Project Pumpkin First Grade
Project Pumpkin First Grade
Project Pumpkin First Grade
Driving Question: How do we as scientists develop a catapult to launch mini-pumpkins at Travis STEM Night?
On-site people, facilities: Admin to come by and view designs and final products.
Resources Needed
Materials: Student generated material list
Community Resources: Invite community engineers and scientists into classrooms for advise and
tips for building and planning.
Project Calendar Week of ___10/9-10/13_________________
ELAR: Math: Science: Social Studies:
-Read aloud “Rosie Revere, Engineer” -TTW introduce the term STEM to students. -Read aloud will provide character
(does not need to be read all in one day) TTW break down each part of the acronym. building lesson opportunities on
-Focus on rhyme can play I Spy object was moved, covered distance, force used.
-make predictions on what will happen
next catapult/