Manual Operacion Horno Evenheat
Manual Operacion Horno Evenheat
Manual Operacion Horno Evenheat
O O ki l nin c. ¡ ¡
a a aa o o o o
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Kiln Inc.
Enjoy your new RampMaster@ IMou will get many yearsof high quality firings and
wonderfulexperiences,providing goodmaintenanceis appliedto the careof your kiln.
Make sureall manualsare read.
Readand understandthe operatingmanualthoroughlybeforefiring. Any questions,
contactvour distributoror call EvenheatKiln, Inc., (989) 856-2281
This controller containsstatic sensitiveparts which can be damagedby static electricity.Use ground
strap or touch groundedobject when handling this controller.
This controller is a temperatureregulating device not a safety device. You should attend your kiln
during firing.
Any changesto the kiln outsidethe factory will null and void the wananty and electricallisting.
EvenheatKiln, Inc.
P.O.Box 399
Tableof Contents
De|ay............... . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. ' . . ' . ' . ' 1 2
A larm......... ..................."..13
Other.......... ................'......13
Reset, Preheat use and example ,..13- 14
lD,16-5,ConeOffsetuseandexample 14- 15
Change Degree S ca |e . . . . . . . . . . ...............15
ErrorCodeenable / disable useandexample .......15
Thermocouple Offset,PowerTame,BoardTemperature.........1 6
Restore P re-set RampMo d eP ro g ra ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. 1 7
Appendix ConeFireTemperature Programs............17
Appendix PresetRamp Mode Firing
Appendix TermsandAbbreviations .........19
Appendix DisplayMessages................ ..20-21
Appendix ErrorCodes ...............22
Appendix CommonQuestions and Situations..........23
Appendix FiringProgramBlank
RM ll ZoneControl -26
. FiringMethods:
o AdvancedFeatures:
> BACK-UPKEY - Allowsyou to back up one step duringyour Ramp Mode Programming or
> DELAY START- Delaythe startof your firingup to 99 hoursand 99 minutes.
> PREHEAT- Usedwith CONE FIREmethodto holda temperatureof 200oFfor a specifiedtime
priorto startingthe firing.This can be usedfor dryingware.
> CONE COOL DOWN- Allowsyou to entera cool down segmentfor a Cone FireMethod.
> ALARM - Userset audibletemoeraturealarm.
> CONE OFFSET- Usedto raiseor lowerthe finaltemperatureof any cone to fine tune the
controllerto your kiln.
> SKIP STEP- Skipfrom the presentsegmentto the next segment.
> PAUSE- Whilein a ramp modethis allowsyou to holdthe currentdisplayedtemperaturefor up
to 30 minutes.Whilein a holdmodeit willadd 5 minutesto yourremaining holdtime.
> POWERTAME - Controlsthe amountof heat an ElementedLid producesby settinga
percentageof time the lid elementsare on comparedto the side elements.
> ERRORCODES- Errorcodesmay be turnedon so the kilnwill automatically shut down if
thereis an error.
> RESET- Allowsyou to resetall ErrorCodesand DefaultTC settings.
> RESTORE- Allowsyou to restoreDefaultRamp Mode Programsindividually.
. Messagesand Information:
Options Keys
Sectionfor Sectionfor
manyfeatures entering
including: temperatures
DelayStart, andtimes.
Preheat, Cone Fire
Cone Offset, Sectionfor
Reset,T/C choosingone
Offsetand of four preset
Fahrenheitor cone fire
CelsiusScale. programs.
Pressingthe Start-Stop Key first then the Enter Key startsthe firing.
To stop a firing in progress,press the Start-Stop Key alone.
RECALL PROG- This key allowsone step recallof one of the Ramp
Mode User Programsto startthe firing.
The LED (LightEmittingDiode)has room for four digitsor lettersin the display.Becauseeach digit has
fourteen(14) segmentsto createeach numberor letter,some lettersdo not appearas you are use to
seeingthem in print.When the decimalpointis displayedbetweenthe middletwo digits,a time is being
displayed.lf there is a decimalto the right of all the digits,the temperatureis in degrees Celsius
and DISPLAY' continued
o f K E Y F U N C T IONS
Typicallyusedfor firinglargerBisquefirings.
** 13 hoursto fire to cone 04.**
Typicallyusedfor Glazefirings.
