is 'checked and brought into conflict with the other parts of his
being' does the whole nature of 'man' - sexual and moral - rise into
consciousness (1905, p. 11) in that process which Carpenter calls love's
The sexual 'sciences' and the confessional tactics of self-knowledge
operating within them provide new ways in which individuals like Carpen-
ter can identify and seek to reconcile opposing tendencies within the self.
Amongst Carpenter's many adaptations of biological, physiological and
psychological theories, the sexualising of the aesthetic is evident in his use
of an almost Fourierist model called the 'Great Sympathetic', elaborated by
the moral physiologist Davey in 1858 (Carpenter, 1907, pp. 113-17). In this
model, the dialectical topography of Romantic aesthetics is provided with
bodily coordinates. There is an organic seat of the emotions in the 'nervous'
or 'ganglionic' centres, including the solar plexus. Complete emotional
sensibility requires the interaction of the organic with the conscious and
reflex systems, the latter being located in the brain and in the spinal cord
and medulla respectively. Carpenter cites Davey's notion that the Great
Sympathetic exercised an 'architectural power, presiding over the forma-
tion and life of the body and the organs - a power to which even the brain
and spinal cord were subordinate' (1907, pp. 113--4). He speculates that
first the motor and then the mental capacities have come to overlie the
foundation of organic and emotional life. Modern man has become domi-
nated by mental consciousness, which means one must anticipate a time
when the deeper nervous powers, having passed into 'the region of subcon-
sciousness' (p. 116), will be restored in a dynamic fulfilment of all human
faculties. Exactly the same sexualisation of the dialectic and use of moral
Literary Erotics 107
[l]n truth it is probable, I think ... that the spermatozoa pass through the
tissues and affect the general body of the female, as well as that the male
absorbs minutest cells from the female; and that generally, even without
the actual Sex-act, there is an interchange of vital and ethereal elements
- so that it might be said there is a kind of generation taking place within
each of the persons concerned . . .
(Carpenter, 1905, p. 27)
defmed through the play of will and sympathy, power and ductility. This
theme of a dialectical sexual aesthetics was supported - with some attempt
at popularisation in the field of sex reform - by various others writing
before and during Lawrence's own career. The evolution of human
'culture', it was assumed, would allow the superior union of men and
women to occur through the reconciliation of essential masculine and
feminine differences in which each individual would find self-realisation:
any attempt to make women the equal of men as they 'merely' are in the
present would therefore be premature, according to some writers at least
(for example, Charles Leland, The Alternate Sex, 1904).
In this kind of discourse, 'sex' was subsumed into an aesthetic practice of
self-culture. From the works of Havelock Ellis on primary, secondary and
tertiary sexual characteristics (1929) to publications like Otto Weininger's
Sex and Character (1906), there is an overlap of physiological and moral
categories and a major identification of aesthetic oppositions such as reason
and emotion with a male/female characterology. In this context, Carpen-
ter's life and work are exemplary of the way in which certain highly-
educated coteries attempted to fabricate an ethos through the sexological
transformation of aesthetic self-culture.
For such groups, appreciation of the arts is a means of integrating intel-
lectual and sensual being. According to Carpenter (1912, pp. 207ff), crea-
tivity is the fusion of masculine and feminine traits as revealed in, for
example, the works of Michelangelo. This notion is reproduced by Law-
rence in such writings as 'Study of Thomas Hardy' (1936, pp. 398-516) in
terms highly reminiscent- as Delavenay points out (1971, pp. 205-15) -of
Carpenter's argument that literature, including the novel, must revitalise the
moral life by exploring the complex polarities and creative androgynous
potential of sexual being. 8
Before Lawrence even began to write, the apparatus of sexual aesthetics
was assembled as the condition of his doing so. A Romantic cultivation of
the self had absorbed sexual norms, producing a new personage we might
call the sexual aesthete. The dialectic offered a way of developing and
mastering the self through an aesthetic stylisation of sex. In Carpenter's
view, as subsequently in Lawrence's, the social harms or dangers of sex
could be overcome by the diffusion of this cultural ideal. The key to a 'free
and gracious public life' is the purification and refinement of the moral
nature, a work of conscience which needs no external guide (Carpenter,
1905, p. 23). We can see why, for the cognoscenti, sexual content carne to
be appropriated not as something super-added to the aesthetic but as some-
thing inseparable from the form of a creative work and the activity in which
the writer or reader problematised sexuality through it.
Literary Erotics 109
The other major factor which made it possible for literary-aesthetic
and sexual-medical organisations of the self to converge was the literary
appropriation of pornography. We have already noted the role of early-
modern pornography as literary device of self-interrogation and excitation,
and the directly auto-erotic formation of the conscience and body associated
with the use of nineteenth-century perverse (medicalised) pornography. It
was the apparatus of Romantic aesthetics which allowed serious literature
to enter an exchange with the genre of confessional pornography. In this
process, on the one hand, literary aesthetics annexed various techniques
of pornographic writing and their auto-erotic potential, thus issuing a
challenge to explore supposedly repressed sexualities. Sexual excitation
was considered necessary in order to tap dimensions of experience lying
beyond the reach of norms and inhibitions. On the other hand, literary
aesthetics employed a critical and moralising strategy, by submitting the
erotic materials to aesthetic interpretation and judgement. In so doing, it
transformed the techniques of pornography by combining them with liter-
ary devices used in the serious novel. This balancing act depended on the
dialectical ability of the writer and reader - that is, the ability to treat auto-
erotic excitation as a necessary moment of de-repression and at the same
time to reconcile it with the intellectual and moral imperatives of educative
The literary techniques which transformed and were in turn modified by
this appropriation of pornography included complex characterisation and
psychological narrative, hermeneutic problematisation, poetic or symbolic
deepening, and thematic reflection. Literature drew from pornography the
stylistic resources of confessional dialogue and eroticising physical descrip-
tion, including the device of presenting sexual experiences and sensations
in detail, and the use of vernacular and obscene language to refer to bodies
and acts. It preserved their auto-erotic interest while modifying it aestheti-
cally in the direction of poetic introspection, complex motivation and sus-
tained inquiry into the enigmatic nature of sex - a generic transmutation
present in the merest description of a lover's swoon before a rainbow
(Lawrence, 1949, p. 299).
The educative novel, of course, also borrows techniques from sources
other than pornography. So, for instance, the devices of poetic or meta-
phoric deepening are drawn in part from a specialised nineteenth-century
tradition of the erotic lyric, where a confessional interest in sexuality was
already subject to the dialectic mediation of Romantic aesthetics. This
tradition included the verse of Swinburne and Wilde and, in more populist
mode, Whitman's often homoerotic poetic affirmations. We may record
Carpenter's imitation of Whitman in his Towards Democracy (1896) and
110 On Pornography
destructive, making its victim a castrato. These terms provide the logic for
a narrative lesson: the woman must free the true 'female' in herself through
sexual sojourns, letting go the social 'person' (1961, p. 126). The meaning
of sex, it is insisted, cannot be grasped by those flirting with it as a fashion-
able idea, since this imprisons men and women in their separate egos, as in
Connie's first sexual encounters on the Continent (cf. pp. 5-9). Connie's
maturation includes her awakening to the phallic potency of Mellors whose
characterisation brings into play the pornographic image of the supersexed
male. The argument is contained isotopically in Chapter 10, in a trio of
sexual acts. On the first occasion, Mellors achieves orgasm and is blind to
Connie's numbness. On the second, there is growing responsiveness on her
part, but a residue of mental resistance, and a separateness in his pleasure.
On the third, she is released from self-consciousness by the 'unconscious'
force of passion. Mellors' taking of her by surprise is valorised because it
is associated with an epiphanal quality in the experience. The real female is
said to emerge, not 'Lady Chatterley' but 'Connie'. Again, the book adapts
pornographic elements such as the dialogic relation of initiator and novice,
and the mock-pastoral convention according to which a virile lower-class
hero finds out the nymph in an aristocratic 'Lady'.
We may show in a little more detail how the pathological and perverse
inform this novel. The imagery of fixation, including infantile regression
and male hysteria, is used to complete the portrayal of Clifford's impotence.
His auto-erotic intimacy with his nurse, Mrs Bolton, is presented as the
ultimate stage of his ethical decay. On the other hand, if Connie is to
discover the truth of sex she must do so through trial and error, passing
through various dangerous psycho-sexual stages. For instance, clitoral or-
gasm is presented as stubborn gratification in which she resists mutuality, a
sign that she is too active and the man too passive, as in her relation with
Michaelis. Lawrence's association of clitorally-oriented intercourse with
female masturbation is evident here. In an improvisation on existing
erotogenic zonings of the body, the clitoris is pathologised through meta-
phoric identification with the beak of a bird. The instrument that gratifies
the wilful sexuality of the woman can only injure her lover. This independ-
ent and perverse sexuality must be tamed by the gamekeeper if the true
'female' is to be set free.
A culminating act in Connie's relation with Mellors is anal intercourse.
How are we to classify such a scene? In one sense, it is yet another
sodomitic scene in perverse, 'turkish' pornography, with a distinct sense of
sport in breaking taboos. At the same time, it is the first explicit scene of
anal sex in the serious novel. The appeal to 'sheer sensuality' is supposed
'to purify and quicken the mind' (p. 259) and revitalise physical and
114 On Pornography
At this point we can make explicit the difference between our historical
analysis of pornography and post-modernist accounts informed by psycho-
analytic and Marxian currents. Stephen Heath's (1982) The Sexual Fix is
representative of such accounts. Heath writes that 'sexuality' is a cultural
system through which the meaning of 'sex' (acts and relations) and associ-
ated forms of personal identity have been produced in the nineteenth and
116 On Pornography
At the same time, argues Heath, to say that sexuality does not exist as such
is not to deny the reality and complexity of the sexual dimension in contem-
porary Western culture. It is, rather, to indicate the possibility of displacing
its present limited construction as 'sexuality' and changing the problematic
forms of social relations the latter term involves (pp. 3-4). For Heath,
literature overlaps with the social knowledges and practices - including
pornography- which operate in the system of 'sexuality'. So, for instance,
sexual writing in the novel supports and is supported by 'the novelistic'-
Heath's term for the dispersed forms of narrative and character construction
operating within those social knowledges (Chapter VII). The work of
Lawrence contributes in a major way to the 'gaining ground' of 'sexuality'
(p. 125).
The problem with this account is that it explains the function of literature
and other knowledges through a single, general logic of representation,
even though 'representation' indicates not a reflection of the real but a
construction of meaning for a subject. Heath argues that novelistic sexual
narrative appears to open into the truth of experience and make self-
realisation possible, but that in fact it is highly normative and forecloses the
possibilities of experience. It acts out a cycle of tension and release, a
progression towards orgasm, in a ritual and fundamentally insecure attempt
to deny an underlying male lack. Dominant literary and sexological writing
involves a phallic fantasy through which the threat of female difference is
Literary Erotics 117
apparently denied by projecting the female as existing for and through the
pleasure of the male whose identity thus seems to be confirmed. Complicit
with other empiricisms of sexual knowledge, literature thus represses and
reproduces the very anxiety which generates it, creating a sexual 'fix' in the
dual sense that the possibilities of subjective identity are narrowed down
into set masculine and feminine forms, and that this drama is repeated
compulsively. This ideological function is present in any instance of the
system of sexuality, and within literature operates in an historical con-
tinuum through such different works as those of Dickens and Lawrence (see
especially Heath's Chapter VII). Literature is thus seen as having an essen-
tial relation to sexuality. It is the theatre in which the subject of conscious-
ness experiences an illusory fullness of being. This subject unconsciously
opts out of the play of sexual difference whose prolongation is the bliss of
deferred identity: the endless anticlimax of selfhood. The progressive lib-
eration envisioned by Heath is described thus:
establishing the goal of moral actions: fidelity may be given its importance
within a project of self-discipline, as a means of self-purification assuring
spiritual salvation, and so on. By participating in these variable modes of
conduct, individuals become more than simply the ciphers of a code, they
become subjects of moral action.
Our point of contrast with Lawrentian writings is found in a mid-Victor-
ian type of manual, which disseminated specialised knowledges (sexual
medicine, biology, moral physiology, psychology) amongst middle-class
reading families, and promoted a capacity for heath-consciousness in rela-
tion to sex and norms of domestic management, childbearing, childrearing,
diet and hygiene. 10 Without ignoring important differences between indi-
vidual texts, it is evident that the definition of conjugal fidelity was central
to the writers of these manuals and their readers, and was related to an ethic
of self-restraint. 11 For those approaching sexual medicine in the same way
as Marcus (1964) and Gay (1984), such writings might seem symptomatic
of the dark night of Victorian morality, shrouding and distorting human
sexuality. However, these publications can be viewed more positively as
part of a programme for shaping and managing the personal life. Part of this
programme was a norm of fidelity which allows us to relativise the concep-
tion of love and fidelity which Lawrence would propose as leading to a
fundamental truth of sex.
If we confine ourselves to this definition of fidelity in the Victorian
manuals, we see that the singling-out of the husband-wife relation bore
directly on individuals' willingness to manage the physical and emotional
'substance' of their own sexuality. Addressed specifically as wives, hus-
bands, or as individuals contemplating marriage, readers were asked to
become the physicians of their own sexual soul, responsible for understand-
ing the laws which govern the physical and moral life. Only through the
wise conduct of partners would the 'scientific' knowledge of sexuality bear
fruit in the lives of individuals. The kind of work on the self called for was
a personal commitment, a continuous care in preparing for marriage, choos-
ing a partner, and building a relationship. In terms of purposes, fidelity was
seen as an ongoing labour of love necessary for physical and moral health,
such that it was not strange to speak of sexual restraint as paving the way
towards a perfect unity of the couple. In Cowan's The Science of a New
Life, for instance, individuals are urged to monitor 'every-day thoughts,
words and actions' (Cowan, [1874] 1970, p. 46) in order to purify their own
character and understand that of others. Cautionary tales and character-
sketches are used to encourage examination of desires and motives, and
many techniques described to cultivate reciprocity. For instance, while
there is a 'law' of choice (Chapter III), this can only be made good if
120 On Pornography
First, the semen, which is elaborately secreted from the highest active
principle of the blood of the man, and which is capable of giving life to
a new being, and which, of a necessity, if re-absorbed into the blood of
the individual, is capable, not of giving, but of renewing life. The second
principle involved is that of the nervous system. In the exercise of coition
through the abnormal development of amativeness, a great quantity of
the nervous fluid of the brain is used up. This nervous fluid, when used
in legitimate directions, is in a great measure supplied or vitalized by the
re-absorbed semen, or rather the cells secreted from the testicle before the
zoa-sperms are developed. This being so, the exercise of amativeness
uses up the very life-power of the individual, and in doing this the life-
force of the system is greatly lowered and weakened, laying the body
open to all manner of diseases, contagious, inflammatory and chronic,
insuring an existence weak and sickly, a life a great and miserable failure,
and a death early and painful. (p. 101)
For Cowan, then, the storing of (at this point male) vital fluids through self-
discipline reinforced the whole physical and moral constitution (cf. Elton
Literary Erotics 121
Boyd, MD, 1877). Some other writers maintained that denial of all sexual
passion was unwise and that its careful expression was necessary to health
(Acton, 1865, pp. 106--28; Fowler, 1870, pp. 637-706). This difference was
only one of degree. There was general agreement that sexual excess was
potentially destructive. According to Cowan, such excess caused a loss of
nervous vital power to be communicated 'through the medium of the great
sympathetic system of nerves' to all muscular departments of the body and
the brain which coordinates them (p. 105). This excess violates physiologi-
callaws and can result even in sterility: only through sensible restraint can
proper mutuality and healthy reproduction be assured in marriage (cf. pp.
Turning now to 'Lawrentian' writing, it is evident that the vision of
fidelity which it presents is identified with a supposedly repressed potential
for erotic experience. The perfecting of love and of the self requires indi-
viduals to explore this potential dialectically and seek within themselves a
vital reconciliation between sensuous and moral faculties. Two points should
be made to put the difference between our two instances in perspective.
First, although the Lawrentian celebration of pleasure may seem to be
diametrically opposed to the law of continence found in the earlier work, it
is in fact made possible by and is simply a variant of the economy of the
medically sexualised and pathologised body. Whereas for Cowan, undue
intensity of the sexual act is dangerous (p. 369), for Lawrence it is by not
intensifying sexual acts that one misuses the vital forces and runs the risk of
physiological and psychological damage. Moreover, Lawrence's
pathologising comments on masturbation display his continued reliance on
the medical-moral stigmatisation of improper sexual intensities. Second,
this erotic supplement is itself a specific norm. The incitement to make
erotic mutuality the spiritual hearth of marriage is a late refinement in the
formation of middle-class families around a core of affective relationships
between husbands and wives. These points can be developed by observing
how in the later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries forms of sexology,
closely related to literature, renegotiated what was to count as health and
fulfilment in marriage.
Foremost among these writers was Havelock Ellis, who identified eroti-
cism as a specific capacity of the self. In The Objects of Marriage, he
criticises the view that 'continence is the only alternative to the animal end
of marriage', as one which 'ignores the liberating and harmonising influ-
ences, giving wholesome balance and sanity to the whole organism, im-
parted by a sexual union which is the outcome of the psychic as well as the
physical needs' (n.d., pp. 8-9). The need to balance forces within an
economy of the body is still there, but now entails recognising that physical
122 On Pornography
sex activity 'may prove the stimulus and liberator of our finest and most
exalted activities'. Discovery of eroticism is crucial to the self yet must be
kept in balance with all the creative faculties. For the individual who learns
to make wise use of pleasures, 'a deeper spiritual unity is achieved than can
possibly be derived from continence in or out of marriage'.
The differences between Cowan and Ellis show how mobile has been the
distinction between the use and abuse of sexual capacities. What remains
constant is the sense that any activity delineated in obedience to this
sexological distinction becomes a matter of the conscientious management
of sex, that vital but fragile substance of the self. In Ellis' scheme one must
still keep vigil over one's desires, albeit for a new reason: physical and
psychical fulfilment might be missed in the very place where it is freshly
promised. This kind of liberatory project thus comprises a sharply altered
norm and a novel threshold of expectations, bringing its own pathogenic
concerns with performance. It is not only apparently perverse subjects who
are identifiable as specific temperamental types: sexology dwells amongst
the pleasures of the 'normal' couple where it establishes the 'erotic person-
ality' (Ellis, 1922, Chapter IV). This personality is supposed to possess the
potential for full development of all the faculties according to the familiar
aesthetic dialectic - emotional and intellectual, physical and psychical. It is
trapped neither by instinctual need nor conventional moralisation. This
dialectical construct is synonymous with what, in a further invocation of
Romantic aesthetics, Elli"s calls the 'play function' of sex:
Play is primarily the instinctive work of the brain, but it is brain activity
united in the subtlest way to bodily activity. In the play function of sex
two forms of activity, physical and psychic, are most exquisitely and
variously and harmoniously blended. (1922, p. 132) 12
modes of monitoring conduct, depend upon and vary with definite social
relations and techniques (Hirst and Woolley, 1982, pp. 136-7). The literary
erotics whose emergence we have traced had no exclusive rights over
conscience-formation in questions of sexuality. For instance, campaigners
for 'companionate marriage', contemporaries of Lawrence and Van de
Velde, advocated attitudinal and institutional reforms which would allow a
deliberate 'compromise' of psychological and sexual needs with economic
ones (allowing an alternative to celibacy, the use of birth control and
divorce by mutual consent). They envisaged a form of marital companion-
ship based on calculations of the material security of partners in terms
which would have been anathema to Lawrence, who placed a transcendent
value on sexual bonding (see, for example, Judge Ben B. Lindsey, 1928,
and J. A. Goldsmid, 1934). The 'Lawrentian' forming of conscience was
different from that promoted in household sexual medicine which did not
valorise eroticism. Blackwell had argued against the twin assumptions that
wives who have reservations about how they are expected to experience
pleasure must possess - according to the type-casting of the frigid woman
- 'no sexual passion', and that women are 'more tyrannically governed than
men by impulses of sex' because of their physiological and maternal nature
(1894, pp. 1, 44-53). Even in writers such as Cowan, who were not appar-
ently identified with feminism, there was a concern with rights and spaces,
accompanied by medical arguments that play down the importance of
sexual passion and gratification: a wife was not to be obligated by a
husband's demands.15
Nor did the Lawrentian aestheticising of sex go uncontested. As early as
the 1920s Florence Seabury called into question the characterology used by
Lawrence. The Lawrence of Sons and Lovers, she says, is 'decidedly
neurotic in his fear of the ultimate absorption of man. Woman he describes
perpetually as a great magnetic womb, fecund, powerful, engulfmg. Man he
sees as a pitiful struggling creature, ultimately devoured by fierce maternal
force' (Seabury, 1925, p. 227). For Seabury, the novelist's representations
of male and female difference derive from cultural, literary and psychologi-
cal stereotypes which operate more generally to enforce particular roles in
marriage, including the defmition of women 'in relation' to men, and
the assumed tendency of 'Woman' towards affectivity as opposed to
rationality. Sylvia Kopold (1925) criticises the ideal of comparative vari-
ability of the sexes, an idea much used by Lawrence and Ellis, according to
which the male is prone to extremes of intelligence and genius, and the
female is associated with intuitive stability, average rational powers and the
like. She relates perceived male/female differences of this kind to different
social trainings, expectations and environments, arguing against founding
126 On Pornography
educational or political objectives on such notions. While she does not refer
specifically to literature, her criticisms make clear the limits and partiality
of the sexological knowledges at work in the Lawrentian model of self-
Yet in the decades that followed, Lawrence's project would come to
stand as an exemplary work of sexual self-discovery and aesthetic self-
cultivation. We shall conclude this chapter by analysing how literary sexual
ethics became something more than an uncommon pursuit.
We have established that using sexual literature to work on the self was
initially an art of living refined by a small minority of writers and readers.
Contrary to the view that writers like Lawrence had to create the public taste
through which they would ultimately win appropriate recognition (Beal,
1961, pp. 11-24; West, 1950, Chapter 10), contemporary forms of literary
journalism made it possible for them to find a limited public for their
specialised adaptation of popular sexual-medical and pornographic materi-
als. A minor industry of small journals and magazines supported esoteric
literary and intellectual movements in the late nineteenth and early twenti-
eth centuries. Such publications helped form and maintain an upper middle-
class audience with a strong sense of itself as a 'circle' distinguished from
middle-class culture by personal taste and social mannerism (such as the
forms of dress and speech associated with the Bloomsbury group) and by a
relative indifference to general public acceptance (Dorothy Baisch, 1950). 16
These publications were in turn dependent on the milieu of the university
arts faculties, which in some cases provided their home and in most cases
supervised the aesthetic training of their readers and writers. 17 The bellettristic
audience existing for the circle of writers to which Lawrence belonged was
already conversant with sexology, sexual medicine, psychology, and issues
of sex reform and ethics. Lawrence read and reviewed works of sexual
'science' such as writings by the psychiatrist, Dr Trigant Burrow (Law-
rence, 1936, pp. 377-82), just as experts in sexology and related fields made
use of literary forms - as is evident in Van de Velde's mixing of Goethe and
'genetics'. Indeed, within these particular circuits of intellectual exchange,
no major distinction seems to have been marked between literary and other
modes of serious writing on sex, since these were all considered to give
access to the central questions and had similar uses as means of inquiring
into the self. 18
It was only in this context of an intellectual subculture that Lawrence
Literary Erotics 127
could carry out the iterative work of posing problems for other published
writings, formulate solutions and so create a sense of progress by using
literature to investigate sexuality. Thus the novels of John Galsworthy,
initially read as social satires and comedies of manners, were tested and
found pallid by applying the dialectical-erotic method of reading (Law-
rence, 1936, pp. 539-50). Lawrence argues that Galsworthy attempts to
treat his characters ironically by showing them as merely 'social' beings,
'parasites upon the thought, the feelings, the whole body of life of really
living individuals' (p. 543), whose own revolt reduces sex to a pose.
