PCW Opapp JMC 2014-01
PCW Opapp JMC 2014-01
PCW Opapp JMC 2014-01
Pursuant to Republic Act 9710, otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Women,
and in fulfillment of the government's commitment to uphold women, peace and
security through the implementation of the Philippine NAPWPS, NSCWPS member
agencies, agencies that implement PAPs in confl|ct-affected/post-conflict areas such
as those covered by the PAMANA, and responsible agencies identified in the
NAPWPS shall develop and integrate PAPs addressing women, peace and security
concerns in their annual GPBs and, consequently, report the status or results of the
implementation of such PAPs in their annual GAD ARs following the Guidelines for
the Preparation of Annual Gender and Development Plans and Budgets and
Accomplishment Reports to Implement the Magna Carta of Women issued by the
Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), the National Economic and Development
Authority (NEDA) and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) under
Joint Circular 2012-01.
Thus, in the preparation of their respective agency GPBs and GAD ARs, the
following supplementary guidelines shall be observed:
1.1 In the formulation of GPBs, concerned agencies shall consider and integrate
women, peace and security issues and corresponding strategies identified
under the NAPWPS and its Results Framework (see Annex A); the
Philippine Development Plan, 2011-2016, particularly Chapter 8; the
Women's Empowerment, Development and Gender Equality Plan, 2013-
2016, particularly Chapter 12 (see Annex B); and other similar plans
promoting women's rights and gender equality in peace and security that fall
within their respective mandates.
1.4 In line with the main pillars of the NAPWPS, concerned agencies shall give
importance to PAPs that (1) address emerging and/or continuing issues and
concerns on the protection of women and girls in conflict-affected areas, (2)
respond to conflict-related violence against women (VAW) and/or sexual
and gender-based violence (SGBV) and (3) promote women's participation
in peacebuilding, peacemaking and conflict prevention and resolution
1.5 In filling out the GPB and GAD AR templates, concerned agencies shall
specifically identify the women, peace and security-related issue/s under the
'Gender Issue ^nd/or GAD Mandate' column by labeling them as 'NAPWPS'
(see Annex C and D for sample GPB and GAD AR).
1.7 To be able to properly identify and effectively address women, peace and
security concerns, agencies are encouraged to conduct skills development
and capacity building activities on gender-sensitive conflict analysis, as well
as gender-responsive, conflict-sensitive and peace-promoting planning,
programming, budgeting, monitoring and evaluation for their NSCWPS
technical working group representatives, GAD Focal Point System members
and program officers implementing PAPs in conflict-affected and post-
conflict areas.
The PCW and the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP)
shall perform the following functions:
2.1.1 Provide OPAPP copies of endorsed GPBs and GAD ARs of concerned
agencies; and
2.1.2 Assist OPAPP in the development of policies and tools for the
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of NAPWPS PAPs.
Since the GAD planning and budgeting cycle for FY 2015 has ended,
concerned agencies who have not integrated NAPWPS PAPs in their 2015
GPB shall submit to PCW their adjusted 2015 GPBs integrating such.
Thereafter, all concerned agencies shall integrate NAPWPS PAPs in their
annual GPBs and GAD ARs following the guidelines.
Women in conflict and post-conflict
situations are protected, empowered, and play a
decisive role in peace and security
Protection and Prevention, To ensure the protection of women's human rights and
prevention of violation of these rights in armed conflict and post-conflict situations
through the enactment and implementation of gender-responsive and conflict-
sensitive policies, programs, and services.
Action Point 1: Women and girls, including indigenous and Moro women in
conflict-affected areas, in evacuation/internally displaced peoples (IDP)
camps, and those temporarily staying with relatives and friends, are protected
from all forms of violence in armed conflict and post-conflict situations
{immediate and sustained protection).
Action Point 2:Women and girls, including indigenous and Moro women,
have access to justice for crimes and violence arising from armed conflict
(access to justice).
