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Dr. Hawass (left) with President Obama
near the pyramids, August, 2009
n January and February, as the world watched in fascination, a relatively peaceful revolu-
tion (at least the first act thereof) played out on the streets of Egypt. When the dust had
begun to clear the man known as the “last pharaoh,” president Hosni Mubarak, had been
driven from power. The full meaning of it all has only begun to be fully grasped, but
many unexpected consequences have already started to unfold. Not only was a corrupt dic-
tator overthrown, but the momentous events in the land of the pyramids might also herald,
some believe, the end of mainstream Egyptology as we know it. You can read all about it, or
at least as much as we know at press time, in Philip Coppens’ report on page 23.
If any man has embodied the orthodox view of Egyptian history it is Dr. Zahi Hawass, who
for many years has been the country’s Director of Antiquities. Whenever the mainstream
press has wanted to debunk alternative notions, such as John Anthony West, and geologist
Robert Schoch’s re-dating of the Sphinx; Christopher Dunn’s arguments for advanced ancient
technology; any suggestion that the Great Pyramid could have been something other then a
tomb; or anything else deemed remotely controversial, Hawass, it seems, has always taken the
lead, derisively dismissing all such notions as, at best, unsupported by evidence, and, at worst,
fraudulent and/or corrupt. Now, it turns out, one of the most significant poster boys for Egyp-
tian corruption might be Hawass himself.
In a half-hour Arabic interview on Egyptian TV on February 17, Dr. Noureddin Abdel
Samad, the highly respected Director of Archaeological Sites in Egypt, accused Hawass, in
collusion with Mubarak, of stealing hundreds of artifacts worth more than a billion dollars
from the Cairo museum, and then of blocking and covering up any investigation of the
crimes. Moreover, said Dr. Samad, Hawass helped foreigners to make a “wrong history of
Egypt” by producing false reports on the DNA of royal mummies and the dating of the pyra-
PO Box 4
mids. Many priceless artifacts from Alexandria and other sites, he added, were also stolen.
Lyndon, KS 66451
What will actually be charged, to say nothing of proven, especially given the turmoil, re-
mains unclear; but, as Philip reports, on March 3—apparently unable to maintain power, now
that his close friend and protector, Hosni Mubarak, is no longer in charge—Hawass resigned.
Atlantis Rising’s very first issue in November of 1994 featured the research of West and
Schoch demonstrating that water weathering of the Great Sphinx proved it was thousands of
years older than is held by mainstream Egyptology (“Breaking the Silence,” A.R. #1). In the
years since, while the West/Schoch findings have been embraced by most geologists, conven-
tional Egyptology, led by Hawass, despite powerful evidence, has continued to scoff at the
idea. Now perhaps, new light will be shed on the argument and the real motives of those
who—operating from positions of entrenched power—have attempted to prevent the public
from learning the real story of Egyptian origins.
Whatever happens, 17 years on and beyond, this publication will continue to provide the
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Atlanteans Rising?
riting to Atlantis Rising via snail Those who wish to “prove” the existence
mail or e-mail is the best, but not of their soul for themselves, be they be-
the only, way to make your views lievers, skeptics, agnostics, atheists or scien-
known to our readers. There are tists, may do so by simply applying the words
also “forums” on the Atlantis Rising web site. of an American biologist, Dr. Thomas D. S.
(You can go to www.Atlantis Rising.com and Key, who, in response to a letter I wrote, re-
select “Discussions”.) plied: “Your interpretation of ‘hearing an
inner voice’ (while reading or praying si-
Another Atlantean Arises lently) is interesting as evidence of our soul.”
It is my understanding that conscious- You may detect “a still small voice”
ness is everywhere in the universe. Our speaking (silently) in your innermost being,
minds create definitions of physical things while praying or reading in silence, without
(people, stones, stars, etc.) by delineating a the hearing of your ears or the use of lips,
particular field of consciousness and giving it tongue, or vocal cords!
a name. When a person recalls a past life, Ernst Brenner
that person probably goes into some form of Edmonton, AB, CN
an altered state of consciousness, “tunes in”
to a particular portion of the universal con- Feeling the Future
sciousness, and then memories flow into Quantum Mechanics indicates that what
their conscious mind. The conscious mind duality-causality defines/perceives as change
interprets the experience and creates a field is ultimately the processing of data varia-
that is then referred to as a past life. This tions, not actual alterations of realty. The fu-
“tuning in” process can be very imprecise, ture, aka fate, invariably maintains and sus-
the precision depending on the person, their particular form of altered consciousness that tains variations as temporal continuity, so
experience with the process, and the partic- allows for the most clarity and consistency of the details of fate are processed as a “pre-
ular type of altered state being used. sented” datastream which reveals all pre-
memories from only one past life. I have
Once a person connects with the uni- tried hypnosis and found it very satisfying in determined reality.