However, according to Lawrence, the form ofGalsworthy's writing is itself
flawed. Sexual emotion is reduced to sentimentalism, 'the working off on
yourself of feelings you haven't really got' (p. 545). Thought is cut off from
sensuous awareness, reducing sex to a clever idea on the part of both the
novelist and, potentially, the reader. In Lawrence's view, serious literary
works could thus commit the same sin as pornography, namely didacticism
- idealising the body for the sake of social ideologies while covertly
goading it into auto-erotic excitement. The challenge was thus to bring
literature into line with the individual's own whole- sensuous and intellec-
tual - experience of sexuality. Of course, the dialectical technique could
support an aesthetic work on the self without requiring univocal judge-
ments. Many readers exercised themselves over whether Lawrence's own
writings succeeded in giving harmonious form to his explorations of sexu-
ality (see for example John Middleton Murry (1932), and the reviews of and
tributes to Lawrence by Murry, T. S. Eliot, Edwin Muir, E. M. Forster and
others in Draper (ed.) 1970). But this concern underlines the crucial point:
initially, Lawrentian writings could make their way in the world courtesy
only of a 'small public of the minority' (Lawrence, 1936, p. 186).
Left to their own devices, those who engaged in literary erotics could
continue almost indefinitely to operate within their chosen and marginal
practice of self-culture. That this is so can be seen from the Lawrentian
discourse sustained through the 1930s and beyond by writers such as
Frieda Lawrence (1934), John Middleton Murry (1932), Anais Nin (1964),
Aldous Huxley (1971) and Lawrence Durrell (1959). 19 In the early 1930s,
Henry Miller began writing a book on Lawrence whose work he saw as
immensely inspiring (Miller, 1985, pp. 11-24). In this book, published
some fifty years after it was begun, Miller predictably speaks of obscenity
as the means of recovering a lost vitality, a vitality he identifies with male
erotic power and its dark sensuality, and with a female otherness which
cannot be grasped through any mere ideology of intellectual and social
equality (pp. 188-90). The radically obscene force of literature, Miller
assures us, strikes against repressive morality and law which still try to
128 On Pornography
make our language betray the truths of sexual experience (p. 176). No
matter how 'passionate' this kind of appraisal might be, however, of its own
accord it could have made little impact on the broader social and legal
regulation of sexuality.
The purpose of Lawrentian literature was not, as has often been
assumed, to spread cultural values broadly and democratically but to
sustain a personalist project of cultural distinction (in the sense proposed by
Bourdieu, 1984). The aesthetic use of sexual literature was a way of
cultivating a prestigious taste and distinguishing oneself not only from
popular entertainments, but from middle-class tastes and manners such as
those associated by Lawrence with the novels of Galsworthy. These other
forms could be deemed to fail, in their own ways, to realise sex, that is they
could be deemed to be insufficiently dialectical. In this differentiation and
distinction there is a confirmation of what Foucault signals as a shift in
middle-class concerns with sex that occurred from the late nineteenth
century. Initially this social stratum was distinguished by acquiring a spe-
cific, sexual body, a 'class' body signifying 'health, hygiene, descent and
race' (Foucault, 1979, p. 124). Once all other social sectors were provided
with a sexual body, bourgeois distinction would be measured 'not by the
"sexual" quality of the body, but by the intensity of its repression' (p. 129).
In the elite practice of literary erotics, the problematic of repression was
reproduced in order to achieve a dialectical expression of true sexuality.
If this art of knowing and shaping the self through using the techniques
of literary erotics was still a localised pursuit amongst the intelligentsia in
the first decades of the twentieth century, the situation was gradually
changing. These techniques of literary sexual ethics were about to undergo
a more general distribution. They would do so, however, not as the cultural
manifestation of the dialectic but as part of an eminently institutional
process in which they were transformed into mechanisms of popular educa-
tion. The governmental use of literature in popular education is analysed in
Hunter (1988, see especially Chapters 4 and 7); we need identify here only
those factors which permitted a new and greatly expanded role for the
technique of self-fashioning elaborated in modem literary erotics.
The aesthetic use of literature and criticism developed in Romantic self-
culture was, in the early and middle decades of the twentieth century,
grafted onto the practices of moral formation already operating in the
popular school and teacher training. Since the mid-nineteenth century, these
practices had been characterised by an exchange between goals of social
regulation and strategies fostering self-expression on the part of the pupil.
The environment of the popular school was constructed in such a way as to
bring the children's real-life interests, sentiments and conducts into the
Literary Erotics 129
We see the key elements of Romantic dialectics reiterated here: the mean-
ing of the work must be realised sensuously and not just conceptually.
Creative form and vision must arise directly out of an experience of the
concrete reality whose inner meaning they reveal. Within this framework,
the reader is called upon at once to identify with the feelings and problems
portrayed and- under the teacher's watchful eye- to interpret these criti-
cally and aesthetically. This eliciting of affective response and corrective
reflection can be seen in the study-guide questions which accompany the
Girl Love') is concerned and expressive also of the kind of values with
which Lawrence is fundamentally occupied? ... Freud suggests that
children's love for swinging is an early erotic expression. How far would
you say that Lawrence realizes all these associations in the very simple
and natural childhood incident of the swinging in the bam? (pp. 457-8)
CHAPTER 11 ... Why does the affair wtth Miriam bring Paul only "the
sense of failure and of death"? What part in this failure is played by
Miriam's own idiosyncracies of sensibility, and what part is played by
Paul's attachment to his mother? (p. 460)
CHAPTER 12 ... How is the scene of the love-making of Paul and Clara
in the field expressive of Lawrence's positive attitude toward values?
Compare this scene with that in the woods where Paul and Miriam make
love (Chapter 11): is there any difference in the use of the darkness
symbol? (p. 461)
It is through the work of practical criticism that the reader learns to nego-
tiate immediate responses with the text's 'organic wholeness' (p. 27),
including the interplay of characters, events, images and the formal and
sensuous qualities of the language itself. That the search for form in the text
is also a patterning of the self is evident from Leavis' discussion (pp. 70-2)
of Lady Chatterley's Lover. The question of the text's success or failure is
132 On Pornography
not a matter of 'judgement' - a fact to be known about the book in itself; it
is a means to shape the sensibility of the reader. According to Leavis, this
novel shows a didactic tendency in Lawrence. Even though the work
reflects a 'strong, vital instinct for health' (p. 71) and cleanses the language
and hence physical experience which social custom has made obscene, it
insists too wilfully on its purpose and thus fails to realise fully its vision:
[T]he willed insistence on the words and facts must, it seems to me,
whatever the intention, have something unacceptable, something offen-
sive, about it; it offends, surely, against Lawrence's own canons- against
the spirit of his creativity and against the moral and emotional ethic that
he in essence stands for. (p. 70)
Of course, in Leavis' account the book's partial failure does not mean for a
moment that it should in any formal sense be treated as 'obscene'. Rather,
it is up to readers to recognise the problem of its offensiveness and come to
terms with it for and in themselves. It is they who must measure the gap
between the vision and the realisation, and find the right balance of sensu-
ous immediacy and moral reflection.
This art of sexual-aesthetic reading may therefore be treated as a special-
ised ethos, but one which the reader, like the writer, seems to discover in the
forms of an unfulfilled self, provided the dialectical method is correctly
followed. Reading a book such as Lady Chatterley's Lover aesthetically
becomes an exercise in which certain individuals learn to manage their own
relation to erotica. It is in relation to this practice that the categories of form-
content unity, authorial intention and literary value gain their force in
dealing with sexual materials. Within the aesthetic framework, even the
apparent failures of a text become part of a greater organic whole, because
the dialectical practice of writing and reading builds in the possibility of
always working towards a more fully achieved form of understanding. 22
The same general strategy is found - perhaps surprisingly - in the
tradition of Marxist literary criticism represented by Raymond Williams. In
The English Novel from Dickens to Lawrence (1984), Williams is as in-
debted as Leavis to Romantic historicism, despite a greater sociological
emphasis on the conditions of literary production. Supposedly, while it is
rooted in immediate historical and class realities, literature is also that
transcendent representation of experience and human possibility which re-
unifies art and life, self and society, against the fragmentation caused by
industrial mechanisation. Most importantly, the key to Williams' under-
standing of literature is the technique of dialectical reading which continues
to operate as a pedagogical norm. The reader is invited to approach Law-
Literary Erotics 133
renee's work as 'a series of advances and deadlocks, and then renewed
advance' (p. 170), in which triumphs and failures are of equal importance.
Hence Lady Chatterley's Lover is presented as a work which challenges the
reader to participate in the always unfinished task of reconciling the im-
pulse towards form with the impulse towards experience in both literature
and the self:
Lady Chatterley's Lover hasn't the scale, the sustenance, of the earlier
novels. In its single and powerful dimension it is still isolated, still
reduced, from the form that had once seemed possible. But it is a positive
flow again, a recovery of energy, a reaching past rigidities, and as such
very moving. That he was still to the end reaching out, reaching out as a
novelist, is profoundly encouraging. It is what we remember and stick to
in and through the difficulties - common difficulties - which his devel-
opment of the novel, his unfinished development, show [sic] us so clearly.
Because it isn't after all an end with Lawrence. It is where in our time we
have had to begin.
136 On Pornography
prestigious persona that was its artefact and objective, acquired a growing
audience in the emergent group of teachers and popular intellectuals as well
as a vehicle of dissemination in the university and college arts faculties.
Newly eroticised, like Van de Velde's 'ideal marriage', the educative novel
now began to cross the nineteenth-century boundary to initiate an unfore-
seen and uncertain exchange between the formerly disjunct circuits of
popular obscenity and of the minority genre of specialist pornography.
Confronted with this mutation of the cultural field which it regulates but
of which it is also part, obscenity law retreated from its earlier certainty.
That certainty had been fitting in circumstances where an unquestioned
boundary could be drawn between 'filth' and 'literature' or between the
'perverse' and the 'educative', since these categories were clearly and
materially embodied in different circuits of distribution within the overall
topography of nineteenth-century literate culture. Now, however, porno-
graphic elements which formerly circulated within the restricted but toler-
ated private sphere and which, whenever they might appear in public or
street literature were proper and legitimate targets of policing, began to
appear in potentially large-circulation novels of aesthetic and ethical educa-
tion. This is the origin of the characteristic dilemma and preoccupation of
twentieth-century obscenity law: how to distinguish between art and por-
nography when these appear together inside mainstream educative culture?
In fact the regulatory field too was to undergo an important mutation. As
argued in previous chapters, the policing of the pornographic field had been
organised around the notion of a social pathology and its distinctive medical
norm: the moral and physical harm caused to vulnerable persons by expo-
sure to obscene writings and images. Both obscenity law and the other
policing agencies were oriented to this norm. Without it being a perfect or
complete transition, a shift occurred from a regime of regulation based on
the policing of a social pathology to a regime of regulation organised
around an aesthetic norm.
There are undeniable signs of this shift in the text of the Obscene
Publications Act of 1959. The signs are also there to see in the arguments
advanced by twentieth-century liberal proponents of obscenity law reform
(whose case we consider in the next chapter). With the benefit of hindsight,
it is clear what was always missing in the reformers' programme to shift the
regulation of obscene publication from law to private moral judgement: an
entire population possessed of the ability to use erotica in an appropriately
aesthetic manner and into whose own hands the regulation of pornography
could thus simply pass. This lack, perhaps, was at least intuited by courts
and legislators. As a result, the policing of pornography as a social harm
remains on the agenda in this last decade of the twentieth century, if not
always as a blanket principle, at least as an express concern relating to the
Twentieth-Century English Obscenity Law 139
Street magistrate considering the case did not simply recognise the novel as
something other than an obscene publication. On the contrary, he recog-
nised that the publication met the legal criteria then operative for defining
what counted as an obscene publication, and expressed his concern that a
company like Methuen 'should have allowed their reputation to be soiled as
it had been by the publication of this work' (The Times, 15 November
1915). It counted for nothing that Lawrence himself held to an equally clear
distinction between literature and pornography that would have drawn the
boundary somewhere else; nor- more importantly - that Lawrence himself
concurred in finding pornography morally and physically harmful.
The 1915 episode contributed to the construction of Lawrence as the
exemplary victim of English obscenity law and hero of art's struggle against
that law. In the light of the preceding chapter, however, the picture is
anything but straightforward. Lawrence's works in fact reactivate the im-
agery of pornography, but now transposing it to an aesthetic register where
it becomes the occasion and the means of an ethical challenge to establish
a correct reconciliatory relation between the desire of the body and the
imperatives of reason.
As always in our study of pornography, the essential question concerns
distribution: how were works of Lawrence disseminated? In 1929, Law-
rence's Pansies was published by Martin Seeker. Following an 'open post'
discovery of the work in manuscript, and action by the Home Office, the
Director of Public Prosecutions suggested removal of fourteen of the po-
ems. The publisher complied. Also in 1929, an exhibition of Lawrence's
pictures at the Warren Gallery occasioned the interest of the Metropolitan
Police. A destruction order was duly sought from the Marlborough Street
Mr Muskett [he had testified to the 1908 Joint Select Committee] ap-
peared for the Crown and St John Hutchinson and John Maude for the
defendants, Mr and Mrs Philip Trotter, lessees of the gallery. St John
Hutchinson maintained that the pictures were works of art. To prove this,
he hoped to call Sir William Orpen, Mr Augustus John, Mr G. Philpot,
and possibly Mr Agnew, Professor Blair, Professor Gleadowe and Mr
'tendency to deprave and corrupt') was and would remain in place, while
statutory recognition of the admissibility of expert evidence on literary
merit was still thirty years away. 4
The case of Lawrence's pictures thus reveals both continuities and trans-
formations in the legal regulation of obscenity at the beginning of this
century. Continuities, in that- still caught between a 'public' metaphorics
of dangerous substances and places and a 'private' pathologisation of the
sexual body - publicly accessible erotic displays remained a recognisable
social harm. Transformations, in that - redeployed as part of an aesthetic
practice of self-cultivation- the same erotica were in the process of acquir-
ing educative and ethical functions and, thereby, pedagogical defenders in
the forms of literary experts and teachers. Moving at a tangent across the
existing boundaries of the pornographic and the educative, establishing new
relations between the harmful and the aesthetic, Lawrence's work is indica-
tive of the unstable space into which in 1959 a new Obscene Publications
Act emerged.
which they found contrary to public morality. In this sense it was the end of
an episode in English legal history beginning with Curll' s case in 1727.
There is a certain pleasure at the notion of a statute whose aim was to
protect literary works from prosecution for obscenity being instrumental in
curbing the common law's traditional role of preserving public morality.
More important, however, is the need to describe the hybrid character of the
1959 Act, a character which indicates something of the internal variations
and discontinuities of the regulatory field of obscenity law, divided between
a traditional socio-medical policing and a newer aesthetic and pedagogic
norm of self-regulation. As commentators have observed, when taken to-
gether, retention of the 'tendency to deprave and corrupt' test (section 1)
and inclusion of a new aesthetic test to determine whether publication of the
work is in the public good (section 4) make for historical doubling and
theoretical incoherence. Reviewing the law in the late 1970s, the Williams
Committee found
a widespread sympathy for the idea that works of literary or artistic merit
should not be liable to suppression, but many witnesses were uneasy
about the way the [1959] Act tries to bring this about. Needless to say,
many pointed out to us the assumption embodied in the present law,
which they found extraordinary, that there could be a work which tended
to deprave and corrupt those who read it, but that, at the same time, it was
for the public good that the work be published - as though it was for the
public good that readers be depraved and corrupted, so long as it was by
Others have slated the lawmakers for their alleged failure to express in
legislation the 'true' view of pornography and the 'proper' -that is, the
aesthetic - mode of regulating it:
Rather than mere 'intellectual confusion', the co-presence of the two differ-
ent 'tests'- the medical-moral test for a social harm and the aesthetic test
for literary merit - is the sign that this law was constructed across two
different yet historically overlapping specifications of pornography.
From these two specifications emerged two quite different approaches to
the regulation of pornography. The central issue is to determine how -
compared with the earlier medical and moral test- the new aesthetic test for
obscenity negotiates the relation between law and norm. This relation is
pivotal for any reconstruction of the history of the role of obscenity law in
the regulation of pornography. In Chapter 3, we underscored how law and
police functioned jointly, but not identically, as regulatory apparatuses
which understood themselves to be based on a medical norm - the moral
and physical harm known to be caused by the exposure of the vulnerable
person to obscene material. This norm - transposed into specifically legal
form in the 'tendency to deprave and corrupt' test- cannot be reduced to an
archaic 'nineteenth-century formula'. The test is the product of a complex
but unplanned overlapping of the normative and the legal. In the first
instance, this involved a balancing of the law's relatively undifferentiated
application of the medical-moral norm with that norm's more local and
variable applications in the routine policing of the streets. 5 However, the
'deprave and corrupt' test also signals the persistence of the nineteenth-
century mode of regulating pornography by a medical, moral and hygienic
differentiation and management of individuals and populations in their
different locales. In short, rather than with a 'formula', we are dealing with
Twentieth-Century English Obscenity Law 145
With the new statute, arguments that a work was inherently obscene became
statutorily inadmissible since obscenity was now recognised to be relative
to a definite category of persons, that is 'persons who are likely ... to read'
the article. For Robertson (1979, p. 55), the 'need to ascertain the target
audience in prosecutions under the 1959 Act effects the most important
shift in emphasis from the common-law definition, which looked not to the
likely readership, but to the impact of the article on the most vulnerable
members of society'. In fact something of a modem myth is at work here.
In Chapter 3, we argued that obscenity has been relative from the start. As
for the nineteenth-century pornographic field, the fact of different channels
of dissemination, different sites of sale, was taken to be relevant to the issue
of the obscenity or otherwise of publications. Moreover, by virtue of price
or mode of marketing, potentially obscene works could be deemed not to be
directed at the 'most vulnerable'. As such, they were in effect declared non-
harmful relative to their specific destinations and circumstances of use. In
other words, 'most vulnerable' carried both an inclusive and an exclusive
sense. Sensitivity to the differentiation of cultural milieus and their
populations was not, therefore, lacking in the nineteenth-century policing of
pornography. In 1868 the Hicklin judgement had recognised the differential
organisation of legal-cultural space, The Confessional Unmasked being
'sold at the comers of streets'. Or again, to repeat the exemplary police
Twentieth-Century English Obscenity Law 147
are thus arranged so as to preserve the jury's role in deciding the question
to which Section 1 of the Act is directed: does the work have a tendency to
deprave and corrupt a certain category of reader? Psychological and socio-
logical researches into pornography's alleged causal powers - or lack
thereof- have served to sustain the debate, not to terminate it, as we shall
see in later chapters.
The 1959 Act foregrounds the function of the jury in obscenity trials. What
for the Obscene Publications Act of 1857 was a point of distant recourse-
the ceremony of trial by jury - moved to centre stage in the mid-twentieth-
century legislation, bringing with it an archaic ritual for staging community
judgement. The mix of contemporary aesthetic expertise and jury trial
ceremonial is a sign of the patchwork character of obscenity law in general
and of the 1959 Act in particular.
For some, the jury is the appropriate agent to decide obscenity cases,
given that the matter is one of the community standards. For others, such a
preference is anachronistic, as indeed is the whole conceptual edifice of the
1959 Act with its reliance- through the jury mechanism- on vague entities
such as 'community standards' and folk beliefs which can neither rationally
know nor themselves be rationally known: 'At the outset, one is faced with
an archaic statutory definition, perhaps even an archaic basic concept, and
a cumbersome law which prevents the reception of evidence which would
undercut the very basis of the provisions themselves' (Bates, 1978, p. 264).
The tension between jury and expert underscores the point hat obscenity
law has been stretched, in historical terms, across the distance between law
and norm. In the nineteenth century the norm in question is medical and
moral in character. For the 1959 Act, the norm towards which part of the
law is oriented is aesthetic, even though the older medical-moral norm is
not yet fully displaced.
Though both were 'test cases', the 1960 prosecution involving D. H. Law-
rence's Lady Chatterley's Lover displays certain differences from the nine-
teenth-century case concerning The Confessional Unmasked.? First, the
more recent case involves a serious literary work. Second, in 1960, the
court's attention was directed centrally to the issue of the redeeming aes-
thetic character of the work in question. In Hicklin, the concern was whether
Twentieth-Century English Obscenity Law 149
or not an act of obscene publication could be said to have taken place, given
the publisher's and seller's 'good intentions'. Third, the Penguin case
received the full ceremonial of trial by jury. Obscenity was to be the focal
point of a national ritual in which the community would be invoked -
juridically - to speak on the limits of sexual expression in that national
These differences are in part related to the exchange which had taken
place between the genre of the educative novel and that of pornographic
fiction, and to the subsequent deployment of erotic writing for pedagogic
uses. Between the time of Hicklin and that of Regina v. Penguin Books Ltd.,
the character of novelistic truth and its use in the education of the self had
radically altered. It is therefore worth recalling the medical and porno-
graphic origins of Lawrence's literary personages, including his sodomitic
lovers, and the aestheticisation of such figures for the purposes of a special-
ised ethical exercise. The law too, at least to an extent, had prepared itself
to deal with this new mode of serious educative literature. The preamble to
the 1959 Act explicitly records as one of its three objectives: 'to provide for
the protection of literature'. This objective is to be realised by the provi-
sions just discussed: the work is to be considered as a whole; the work is to
be considered in relation to its likely readership; a public good defence can
be offered - based on testimony by literary experts - which, if successful,
would override the fact of the work's obscenity.
Our account of Regina v. Penguin Books Ltd. will stand somewhat apart
from the predominant approach to the trial. 8 This treats Penguin Books'
acquittal as a landmark in the liberalisation of literary representation of
sexuality, a 'turning point in the fight for literary freedom' (Robertson,
1979, p. 128). As such, the trial has been celebrated as a sign of the
maturation of British Society, a triumph of the jury system and the (British)
vox populi (Morpurgo, 1979, pp. 318-9). Given this approach, the trial has
become the object of anniversary celebrations, including a dramatised re-
construction for television. However, this happy approach has not been
shared by another, predominantly feminist, viewpoint. Indeed, as we shall
show in Chapter 7, many feminists have seen the processes and judgements
of obscenity law as legitimating and protecting sexist representations of
women - including the male tradition of erotic and emancipatory writing
within which Lawrence's works have been canonised, and where only
sexist (rather than sexual) representations have been formed. For our part,
neither celebrating nor denouncing obscenity law, we shall attempt to
describe its shifting coordinates as these are revealed in the 1960 trial,
paying particular attention to the aestheticisation of the law, and to the
tensions which result for the specification of obscenity.
