Section 18 Original

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SECTION 18: BEARING DEVICES ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. 18.1 GENERAL 18.1.1 Working Drawings... 18.1.2 Materials Rolled Stee. 18.122 Steel Laminates. 181.23 Cast Steel 18.124 Forged Steel 1812.5 Stainless Steel... : 3 Peckaging, Handling, and Storage [4 Manufacture or Fabrication, General 181.42 Fabrication Tolerances. 18.1.5 Testing and Acceptance. General TBAS.L1 Se0pe wn Tapered Sole Plates, 18.1.52 Tests... 18.1,52.1 General Material Certification Tests 18.15.23 Material Friction Test Sliding Surfaces Only Dimension Check,$ Clearance Test 18.1526 Bearing Friction Test Sliding Surfaces Only Long-Term Deterioration Test 18.1528 Beating Hovantl Free Capaiy— Ftd or Guided Bening Ony 18.16 Performance Crtet on 18.1.7 Constcuction and Installation 18.2 ELASTOMERIC BEARINGS... 18.2.1 Scope. 1822 General Requirements. 18.23 Materials... 18.231 Properties of the Elastomer 18.2.3. Fabric Reinforcement... 182.33 Bond 182.4 Fabrication. 182.4.1 Requirements for Ail Elastomerie Bearing. 18.242 Steel Laminated Elastomeric Bearings 18243 FebicReinforcod Batomeric Beings. 18.2.44 Plain Elastomeric Pads. 182.5 Testing 1825.1 Scope 182.52 Frequency of Testing Ambient Temperature Tests on the Elastomer. 1825.4 Low-Temperature Tests on the Elastomer 1825.5 Visual Inspection ofthe Finished Bearing Short-Duration Compression Tests on Bearings. Long-Duration Compression Tests on Bearings 18258 Shor Modul Tents on Material From Beaigs... 18.2.6 Installation 183 POT AND DISC BEARINGS, 183.1 General. 183.2 Materials. 183.2.1 General 183.2.2 Steel 18. “Tame oF Contents 183.23 Stainless Steel a sensed 21 183.24 Elastomeric Rotational Element For Pot Bearings . 183.2.5 Sealant For Pot Bearings. 183.266 Sealing Rings For Pot Beatings 1832.7 Polytetvafuorethylene (PTFE) Sheet and Sitip 7 Polyether Urethane Structural Element for Dise Beatings 183.3 Fabrication Details. a 1833.1 Gener ner 18.332 Fabrication Requirements for Pot Bearings The Pot as 1833.22 Sealing Rings Elastomeric Rotational Blement.... 18.3.3. Fabrication Requirements for Dise Bearings Steel Housing. 183.3322 Polyother Urethane Rotational Elemeut. 183.4 Sampling and Testing, 1834.1 Lot Siz... 183.42 Sampling and Testing Requirement Material Certification Tests Testing by the Engineer 183.43 Performance Characteristics 183.431 Proof-Losd Test 183.42 Sliding Coefficient of Frictio 183.5 Installetion 184 ROCKER AND ROLLER BEARINGS. 18.4.1 Materials. 18.42 Fabrication TBADI Steel 1842.2 Lubrication 18.43 Installation 18.5 SPHERICAL BEARINGS. : 18.6 BRONZE OR COPPER-ALLOYED PLATES FOR BEARINGS. 18.6.1 Bronze Bearing and Expansion Plates. i 18.62 Rolled Copper-Alloy Beatings and Expansion Plates 1863 Test Requirements 18:7 MASONRY, SOLE, AND SHIM PLATES FOR BEARINGS 18.7.1 Materials... 18.72 Febriestion 18.73 Installation. 18.8 POLYTETRAFLUORETHYLENE| rrB)§ SURFACES FOR BEARINGS... 18.8.1 General 188.2 Materials. 188.21 objet (PTFE) Sheet and Sti. 1882.2 PTFE Resin... 1882.3 Filler Material 188.24 Adhesive Material... 188.25 Unfilled PTFE Sheet 188.266 Filled PTFE Sheet. 18,8.2.7 Fabric Containing PTFE Fibers 1882.8 Lubricants . 188.29 Interlocked Bronze and Filled PTFE Structures. 18.82.10 Surface Treatment 1882.11 Stiles Steel Mating Surface 18.8.3 Fabrication Requitememts.rernsam 1883.1 GENERAL. Attachment of PTFE Material 1883.21 General secrion BEARING DEVICES Flat Sheet PTFE.. 1883.2.3 Curved Sheet... 1883.24 Fabric Containing PTFE Fibers 18.83.3 Stainless Steel Mating Surface. 188.34 Lubrication 18.8.4 Testing and Acceptance. 18.84.1 General 1885 Installation 189 ANCHOR BOLTS. 18.9.1 Materials. 18.9.2 Fabrication 18.93 Installation 18.10 BEDDING OF MASONRY PLATES. 18.101 Gonetthesnnnnns 1810.2 Materials oes eer aenoceeeeet 18.12 LOAD PLATES.... : 18.13 MEASUREMENT... 18.14 PAYMENT. Secrion 18 BEARING DEVICES 18,1 GENERAL ‘This work shall consist of furnishing and installing bridge bearings and the bedding of materials used under masonry plates. ‘Bearings shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown in the contract documents. When complete details are not provided, bearings shall be furnished that, conform to the limited details shown in the contract documents and shall provide the design capacities for Toads and movements shown or specified and the performance characteristics specified. 18.1.1 Working Drawings Whenever complete details for bearings and anchorages are not shown in the contract documents, the ‘Contractor shall prepare and submit working drawings for the bearings. Such drawings shall show all details ofthe ‘bearings and ofthe materials proposed for use and shall be ‘approved by the Engineer prior to the fabrication of the bearings. Such approval shell nct relieve the Contractor of, any responsibilty under the contract documents for the ssuccessf completion of the work. ‘The following shall be specified on the working rawings The total quantity of each kind of besring required (fixed, guided expansion, or nonguided expansion), grouped first according to type load range), and then by actual design capacity ‘The plan view and section elevation view showing all relative dimensions of each type of bearing, ‘The maximum design coefficient of fiction as noted in the contract documents ‘The type of materials to be used for all bearing clement, 1 cia Rearing ‘types include, but are not limited to, elastomeric pad, rocker, roller, pot, spherical, dise, and siding plate bearings. Included es components of beatings, ‘are masonry, sole and shim plates, bronze or ‘copper-alloyed bearing and expansion plates, anchor bots, ‘guide devices, Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) sheets or surfacing, lubricants, and adhesives. ‘The Designer and the Contractor must provide sufficient information to permit manufacture and certification of the bearing, This requires additional information when a higher level certification is required. ‘The design load is required because its needed in some of the test proceslures. Designing betrings for replacement is important because even high-quality bearings have in some cases ‘been known to fll bocause of unanticipated forces or other conditions. Setting the bearing in a shallow recess in the masonry plate is a simple way of making replacement easy, ‘The mating paris ofeach bearing, especially mechined metal bearings such as self lubricating bronze bearings, should be furnished by a single Manufacturer in order to ensure proper fitting ofthe mating surfaces. 182 ‘+ Lapplicable a clear description and detsils for ‘any welding process used in the bearing ‘manufacture that does not conform 0 the approved processes ofthe current AASHTO/AWS DLSMIDLS Bridge Welding Code. The vertical and hs movement capacity ntal load, rotation, and ‘© Painting or coating requirements, + Alignment plans ‘© Installation scheme, © Complete design celculetions verifying conformance with these Specifications, if required by the Engines. © Anchorage details. + Bearing preset details, if applicable. + The location of the fabrication plant ©The Manufacturer's name and the name of the representative who will be responsible for coordinating production, inspection, sampling, and testing, 18.1.2 Materiats 18.1.2. Rolled Steot Rolled steel shall be of the type specified in the contract documents and shall satisfy the testing requirements ofthe standard to which it conforms. Unless otherwise specified, steel shall conforma to AASHTO. M270M/M270_(ASTM.AT09/A 709M), Grede 36 (Grade 250), and shall cause no adverse electrolytic ot chemical reaction with other components of the bearing and shal be fee of all rast and mill scale 1812.2 Steel Laminates Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, steel laminates used for teinforcement shall he made from, rolled mild stee] conforming to AASHTO M 270M/M 270 (ASTM A 709/4 709M), Grade 36 (Grade 250), ASTM, A1OLI/A 1011M, or equivalent. Laminates shall have ‘minimum nomial thickness of 16 gage (1.6 mm), Holes in, plates for manufacturing purposes shall not be permitted unless they have been accounted for inthe design snd are im accordance with the contract documents 184.22 Its intended that a mitd steel of well-defined ASTM ‘Standard be used. However, no single suitable ASTM Specification is available which includes thickness both less than and greater than 0.125 in, (3.2 mim), For thin plate, SAE C1020 (SAE Handbook, 2004) is frequently used. This is a relatively ductile steel for cold-Formed ‘metal structures which has no specified yield strength bat usually has a yield strength of approximately 33.0 ksi (230 MPa) ‘SECTION 18: Beane Devices 18.2.3 Cast Steet Cast steel shall satisty the requirements of ASTM. ‘AB02/A 802M and be free of ali blow-holes and ‘impurities larger than 0.125 in. 3.2 mm), The inside wall, of the pat in pot bearings and the contact surface of metal rocker or rolier beatings shall be free of blow-holes or ‘impurities of any size, 18.124 Forged Steel Forged steel shall satisfy the requirements. of ASTM A 788, 181.25 Stainless Stee! Stainless stel shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A167, Type 304 or ASTM A 240/A 240M, ‘Type 304 and shall have a minimum thickness of 20 gage (0.91 mm) and a surface finish in the finished bearing better than or equal to 8.0 pin. (0:2 um), Stainless steel in contact with PTFE sheet shal be polished to a finish no less than 20 ji. (0.50 pm). 