Essex Voter Reg Form 080309
Essex Voter Reg Form 080309
Essex Voter Reg Form 080309
YOU MUST SIGN YOUR NAME and then mail to the appropriate county in order to be registered.
New Jersey 76
Voter Registration Application
Please print clearly in ink. All information is required unless marked optional.
1 Check boxes New Registration Address Change Political Party Affiliation FOR OFFICIAL
that apply: Name Change Signature Update or Non-affiliation Change USE ONLY
2 Are you a U.S. Citizen? Yes No Will you be 18 years of age by the next election? Yes No
(If No, DO NOT complete this form) (If No, DO NOT complete this form)
Registration #
3 Last Name First Name Middle Name or Initial Suffix (ex. Jr., Sr., III)
6 Home Address (DO NOT use PO Box) Apt. Municipality County State Zip Code
7 Mailing Address if different from above Apt. Municipality County State Zip Code
8 Last Address Registered to Vote (DO NOT use PO Box) Apt. Municipality County State Zip Code by mail
in person
10 Do you wish to declare a political party affiliation?(Optional) Yes, the party name is
No, I do not wish to be affiliated with any political party.
11 Gender Declaration - I swear or affirm that: I will have resided in the State and county I understand that any false or
I am a U.S. Citizen at least 30 days before the next election fraudulent registration may subject
Female I live at the above address I am not on parole, probation or serving a me to a fine of up to $15,000,
Male I will be at least 18 years old sentence due to a conviction for an indictable imprisonment up to 5 years,
on or before the next election offense under any federal or state laws or both pursuant to R.S. 19:34-1
Signature: Sign or mark and date on line below If applicant is unable to complete this form, print the
name and address of individual who completed this form.
Name Date
X Address
Important: Print out at 100% - DO NOT REDUCE. Fold as illustrated to ensure proper mailing.
New Jersey
Voter Registration Application
You can register to vote if:
n You are a United States citizen
n You will be 18 years of age by the next election
n You will be a resident of the county 30 days before the election
n You are NOT currently serving a sentence, probation or parole because of a felony conviction
Registration Deadline: 21 days before an election
Your County Commissioner of Registration will notify you if your application is accepted.
If it is not accepted, you will be notified on how to complete and/or correct the application.
Questions? visit or call toll-free 1-877-NJVOTER (1-877-658-6837)
Put both pages 1 fold top down 2 fold bottom up 3 Tape top shut
together as shown