150 On Pornography
One new coordinate, as we have seen, is the requirement that the work be
'taken as a whole' and not in de-contextualised extracts. With this require-
ment, the court becomes the site of competing readings of the work, and
must draw the boundary of pornography and literature by determining the
character of the publication as a whole. This is a far cry from identifying
deviations -the public display of pubic hair or the public utterance of taboo
words- from a known and well-practised medical-moral norm. Just where
such a boundary could be set had become uncertain, above all in the
circumstance where a publisher would print, and be ready to distribute,
200 000 copies of a work such as Lady Chatterley's Lover. According to a
Penguin spokesperson, it seems that the 'classic' status which had posthu-
mously descended on Lawrence, the fact that the work contained no words
that had not been previously and freely published, and the becoming law of
a Bill explicitly for the protection of literature led the company to suspect
nothing by way of imminent prosecution (Morpurgo, 1979, pp. 316-17).
As to the procedural guidelines that organised the trial, the provisions of
the 1959 Act meant that it was for the prosecution to prove the work
obscene, and for the defence to prove that - even if obscene - the work has
a redeeming literary merit which justifies its publication as being in the
public good. As to the level of proof required, Gerald Gardiner for the
defence put it as follows:
The two issues of obscenity and public good thus required different stand-
ards of proof. The 1960 trial also departed from the order of speech usual in
criminal trials, allowing the defence to open before the jury retired to read
the book, rather than having heard only the prosecution's opening and
presentation of supporting evidence. This pattern has been followed in
subsequent obscenity trials.
There were also important rulings on evidence. To an extent, these
rulings defined the scope of the expert testimony on the 'literary, artistic,
scientific or other merits' of the article. In the strict sense, the Act allowed
expert testimony only on these 'merits'. In practice, the conduct of the
experts led the judge, Mr Justice Byrne, to attempt some general points on
Twentieth-Century English Obscenity Law 151
conditions for evidence about the public good and about the obscenity of the
work in question:
The Judge further ruled that the experts could not testify on the matter of
whether or not the work was obscene, that is, whether the book had 'a
tendency to deprave and corrupt ... those persons who are likely, having
regard to all relevant circumstances, to read, see or hear' the matter
contained in it. That too was an issue which the jury had to determine for
itself. Further limitation was on the scope of expert testimony: experts could
not advise on the calculation to be made when literary merit is balanced
against obscenity. Expert testimony is therefore inadmissible on the
comparative obscenity of the work in question. Reference to other works
found obscene is not allowed, nor to the intention of the author not to write
an obscene work. On the other hand, expert evidence on other works and
authorial intention is permissible provided that it relates to literary merit. In
short, as the Judge indicates in his summing-up, the evidence of obscenity
is 'the book itself', not the testimony of experts (p. 202).
The logic of these rulings is clear enough, and certainly they provide a
formal definition of the limitations of the expert testimony and of the area
of the jury's responsibility. In practice, the judge failed to impose these
limitations. Given the terms of then current literary critical discourse and
the apparent urge of those who spoke as literary experts to speak of every-
thing, this failure was perhaps inevitable. Less so was Mr Justice Byrne's
failure to impose a two-stage judgement, as required by the Act, whereby
first a decision is reached as to the obscenity of the work, the matter of its
possible literary merit only then being made an issue of determination by
the court.
Evident difficulty confronts a jury which has to judge the character of a
work as a whole representation and classify it as obscene and suppressible
or obscene but publishable in the public good, all the time adjusting the
precise placement of the boundary between pornography and art. Little
wonder that the court became a literary seminar where aesthetic pedagogy
takes on the full weight of the judicial ritual: 'Long passages were read out
... in a court which was hushed by the sheer strength, previously unrecog-
nised by many now listening, of Lawrence's writing' (p. 84). This is not an
152 On Pornography
activity for which the jury is necessarily equipped, yet it is the jury that must
negotiate the exchange between norm and law, without ceasing to speak for
the community who condemn and punish, or exculpate.
The aestheticisation of obscenity law can be directly traced from the
forms of argument preferred by the 'thirty-five distinguished men and
women of letters, moral theologians, teachers, publishers, editors and crit-
ics' called by the defence (p. 4). Some but by no means all of the experts
could claim an institutional status by formal membership of an accredited
'corps' of academic specialists; others lacked an institutional guarantee of
this sort. Aided by the judge's failure to insist upon a strict prior determina-
tion of the work's obscenity, their testimony- supposedly on the literary
merit of Lady Chatterley's Lover- slipped irresistibly into assertions of its
It is appropriate to ask just what is the specialist 'knowledge' that we call
literary expertise. Indeed, although habitually depicted as a buffoon by
liberal celebrants of the case (Rolph, 1961; Morpurgo, 1979; Robertson,
1979), the Prosecuting Counsel, Mr Griffith-Jones, posed the question of
what such experts 'know' in a way that was not buffoonish. His cross-
examination of Anne Scott-James makes the point:
'Please don't think that I am being rude about this. You run, do you not,
or are responsible for, the ladies' page in some newspaper?'- 'No.'
'Or were?'- 'Some time ago, yes. Ladies' page is not the phrase we use
now. It is very old fashioned; it has not been used since 1927.'
'Fashion page?'- 'Women's page, not fashion.'
'Called?'- 'It was called "Anne Scott-James's Page".'
'Is that what you run now?'- 'No, I am a freelance writer now.'
'Still on that type of subject?' - 'Writing about family problems and
children, mostly, and controversial topics of the hour.'
'I only have this question- as I say, please don't think I am intending to
be rude, but evidence as to the literary merit of this book is confined to
experts- I only wondered, do you claim any particular qualifications to
be a literary expert?' - 'I think I do, yes.'
'What?'- 'Of a popular kind.'
'What?' - 'Well, I was a classical scholar at Somerville College, Ox-
'Not every classical scholar at Somerville College, Oxford, is a literary
expert?' - 'No. It isn't a negligible qualification though.'
'I couldn't agree with you more ... '- 'I was brought up in a very literary
'But apart from the qualifications you have mentioned, you have no other
Twentieth-Century English Obscenity Law 153
obscene publications: Venus in the Cloister, The Lustful Turk, The Confes-
sional Unmasked, Lady Bumtickler' s Revels, The Quintessence of Birch
Discipline, and so on. The content of the canon appears to vary with the
purpose of the canonisation (Saunders, 1982).
A third procedure involved the investment of authorial intention. The
question of intention has exercised both legal and literary fields. We have
already noted the limited conditions under which the 1959 Act admits
evidence of authorial intention. In fact, a retrospective calculation of likely
effect is the crucial factor. Once the effect of the work - a tendency to
deprave and corrupt the persons who are 'likely ... to read, see or hear the
matter contained in it' -is established as fact, the intention to produce that
effect is necessarily inferred. In the case of obscene publication, a limit is
thus set to the usual requirement in criminal law to establish intent or mens
rea as a crucial component of the crime (Smith and Hogan, 1972, pp. 569-
72). Furthermore, this limit is set by a legal calculation of the socio-ethical
effect of the work's dissemination which is quite unconcerned with the
originary state of the author's soul or sensibility. In other words, criminal
liability for obscene publication is a determinate artefact of legal reasoning;
it neither derives from nor coincides with the literary hermeneutic proce-
dures used to generate authorial intentionality as this is commonly under-
stood in the sphere of literary studies.
Given the centrality in literary critical practice of the argument from
authorial intention, the literary experts fail to surprise us by their reflex
recourse to accounts of Lawrence's intention. Judge and Prosecution proved
unable to curtail statements of this sort: 'neither in intention or effect is this
book depraving' (Rolph, 1961, p. 64). Though inadmissible, such state-
ments were a staple means of claiming the work for literature by investing
sexual depictions with an authorial intention to have them serve a variety of
laudable moral and aesthetic purposes, for example to assist 'the redemp-
tion of the individual, and hence of society, by what Lawrence calls "reci-
procity of tenderness"' (p. 129). The imponderable relation between a
calculation based on authorial intention and one based on social effects was
left for the jury to decide.
Fourth, there was the procedure of poetic deepening, or allegorisation.
The performance of allegorical readings allowed the experts to say what
Lawrence really said in the novel. By allegorisation, depictions of sex were
cleansed of any depraving and corrupting tendency and rewritten in terms
of immaculate moral purpose. Rebecca West thus demonstrated to the court
how to recognise thirteen detailed descriptions of sex as moments in 'a
return of the soul to the more intense life' (Rolph, 1961, p. 67), this
demonstration being sealed by reference to a founding intention whereby
Lady Chatterley's Lover was said to have been 'designed from the first as
156 On Pornography
Miss Rebecca West ... was asked about the book and gave, you remem-
ber, a number of rather long answers to the questions that were put to her
... 'The idea that the story is padding cannot be true; as a matter of fact
the book has that story because it was designed from the start as an
allegory. Behind the book the allegory which he intended was that here
was a culture that has become sterile and unhelpful to man's deepest
needs, and he wanted to have the whole of civilization realizing that it
was not living fully enough, that it would be exploited in various ways if
it did not try to get down to the springs of its being and live more fully,
and bring its spiritual gifts into play. The baronet and his impotence are
a symbol of the impotent culture of his time, and the love affair with the
gamekeeper was a calling, a return of the soul to the more intense life that
he felt when people had had a different culture, such as the cultural basis
of religious faith.' I have no doubt [commented Griffith-Jones] that with
the learning and reading that lies behind Miss Rebecca West she is
capable of reading all that into this book, but I ask you, is that typical of
the effect that this book will have upon the average reader, and all the
more, the average young reader? Are they really going to see an allegory
in the thing?
These questions too are for the jury to determine. But are there limits to
such allegorisation? Or could no sexual depiction resist this aesthetico-
ethical procedure of interpretation? Could such poetic deepening be at-
tached to the specific depiction of the episode of anal intercourse between
Mellors and Connie Chatterley? The Prosecution recognised the episode as
perverse and obscene, and read it out (p. 195), but the act, was not directly
named. Rolph observes that 'this unexpected and totally unheralded innu-
endo visibly shocked some members of the Jury' (p. 195). Would the literal
naming of what might still have registered as a perversion have triggered
that not entirely superseded machinery founded on the medical-moral norm
and preserved in the 'tendency to deprave and corrupt' test for obscenity?
None of the expert witnesses demonstrated how to read a description of anal
intercourse as an exercise in ethical self-completion. The courtroom, it
seems, was not yet a sufficiently aestheticised locale for this to be done with
The exculpatory allegorising skill in question is, of course, the property
Twentieth-Century English Obscenity Law 157
In the new climate in which publishers and writers now find themselves,
where highly complex literary concepts will be argued out in criminal
courts, it is essential that the framers of the Obscene Publications Act
should bring in a new provision that enables juries to be selected from
those who have at least A-levels in their education and can show that they
are capable of reading and understanding the book they have to judge.
[I]n a work published at 3s. 6., you are to consider the question in relation
to the general public and not some particular section. It is of importance
that you should remember the former definition - and I mention this
because again this is one of the things read out to you in opening - the
158 On Pornography
A problem arises here. The 'persons likely' clause of Section 1(1) was
added as a limiting condition to assist in the protection of literary works.
Certainly this is how commentators, for example Robertson (1979, pp. 54--
9), have considered it. A clue to the Defence thinking is provided, however,
by Rolph's editorial footnote to the passage cited: 'Neither the Judge nor Mr
Griffith-Jones made any reference to this ingenious interpretation which, by
logical extension would enable all the more esoteric obscenities to be sold
at the lowest possible prices' (Rolph, 1961, p. 177n. ). The logic in question
would seem to be commercial.
In Regina v. Penguin Books Ltd. the success .of the several literary
procedures employed by the Defence witnesses cannot be inferred from the
fact of acquittal, since it was not made clear whether the work was found to
be not obscene, or found obscene but redeemed by literary merit. In fact, by
the following decade, this distinction was itself on' the way to becoming
unthinkable. In 1979, the Williams Report would propose that the boundary
between art and pornography be drawn in such a fashion that any written
work, whatsoever its contents, would be immune from criminal prosecu-
tion, the whole regulatory apparatus having shifted such that it would in
large part no longer involve the criminal law. Such proposals -exposed
further in the next chapter- are additional signs that the medical-moral
machinery established in the nineteenth century is losing power. In its place
arises the aesthetic-pedagogical approach to the policing of pornography.
As an application of the Obscene Publications Act of 1959, the 1960 trial
of Lady Chatterley's Lover shows this aestheticisation of the law under
way. An aesthetic specification of obscenity now confronts the jury. But
this new specification awkwardly overlaps the older - more habitual and
commonsense- medical-moral specification of obscenity as a social harm
directly threatening the vulnerable and, in consequence, as something to be
punished rather than managed or treated. The 1959 Act and 1960 trial are
properly described as hybrid and transitional cultural arrangements because
they embody the tension between a hygienic and an aesthetic approach to
the policing of pornography.
Twentieth-Century English Obscenity Law 159
In the next chapter we shall consider reformist arguments that the law
should not concern itself with pornography, since what an individual reads
and watches is properly a moral not a legal matter, a private not a public
affair. The emergence of such arguments, in which what we have termed
aesthetic pedagogy takes on the role of handling pornography without need
of juridical buttressing, might seem to indicate a pure gain to aesthetics, as
if the tension and ambivalence of the 1959 Act were well on the way to
resolution. However, the exit of erotic expression from the field of legal
regulation is not quite so straightforward.
In Chapter 3 we suggested that obscenity law's channelling of esoteric
specialist pornography was a constitutive factor in the nineteenth-century
literary field. In effect, the law contributed directly to the threshold which
Lawrence - along with so many subsequent avantgarde aesthetes - claimed
to transgress in the name of art, sex and truth. If erotic writing is
decriminalised, no latter-day Lawrence could repeat that gesture. As the
criminal law approaches a point of announcing its indifference to whatever
writers write, because nothing written would meet the new 'non-art' or
'failed art' criterion demarcating literature from pornography, will
avantgardes - mindless of the new role of aesthetic norms - continue to
proclaim that all authentic literature is transgressive of law?
There is a further problem in assuming a pure gain to aesthetics and an
absolute reduction of regulation. A theme of our later chapters is the ethical
and disciplinary character of the aesthetic. It is precisely this, after all,
which is demonstrated by witness after witness instructing the court in
Regina v. Penguin Books Ltd on how to discipline the self by confronting
the secret truth of sex and how to discipline sex by remembering, for
instance, the 'tradition of British puritanism'. In this sense, the trial pre-
sented a powerful gallery of aesthetic disciplinarians, equipped with the
techniques which we have catalogued. At stake is the capacity of the
aesthetic to take on the infra-legal role of police, previously borne by moral
medicine, but working now through pedagogy and therapy. Rather than the
exit of the law from a space which it should never have occupied in the first
place and the consequent emancipation of sexual expression from all regu-
lation, there has been a mutation of the pornographic field towards regula-
tion - legal and extra-legal - in accordance with an aesthetic disciplinary
From this vantage point, the English Obscene Publications Act of 1959
does not appear a piece of flawed legislation. Its evident tension - the
keeping of the medical norm expressed in the 'deprave and corrupt' test and
160 On Pornography
the incorporation of the aesthetic norm embodied in the public good de-
fence - are indicative not of logical contradiction and conceptual error but
of the historically mixed character of the modem pornographic field.
What is most noticeable about this past decade is that the new breed of
statutory censors who sit on the British Board of Film and Video Classi-
fication and the Broadcasting Standards Commission are establishment
pillars who bear no resemblance to the jurors who acquitted the likes of
Lady Chatterley and Linda Lovelace. Juries are no longer trusted to 'set
public standards' - they have erred too often on the side of freedom of
In the following chapters we shall see that the liberal conviction of a single
great choice between the wholly free self-regulating individual conscience
and the censorious police state is anything but an idiosyncrasy of Geoffrey
Robertson. For the present, however, we hope to have shown that Regina v.
Penguin Books Ltd, like the Obscene Publications Act of 1959, was more
complex, contingent and interesting than is suggested by the triumphant
liberal claim that the 1960 verdict was 'the first breach in the repressive
dam of establishment hypocrisy' (p. xiv).
6 The Limits of Law Reform
The three decades following the 1959 Obscene Publications Act and the
United States Supreme Court's Roth judgement of 1957 have witnessed
major committees of enquiry into obscenity laws in both England and the
United States, a welter of academic and jurisprudential argument for law
reform, and- in the United States at least- some important changes to the
law of obscenity. These decades have also been marked by growing uncer-
tainty and division amongst those groups seeking reform. The programme
to abolish the legal regulation of erotic literature, while allowing a restricted
'private' consumption of pornography, was an unambiguously good cause
for liberals and radicals during the 1960s. But by the time the Williams
Committee began to hear evidence in 1977 this was no longer the case. The
liberal consensus on the harmless or beneficial nature of erotic representa-
tions had been undermined by the feminist exposure of the gender-specificity
of their consumption and its undesirable consequences for women.
Today this split in the campaign to reform the law confronts us in the
form of an impassable debate over whether the dissemination of erotic
representations is 'harmful' or not. On one side of this dispute we find the
depleted battalions of philosophical liberalism and liberal jurisprudence
whose argument is that, because erotica causes no demonstrable harm to
others, its consumption is a matter of private moral judgement outside the
scope of the criminallaw. 1 The opposing side is far less unified. The claim
that (certain kinds of) erotica are the source of real harms, and should
therefore be legally suppressible, runs through a variety of feminist, 'mor-
alist', and conservative jurisprudential positions- albeit in widely differing
Clearly, what is not in dispute here is the so-called 'harm condition'
itself; that is, the principle formulated by Mill that the limits to the social
coercion of individuals should be set by the condition of whether their
actions are likely to cause harm to others. It is the argument of this chapter,
however, that the harm condition cannot provide a general ground for
reforming obscenity law, in either of the directions contended for.
The thesis supporting this argument will come as no surprise, given the
perspective of the preceding chapters: the question of whether pornography
is harmful or not is a thoroughly practical question, a matter inseparable
from the historical disposition of a network of administrative calculations,
The Limits of Law Reform 163
The implication of the deprave and corrupt test and of the judicial
comments on it is clearly that for an article to be found obscene a court
should be satisfied that it is likely to have some kind of deleterious effect
on an individual even if the nature of the effect is hard to specify ... It
is on the basis of claiming those deleterious effects that the law is
supposed to work. It is much less clear, however, that that is how the law
works in practice. We noted the comments of Lord Wilberforce in DPP
v. Whyte that although the words 'deprave and corrupt' appeared in Chief
Justice Cockburn's formula they had in fact been largely disregarded in
common law obscenity cases: the courts simply considered whether the
publication was obscene in some everyday sense and the tendency to
deprave and corrupt was presumed. Lord Wilberforce went on to say that
the Obscene Publications Act 1959 had changed all this. However, we
gained the clear impression from the evidence we received that much of
the time the law has continued to work as Lord Wilberforce said it
worked before 1959.
of the law, its willingness to use the susceptibilities of the most vulnerable
in order to legally impose a particular morality on the community at large.
The same philosophical mistake is also blamed for the law's more recent
failures and inconsistencies arising, so it is argued, from the attempt to
apply an incoherent statute- the Obscene Publications Act 1959.
Parameters for reform of the existing law are derived fairly directly from
this philosophical analysis. After arguing that the harm of obscenity cannot
be demonstrated on independent (psychological and sociological) grounds
(Chapter 6), Williams claims that it is the fact that some people are morally
offended by it that causes them to object to the obscene. Offensiveness as
an autonomous object of social regulation- or perhaps as a lesser species of
the harm principle- warrants only the administrative restriction of access to
pornography, not its criminal suppression (Chapter 7).
Offensiveness is in tum construed with the help of a particular concept
of representation. Erotic publications which are offensive are so by virtue
of the manner in which they represent 'real sex'. Finally, this offensive
manner of erotic representation is itself specified with the help of the
psycho-aesthetic differentiation of art from pornography (Chapter 8). Erotic
representations are offensive when they transmit real sex in a transparent
manner, without the distancing and cooling mediation of ideas, and with the
single intention of sexual arousal. It is this non-aesthetic transparency of a
class of erotic representations - together with their capacity to manifest
properly private acts in public - that makes them offensive. Indeed, the
Report contends (p. 99), it makes pornography strictly analogous to solicit-
ing, which the Wolfenden Committee on prostitution and homosexuality
had earlier proscribed as the limit of its liberalisation of private sexual
Pornography crosses the line between private and public since it makes
available in the form, for instance, of a photograph, some sexual act of a
private kind and makes it available for a voyeuristic interest ... The basic
point that pornography involves by its nature some violation of lines
between public and private is compounded when pornography not only
exists for private consumption, but is publicly displayed. The original
violation is then forced on the attention of those who have not even
volunteered to be voyeurs. They are thus forced or importuned to see
things which they do not think should be seen, and images are thrust into
their mind which they reject. Whatever may be true of the willing
consumer, pornography is straightforwardly offensive to those who do
not want to take it in.
(Williams Report, 1979, p. 97)
The Limits of Law Reform 165
Our concern with the liberal analysis of obscenity law is, therefore, not so
much with any particular version of it as with the field of intelligibility in
which its various versions have appeared.
We might expect this case to display the moralism and paternalism pre-
sumed to flow from Hicklin's 'confusion' of harm with offensiveness or,
perhaps, the beginnings of the inconsistent judgements of jurists attempting
to evade the confusion without a clear alternative.
In fact neither of these deficiencies is apparent in the decision of the High
Court. The Court found by a majority of three to two that the publications
were not objectionable within the meaning of the Act. But if in the judge-
ment of the dissenting minority we fail to find the moralistic conversion of
personal offence to social harm, then neither in the majority judgement in
favour of the appellant company do we find any uncertainty regarding the
appropriateness of the Hicklin-based law. The relation between the two
opposed judgements does not obey the historical analysis projected by
liberalism. As in most cases based on Hicklin, the issue that divided the
minority and majority opinions was not the nature of the publications per se
(about which they were in broad agreement) but the nature of the likely
audience, in particular its susceptibility to erotic corruption and depravity.
Consider in this regard, the remarks in dissent of Justice McTiernan who,
in specifying the nature of the likely audience, reproduced Justice Mansfield's
summary of the evidence heard on this matter before the Full Court of
168 On Pornography
No doubt such a list appears quaint enough at this distance. Still, what we
find here is not some ideological ignus fatus under whose cover a purely
moral affront is attempting to impose itself as law in the guise of a calcula-
tion of social harms. Instead, we catch a glimpse of that infra-legal network
of specialist institutions and know ledges which had long ago carved up the
space of the city into areas of social danger, peopled them with vulnerable
(and dangerous) problem populations, and entered into a remarkable his-
torical exchange with the law. This was an exchange in which the law could
be called in to help manage the residual failures of social policing, while
itself drawing special 'social' knowledges and techniques from this regula-
tory sphere. As we saw in Chapter 3, it was in this specific historical context
- particularly in the exchange between legal regulation and the medical
policing of problem populations - that the category of moral harms entered
the judicial sphere, not in some access of moralism and paternalism that
mistook moral umbrage for harm.