versal consciousness, many past life experi- This same continuity enables the transit
this regard.
ences are available and similar scenarios may from point A to point B, which math says
I am very interested in hearing from
get mixed up in regards to our under- must pass an infinite number of midpoints.
other Atlanteans about their lives in Atlantis.
standing of time and place. Time and space Also, it objectifies reality such that this
I believe sharing these memories and experi-
are irrelevant to the universal consciousness cosmos is the baseline, whereas multiverses
memories (which have been called the ences helps us to better understand our-
selves, each other, and the universe. In par- only exist in the math-based hyper-
Akashic Record). It is the conscious mind dimensional ether, so “discovering” them
(one particular field of consciousness) that ticular, I would like to hear from D.A.
Dispenza who wrote the “Atlanteans Arise” will only make them real as discoveries; al-
wants to assign a time and place to every- though eventually, science, like magick,
thing. letter (A.R. #85). Please contact me at
[email protected]. might conjure etheric entities into our own
So I see the differing opinions about the reality. Arguably, the “known” universe is
location of Atlantis (“Putting Atlantis in Its David L. Paulsen
Keaau, Hawaii conjured such that only duality’s logic can
Place,” A.R. #84) as being memories recalled perceive it.
by various minds that had their own inter-
Seventh Ray Though the functionality of mental per-
pretations of past life recalls. Each interpre-
The use of the violet flame focused on the ception is likewise fated, perception’s hyper
tation might include memories of more than
government body (as in the recent Roma- “self-perception” intercedes, creating irony,
one past (or future) life: memories of similar
nian presidential elections) or simply an one’s own version of reality. Hence the most
feelings and events that took place at dif-
image of those believed to be involved in this common irony is delusion, the technically
ferent times and places (according to one’s
negative practice can have a transmuting ef- false yet logical notion that one causes
conscious mind), but the universal con-
fect on the condition. The key here would be change via free-will effects. Usually, this ver-
sciousness would not differentiate between
the focusing and the intensity of the love sion is learned as society’s mind-set/vision of
the time and place and thus similar memo-
poured out. This is also magic but good causality. The “incentive” for adopting delu-
ries could get mixed together. P.M.H. At-
magic. The free will of all involved is not at- sion is self-control, which is a precondition
water writes about future life recall in her
tacked, only the thought and emotional en- for having one’s assertions taken seriously.
book Future Memory. In Catastraphobia,
ergy sent out. Yet adopting causality forsakes the “mes-
Barbara Hand Clow writes about confusing
Franz Kessler sages” of fate which an open mind perceives
past and future memories.
Internet as a relevant wholeness that self-perception
I myself have had memories of other past can in good-faith call inspiration.
(and future) lives as well as the one I con-
The Trouble with Atheists Because this linear nature of fate is true
sider to be of Atlantis. Reading about others’
You have correctly pegged “The Trouble by comparison to the cyclical nature of delu-
past lives has allowed me to see how memo-
with Atheists” (A.R. #86,) as being, perhaps, sion, it is its own reward, so the perceiver is
ries of one life can mix in with memories of
a form of “brainwashing,” but that is too not falsely empowered but instead illogically
another life and thus be confusing to our
conscious mind. I believe that hypnosis is a good a word for what they are really doing. Continued on Page 9
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bone Lucy Was a Stand-Up Girl, Say Experts
S tartling new evidence concerning
“Lucy,” humanity’s ostensible ancestor
(found in 1974 near Hadar, Ethiopia), in-
According to William Kimbel, director
of the Institute of Human Origins at Ari-
zona State University, the shape of the
like Atlantis Rising columnist Michael
Cremo that there have been modern hu-
mans on Earth for millions of years, much
dicates that, like most modern humans, foot bone—the fourth metatarsal—gives longer than is maintained by traditional
she could walk upright. A recent examina- us a reliable window into its function. Darwinian science. In his book Forbidden
tion of a foot bone fossil from the Hadar The “Lucy” fossil is said to be 3.2 mil- Archaeology Cremo uncovered extensive
site makes it clear that the so-called Aus- lion years old. That she walked upright in- scientific evidence developed for over a
tralopithecus afarensis, as she is officially dicates that, in fact, she was no ape and century by many researchers which sup-
termed, had arches in her feet, which re- indeed was more like modern humans. ports that view, but which has been swept
main today crucial to walking upright. The finding supports the position of those aside by established academia.