18.13 Packaging, Handling, and Storage Prior to shipment from the point of manufacture, bearings shall be packaged in such a manner to ensure that during shipment and storage the bearings willbe protected against damage from handling, weather, or any normsl hazard, Bach completed bearing shall have its components clearly identified, be securely bolted, strapped, or otherwise fastened to prevent any relative movement, and bbe marked om its top as to locetion and orientation in each, structure in the project in conformity with the contract, documents ‘All bearing devices and components shall be stored at the work site in an area that provides protection from environmental and physical damage. When installed, bearings shall be clean and free of all foreign substances, 183 ‘The minimum thickness of laminates is intended to ensure thatthe steel will not deform excessively during, sandblasting or molding of the bearing, Since the ‘minimum thickness of the steel is often governed by fabrication criteria litle i tobe gained by using a ighes- strength steel than necessary. Holes are not allowed in the steel plate unless they have been accounted for in design ‘because the steels in tension and would be weakened by holes. For large bearings, thickness greater than 16 gage (1.6 mn) may be needed for this purpote, and individual ‘Manufacturers should be consulted, In many cases, use of the minimum thickness will engure satisfaction of Article 14,7, “Special Design Provisions for Bearings,” of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. 181.25 Stainless steel welding is sometimes used to create & ‘continuous overlay over carbon steel plat, for example, in, spherical sliding bearings. The stainless stecl layer so created is then machined to give a smooth surface. c18a.s ‘Small amouns of grit dirt, or other contamination e=n seriously detract from the good performance which could otherwise be obtained froma bearing. Iti, therefore, very Important thatthe bearing should not be opened up onsite, except under the supervision of the Manufacturer or his agent. 184 Dismantling of bearings at the site shall not be done unless absolutely necessary for inspection oF installation. Bearings shall not be opened or dismantled at the site except under the direct supervision of or with the approval of the Manufacturer. 18.14 Manufacture or Fabrication General The Manufacturer shell cortfy that each bearing satisfies the requirements of the contract documents and these Specifications, and shall supply the Engineer a cettified copy of material test results, Bech reinforced beating shall be marked in indelible ink or flexible paint. The marking shall consist of the orientation, the order ‘number, lot number, bearing identification number, and clastomer type and grade number. Unless otherwise specified inthe contract documents, the marking shall be ‘on the face that is visible after erection of the bridge. Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, the surface finish of bearing components that come into contact with each other or with conerete, but are not ‘embedded in concrete, shall conform to the requirements of Section 11, “Steel Structures.” ‘Beating éssemblies shell be preassembled in the shop by the supplier and checked for proper completeness and ‘peametry before shipping tothe ite Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, steel bearing components other than stainless steel, including anchor bolts, shall be galvanized in accordance with Article 11.3.7, “Galvanizing.” Fabrication Tolerances Plain elastomeric pads and laminated bearings shall be built a specified in the contract documents within the tolerances of Table The classes of tolerances shall be as follows: ‘+ Class A = 0.001 x nominal dimensions Clase B= 0.002 x nominal dimensions © Chass c 005 x nominal dimensions Load plate overall dimensions for fatness tolerance ‘and surface finish shall apply only to surfaces in contact ‘with the bearing, AASHTO LRED Brine Covsraucrioy SrEcUFICATIONS C184 Inthe short term, marking simplifies the identification of the comrect bearings and esteblishing which way up they should be placed at the job site, In the lng term, it may permit the removal of bearings after a number of years of service to check the change in material properties over time. It also helps in settling disputes C1842 ‘Some ofthe tolerances have been changed to relative values because an absolute colerance, sich as 0.0625 ia, (1.5mm), may be overly large for # small bearing and ‘unrealistically small fora large bearing, Parallelism of the {ro faces of a single layer is controlled by the limitation of the thickness at any point Each bearing type has one or more tolerances which are particularly important. In bearings which depend on. rocking ot rolling surfaces, itis most important to ensure, that the curvature of the curved surface is constant to ‘within a fine tolerance, ‘This is more important than the sctual value of the radius of curvature. In nested roller beatings, itis also important that all the rollers. have exactly the same radius of curvature to ensure thatthe load will be equally shared among them. In lat PTFE sliding, surfaces, the surfce finish of the mating surface, usually stainless steel, is particularly important. A. #8 minor (©2-pmy) finish or beter is recommended in all cases, Inbearings which depend on the sliding of one curved ‘surface over another, such as curved PTFE sliding bearings, curved bronze sliding bearings, or pins and ‘bushings which allow rotation, the difference in diameter ‘SecriOn 18: BEARUNG Devices 105 ‘ofthe two curved surfaces isthe most important tolerance. ‘The ovt-ofround or the variation in curvature of the ‘curved surface sas important, and again the actual value ‘of the radius of curvature is less important. IF two pasts of the bearing are made by different Fabricators, machining by fiting the two part isnot possible and itis necessary to machine eich part to a specific radius within a very high accuracy. Inthe past, earings mado of components which ae fabricated by different Manufacturers have given problems because of lack ofa good it In pot bearings, the ‘ost important tolerances are those on the clearance betwean the pot and the piston and on the vertical clearance between the upper and lower parts of the bearing Table 18.14.21 Fabrication Tolerances, AASHTO LRED Brupor. ConsrnvcTHoN SPECTHICATIONS masse oats a spoons | ponte, | ousttont | aoe — fests [int —— ae aaa |e vase [eae a ert as Ha ae | eae eine — soe —— — aes Sal _Twe das a a el rs a ee ESS Ae ria | eee | a a | ee ee ee weet SS aE aL ae ee ee te ee “Tsang | |e ae Ta ee | oan le at as = Ske | EE ee oS sa 2 SSS eS eS a eo ae menos rane} asa ba Tinea — =a aoe 7 ae ee ae on oe ieee aa =— ne ee — as | ——— — ae Ee a r me i searing | __ = nee a iS oaks Fo Seen cen Bette oo =— Gases Daan rl = ‘Overall Dimensions O06, +0083 | 0250, 10250 | Cas A Bs geal i maf SHCTION 18: BEARING DEVICES 18.15 Testing and Acceptance 181.5. General IBISL Scope ‘Testing and acceptance criteria for bearings shall conform tothe minimum requirements specified in Article 18.5.2, The Engineer may require mote stringent standards ‘When bearings are manufactured from a number of ‘components, each component shall satisfy the testing requirements from the applicable Section, ‘The Engineer shall be given fie access to inspect the ‘manufacture ofthe bearings at all times. 18, Tapered Sole Plates ach bearing with a tapered sole plate thats selected for testing shall be delivered tothe test site accompanied by an unattached plate identical tothe tapered sole plat. ‘The single beveled plate shall be so constructed tha, when placed in contact with the tapered sole plate, the two shall, form « single body, rectangular in shape and uniform in, thickness. 18.182 Tests General ‘The tests specified herein shell be carried out at the Manufacturer's expense. Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, they shall be supervised by an independent testing agency. Additional tests for specific types of bearings, as specified in other articles ofthese Specifications, shall also ‘be conducted, 18.1522 Material Certificarion Tests ‘Material certification tests to determine the physical and chemical properties of sl materials shell be conducted inaccordance with the appropriate specification governing ‘he material. The test certificates shall be provided to the Engineer C1111 ‘The purpose of testing is to ensure a good quality finished bearing, The obvious way to achieve this is conduct rigorous tests on every bearing, However, tis is ceconomictlly infeasible and resorting to other methods is necessary. ‘Because the long-term tests require more complicated teat machinery and a longer test time, they ate inevitably ‘more expensive than short-term ones. Therefore, the frequency with which each of these tests must be done is, determined separately. 188 18.15.23 Material Friction Test Sliding Surfaces Only ‘The coefficient of friction between the two mating surfaces shall be measured. Tests shall be made ether on samples taken from the same batch of materials as those used in the prototype bearings shall be used or the tests ‘may, at the Manufacturers option, be conducted on finished bearings. Only new materials shall be used andé no ‘material that has been previously tested shall be used. The surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned with a ‘degreasing solvent. No lubrication other than that specified for the prototype bearings shall be used. The mating st pieces shall have a common area n9 less than the smaller of the bearing area or 7.0 in? (4500 mm’ ‘The test picces shall be loaded in compression to @ stress corresponding to their maximum service dead load plus ive foad, which shall be held constant for 1 h prior to and throughout the duration of the sliding test. Atleast 100 cycles of sliding, each consisting of a leet 1.0 in (425mm) of movernent, shall then be applied at temperature of 68°F 42°F (20°C 1°C). The uniforn sliding speed shall be 2.5 in. (65 mm) per min ‘The breakaway fiction coeffci for each direction ofeach eycte and: No Text Required ‘Guade 3—Britleness st 40°F Wo Wo Ne Fae | aire | _raiture Graded Britons at SOP No. No Faitwe | Failue Grade S—Brlteness at TOF No ‘No Baituee | Faire INSTANTANEOUS THERMAL STIFFENING Dies ‘Gia 0 and 2— Tested at 25°F ‘Siitbess at Tew temperate hall nat ‘Grade 3— Tested at 40°F exceed four ties the stifiness measured ‘Grade Tested