What, then, is the relation between Justice McTiernan's defence of the
quasi-medical proscription of the love comics as a specifiable social pathol-
ogy and the majority's overruling of this judgement? The majority certainly
leave us in no doubt as to their low opinion of the publications. However,
this is expressed not in the language of medical policing but in the unmis-
takable pedagogical idiom of literary criticism:
The Limits of Law Reform 169
The theme of them all nearly is love, courtship and marriage. Virtue
never falters and right triumphs. Matrimony is the proper end and if you
are not told that happiness ensues it is the constant assumption. They are,
of course, intended for feminine readers. (p. 116)
What they contain is an affront to the intelligence of the reader but hardly
a real threat to her morals. The stories are extremely silly, the letter press
is stupid, the drawings are artless and crude and the situations absurd. But
we are not concerned with the damage done to the intellect or for that
matter to the eyesight of the readers of these foolish periodicals. (p. 118)
This shift from the medical to the pedagogical is, however, carried out
within the Hicklin framework, through the provision of an alternative- non-
pathological- audience typology. This was derived from the evidence of
two newsagents.
On this basis, the Court decided not only that the likely audience consisted
of ordinary members of society, but also that the effect of the publications
on this audience could not be the subject of expert testimony - this effect
being a matter for the 'triers of fact', judge or jury. The decision was given
the force of a dictum.
can suggest, then, that far from signifying the incipient departure of the law
from the moral sphere, the move to a broader and less corruptible audience
is indicative of a transition from a medical to a pedagogical and aesthetic
regulation of pornography. In short, the liberalism of the judgement is
governmental not philosophical.
The argument thus far should be construed neither as a defence of the
timeless legal rationality of the Hicklin framework nor as a denial of the
evident instability of modern obscenity law.lt does imply, however, that the
problems currently besetting Hicklin are not due to some fundamental
categorial error in that law. If we are right about this, then changes to the
law cannot take the form of a philosophical rectification - typically a
rational recognition of the difference between law and morality -of the sort
proposed by philosophical liberalism. But neither can such changes be
justified by appeal to the real harm done by pornography. Transport Pub-
lishing Co. v. The Literature Board of Review- and, arguably, the Roth
decision and the 1959 Obscene Publications Act- indicate that the law is
changing neither in order to rectify an old error nor to acknowledge a new
truth, but as a result of a new configuration of the infra-legal field surround-
ing obscenity law.
Let us suggest, as a hypothesis to guide discussion, that the shift in
question is between two strategies of regulation: from a strategy organised
around the quasi-medical policing of socially pathological problem
populations, to one governed by the pedagogical formation of the sensibil-
ity of the population at large. Taking note of the role of popular literary
education and (non-pathologising) psychological counselling in this new
strategy, and recalling from our discussion of Lawrence the increasing
deployment of erotic representations within the institutions of moral forma-
tion, we can begin to grasp the scope of the changes that obscenity law is
responding to. If pornography is losing its status as a social harm and
is acquiring that of an offensive assault on the sensibility, this is not due to
a sudden recognition that erotic representations are harmless and hence
should be placed beyond legal regulation. It is a result of the ambivalent
role (morally formative if appropriated through the correct pedagogical
channels but deleterious otherwise) that these representations have come to
play in what is in fact a new (pedagogical) organisation of the regulatory
This hypothesis makes sense of the ambivalence of many proposed
liberalisations of the law which, despite their claims that pornography is
merely offensive and can be harmlessly consumed in private, nonetheless
establish strict thresholds of access to it based on criteria of sexual maturity.
But is also enables us to put a series of questions to the whole framework
172 On Pornography
private (pp. 100--2). The boundary between law and morality- between
erotic representations liable to restriction and those suitable for public
dissemination- is thus set by a specific (aesthetic) conception of pornogra-
phy as 'transparent' sexual representation. This transparency, the Report
assumes, will be registered in the offended sensibility of the 'reasonable
person' unwillingly encountering pornography in a public place.
The most striking and problematic feature of the liberal programme is its
apparent removal of pornography from its role in the historical deployment
of sexuality and the formation of the erotic self. This removal is attempted
by constant appeal to the responses and judgements of an unspecified
human subjectivity. Few have gone further in this regard than Joel Feinberg,
who, in laying down 'the moral limits of the criminal law', removes
obscenity from the sexual sphere altogether. Obscenity cannot be identified
with sexually arousing reading matter because, apparently, sexual excite-
ment is an unambiguously good thing. Through a largely etymological
argument, Feinberg (1985, pp. 97-126) claims that the judgement of ob-
scenity originates in the feelings of distaste and discomfort aroused by
(non-erotic) vulgarity and repellent phenomena ('yukkiness'). Because por-
nography is not necessarily vulgar or repellent, then, says Feinberg (pp.
139-40), it is not generally obscene. In fact those who find it so are the
victims of their own distorted moral sensibilities. Only pornography that is
vulgar and repellent· in addition to being sexually arousing should therefore
be liable to restriction under an offensiveness statute.
Setting aside the inaccuracy of Feinberg's etymology (the Oxford Eng-
lish Dictionary records 'Offensive to modesty or decency; expressing or
suggesting lewd thoughts' as a meaning for 'obscene' dating from the
sixteenth century), the most problematic feature of his attempt to de-eroticise
obscenity is its ostensible appeal to the non-specific responses of a general
human subject. Pornography is not necessarily offensive, according to
Feinberg, because the response of the normal person to the sexual arousal
that it induces is - or should be - that of healthy unalloyed pleasure. The
optimism of this line of argument is matched only by its vacuity. Not only
does it erase the gender-specificity of the 'response of pornography', it also
begs the question as to the latter's offensiveness (or harmfulness) by arbi-
trarily privileging a particular kind of response - uncomplicated erotic
pleasure - as normal.
The arbitrariness of the attempt to set the threshold of offence (or harm)
by appealing to a given normal response is made all the more clear by the
fact that different specifications of normality jostle against one another even
within the framework of philosophical liberalism. In descending from the
philosophy of law to levels of analysis where it stumbles onto the actual
forms of reasoning involved in legal regulation, liberal optimism regarding
174 On Pornography
Lockhart and McClure's normally repelled person is thus the same person
whose reactionsto pornography Feinberg regards as abnormal and hence as
inappropriate for setting the threshold of harm or offensiveness.
To complete the confusion, the Williams Report attempts to combine the
two contradictory specifications of the normal response in a single complex
figure. On the one hand the Report argues that normal people find porno-
graphy offensive because it transmits properly private sexual activity into
the public domain and 'makes it available for a voyeuristic interest':
For those who are not disposed, as willing consumers, to make scenes of
pornography into objects of their own fantasy, those scenes have a
special and saddening ugliness. In people who are particularly resistant to
such fantasy, either in general, or as involving objects such as these,
anger, disturbance and oppression will be the reactions.
(Williams Report, 1979, pp. 97-8)
On the other hand, because of the nature of the projected scenes, the
involuntary spectator can, as it were, begin to take pleasure in them against
his own will:
At this point the attempt to draw a general line between law and morality by
appealing to a normally offended response reaches the end of its tether.
The Limits of Law Reform 175
[T]he point needs stressing that though in a given society certain kinds of
conduct seem unquestionably harmful, [or, we might add, unquestion-
ably harmless] the classification of such conduct as harmful may, and
frequently does, involve far-reaching assumptions about the public weal
-assumptions which may be modified for a variety of reasons, and which
may not be operative in other societies. This is evident when we reflect
that even in our society not all actions resulting in physical injury to
others, or in depriving others of their possessions, are held to be harmful
in the sense here relevant. Thus the infliction of physical injury on others
in duels or feuds currently counts as action that is harmful, but the
infliction of such injury is not so regarded when it occurs in boxing
contests, in acts of self-defence, or in many though not in all surgical
operations. Moral assumptions and considerations of social policy surely
control this classification of such conduct; and there have been societies
in which those actions have been classified differently.
As a result, argues Nagel, all attempts to set general limits to the social and
legal regulation of individual conduct - that is, limits independent of the
specific and often variable forms for calculating harm or offence - must
fail. All such attempts will involve covert and often conflicting appeals to
particular specifications of what is to count as harmful, like those made by
Feinberg and Williams. Moreover, these specifications derive from the very
forms of social, ethical and legal regulation whose moral limits philosophi-
calliberalism purports to adjudicate. We can agree with Nagel, therefore,
176 On Pornography
this dual aesthetic failure, the Report argues, that makes some erotic repre-
sentations into transparent projections of private sex and, allegedly, causes
the offended response. Erotic art on the other hand, no matter how hot,
always allows scope for the cooling power of the reader's or viewer's
judgement and places the obstacles of realism in the path of runaway
It should be clear, however, that this aesthetic discrimination of erotic
representations - which presumes a reader or viewer equipped with the
capacity to achieve aesthetic distance in relation to erotic experience and to
balance the complexity of this experience against the single-mindedness of
sexual fantasy- is far from being a general human capacity. Rather, it is an
instance of the highly sophisticated and specialised dialectical skill which
we have described in Chapters 2 and 4. In other words, in demarcating the
point at which erotic representations become offensive, the attempt to
establish a fixed domain of moral autonomy (privacy) is jeopardised by the
specialised and hence variable character of the capacity for discrimination.
Given the variable distribution of this discriminatory capacity or skill, it
seems unlikely either that it will be able to constitute a general threshold for
moral privacy, or that such a threshold could conveniently coincide with the
architectural privacy of the closed bedroom or bookshop.
Appealing to the figure of the 'reasonable person' as the legal reagent
will not by itself solve this problem, for obvious reasons. It is the virtue of
Lockhart and McClure's analysis that it faces this issue- which they call
the problem of the audience - head on. If the response to erotic representa-
tion varies with the kind of person responding, then, they argue, the legal
test for obscenity must itself be a variable one. Moreover, they go so far as
to link variation in response not to purely random individual differences in
taste but to the socially organised patterns of consumption associated with
particular channels of communication:
If it is true that the common man knows little and cares less about literary
qualities, what is to be done with material of substantial aesthetic value
that the common man peruses for his own private titillation, oblivious of
its artistry? (p. 72)
Here- in the gap between the 'normal sexually mature person' who res-
ponds to erotic art via the controlled aesthetic dialectic of fantasy and norm,
and the 'common man' oblivious to everything in it save that which serves
his own 'titillation' - the attempt to correlate materiats and persons and
thereby define the scope of legal intervention falls to pieces. The best that
Lockhart and McClure can do with this recalcitrant common man, whose
biblio-erotic practices open such a breach in their audience categories, is to
call on the stem rebuke of F. H. Bradley:
But this only succeeds in making it quite clear that the aesthetic discrimi-
nation of erotic representations, far from being a general capacity for moral
judgement independent of social regulation, is in fact being deployed as a
normative ethical ability at the behest of a specific (pedagogical) form of
regulation. The 'normal sexually mature person' who responds to erotic
representations with an exacting and correct reconciliation of sensuous heat
and intellectual detachment is anything but the 'ordinary man', precisely
because this person is the exemplar for what the ordinary man should be.
We can thus answer our second question by concluding that moral
judgement has no general or given form in the individual behind which
social and legal regulation might retreat in order to allow the free private
circulation of erotic representations. Instead, it seems that the aesthetic
discrimination of pornography is a specialised ethical practice deployed as
a norm of ability and a form of conduct inside a definite pedagogical form
of social regulation. Access to erotic representations cannot therefore have
180 On Pornography
the form of a civil or legal right deriving from the presumption of a general
individual moral autonomy. It remains a regulated conduct, contingent on
the acquisition of normative ethical abilities and varying in scope as the
socially regulated pedagogical distribution of these abilities itself varies.
Moral autonomy, we can suggest, is not based on a general faculty for
reason. Nor can it be made to coincide with the space behind closed doors
- contingent as it is on the practical and variable social distribution of
special ethical techniques and skills. In this light Lockhart and McClure's
variable test for obscenity might well be defensible. It cannot, of course, be
defended as a general test establishing the threshold of moral freedom. But
it may well be accepted as a specific normative mechanism for determining
when the regulation of erotic images can, depending on the ethical qualifi-
cation of the audience, be transferred from the legal to the pedagogical
What do the preceding remarks imply for the third question that we
addressed to the programme of philosophical liberalism - the question
concerning the concept of representation that it employs? It will be recalled
that the liberal strategy for reforming obscenity law assumes that pornogra-
phy is defined by its representational relation to 'real sex'. Pornography is
specified in terms of the manner in which it portrays real sexuality in ideas
or images. There are a number of reasons for this privileging of the concept
of representation in philosophical liberalism.
First, it appears to provide a secure basis for the operation of the harm
condition. After all, the argument goes, no one has ever been actually
harmed by ideas or images. If these are what erotic representation consists
of, then there is no justification for its legal suppression. Second, represen-
tation provides an appropriate and uniform ontology for the presumptive
domain of free moral judgement. This is the domain in which the subject's
rational scrutiny of ideas can supposedly only reach the truth in the absence
of extrinsic constraint and coercion. An erotica consisting of ideas and
aesthetic expressions of sex is therefore an appropriate object for the free
exercise of moral judgement. Third, the concept of representation allows
philosophical liberalism to fill the formal space of moral judgement with a
particular ethico-sexual content. This occurs because it is assumed that
(normal) real sex is an unqualified good - an important focus for individual
identity and a legitimate source of human happiness and pleasure. If this is
so then erotic representations which do no more than portray real sex in
ideas are also a prima facie good.
Pushed as far as it will go - as it is by Feinberg - this argument issues in
a call for the deregulation of erotic representations, because all they do is
reactivate real sexual desire and pleasure in the sphere of ideas. Those
The Limits of Law Reform 181
offended by erotica are precisely those whose own real sexuality is defi-
cient. They are, says Feinberg (1985, p. 140), 'people with prudish moral
sensibilities who get trapped between their own salaciousness and shame'.
The more typical liberal position, however, is represented here by the
Williams Report. While assuming that sex is good and that so (therefore) is
its representation, the Report argues that certain kinds of erotic representa-
tion - that is, those that transmit rem. sex too transparently or leave it at the
mercy of an unconstrained auto-erotic fantasy- are (psycho-aesthetically)
inappropriate to their subject matter and therefore open themselves to
regulation. Indeed, these pornographic representations acquire such erotic
force that they may forfeit their status as representations altogether. They
tend to coerce the imaginations of their viewers, and thereby threaten to
cross Mill's line of reasonable persuasion and re-enter the domain of harms,
albeit in the milder form of offensiveness.
It is not difficult to make out the philosophical conception of the subject
lying behind this specification of pornography as the (psycho-aesthetically)
inappropriate representation of real sex. The philosophically conceived
subject is after all the subject of consciousness or representations. This is
the subject that is immune to the putative harms of erotic representations
simply because they are representations. And it is this subject that possesses
moral and rational faculties able to judge these representations, except
where their inappropriateness to their object invests them with an erotic
force that pushes them outside the sphere of representation altogether. But
it is this very generality of the subject of representation - with its presumed
faculties of reason and moral judgment - that we have begun to call into
question. Our analysis of the historical contingency of harms and the
practical variability of the ethical capacity deemed appropriate for consum-
ing erotic representations is inimical to this philosophical conception of the
Nor should we be too surprised if the general concept of representation
invoked by the liberal programme is susceptible to evidence of similar sorts
of historical contingency and variability. The difficulty of maintaining such
a concept is apparent in the Williams Report. On the one hand, given that
it construes the offensiveness of pornography in terms of the latter's capac-
ity for transparently projecting real sex acts into the public domain, the
Report equates offensiveness with the representational function of porno-
On the other hand, erotic objects that are clearly not representational in the
required sense, are elsewhere deemed to be objects falling within the
definition of restricted matter: 'Restriction will apply not only to publica-
tions, but to 8 mm films etc; also, the kind of sex hardware to be found in
many sexshops would we think be equally covered by the definition' (p.
125). In the ambiguous space between the 'exotic underwear' that is not a
representation and is therefore not offensive, and the 'sex hardware' that is
similarly non-representational but for some reascm fails to evade offensive-
ness, we can detect a deep instability in the concept of representation. This
incoherence points us towards the fact that erotic representations (books,
videotapes) are typically found alongside a range of other activities and
objects (fantasising, underwear, intoxicants, sex aids) used in a variety of
erotic and eroticising practices. In other words, the non-representational
offensiveness of the sex hardware suggests that the problematic character of
erotic representations is not to be looked for in their representational func-
tion but in their use, as eroticising devices.
This hypothesis is amply confirmed if we recall the manner in which the
(putative) representational inappropriateness of pornography to its object is
specified within the liberal framework. Pornographic transparency or ex-
plicitness is specified in terms of a dual failure to achieve the correct
aesthetic disposition; that is, the disposition in which raw sensuous experi-
ence is shaped by ideas and the single-mindedness of erotic fantasy is
diversified by an access of experiential complexity. In short, the offensive-
ness of pornography is a function of its failure to be erotic art.
As we have seen in earlier chapters, the infra-legal knowledge operative
in this specification is the discourse of Romantic aesthetics. The central idea
that a work of art can never be pornographic - because its erotic parts are
never merely erotic but always integrated into a more complex and de-
tached aesthetic whole- is a function of the imperative that art must achieve
the reconciliation of experience and ideas, content and form. The role of the
Romantic dialectic in detaching the erotic from the pornographic is clear
enough in Jean Paul's remark:
For instance: that a work of art as such can never be immoral - any more
than a flower or the whole of creation - and that any partial immorality,
The Limits of Law Reform 183
like any partial lapse of taste, is resolved into its opposite by the spirit of
the whole, stood less in need of proof yesterday than it did the day before
(Jean Paul, in Witte, 1975, p. 361)
It soon becomes apparent, however, that this aesthetic dialectic has as its
focus not the representational relation between art and reality but a rela-
tionship of a quite different order which is generally understood in Roman-
tic terms. The nature of this other focus was long ago made clear by Schiller
in a set of remarks in his On the Aesthetic Education of Man concerning the
relation between the work of art and its reader.
In this chapter, our primary concern is to show why the attempt to render
law transparent to the truth of human sexuality and to the principle of
privacy, through a fundamental reconstruction of the obscenity statutes,
remains impractical and unrealisable. In this demonstration, we have re-
turned more than once to the fact of the historical variability of the sphere
of biblio-erotics. One aim in doing so has been to show that in the shaping
of western sexuality the most intense effects of eroticisation have been
confined - paradoxically, given the supposedly unfettered sexuality of the
popular classes- to those sectors of the population most highly-educated in
the techniques of sexual self-mastery. In the light of this variability, we
have undertaken an historical reconstruction of the shifting forms of ob-
scenity law within the regulatory field concerned with pornography. In this
final section, we shall outline certain lessons, learned from that reconstruc-
tion, which apply to programmes for the reform of obscenity law. Our
The Limits of Law Reform 187
the specific range of sexualities that had been positively created by nine-
teenth-century medical, pedagogical and familial problematisations, re-
layed through the eroticising circuit of the bourgeois pornography of per-
versions, and now finding a way back into the sphere of regulated public
culture. Through this door - at first somewhat shyly, in the manner of
Lawrence's discreet sodomites and Nabokov's aesthetic and witty paedo-
philes, and then more flagrantly in the form of Miller's insatiable bohemians
and Burroughs' hallucinogenic fetishists, coprophags and necrophiles - the
whole sorry characterology of the nineteenth-century deployment of sexu-
ality stepped out into the educative novel.
We are in no danger of overlooking the eroticising effects of this migra-
tion. What we are less likely to observe, however, is the manner in which
the old sexual personae underwent a pedagogical change in their new
environment. They were in fact transformed by the Romantic dialectic into
so many opportunities and occasions for members of an ethical elite to
practice facing up to their sexuality and achieving its aesthetic sublimation.
Although the Romantic aesthetic provides an important clue to the form
of the modem pornographic field, we must not lose sight of the fact that for
most of the nineteenth century it remained the esoteric ethical practice of a
social minority. No logic inherent in 'history' or 'man' dictated that the new
dialectical erotics should become anything more than it was in the 1880s
and 1890s - the caste practice of those small erotic-aesthetic coteries
associated with the names of Edward Carpenter, Havelock Ellis, Walt
Whitman and D. H. Lawrence. The central condition for the aesthetic
transformation of the pornographic field is to be found elsewhere, in the
emergence of popular education.
The popular school became perhaps the principal scene for that discipli-
nary strategy according to which the social attributes of populations could
be governed via an administration of individualising ethical techniques. In
this context, literacy was not only an attribute whose statistical distribution
could be used to measure the cultural level of population; it was also a
normative ethical skill whose mastery allowed individuals to measure the
degree to which they had succeeded in improving their self. It is the fact that
print literacy permitted a rapid assimilation of information while remaining
deeply embedded in the techniques of ethical self formation that marks its
importance for the pornographic field. A population that cannot read cannot
be 'corrupted' by eroticising books: but then, neither can a population that
is not equipped for and habituated to the use of reading as a definite means
of gaining access to, and shaping, a self.
As we observed in Chapter 4, the emergence of a popular education
system organised around techniques of moral supervision allowed the Ro-
The Limits of Law Reform 193
tion with the offense that pornography might give by virtue of its (or its
consumer's) aesthetic incompleteness.
Drawing a distinction between art and pornography, as we have argued,
cannot provide a universally valid line marking the point at which the
individual conscience is to be freed from regulation. It cannot do this
because the capacity to make this distinction is itself a highly normative
ability dependent on thresholds of ethical-erotic 'maturity' decided within
the pedagogic regulation of sensibility. The idea that the task of law reform
is to redeem the law from moralism by showing it how to withdraw from the
sphere of conscience - together with the idea that the threshold of con-
science can be set in terms of the aesthetic appropriateness of erotic art to
true sex - should therefore be set free to wander in the higher and most
speculative reaches of philosophical liberalism. In their place we have
offered a more historical and practical understanding of the direction taken
by recent changes to obscenity law. This direction has been set by the
pedagogical transformation of the management of sexuality. As a result of
this transformation, the law is acquiring the function of administering a
variable access to erotic representations, an access calculated according to
the aesthetic and ethical maturity of particular audience types.
In this context, the liberal reformer's attempt to set apart a fixed domain
of individual conscience, moral freedom and private consumption, an at-
tempt based on a fundamental distinction between art and pornography,
becomes unintelligible. The 'offensiveness' registered by the aesthetic
assessment of pornography is in fact, as we have shown, an ethical inappro-
priateness dependent on what is taken to be an unbalanced use of porno-
graphy by 'immature' audiences. The immunity of certain erotic represen-
tations from legal or administrative restriction - that is, their status as
'erotic art'- can, therefore, never be absolute or universal since it must vary
with the distribution of the ethical technique that permits an audience to
aesthetically integrate and sublimate the pornographic elements of these
representations. The variable test for obscenity proposed by Lockhart and
McClure and used in some American jurisdictions is in this sense quite
defensible. What needs to be kept in mind, however, is that the requisite
thresholds for audience maturity are not facts to be registered by the law,
but norms of erotico-ethical competence that the law helps maintain and
In the event, the withering away of pornography promised by the more
open aesthetic avowing of sexuality has not occurred. Quite the reverse: the
era of Lawrence and Miller, Burroughs and Bataille, has witnessed an
expanded dissemination of pornography and a multiplication of its forms.
