5 Sat Practice Tests
5 Sat Practice Tests
5 Sat Practice Tests
Ma es oC cit
Turn to Section 3 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
For questions 1-15, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices
provided, and fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 16-20,
solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to
the directions before question 16 on how to enter your answers in the grid. You may use
any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.
A = 1tr2 A = b a
x.J3 s
1 c 2=a 2 + b2
C=21tr A=-bh Special Right Triangles
~w .e
V=3 fwh
B) 3{d - 30)
A beverage store charges a base price of x dollars
C) 3 (d - 30)
for one keg of root beer. A sales tax of a certain
percentage is applied to the base price, and an D) 3d-30
untaxed deposit for the keg is added. If the total
amount, in dollars, paid at the time of purchase for
one keg is given by the expression 1.07x + 17, then
what is the sales tax, expressed as a percentage of the
base price?
A) 0.07%
B) 1.07%
What is the equation of a line that contains the
C) 7%
point (I, 6) and has a y-intercept of 4 ?
D) 17%
A) y= -x+4
B) y=x+4
C) y=2x+4
D) y=4x+2
3 3
The number of bonus points, B(p), that a credit card If b is two more than one-third of c, which of the
holder receives is given by the function B(P) = 4p + 7, following expresses the value of c in terms of b ?
where p represents the number of purchases made.
If the number of purchases is increased by 3, by how b-2
much does the number of bonus points increase? A) c = - -
A) 3
B) 4 B) c=--
C) 12
D) 19 C) c = 3(b - 2)
D) c = 3(b - 6)
3 3
Reactant A is placed in a beaker, to which Reactant B -2y S; 8
will be added. Reactants A and B will not react unless 1Y
B gets to a certain concentration. Once the reaction --y+l~x
starts, both concentrations decrease until B has been 3
consumed. Which of the following graphs, showing Which of the following graphs shows the solution to
concentration in moles as a function of time in the system of inequalities above?
seconds, represents the reaction? y
A) Cone [mol]
B) B)
Cone [mol]
C) Cone [mol]
~ ~th
A ~ '-
H""t t-tt 1ft t- . ~
D) Cone [mol]
I:± .1
I , .-
b - l+
1-4. ~ .
, -
12m2 - 216
12m + 36
If rectangle ABCD has an area of 324 and the tangent 4
3 3
Answer: L Answer: 2.5
For questions 16-20, solve the problem and 12
enter your answer in the grid, as described below, Write _ 7
2 5
answer f--+=+==+---l Fraction
on the answer sheet.
in boxes. line ,,,----...,--..._ •• ...-.....- Decimal
1. Although not required, it is suggested that point
you write your answer in the boxes at the top
of the columns to help you fill in the circles
accurately. You will receive credit only if the Grid in_
circles are filled in correctly. result.
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column.
3. No question has a I)egative answer.
4. Some problems may have more than one
correct answer. In such cases, grid only one
3 3
13r+ 8v=47 A gardener has a cultivated plot that measures 4 feet
22v=63-17r by 6 feet. Next year, she wants to double the area of
her plot by increasing the length and width by x feet.
Based on the system of equations above, what is the
What is the value of x ?
sum of rand v?
If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
Do not turn to any other section in the test.
Mat Test - Calcul tor
Turn to Section 4 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section.
For questions 1-30, solve each problem, choose the best answer from the choices
provided, and fill in the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. For questions 31-38,
solve the problem and enter your answer in the grid on the answer sheet. Please refer to
the directions before question 31 on how to enter your answers in the grid. You may use
any available space in your test booklet for scratch work.
G A = 1tT2
c~} · 6 b~
= -t.W 1
c2 -a 2 + b2
x.J3 s
Special Right Triangles
& ~w f
V = t1trh V =tfwh
D) r ~ 119 + 21 - 7r
4 4
Truffula Tree Fruit Weight Hannah placed an online order for shirts that cost
$24.50 per shirt. A tax of7% is added to the cost of
6.5 the shirts, before a flat, untaxed shipping rate of $6 is
charged. Which of the following represents Hannah's
• • total cost for s shirts, in dollars?