at 50°F ane Grade S— Tested at 65°F LOW-TEMPERATURE CRYSTALLIZATION ‘Quad Sbear Test | Grae 0 No Text Required Stillness at tet tine aod Tomporatre ss Deseribed in Gade2—7 days at OF tall not exceed four times the efinss Annex A Of ASIM [Grade 34 days ati measured 73°F with no time delay. The Davis stiffness shall be measured witha quad ‘Grade 421 days at 35°F shear test rig in an enclosed frezer init “The test specimens shall be taken from & randomly solosted beating, A 425% strain eye shall be used an complete cycle of stain shall be applied with 3 petiod of 100. The fist 0.75 eycle of strain shall be discarded an the stints Shall be determined by the slope of the force deflection curve for the next 0.50 eyce of loa Grade 528 days at 35°F SecTion 18: Beanune Devices 18.15 Table Pulylsoprene (Natural Rubber) Quallty-Control Tests, FETT Tae aes ae Te wa aes Das — te eae sein ts os oe ie Soi ina ‘at ia a EATS Das] Gg Deana Taos i O 7 Toe [pain poar Siser | Ghee fonie Se = % = feniatn Seg om Eoin = = B foi ETON Taps Bw nia 3 z z od Tome Da | Spin ome ariy Varma] ne Gals] We Gas | Wo 2s See PLS seh horny Poecoe DSi, ‘rosa ARATE TT 7s [Casa WaT al Poona [Gates aninara Tons Teas Gai piles eFalae erates Gate SBelena a TF eFaise — [No fate —| Ne oe ASRS EAL STERN DIO Sins Tee S| Ro pen Ta 1 ed ar Oe Grade 3—Tested at ~40°F iffness measured at 73°F Sa ocd Sais ola SRT Taser | Gaied RTRs Sn peau aa aod re ta [eeeamaer Gustine neacd 37 wih tn ey Te as ovate [Satta Sultoreocttoqudhertra nen lod ee ioc aa it Tete geen Se he on doy ected fs [oee2 a5 og katSonan oe talteund ennsompete ee oe Seana ta aed nase pelo Oe Tie fe SaSe oft a dec enl eatos Sals ‘corned ye pe of face sfeion ewe fr ene essere 18.23.2 Fabric Reinforcement abricreinforeement shall be woven from 100 percent continuous glass fibers of “E” type yarn, The minimum thread count in ether direction shall be 25 threads per in. (one thread per mm). The fabric shall have either a ‘rowfoot or an 8 Hardness Satin weave. Each ply of fabric shall have a minimnm breaking strength of 0.800 kipfin, (140 Nimm) of width in each threed direction. Unless ‘otherwise specified in the contract €ocuments, holes shall, not be permitted in the fabric. c18.2.3.2 Fiberglass is the only fabric proven to perform adequately as reinforcement and only one grade is currently permitted. Polyester has proved too flexible, and. both it and cotton are not strong enough. The strength of the reinforcement governs the compressive strength ofthe bearing when minimum amounts are used; therefore, if stronger fabric with acceptable bond propertis is developed, the sitess limits of Article 14.7.5, “Steel Reinforced Elastomeric Bearings—Method B,” of the AASHTO LRED Bridge Design Specifications, 2004 may be reconsidered. However, thorough testing over a wide range of loading conditions, including fatigue, will be needed prio to acceptance, 18.16 1823.3 Bond ‘The vulcanized bond between fabric and reinforcement shall have a minimum pect stength of 30.0 Ib/in. (5.3 Nimm). Steel laminated bearings shall develop a minimum peel strength of 40.0 Ibn. (7.0Nimm), Peel strength tests shall be performed by ASTM D429, Method B. 18.24 Fabrication 18.24. Requirements for Al Elastomerie Bearings Bearings that are designed as a single unit must be built as a single unit. Stee! laminates nust first be thoroughly sandblasted and cleaned and then protected against contamination until, fabrication is complete Flash (olerance, finish, and appearance shall meet the requirements ofthe latest edition ofthe Rubber Handbook, published by the Rubber Manufacturers Association, lnc. RMAF3 and RMA.063 for molded beatings and RMA F2 for extruded bearings. 182.42 Steel Laminated Elastomerie Bearings Bearings with steel laminates shall be cast asa unitin ‘mold and shall be bonded and vulcanized under heat and pressure. The mold finish shall conform to standard shop practice. The internal ste! laminates shall be sand-blasted and cleaned of all surface coatings, rust, mill scale, and dint before bonding and shall be free of sharp edges and. ‘bunts. External load plates shall be protected from rusting. by the Manufacturer and should be hot-honded to the Dearing during vulcanization, AASHTO LRED Brungz ConsrRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1823.3 ‘Adequate bond is essential if the installation is to be effective. It is particularly important at the edges of the bearing, 182.41 ‘The shape factor, bearing stiffness and strength, and ‘general behavior under load will be differentia bearing is built in sections. ‘The provisions for cleaning and protecting laminates is needed in order to achieve good bond, Elge cover is primarily needed to prevent corosion of ‘thereinforcement and ozone attack of the bond. However, it also decteases the probability of delamination by reducing the stress concentrations at the exposed outer surfoce, Inthe past, bonding during vulcanization has been the ‘most successful method of attaching the laminates and is required for bonding of internal laminates. Practical uificuties, however, may arise in hot-bonding of extemal plates, thus, hot-bonding is strongly recommended for them but not required. 182.42 Extemal load plates are often referred to as sole plates. In the past, bonding during vuleanizing has been the ‘most successful method of attaching the laminates and is Fequited for bonding of intemal laminates. However, practical difficulties may arise in hot-bonding of external load plates; thus, hot-bonding i strongly recommended for them but not required, SECTION 18: BEARING Devices 1824.3 Fabric Reinforced Elastomeric Beat ngs, Fabric reinforced beatings shall be vulcanized in large sheets and eutto size. Cutting shall be performed in such a ‘way as o avoid heating the materials and shall produce & smooth finish with no separation of the fabric from the elastomer, Fabric reinforcement shall be at least single-ply forthe top and bottom reinforcement layers and double-ply for internal reinforcement layers. Fabric shall be flee of {olds and sipples and shall be parallel tothe top and bottom, surfaces. 182.44 Plain Elastomerle Pads Plain pads may be molded, extruded, or vulcanized in large sheets and cut to size. Cutting shall not heat the ‘material and shall produce a smooth finish. 18.25 Testing 1825.1 Seope Materials for elastomeric bearings and the finished bearings themselves shall be subjected to the tests described herein, Material tests shall be in aocordance with either Table or Table, as appropriate Frequency of Testing ‘The ambient-emperature tests on the elastomer specified in Article 182.5.3 shall be conducted for the materials used in each lot of bearings. In lieu of performing a shear modulus test for exch batch of material, the Manufacturer may elect to provide certificates from tests performed on identical formulations within the preceding year, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. Test certificates from the supplier shall be provided for each lot of reinforcement 18.7 1828.1 ‘Testing requirements fall into two main eategories: ‘material quality-control tests and load tests on the finished. bearings to detect poor fabrication, ‘Complete bearings may be tested and this is most easily done using two identical bearings on top of one anolher with shear load plate between hem. However, i bearings with more than two or three layers, bending and Duckling effects may reduce the shear sifiness of the ‘complete bearing below the value Gif given by the simple shear model lis important to distinguish between ‘unacceptable material and failure to analyze the rather ‘complicated behavior with sufficient accuracy. ‘The three low-temperature tests on the elastomer specified in Article shall be conducted on the ‘material used in each lt of bearings for Grades 3, 4, and S ‘material and the instantaneous thermal stiffening test shall be conducted on material of Grades 0 and 2. For Grade 3 ‘material, in leu ofthe low-temperature crystallization test, the Manufacturer may choose to provide certificates froma low-temperature crystallization tests performed on identical material within the lest year, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer. Low-temperature britieness and crystallization fests shall not be required for Grades 0 and. 2 materials, unless especially requested by the Engineer. ‘Byery finished bearing shall be visually inspected in accordance with the provisions of Article 18.2.5. Every stee! reinforced bearing shall be subjected to the shori-term load test specified in Article 18,2.5.6. From each lot of bearings designed under the AASHTO LRED Bridge Design Specifications, 2004, a random sample shall be subjected to the long-term loed test specified in Anicle The sample shall consist ‘of a east one bearing chosen randomly from each size and ‘material batch and shall comprise a least ten percent ofthe lot. If one bearing of the sample fails, all the bearings of that lt shall be rejected, unless the Manufacturer elects 1 test each beering of the fot at the Manufacturer's expense. In liew ofthis procedure, the Engineer may require every Dearing ofthe lot to be tested. ‘The Engineer may require shear stiffness tests on ‘material fom a random sample ofthe finished bearings in accordance with the provisions of Article, 182,53 Ambient-Temperature Tests on the Elastomer ‘The elastomer used shall satisfy or exceed the criteria specified in the appropriaie Table or ‘Thebond tothe reinforcement, ifany, shall alo sais the provisions of Article 1823.3, “Bond.” The shear modulus of the material shall be tested at 73°F (23°C) using the apparatus and procedure described in Annex A of ASTM. DA4014. It shall fall within 15 percent of the value specified in the contract documents, Ifno shear modulus is. specified, the range of hardness shall conform to Anticle of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design ‘Specificaions, AASHTO LRED Bunce ConstRucrion SreciicATIONS c18.253 