The reason for the failure of the derepressive hypothesis lies, we would
The Limits of Law Reform 195
Some of the tracts for which these publishers go to prison concern normal
sex, some homosexuality, some the masochistic yearning that is probably
present in everyone and dominant in some. Masochism is a desire to be
punished or subdued. In the broad frame of reference the desire may be
expressed in the longing to be whipped and lashed, bound and gagged,
and cruelly treated. Why is it unlawful to cater to the needs of this group?
They are, to be sure, somewhat offbeat, nonconformist, and odd. But we
are not in the realm of criminal conduct, only ideas and tastes. Some like
Chopin, others like 'rock and roll'. Some are 'normal', some are maso-
chistic, some deviant in other respects such as the homosexual. Another
group also represented here translates mundane articles into sexual sym-
bols. This group, like those embracing masochism, are anathema to the
so-called stable majority. But why is freedom of the press and expression
denied them? Are they to be barred from communicating in symbolisms
important to them? When the Court today speaks of 'social value', does
it mean a 'value' to the majority? Why is not a minority 'value' cogniza-
ble? The masochistic group is one; the deviant group is another. Is it not
important that members of those groups communicate with each other?
Why is communication by the 'written word' forbidden? If we were wise
enough, we might know that communication may have greater
therapeutical value than any sermon that those of the 'normal' commu-
nity can offer.
United States Obscenity Law 199
make of the fact that in the United States the regulation of pornography is
powerfully inflected by questions of constitutional rights, questions which
do not arise in English law? A key factor in the legal regulation of porno-
graphy in the United States, in contrast to England, is the existence of a Bill
of Rights, in particular the First Amendment to the Constitution, which
states: 'Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech or
of the press'. 1 This Amendment has been accepted within judicial processes
as applying to the states, and to any form of governmental action, not only
legislative statutes (Gitlow v. New York (1925)). Many commentators have
assumed that this constitutional mandate does something which- according
to our analysis of various contexts thus far - is impossible: namely, ground
the law and its application in the recognition of a given moral right. The
First Amendment is frequent! y referred to as a transcendent guarantee of the
right of expression, affording protection against any attempt by the state to
encroach upon the privacy of free thought and individual conscience. From
this point of view, the guideline to follow on obscenity law reform seems
clear: remember the individual's inherent right to liberty of expression,
determine if and where the law infringes upon that right, and remove the
infringement so as to restore the right to free self-expression.
Within the context of constitutional rights of expression, the assumptions
of liberal jurisprudence issue in what has been termed First Amendment
'absolutism'. This position is perhaps never represented in its pure form,
since even its most enthusiastic advocates acknowledge some exceptions to
the constitutional protection of speech. These exceptions include acts of
speech or press which are deemed to inflict injury (libel), disturb the public
peace, constitute a criminal conspiracy, create a 'clear and present danger'
that some proscribed action will result from the utterance, or to be obscene. 2
The words of the famous Justice Holmes from 1919 are often cited on this
matter: 'the 1st Amendment ... cannot have been, and obviously was not,
intended to give immunity for every possible use of language' (Frohwerk v.
United States (1919), p. 206). At first, the legal policing of obscenity was
not taken to pose any constitutional question in relation to the freedom of
speech. First Amendment absolutism in relation to obscenity is a relatively
recent phenomenon. It was made possible, we have suggested, by the
widescale pedagogic dissemination of those aesthetic, psychological and
sexological norms which" allow the personal use of sexual materials to be
valorised as a domain of intellectual and emotional expression, one which
individuals feel they should be free to explore and organise for themselves.
In the wake of that dissemination, since the middle of the twentieth century,
First Amendment 'absolutists' have been able to insist that it is essential to
200 On Pornography
hold the line against the apparently ever-present danger that governmental
and political interests will infringe the individual's fundamental right of
free expression in relation to sexual materials.
As we saw in the preceding chapter, philosophical liberalism attempts
to protect individual rights by invoking the harm condition as a general
criterion for their legitimate exercise. So, for example, David A. J. Richards
argues that, whatever its historical origins, the First Amendment represents
a moral theory, namely, 'the greatest equal liberty of communication com-
patible with a like liberty for all' (1980, pp. 100-1). Hence, it seems,
constitutional rights involve a familiar balancing act. They include 'both a
right to communicate and a right to be the object of communication' (p.
101). One's right of expression must be adjusted to the right of others to
choose whether to be constructed as an audience. Sexuality is seen to be an
important content of 'expression', no matter whether one is dealing with
serious art and literature or pornography. However, it is acknowledged,
harms may flow from pornography if subjects lack developed powers of
rational choice. Richards thus accepts that protection is justified for minors
and that 'time, place and manner' restrictions (affecting distribution and
display but not the content of works) are tolerable to prevent materials being
foisted upon unconsenting adults (p. 121). However, the law should not
interfere with acts of expression which cause no harm to others. Attempts to
regulate the contents of communications by law are said to be incompatible
with the principle of equal liberty (pp. 101-2). Echoing some of the classic
formulations of nineteenth-century philosophical liberalism, Richards
claims that we can never be sure of knowing what the truth is, and the most
likely way of approximating it and preserving a democratic society is to
maintain a free marketplace of ideas (cf. Haiman, 1981, p. 7). For Richards,
the First Amendment rests on a moral basis that cannot be reduced to 'a
utilitarian calculus of the political usefulness of a debate on divergent points
of view':
When man was first in the jungle he took care of himself. When he
entered a societal group, controls were necessarily imposed. But our
society - unlike most in the world - presupposes that freedom and liberty
are in a frame of reference that makes the individual, not government, the
keeper of his tastes, beliefs, and ideas. That is the philosophy of the First
Amendment; and it is the article of faith that sets us apart from most
nations in the world. (p. 73)
and 'the right of writers, publishers, and booksellers to serve the diverse
interests of the public', unless a 'clear threat of harm' dictates otherwise (p.
60). If government is to avoid '[c]oercion, repression and censorship' (pp.
56-7), it must deregulate the use of sexual materials while controlling their
sale to the young and their presentation to unconsenting adults (pp. 76-9).
The Report's recommendations are supported by two interrelated argu-
ments, both of which we have encountered in other settings. It is said that
there is no evidence to show that exposure to explicit sexual materials is
harmful in the sense of adversely affecting character, attitudes or conducts,
or leading to anti-social or criminal behaviour (pp. 61, 169-309). It is also
claimed that the 'problem' of pornography and obscenity is in fact created
by over-regulating the field of sexuality and that it 'stems from the inability
or reluctance of people in our society to be open and direct in dealing with
sexual matters' (p. 53). Supposedly, this psychological incapacity gives sex
a magical, 'non-natural quality', warps the expression of sexuality, and
makes difficult the task of 'teaching children and adolescents to become
fully and adequately functioning sexual adults' (p. 53). Pornography be-
comes a problem, it is suggested, because it confronts people with their own
fears, representing to them directly the 'danger and unpleasantness' which
they associate with sex (p. 312). In other words, pornography has become
the scapegoat-for Americans' 'confusion and ambivalence about sexuality'
(p. 311).
For these reasons, obscenity law is seen as a category mistake, to be
rectified by 'a massive sex education effort' (p. 54) as a counterpart to the
strategy of deregulation. This project should involve government, schools,
families, churches, health practices, citizens' groups and the media, work-
ing with people of all age groups and in all sectors of society (pp. 54-7), the
aim being to create healthy attitudes towards sexuality, provide a sound
foundation for the basic social institutions of marriage and family, and
achieve 'an acceptance of sex as a normal and natural part of life and of
oneself as a sexual being' (p. 54). Once created, this informed relation
towards human sexuality would reduce interest in pornography - referred to
several times in the Report as nothing more serious than an inferior 'source
of information about sexual behaviour' (p. 312), to which people turn when
more open and honest forms of knowledge are not made available. This sex
education project would provide a 'powerful positive approach' (p. 55) to
the problem of pornography and obscenity, in contrast to the distorted
regime of representations associated with the failure 'to talk openly and
directly about sex' (p. 53) and the negative and counter-productive role
played by the law. There is of course a utopian element in the manner in
which the Commission pins its faith on a fundamental human capacity for
204 On Pornography
full and balanced sexual self-realisation. But the combining oflegal deregu-
lation with a stepping-up of pedagogic regulation suggests that liberal
jurisprudence in fact takes a more pragmatic view of the free reasoning
subject then its philosophical rhetoric allows.
Dispassionate attention to the problems underlying the Lockhart Report's
approach has perhaps been preempted as a result of its contemptuous
rejection by a conservative political administration. 7 Nonetheless, these
problems are severe. Because they stem from the assumptions of philo-
sophical liberalism, we can identify them summarily by recalling the main
findings of the preceding chapter. First, philosophical liberalism cannot
provide a rational basis for law reform by neutrally arbitrating the question
of whether pornography is harmful, because what is 'harmful' depends on
the particular historical circumstances in which pornography is problematised
and the particular intellectual; ethical and regulatory means used to
problematise it. The defence of pornography as a basically harmless, if
distorted, representation of sex is not separable from the Report's activation
of certain sexological and psychological norms which (as we shall see in the
final chapter) have come under attack in other contexts for condoning
discriminatory and harmful sexual interests, attitudes and behaviours. Sec-
ond, the capacity to come to terms with sexual materials 'through individual
resolutions of personal confrontations with human experience' (p. 62),
which for the Report provides the ground for a general deregulation, repre-
sents a level of ethical competence not universally distributed throughout
the population. Third, the know ledges of sex which inform the Report place
it in an ambiguous relation to the pleasures and entertainments it investi-
gates. The Commission assumes that if accurate information is dissemi-
nated, sexual enlightenment will follow. While such a recommendation
may seem naively to overlook the problem of pathological responses to
sexual materials, in fact it reproduces the confessional strategy whose
medical, sexological and psychological role in forming auto-erotic sexual-
ity is already familiar to us from historical analysis of the pornographic
field. Urging recourse to a process of information-giving as the panacea for
all evils of sexual ignorance, the Report insists on establishing sex as
something which all must learn has been repressed, hence as something to
be attended to ever more conscientiously within the family and commu-
nity.8It thus confirms a suspicion raised in the preceding chapter: that such
arguments for legal deregulation are typically covert and confused argu-
ments for a (pedagogic) reregulation of pornography, dependent on unac-
knowledged 'governmental' assumptions.
The beliefs about the person expressed in philosophical liberalism are
less 'absolute' than they might appear. In fact, they are themselves already
part of a governmental process which sustains yet also - precisely because
United States Obscenity Law 205
This emphasis on the positive effect of legal processes does not mean that
legislative and judicial decision-making depends upon entirely mechanical
and self-enclosed processes of legal reasoning. The construction and de-
206 On Pornography
limitation of rights bring into play extra-legal norms and objectives. These
wider considerations do not emanate from the essential rights and attributes
of the subject as these are conceived in philosophical liberalism; rather,
rights are relative to certain purposes of legislation and administration
which are themselves informed by 'socially determined policy objectives'
(Hirst, 1980, pp. 96, 104). In the regulation of pornography, the legal
administration of rights of speech and press takes into account both govern-
mental interests in maintaining the level of free expression, involving
access to highly diverse uses of media, and governmental and community
interests in minimising the harms that may be associated with pornography
for certain groups.
Rights such as those granted in free expression are thus key forms in
which various extra-legal norms and objectives may be empowered at law.
They are important means of settling disputes when questions of the valid-
ity or interpretation of statutes arise (Hirst, p. 97), as frequently occurs in
relation to the constitutionality of obscenity laws in the United States, or
when definition is required of the scope of action available to parties
pursuing particular interests in or actions against pornography. Despite the
philosophical ideal of a pure or absolute form of right, legal rights may be
contradictory: the specification of rights of expression involves a balancing
act between competing claims and interests in the regulation of pornogra-
phy. In other words, rights are not anterior to the mechanisms adopted to
solve practical problems; as attributes of legal personality they relate to a
plurality of objectives and are not 'all of a piece' (Cousins, 1980, p. 119).
Because they are created for particular purposes, legal rights are limited in
their reach - in contrast to the image of universal and inalienable righ.ts
publicised by philosophical liberalism. In fact, we should not expect social
problems identified in the production and circulation of pornography to be
solved purely by the legal administration of rights and liabilities; this
administration depends for its effect partly upon extra-legal formations of
personal capacities, knowledges and conducts.
Rights such as the right of free expression are regulatory- but also person-
ally formative - mechanisms which provide competent individuals with a
certain leeway to organise their own conducts. The legal and governmental
mechanisms which construct and delimit rights of expression therefore play
a positive role in the patterning of personal and institutional capacities. In
other words, the nature and function of rights of expression in the porno-
United States Obscenity Law 207
does have literary merit (pp. 499-502). As in the English trial of the same
novel, this merit is established in terms borrowed directly from Romantic
literary criticism. Lady Chatterley's Lover is said to be a serious literary
work in its 'theme', in which sexual representations are open to symbolic
interpretation, and in its use of 'character', 'plot', 'situation' and style ('fine
writing and ... descriptive passages of rare beauty') (pp. 488, 500). Even
if it is assumed that some passages 'taken in isolation tend to arouse
shameful, morbid and lustful sexual desires in the average reader', they are
integral to 'the development of theme, plot and character' (p. 500). Here it
is evident that the legal criterion according to which the work must be
judged 'as a whole' derives from a literary critical conception of the unity
that distinguishes the true work of art. Most courts (according to Judge
Frank in his concurring opinion in United States v. Roth p. 825) do not
consider the intention of the author, publisher or distributor independently
of the effect which a work which is found to be obscene has on those who
read or view it. However, it is worth noting that in Grove Press the author's
intention, understood in aesthetic terms, is taken as relevant: the sincerity
with which this intention is 'expressed in the manner' in which the book is
written has a great deal to do with deciding the question of literary and
intellectual 'merit' (p. 502). Lawrence's 'A Propos of Lady Chatterley's
Lover' and 'Pornography and Obscenity' and his claim that pornography,
unlike literature, tries 'to insult sex, to do dirt on it', are cited approvingly
(pp. 500--1) by the judge to support the view that the novel is not 'dirt for
dirt's sake'.
This canonising work of citation is a measure of the extent to which the
aesthetic practice of writing, reading and shaping the sexual self- once the
esoteric ethic of a refined few -has by the later 1950s been sufficiently
widely distributed to allow for a legal relaxing of policing in favour of
pedagogy. Indeed, the logic of the court's decision is explicitly distribu-
tional . Detailed reference is made to the institutional arrangements of
publication, dissemination and reception which distinguish the literary from
the pornographic: 'A work of literature published and distributed through
normal channels by a reputable publisher stands on quite a different footing
from hard core pornography furtively sold for the purpose of profiting by
the titillation of the dirty minded' (p. 503). The Court notes that the adver-
tising and promotional materials treat the novel as serious literature without
any attempt 'to pander to the lewd and lascivious minded for profit', that the
book is distributed 'through leading bookstores throughout the country' and
that it is treated seriously by the press (pp. 497, 502). These references show
that the aesthetic discipline is admitted as both a critical lexicon or tech-
nique of reading now able to be applied to erotic literature and as the
guarantee of a legitimate practice of production and distribution. 16
United States Obscenity Law 213
From Roth and Grove Press we thus see that the emergence of the
question whether obscenity laws are constitutionally valid, together with
new decisions allowing considerable latitude in the circulation of serious
sexual literature, need not be treated as moves to deregulate the use of
erotica in recognition of a general moral right of expression. Rather, these
cases exemplify a shift from one form of regulation, medical policing,
towards another which operates through the widescale but always less than
universal distribution of psychological, aesthetic and sexological techniques
for schooling the pleasures.
The Supreme Court's obscenity standards have, of course, continued to
be modified. The general test which has prevailed since 1973 was formu-
lated in Miller v. California, in which for the first time since Roth the Court
arrived at standards acceptable to the majority of its members. In the Miller
test, obscenity is determined according to the following criteria:
Miller differs from Roth in the following regards: the tastes of the average
person have shifted from the position of object of the obscenity test to that
of its legal reagent; those states wishing to ban obscenity under Miller are
required to define the sorts of depicted conducts which are proscribed; and
obscenity has become material without 'serious' value rather than being
'utterly without redeeming social value'. More important than these differ-
ences, however, is a commonality: the Supreme Court standards continue to
operate not as legal definitions but as variable operational norms. In Miller,
reference to 'community' standards and 'literary, artistic' or other value
indicates that the categories of prurience, offensiveness and value continue
to allow the legal threshold of obscenity to float in relation to a normative
distribution of capacities and interests among audiences. The examples
given of proscribed conducts indicate that the distinction between hard-core
and soft-core pornography has begun to displace that between art and
pornography as the main distinction for establishing whether materials are
entitled to protection under the First Amendment. The hard-soft distinction,
however, still works in aesthetic terms, allowing soft-core materials to be
214 On Pornography
Special standards for juvenile obscenity have in fact been provided in many
statutes and have been upheld in broad principle in the courts (M.S. News
Co v. Casado (1983); Upper Midwest Booksellers v. City of Minneapolis
From the standpoint of philosophical liberalism, the regime of manage-
ment confirmed in Roth and Miller has discriminated against the fundamen-
tal right of individual judgement and expression. Richards thus maintains
that the criteria of prurience, offensiveness and community standards trans-
late moral fears into proscriptions against 'harms' which are more imagi-
nary than real, and that the test of value allows arbitrary and unconstitu-
tional prohibitions on particular kinds of meaning. The legal decisions and
controls which the prevailing standards represent are 'profoundly political
and violate the ideal of neutral principles of constitutional adjudication'
(p. 119). Here the idea that the law fails to represent naturally given rights
of the individual combines with the idea that the law directly transmits a
political and ideological will. This philosophical notion that constitutional
adjudication degenerates into 'mis-representation', and that the law fails to
recognise an intrinsic moral right because of distorting political interests,
may be contrasted with our own description of the 'constitutional calcula-
tions' of obscenity law. By this we mean the use of definite judicial
categories and procedures to decide, in the light of certain norms and policy
considerations, which are the appropriate formal jurisdictions to activate
and which the appropriate interrelations between legal regulation and self-
regulation to empower in the pornographic field. 18
did not know that it contained pornographic works; but this defence implies
that what counts as pornographic is indeed known routinely. In other words,
this mechanism shows that the policing of pornography cannot be dismissed
as a clumsy infringement of an inherent right to expression. On the contrary,
in regulating obscenity the police and courts are usually dealing with more
or less 'known' quantities- that is, specific forms of production of materi-
als, channels of distribution and categories of consumer. This holds for the
range of statutes we cite in the following paragraphs covering diverse law
enforcement agencies, which include the scienter condition or, as in the
case of radio communication, are understood to imply it- United States v.
Smith (1972). To adapt Mr Justice Stewart's comment on the problem of
defining obscenity- 'I know it when I see it' (Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964), p.
197) -judicial agents and police may know or presume to know obscenity
when they see it because there is a trade whose agents usually know
obscenity whether they actually see it or not. It is held in the courts that
absolute precision is not necessary in statutory definitions of obscenity, and
that in order to satisfy due process requirements it is necessary only for the
language used to provide what was described in another context in United
States v. Petrillo (1946, p. 8) as 'sufficiently definite warning as to the
proscribed conduct when measured by common understanding and prac-
tices'. From these specifications, we see that due process and judicially
administered procedural limitations cannot adequately be understood through
reference to a given right of expression that is automatically compromised
by the presence of state interests. In practice, rights and interests are objects
of calculations made in terms of social norms and policy objectives, in order
to regulate more or less readily recognisable practices, or what Mr Justice
Brennan referred to as the 'calculated purveyance' of pornography (Mishkin
v. State of New York (1966), p. 512). 23
If we tum to the other law enforcement bodies, we see similar interac-
tions with judicial agents. 24 The Customs Statute prohibits all persons from
importing obscene articles into the United States. 25 Procedures followed by
the Customs Bureau allow for random inspection of imported items, and
any matter discovered which the Bureau believes to be obscene is subject to
seizure and forfeiture by customs officers. Such matter must be referred to
the United States attorney of the relevant district who arranges for a district
court adjudication, made according to prevailing constitutional standards,
of the question of whether the material is obscene, and only then may an
article declared obscene be destroyed. 26
The basic mail statute prohibits the use of the mails for sending or
delivering obscene materials. 27 The United States Postal Inspection Service
has the power to investigate suspected violations of statutes, although
United States Obscenity Law 219
(according to the Lockhart Report, p. 389) the Justice Department may also
initiate proceedings and has done so especially in relation to pandering-
that is, the 'business of purveying graphic or textual matter openly adver-
tised to appeal to the erotic interest' of potential customers (Ginzburg v.
United States (1966), p. 467). To a large extent, postal regulation works
through administrative procedures rather than relying on prosecution. These
procedures include the denial of second-class mailing privileges, declara-
tions of non-mailability, and procedures of prevention and suppression,
including the provision of lists of persons desiring to receive no sexually-
oriented advertising mail. 28 Statutes and legal judgements demarcate res-
ponsibilities here, in a way similar to that just discussed in relation to police
warrants, sueh that any final decision on whether an article is obscene is (as
we saw in Grove Press) a matter specifically for judicial resolution accord-
ing to prevailing obscenity standards.
The Federal Communications Commission investigates violations of the
federal statute which prohibits the use of obscene, indecent or profane
language by means of radio communication. 29 It is of interest that in 1970
the Lockhart Report implied that the Commission was not actively regulat-
ing obscene or indecent broadcasting (neither independently monitoring
stations in order to detect violations nor as a rule imposing penalties on
broadcasters or amateur operators unless as a result of citizens' complaints).
However, by 1986 the use of such means of communications as cable and
satellite television and the telephone to transmit obscenity has come to be
regarded as a serious problem. The Hudson Report (pp. 562-82) recom-
mends that Congress review the laws to allow agencies such as the Federal
Communications Commission to control these activities more effectively.
Such a reversal shows how calculations of the nature and effects of obscen-
ity have continued to shift, often suddenly, in response to changing uses of
technology, forms of distribution and audience dispositions.
In line with our general redefinition of the category of rights, these
examples of judicial and police processes show that to understand the
practical availability of rights of expression in the regulation of pornogra-
phy, the philosophically conceived right of expression needs to be
disaggregated into the miscellany of statuses, entitlements, obligations and
types of agency, located at the level of either the regulating or the regulated
bodies. Rights of expression here have differentiated forms and limits
dependent on the law's calculation of governmental interests in regulating
various eroticising uses of media and in negotiating relations between
summary regulation and self-management. To spell out this 'disaggregation',
three points can be extrapolated from the materials presented above, in
keeping with our emphasis on the positivity of legal means, the overlap of
220 On Pornography
legal process and public policy objectives, and the exchange between dif-
ferent modes of regulating pornography.