2.1. Through formal and informal (i.e. customary indigenous peoples laws)
justice mechanisms, no. of international humanitarian law (IHL) and
conflict-related human rights violations including S G B V and trafficking are:
2.1.1. reported
2.1.2. investigated
2.1.3. prosecuted
2.4 No. of women and girl-survivors of IHL and human rights violations
(including S G B V and trafficking) provided with legal support such as
witness protection program and access to legal remedies.
Action Point 3: Women and girls, including indigenous and Moro women in
evacuation/IDP camps, conflict-affected/post-conflict areas, those temporarily
staying with relatives and friends, accessing healing, rehabilitation and
development programs and services {healing, rehabilitation, and
Empowerment and Participation. To empower women and ensure their active and
meaningful participation in areas of peacekeeping, peacemaking, peacebuilding,
conflict prevention, conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction.
5.1 No. of women participating in peace tables (as heads and members)
from both Parties.
Relevant actor - O P A P P
Relevant actor - O P A P P
8.2. W P S training programs for women and men in the security sector
J.;rVu{ttet=abUi^-"of-'wbmen,ahdgi^^^^ communittesjto.'S^BVianji.displj^iemeht -
2. Inadequate and cukuraliy inappropriate support systems and responses for w o m ^ and ^rls in
- coofiiGtahd"pos>eqnflKtareas !''V-".^^^^ "-.'"v-;" . " ,: -'-iV . -
3. Lack of CJipacities of government agencfe&ahd LGUs to establish and implement mechanisms
for add.ress}ng the gender equality dimensions of peace andsecurity and implementing the ^
= :;,7phitipp!n|-y^PWP^^
Nationaf government agencies and partners implemented programs and projects on peace -
and security that ar6 aligned with the Natioml Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security and
addressed the vuirieTabilities of women and girls to gender-basfed violence and displacement,
improved existing support systems^ and responsesior women and giris In conflict and,po£t-
cdnflittareas; and enhant^d^the capacities-cif^oveirnm.e^^ for irhpfemertting
• .the:h4AFV/PS;'.Caia^ y
partnershipi,atidcp1}abpratiQn^^ ,-- - :
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Indicators T»rftt lAi/OAs
and peace settiefafflst.'
•fifes, #-wssi»iB«
ms4 pm%^f$im.
Gender Issue Cause or the | GAD Result ! Relevant Agency GAD Activity Output Performance GAD Source Responsible
and'or Gender Issue Statement/ GAD MFO/PAP Indicators and Target Budget of Unit/Office
GAD Mandate Objective Budget
Lack of capacities To increase the Mainstreamed conflict- Conduct of NAP orientation- 5 training-workshops on Office of the
and tool for awareness and build sensitive and peace workshops in select conflict- monitoring and evaluating Undersecretary identified and
^TSciro^aWareness mainstreaming capacities of conflict- promoting processes affected LGUs LNAP implementation for Policy and labeled as
among residents gender in regular affected LGUs on and mechanisms in conducted Programs and
a^rene "NAPWPS" ii
and L G U officials peace programs mainstreaming gender- local governance the PAMANA
and projects of the Coordinating
Column 1.