"" 7 hoursto fire to cone 04. **
This is used to look up the equivalenttemperatureof various cone numbers' The temperature
coneswith a heatingrateof 1o8oF/hr.
displayedis for self-suppor'ting
Review Program
you are
The informationdisplayedwhen Review Programis pressedvaries dependingon whether
using Cone Fire or Ramp Mode.When Review Programis pressed,
each of the steps in the current
firingprogramis displayedone afteranother.
View Segment
View Segment is availableonly during a Ramp Mode firing_. lt is used to .view the currentfiring
segment or to skip from the current segment to the next firing ramp'. When View Segment is
prjssed duringa firing,the currentstage of the firing,temperature the kiln is scheduledto be at that
moment in the firing,-and the board temperature are displayed. lf it is pressedin betweenfirings,
STOP and then the currenttemperaturewill be displayed'
When there is electricalpower connectedto the controller,the displaywill be lit; usually,the currenttemperaturewill
be flashing.The currenttemperatureis measuredat the tip of the thermocouple (T/C).lf the tip of the thermocouple
insertedinsidethe kiln,the currenttemperatureis the temperatureinsidethe kiln. lf the Uc is outsidethe kiln, the
controlleris displayingthe roomtemperature.
When the START-STOPbutton is pressed followed by the Enter Key with either a CONE FIRE or RAMP MODE
program selected, the controller starts to increase the temperature toward the first set temperature at the
programmedrate of rise. The kiln will be cycling on and off to accomplishthe exact rate of temperaturerise. When
the measured temperaturereaches the first soak temperature,the hold phase begins, lf there is a hold time
programmedfor this segment,the controllerwill hold at the set temperaturefor the prescribedtime thus endingthe
first segmentof the firing.The second segment ramp stage then begins with the temperatureincreasingtoward the
second set temperatureat the second ramp rate. The temp is then held if there is a hold time programmedfor the
second segment.This sequenceof segmentswith first increasingthe temperatureat a specificrate and holdingthe
temperatureat a set temperatureare continued until the .end of the firing program.There are 6 ramp programs
alreadyenteredas a beginningpointfrom which you may use or completelychangeand enter your own personal
program.You may programup to eight segmentsin the Ramp Mode. In the CONE FIRE mode, the numberof
segmentsand the firing profileare presetto insurethat the correctheat work is done to maturethe witnesscone. You
have an optionto choosea cool down rate at the end of your Cone Fire Mode if so desired.
The ramp portion of a segment need not always be increasing.You can program a decrease in temperatureat a
specificrate also, but your programcan not begin with a descendingramp. When flash ventingyou néed to include
-thisin your programor the controllerwill assumethe kiln is coolingoff to fast and beginto heat up. For a FlashVent
segment use 9999 as your rate per hour, be sure to close the lid before you reach your next set-pointtemperature.
This preventsan error code from coming up when the display temperaturedrops below the setpoint then raising
above the set-pointtemperatureafter closingthe lid.
ln m or edet ai l ...
The controlleractuallyaccomplishesthe temperaturerise by establishingwhat's calleda travelingset point.The
travelingset point is set by the controllerat the initialkiln temperature,
and it is increased(or decreased)at a rate
equalto the ramp rate.Anytimethe kiln temperatureis belowthis travelingset pointthe heatingelementsof the kiln
are turned on. lf the temperatureis above the travelingset point the heatingelementsare turned off. When both the
travelingset point and the measuredtemperaturereachthe first soak temperature,the hold phase begins.
Readall precautions
Apply powerto the controllerby pluggingthe kiln in to an electricaloutlet.Throw power switchto the ON ( | ) position.
Applyingpower to the controllercauses a messageof WAIT to be displayed.The microprocessorin the controlleris
checkingvarious settingsso it will take several seconds beforethe display changesto the currenttemperatureand
IDLE.When the currenttemperatureand IDLE is flashing,you may programthe controllerfor a firingor you may
chooseone of the otheravailableoptions.
To become familiar with your controller,you may press any of the buttons to see how each functions.You may
choose and set differentfiring profilesand reviewthem. The kiln will not begin a firing until the START - STOP and
ENTER key are pressed.In most cases when programming,you will choose an option,then press ENTERto accept
the ootion.
The CONE FIRE mode uses Orton's patentedmethodto achievecorrect heat work so it is ideal for firing ceramics.
The advantageof using the CONE FIRE method is that a very complicatedfiring profile may be chosen with just a
few key strokes. The CONE FIRE method helps protect against over and under firing by carefullytracking and
controllingthe temperatureat the end of the firing as the cone temperatureis approachedand adjustingit as needed.
Rememberwhat cone number selectionyou make for one firing profile will come up in the others as well after
programming is complete.