First, in the regulation of pornography and obscenity the individual is not
the unified origin of some essential right, but may be invested with legal
attributes appropriate for pursuing particular interests. In practice, the myriad
statutes and cases relating to obscenity in the United States show that rights
of speech and press in relation to pornography are invested in persons
performing such different roles as those of publisher, importer, distributor,
writer, film-maker, videotape producer, translator, advertiser, broadcaster,
librarian, exhibitor and consumer. These individuals pursue such diverse
activities as producing, recording, transporting, mailing, importing, carry-
ing, transmitting, selling, lending, projecting, buying, receiving, renting,
reading and viewing numerous kinds of sexual materials, as well as employ-
ing certain categories of personnel and conducting certain types of busi-
nesses. In regulating obscenity, the courts are not attempting to reconcile
the actions of policing with some all-purpose right to free expression which
individuals possess; they are deciding whether persons are entitled to spe-
cific economic and moral rights in the light of governmental and welfare
interests in regulating pornography.
Second, the law resolves competing or in some cases contradictory rights
and interests. It does so in terms of particular norms and policy considera-
tions which it can recognise and adopt. Despite the privileged place ac-
corded in liberal jurisprudence to the individual's right to read or see what
he or she chooses to consume, in practice no particular right of speech and
publication is held to transcend all other rights and interests. In the legal
regulation of pornography, rights of expression are maintained for specific
purposes and are negotiated against other rights and interests. So, for
example, rights of booksellers, book distributors and publishers to deal in
sexually explicit materials which are not considered 'obscene as to adults'
encounter restrictions on the display of such materials in business or com-
mercial districts where minors are likely to be exposed to view them -
restrictions which are considered constitutionally valid because of a policy
of protecting minors even though booksellers might engage in self-censor-
ship because of them (cf. American Booksellers Association, Inc. v. Rendell
Further evidence of the way in which the law mediates different interests
through its consideration of extra-legal norms is furnished by the fact that
the same individual may occupy different and possibly contradictory
statuses. Thus the rights of adults to have access to sexually explicit mate-
rials are not simply identical with the rights of parents to exercise their own
discretion in directing their children's upbringing, including their relation to
United States Obscenity Law 221
matter of judicial decision, so, too, are questions of the scope of particular
rights. This may be illustrated by looking at the way in which the right of
privacy- a relatively new right, now in the process of rapid expansion- has
come to intersect with the regulation of pornography. 31
In the nineteenth century the policing of obscenity and indecent materials
was mainly concerned with supervising the streets and places of popular
entertainment. In those circumstances, the consumption of erotica in the
home, in the form of gentlemen's pornography for instance, was not a major
issue. There was no question of passionately defending the individual's
'privacy' and keeping the door shut against the state, nor of arguing that the
law should be reformed to respect a universal right of individuals to use
pornography privately. A legal notion of a 'privacy' exercised in the use of
book sex was not then available. By the mid-twentieth century, the idea of
the right to cultivate one's sexual self through the auto-erotic use of various
sexual media has become a major theme in the liberatory project of deregu-
lation. As noted in Chapter 6, philosophical liberalism conveniently conflates
an architectural space of privacy with the assumed autonomy of the subject
of consciousness. The right to choose for oneself what to read, write or view
by way of sexual materials becomes fused with the spatial right of privacy,
which can then be treated in tum as flowing from the natural definition of
the individual as self-possessed subject.
The legal use of the category of privacy is, however, dependent
on particular social relations, spatial arrangements and norms of conduct,
not on the putative moral autonomy of individuals left to their own
devices. In United States law, a right in the private use of obscenity was
specifically recognised in Stanley v. Georgia (1969). Now, on the issue of
whether the appellant has 'the right to read or observe what he pleases -
the right to satisfy his intellectual and emotional needs in the privacy of
dhis own home' (p. 565), there is no doubt that the Supreme Court rhetori-
cally equates the privacy of a place with the privacy or individuality of
thought. It holds that the mere categorisation of the materials in question as
obscene does not justify state inquiry into what the individual possesses and
However, this decision does not introduce an unlimited privacy right deriv-
ing from the inviolate personality of the individual. We have already ob-
served that with regard to domestic privacy the same individual may be the
bearer of incompatible rights attached to the legal personas of 'adult' and
'parent'. In fact, the construction of the right in Stanley is a highly specific
judicial adjustment of .the line between policing and self-management,
made possible by the judicial adoption of an aesthetic, infra-legal norm.
This judicial definition of a right turns on an idea of privacy in which
aesthetic regulation is equated with a capacity of more or less civilised
behaviour; protection is not implied for problem behaviours which may
come to the attention of the police and in relation to which private spaces
might begin to look less sacrosanct. The type of action or relief recognised
does not provide a general base on which other rights claimed in relation to
privacy will necessarily be granted. As we observed, constitutional rights
are specific and bounded, and the recognition of one does not spread,
rhizome-like, to form others on the ground of some all-inclusive moral
right. The entitlement granted in Stanley is conditional on 'possession' by
the individual of obscene material for his own use 'in his home' (p. 568).
The Lockhart Report points out that some lower federal courts gave a
degree of recognition to correlative rights in distribution, importation,
mailing and exhibition, soon after this ruling was made. However, this
direction was not followed by the Supreme Court, whose decisions have
shown that the right to private use is not readily transferable to other
contexts. The Court distinguished explicitly between the public distribution
of obscene materials and possession in the home (p. 567) and made no
suggestion that the privacy right could be extended by linking it to places
other than the home, or to the notion that there is a private space which
persons carry with them wherever they might go. Further it refused to
accept that certain social relations of confidence deserving of protection
might provide an acceptable basis for privacy rights more generally. 32 In
United States v. Orito (1973), the Court rejects the idea that 'some zone of
constitutionally protected privacy follows [obscene] material when it is
moved outside the home area protected by Stanley' (pp. 141-2). In this and
several other cases, attempts to argue that the right of private possession
entails a correlative right to sell, receive, import, transport or distribute
obscene material, were unsuccessful. 33
The fact that an individual may have the right to possess but not receive
obscene materials, perhaps inconsistent from a philosophical point of view,
makes sense when it is remembered that rights in the use of erotica are
determined in relation to interests in regulating conducts associated with the
circulation of possibly harmful materials. It is also worth noting that there
224 On Pornography
We have seen that in the regulation of pornography, not only is the con-
struction of rights of expression historically contingent, but the rights so
constructed are variable. In other words, rights are relative to the availabil-
ity of certain capacities for self-regulation, and to the legal buttressing of
different channels of distribution. The definition of a right of private posses-
sion of obscenity marks the legal adoption of a pedagogically distributed
aesthetic norm which literally has become domesticated (the individual has
United States Obscenity Law 225
the right 'to satisfy his intellectual and emotional needs in the [peaceful]
privacy of his own home'). However, some 'private' practices of sex using
pornographic representations have also posed problems within the domain
of policing. That 'privacy' may be viewed as a space in which sexual media
are used in ways linked with problem behaviours can be seen from the
submission made in 1969 to the Presidential Commission on Pornography
and Obscenity by the Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, and the police
'case studies' which follow it in the dissenting report of Commissioner
Charles H. Keating, Jr (the Lockhart Report, pp. 632-54). Many of these
case studies register a private or group use of pornography by men and
adolescent males as a means of excitation in committing anti-social acts and
crimes of sexual violence particularly against women and girls. On the basis
of a frequency of association established through police observation, as
against the forms of proof of causality required by certain branches of social
science, Hoover argues that the key issue before the Commission should be
the 'relationship' of pornography and obscenity to anti-social behaviour
and the recommendation of effective and constitutional means of control-
ling the traffic in those materials (pp. 633-4). He gives the following
example of common forms of police evidence:
Hoover is not the most acceptable angel to have on one's side. In this
book, though, we have often asked readers to reconsider rejected sources,
and such police documentation indicates that governmental responsibilities
in controlling harms associated with uses of pornography may be compel-
ling even in a context of extensive pedagogic management of sexualities.
We can also note that the Hudson Report, taking a different approach from
the majority in the Lockhart Report, argues that certain problems associated
with the use of evidence provided by 'clinical' professionals on the effects
of exposure of pornography (such as the problem of statistical generalisa-
tion on the basis of experimental samples) diminish if demographic
evidence is taken into account (p. 315). Significantly, the mechanism of this
wider observation is again the provision of evidence from law enforcement
226 On Pornography
For example, we have heard much evidence from law enforcement per-
sonnel that a disproportionate number of sex offenders were found to
have large quantities of pornographic materials in their residences. Por-
nographic material was found on the premises more, in the opinion of the
witnesses, than one would expect to find it in the residences of a random
sample of the population as a whole, in the residences of a random
sample of non-offenders of the same sex, age, and socioeconomic status,
or in the residences of a random sample of offenders whose offenses were
not sex offenses. To the extent that we believe these witnesses, then there
is a correlation between pornographic materials and sex offenses.
(p. 316)
within the First Amendment's coverage', the Hudson Report accepts that
the fundamental direction of the Supreme Court in Roth and Miller is
correct (cf. pp. 263-4). Like the judicial calculation of rights and interests,
the logic of its recommendations is distributional. The right of expression is
specific and is limited to the production, dissemination and use of materials
which surpass 'some admittedly low threshold of cognitive appeal, whether
that appeal be emotive, intellectual, aesthetic, or informational' (p. 264).
While lines are not easy to draw, most hard-core material falls below 'this
minimal threshold of cognitive or similar appeal' (pp. 264-5). The 'market-
place of ideas' is not evoked as the democratic scene on which the universal
potential for self-expression will be realised. Even though hard-core mate-
rial might be seen as containing some characteristics of expression serious
enough to merit constitutional protection if it appeared in a different context
and was presented in a different way, there is no doubt that the commercial
trade in such material is in fact 'directed virtually exclusively at sexual
arousal' (pp. 265-6). In other words, as observed above, pornography is a
trade in 'known' quantities, distributions and uses. The use of hard-core
materials, in the Report's view, is less a matter of speech than of conduct:
covering free speech in order to gain protection for the conducts associated
with the production and use of sexual materials. The Report adds that, of
course, 'using a picture of sex as a masturbatory aid is different from the
simple act of masturbation, or any other form of sex' (p. 267), and that the
very use of words and images requires some attention to First Amendment
questions. However, it continues, standard pornographic material in its
'standard context of distribution and use' is 'so far removed from any of the
central purposes of the First Amendment, and so close to so much of the rest
of the sex industry' that affording such material constitutional protection
seems 'highly attenuated' (p. 267).
In the foreseeable future, there will be further decisions on what kinds of
sexual materials and related conducts will be proscribed, permitted or
protected. Moreover, we will see a process of continuous adjustment to the
boundary between self-regulation and regulation by law. Philosophical
liberalism is itself attached to the system of pedagogical management which
comprises one of the two major available strategies - along with legal
policing - which are available for regulating sexualities and the uses of
erotica. Decision-making in this field of regulation cannot be founded in
universalising distinctions between sex and its representation, conduct and
speech, or the private domain of the moral subject of rights and the public
realm of state controls. Rights and interests in pornography will continue to
be constructed and mediated variably by means of norm-based legal and
governmental calculations. Yet it would be unreasonable to expect that
philosophical liberalism - even confronted by the assemblage of evidence
of the bounded purposiveness of the rights in question - will meekly
evacuate the field, leaving the work of decision-making to less sweeping
and more particularised criteria. Too much has come to be at stake; for
some nothing less than the belief that 'our "liberation" is in the balance', as
Foucault (1979, p. 159) ironically concludes. Even discredited, philosophi-
cal liberalism persists, not least because - unbeknowns to its adherents -its
deregulatory rhetoric is embedded in the regulatory strategies of its govern-
mental twin.
8 Feminism and Law Reform
No one who enters the debate over pornography gets out unscathed, neither
do we expect to be exceptions in this regard. Our historical studies have
indicated that the fields in which pornography is discussed are in principle
incapable of giving rise to a single unified truth of pornography, in relation
to which all individuals could be expected to adjust their thought and
conduct. As an eroticising device, a target of medical-pedagogical pro-
grammes, a tradable commodity, an aesthetic category, an object of femi-
nist and governmental reform campaigns, a legal problem - pornography
has taken shape differently in different departments of existence. Let those
who think that these different constructions of pornography can be recon-
ciled in one overarching philosophical or moral judgement deal with the
fact that two centuries of dispute have brought us no closer to this goal. In
these studies we have therefore taken the disputes as permanent and philo-
sophically irresolvable. Each of the departments mentioned deploys norms,
techniques, conducts and forms of personhood in relation to which pornog-
raphy can be produced, used, judged, appreciated, pathologised, regulated,
and so on. But neither individually nor collectively are they capable of
supporting a judgement that might be true of pornography in general,
because the norms of judgement reach no further than the sphere in which
they are actually deployed.
The one apparent exception is the sphere formed by the institutions of
law and government which can, under certain historical circumstances,
adjudicate the contending claims advanced by the other departments. This
is not really an exception, however. The law does not attempt such adjudi-
cation in the name of a philosophical judgement of pornography. In other
words, its judgements are neither formal nor empirical as these terms are
understood in the epistemological disciplines. Rather, legal judgements are
processual, ceremonial, and based on categories informed by specific pur-
poses - the regulation of trade or morality, the proscription of certain
behaviours, the facilitation of others. This technical and purposive mode of
judgement, coupled with the fact that the law is amongst other things an
institution for settling disputes, is what allows the law to adjudicate in the
case of pornography, through the historical category of obscenity. The law
adjudicates on pornography not through a universally true judgement but by
maintaining a quite narrow set of procedures, categories and purposes that
permits a judgement to take place and to be seen to have taken place. The
230 On Pornography
law is the final court of appeal in the dispute and its judgement is binding
by virtue of this institutional finality.
We are quite comfortable with this view and role of the law. It is of
course compatible with our view of obscenity law as a set of juridical
procedures and categories that have been developing in tandem with the
governmental 'policing' of modem populations since the early eighteenth
century. Moreover, this view of legal judgement- as binding in its social
finality - informed our rejection of liberalism's attempt to found and rectify
obscenity law in a philosophical analysis of harm. What is to count as
harmful, we argued, cannot be decided in advance of the procedures and
categories of obscenity law itself and the governmental (medical, pedagogi-
cal) programmes with which it is aligned. It will be recalled that at that point
we rejected the project to draw a universal boundary between law and
morality based on the philosophical distinction between harmful conducts
and harmless representations. It became clear that this latter distinction
could not be drawn in a uniform and a priori manner by presupposing a
subject of consciousness able to exercise judgement through given intellec-
tual and moral faculties. And we showed to the contrary that the law in fact
draws this distinction in a variable fashion; that it does so relative to
medical and pedagogical goals for the conduct of individuals as social
types; and that it treats capacities for moral judgement not as given in the
faculties of the subject but as acquired ethical abilities or competences,
differentially distributed according to age, gender, educational level and
social situation.
Feminism is surely right in rejecting the liberal notion of a universal
rational subject as the basis of political and social action, although perhaps
overly optimistic in thinking that reason is divided along gender lines only,
and that the problems associated with constructions of pornography can be
solved by removing the distorting effects of patriarchal interest. If the
judgements of the law's 'reasonable man' are not the transparent expression
of a universal reason, then neither are they duplicitous or botched attempts
at such expression -mere distortions of reason open to rectification through
exposure of the (patriarchal) 'interests' supposed to inform them. The limits
of legal reason are far more varied and far less escapable than any such
account can allow. This is because the 'reasonable man' is not the (true or
distorted) foundation of legal judgement but a purely retrospective con-
struct, its form and content changing constantly and routinely with changes
in the objectives of legal regulation and the forms of calculation informing
these objectives.
Our rejection of the project of philosophical liberalism signifies a choice
between two different intellectual styles and approaches: the philosophical-
Feminism and Law Reform 231
In line with wider feminist arguments, this finding treats pornography not as
some self-enclosed world of representations having no tangible effects in
real life but as a 'practice' of sex discrimination. Pornography is a harmful
type of behaviour because it reduces the status of women by treating them
as 'sexual', where the meaning of this term is wholly imposed by men for
their own gratification. In the Ordinance, pornography is identified with
various ways of 'presenting' women: as sexual objects who enjoy pain and
humiliation, or experience sexual pleasure in being raped; as bodies in
bondage, cut up, bruised, physically hurt, fragmented, severed, or in other
scenarios of sexual violence and inferiority; as being penetrated by animals;
as sexually available for domination, possession, use and the like (p. 1320).
This mix of instances is placed under the rubric of 'graphic sexually explicit
subordination' of women (although the same ways of presenting men,
children or transsexuals are also said to constitute pornography for the
purposes of the legislation).
There is a clear difference between the feminist arguments on which the
Ordinance rests and the First Amendment absolutist position on pornogra-
phy examined in the previous chapter. The emphasis has shifted from
defending a supposedly inherent right of expression to attacking an insidi-
ous form of power. Specifically, it is argued, the pseudo-right of expression
relating to pornography should be displaced by recognising the right of
women not to be discriminated against on the grounds of sex, a right
invoked under the Fourteenth Amendment. On this account, the abstract-
ness of obscenity and also of free expression as concepts is said to have
allowed pornographic speech - which is in fact a discriminatory conduct -
to be passed off as everyone's speech, a universal value to be protected.
Obscenity law, it is said, thus protects the speech of men which 'silences the
speech of women', and fends off consideration of the actual harmful con-
ducts involved in pornography. Since the defence of pornography is to male
supremacy what its critique is to feminism (MacKinnon, 1987, p. 146),
there is little chance of genuine and profound reform being achieved by
working within the compromised logic of existing obscenity law and First
Amendment 'principles'.
In fact, two quite different political and intellectual styles organise this
mix of elements and the argument of the Ordinance. On the one hand, the
Ordinance specifies the harm of pornography in legal and governmental
terms, as an impediment to women's full participation in civic and eco-
nomic life. Here the operative term is discrimination, and harm is construed
234 On Pornography
under the sway of the dialectic, then, obscenity law is just as problematic as
pornography, and for the same reasons. The definite and limited (positive)
character of legal norms and objectives is treated as a fragmentation of a
more complex and organic sphere of women's development (and oppres-
sion), it being necessary for society to be totally transformed if full being is
to be realised. Once this point has been reached we can be sure that the
project to reform the law has given way to an endeavour of an altogether
different kind: aesthetic critique and self-refinement.
If our diagnosis of this ambivalence is correct, then there is clearly a
danger that the important attempt to construct the harm of pornography as
an infringement of civil rights may be swamped by aesthetically conceived
rights and harms (the right not to have one's being objectified and mis-
represented) whose limitlessness puts them beyond legal claim and redress.
More specifically, if the Dworkin-MacKinnon project is indeed tom be-
tween legal-governmental and philosophical-aesthetic objectives, we should
expect to see it give rise to two interrelated tendencies: first, a tendency to
subordinate obscenity law to philosophical and aesthetic critique - to
problematise its norms, categories and objectives by showing their inability
to realise complete (non-objectified) being; second, the tendency of lawyers
to reject the proposed legal enactment of aesthetic imperatives as non-
constructable within the technical and normative framework of the law.
There is no shortage of evidence for both these tendencies.
Consider in this regard the following remarks by Catharine MacKinnon:
message. And finally- first and foremost, actually -although the subject
of these materials is overwhelmingly women, their contents made up of
women's bodies, our invisibility has been such, our equation as a sex
with sex has been such, that the law of obscenity has never even consid-
ered pornography a women's issue. (1987, pp. 174-5)
resolve the conflict between the First Amendment guarantees of free speech,
on the one hand, and the Fourteenth Amendment right to be free from sex-
based discrimination on the other hand' (p. 1327), and to establish whether
the Ordinance has an unconstitutionally 'chilling effect' on the right to free
speech (p. 1328). It is thus a matter of deciding between two legal options.
And in fact the Court decides that the state's interest in prohibiting sex
discrimination created by pornography as the sexually explicit, graphically
depicted subordination of women is not so compelling as to outweigh the
constitutionally protected interest of free speech (p. 1326).7
Constitutional analysis of the Ordinance is then said to require determi-
nation of the following three issues:
[F]irst, the Court must determine whether the Ordinance imposes re-
straints on speech or behaviour (content versus conduct); if the Ordi-
nance is found to regulate speech, the Court must next determine whether
the subject speech is protected or not protected under the First Amend-
ment; if the speech which is regulated by this Ordinance is protected
speech under the Constitution, the court must then decide whether the
regulation is constitutionally permissible as being based on a compelling
state interest justifying the removal of such speech from First Amend-
ment protections. (pp. 1329-30)
On the first of these issues, the defendants' premise is that the Ordinance
regulates conduct, not speech. They find an analogy for this distinction in
the fact that the courts have held that advocacy of a racial segregation
doctrine is protected speech under the First Amendment, while segregation
itself is not constitutionally protected behaviour (p. 1330). For this analogy
to work, it must be accepted that pornography is not only a form of
statement or doctrine but also embodies - in its sex discrimination - an
equivalent to the category of conduct referred to in the area of racial
segregation. The defendants claim that 'the production, dissemination, and
use of sexually explicit words and pictures is the actual subordination of
women' and so constitutes a harmful action, a form of regulable behaviour,
not an expression of ideas entitled to First Amendment protection (p. 1330).
However, the Court sees this claim as ambiguous and ultimately unaccept-
able: pornography is acknowledged in the Ordinance to involve 'words and
pictures', and although pornography 'conditions society to subordinate
women', the means by which the Ordinance seeks to combat this discrimi-
nation is 'through the regulation of speech' (pp. 1330-1).
Having found that the Ordinance seeks to regulate speech not conduct,
the Court states that pornography as defmed therein cannot be held to fall
Feminism and Law Reform 239
guarantees (pp. 1335-7). Here the Court notes that the premise of the
Ordinance is that the discrimination of pornography degrades women as a
class, and so does not require specifically defmed victims for most of the
proscriptions introduced. The reality of this discrimination is not denied.
The Court rehearses the arguments that pornography negatively affects
those women who suffer the direct abuse of its production or on whom
violent kinds of performance are imposed, and that exposure to pornogra-
phy fosters discriminatory attitudes and behaviours, and causes in its male
viewers 'an increased willingness to aggress toward women' (p. 1336). The
defendants argue that just as the Supreme Court accepted as constitutional
legislation which regulates obscenity as harmful to people, so too should the
Court now accept legislation which regulates pornography as harmful spe-
cifically to women (pp. 1336--7).
However, the Court distinguishes between judicial and legislative func-
tions. It says that there may be good reason to support legislative action
such as the finding on which the Ordinance is based. The Court's own role
is not to question the legislative fmding but 'to ensure that the Ordinance
accomplishes its purpose without violating constitutional standards or im-
pinging upon constitutionally protected rights' (p. 1337). In this framework,
the Court reiterates that the Ordinance seeks to regulate protected speech,
and states that in its own role it 'cannot legitimately embark on judicial
policy-making, carving out a new exception to the First Amendment' for
this or some other interest group claiming to be victimized by 'unfair
expression' (p. 1337).
Faced with this daunting series of precedential and procedural distinc-
tions, we might well be drawn towards the seeming clarity and directness of
a less differentiating and temporising mode of argument and decision-
making. Yet, as previously, we would then have to ask: what would be the
practical consequences of throwing these legal distinctions away? Would it
be feasible to pass the policing of pornography entirely over to a domain
other than the law, for instance to pedagogy or to sociology? The Court
itself, in fact, acknowledges such an 'alternative' domain when it refers to
the discrimination of pornography against women as a class as a 'sociologi-
cal harm' diminishing the legal and social status of women (p. 1335).