6.0 /"
•. •V ·
• A) 0.07(24.50s + 6)
0 5.5 -
B) 1.07(24.50 + 6)s
./. V •·
.13 • C) 1.07(24.50s) + 6
i 5.0
D) 1.07(24.50'+ s) + 6
~ V
•~ • • •
4.5 •
55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Days Once a certain plant begins to grow, its height
increases at a linear rate. After six weeks, the plant is
The scatterplot above shows the weight, in ounces, of 54 centimeters tall. Which of the following functions
the fruits on a certain truffula tree from days 55 to 85 best models the relationship between h(w), the height,
after flowering. According to the line of best fit in the in centimeters, of the plant, and w, the number of
scatterplot above, which of the following is the closest weeks that the plant has been growing?
approximation of the number of days after flowering A) h(w) =6w
of a truffula fruit that weighs 5.75 ounces?
B) h(w) = 9w
A) 63
C) h(w) = 54w
B) 65
D) h(w)=54+w
D) 81
4 4
Priya is planning to send her favorite dry rub recipe Luciano measured the amount of water that
to a friend who lives in France. Before sending evaporated over a period of time from a container
the recipe, Priya wants to convert the American holding w ounces of water, where w is greater than
customary units in the instructions into metric units 12. By the end of the first day, the cup had lost 2
so that her friend will easily be able to understand ounces of water. By the end of the 7th day, the cup
the measurements. If the recipe calls for a ratio of had lost an additional 8 ounces of water. By the end
four ounces of paprika to every seven ounces of chili of the 11th day, the cup had lost half of the water that
powder, and if Priya's friend is planning to make a remained after the 7th day. Which of the follOwing
large batch of dry rub with 91 total ounces of chili represents the remaining amount of water, in ounces,
powder, approximately how many total grams of in Luciano's container at the end of the 11th day?
paprika and chili powder will the recipe require?
(1 ounce =28.3 grams) A) w-2
A) 4,047 grams 8
B) 4,521 grams B) w-2_ 10
C) 4,925 grams 2
D) 5,149 grams C) -w-l0
D) w-l0
Bailey's Boutique Clothing is having a 20% off sale
during which shirts cost $30.00 and pants cost $60.00. If (c + x) = x+ 8 , which of the following could be an
x-3 3
On the day of the sale, Bailey's sells a total of 60 expression of C in terms of x ?
shirts and pants and earned a total of $2,250. On a A) 3(1 + x)
regular day, Bailey's sells 3. the number of shirts and
pants sold during the sale and earns a total of $1,875. B) xl + 2x- 24
remainder of his time hiking it. He hopes to travel
more than 60 miles total while in the park. If he hikes
at an average speed of l.5 miles per hour, which of the
following systems of inequalities can be solved for the
Bryan, who works in a high-end jewelry store, earns number of hours Lennon spends driving, d, and the
a base pay of $10.00 per hour plus a certain percent number of hours he spends hiking, h, while he is at
commission on the sales that he helps to broker in the park?
the store. Bryan worked an average of 35 hours per A) l.5h + 20d > 60
week over the past two weeks and helped to broker h+d$,6
sales of $5,000.00 worth of jewelry during that same
B) l.5h + 20d > 60
two-week period. If Bryan's earnings for the two-week
period were $850.00, what percent commission on h+d:?6
sales does Bryan earn? C) l.5h + 20d < 60
A) 1% h + d:? 360
B) 2% D) 20h + l.5d> 6
C) 3% h+d$,60
D) 4%
20 11
If - -< -3z + 6 < - -, what is the greatest possible
7 5
integer value of 9z - 18 ?
A) 6
B) 7
C) 8
D) 9
4 4
United States Investment in (x - 2)2 + r = 36
Alternative Energy Sources y= -x+2
Actual Projected
2007 Investment 2017 Investment The equations above represent a circle and a line that
Biofuels 0.31 0.34 intersects the circle across its diameter. What is the
Wind 0.40 0.32 point of intersection of the two equations that lies in
quadrant II?
Solar 0.27 0.30
Fuel Cells 0.02 0.04
A) (-3.J2. 3.J2)
Total 1.00 1.00
B) (-4.2)
The table above shows the relative investment in
alternative energy sources in the United States by
C) (2+J3. 2)
type. One column shows the relative investment D) ( 2 - 3.J2. 3.J2)
in 2007 of $75 million total invested in alternative
energy. The other column shows the projected relative
investment in 2017 given current trends. The total
projected investment in alternative energy in 2017 is
$254 million. Suppose that a new source of alternative
energy. Cold Fusion. is perfected. It is projected that by
2017 that $57 million will be invested in Cold Fusion in
the United States. without any corresponding reduction
in investment for any other form of alternative energy.
