Light Steel Papaer
Light Steel Papaer
Light Steel Papaer
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 08, August-2015
Abstract — The light steel framing technology has The use of steel framing continues to grow year by year
progressively increased because of the fast progress in the and is a trend for the future.
building industry. It has a lot of advantages from the
technological point of view. The development of dry building
systems based on steel members have spread in the US,
Australia and Japan; and are now gaining market in European The Light Steel Frames (LSF) are made by a process
countries as well as in countries in development such as China called roll cold-forming in which a long strip of sheet steel is
and Brazil. These dry buildings address a new form of passed through a series of rollers to form the bends and create
construction in which steel members are designed to act with the desired shape. The frames are manufactured at room
“dry” materials, such as gypsum plasterboards. Although the temperatures, relatively considered low temperatures (cold
gypsum plasterboards have a structural function, they are not working) and the strength is achieved by a combination of
normally used for taking active loads. The structure itself is properties of the steel, such as thickness.
made of steel frames. The systems often have load-bearing walls,
and the floors may be of light weight steel profiles. They are
designed for industrial production and can contribute to a more
efficient building process.
Firstly, the author thanks the Coordination for the [1] S. Shi, J. Yu, “Development of Chinese Light Steel Construction
Residential Building”, Journal of Sustainable Development, November
Improvement of Higher Education Personnel – CAPES Brazil 2009. Vol. 2, No. 3 : pp. 134-138.
and the Brazilian Science Mobility Program for the full [2] A. Dudás, “Light Steel Structures in Residential House Construction”.
sponsorship. Secondly, he appreciates the support from Periodica Polytechnica. Ser. CIV. ENG. VOL. 47, NO. 1, PP. 133–136
Northern Virginia Community College as well as Howard (2003).
University and their excellence. Thirdly, he recognizes the [3] J. Strömberg, M. Lawson, R. Kergen, A. Moutafidou, T. Mononen, B.
huge importance of his instructor and supervisor Dr. Robert Johansson, J. Nieminen, “Development of Dry Composite Construction
Systems Based on Steel in Residential Application” (2002).
Elangwe Efimba for this research article, highlighting his
[4] M. Veljkovic, B. Johansson, “Light Steel Framing for Residential
patience and trust. Buildings”. University of Technology. Thin-Walled Structures 44
(2006) pp: 1272 – 1279.
[5] A Builder’s Guide to Steel Frame Construction. Steel Framing Alliance
[6] SBN 1975. Swedish Building Regulations. Statens Planverk, 1975.