Ambient temperature for elastomer tests refers 10 Article, "Material Properties” of the AASHTO ERED Bridge Design Specifications, 2004 ‘The material tests at ambient temperature have been retained ftom previous editions ofthe Specification, They are quick and easy to do and are to be performed on each batch of material _SUCFION 18: Beasunc Devices iH 182.54 Low-Temperature Tests on the Elastomer Low-temperature tests shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of Tables and 18,2.3.1-2 and the compound shall satisfy sll criteria forits grade, 18.25. Visusl Inspection of the Finished Bearing Bach finished bearing shall be inspected for compliance with dimensional tolerances and for overall, uality of manufacture. In stel reinforced beatings, the edges of the steel shall be protected everywhere from 182.56 Short-Duration Compression Tests on Bearings ‘The bearing shall be loaded in compression to 150 percent ofits rated service load. Ifarotational clement exists, «tapered plate shall be introduced in the loed train 40 that the bearing sustains the load at the maximum simultaneous design rotation. The load shall be held for Sin, removed, then reapplied for a second period of ' min, The bearing shall be examined visually while under the second loading. If the load drops below the required value curing either application, the test shall be restarted from the beginning, ‘The bearing shall be rejected if: the bulging pattem suggests laminate parallelism, © a layer tolerances, sis outside the specified ‘+ poor laminate bond exists, or ‘© three or more separate surface cracks greater than. 1.08 in, (2 mm) wide and 0.08 in, (2 mm) deep exists 1819 c182.84 ‘Three low-temperature material tess are required for elastomer Grades 3to 5, and the temperature at which the tests are conducted ate now different for each grade. One test is required for Grades 0 and 2 materials. The low= temperature crystallization test can be time-consuming so it may be done annually for each material instead of for each batch. The low-temperature brittleness and instantaneous stiffening tests are quick and easy so they are ta be performed on every baich of Grade 3 to Grade 5 ‘material inorder to provide some ongoing control of low- temperature behavior. ‘The bulging pattern provides a means of checking. ‘gross defets in fabrication, This proof-load testis only an ‘approximate indicator of bearing quality and it may both allow a few low-quality bearings into service as well as causo the rejection of a small number of bearings that ‘would have performed adequately. However, th latteris a small price for detecting most major fabrication defects. It {is important because only surface hardness and external éimensions can be checked with any ease once the bearing. has been delivered. 18.20 182.57 Long-Duration Compression Tests on Bearings ‘The long-term compression test shall be conducted as specified in Article, except that the second load shall be maintained for 15h. The besring shall be visually ‘examined at the end of the test while still under load. If any patterns or cracks specified in Article oceur, the bearing shall be rejected. 18.258 Shear Modulus’ Bearings sts on Material From ‘The shear modulus of a material in the finished beating shall be evaluated by testing a specimen cut from, itusing the apparatus und procedure described in Annex A of ASTM D4014, amended where necessary in Table 18.23.1-1 or o, at the diseretion of the Engineer, a comparable nondestructive stiffness test may bbe conducted on a pair of finished bearings. The shear ‘modulus shall fll within 15 perceat ofthe specified value, ino shear modulus is specified inthe contract documents, the range for ardaess shall conform to Article 14.752 of the AASHTO LRED Bridge Design Specifications. Ifthe testis conducted on finished bearings, the material shear modulus shall be computed from the messured shear stiffness of the bearings, taking due account of the influence on shear stiffness of bearing geometry and compressive Toad, 18.26 Installation Elastomeric bearings without external load plates may be placed directly on a concrete or ste! surface provided that itis fat 0 within a tolerance of 0.005 of the nominal dimension for steel reinforced bearings and 0.01 of the ‘nominal dimension for others. Bearings shall be placed on surfaces that are horizontal to within 0°01 rad. Any lack of paralletism between the top of the bearing and the underside of the girder that exceeds 0.01 rad shall be corrected by grouting or as otherwise directed by the Engineer, Exterior plates of the bearing shall not be welded unless at least 1.5 in. (40 mm) of the steel exists between the weld and the elastomer. In no case shall the elastomer ‘orthe bond be subjected o temperature higher than 400° 200°C). AASHTO LRED BuIpGr ConsrmveTioN SPECIFICATIONS 182.57 ‘Delamination isthe most common defect and the 15-h ‘compression tests mot likely to show it than isthe S-min. test, Because the 15-h testis more time-consuming, it may be done on a random sample of the bearing lt, but the ‘ess production time that it uses may be minimized its conducted overnight. Bearings made ftom Grade 4 or Grade 5 elastomers are to be subjected to the same test because achieving the necessary low-temperature properties requires special compounding which could place other properties such as bond at risk if tis not done propetly. The 15-h load test may also be used to resoive differences arising from the failure ofa bearing to pass a lower level test, 182.58 ‘The shear test provides a check on the material properties from the body of the beating. Specially molded samples, such as those used inthe material quality-control fests, are much smaller than the finished bearing and so ‘may requite different curing times and temperatures, ‘Specimens cat fiom the finished bearing provide a ‘comparison withthe material quality-control semples. “Article 14.7.5: is located in “Material Properties” in the AASHTO LRED Bridge Design Specifications, 2004. 182.6 Ifthe bearing seat isnot horizontal, gravity loads will ‘cause shear inthe elastomer. The underside ofthe girder ‘and the top surface ofthe bearing mast also be parallel to ‘avoid imposing excessive rotation and the stresses it ‘causes in the bearing, ‘Welding to load plates should be avoided if possible. fit must be done, proper precautions should be teken t0 damaging the bond by hest, Section 18: Beaune Devices 18.3 POT AND DISC BEARINGS 1834 General Pot and dise bearings: ‘©. shall be adequate for the design loads and movements shown in the contract documents or specified and ‘+ shall be tested atthe appropriate level. 183.2 Materials 1832.1 Goneral All materials shall be new and unused, with no reclaimed material incorporated inthe finished bearing, 183.22 Steet AT steel except stainless steel components of the pot and disc bearing shall conform to the requirements of Article 11.3, “Msterils," for carbon stel orhigh-strength, low-slloy structural steel for welding. 18.323 Stainless Steal Stainless stel shall conform to the requirements of Article 18.1.5, 183.24 Elastomeric Rotational Element For Pot Bearings ‘The elastomeric rotational element used in the construction of pot bearings sbull contain oaly virgin, cxystalizaion-resistant pelychloroprene (Neoprene), AASHTO M251 (ASTM D 4014) or virgin natural polyisoprene (natural rbbe), ASHTOM 251 asthe raw polymer. The physical properties of Neoprene and natural rubber shall conform to the Specifications above with modifications as follows © The ShoreA Durometer hardness shall be 50-410 points, © Samples for compression set tests shall be prepared using a Type 2 die, 1821 18.22 183.25 Sealant For Pot Bearings ‘The elastomer shall be Inbricated between tho steel pot ‘nd the top steel bearing plate with asificon grease wi ‘does not react chemically with the elastomer and does not alter its properties within the range of environmental conditions expected atthe site or as recommended by the ‘Manufacturer, 183.26 Sealing Rings For Pot Bearings The sealing rings between the steel piston end the elastomeric rotational element of pot bearings shall be made of brass vonforming to ASTM B 36/B 36M forrings ‘of rectangular cross-section and ASTM B 121/B 121M for circular sections. The Engincer, at the Engineer's discretion, may approve other sealing ring material on the basis oftest evidence conforming o Article 14.745 ofthe AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. 1832.7 Polytetrafluorethylone (PTFE) Sheet and Strip PTFE sheet and strip requirements for pot and dise ‘bearings shall conform to the provisions of Article 18.8.1 183.28 Polyether Urethane Structural Element for Dise Bearings ‘The polyether urethane structural element used in the constriction of dise bearings shall be molded from a monolithie polyether urethane compound, The physical propeities of the polyether urethane shall conform to the requirements listed in Table 18.3.2,8-1, ‘Table 1832.84 Physlal Properties of Polyether Urethane, AASHTO LRED Brunax ConsrnUucTiOn SFECIFICATIONS € Sealing ring requirements refer to Article, “Sealing Rings,” of the AASHTO LRED Bridge Design Specifications, 2004, c183 Polyether urethane is a hard tough plastic material. However, its tensile strength varies significantly depending on the quality-control exercised during processing. The properties required here are intended fo ensure a good quality material Physical Properties Method Requirements Hardness, Type D Durometer | 2240 | 45 | 55 | 5 Tensile Stress, ksi D4l2 ‘At 100% elongetion rs | 19 | 23 At 200% elongation 28 | 34 | 40 Tensile Strength, ksi Daz | 40 | 50 | 60 [pate Elongation, Dara] 350_| 285 [220 ‘Compression Set, 22.5 Dass | 40 | 40 | 40 at 1S8°F, % ‘SecTION 18: BeANG Devices. 