What portion of the total investment of alternative
energy in the United States will be spent on biofuels?
A) 0.18
B) 0.22
C) 0.28
D) 0.34
4 4
Students in a physics class are studying how the angle If (i413)(ix) = 1, then what is one possible value of x ?
at which a projectile is launched on level ground affects A) 0
B) 1
the projectile's hang time and horizontal range. Hang
C) 2
time can be calculated using the formula t = 2v.sin(ln,
g D) 3
where t is the hang time in seconds, v is the initial
launch velocity, (J is the projectile angle with respect to
level ground, and g is the acceleration due to gravity,
defined as 9.8 mls2. Horizontal range can be calculated
. v2 sin(2(J) .
usmg the formula R = , where R IS the
The function g is defined by g(x) = 2r - dx - 6, where
distance the projectile travels from the launch site, in
d is a constant. If one of the zeros of g is 6, what is the
feet. Which of the following gives the value of v, in value of the other zero of g ?
terms of R, t, and (J ? A) 2
A) V= tsin(9) 1
2Rsin(9) B) 2
B) v = 2t sin((J) C)
Rsin((J) 2
D) -2
C) v = 2Rsin(9)
, tsin(29)
., D) 2Rsin(29)
Strain Effectiveness
A 35%
B 13%
C 76%
D 68%
u 35
....0 30 o-- A
~ - B
1ii ~ C
IJ.. 15
- D
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Time (months)
For the strain against which the flu shot was the most
effective, approximately how effective was the shot
overall when that strain was least prevalent?
A) 13%
B) 20%
C) 27%
D) 48%
~ 18 10
1 2
I-- Fraction
line 10
.~ i In
( (Q) (Q) (Q) point
1. Although not required, it is suggested that
you write your answer in the boxes at the top
of the columns to help you fill in the circles
a:> a:> 0)
Q) Q) Q) Q)
•• CD
aD aD aD
® ®
@ @ @ @
accurately. You will receive credit only ifthe ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ®
circles are filled in correctly.
Grid in_
® ® ® ®
@ @ @
2. Mark no more than one circle in any column.
3. No question has a negative answer. • (J) (J) (J)
\.. <]) <]) <]) <])
(J) (J) (J) (J)
1$ aD aD aD
4. Some problems may have more than one
correct answer. In such cases, grid only one
2 0 2 0 1
NOTE: You may start
your answers in any
10 I~ .~ 0 ---- 18aD 10 column, space
CD CD CD •• aD
CD CD ••
aD permitting. Columns
•® ®
@ @ @ @
® ® ® ®
• ® ® ®
@ @ @ @
® ® ® ®
you don't need to
use should be left
If tan 0 = -, then cos 0=
Marcellus is traveling abroad in Ghana and using A square is inscribed in a circle. The area of the square
traveler's checks, which he has acquired from Easy is what percent of the area of the circle? (Disregard the
Traveler's Savings Bank. Easy Traveler's Savings Bank percent symbol when gridding your answer.)
charges a 7% fee on traveler's checks, which can then
be used like cash at any location overseas at the same
exchange rate, and any change will then be returned
to Marcellus in local currency. For this trip, Marcellus
bought a 651 Cedi traveler's check and paid a fee of
32.30 USD (United States dollars) for the check.
Questions 37 and 38 refer to the following With his original five cylinders, Professor
information. Malingowski realizes that he is missing a cylinder
necessary for his upcoming lab demonstration for
Professor Malingowski, a chemist and teacher at
Thursday's class. He remembers that the cylinder he
a community college, is organizing his graduated
needs, when added to the original five, will create a
cylinders in the hopes of keeping his office tidy
median diameter value of ~ for the set of six total
and setting a good example for his students. 10
cylinders. He also knows that the measure of the
He has beakers with diameters, in inches, of
1 3 4 5 sixth cylinder will exceed the value of the range of the
-, -, -, 1, and -.
2 4 5 4 current five cylinders by a width of anywhere from
-l ·m ches to -1 inch es, inclusive. Based on the above
4 2
data, what is one possible value of y, the diameter of
this missing sixth cylinder?
Professor Malingowski notices one additional
cylinder lying on the ground, and can recall certain
facts about it, but not its actual diameter. If he knows
that the value of the additional graduated cylinder's
diameter, x, will not create any modes and will make
the mean of the set equal to -, what is the value of
the additional cylinder's diameter?
H you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only.
o Do not turn to any other section in the test.