However, having admitted the notion of a 'social' judgement and adminis-
tration of pornography, the Court moves to recognise the limits of its own
competence, which reaches no further than the limits of the legal sphere.
The Court thus contends that necessary or desirable changes in 'sociologi-
cal patterns' (p. 1337) are not likely to be brought about by legislative
dictate. This is, perhaps, the Court's way of admitting that there is no single
or unified truth of pornography, and that the legal definition and manage-
242 On Pornography
system. However, we would reject both the notion that the law must recog-
nise an inalienable right of the individual to be free from regulation in the
moral domain and that it feigns to do so because in reality it expresses an
ideological will to power. The issue we have raised concerning the Ordi-
nance is not that governmental regulation of morality is tantamount to
censorship. Rather, we have argued that if the ethical problems created by
pornography are to be taken seriously, so too are the historical and technical
means whereby the 'ethos' of pornography has been produced and may be
Some form of what the Lockhart Report refers to as 'non-legal' regula-
tion will almost certainly continue to play a crucial role in managing the
production, circulation and use of sexual materials. We have shown that to
determine where the line should be drawn between legal regulation and
self-management the law has had to call on normative and interested
knowledges, there being no detached and objective insight into the 'truth'
about pornography. When the law calls on such know ledges, it does not act
in bad faith or fail to align itself with some transcendent ethical principle of
social justice. Sexual aesthetics and sexology are major disciplines of the
self which have come to play a role in constructing and governing sexualities;
yet their deployment of confessional strategies renders them not clearly
distinguishable from a predominantly male auto-erotics. Seen in this light,
the Hudnut decision is not retrograde. On the contrary, in balancing de-
mands for legal and administrative policing against demands for self-man-
agement, it cannot but leave open the question of what are to be appropriate
norms for assessing and regulating pornography. 9
There is no reason to assume that the present ethical forms of regulation
are established once and for all. Whilst philosophical liberalism and sexual
aesthetics cannot be ignored in current projects of law reform, they might
still prove precarious forms of self-management, their practice being al-
ways reliant on deployments of particular norms, know ledges and media in
a pornographic field which remains constitutively unstable. Evidence of
this instability is provided by the marked shift on the question of harm
within liberal jurisprudence over the past two decades, under the dual
influence of feminist campaigns on the status of women and recurring
governmental and familialist concerns with the welfare of children. 10
Mutation, complexity and disunity continue to characterise the porno-
graphic field. This field now includes a mix of old, modified and nascent
communications technologies - print, photography, film, cable television,
video, telephone, videophone, computer- whose distributions and uses call
for differential regulation according to criteria of reach, age, educational
levels, public decency standards and so on. It is also made up of an open-
244 On Pornography
response to the fact that the case put by Dworkin and MacKinnon rests on
two incommensurate intellectual postures: one concerns objectification and
a recovery of repressed being; the other concerns discrimination and an
effective administration of a positive constitutional right. In the terms used
in this chapter, the former involves an objective in the field of aesthetics, the
latter an objective in the field of law and government. Their incommensu-
rability, as suggested in our brief anthropology of the aesthetic personality,
is historical and practical not conceptual and theoretical. For a heuristic
purpose, the distinction between self-management and legal regulation can
be aligned with the distinction between aesthetic and government rationales
for defining and dealing with pornography.
This alignment has a defmite advantage: it reminds us that however
clearly the distinction might be drawn in philosophical terms, in practice
there has been no stable boundary between regulation by the criminal law
and self-regulation by an aesthetic pedagogy. In both the United Kingdom
and the United States, obscenity law has come increasingly to regulate
pornography by grounding itself on pedagogic and aesthetic norms for
assessing the conduct of individuals and defining what is to count as
sexually 'mature' personalities. Even so, Dworkin and MacKinnon's philo-
sophical critique oflaw as failing to recognise pornography's objectification
of women cannot be articulated to legal policing in the form of a civil right.
While this critique may, as part of a social campaign, have effects on
people's attitudes, conducts and manners, its aesthetic components simply
cannot be made into law. However, while the law cannot give unified
expression to the categories of discrimination and objectification in the
form of a global civil right not to be harmed by pornography, it can indeed
construct and protect more limited and specific civil rights relating to anti-
discrimination objectives. In other words, we see a choice to be decided, not
a synthesis to be achieved. The choice is whether to pursue the fundamental
transformation of society in order to de-objectify women's being, or to
pursue specifically legal and administrative action to promote certain
mentalities and behaviours, and to discourage others. The second option
includes developing workplace codes of conduct aimed at reducing the
incidence of sexual harassment of women and de-eroticising professional
relationships and decision-making. 11
Such action may of course be deemed superficial, a mere masking of the
'fundamental' problem of domination. Between them, in their aesthetic
analyses, Dworkin and MacKinnon would reject each of the options. Dworkin
has argued that, given existing social and gender relations, the act of sex is
the fact of domination of women by men: 'that slit which means entry into
her - intercourse - appears to be the key to women's lower human status'
246 On Pornography
Present laws depend largely upon the effect that the materials may have
upon those who receive them. It is manifest that the same object may have
a different impact, varying according to the part of the community it
reached. But there is more to these cases. It is not the book that is on trial;
it is a person. The conduct of the defendant is the central issue, not the
obscenity of a book or picture. The nature of the materials is, of course,
relevant as an attribute of the defendant's conduct, but the materials are
thus placed in context from which they draw colour and character. A
wholly different result might be reached in a different setting.
4. The fluctuating relation between the materiality of the body and the ethically
infused entity of the flesh is a sign of the degree to which the body has been
penetrated and organised by variable spiritual, somatic and social techniques
and imperatives. The body is as it were transformed into the flesh when, in
the context of the confessional relationship, it is endlessly scrutinised for
signs of the desire hidden deep within. This investigation, however, is more
than just semiotic. Under the pressure of the interrogation the body provides
a 'surface of emergence' for specific somatic and spiritual intensities, also
identified with the flesh.
5. For the full reference to this and all other cases cited, see the Table of Cases.
6. See, for example, Kaufmann (1966), Hunter (1966), Starr (1965, 1971) and
Slights (1981).
7. It is characteristic that the major collection of English and United States cases
(de Grazia 1969) is introduced in these psycho-aesthetic terms and is pre-
sented as a 'censorship' history. On the problem of obscuring historical and
legal distinctions by under-specifying the notion of 'censorship', see Saunders
248 Notes
1. Works for the theatre were already subject to statutory regulation under the
Lord Chamberlain (Tribe, 1973, p. 64).
2. Routine indications of problems encountered in the summary policing of
offences relating to obscene or indecent materials in the second half of the
nineteenth century are found in the recurring practical inquiries on 'particular
points' of statutory regulation and interpretation dealt with in the columns of
the magistrates' publication, the Justice of the Peace. These inquiries, relat-
ing to such statutes as the Town Police Causes Act (1847), the Post Office
Act (1875) and the Indecent Advertisement Act (1889), arise in relation to a
series of problem behaviours for the policing of the streets, including inde-
cent conduct, gambling, gaming, drinking, public nuisance and so forth.
3. During the parliamentary debate, Lord Brougham had in fact asked 'how did
[Lord Campbell] propose to def"me what was an obscene publication' (Hansard,
Lords, 25 June 1857, CXLVI, p. 329, but the Bill passed without this question
being answered).
4. Alongside the criminal law concerning obscene publication there exists the
civil law provision - now in disuse - whereby copyright protection is with-
held from works that are found obscene. The logic behind this arrangement is
that the civil courts would not intervene to protect the property in a work
whose publication was against the public interest, possibly to the extent of
constituting a criminal offence. This doctrine, whose historical development
rests largely on a series of decisions in the court of Chancery, has in fact
operated without ever generating its own test or definition of obscenity, such
as was constructed for the criminal law in Regina v. Hicklin. Nor was this
criminal law defmition adopted by the civil courts. Phillips (1977, pp. 157-
8) comments thus on the correlation between civil and criminal standards of
[T]he expressed assumption behind [early civil cases] was that to deprive
the author of protection could hardly benefit the infringer who by his very
action was committing a criminal offence (though, curiously enough, in
none of the early leading cases did the successful infringer attract criminal
charges). This underlying notion may still be reflected today in current
judicial attitudes. It certainly would appear to be convenient to kill two
birds with one stone, as it were, by making the one test satisfy both
criminal and civil needs, and the law could then not stand accused of
setting double standards; but there may be an objection to this, based upon
the different functions of diverse laws in distinct jurisdictions.
Notes 249
Criminal matters, for example, are in essence disputes between state and
individual as to the acceptability to the former of the deeds of the latter;
the burden of proof upon the prosecutor is heavy and weighted in the
individual's favour; sine<; it is the freedom of individual action which is at
stake as much as the conduct of the individual brought before the court,
the law is construed in a manner which, in theory, preserves for the
individual the greatest degree of freedom of speech and action compatible
with the intentions of the law-makers. Contrast civil proceedings, where
the matter in dispute is that of the ownership or possession of property
held by one man as against some or all of his fellow men, where the rights
of litigants are balanced along with a general and all-pervasive body of
rules known as 'public policy', and where the burden of proof is far easier
to discharge; granted, issues such as First Amendment freedom of speech
may be touched upon, but they are not central to litigation. Thus where
two separate jurisdictions must apply the same test of obscenity, may there
not be some inherent danger in creating an anomaly by applying the same
5. Radzinowicz (1959) suggests that the influence of the Vice Societies was
significantly limited by their tenuous relation to liberal and other political
6. The Joint Select Committee was established at the time of a dual concern:
with popular gambling crazes- competitions and lotteries- conducted in the
popular press, and with postcards, advertisements for contraception and abor-
tion distributed by mail, often from abroad (for example from France, but also
from Egypt, where a penny post to England had been set up). What the
lotteries and the indecent publications had in common were technical means
of communication - press and mail - which posed problems for the routine
established policing of local streets and traditional agents of 'demoralisation',
that is, local and well-known 'rogues' and 'vagabonds'. New markets and
new forms of conduct were emerging which eluded the constables on the
7. On the postal regulation .of obscene materials, see Manchester (1983).
8. For the detail of the record, we note the following factual errors in accounts
of Curll's case. Thomas (1969, p. 82) names the three judges as Raymond,
Fortescue and Reynolds. The first of these names is wrong; it should be Mr
Justice Probyn. The Williams Report (1979, p. 167) has the Chief Justice say
that 'if it were not for the case of Read, he would see little difficulty in it'. In
fact these are the words of the Attorney General prosecuting, in response to
the opening by Curll's counsel, Mr Marsh. The error arises from a mis-
reading of a vocative at the head of the concluding paragraph of the Attor-
ney's statement ('Chief Justice, I think this is a case of very great conse-
quence, though if it was not for the case of The Queen v. Read, I should make
no great difficulty of it.') The Chief Justice is responding to this statement, so
we can take the Attorney's 'Chief Justice' to refer to him, not to signal the
reporter's identification of the speaker.
9. On these courts, see Chapter 8, 'The Bawdy Courts', in Hill (1964). On the
state and functions of the eccelesiastical courts at the start of the eighteenth
century, see Archer (1956).
250 Notes
10. Reynolds (1975, p. 222) warns against too much reliance on early obscenity
decisions since 'the eighteenth-century legal precedents for punishment of
obscene publication have politics as their basis, not close legal reasoning'.
Curll had published the memoirs of John Ker, a spy in the service of Queen
Anne, which reflected unfavourably on the House of Hanover. According to
Reynolds (p. 221), George II intervened in the case by having Chief Justice
Fortescue replaced by Francis Page, 'the "hanging judge" notorious in Pope's
poems, Johnson's Life of Savage, and Fielding's Tom Jones'. With Page's
appointment, the court rapidly and unanimously found in favour of punishing
May I respectfully suggest that you are in advance of the times in holding
that education would now sufficiently protect the young from the dangers
of really pornographic literature and pictures? Quite apart from the prob-
Notes 251
lems of literary works- I instance some of D. H. Lawrence's by way of
contrast - such practical experience as I have had leads me to think that
really pornographic wares still in these imperfect days need that attention
of what you possibly regard as a clumsy weapon viz: the criminal law.
(Cited in Grosskurth, 1980, p. 400)
The official who makes this statement is not blind to the possible merits
which literary representations of sex have for some readers, but subordinates
them to medical-moral criteria in the context where capacities of reading and
self-regulation remain unevenly distributed across the population as a whole.
7. The title page of Elton Boyd's 1887 reprint of Vitality: How Wasted and
Preserved states '14th Edition of Ten Thousand'.
8. Thus Carpenter wrote:
Now the principle of the Law is found strongest in Woman, and the
principle of Love in-Man. In every creature, the mobility, the law of
change, is found exemplified in the male; the stability, the conservatism is
found in the female .... It needs that a man shall know the natural law of
his own being, then that he shall seek out the law of the female, with which
to join himself as complement .... He must with reverence submit to the
law of himself: and he must with suffering and joy know and submit to the
law of the woman: and he must know that they two together are one within
the Great Law, reconciled within the Great Peace. Out of this final knowl-
edge shall come his supreme art. There shall be the art which recognizes
and utters his own law; there shall be the art which recognizes his own and
also the law of the woman, his neighbour, utters the glad embraces and the
struggle between them, and the submission of the one; there shall be the art
which knows the struggle between the two conflicting laws and knows the
final reconciliation, where both are equal, two in one, complete. This is the
supreme art, which yet remains to be done.
(1936, pp. 514-6).
9. Thus Heath cites the poetry of Adrienne Rich to link a refusal of any fixed
notions of essentially male or female language with an androgynous play of
language opening onto a form of 'desire and pleasure beyond the orders, the
commandments, of identity' (Heath, 1982, pp. 135--{)). While liberation from
normative and ideological 'sexuality' is primarily imagined as part of an
ethical and political future (cf. p. 152), Heath also invokes the Romantic
252 Notes
theme of a unity of sexual expression and being which preceded the alienat-
ing imposition of modem Western sexual knowledges and identities: 'In
previous ages ... there had at least existed the possibility of speaking sexual
experience in terms distinct from regulation and the finality of an economic
exchange, in terms that stray and run over in pleasure; not "spending" but
"bliss" ... ' (p. 14).
10. Our main example, The Science of a New Life by John Cowan, MD (1970,
originally published 1874) is a compendium of themes which pervade mid-
dle-class medical manuals in Britain, the United States, Australia and other
countries in this period. Other relevant texts include Elizabeth Blackwell,
(1894), Elton Boyd (1884), and P. H. Chevasse (1879). Further discussion of
such publications is to be found in Haller and Haller (1974).
11. As Haller and Haller point out (1974, pp. 97-9), major differences on ques-
tions of marriage and sexuality can be seen between writers such as William
Acton and Elizabeth Blackwell. Acton holds that women have little capacity
for sexual feeling and that this is naturally ordained to prevent the exhaustion
of male sexual vitality, and yet is also one cause of apparent or temporary
impotence in men (1865, pp. 111-5). Against this, Blackwell states that those
who deny sexual feeling to women 'confound passion and appetite' (1894, p.
49), attach sexual passion exclusively to the act of coition (p. 51) and neglect
the importance in personal and social arrangements of the varying manifesta-
tions - physical, reproductive, intellectual, emotional and moral - of the
sexual faculties (p. 46). She argues that apprehension of sexual congress is
not a natural female trait but results for many women from painful experience
of sex, brutal or awkward conjugal approaches or fear of injury from child-
birth (p. 50).
12. Unlike Ellis's longer 'scientific' studies, texts such as The Objects of Mar-
riage and Little Essays of Love and Virtue were available in cheap editions
and intended for a popular readership. Ellis considered that recognising the
sexual personality, which meant recognising the erotic rights of women, was
a necessary part of acknowledging the more general rights of women (1922,
Chapter V), although the very identification of women with the erotic was
seen by many contemporary feminists as problematic (cf. Rowbotham and
Weeks, 1977, p. 13).
13. On Van de Velde and similar sex reformers in the early twentieth century, see
Margaret Jackson (1987) and Sheila Jeffreys (1983).
14. Lawrence records that in his early days Edward Garnett had suggested to him
that it was necessary to go the whole way in describing sex and that this
suggestion stayed in his mind until he wrote Lady Chatterley's Lover (letter
to David Garnett, 24 August 1928, in H. T. Moore (ed.) (1962, Volume 2,
p. 1079).
15. Cowan writes that women should have such rights as those of suffrage,
property, equal participation in government, employment and education, and
the right to their own person which husbands insisting on their 'marital rights'
have ignored (pp. 380-l). As Rowbotham and Weeks point out (1977, p. 13),
in the second half of the nineteenth century there was an overlap between
social purity movements (in which writers like Cowan participated) and
middle-class feminism on the issue of women's rights over their own bodies.
16. See also Paul Delaney (1978).
Notes 253
17. For details of the original publication and reception of Lawrence's work, see
James Cowan (ed.) (1982); Draper (ed.) (1970); Roberts (ed.) (1963); and the
Introduction and Appendix in Lawrence (1936).
18. To pick up some of the voices from this circle: Lawrence saw in Burrow's
psychological theories an attempt akin to his own to overcome the didacti-
cism of 'the Freudian method'; Havelock Ellis, writer of literary as well as
sexological works, read some of Lawrence's novels and referred ambivalently
to their insight into sexual love (Grosskurth, 1980, p. 328); while the psycho-
analyst Ernest Jones, writing to Ellis, suggested that the idea of 'sensational-
ism' in Lawrence's novels is equivalent to his own use of the term 'autoerotism'
to describe an 'essentially objectless' activity of the self (Grosskurth, p. 391).
19. Beal (1961, pp. 112-3) records the view of Diana Trilling that in the 1920s
Lawrence was seen in her circles as a great liberal thinker rather than a great
writer: 'we thought his metaphors were translateable into a programme for
practical conduct'.
20. In a similar vein, Mark Schorer's use (1967, pp. 250--66) of Lawrence's 'The
Horse Dealer's Daughter' displays the typical featUJ:es of mid-century New
Criticism and practical criticism, insisting on the aesthetic unity of form and
content, and the need continually to adjust one's responses by rehearsing the
distinction between aesthetic and didactic modes of reading and writing:
So what does the story tell us at last? It tells us that human love, love
between man and woman, is, first of all, living ... that it is elemental ...
that love is terrible ... and ... that love is crucial ... All this exists in the
densely physical symbolic texture and movement of the story, and we must
ourselves experience it through that texture and movement. To abstract it
as we have just done cannot be a successful operation, but a mere pointing
back to the story itself; if it could be successful, there would be no need for
such stories. The meaning is the prose that carries it. (p. 266)
21. Leavis's early pieces on Lawrence, such as those appearing in the Minority
Press edition of For Continuity (1933), originally had a limited circulation
and made little general impact on educators (cf. Coombes (ed.), 1973, p. 45).
References to Lawrence's work in Leavis and Thompson's Culture and
Environment ( 1933 ), designed for use in school, university and teacher train-
ing, relate to the question of literary value and the loss of the organic
community rather than to representations of sexuality. The most detailed
work by Leavis assimilating Lawrence into the system of pedagogic criticism
is D. H. Lawrence: Novelist, first published in 1955. For data on the stages of
published writings about Lawrence and his work - in which differences may
be discerned between the earlier specialised circulation and the pedagogic
distribution which was established from the late 1940s- see Coombes (ed.)
(1973) and James Cowan (ed.) (1982 and 1985).
22. The stress on the formation of the reader's own sensibility is .found through-
out Leavis's writings on Lawrence, including his criticism ofT. S. Eliot for
fmding fault with the latter's work when the problem lies, supposedly, with
Eliot's own failure to read the work and comprehend literature's relation to
sexuality dialectically. Once the dialectical method brings literature and
sexuality together, of course, radically different evaluations of creative achieve-
254 Notes
ment are possible. So, for instance, Vivas (1960) re-evaluates Lawrence's
works in a way that is consciously less generous towards Lawrence than is
Leavis's appraisal, but he does so within the same framework of dialectical
criticism. More generally, the aestheticising of sexual knowledges has made
it possible to disdain whole categories of discourse as inferior to 'literature'
since they impose didactically and normatively upon experience, as we see in
Leavis's denunciation (1933, pp. 147-8) of the work of Marie Stopes, or in
Marcus's contrast (1974) between the error of sexual medicine and the truth
of sexual literature.
It is now accepted that Birkett erred in asking his very first witness, the
literary critic Desmond MacCarthy, whether the book was in his view ob-
scene. Certainly no evidence of literary merit was admitted from that point
on, either from MacCarthy or the thirty-nine other witnesses. Rolph in fact
formulates the question that, in his opinion, Birkett should have put: 'Whether
Notes 255
this book is obscene or not - and that of course is a matter for the learned
magistrate - is its publication advantageous to the pursuit of literature?'
(1969, p. 80).
5. The degree of convergence between law and police has been contingent upon
cultural and historical circumstances. In the United States, for instance, there
have developed close links between statutory-judicial interpretations and
decisions and police and local city council measures. See Chapter 8.
6. The notion of a public good defence is sometimes traced back to a nineteenth-
century source in the 'submission' attached by Sir James Fitzjames Stephen
to Article 228 of his Digest of the Criminal Law:
Judge's view was that Section 4 was 'sufficiently elastic' to allow a bishop to
speak as an 'expert' on literary merit (Rolph, 1961, p. 63).
10. Rolph euphorically interjects that by the time Anne Scott-James took the
stand, 'there had appeared a tendency to stop treating the witnesses as literary
experts, or ethical experts, or "other merits" experts, and just treat them as
experts' (Rolph, 1961, p. 103).
11. In fact, as already noted, 200 000 copies of Lady Chatterley's Lover had been
printed (Morpurgo, 1979, pp. 314-25).
4. This critique of law builds upon the feminist idea of a continuum in which
pornography both becomes a metaphor for a series of cultural and political
practices determined by the same logic of misrepresentation and subordina-
tion of women's being and naturalises those practices by eroticising inequal-
ity (cf. MacKinnon, 1987, p. 171-4). For a discussion of problems involved
in treating pornography as a metaphor for sex discrimination in general, see
Lesley Stern (1982).
5. For a historical discussion of sex discrimination and the Fourteenth Amend-
ment, see Morais (1988). On the expansion of interest in the United States in
articulating ethical objectives on issues of sexuality and sexual politics to
governmental· administration of civil rights and liberties, see Kim Ezra
Shienbaum (ed.) (1988).
6. Broadly speaking, we can identify two lines of argument in jurisprudential
responses to the Ordinance and Hudnut. MacKinnon's negative view of the
category of 'speech' in obscenity regulation and her belief that the Hudnut
decision reveals the sexist bias of the law is shared by several other writers.
For example, Penelope Seator argues that in Hudnut the courts fail to recog-
nise the reality of pornography as sex discrimination, reinforcing harmful
conducts under the guise of defending a right of free expression equally
available to all. The social reality of discrimination is thus reduced to a mere
idea which, according to the 'liberal, idealistic philosophy reflected in the
decision' is sacrosanct under the First Amendment (1987, p. 352). The
decision shows that the 'first amendment is a tool of male hegemony'
(p. 352). The courts' maintenance of a distinction between obscenity and
pornography is seen as a political refusal to recognise women's experience
and civil rights. A status quo is thus said to be preserved in which legislation
made from the male point of view is not seen as from a point of view; it is
only legislation written from the point of view of those injured by pornogra-
phy rather than those gaining profit, pleasure and power from it that is found
to be viewpoint discrimination (p. 354).