The Ramp Mode can be used for ceramics,glass,jewelry, glazes, decals, knives etc. There are preset glass firing
profilesalreadystoredfor you to use as a basis of where to begin,but it also allowsyou to overridethese by creating
your own customfiring profileswhich can be saved and used over and over-
Makesurethe temperatureis flashingwith IDLE.Pressingthe "1" key will clearthe displayof error
. messages.Someerrormessageswill preventthe continuation of programmingor firingthe kiln.
one prosram
Press re re ffi ffi
Usingthe "numberkeys",key in the cone numberdesired.lf you type a wrong number,presszero 3
timesor untilall zerosappearin the display,pressenter,then type the correc-t
digitsare displayedat this time)
Usingthe "numberkeys",key in a holdtime,if desired.
Usingthe "numberkeys",key in.a rateof cool down, if desired.(lf nonethenenter"0" and it willskip
thisoptionand go to IDLE)
Usingthe "numberkeys",key in the temperatureyou want to controlthe cool down to.
Usingthe "numberkeys",key in the amountof holdtime you want to holdthe end temperature.
IDLEand the currenttemperaturewill display.
I- f f i- l
Press t@ . Thedisptay
I s:foPt I
Press tobegin
NOTE: With any of the CONE FIRE modes, a pré-heatand cool down stage is available.During
the pre-heatstagethe temperatureis increasedat a rate of 60oFper hour untii200oFis reached;thé
2000temperatureis then held for the programmedamount of time. Pre-heatis automaticallyset
zero duringcone fire programmingand at the end of each firing,so if a pre-heatstage is desired,
must be reprogrammed for each cone firing. Duringthe programmingof the cool dowñ stageyou can
specify how fast or slow you want the temperatureto drop as well as specifyto what end temperature
you want it to be controlledto. The cool down stage is pre-setto zero and revertsback to that
after the
completionof each firing.
CONE FIRE Mode EntryExample
13 Hour Firing, Pre-heat t hour, Cone 6, 10 minute Hold, Controlled Gool Down - The
followingsteps are for a firing to cone 6, with a 10 minute hold at the peak temperature,a
preheatstagewith t hour hold,and a controlledcool down to 1500"F to enhanceglaze.
ffi 13 HR
lf you press the wrong key, before pressingEnter, simply press
the correct kev.
Alternatelyflashing: The 13 Hr firing has been selected, Now CONE and the last
CONE& Number enteredcone numberwill alternatelyflash on the display.
Alternatelyflashing: The cone number has been accepted.Now HLd and the lasl
HLd& Number enteredhold time will alternatelyflash on the display.
oo 0 .1 0
Now enter the l0 m¡nutehold t¡me. Numbersto the left of the
decimalpointare hours,numbersto the rightare minutes.
Alternatelyflashing: The rate of cooling has been accepted.Now " F 8 and 0 will
' F8&0 alternatelyflash on the display.
oooo 1500
Now enterthe 1500' end temperature.
oooo 0.00
Now enter"zeros"for no holdtime
Pressingthe Other key 2 times causes PRHT to be displayed.lf
13 PRHT you accidentallypress Other too many times, press the Alarm
key to back up.
Alternatelyflashing: Preheathas been selected.Now HLd and the last enteredhold
HLd & Number time will alternatelyflash on the display.
Now enter the t hour hold time. Numbers to the left of the
tc 1 .0 0
decimalpointare hours,numbersto the rightare minutes.
Once you press the Start-Stop Key "-- -- -- --" comes up in the
display and requiresyou to press the Enter key to initiatethe
firing schedule.This 2 Key starting process is to help prevent
accidentalstartingof a firingby pressingthe Start Key Alone.
Note: lf at anytime you enteredwrong data during the programmingprocess(before Pressingthe Enter
key) press "zero" 4 times to clear the display and reenter your data (after Pressingthe Enter Key) you
must continue on through the rest of the programmingand restart the process again till you reach that
part of the programthat you need to correct.Rememberwhen enteringa Hold time anythingon the right
side of the decimalpointwill be countedas minutes.For Example:1.50 is equalto t hr and 50 min and
1.90is equalto 2 hrs and 30 min.
PROGRAMMING- continued
It is bestto writeout the firingprogram,whichyou planto use beforeyou beginprogramming.
For example:
o 1
Now enterthe programnumber1
ooo 200
Now enterthe sefpoint temperaturefor segment1
PROGRAMMING- continued
o Alternatelyflashing:
Now enter the programnumber5.