1833 Fabrication Details 1833.1 General ‘The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with written notficetion 30 days prior to the start of bearing. fabrication. ‘The finish ofthe mold used to produce the elastomeric rotational element for pot bearings or the polyether urethane structural element for disc bearings shall conform to.good machine shop practice. PTFE sheet shall be bonded to a grit-blasted steel substrate using an epoxy resin adhesive under controlled factory conditions in accordance with the instructions of the adhesive Manufacturer. The PTFE sheet shall be recessed into its stel substrate for at least one-half of its thickness. Ifon a vertical surface, the PTFE sheet may be ‘mechanically fastened tothe substrate. The attachment of the PEE sheet to its substrate shall be done in accordance with the manufacturing requirements of Article 18.8.2, “Materials.” After fabrication, steel surfaces exposed to the atmosphere, except stainless steel surfaces, shall be shap painted or coated to protect against corrosion as specified in the contract documents. Prior to coating, the exposed steel surfaces shall be cleaned in accordance with the recommendations of the coating Manufacturer. Metal surfaces to be field-welded shall be given a coat of clear lacquer or other protective coating approved by the Engineer, if the time of exposure before welding takes place is to exceed three months. The lacquer coating shall be removed atthe time of welding. The final painting or ‘coating of these surfaces shall be done after the completion, of welding, Stainless steel sheet shall be attached to s steel substrate with an approved epoxy to ensure complete contact and then sealed with a continuous seal weld. All welding shall conform to and all welders shall be ‘qualified in accordance with the requirements of the current AASHTO/AWS DI.SMIDI.S Bridge Welding Code. Except as noted, all bearing surfaces of steel plates shall be finished or machined Mat within 0.0008 inJin, (0.0008 mm/mm). Outof-atness greater than 0,008 ini. (0.0008 man ram) on any plate shall be cause for rejection. The botiom surfaces of lower bearing plates (masonry plates) designed to rest on bearing pads shall not, exceed an outof flatness value of 0,005 ini, (0.005 menimmn). Oxygen-cut surfaces shall not exceed a surface roughness value of 1000 yin, (25 jm), as defined by ANSI B46.1. Gross bearing dimensions shall have & tolerance in accordance with Table Every bearing shall have the project identification number, lot number, and individual bearing number indelibly marked with ink on a side that will be visible after erection, 1823 Stainless steel should be attached by welding all around. This not only ensures a uniform transfer of stress {rom the PTFE tothe backing late when te stainless stool is subjected to shear from sliding forces but it also ‘minimizes the corrosion which can occur behind the stainless steel plate. 18:24 18.332 Fabric Bearings ion Requirements for Pot The Pot ‘The pot shall be mannfietured by welding or ‘machining from a single piece of plate. In pots made by welding a ring to a base plate, the weld shall be a full- penetration butt weld. ‘he piston shall be machined from a single piece of steel. The outside diameter ofthe piston shall be no mote ‘than 0.030 in. (0.760 man) less than the inside diameter of the pot at the lovel of interface between the piston and clastomeric rotational element, The sides of the piston shall be beveled to facilitate rotation, If guides are used, they shall be attached to the pot by ‘welding or bolting 183,322 Sealing Rings ‘The sealing rings shall be recessed into the ‘elastomeric disc and shall fit snugly against the pot wal. Rings of rectangular cross-section shall be installed with ‘their gaps equally spaced round the circumference. The ‘gap between the ring and the wall shall nowhere exceed 0.01 in. (0.25 mm). The gap betweon the cut ends of the ting shall not exceed 0,05 in. (1.25 min. 1833.23 Blastomeric Rotational Element ‘The elastomeric pad shall have the same nominal diameter as the pot. The elastomeric pad shall be individually molded or eut from sheet and shall be made of no more than three separate layers, of which none may have a nominal thickness of less than 0.5 in.(13 mm). The sealing ring recess depth shall be the same as the total ring thickness if rectangular rings are used AASHTO LRFD BRIDGE ConsrRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS C183.3.2.) ‘The most common way of fabricating a pot is to ‘machine it from a single piece of steel plate. However, for very large pots, this may be uneconomice! because it means large amount of machining. In such cases, casting, Forging, or fabrication by welding are possible but they introduce extra difficulties beyond those found in pots machined from a single plate. If the pot is made by ‘welding a ring 9 a base plate, the weld is critically important, The weld must be made on both the inside and ‘outside of the ring and then the weld on the inside must be ‘machined, if necessary, to give the correct final profile. ‘The welds mast be verified by suitable ultrasonic oF radiographic examination methods and the flatness of the plates after welding must be ensured, €183.3.22 Scaling rings ate presently made from brass in the United States. Attempts were made to use PTFE in the past bout these were unsuccessful because the PTFE ting squeezed out through the gap between the pot end the piston and, theresfter, was ineffective as a teal, However, ‘certain proprietary materials have aso been used in Europe ‘with success. They would require verification testing before being accepted in the United States 18.33.23 ‘Therotational element should be made fiom. flexible elastomer. The elastomer i fully confined inthe pot and, therefore, cannot undergo large deflections so uo) advantage is gained by using a stiffer elastomer as might be the casein a laminated elastomeric bearing, SecTION 18: Brain Devices 183.33 Fabrication Requirements for Dise Bearings Steel Housing The steel housing shall be manufactured by welding or ‘machining ftom a single piece of plate. The shear restriction mechanism shall he connected to the bearing. plate by mechanically fastening, welding, or other means approved by the Engineer. Polyether Urethane Rotational Blement ‘The polyether urethane rotational element for dise bearings shall be molded as a single piece. The finish of the mold shall be free of burrs snd shall conform to good shop practice. 183.4 Sampling and Testing 1834.1 Lot Size Saznpling testing, and acceptance consideration shall bbe made om a ot basis. A lot shall be the smallest number ‘of bearings as determined by the following criteria: ‘+ Shall not exceed a single contract document or project quantity. Shall not exceed 25 bearings. ‘© Shall consist of those bearings of the same type regardless of load capacity. Bearing types may be fixed or expansion types. Guided and nonguided expansion bearings shall be considered to be a single type. 183.42 Sampling and Testing Requirements 1834.21 Material Certification Tests ‘The Manufacturer shall select, at random, samples for ‘terial certification test as defined in Article bearings from completed lots of bearings for testing by the ‘Manufacturer. The Manufacturer shall complete the required testing and determine compliance with this specification before submitting the lt(s) for quality ‘assurance inspection, testing, and acceptance ‘consideration. The results of the Mannéacturr's tests shall, bbe fimished to the Engineer. Certification shall be provided for al elastomeric and. polyether urethane elements. Their material properties shall satisfy the requirements specified in the contract «documents and the tests described in Article 18.2.6 for pot, bearings and Article 183.2.8 for disc bearings. Additional tests may be required by the Engineer. 18.25 183.41 A Jot shall be defined as those bearings presented for inspection ata specific time or date, 18.26 18.34.2,2 Testing by the Engineer When quality-assurance testing is specified in the contract documents, the Manufacturer shall furnish to the Engineer the required number of complete bearings and component samples to perform quality-assurance esting in accordance with Table 18.3.4,2.2-1 AtTeastone elastomeric element shall be tested per lot ‘of bearings for pot bearings and at least one set of material property tests shall be conducted pet lot for dise bearings. Allexterior surfaces of sampled production bearings shall bbe smooth and fre from irregularities or protrusions that ‘might interfere with testing procedures ‘A. minimum of 30 days. shall be allowed for inspection, sampling, and quality-assurance testing of production bearings 2nd component materials, ‘Bearings with tapered sole plates shall conform tothe provisions of Aiticle ‘The Engineer may select, at random, the required sample bearing(s) from completed lots of bearings and ‘samples ofthe elastomeric and PTFE material for quality- assurance testing ‘The Contractor shall assume the cost of transporting all samples from the place of manufacture tothe tet site and back or, if applicable, to the project site, ‘Doble Sampling. Physical Properties of Elastomeric Rotational Element ‘One elastomeric element per lot AASHTO LRED Buupox Consrauction SpeCIEIEATIONS Physical Properties of PTFE | One 10.0-in. x 15.0-in, sheet of PTFE material per project Sheet Physical Properties of| Polyether Urethane Structural Element (except compression set) Compression Set of Polyether Usethane Structural Element (hickness of 0.062: One 4.0- Method B 183.43 Performance Characteristics 18.343.1 Proof Load Test Critical dimensions shall include the clearance betwee the piston and the pot and shall be verified by the clearance test described in Article 18.1.5... One 10,0-in, x 15.0-in, sheet of polyether urethane material 0.125 in. per lot x 40:in, sheet oF polyether urethane per lot, molded or cut to the thickness ‘requirements of ASTM D 395, 183.431 ‘Secvion 18: Beamino Devices _ A long-term deterioration test, as deseribed in Article, “Long-Term Deterioration Test,” shall ‘be performed on one dise bearing of each lot and