Page7474 Number 87 • •AA
EARLY RAYS Space travel on the cheap
RUSSIANS Transport to
HIT IN 2036 F or those wondering how we are going to
get to Mars—now that most of NASA’s
funding for the purpose has been pulled—
there comes a possible solution. Catch a ride
on an asteroid.
Gregory Matloff, a physics professor at
A nyone making plans for the year 2036
might want to put them on hold. That, at
least, is the opinion of Russian space experts.
There is a very small chance, about 1 in
250,000, that in 2029 Apophis could pass
through something called a “gravity key-
New York City’s College of Technology, says
not only would an asteroid provide a cheap
In that year, they predict, the 900-foot-long hole” which would mean that when it re- ride, but it would also shield the astronauts
asteroid Apophis will crash into Earth with turns in 2036 it could indeed collide with from cosmic rays, one of the biggest dangers
enough force to destroy half a continent, Earth. That is what the Russians are warning of the mission. Matloff says that in the next
killing a very large part of life on this about. NASA admits the risk but says they 90 years, at least five suitable asteroids will
planet—a virtual doomsday event. Reassur- will know in 2029 what to expect in 2036; pass Earth on their way to Mars. The
ingly, experts at NASA disagree. and if there is a problem, it will not be too problem is that for the return trip astronauts
Apophis was first discovered in 2004. At late to crash a rocket into the asteroid and would have to wait about five years for an as-
first the worry was that it would smash into change its flight path. This is something teroid going the other way.
Earth in 2029, but after running the num- NASA did on July 4, 2005, when the craft Considering though that some scientists
bers again very carefully, all the scientists Deep Impact was smashed into the comet are proposing one-way missions to Mars, the
agreed it would miss us by about 35,000 Tempel 1. So, NASA says, don’t worry, they long commuter wait might not be such a
miles. Close, but nothing to be concerned have got our back. problem. It is not clear though if those same
about. That, however, is not the end of the Why, then, do we feel like we have seen scientists are volunteering for the mission.
story. this movie before? Anyway, it beats Amtrak.
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Tracking the News of the Coming Energy Revolution
n “Energy Catalyzer” is the new item
on the energy frontier at the time of leum deposits, Rossi was imprisoned on ists repeating the so-called received wisdom.
this writing. Italian engineer Andrea trumped up charges. Later, after one of his For instance, last month a writer in a British
A. Rossi and Professor Sergio Focardi companies was forced into bankruptcy, he Columbia business magazine tossed off the
of the University of Bologna announced a was again imprisoned—for not paying his phrase “the cold fusion hoax of the late
technology for a reaction that produces ex- creditors. 1980s.” Such phrases have created an unwar-
cess heat—at low cost and in quantities that Despite those traumatic experiences, it ranted character assassination of the electro-
would make it commercially useful. It in- seems that he is one of those relentless in- chemists Martin Fleischmann and Stanley
volves a catalytic reaction between nickel, ventors who doesn’t give up. His Energy Cat- Pons, whose mistake was in prematurely an-
hydrogen, and some alyzer doesn’t in- nouncing their discovery—not hoaxing.
secret elements, but volve burning fuel. Meanwhile back in Italy at a press confer-
they avoid calling it Rossi and Focardi
Only a tiny amount ence in Bologna attended by about 50 invited
“cold fusion.” At this of hydrogen gas is guests, Rossi and Focardi demonstrated their
time it looks like the consumed, which in- device. After a brief warm-up, its reaction
Italians do have a vi- dicates a low energy chamber starts self-heating and they claim it
able technology that nuclear reaction, not can produce 12,400 watts of heat power with
uses commonly avail- hydrogen combus- an input of just 400 watts into the electric
able materials, tion. heating element. They are well beyond the
doesn’t produce Rossi and Fo- research phase; the plan is to start shipping
carbon dioxide, cardi’s announce- devices for industrial use this spring and
doesn’t produce radi- ment didn’t bring start mass production by the end of this year.
