Title of Unit: Comparatives/Superlatives Lesson Sub-Theme: Bad Monster, Good Monster Class N°:5

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Title of unit: Comparatives/Superlatives Lesson sub-theme: Bad Monster, Good Class N°:5


Course: Salita de 5 Date: 03/11/2017 Time: 9:25-10:05

Workbook: Play and Learn English 4

Lesson objectives: During the lesson Ss will develop their ability a) To recognize and name some parts of the face in English, b) To name some
actions in English that involve parts of the face, c) To listen to a story about a monster, d) To follow simple instructions in English and carry out
various actions, e) To show understanding using gestures and mimes, as well as through participation in the activities, games and songs.

Step Stage Student Activity Teacher Activity Interac- Skills Aids/ Resources Linguistic Content Evaluation
Time tion
1 Greetin b) Ss greet back a)T enters the classroom and greets Ss T/ S/L Voice
1’ g singing the hello singing the “Hello” song WhG Body
song: Language
PL: Hello kids, how are you?
Hello everyone
tralalalala (x3) Hello everyone tralalalala (x3)
Hello everyone! Hello everyone!
2 Roll b)Ss answer when a)T calls the roll: T/ L Voice Enthusiasm
5' Call their name is WhG
+ mentioned. Body Participation
Warm PL: -Roll Call! I say your name, you say Language
Here! Here! Let’s go!
Renata… Hello, Renata! How is Gestures
Mermelada? I’m glad.
Naiara…Hello! Song

Great! Now everybody, stand up! Speakers

d)Ss follow the c) T encourages them to stand up and Cellphone

song performing follow the movements of the Warm up
the actions song; first, T sings a cappella, then with
modelled by the T the music.
Reach up and touch the sky
Spread your arms open wide
Now shake them
And swing them side to side, oh yeah
Slowly turn around like a merry-go-(round
Now start bobbing up and down
Clap your hands with me
One, two, three!
Then, wobble, come on wobble with me
We are here today and ready to play
That’s right!
3 Carpet b) Ss sit down on a) T encourages Ss to sit on the floor with T/Wh L/S Voice Head Ability to
14’ Time the carpet and wait a transitional song: G Flashcards Hair recall
for instructions. PL: Song Eyebrows vocabulary
Everybody have a seat, TPR Eyes items
have seat, have a seat Storytelling Ears
Everybody come and Nose Ability to
have a seat on the floor (x2) Mouth follow simple
Not on the widow Tongue commands
Not on the door
Everybody come and Colours: Ability to
Have a seat on the floor. listen to a
Purple story
Revisio d) Ss look at the c)T begins with the revision of vocabulary Green
n flashcards related to parts of the face by displaying Blue Self-
displayed by the T. flashcards with images of the words: Red expression
activities White
PL: Look! Yellow Participation
ws... Head! And Tongue!
Long/ Big/
f) Ss repeat after e) T encourages them to repeat the Little
the T: words after her modelling:

Eyes! PL: Repeat the words, please!

Nose! Eyes!...Nose!...Ears!...Hair!...Mouth!... He has…
Ears! Eyebrows!... Head! And Tongue!
Mouth! Brilliant! You are the best!
g) T plays with the Ss Touch your nose. T
h) Ss play the game indicates Ss to touch different parts of
by following T’s the face. If they are unsure which body
commands and part the T have named, T can display the
pointing to their flashcard as well as giving the instruction
own parts of the to them. T continues asking them to
face. point to different face parts but faster
and faster.