@ IDLE& currenttemperature
Programhas been acceptedand is readyto start.
Cone Table Example- Cone Tableallowsthe userto identifythe equivalenttemperatureusedwhen
choosingto fire üsing the Cone Fire Mode. Equivalenttemperaturesrepresentthose used on the
108"Fcone chart.
oo 07 Now enter desiredcone numberto look up: for example07
Review Program Example- lf you selecta l3 HR CONE FIRE programto cone 04 with a 20 minute
hold and no controlledcool down rate, the followingwill be displayed,each for about/z second when
Review Programis pressed.
Displav Comment
13 H R 13 Hour firing proqramselected
PRHT Nextvaluewill be the preheatholdtime
00.00 No preheathold time is selected
CONE Next value will be the selectedcone number
04 Selectedcone nuniber
oF Next value will be the cone temperature
1926 Temperature
for cone04
CNOS Next value will be the cone offset
0 Selectedcone offset
HOLd Next value will be the hold or soak time at the cone temperature.
00.20 20 minuteshold selected
cooL Controlledcool down informationto be displayednext
RATE 8 Next value will be the rate per hour the kiln is to cool down bv
0 lf Zero is selectedthere is no controlledcool down
"F8 Next value will be the temperaturethe kiln will cool down to
0 lf Zero is selectedthere is no controlledcool down
HIdB Next value will be the hold or soak time at the final cool down temperature
0 No hold time selectedfor final temperatureof the cool down seoment
PROGRAMMING- cont¡nued
Review Program ExamPle(con't):
dELA Next value will be the delay time beforethe start of firing
00.00 No delav,firingwill startwhen START/STOPand ENTERis pressed
ALRM Nextvaluewill indicateat whattemperature for the alarmto sound
9999 This settinqdisablesthe alarm.
ErCd Nextvaluewill be ErrorCodesSetting.
ON ErrorCodesare ON bYdefault
FIRE Nextvaluewill be the totalnumberof firingsthe controllerhas performed
1 I firingcount
IDLE ProqramReviewcompleteand backat ldle
When enteringa Ramp Mode Programthe Review Program Key performsas a Backup Key,allowing
you to go ba;k and correctinformationthat may have been enteredwrong,withouthavingto cycle
ifrrougfrlfreentireprogramand then goingback intothe programto makethe correction.
Skip Segmentis includbdin View Segment.The Skip feature is only availablein a RAMP MODE is usedwhen enoughheatwork has been achievedat the currentsegmentand you
want to immediatelygo to the next iamp rate. To skip to the next segment,pressView Segment,
then withinZ secon'Os, pressENTER(SKIPwill be displayed),then ENTERa secondtime,the next
segmentsinformation will be displayedbrieflyand then your currenttemperature.
pause & Add Hold Time - pressing the # 4 key while in a ramp mode will pause the firing at the
displayedtemperaturefor 30 minutesor untilyou pressthe # 4 key again to discontinuethe
teaiuró.pressingthe # 4 key while in a hold mode will add 5 minutesto your remaininghold time
Delay - This key is used to delay the start of both cone fire programsand ramp mode programs.
wneÁ tne delay featureis in use you will see the amountof time countingdown in the displayafter
you haveselectedto startyour firing.
ooo 1 .0 0
decimalpoint are hours,to the right of the decimalpointare
minutes.lf you type a wrong number,press zero 4 times,then
type the correctnumber
PROGRAMM¡NG - cont¡nued
Alarm -Thiskey is used to set the temperaturealarm.The alarm may be set beforeor duringa firing.
When the alarmtemperatureis reached,abuzzer will sound.The alarm is disabledby defaultwith a
settingof 9999. When you want to stop the alarm from buzzing,press the Alarm Key and the current
settingwill be displayedallowingyou to key in 9999 (to turn it off for the remainderof the firing)or
anothertemperature,afterpressingthe enterkey to acceptthe new settingthe displaywill go back to
. the currenttemperatureand proceedwith the remainderof the firingprogram.The alarm buttonmay
be usedas a Back-up Key whilescrollingthroughthe OtherOptions.
Alarm Example: Beforethe start of a firing,set the alarm temperatureto go off at 200oF.
aoo 200
Now enter desired alarm temperature. lf you type a wrong
number,presszero 4 times,then type the correctnumber.
NOTE: PRHT (Preheat) will not appear in this menu unlessa CONE FIRE mode has been se/ecfed.