oactive waste, and much positive atten- The Italian scientists also claim transmu-
will be economical to tion from the main- tation, saying that their fusion reaction pro-
build. stream media. In duces copper as well as cheap power. (They
Will their govern- January those insti- estimate that electricity can be generated at a
ment support their tutions either stayed cost of less than one cent per kilowatt-
venture, or at least away from the story hour—significantly less than coal or natural
refrain from inter- or gave it the usual gas power plants.)
fering? As reported misleading spin. For It isn’t the everyman’s backyard project,
on Rossi’s website instance, in referring however; you’d have to have a nuclear expert
and by researcher to the 1989 an- involved in building an Energy Catalyzer of
Sepp Hasslberger, the nouncement in this type. Rossi and Focardi say that the reac-
Italian inventor al- which electrochem- tion produces radiation, which indicates that
ready knows what ists Stanley Pons and it’s at the level of atoms’ nuclei. However
happens to an en- Martin Fleishmann they add that the radiation is completely
ergy-related tech- claimed to have shielded by lead so that none of it escapes the
nology that vested in- demonstrated cold apparatus. No radioactivity is left in the fu-
terests consider fusion, PhysOrg.com sion cell after it’s turned off, so there’s no
disruptive to their recently wrote “but nuclear waste.
profits. In the 1970s their experiment Sepp Hasslberger reports that Rossi’s re-
and 1980s Rossi was building garbage dis- could not be reproduced.” actor can be run without problems in an in-
posal facilities that burned household gar- That was true only for a matter of dustrial environment. “It is expected that in-
bage and used the recovered heat. He also months around 20 years ago. However what dustrial-sized reactor units will be mounted
learned how to turn garbage into fuel that I consider the most outrageous untruth in in shipping containers for easy transporta-
could be burned in the same way as coal, oil the PhysOrg article is this: “Since then, all bility. It will be more difficult to obtain per-
and gas. By 1989 his company, Petroldragon, other claims of cold fusion have been illegiti- mits for individual household-type units, be-
was making 20 tons of fuel oil a day. Then mate.” cause of the requirement for complete
the attacks began. Whoever wrote that hadn’t done their automatic and safe operation under all cir-
Government bureaucrats began by taxing homework. All the writer had to do was to go cumstances. For now, trained personnel that
his fuel as if he was producing alcohol, to a serious website such as www.lenr- care for maintenance are still necessary, so
making his fuel extremely expensive. Per- canr.org and see the huge collection of pub- household units seem to be about a decade in
haps they feared loss of some fuel-tax rev- lished scientific papers from laboratories the future yet.”
enue, but the tax rate they hit Rossi with was around the world, many announcing excess Early this year Rossi wrote on his blog
overkill. Rossi fought the unjust tax, and heat and even transmutation—changing one that there will be no more demonstrations
then the bureaucracy ramped up the level of element into another. before the start-up of his company’s pro-
challenge. The bureaucrats claimed that the The Fleischmann/Pons effect did indeed posed one-megawatt power plant.
garbage stockpile in his factory wasn’t raw stretch accepted science beyond what was
material for his process but instead was a known about fusion, and prestigious hot- Continued on Page 58
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 17
we’re following on the Internet
fossils.html n 2010, I appeared in several episodes of season two of the Ancient Aliens television series
on the History Channel. I also appeared briefly in some episodes of season one of the se-
ries, and in the original pilot show.
The theme of the show is that in ancient times, extraterrestrials visited the earth in
spacecraft. I agree with that. According to some ancient alien researchers, the extraterres-
trials were in all cases “flesh and blood” creatures who had advanced mechanical technology,
and the terrestrial humans who saw them took them to be gods and began to worship them.
According to this point of view, this was the origin of many of the world’s religious systems.
I do not entirely agree. My
thoughts on extraterrestrials are
influenced by my studies of the
ancient Sanskrit writings of
India. These texts reveal a com-
plex cosmology, which in some
ways conforms to the ideas of
modern ancient aliens re-
searchers and in some ways dif-
fers. According to the Puranas,
the historical and cosmological
texts of ancient India, there are
different kinds of extraterrestrial
• Ark of the Covenant in the
First, there is a supreme
Virgin Islands? conscious being who exists on
Does St. Croix Island hold the the spiritual level of reality. This
key to a mysterious missing supreme conscious being some-
holy relic? The area’s seem- times descends into this material
ingly innocent past has roots world in spiritual forms called
avataras. In this sense, God is an
reaching back to Jerusalem, extraterrestrial being who some-
next to King Solomon’s times descends into this world of
temple, to be exact. A new our experience. People who wit- An ancient Hindu temple relief depicts people gazing
book offers startling new nessed these descents of God and raptly upward at Krishna appearing in a flying craft.