Notes 263
In other responses, 'speech' in the context of pornography is not treated as
a fundamentally ideological category. Some writers, acknowledging that
pornography is problematic or harmful, maintain to a greater or lesser degree
a negative conception of free speech as a given right of the individual, such
that the Ordinance poses for them a risk of 'censorship' leading onto the
slippery slope of loss of fundamental liberties (cf. James Branit, 1986) or,
indeed, plays into the hands of a reactionary, antifeminist moral crusade
against pornography (Lisa Duggan, 1988). Numerous liberal and feminist
writers, while treating the attempt to translate the generalised idea of porno-
graphic 'subordination' of women into law with a degree of scepticism,
identify 'speech' positively with processes of educational change (cf. Winifred
Sendler, 1985; Geoffrey Stone, 1986).
7. The Court also considers Fifth Amendment due process requirements includ-
ing overbreadth, prior restraint and vagueness which affects the scienter
requirement (pp. 1337-41).
8. Of course, the spirit of the Ordinance is to seek not paternalistic protection
but redress against sex discrimination. However, the problem encountered in
extending the principle of protecting minors to control harms flowing more
generally from pornography's subordination of women indicates that the
form of governmental 'protection' first associated with medical-moral norms
(according to which, as we have seen, women were indeed linked with
children as vulnerable subjects) has given way to more sophisticated and
differentiated calculations concerning parties affected by pornography. The
problems posed by an aesthetic commitment to a universal and undifferentiated
subject arise in relation to a lower-level set of discriminations- by gender,
age, social situation, level of education and so on- which for some purposes
women might want to make.
9. To cite the Court of Appeals (771 F. 2d, pp. 329-30), pornography's harms
demonstrate pornography's power as speech. In other words, the subordina-
tion and discrimination it creates and maintains depend on particular tech-
nologies of media sex, and if the constructions of male sexuality which these
involve are to be changed, then this requires forms of intellectual and ethical
mediation which, while they may be aligned with the law, are not reducible
to it.
10. From this point of view, feminism is clearly the major force contending to
redefine the norms operating in what the Court of Appeals refers to as the
'socializing' effects of pornography. We have already seen that the agnosti-
cism professed in the Lockhart Report in support of deregulation does not cut
much ice in more recent governmental calculations (cf. the Hudson Report,
pp. 299-351). On the shift with regard to harms, see also the Report of the
Special Committee on Pornography and Prostitution: Pornography and Pros-
titution in Canada, Summary (1985, pp. 11-13, 45-56) and the recent New
Zealand Report of the Ministerial Committee of Inquiry into Pornography
(1989, pp. 38-47).
11. In Pornography and Sexual Violence (pp. 77-9) appears the testimony of a
woman employed as a plumber who objected to the display of pornography
at her workplace and whose attempts - supported by affirmative rights
officers- to have it removed, drew retaliations such that she sought a transfer.
Administrative measures to prevent or resolve such situations are inscribed in
264 Notes
that part of the Ordinance which makes it actionable to force pornography on
a person in employment, education, the home or public places. For such a
right to be fully effective it needs to be linked to other economic and civil
guarantees of employment, equity, participation and the like. Jeffrey Minson
has brought to our attention the promulgation of public service regulations in
Australia which include the display of offensive sexual materials in the
workplace among those activities which constitute harassment, mentioning
for instance 'provocative posters with a sexual connotation. Even works of art
may be inappropriate on occasions' (Public Service Board, Australia, 1986,
p. 3). It is suggested by William Brigman (1985, p. 501) that the 'forcing' of
pornography in the work environment might be treated as a form of sexual
harassment and hence as a violation of the United States Civil Rights Act of
1964. Similarly, the sensitisation which has occurred in governmental con-
texts to problems of prejudicial stereotyping of women, such that it is possi-
ble to register and refer to law certain of its discriminatory effects, is arguably
related in some measure to campaigns criticising media and other
objectification and subordination of women. This is reflected in recent legal
decisions such as that made by the United States Supreme Court requiring
Price Waterhouse to appoint a women employee to full partnership with back
pay because its promotions review system had permitted 'negatively sexually
stereotyped comments to influence partnership selection' The Weekend Aus-
tralian, November 10-ll, 1990, p. 45). We may also note here complex
issues surrounding the interests and rights of those harmed in the production
of pornography, one of the areas of 'forcing' with which the Ordinance is
concerned. The Hudson Report (pp. 595-735) deals with preventions, penal-
ties and remedies specifically in relation to the production of child pornogra-
phy, including child abuse in this production, and the problem of welfare
assistance for runaway or homeless young people.
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Table of Cases
276 Table of Cases
Cologne v. Westfarms Associates
469 A. 2d 1201 (Conn. 1984)
Commonwealth v. Dane Entertainment Services, Inc (No. I)
452 N. E. 2d 1126 (Mass. 1983)
Commonwealth v. Stock
499 A. 2d 308 (Pa. Super. 1985)
Federal Communication Commission v. Pacifica Foundation
98 S Ct 3026 (1978)
Frowherk v. United States
249 US 204; 63 LEd 561 (1919)
Ginsberg v. State New York
390 US 629; 20 LEd 2d 195 (1968)
Ginzburg v. United States
383 US 463; 16 LEd 2d 31 (1966)
Gitlow v. New York
268 US 652; 69 LEd 1138 (1925)
Grove Press v. Christenberry
175 F Supp. 488 (1959)
Jacobellis v. Ohio
378 US 184; 12 LEd 2d 793 (1964)
Jenkins v. Georgia
418 US 153; 41 LEd 2d 642 (1974)
Macon v. State
471 A. 2d 1090 (Md. App. 1984)
Memoirs v. Massachusetts (1966). See A Book Named "John Cleland's Memoirs of
a Woman of Pleasure" v. Attorney General of Massachusetts.
Miller v. California
413 us 15; 37 Ed 419 (1973)
Mishkin v. State of New York
383 US 502; 16 LEd 2d 56 (1966)
M.S. News Co v. Casado
721 F. 2d 1281 (1983)
New York v. Ferber
458 US 747; 73 LEd 2d 1113 (1982)
Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton
413 US 49; 37 LEd 2d 446 (1973)
Pack v. City of Cleveland
438 N. E. 2d 434 (Ohio 1982)
People v. Lerch
480 N. E. 2d 1253 (ill. App. I Dist. 1985)
People v. Wiseman
341 N. W. 2d 494 (Mich. App 1983)
Pittsburgh Press Company v. The Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations
413 US 376; 37 LEd 2d 669 (1975)
Ross v. State
475 A. 2d 481 (Md. App. 1984)
Roth v. United States
354 US 476; I LEd 2d 1498 (1957)
Saliba v. State
475 N. E. 2d 1181 (fud. App. 2 Dist. 1985)
Table of Cases 277
Smith v. California
361 US 147; 4 LEd 2d 205 (1959)
Stanley v. Georgia
394 US 557; 22L Ed 2d 542 (1969)
Star Satellite, Inc v. City of Biloxi
779 F. 2d 1074 (1986)
State v. Furuyama
637 P. 2d 1095 (Hawaii, 1981)
State v. Summers
692 S. W. 2d 439 (Tenn. Cr. App. 1985)
Staten v. State
686 S. W. 2d 268 (Tex. App. 14 Dist. 1985)
Swann v. State
637 P. 2d 888 (Okl. Cr. 1981)
United States v. Orito
413 US 139; 37 LEd 2d 513 (1973)
United States v. Petrillo
332 US 1; 91 LEd 1877 (1946)
United States v. 37 Photographs
402 US 363; 28 LEd 2d 822 (1971)
United States v. Reidel
402 US 351; 28 LEd 2d 813 (1971)
United States v. Roth
237 F. 2d 796 (1956)
United States v. Smith
467 F. 2d 1126 (1972)
United States v. One Book Entitled Ulysses by James Joyce
72 F. 2d 705 (1934)
Upper Midwest Booksellers Association v. City of Minneapolis
780 F. 2d 1389 (8th Cir. 1985)
Young v. American Mini Theatres, Inc.
427 US 50; 96 S Ct 2440; 49 LEd 2d 310 (1976)
Table of Statutes
18 U. S. C. A. Section 1461 }
18 U. S. C. A. Section 1462
18 U. S. C. A. Section 14(i3 1984 edition and cumulative pocket (annual)
18 U. S. C. A. Section 1464
18 U. S. C. A. Section 1465
39 U. S. C. A. Section 3006
39 u. s. C. A. Section 3010 1980 edition and cumulative pocket (annual)
Table of Statutes 279
47 U. S. C. A. Section 503(b) ) 1962 edition including 1990 supplementary
47 U.S. C. A. Section 510 pamphlet covering 1963 to 1989
Reports and Parliamentary
Assembly documents: report of the Child Welfare Committee, A. 8. 1928, IV, pp. 6,
I 0-11, (Geneva: Series of League of Nations Publications IV)
Report of the Traffic in Women and Children Committee, C. 184, M. 59. 1928. IV.,
pp. 43-5 (Geneva: Series of League of Nations Publications IV).
Report from the Joint Select Committee on Lotteries and Indecent Advertisements
(British Parliamentary Reports from Committees: Vol. IX, 1908).
Report of the Committee on Obscenity and Film Censorship (1979) Cmnd 7772
(London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office). Committee chaired by Bernard Williams.
Reports and Parlimentary Debates 281
Pornography and Sexual Violence: Evidence of the Links (1988). (The transcript of
public hearings on Ordinances to Add Pornography as Discrimination Against
Women: Minneapolis City Council, Government Operations Committee, December
12-13, 1983) (London: Everywoman Ltd).
Acton, W., Functions and Disorders of typologies of, 17, 92-4, 99-101, 167-
the Reproductive Organs, 103-4, 71, 178, 194-5
121, 252n see also variable obscenity
aesthetics, 21-5, 139 auto-eroticism, xi, 39-42, 96, 204, 222,
as ethical practice, 16-17, 105-10, 243,253n
118-34, 183-4, 190-2, 234-6 see also masturbation
legal incorporation of, 14-15, 139,
141, 143-4, 149, 152, 158-9, Baisch, D., 126
164, 167, 176-80,210-14 Balzac, H., 75
limits of, 82, 100, 101-2, 176-80,234 Barrin, J., Venus dans le cloftre (Venus
and psychoanalysis, 106-7, 114-15, in the Cloister; or, the Nun in her
115-18, 122 Smock), 34, 49, 50, 52, 87-8
and psychology, 24-5, 35-6 Beal, A., D.H. Lawrence, 126, 253n
allegorisation, 155-7 Bedborough, G., 250n
American Booksellers Association v. Besant, A., 250n
Hudnut, 208-9, 232-46, 262n Besig v. United States, 258n
see also Indianapolis Ordinance bibliophiles, 136, 254n
American Booksellers Association, Inc. Blackwell, E., Counsel to Parents, 12,
v. Rendell, 220 15, 19, 72, 77; The Human Element
American Law Institute (Model Penal in Sex 123, 125, 136, 252n
Code), 26 body and flesh, 32-5, 36, 247n
Arcara v. Cloud Book, Inc., 221 Book Named 'John Cleland's Memoirs
Archbold, J.F., Pleading and Evidence of a Woman of Pleasure' v. Attor-
in Criminal Cases, 73 ney General of the Commonwealth
Archer, P. 249n of Massachusetts, 210
Aretino, 34 book sex (biblio-erotics), xi, 35-48, 92,
Arnold, M., 105 104-15,118,137-8,186,195,222,
art and pornography, 8-10, 18, 36-9, 246
42,59,80,92-3,94-5,96-7,109- book-trade,50,63,64,65, 77,80,86-7,
10, 138, 141, 151, 164, 176-80, 88, 92-4, 100-1, 135, 137, 154,
185, 190-1, 195, 212, 213 157-8,187,217-18
Ashbee, H.S., 254n Bourdieu, P., Distinction: a Social Cri-
Attorney General's Commission on Por- tique of the Judgement of Taste,
nography and Obscenity Final Re- 128
port (Hudson Report), 219, 225-8, Boyd, E., 120-1, 25ln, 252n
246,258n,259n,260n,264n Bradlaugh, C., 250n
audiences, 41,50-1,84,88-9, 119, 126- Bradley, F.H., 179
8, 128-9, 138, 141, 146-7, 190-1 Branit, J., 263n
cultural levels of, 10, 16, 42, 80-1, Brigman, W., 264n
93-4, 100, 135-7, 157-8, 213- Brown, B., 176
14, 220-1, 239-40 Brown v. Pornography Commission of
gendero~ 195,197,222,225-7,243 Lower Southampton Township,
problem of, 27-8, 93-4, 99-100, 177- 259n
80, 214-15 Burroughs, W., 55, 192, 193, 194
Index 283
Calder, J., 157 Criterion Miscellany, The, 97-102
Carlin Communications, Inc. v. Federal cultural history, x, 3, 6-8, 42-8, 97-9,
Communications Commission, 258n 132-4
Carpenter, E., 105-15, 192; Angel's Curll, E., 49, 143, 188
Wings, 25ln; The Intermediate Sex, Customs Consolidation Act 1876, 74
108; Love's Coming of Age, 107;
Towards Democracy, 109 Davy, K., 244
censorship Day-Lewis, C., 153
historians of, 48, 57-8, 59, 85, 86, decriminalisation, 158-9
90-1,97-8,99-102,214,257n Defoe, D., Robinson Crusoe, 38-9
inadequacy of the concept, 48-56, 58, DeGrazia, E., 247n
73, 76, 86, 160, 243 DeGrazia, E. and Newman, R.K., 257n,
Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 239, 257n 259n
Chevasse, P.H., 104, 252n Delaney, P., 252a
Chidley, W., Confessions, 1, 7, 46 Delavenay, E., D.H. Lawrence and
Chorier, N., Satyra sotadique, 34, 49 Edward Carpenter, 105, 108
civic societies, 49, 53, 77-8, 80, 82, 84- desire and norm, 6-7, 20-5, 140
5,249n dialectics, xi
classics, treatment of, 61-2, 70, 75, 80- and aesthetics, 21-5, 182-4
1, 137, 150, 255n and cultural history, 7-8, 42-3, 47,
Cleland, J., Fanny Hill, 38-9, 46 97-9, 105--6
coercion, 88-9, 90, 164-5, 172-5, 200, as an ethical practice, 16-1 7, 121-5,
202-3 129-34, 137, 182-4, 234-5
Collins, W., 93 and psychology, 20-1
Colquhoun, P., Treatise on the Police of and reconciliation, 43, 49
the Metropolis, 59 and repression, 20-5
Commonwealth v. Dane Entertainment sexualisation of, 22-4, 97-9, 105-15,
Services, Inc. (no. 1 ), 216 117-18, 121-9, 190-2, 251-2n,
Commonwealth v. Stock, 217, 221 253-4n
competences Dickens, C., 93-4, 117, 135
cultural, 40, 89, 90, 185, 237 discrimination, 233-4, 238, 245, 262n
ethical, 96, 109-15, 119, 124, 198, see also rights
224-8 disinterestedness, viii, 71
literary, 39-40, 50, 96, 109-15, 137 distribution, 7, 18-19, 34, 40, 42, 51-2,
uneven distribution of, 9-10, 18-19, 56,64,72,73,88-9,92-4,99-100,
27-8,40,42,56,64,72-3,80-1, 101, 126-9, 134, 135-8, 140, 150,
88,92-4,97,135,137-8,156-7, 159, 185, 212, 216, 217-18, 220,
160-1, 177-80, 185, 198, 204- 223-4,227,240
5, 206-7, 239-40, 250-1n Donzelot, J., The Policing of Families,
confession, ix-x, 30-3, 36;-7, 43-5, 65, 18, 258n
66, 67, 88, 95--6, 103-5, 110-15, Draper, R.P., 127, 253n
188-9,204,243 drives, 33-4
Confessional Unmasked, The, 37,66-73 in aesthetics, 21-2
contingency, viii, 4, 7, 18-19, 102, 117- in psychology, 20-1
18,124,135,224,243,246 see also dialectics
Cousins, M., 206 Duggan, L., 263n
Cowan, James, 253n Durrell, L., 127
Cowan, John, The Science of a New Life, Dworkin, A., 231-46, 262n; Pornogra-
104, 119-21, 122, 123, 125, 136, phy: Men Possessing Women, x, 47,
252n 166
284 Index
education Foucault, M., ix, 29-33, 36--7, 43-5,
aesthetic, 21-3, 128-34, 183--4, 192 261n; The History of Sexuality, Vol.
and government, 128, 133--4, 168-71, I, An Introduction, 29-33, 43-5,
204-5 85-6, 102-3, 111, 128, 188, 228;
legal reliance on, 179-80,211-13 The History of Sexuality, Vol. 2,
popular, 128-9, 192-3 The Use of Pleasure, 118-19, 124
see also novels Fowler, O.S., 121
Eisenstein, E., The Printing Press as an Freud, S., On Sexuality, 114-15
Agent of Change, 40 Frohwerk v. United States, 199
Ellis, H., 47, 97, 123, 125, 192, 250n, Fuchs, E., 244
253n; Little Essays of Love and
Virtue, 122, 252n; Man and Woman, Galsworthy, J., 127, 128
108; The Objects ofMarriage, 121- Gay, P., The Bourgeois Experience: Vic-
2; Studies in Sexual Psychology, 47 toria to Freud, 3, 6, 25, 39, 58, 119
Eliot, T.S., 127 Ginsberg v. State of New York, 214
ethics Ginzburg v. United States, 195-6, 219
as an ability, 38, 118-26, 176--80 Gitlow v. New York, 199
and aesthetics, 105-8, 183--4 Goldsmid, J.A., Companionate Mar-
and education, 128-34 riage, 125
Foucault on, 118-19, 126 government, xi, 7, 50-2, 58, 59, 64-5,
and self-regulation, 16--17, 176-80 82, 87,128,187-90,229
techniques, 40-2, 184 and education, 128-34, 168-71, 193
see also competences; confession; and liberalism, 171, 230-1
Puritanism and norms, 44, 50, 75, 86, 134, 170,
evidence 205-6, 220-1, 226, 228, 234,
expert, 14-15, 139--41, 147-8, 150- 240,243,258n
6,254-5n,256n and police, 59-60, 64-6, 90
sociological, 147, 225-8 and population, 7, 12, 18, 44, 52--4,
see also trials 170
Grosskurth, P., 253n
FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, 239 Grove Press, Inc. v. Christenberry, 211-
Feinberg, J., The Moral Limits of the 12, 213
Criminal Law, vol. 1: Harm toOth-
ers, 173--4, 175, 178, 180-1 Haiman, F.S., 200
feminism, x, 100, 125-6, 160 Hall, R., 254n
as aesthetic critique, 234-6, 245-6 Haller, J.S. and Haller, R.M., 252n
ambivalence of, 231, 233-6, 244-6 harm condition, 162, 165, 172-6, 185,
and law reform, 9-10, 197, 231-7, 198,200,202,205
263n and offensiveness, 59, 65, 71-2, 73,
and liberalism, 17-18, 197, 230, 233, 140, 160, 163--4, 172-6, 193--4
242-3 Heath, S., The Sexual Fix, 58, 115-18,
and pornography, xi-xii, 5, 15-18,42, 251-2n
149, 184,231-3,261-2n,262n Herbert, A., 142
see also objectification Hirst, P., 206
Fleishman, S., 257n Hirst, P. and Woolley, P., Social Rela-
Forster, E.M., 92, 94, 97, 127 tions and Human Attributes, 125
Foxon, D., Libertine Literature in Eng- Hite, S., 47
land I660-1745, 34, 248n Hixson, R.F., 260n
Index 285
Hoggart, R., 154 71-3, 93, 134, 144-5, 159,
Hunter, I., Culture and Government, 168-9, 171, 188, 195, 207-8,
128-9 209,210-13,223,243
Hunter, J.P., 247n and literature, 24, 54-5, 57, 61-2, 81,
Huxley, A., 127 92-102
and medicine, 188-90
indecency, 74, 78, 79, 80 and morality, 8-10, 18, 28, 42, 50-1,
Indecent Advertisements Act 1889, 74, 64,159,172-86,194,230-1
248n and norm, 44, 91, 138-9, 141, 142,
Indianapolis Ordinance, 261n 148, 158-60
see also American Booksellers Asso- and policing, 51, 59, 60-1, 63, 72-4,
ciation v. Hudnut; Dworkin, A.; 75, 135, 138-41, 144, 189-90,
MacKinnon, C. 208-9, 215-19, 221-2, 225-8,
intention, 67, 69-70, 132, 149, 155-6, 236,240,243-5,255n
212,217-18,260n as processual, 10, 209, 229-30, 237-
Jackson, M., 252n and psychology, 20-1
Jacobellis v. Ohio, 210, 218, 260n as repressive, 20-5, 48-56, 57-8,
Jeffreys, S., 252n 73, 76, 86, 87, 89, 91, 99-102,
Jenkins v. Georgia, 258n 161
Joyce, J., 94, 193 andselfregulation, 16-17,100-1,138,
Joynson Hicks, Sir W. (Viscount 139, 143, 159, 179-80, 205-8,
Brentford), 99-101, 250-ln 209,211,215-16,224,228,242,
juridification,9, 19,49-52,73,87,187, 243-5
248n see also obscenity law
jurisprudence, 3, 8-10, 25-8, 48-9, 75, Lawrence, D.H., viii, 21, 22-3, 48, 55,
87,137,155,162-4,171,198-205, 76,94-5,97-9,117,119,124,125-
220,230-1,235-6,258n,262-3n 7, 133-4, 140, 151, 154-5, 159,
171, 178, 184, 192, 193, 194, 195,
Kappeler, S., 166, 237 25ln, 252n; Fantasia of the Un-
Kaufmann, U.M., 247n
conscious, 107; Lady Chatterley's
Kinsey, A., 47
Lover, 95, 110, 112-15, 123, 124,
Kittsteiner, H.-D., 256n 131-3, 137, 152, 153, 154, 211-
12; Pansies, 140; The Rainbow, 95,
and interests, viii
101, 111, 139-40, 154; Sons and
and pleasure, 30, 44-8, 109, 113-15,
Lovers, 111, 129-31, 154; Women
in Love, 111-12, 154; 'A propos of
the will to, 30-1, 102-4
Lady Chatterley's Lover', 212;
Knowlton, C., 250n 'Pornography and obscenity', 23,
Kopold, S., 125
48, 212; artworks, 140-1, 142
Koselleck, R., 231, 261n
and Carpenter, E., 105-15
Krafft-Ebing, R., 47, 196, 197
Lawrence, F., 127
Kronhausen, E. and P., Pornography and
League of Nations, 250n
the Law, x, 20-1, 178
Leavis, F.R., 131-2, 253-4n
law Leland, C., 108
and aesthetics, 14, 21-5, 48, 234-6 Libel Act 1843, 73
and education, 179-80, 185,203-4 liberalism
and the 'infra-legal', 51, 53-4, 58, and aesthetics, 21-5, 176-80
286 Index