NOTE: 16-3 will not appear in this menu unless userprogram 5 has been recalled for firing.
RSET (Reset) - Reset is used to reset the thermocoupleoffsetto 0 and reset error code checkingto
on. When RSET is displayedsimplypressthe ENTERkey and the restwill take effect.
PRHT (Preheat)- Preheatis used with the CONE FIRE mode only. When Preheatis in use, the
temperatureramps up at 60oF/hourto 200oF and then holds at 200o for the amount of time
programmed.So if you start at a room temperatureof 70oF,then it will take just over 2 hours to reach
200oFat which time the hold segmentwill start.Preheatis automatically set to zero duringcone fire
programmingand at the end of each firing,so if a preheatstage is wanted,it must be reprogrammed
for each conefiring.
- cont¡nued
throughthe options,it meansthat a CONE FIRE mode has not
been selected. Exit the menu and select a CONE FIRE
program,then returnto the Other menu.
Once PRHT has been selectedHld & 0.00 will alternatein the
HLd & 0.00 display.
Now enter the desiredamountof hold time at 200oF.Numbers
to left of decimal point are hours, to the right are minutes.lf
J 02.00
you type a wrong number,press zero 4 times, then type the
Preheatsettinghas been acceptedand is readyto start.
IDLE& currenttemoerature
ld - The RampMasterll has the ability to interfacewith a PC. Current software allows for up to i0
kilnsto be operatedat one time.The ld numberdefineswhich kiln is which.ld numbersrangefrom O
to 9. Use the numberkeysto definethe kiln in thesetermsand pressthe ENTERkey. lf pCiontrol is
not beingusedthis settínghas no effect.Factorydefaultis 01.
Note: The use of PC control requires that the kiln include the buitt-in hardware for suchoperation.
16'5 (16 segments) - This setting allows the user to combine user program numbers 5 and 6
together.In doing so, the firing programis extendedfrom B to 16 segments.This is helpfulwhen a
firing profileneeds more than B segmentsto complete.
CNOS (Gone Offset) - Used to raise or lower the final cone temperature.The final cone temperature
can be raisedor lowereda maximumof 45oF.
When entering the offset temperature the following code is used: the left two digits
designatewhetherto raise (00) or lower (90) the cone temperature,that is, "00" meáns
plus (+) and "90" means minus (-) The right two digits are the numberof degreesthe
cone temperaturewill be raisedor lowered.
CNOS Examples:
Number Meaning
0020 Raísethe final cone temperatureby 20oF
0040 Raisethe final cone temperatureby 40oF
0015 Raisethe final cone temperaturebv 15oF
9030 Lowertle final cone temperatureby 30oF
9005 Lowerthe final cone temperaturebV 5oF
9045 Lowerthe final cone temperature45oF
This optiondoes not affectthe Ramp Mode but it will show up on the menu.
- continued
Cone Offset Example:Adjustcone 07 to shut off the kilnat 20oFbelowthe presetconetemperature.
Now enter the cone numberwhich you want to adjust (in this
@ 07 examplecone 07). lf you type a wrong number,press zero 3
times, pressENTER,the type the correctnumber
oooo 9020
Now enterthe new offsettemperatureusingthe rulesabove,in
this example,"9020".lf you type a wrong number,presszero 4
times,then type ihe correctnumber.
6 The new offsettemperatureadjustmenthas been accepted.
IDLE & currenttemDerature
Press the Other key until CHGodisplays.lf you go past the
optionuse the Alarm Key to back-upto the previousselection.
The new temperaturescale has been accepted.
IDLE & currenttemoerature
ERCd - Usedto turn on or turn off the errorcodes.When you receiveyour controller,the errorcodes
are turnedON. In most cases,you want the errorcodeson to protectyour firing.They can be turned
off if you are doingspecialfiringsthat wouldrequireyou morefreedomfrom errorcodes.
Indicatesthat the error codes are turned on. You can toggle
back and forth betweenON and OFF by pressingthe 1 key.
o O FF
DisplaysOFF indicatingthe errorcodeswill be turnedoff.
- cont¡nued
Pcr 4 (PowerTame)Exampre:Reducing
the LidHeatby 50%whireat |DLE.
Pcr 4 (PowerTame)Exampre:Reducing
theLidHeatby 50%on-the-Fry.