on one bearing of esch lot of pot bearings wit the sealing rings ‘with rectangular” cross-sections satisfying Article and seating rings with circular cross- sections satisfying Article 147.453 in the AASHTO LRED Bridge Design Specifications. Toe beating shall be Toad-testedto 150 percent ofthe specified rated capacity at 0.02 rad. If the size of the bearing prohibits adequate testing with available equipment, the Owner and Manufacturer may agree to test a prototype bearing with, ‘comparable requirements. ‘During the test, the stel bearing plate and steel piston shall. maintain continuous and uniform contact for the duration ofthe test. ‘The bearing shall be visually examined both during the test and upon disassembly after the test. Any resultant visual defects, such as extruded or deformed elastomer, polyether urethane, or PTFE; damaged seals or limiting s; evidence of metal-'o-metal contact between the pot ‘wall and the top plate; or cracked stel, shall be cause for rejection of the lot For dise bearings, continuous and uniform contact shall be maintained between the polyether urethane clement and the bearing plates and between the sliding steel top plate andthe upper bearing plate forthe duration, ‘ofthe test. Any observed lift-off wll be cause for rejection of the lot Sliding Coefficient of Friction For all guided end nonguided expansion-type bearings, the stiding ovefficient of fiction shall be measured a the besting’s design capacity in accordance ‘with Article 18.6.3, "Test Requirements," and additionally ‘on the fifth and fiteth cycles, ata sliding speed of 1.0 in, (25 mm) per min, ‘The sliding coefficient of fiction shall be calculated as the horizontal load required to maintain continuous sliding of one beating, divided by the bearings vertical design capacity. ‘The test results shall be evaluated as follows: + Themeasured sliding coefficients of fiction shall ot exceed three percent The bearing will be visually examined both daring and after the test. Any resultant visual defects, such as bond fsilure, physical destruction, cold flow of PTFE to the point of debonding, or damaged components, shall be suse for rejection of the lot Bearings not damaged during the testing of performance characteristics may be used in the work, 18.27 Sealing ring dimensions shall conform 10 Anise 147.452, “Rings with Rectangular Cross- Sections,” and Article 147.453, “Rings with Cincalar Cross-Sections,” of the AASLITO LRED Bridge Design Specifications, 2004. ‘The specified rated capacity is typically, as minimum, the servicelimit state reaction rounded up according to the Owner's practice ‘Visual defects include, but are not limited to, bond: failure, physical destruction, cold flow of PTFE to the point of debonding, or damaged components C183.43.2 Visual defects include, but are not limited to, bond failure, physical destruction, cold flow of PTFE to the point of debonding, or damaged components. 1628 18.35 Installation Pot and dise hearings shal be installed in accordance with the contract documents and on the approved working drawings. Upon final installation of the bearings, the Engineer, in the presence of the Manufacturer's representative, shall inspect the bearing components to assure that they sre level and parallel to. within 0.03125 inst (2.6 mmm). Any deviations in excess ofthe allowed tolerances shall be corrected, 18.4 ROCKER AND ROLLER BEARINGS 1844 Materials ‘Steels used in rocker and roller bearings shall be of the types and grades as specified in the contrect documents. The steel at the contact surface of a metal bearing may be hardened provided that, ater hardening, ‘the steel satisfies the strength and ductility requirements of the contract documents and the material specifications 18.42 Fabrication 1842.1 Steel Rocker bearings shall be manufactured by casting, forging, or fabricating from plate. Roller bearings more than 9.0 in, (225 mm) in diameter shall be forged and annealed. Smaller roller bearings shal either be forged and ‘annealed or made from cold-finished carbon steel shafting. Roller bearings with diameters grestor thaa 9.0 in, (225 mm» shall not havea hole less than 2.0 in, (50 mm) in liameter bored full-length along the axis after the forging, has cooled to a temperature below the critical range and bbefoce annealing. Boring shall be done under conditions which prevent damage by cooling 100 rapidly. Fabrication shall be performed in a manner that ‘conforms fo the practice in modem commercial shops. ‘Burrs, rough and sharp edges, and other flaws shall be removed, 1842.2 Lubrication Latbrication shall be applied to all gear mechanisms ‘and to all other components of roller bearings for which it is requited. The type of lubricant shall be as specified on the contrect documents, and shall be applied in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. AASHTO LRED Bnioce Consrucrion SmactHCATIONS ‘SecTiON 18: Beanie Devices 18.443 Installation Setting of rocker and roller bearings shall take into account any variation from mean temperature of the supported span at time of setting and any other anticipated ‘changes in length of the supported span so that at mean temperature, after release of felsework and any shortening, due to presizessing force and shrinkage, the rockers and rollers will be vertical, Care shall be taken thot fll and, ‘ree movement ofthe superstructure at movable bearings is, not restricted by improper setings or adjustment of bearings. ‘The Contcector shall cost all contact surfaces ‘thoroughly with oil and graphite prior to placing roller bearings. Cylindrical bearings shail be positioned so their axes of rotation are in alignment and coincide with the sxis of rotation ofthe superstructure 185 SPHERICAL BEARINGS Spherical bearings shall be fabricated, tested, and installed as specified in the contract documents. 18.6 BRONZE OR COPPER-ALLOYED PLATES FOR BEARINGS 18.6.1 Bronze Bearing and Expansion Plates ‘Bronze beering and expansion plates shall conform to the Specification for Bronze Castings for Bridges and ‘Turntables, AASHTO M 107(ASTM B 22) alloy C91100, (€86300, oF C90500. Alloy C91100 shall be fornished unless otherwise specified in the contract documents. ‘Components may be cast, rolled, or forged. Castings shall be five of blow-holes larger than 0.125 in. C mun) and ‘contact surfaces shall he fze of all blow-holes of any size. ‘Bronze plates shall be cast according to details shown inthe contract documents. Sliding surfaces shall be planed parallel to the movement ofthe spans and polished unless detailed otherwise in the contract documents. 18.62 Rolled Copper-Alloy Bearings and Expansion Plates Rolled copper-alloy bearing and expansion plates shall conform to the Specification for Rolled Copper-Alley Bearing and Expansion Plates and Sheets for Bridge and Other Structursl Uses, AASHTO M 108 (ASTM B 100). Alloy C51000 or C1100 shall be fumished unless otherwise specified in the contract documents Copper-lloy plates shall be fumished according to details shown in the contract documents. Finishing of the rolled plates shall not be required provided they have a plane, true, and smooth surface. 18.30 18.63 Test Requirements Material certification tests for bronze or copper-alloy bearings shall be performed to verify the propesties of the mater ‘Bearing friction tests as described in Article ‘or material fiction tests as described in Article may be required by the Engineer. 18.7 MASONRY, SOLE, AND SHIM PLATES FOR BEARINGS 18.7.1 Materials Metal plates used in masonry, sote, and shim plates, unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, shall conform to AASHTO M270M/M 270 (ASTM ‘A T09/A 709M) Grade 36 (Grade 250), Bronze or eopper- alloy bearing and expansion plates shall conform to the requirements of Anicle 18.6. 18.72 Fabrication Holes in bearing plates may be formed by erilling, punching, or accurately controlled oaygen-cutting, All burrs shall be removed by grinding, 1873 Installation Bearing plates shall be accurately set in level position as shown in the contract documeats and shall have a ‘uniform bearing over the whole area. When plates are to ‘be embedded in concrete, provision shall be made to keep the plates in correct position as the concrete is being. placed. 188 POLYTETRAFLUORETHYLENE (PTFE) SURFACES FOR BEARINGS 188.1 General PTFE shect and strip shall be manufactured either from pure virgin (not reprocessed), unfilled PTFE resin; from PTFE resin uniformly blended with either 15 percent lass fiber or 25 percent carbon (maximum filler, percent bby weight (moss)); or from fabric containing PTFE fibers Horizontally installed PTFE sheet shall be bonded to and recessed into its steel substrate, Vertcaly installed PIPE sheet shall be bonded to and recessed into or bonded to and mechanically fastened to its steel substrate, PTFE sheet shall havé a minimum thickness of 0.125 in, (3 mm) and shall be recessed for atleast one-half of its thickness into its steel substrate AASHTO LRED Brince ConstRucnion SrcincaTiONS SECTION 18: Beaune Devicus, 1831 Finished PTFE shest and strip shall be resistant to all acids, alkalis, and petroleum products, stable at temperatures from ~360°F to S00°F (-218°C to 260°C); rnonflammable; and nonabsorbing of water. The epoxy used to bond the PTFE to its steel substrate shall bea heat- cured, high-temperature epoxy capable of withstanding temperatures of -320°F to 500°F (-196°C to 260°C) 18.8.2 Materials 18,8.2.1 Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) Sheet and Strip PTFE resin sheets, PTFE fabric, intericked bronze and PTFE strctres, PTFE-peforated metal composite, back-up materials, and al other parts of fixed or expansion bearings containing PTFE materials shall have the fiction, mechanical, physical, and weathering properties specified inthe contract documents 1882.2 PTFE Resin TRE resin shall be 100 percent pure, new material meeting the requirements of ASTM D 4894 or D 4895. It shall sttisfy the requirements of Table No reclaimed material shall be used. Finished PTFE sheet, strip, and fabri shall be: ‘+ resistant to acids, alkalis, and petroleum products, sable at temperatures from -360%F to 500°F (218°C to 260°C), * nonflammable, end + nonabeosbing of water. 