evidence began to worship them acted
The main purpose of the avataras was to call us back to our original home, the spiritual
• New Respect for Alchemy world, beyond the world of matter. Therefore we are all extraterrestrial beings, because our
real origin is not this world of our experience. The ancient Sanskrit writings of India inform
The scholars who write the us that humans who became qualified to reenter the spiritual world were sometimes taken
history of science and tech- there in spiritual spacecraft called vimanas, piloted by residents of the spiritual world. In the
nology no longer lump al- Bhagavata Purana, sometimes called Shrimad Bhagavatam (4.12.19-29), we can read an ac-
chemy in with witchcraft as a count of how the saint Dhruva was taken to the spiritual world (called Vaikuntha) in a spiri-
pseudo-science. Instead they tual vimana piloted by residents of the spiritual world. The vimana came down from the sky
and is described as shining like the full moon. The pilots of the vimana told Dhruva they had
see alchemy as the proper pre- been specifically sent to get him. Before boarding the craft, Dhruva’s body made of material
cursor to modern chemistry. elements was transformed into a body made of higher spiritual elements. His transformed
http://www.physorg.com/news/ body is described as brilliant like molten gold. He was then transported in the vimana beyond
2011-02-historians-longer- the material cosmos to a spiritual planet. The spiritual vimanas are not only used to fly from
alchemy-occult.html the material world to the spiritual world; they are also to be found flying from place to place
20 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
Paul Hellyer
• Ex Canadian Defense
Minister Accuses U.S.
Government of UFO
Paul Hellyer says UFOs are
real, aliens have visited Earth
and the U.S. government is
covering up information about
them. He says he would prob-
ably get fired for his views if he
was still Canada's Minister of
technology that could produce National Defense today, but is
A modern artist three dimensional holographic im-
conjectures at ages of human forms (Shrimad
adamant he has seen UFOs
Vimana details
Bhagavatam 10.77.21-17). Krishna himself.
understood that the whole display http://www.dailymail.co.uk/
was an illusion and finally destroyed news/article-1360737/I-believe-
Shalva’s vimana with his superior UFOs--Ive-seen-says-ex-defence-
weapons, whereupon it crashed into minister-Paul-Hellyer.html
the ocean. Eventually, after
Krishna’s return to the spiritual • Wormholes Between
world, the city of Dvaraka vanished
beneath the waves. Marine archeol-
ogists have discovered the remains The scientists, Vladimir Dzhu-
of a sunken city in the waters off- nushaliev at the Eurasian Na-
shore from the present city of Dva- tional University in Kazakh-
raka in India. Perhaps remains of stan and coauthors, are
the vimana will also someday be
looking into wormholes as
possible travel routes between
So in my view there are many kinds of extraterrestrials and many kinds of extraterrestrial
technologies, including different kinds of vimanas, or spacecraft. There are nonmaterial ex-
traterrestrials and vimanas; there are subtle material extraterrestrials and vimanas; and there
are gross material extraterrestrials and vimanas. Some of the extraterrestrials are manifesta-
tions of God and deserve to be worshiped. Some of them are simply demigods, who are crea-
tures of God, just like we terrestrial humans are creatures of God. If ancient people saw these
demigods and worshiped them, that is understandable; but the demigods are not Gods, with a • Cracked Mayan Code May
capital G, and really do not deserve to be worshiped as such. And there were also in ancient Pave Way to Lost Gold
times flesh and blood humans who got vimanas from extraterrestrial engineers. A group of German scientists
Although I did not agree with everything that was said in the various episodes of the An- are on a mission to Guatemala
cient Aliens series, I was happy to participate in the series because the topic is an important in search of a lost Maya
one and the public should learn more and more about it. I especially wanted to draw atten- treasure allegedly submerged
tion to what the ancient Sanskrit writings of India have to say about extraterrestrials and
spacecraft. Even though I might have differences with other ancient aliens researchers, we all under Lake Izabal.
nevertheless agree on a lot of things, the basic one being that extraterrestrials, with space- http://latino.foxnews.com/
craft, visited Earth in ancient times. latino/lifestyle/2011/03/01/
Michael A. Cremo is the author, with Richard Thompson, of the underground classic scientists-claim/?test=latest
Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race. He has also written Human news
Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin’s Theory (see www.humandevolution.com).