on gender issues In and conflict-sensitive towards peace and 1st quarter = 1 training
conflict-affected agency and its and peace promoting social cohesion - 2nd quarter = 2 trainings Unit
areas local government interventions Localization of the 3rd quarter = 2 trainings
partners National Action Plan on
Women, Peace and
Security (LNAP) No. of training
5 technical
assistance and
meetings with
R C B W / R S C and 4
regions conducted
No. of technical
assistance and
No of target
provinces that have
utilized or
integrated LNAP
IVl&E tool
inactive gender- Lack of capacities To ensure the IVIainstreamed conflict- Finalizaiion and dissemination CODI policies and guidelines xxx.xx GAA Human
sensitive among the staff to operationaiization of sensitive and peace of policies and guidelines on issued and disseminated in , Resource
institutional identify and gender-responsive promoting processes CODI popular form Department
mechanisms in the address gender organizational and mechanisms and CODI
organization issues in the mechanisms particularly towards peace, and identification and convening of Members of CODI identified
agency's policies the Committee on. social cohesion CODI members and formalized
and programs Decorum and
investigation • No. of gender-
(CODI) responsive
policies and
guidelines issued
Lack of gender- Lack of capacities To review existing Mainstreamed conflict- Development of policy or Policy on the use of gender-fair XXX.XX GAA Human
sensitivity on the among the staff to documents and sensitive and peace guidelines to ensure the use of language Issued Resources
use of language in identify and materials to ensure use promoting processes gender-fair language in all • No. of policies or Department
the agency address gender of gender-fair language and mechanisms internal and external guidelines on the and the
issues in the towards peace and documents, materials and Use of gender-fair Office of the
agency's policies social cohesion communications of the agency language issued Undersecretary
and programs for Policy and
Lack of gender- Lack of capacities To review existing Mainstreamed conflict- Revision of current FR profiling questionnaires xxx.xx GAA Planning,
sensitivity on the among the staff to documents and sensitive and peace questionnaires used for revised and made gender- Monitoring and
use of language in identify and materials to ensure use promoting processes profiling of former rebels sensitive Evaluation and
the agency address gender of gender-fair language and mechanisms the
issues in the towards peace and Office of the
agency's policies social cohesion Undersecretary
and programs for Policy and
Gender Issue Cause of the G A D Result Reltf MTli G A D Activity Performance Indicators and Actual Result Agency Actual Variance
and/or Gender Issue Statement/ G A D Agency Target (Outputs/ outcomes) Approved Cost/ Remarks
G A D Mandate Objective MFO/PAP Budget Expenditure
Oiqjni::ati 3n f-1 c
inactive Lack of To ensure the iVIainstreamed Finailzaflon and C O D i policies and guidelines Circular 2014-01 on the XXX.XX XXX.XX
gender- capacities operationaiization of conflict- dissemination of issued and disseminated in Strengthening and
sensitive among the staff gender-responsive sensitive and policies and popular form Reconstitution of the
institutionai to identify and organizational peace guidelines on CODI CODI Issued on (date)
mectianisms in address gender mechanisms promoting Members of CODI identified and
tlie issues in the particularly the processes and Identification and formalized
organization agency's Committee on. mechanisms convening of CODi
policies and Decorum and towards peace members • No. of gender-responsive
programs investigation and social organizational policies and
(CODI) cohesion guidelines issued
Lack of Lack of To review existing IVIainstreamed Development of Policy on the use of gender-fair Circular 2014-02 on the xxx.xx XXX.XX
gender- capacities documents and conflict- policy or guidelines language issued Use of Gender-Fair
sensitivity on among the staff materials to sensitive and to ensure the use • No. of policies or Language issued on
the use of to identify and ensure use of peace of gender-fair guidelines on the use of (date)
language in address gender gender-fair promofing language in ail gender-fair language
the agency issues in the language processes and internal and issued
agency's mechanisms external
policies and towards peace documents,
programs and social materials and
cohesion communications of
the agency
Lack of Lack of To review existing IVIainstreamed Revision of current FR profiling questionnaires Revised formal rebels XXX.XX XXX.XX
gender- capacities documents and conflict- questionnaires revised and made gender- profiling questionnaire
sensitivity on among the staff materials to sensitive and used for profiling of sensitive issued on (date).
the use of to identify and ensure use of peace former rebels
language in address gender gender-fair promoHng The revised gender-
the agency issues in the language processes and responsive
agency's mechanisms questionnaire may be
policies and towards peace downloaded at the
programs and social agency's website.
Prepared by:
'Mi-' ' — — Approved by:
XXX \y
Conflict - is a dynamic process that occurs when two or more parties believe that
their interests are incompatible and subsequently, express hostile attitudes or take
actions that damage the other parties' ability to pursue their interest. It becomes a
cause for concern when it becomes violent or when parties involved no longer seek
to attain their goals peacefully but resort instead to violence in one form or another.
Peacekeeping - pertains to the facilitation of the transition from the state of conflict
to the state of peace; it usually involves security sector and civil society actors
working together to enforce peace and mitigate conflict.
Women, Peace and Security - is women's agenda that recognizes the important
role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peacebuilding and the
restoration and maintenance of peace and security.