1882.3 Filler Materlal Filler material, when used, shall be milled glass fiber, carbon fiber, or other approved filler material. The filler shall not react chemically but shall act compositely with the PTFE, Adhesive Material ‘Adhesive material usod for bonding sheet PTFE shall ‘be anepoxy resin satisfying the requirements of AASHTO. 1M 235M/M 235 (ASTM C881/C 881M), FEP lm or ‘equal, as approved by the Engineer. c18.8.2.2 ‘Testing of PTFE is intended to determine the purity and erystallinty of the PTFE. The purity influences the coefficient of friction which ean be obtained and the crystallinity influences both the resistance to wear and the friction coefficient. The specific gravity of PTFE is indirectly a measure of the crystallinity 18.32 188.25 Untilied PTFE Sheet Finished, unfilled PTFE sheet shall be made from virgin PTFE resin and shall conform to Table With the exception thatthe ASTM test methods for tensile strength and elongation shell conform to ASTM D 2256. 188.26 Filled PTFE Sheet Filled PTFE sheet shall be made from virgin PTFE resin uniformly blended with approved inert fillet. The ‘maximum filler content shall be 15 percent for fiberglass ‘and 25 percent for carbon fibers. The maximum filer content for other materials shall be determined by the Engineer. Finished filled PTFE sheets containing glass fiber or czrbon shall conform to the following requirements of Table with the exception that the ASTM test methods for tensile strength and clongation shell conform fo ASTM D 638) ‘Table 18.82.61 Filed PTFE Sheet. AASHTO LRED Brince ConstRUCTION SraciricaTIONS ‘Velues for intermediate filler contents may be obtained by interpolation. ‘Shoe with Sheet | Sheet with 15% } 25%Carbon | Woven ASTMMethod | Unfilled | Glass Fibers Fibers Fabric D638 or D 2256 28 20) 13 24 Elongation min. % | D638 orD 2956 | 200 150 75 5 Specific Gravity, rin, D192 @342 2304.00 | 210s005 | — Melting Point, "F Daiod, 4895 | —e22%3 214 18 eae = or D'3977 1882.7 Fabrie Containing PTFE Fibers Woven Fabric PTFE shall be manufactured from oriented malt-filament PTEE fluorocarbon fibers or froma nixture of PTFE fibers made fom twisted, slit PTPE tape and other fibers as required by proprietary designs. Typical physical properties ofthe PTFE fibers shall be taken from, ‘Table with the exception that the ASTM Test, Methods for tensile strength and elongation shall conform to ASTM D 2256, 188.28 Lubricants €18.8.28 Lubricant, ifused, shall consist of @ combination of solids which does not react chemically or electrolytically with the PTFE and its mating surface and shall remain stable in the environmental conditions expected at the bridge site ‘The lubricant most flequently used in Europe with sheet PTFE is based on lithium grease, Ithas proved to be effective and stable over long periods. SECTION 18: BEAMING DEVICES Interlocked Bronze and Filled PTFE, Structures Interlocking bronze and filed PTFE structures shall consist of phosphor bronze plate with 0.01-in, (0.25-mnen thick porous bronze surface layer into which is impregnated a lead/PTFE compound. There shall be an overlay of compounded PTFE not less than 1. in, (25 mm) thick. The phosphor bronze back plate shall conform 10 AASHTO M 108 (ASTM B 100) and the porous bronze layer shall conform to ASTM B 103/8 103M. 18,8.2.10 Surface Treatment ‘Where PTFE shosts are to be epoxy- bonded, one side ‘of the PTFE shect shall be factory-ireated by an approved ‘Manufacturer by the sodium naphthalene or sodium ammonia process 1882.11 Stainless Steel Mating Surface Stainless stoel shall conform to the requirements of Article 18.1.2. 1883 Fabrication Requirements 1883.1 GENERAL Expansion bearings shall be manufactured to the dimensions and to meet the requirements of the method of fastening to the structure as shown in the contract, documents, 1883.2 Attachment of PTFE Material 1883.21 General When mechanically fastened, PTFE sheet shall be fastened as shown inthe contract documents with the size, type, and namber of fasteners required. The fastener used inthe PTFE sheet and back-up material shall be installed to provide full bearing. 1883.2.2 Flat Sheet PTFE All flat sheet PTFE attached to a metal backing plate shall be attached by recessing into the backing ofthe plate for one-half of the PTFE thickness and bonding. PTFE attached to other materials, such es elastomers, shall be tached by a method specified in the contract documents or approved by the Engineer, 18.33 C188.3.22 PTFE sheets should be both recessed and bonded to ‘obtain the best performance. The recessing inhibits creep ‘or cold flow and the bonding keeps the PTFE in the recess when the mating surface of stainless steel slides over i. Without the bond, there is a risk that conditions such as eccentric loading would cause the PTFE to come out ofthe 1834 ‘The PIPE shal be factory bonded using an adhesive that is approved by the Engineer, in accordance with the instnctions of the adhesive's Manufacturer. Prior to bonding, the sunfice shall be etched by an approved Manufacturer using sodium naphthalene ot sodium ammonia process. When the backing plate is metal, the bonding shall be conducted under a uniform pressure areater than 0,100 ksi (0.7 MPa). ‘The peel strength of the bond shall not be less than 20.0 bin, 3.5 Nim), tested in accordance with ASTM D429, Method B, The finished surface ofthe PTFE shall be smoot, ree fiom bubbles, and shall conform to the tolerances shown in Table 18.14.2-1, Filled PEE sheets shall be polished after bonding, 18.83.23 Curved Sheet Curved sheet PTFE, such as used in spherical bearings, shall be attached by recessing for one-half the PTFE thickness. The dimensions of the PTFE element shall be selected 60 that it fits tightly inthe recess even when the besring is subjected to its lowest design temperature, 1883.24 Fabric Containing PTFE Fibers brie made from woven PTFE fibers shall be bonded cor mechanically attached to a rigid substrate, The fabric shall be capable of carrying uait loads of 10.0 ksi (70:0 MPa) without cold flow. The fabric-substeste bond shall be capable of withstanding, without delamination, a shear force equal fo (0.1 + w)P at the same time as the ‘normal load, where jis the design coefficient of ition between the PTFE and its mating surface and P is the «design load acting perpendicularly to the interface. 1883.3 Stainless Steol Mating Surface Each stainless stel element specified in the contract documents as a single picce shall be so supplied, Bach sheet shall be attached to its backing material by seal- ‘welding around the entire perimeter so as to prevent entry cof moisture between the stainless steel and the backing material. Welds shall conform to the current AASHTO/AWS D1.SM/DLS Bridge Welding Code. After ‘welding, the stainless stect sheet shall be flat, ftee from weinkles, and in continuous contact with its backing plate, 188.34 Lubrication Lubrication shal be applied tothe entre PTFE surface if'specifed in the contract documents or by the Enginecr. Ifthe PTFE is dimpled, enough lubricant shall be used to fill ll the dimples, AASHTO LRED Buupex Construction SteciricATIONS, ‘The minimum bonding pressure of 0.100 ksi (0.7 MPa) isintended to ensure that the adhesive under the PTFE is well distributed and that the final PTFE surface ‘willbe flat. Filled PTFE is much rougher and leads to higher fiction coeficients than pure PTFE, Polishing is intended 10 minimize the adverse effects ofthe filler, C188.3.24 ‘Woven PTFE cannot be kept in place by a recess i the same way that sheet PTFE can so some other means is necessary. Itcam be attached to its backing substrate, either by bonding or by forming in the metal substrate ‘mechanical indentations into which the PTFE weave is pressed. ‘The effectiveness of such a mechatical ‘connection can be judged by a tost in which one piece of ‘woven PTFE is compressed between two indented metal substrates and the PTFE is pulled out from between them, C188.3.3 ‘Stainless steel should be attached by welding all around. This not only ensures a uniform transfer of stress from the PTFE to the backing plate when the stsintess stcel ia subjected to shear from sliding forces but it also minimizes the corrosion which can occur behind the stainless stecl plate, SECTION 18: BuarunG Devices 18.8.4 ‘Testing and Acceptance 1884.1 General Inspection ofthe completed bearings or representative samples of bearings with PTFE surfaces shall be required by the Engineer. Inspectors, ifappointed, shall be allowed. fie access to the necessary part of the Manufacturer's plant and test facility. When testing is performed by the ‘Manufacturer, copies of the test results shall be submitted to the Engineer. ‘The Manufacturer is required to perform material ests fon the materials used inthe sliding surface in accordance. with Article 181.523. A minimum of one test shall be performed for each lt of bearings. If requested by the Engincer and available test facilities permit, complete bearings shall be tested for complete bearing fiction as defined in Article If the test facility does not pemmit testing complete ‘earings, atthe direction ofthe Engineer, extra bearings may be manufactured by the Contractor and samples of at least 100-kip (430 000-N) capacity at normal working stresses prepared by sectioning the bearings. As soon asall bearings have been manufactured for a given project otification shal be given tothe Engineer who will select the prescribed test bearings at random from the Tot. Manufacturer's cerification ofthe ste}, elastomeric pads, preformed fabric pads, PTFE, and other materials used in ‘he construction of the bearings shall be furnished along, ‘with notification of febrication completion. Bearings represented by test specimens passing the above requirements shall be approved for use in the structure subject to oa-site inspection for visible defects. 