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ith the removal of President Mu-
barak, Egypt’s future—though
uncertain—has, many believe,
entered a positive new era. Egyp-
tology, the scientific investigation of ancient
Egypt, is also clearly going through momen-
tous changes. In a late-breaking develop-
ment, Zahi Hawass, the virtual embodiment
of current-day Egyptology, who now finds
himself facing extraordinary new allegations
of nepotism and corruption, has also been
forced to resign from his newly created mini-
sterial post. In that position and previously
as Egypt’s Director of Antiquities he has, for
many years, maintained a virtual dictatorship
over mainstream Egyptology.
In what many observers see as a trans-
parent effort to put a positive spin on his pre-
dicament, Hawass declared that he can no
longer protect Egypt’s ancient sites from
looting and, thus, is bowing out. There is,
however, more to the story, much more.
undamentalist Christians and Or- delta flowing into the north end of the Per-
thodox Jews tend to believe that sian Gulf. The Bible tells us that God created
everything in the Judeo-Christian the first man, Adam, and then the first
Bible is literally true, while at least woman, Eve, and placed them in the garden,
some atheists deny that any of the Bible but then they disobeyed God and ate the
could be based on fact. It is clear, though, fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and
that many passages in the Bible seem to be Evil. God then expelled them from the
based on real historical events. garden and placed an angel with a fiery
There really was a Herod the Great and a sword at its entrance to bar their re-entry.
Pontius Pilate. The Israelites were probably But is the story, at least, based on fact?
among the people called the Hyksos who mi- Clearly, it cannot be literally true, since the
grated into the northeastern portion of the Tigris and Euphrates do not originate as a
Nile Delta, possibly to escape a drought. The single river. In Hebrew, “Adam” can mean
plagues reportedly visited upon Egypt when “mankind,” and the word for earth or ground
the pharaoh refused to release the Israelites is “adamah,” and Genesis informs us that
may have been based on the effects of the God made man from earth or clay. Inter-
eruption of the Thera volcano in the Mediter- preted this way, the garden would be the or-
ranean north of Egypt. Much of the Israelite Adam & Eve (Rafael) igin of an entire breeding community of hu-
ruling elite really were taken into captivity by mans with enough genetic diversity to
the Babylonians and later released and al- ensure their survival. In Hebrew “Eden”
lowed to return home by the Persian, Cyrus flowed out of it or one river which divided means “delight,” and in Sumerian (the lan-
the Great. Noah’s flood, like similar flood into four: the Tigris, Euphrates, Pishon, and guage of the early people of southern Meso-
myths around the world, was likely based on Gihon. There is much debate as to the iden- potamia) it means “plain.” Southern Mesopo-
the rapid rise of sea levels when the glaciers tity of the last two rivers, but the Tigris and tamia (modern Iraq) is a fairly level plain,
melted at the end of the last ice age. Euphrates are quite real; they define and and a garden as described in Genesis would
One of the earliest stories in the Bible, create the fertile and well-watered region certainly be delightful. The story of the fall of
placed in the Book of Genesis, is the account called Mesopotamia, which simply means man due to disobedience to God might refer
of the Garden of Eden. The Bible says that “between the rivers.” At no point is there one to the transition from a hunter-gatherer cul-
God planted a garden in the east of a region river dividing into even these two; the Tigris ture to an agricultural society where people
called Eden, or in a region called Eden which and Euphrates arise on opposite sides of a must labor for long hours to secure enough
is to the east (of what?) depending on the ridge system, flow roughly parallel to one an- food to survive. The story of Adam and Eve’s
translation used. Allegedly either four rivers other for some distance, and then join in a
Continued on Page 26
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Valley faults) associated with plate boun-
GARDEN daries (like the Red Sea rift zone, some dis-
tance to the east of the Nile). The discoveries
mentioned above were made on land, but
Continued from Page 24 around the present shores of the Gulf; and
they were the ruins left by advanced agricul-
farmer son Cain murdering their herdsman tural societies, with well-made pottery, large
son Abel might refer to early conflicts be- and permanent stone houses, domesticated
tween pastoralists and agriculturalists. animals, and boats. They appeared quite sud-
But was there a real Garden of Eden, and, denly around 7,500 BP; before that, the only
if so, where was it located? Just as people remains found were those of hunter-
have tried to imagine Atlantis as existing eve- gatherers. This, plus the discovery of under-
rywhere on Earth except where Plato said it water ruins around the world in places like
was, some have imagined the Garden of Eden the Mediterranean off Alexandria, Egypt, and
in many scattered parts of the world. But the off the coast of India, has caused even some
