MCQ Controller
MCQ Controller
MCQ Controller
2. The SP is of ___ wide register. And this may be defined anywhere in the ______.
a) 8 byte, on-chip 128 byte RAM. b) 8 bit, on chip 256 byte RAM.
c) 16 bit, on-chip 128 byte ROM d) 8 bit, on chip 128 byte RAM.
5. Which pin of port 3 is has an alternative function as write control signal for
external data memory?
a) P3.8 b) P3.3 c) P3.6 d) P3.1
6. What is the Address (SFR) for TCON, SCON, SBUF, PCON and PSW respectively?
a) 88H, 98H, 99H, 87H, 0D0H. b) 98H, 99H, 87H, 88H, 0D0H
c) 0D0H, 87H, 88H, 99H, 98H d) 87H, 88H, 0D0H, 98H, 99H
13. How many synchronous and asynchronous modes are there in serial port of 8096?
a) 2, 2 respectively b) 3,1 respectively c) 1, 3 respectively d) 1, 2 respectively
15. 8096 has ___ general purpose I/O ports, Port 2 includes ______ of the following
i) two quasi-bidirectional I/O lines
ii) two output lines
iii) four input lines
iv) open drain outputs
a) 4, i, iv b) 6, ii, iii c) 4, i,ii,iii d) 6, i, ii, iv
16. 8096 write-protected mode, no code can write to memory address between __.
a) 2020 to 3FFFH b) 8000 to FFFFH c) 2000 to 3FFFH d) 2020 to 202FH
17. If the __ pin is ___ , then we have the option of using the ____ ROM or EPROM
together with _____ memory and devices.
a) EA, high, internal, external
b) EA, low, internal, external
c) EA, high, external, internal
d) EA, low, external, internal
19. In 8096, mode ____ of serial port are ___ modes commonly used for ____
a) 1, 8bit, single processor b) 0, 7bit, multiple microcontroller
c) 2, 9 bit, multiple processors d) 3, 8 bit, multiple microcontroller
M5/V1/June 04/1
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers/ Multiple Choice Questions
Architecture of Micro controllers
5.1 C 5.2 D 5.3 C 5.4 D 5.5 C 5.6 A
5.7 A 5.8 A 5.9 D 5.10 C 5.11 D 5.12 C
5.13 C 5.14 C 5.15 C 5.16 C 5.17 A 5.18 B
5.19 C 5.20 C