PL: Now, touch your nose! Everybody…

your nose... Now, touch your head…
Touch your ears! Very good! Touch your
hair! Your eyes! Eyebrows! Great!!!
Touch your…
activity j) Ss play and try to i) T and Ss play Whispered Words. T calls
guess the word for silence, points at her mouth and
whispered by the T whispers a word. Then in a normal voice
T asks Ss to guess which word she was
saying. T praises the Ss who guess
Nose! correctly.
Eyes! PL: Shhh! Nose (whispering) Nose
Ears! (whispering again).
… Ok now tell me: What is it? What do you
think? Nose!!! Excellent! You are right!
High five, well done!
Brain ll) Ss perform the
actions proposed l) T proposes a brain break activity called
by the T. They can Shake down. The purpose is to work with
count out loud. balancing the body to activate the brain
without it even been noticed. Also it
functions as a transition for the next
activity. T and Ss shake their hands, one
at a time, and their legs one at a time
while balancing, counting in the first
round up to five, in the second, up to
four, until they count up to 1.
One, two, three,
four, five.(x4) PL: Everybody stand up! Show me your
One, two, three, hand and (T shakes her hand while
four. (x4) counting): one, two, three, four five. The One
One, two, three. other hand, one, two, three, four, five. Two
(x4) Shake one leg, one, two, three, four, five. Three
One, two. (x4) The other, one, two, three, four, five. Four
One(x4) With your hand one, two, three, four. Five
One, two, three four. One, two, three,
four. Now, one, two, three. One, two,
Great! Now sit down again.
n) Ss answer using m) Pre-reading. T asks Ss about their
L1 and share their fears and how they deal with them. As
feelings with the the main purpose of this stage is to raise
group. their interest in the story, L1 is used.

Arañas PL: Tell me...¿Qué hacen cuando sienten

Bichos miedo? ¿Escapan? ¿Se esconden? ¿Lo
Monstruos enfrentan?
¿A qué le tienen miedo?
Arañas! Me too! Bichos! Ratas!
MONSTERS! ¿Quién dijo monsters? Me
alegro que lo mencionen porque esta
Go away! historia es sobre un monstruo que viene
GO AWAY! a molestar, pero si le decimos bien fuerte
andate! o GO AWAY! se va. Pueden decir
conmigo: Go away! Go away! OK, ¿Listos
para la historia? Atentos porque cuando
yo les diga tienen que decir bien fuerte
Go away! Go away!

o) T listen to the ñ) T reads the story Go away Big Green

story and Monster! out loud and encourages Ss to
participates when participate in the story.
the T asks them to
do so. PL:
Big Green Monster
has two big yellow eyes,
A long blue nose,
A big red mouth
with sharp white teeth,
two little ears,
scraggly purple hair,
and a big scary green face!
So GO AWAY, purple hair!
GO AWAY, two little ears!
GO AWAY, long blue nose!
GO AWAY, big green face!
GO AWAY, big red mouth!
GO AWAY, sharp white teeth!
GO AWAY, two big yellow eyes!
GO AWAY, Big Green Monster!
Until I say so.

Now, he is gone. Well done! But… no

todos los monstruos dan miedo. Ahora
vamos a conocer two monsters que son
muy amigables, son amigos míos.
Table time! Everybody, it is time to sit at
the table!
4 Table b) Ss listen and a) T distributes the books and explains the T/Wh L Voice Hair Ability to
12’ Time complete the activity on pages 63-64. T reads from the G Eyes recall
Practi activity. book while Ss draw what they hear. T Student Book Ears vocabulary
ce provides visual support to help them with script Mouth items
vocabulary from previous units of work. Tongue
Colour Nose Ability to
PL: They are my Friends! This is Brian and Pencils Colors: listen
this is Alice! Listen and draw. Green,
Orange Understandi
Brian has green hair, three big orange Blue ng
eyes, four little blue ears, two big black Black
mouths with four big red tongues. Red Concentratio
He has five Little yellow noses. Gray n

Alice has orange hair, five Little blue eyes. One
Two big gray ears, four big red mouths Two
with six little green tongues. She has one Three
big orange nose. Four


She has/He has

5 Closure b) Ss close their a)T starts to collect the materials and T/Wh L/S Songs Understandi
4’ book and begin to encourages the Ss to help and clean up. G ng
clean up.
PL: It is time to clean up! Clean up, clean Cooperation
up. Everybody just clean up. Clean up, to clean up
clean up. Put your books away. (x2)

d) Ss sing the c) T praises Ss for their hard work and

Goodbye song. sings the Goodbye song.
Bye, bye everyone PL: Great job! You are brilliant! Well done!
tralalalala (x3) Bye, bye everyone tralalalala (x3)
Bye, bye everyone Bye, bye everyone


Warm up song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCW5P_iDRBY

Book Go away big Green Monster! By Ed Emberley

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