reference to the Tigris and Euphrates would mainstream archaeologists to suggest that
seem to pin it down at least to one region. the Persian Gulf ruins were left by a fairly ad-
One researcher, David Rohm, has sug- vanced people whose prior homes had been
gested that the garden was located in a valley submerged, forcing them to move to higher
in the Zagros Mountains near
the source of the Tigris and Eu-
phrates. Today this area can sup- Sumerian
port some farmers and Goddess
herdsmen, but during the last
Ice Age it was extremely cold and
dry. However, we know that near
the end of the Ice Age, nearby
areas in Anatolia (Asiatic Turkey)
supported at least some hunter
gatherers, who, incredibly,
erected large structures of cut
and carved stone, in contradic-
tion to everything we had be-
lieved about such cultures. And
during the Holocene Optimum,
from about 10,000 BP (before
the present) to about 6,000 BP,
the Earth was warmer and wetter
than at any time since, and the
Zagros valley might very well
have resembled a paradise. So
Rohm’s theory may very well be correct. ground. (See Atlantis Rising #86, “Lost Civil-
Other researchers, however, have sug- ization in the Persian Gulf?” page 10.) And
gested that the Garden of Eden might have this may be at least a partial answer to the
been located at the head of the Persian Gulf, mystery of the Sumerians.
or, based on recent discoveries, under the The Sumerians were a people who ap-
Gulf from when sea levels were lower and peared rather suddenly just north of the Per-
much of the Gulf was a river valley above sea sian Gulf; and it had always been believed
level. In addition to the Tigris and Euphrates, that they, the Egyptians, the Indus Valley
two other rivers may once have flowed into cultures, and the Chinese were the oldest
the northern end of the Gulf. Iran’s seasonal civilizations. In recent decades that has been
and presently dammed Karun River was called into question. The earliest known ex-
probably one of them; and, during the Holo- amples of the Sumerian culture were the
cene Optimum, the Wadi Ramah (also called Ubadians, who lived in Southern Mesopo-
the Wadi Batin) flowed from northern Arabia tamia by 8,500 BP and were farming by
into the upper Gulf. 7,300 BP and building extensive irrigation
As the glaciers melted, often rather sud- canals by 6,700 BP. Then came the Uruk pe-
denly, sea levels rose in stages. At the height riod (named after their Sumerian city state)
of the last ice age, about 17,000 BP, the seas around 6,000 to 5,100 BP, which led to de-
were about 400 feet lower than today, and velopment of cuneiform writing, bronze
the entire Gulf was dry land, and even as late weapons, and tools. There were several such
as 8,000 BP much of its northern portion was city states, including Ur, Eridu, and Sumer
still above the water. Of possible significance proper.
is the fact that most geologists believe that To add to the confusion, the people in the
the Gulf is a boundary between two of region have also been referred to as Chal-
Earth’s tectonic plates, a boundary that ex- deans, but all spoke (or at least wrote in) the
tends well to the north on land, with the Sumerian language, which was first trans-
rivers following its course. lated in the late nineteenth century after
I have written elsewhere about the way decades of study and research based on the
known civilizations and major religions seem discovery of the Behistan Inscription in Old
to have appeared on or near such plate boun- Persian, Alamite, and Akkadian, which
daries or along fault systems (like the Nile
Continued on Page 60
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The Rites
Tracking the Ancient and Universal of Spring
Celebrations of Rebirth and Renewal Spring (Giuseppe Arcimboldo, 1573)
tered. Jewish families slaugh- benefit to understanding the ally had a whole month (Eos-
• BY STEVEN SORA tered a lamb and smeared blood world from above. tremonath) named for her. The
t is no coincidence that the on their doors so the angel of Bede did understand that the root word for Eostre is the Ger-
Christian celebration of death would passover. celebration of spring and Easter manic “Ostern,” the east (or the
Easter and the beginning of Jesus, of course, was Jewish had occurred long before Christ dawn). Celtic and Anglo-Saxon
Spring seem to be one and and would have taken part in and even before Moses. While it spring festivals included bon-
the same event. Easter bunnies, that annual feast. Early Chris- cannot be dated, there is little fires. When Christianity came,
Easter eggs, and, of course, the tianity would not divorce itself doubt that the agricultural cy- the celebration to the goddess
most sacred event in Chris- from such celebrations entirely. cles were once very important. and the Savior simply became
tianity, the Resurrection of Jesus Jesus took on the role of the sac- They would be reason enough to fused. On a very interesting note
Christ, are related in many ways rificial lamb, dying for the sins of ask gods and goddesses as well Bede tells us the food for Easter
although some, you may find, man, opening again the gates of as heavenly bodies to bless their was served on a silver platter, a
are surprising. heaven. As Christianity spread in efforts. Bede wouldn’t have Graal (as in Holy Grail).