- cont¡nued
programbackto its defaultpre-setfiringschedule
REST- Thisfeaturewill restorea rampmodefiring
listedin ApPendix
# 5'
Display Comment
Step Press past tl
Press the Other key until REST dtsplays'lr you go
Eq REST ontionusé the Alarm Kev to back-upto the previousselect¡on
you wlsn
Ñow enter the desiredRamp Mode Programnu-mber
to restoreto the defaultfiring schedulelistedin AppendixB'
and the
AlternatelY The selectedRamp Mode Programhas been restored
4 IDLE & currenttemPerature controlleris readyto beginfiring.
A P P E N D | X A -c oN E F | RE T E M P E RA T URE P Ro F | L E S
13 Hour ConeFiri
250 0 ¿
3 80
1000 0 4
4 200
5 100 1'100
0 1
- 250'F 0 Varies
fr 180
80 FinalTemP 0
0 Hour ConeFi
120 250 0 z
1000 0 ó
4 300
11 0 0 0 1
final TemP- 250"F 0 Varies
o 180
FinalTemP 0 z
7 108
l{rrr¡r Cone
250 0 1
150 -Final
Temp - 250"F 0 Varies
b 400
FinalTemP 0 2
7 120
r 4 Hour ConeFi
cE /:f\rE t\l T
RATtr.F / HR
JinalTemp - 250"F
l b
7 200 FinalTemP 0 1
USER4 GlassBeadAnneal
1 9999 960 B hours
¿ 9999 960 40 min
U SER5 LostWaxBurnout am
1 9999 300 t hour
¿ 100 350 30 min
3 350 1350 t hr 30 min
4 300 900 99 hrs 99 min
The above listed Pre-set Ramp Mode Firing Programs are basic guidelines to give you a beginning point
in which to build from. The Programs can be changed entirely to suit your own custom programs. There is
also a Resfore Feature that will allow you to wipe the slate clean and revert back to fhese Pre-set Ramp
Mode Firing Programs if desired.
Celsius - A temperaturescale in which 0o is the freezingpointand 100othe boilingpointof water.Also
known as centigrade.
Gone Fire Mode - Systemused by the RM ll that offers the user 4, presetfiring programs.
Fahrenheit - A temperaturescale in which 32" is the freezingpoint and 212' the boilingpoint of water.
Hold/Soak - Each of these words describes the action of maintaining,or keeping steady a specific
temperaturefor a given periodof time. These words can be used interchangeably.
Local Set Point - This is basicallythe temperatureat which the kiln should be at any given momentin
the firingprofile.
Offset - The additionof value, either positiveor negative,to a particularparameter.The use of offsets in
the RM ll is limited to temperaturemeasurementadjustments.lf temperatures"appear,'too high or too
low offsetscan be added to offsefthese differences.
On-the-Fly - Term used for featuresthat can be selectedand edited while a program is runningwithout
havingto interruptthe firing processby stoppingand restarting.
PC - Personalcomputer.
Ramp Mode - System used by the RM ll that has preset glass programsalready stored and allows the
user to completelyedit to customizeand definetheir own sequenceof multipleramping,holds / soaks
and temperatureset points. The sequence is made up of distinct segments. Thé RM ll allows
programmingof up to 8 segmentsper Ramp Mode program,with the option to combine2 programsfor a
totalof 16 segments. r
ALRM - Alarm.When ALRM flashesin the display,an alarmtemperaturebetween0' and 9999' may be
entered.When alarm is set to 9999', it is turned off.
CHG' - Change degrees.When CHGo is displayed,press ENTER to select the temperaturescale you
(oF) or Celsius("C). The "1" key will toggle betweenoF and
would like to use, either Fahrenheit
oC.When the scale you want to use is displayed,press ENTER.
CONE - Cone number.When ConE is displayed,a cone numberbetween022 and 10 must be entered.
This will be found in the ConeTableor the CONE FIRE Mode.
Decimal Point displayed in lower right-hand corner of display. The temperatureis displayedin
Decimal Point displayed in the center of display between 10's and 100's place. A time in hoursand
minutesis beingdisPlaYed.
ERCd - Error Codes.When ErCd is displayed,press enter to turn the Error Code functionon or off. This
functionis locatedby pressing"Other"in the OPTIONSSection.
E- - Error codes are displayedas an "E" followed by a "-" then a number or letter. Error codes are
listedin APPENDIXD. Be sure to notethis information when callingfor assistance.
Enp - Error in power. lf you lose power while firing, the controllerwill automaticallyrestart if the kiln
temperatureis greaterthat 140'F AND the kiln temperaturehas not decreasedmore than 250"F
whilethe powerwas off. The errorcodesare listedin APPENDIXD' .
oF 1 through oF8 - In the Ramp Mode with the Fahrenheittemperaturescale selected,the
controlleris waitingfor an end temperatureto be enteredfor the segment.The numbersstand for
the segmentthat is beingprogrammed.