18.8.5 Installation Installation shall be performed as. specified in Article 18.43, 18.9 ANCHOR BOLTS 18.9.1 Materials Anchor bolts shall meet the requirements of ASTM A307, or as shown in the contract documents, Anchor bolts shall be provided with anchorage details that permit, development of the fll tensile strength ofthe bolt. Hooks or end plates are recommended, 18.92 Fabrication Anchor bots shall be swedged or threaded to seeurea satisfactory grip upon the material used to embed them in, the holes. C1844 ‘The tests described in this Section are intended to determine the purity and crystallinity of the PTFE. Test, results shall conform to the requirements of ‘Table The purity influences the fiction factor ‘can be obtained, and the crystallinity influences both the resistance fo weer and the friction. The specific gravity test, is indirectly atest ofthe crystallinity. The strength tests are necessary to make sure that the PTFE does not creep excessively and does not fail in direct tension, ‘The test strength required of woven fabric material is extremely high because itis at present conducted on a single strand of PTFE fiber, This is a camry-over from the existing. practice buta strength test which measures the strength of the finished fabric in pounds per inch (Newtons per sillimeter) of fabric would probably be beter. 18.36 18.9.3 Installation “The Contractor shall rill holes for anchor bolts and set them in portland cement grout, or preset them as shown inthe contract documents or as specified a directed by the Engineer Location of anchor bolts shal take into account any variation from mean temperature ofthe superstructure at time of soting and anticipated lengthening of bottom chord ‘or bottom flange due 10 dead load after settings the intention being that, as near as practicable, at mean temperature and under dead load, the anchor bolts at ‘expansion bearings will center thei slots, Care shall be ‘ake thet full and fice movement of the superstructure at ‘movable bearings is not restricted by anchor bolts or nuts, 18.10 BEDDING OF MASONRY PLATES 18.10.1 General Filler or fabric materials shall be placed as bedding, ‘material under masonry plates when shown in the contract ‘documents. Such material shall be ofthe type specified in the contract documents or as ordered or approved by the Engineer and shall be installed to provide full bearing on contact areas, ‘Immediately before placing the bedding material and installing bearings ot masonry plates, the contact surfeces of the concrete and steel shall be thoroughly cleaned. 1810.2 Materials Proformed fabric pads used as being shall be composed of multiple layers of 8-o2/yd® (0:27-kg/m®) cotton duck impregnated end bonded with high-quality natural rubber or of equivalent and equally suitable Imiterials compressed into resilient pads of uniform thickness. The numberof pies shel be such a to produce {he specified thickness, ater compression and vuleanizing. The finished pads shall withstand compression loads perpendicular to the plane ofthe laminations of not less then 10.0 ksi (70.0 MPs) without detimentalredvction in thickness or extrusion Sheet lead used as bedding shall be comimon, desilverized lead conforming to ASTM B 29, The sheets shall be of uniform thickness and sal be fee from cracks, seams, livers, scale, and other defects. Unless otherwise specified, lead sheets shall be 0.125 in. (3mm) in thickaess with a permissible tolerance of +0.03 in (1mm). Caulking materiel used as bedding shall be a non-sag polysulide or polyurethane matril conforming tothe provisions of ASTM C 920, Type IL Grout and mortar used fo fling under masonry ptes shall conform to ticle 8.14, “Mortar and Grout” AASHTO LRED Brupes ConstRUcTiON SPECIFICATIONS [SECTION 18; BEARING DEVICES 18.11 FABRICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR GUIDES Guide bars shall bo attached to the ody ofthe bearing by a method which minimizes distortion and allows the flatness tolerance on all parts ofthe bearingto be met after attachment. The sliding surfaces ofthe guide system shall be flat and parallel. Bolts or threaded fastoners used to attach the guide bars to their supporting plates shall have an embedded thread length adequate to develop ther strength low-friction material isused a the contact interface, it shall be attached to its backing piece by two ot more of ‘the following methods simultaneously = bonding, ‘+ recessing, and with © mechanicel ‘countersunk fasteners. attachment Tethe material is bonded, it shall be etched by the ‘method recommended by the Manufacturer of the material ‘ot bonding agent. Recessing shall be one-half of the rnaterial thickness, Fasteners shall be countersunk 10 a depth which ensures that they will not touch the mating aaterial after allowing for wear, 18.12 LOAD PLATES ‘Load plate shall be made from single plate or they ‘may be built up from several stcl laminates, cach oriented in the plane perpendicular to the direction of the load, Built-up Toad plates shall be joined by complete seal- ‘welding to prevent ingress of moisture. Such welds shall also provide sufficient shear strength to resist the applied Toads. The load plates shall have no sharp comers or cdg, Holes may be formed by drilling, punching, or accurately controlled oxygen cuiting. All burrs shall be removed by arinding. 18:37 cis Guide bars are usually attached by bolting because ‘welding tends to introduce distortions. Ifthe bolts are held in threaded holes in the plate rather than by nuts, the threaded holes should have adequate length to develop the {ull tension strength of the bolt. The guide bars must be attached with a relatively fine tolerance in order to prevent locking up when the bearing displaces longitudinally. Very low-friction eoefficients ae less necessary for ‘guides than forthe PTE slider which supports the gravity Joad. This is because fiction on the guides contributes ‘only a small percentage of the longitudinel resisting force ‘of the beating. Thus, filled PTFE, which has a better resistance to creep than pure PTFE, is often used for ‘guides. The use ofa filler means that it is not necessary to recess the PTFE in a metal backing plate and this, therefore, saves some machining. PTFE filled with fiberglass or carbon fibers, and a PTFE and sintered metal mixture have been used with success. ‘The low-friction material used for guides must be attached by two of the three given methods to avoid the debonding problems which have accurred inthe past 18.38 18.13 MEASUREMENT Beating devices shal be measured ether by the pound (kilogram) as determined from scale weight mass) orby a unit basis for each type of bearing assembly listed inthe ‘contract documents. Scale weight (mass) isnot required ‘when calculated weight (mass) is shown in the contract documents, in which case the weight (mass) shown in the contract documents shall be used as the basis of payment, 18.14 PAYMENT Baring devices shall be paid for atthe contract price pper pound (kilogram) or per unit. Such payment shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, ‘materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and for doing all the work involved in furnishing, testing, and installing said bearing devices, complete in place, as shown in the ‘contract documents, as specified in these Specifications, and as dirested by the Engineer. AASHTO LRED Baunox ConsrauctioN SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCES AASHTO, 2004, AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 3rd Edition, LRFDUS-3 or LRFDSI-3, American ‘Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, Washington, DC, Available in customary U.S. nits or SI units, AASHTO. 2004. Standard Specifications for Transportation Materials and Methods of Sampling and Testing, 24th Edition, HIM-24, American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, Washington, DC. AASHTO and AWS. 2002. AASHTO/AWS DI.SMIDLS Bridge Welding Code, BWC-4, American Welding Society, Miami, FL. RMA. 1992. Rubber Handbook for Molded, Extruded, Lathe Cut and Cellular Products, Sth Baition, Rubber Manufacturers Association, Inc., Washington, DC. SAE. 1995. Society of Automotive Engineers Specification Marual, Volume 1, Society of Automotive Engineers, ‘Warrendale, PA. SAB. 2004, “Chemical Composition of SAE Carbon Steels,” SAB J403, SAX Handbook, Society of Automotive Engineers, Warrendale, PA. 1839 SECTION 19: BRIDGE DECK JOINT SEALS ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 19.1 GENERAL 19.2 WORKING DRAWINGS. 19.2.1 General... 19.2.2 Special Contract-Document Requirements for Modular Bridge Joint Systems (MBIS) 19.3 MATERIALS... 193.1 Bridge Deck Joint Seal Materiais and Toint Seal Assemblies Other than Modular Bridge Joint Systems 193.2 Modular Bridge Joint Systems... 19.6 MANUFACTURE AND FABRICATION. 19.4.1 Compression Seal Joints {9442 Jo Sea sees Or tan Moda Bdge “Joint Sytens 19.43 Moduler Bridge Joint Systems 1943.1 General 19.432 Bégebeam Profile and Anchorage. Conterbeam and Support Bar. 1943.4 Seals 7 1943.5 Support Boxes. 1943.6 PTFE Sliding Surface . 1943.7 Stainless Steel Sliding Su 19.43.8 Corrosion Protection 19.5 INSTALLATION... 19.5.1 General 19.5.2 Compression Seal Joins. 19.53 Joint Seal Assemblies Other Than Modular "ies “oin Syms 195.4 Modular Bridge Joint Systems. Shipping and Handling 19°5.4.2 Preinstallation Inspection, 195.43 Installation Setting Gap Opening, 195.4322 Formwork 195433 Supporting MBJS during Placing of Concrete. 195.434 Placing the Concrete Finished MBJS Tolerances 195.436 Bridging MBIS Afer Installation 195.43.7 Removal of Forms and Debris... 195.438 Watertightness Test Acceptance 19.6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT. . APPENDIX A19 PROPOSED STANDARD TEST METHOD FOR MODULAR BRIDGE JOINT SYSTEMS... 7 194

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