HLd 1 through HLd g - ln the Ramp Modethe controlleris waitingfor a soak or hold time in hoursand
minutes to be entered for the segment.The numbers stand for the segment that is being
IDLE - Message indicatingkiln is in the IDLE mode, ready to accept data entry for a new programor
recallan existingprogramor to start a program.
OFF - Off. Press ENTER when displayedto turn the Error Codes Off. Pressingthe "1" key toggles
betweenOn and OFF.
- continued
ON - On (no dashes).PressENTERwhen displayedto turn the ErrorCodesOn. Pressingthe "1" key
togglesbetweenOn and OFF.
PCT4 - Power Tame Feature.Press ENTER to adjust the percentageof power that the Lid Element
generates.This can be set from 0 to 100.Defaultfactorysettingis 100%.(GlassKilnsOnly)
PF - Errorin power.Whilefiringif poweris lost and the kilntemperaturedropsto lessthan 140"FOR
the kiln temperaturehas decreasedmore than 250'F while the powerwas out, the controllerwill
displayPF and the firingwill be stopped.Errorcodesare listedin APPENDIXD.
RA 1 through RA 1 - In the Ramp Mode the controlleris waitingfor a ramp temperaturerise per
hour to be entered for the segment. The numbers stand for the segment that is being
programmed.The temperatureis in "oF/hror oC/hrwhicheverhas been selected.lf 9C ¡"r O""n
. selected,therewill be a decimalpointin the lowerright-handcornerof the display.
REST - Restore.Pressingthe ENTER while restore is displayedwill allow you to restorea Pre-set
Ramp Mode Programto its defaultfiringschedule.
SKIP - Skip Segment.Press ENTERwhen SKIP is displayedto skip to the next ramp segmentin a
Ramp Modeprogram.Skip Segmentis not availablewith a CONE FIREprogram.
Temperature- Flashing - The kiln is off and the currenttemperaturein the kiln is displayed.
Temperature- Continuously displayed - The kiln is on (in either a Ramp Mode or a CONE FIRE
program),and the currenttemperaturein the kiln is displayed.
Time - Decreasing- A delay start is in effectfor a Ramp Mode or a CONE FIRE program.The time
remainingbeforethe kilnstartsto heat is displayed.
Time - Temperaturealternatelyflashing - The kiln is in eithera hold phaseof a Ramp Mode segment
or a hold phaseat the end of a CONE FIRE program.The numbersdisplayedare the remaining
time and the currentkilntemperature.
WAIT - Wait is displayedwhen the controlleris bootingup. You must wait until display reads IDLE
beforebeginningwith programselectionor data entry.
16-5 - 16-5 stands for "16 segments".User programs5 and 6 may be combinedfor a total of 16
segments.See page 14 for detailedinformation.
There was a power loss to the controllerwhile writinga progfamto the non-
E volatile memory chip. Recheck ihe selected program and reprogram, if
E-A Invalidprogramvariable.
I_-U K¡lntemperatureis 50" above localset pointtemperature.
F - CommonQuestionsand Situations
Q. During programming of a firing, I typed a wrong number. How do I correct this?
A. BeforepressingENTER,enterzero untilall zerosare displayed,then enterthe correctnumber.lf you
have alreadypressedENTER,you must pressthe REVIEWPROGRAM to back up to the previousstep.
Q. How can I find out the final temperaturethat was reached during a cone firing?
A. At the end of a cone firing,the currentkiln temperatureand CPLT will be alternatelyflashingin the
display. Press "STOP". Then press "Review Program",the final temperaturewill display. This final
temperaturewill be retaineduntilthe nextfiringor untilthe controlleris reprogrammed.
Q. My witness cones are telling me that some sections of the kiln are cooler or hotter than they
should be.
A. A coupleof optionshere. Firstchoicewould be to slow the firing.Do this by choosinga slowercone
fire program.The 13 hour programis the slowest.Alongwith slowingthe firingclosethe kiln up earlierby
closingthe peepholesand lid, if you operatewith them open at certaintimesof the firing.lf the controller
uses zone controlit is possibleto offsetthe individualthermocouplesin the zonesto even temperatures.
Also try to staggershelvesto allowbetterair flow throughout kiln.
Q. How can I find out the final temperaturethat was reached during a cone firing?
A. At the end of a cone firing,the currentkiln temperatureand CPLT will be alternatelyflashingin the
display. Press "STOP". Then press "Review Program",the final temperaturewill display. This final
temperaturewill be retaineduntilthe nextfiringor untilthe controlleris reprogrammed.
Q. My witness cones are telling me that some sections of the kiln are cooler or hotter than they
should be.
A. A coupleof optionshere. Firstchoicewould be to slow the firing.Do this by choosinga slowercone
fire program.The 13 hour programis the slowest.Along with slowingthe firingclosethe kiln up earlierby
closingthe peepholesand lid, if you operatewith them open at certaintimes of the firing.lf the controller
uses zone controlit is possibleto offsetthe individualthermocouplesin the zonesto even temperatures.
Also try to staggershelvesto allowbetterair flow throughout kiln.
Q. Can witness cones be used for firing glass - fusing, slumping, painting?
A. Use of witnesscones in glass work is very limited.The best answer is no. Glass is very visual and
often requiresinterventionof the user at the most suddenof moments.In glass,the witnessis the user!
Witnesscones are more of a fixed responseand don't reallyallowfor the dynamicthat is seen in glass
G - FiringProgramBlank
Keep this page as a masterand photocopyas needed
Your RampMasterll may be equippedwith zone control.Zone controluses more than one thermocouple
or temperaturesensorto controlfiring operations.Zone controlis typicallyused for larger,deeper kilns to
offsetany shortcomingsof singlezone temperaturecontrol.To determineif your RampMasterll utilizes
zone control,simply count the numberof thermocouplesused. More than one thermocoupleindicates
that the controlleris set up for zone control.
Programmingof the RampMasterll, with zone control,is essentiallythe same as with a single zone
however,in featuresand programming
controller.Thereare some differences, that are explainedbelow.
The RampMasterll (RM ll) zone controlsystemhas'all the featuresof a singlezone controland many
new features to ensure even firing from top to bottom of the kiln. Zone control may use 2 or 3 zones
dependingupon model. Zone control uses multiplethermocouplesor temperaturesensor inputs and
multipleindependentoutputswhichallowfor the controlof distinctand separatekiln sectionsor zones.
The controllersensesthe temperaturein each zone of the kiln,comparesthe temperatureto the desired
temperatureand adjuststhe powergoing to each zone separately.Givingeach just the right amountof
'power to keep the temperatureat the correctsetting.This is in contrastto a singlezone controllerthat
measuresthe temperature,usuallyat the center,and givesall zonesthe same amountof power.
Normalvariationsin thermocouples can cause a zoneto fire too hot or too cool.Rs w¡in the singlezone
RM ll the zone control also offers an offset feature to adjust the reading of each thermocoupleto
compensatefor any error. For example;if shelf cones indicatethat the bottomsectionis underfiringit
means that the thermocouplepositionedin the bottom zone indicatedthat proper temperaturewas
reachedwhen in fact it was cooler than indicated.To correctthis, a programmednumberof degrees
needs to be subtractedfrom the actual reading.This programmedoffset will lower the temperature
readingand causethe offsetzone to fire to a highertemperature,increasingthe heatworkfor that zone.
The zone control also offers securitythrough the use of multiplethermocouples.In a single zone
controller,thermocouplefailurewill stop the firingprocess.In a zone control,the firingwill continueif one
or more thermocouplesfail. lf all thermocouplesfail, however,the firing is stopped. lf a failure in a
thermocoupleis seen then the failedzone will be controlledby the nearestzone.The zone controllerwill
not starta firingwith a failedthermocouple.
The zone controlhas all the standarderror checkingof the singlezone and also monitorsthe zones to
check for over temperature.lf any zone becomeshotter than 50" above the currentsettingan error code
is displayed(E- d). This error can be broughtabout by thermocouplesinsertedin the wrong sectionor
stuckrelaysremainingon withouta commandfrom the controller.
Tone Gontrol Programming Additions
and key strokesas definedin the main
The zone controlleris programmedusing the same concepts
"other" options and errorcode areas
portionof this operatiÁdmánu"r.u¡nor aáoitionsare made to the
keys to adjustthe offsetand press
offsetfor the top tnerniocóJplewill be displayed.Use the number
ENTERwhen the correctoffsetis displayed;'TC2 will then be displayed.Repeatthe abovestepsfor
TC2 and TC3.
offsetsare returnedto the
Pleasenote that when performingthe "Reset"functionall thermocouple
factorysettingof 0.
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