It should not be too much of the early centuries, it would minded the “pagan” trappings of What Bede did not tell us was
a surprise that the festival that make efforts to blend into the Easter bunnies and Easter eggs that even Eostre, the Celtic,
became Passover was celebrated customs of other peoples. as such devices survived from Anglo-Saxon, spring and fertility
in 621 BC, and that, in turn, was The word Easter does not ap- other faiths. Early Christianity goddess had descended from a
employed by Christianity in pear in the Bible, but the man shared a world with many relig- more ancient goddess, Ishtar of
picking the date for Easter. Even known as the Venerable Bede, ions, cults, and sects. During the Babylonia. Ishtar was wor-
before the Exodus, the feast that one of Christianity's earliest his- Reformation, many Christians shipped before Judaism, and her
became Passover was celebrated torians, explains that the French thought such pagan symbols counterpart Astarte was known
on the first day of the month, word for Passover was Paques, took away from the feast. Some, to the later Phoenicians. Astarte
Nisan, which occurred on the and the Italian word Pasqua; the after time, returned to the was known to the Jews and men-
Vernal Equinox. Passover later name of the Paschal celebration Easter celebration; others, in- tioned in the Old Testament as
became to Jews the symbol of is truly derived from the Jewish cluding Quakers and Jehovah’s Ashtaroth. Ishtar and Astarte
the resurrection of their people. celebration. He also explains how Witnesses, still regard such sym- were identified with Venus which
It became the resurrection of the the date of Easter was fixed. It bols as a return to idolatry. Pil- was considered the Morningstar.
year and the salvation of the was a movable feast changing grims in colonial Massachusetts Her worship was once so promi-
Jewish people. Exodus describes every year for a reason. Easter may have had the most harsh re- nent that the Greek word “Dis-
the events leading to escaping became fixed as the first Sunday action to practices tainted in pa- aster” means literally, “against
from Egypt. This in part was able after the first full moon after the ganism. They should have read the star.”
to take place as the series of spring equinox. It was now as old Bede. The custom of the Easter Egg
plagues that befell the Egyptians. as the calendar which had devel- He explained that the word also preceded Christianity. In
The worst might have been that oped from early times when Easter itself is from Eostre, a Egypt, eggs (sometimes colored,
every first child would be slaugh- mankind decided there was a goddess of the dawn who actu-
Continued on Page 31
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 29
30 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
American celebration might be thanks to the
EASTER Dutch. In Europe they had the myth of a
white, egg-laying rabbit they called Oste-
rhase. The custom was to make nests for the
Continued from Page 29 rabbit in their bonnets with grass. Dutch and
German immigrants carried this custom to
but not always) were hung in the temples as America, but it has been refined. Today bas-
symbols of generative life. Such custom still kets replaced bonnets, and artificial grass re-
exists in modern Lebanon. In ancient Bab- placed the real thing.
ylon it was said the egg actually hatched to
give life to the goddess. The Persian Zoroas- The Son of God and the Sun God
trians painted eggs for Nowrooz, their New One question that plagued early Chris-
Year’s celebration which tianity was just how original
falls on the Vernal Equinox. the life of Jesus was. The
Sculptures on the walls in Adonis spring celebrations shared
Persian cities show eggs by different faiths have one
being carried to the king. thing in common. The Sun,
These eggs were often or the Son, is killed and res-
painted red, the color of urrected. Two thousand
birth. In Russia red-painted years before Christ,
eggs were put on graves in Tammuz was brought back
hopes of rebirth in heaven from the underworld by his
for the departed. The Or- mother (sometimes wife)
thodox and Eastern Cath- Ishtar. The very similar
olic Churches share the myth of Attis dying and
custom as well. being resurrected by Cybele
The Jewish Passover was celebrated in Rome
Seder has hard-boiled eggs even as Christianity
being dipped in salt symbol- sprouted in that city. So was
izing the sacrifice offered at the Phoenician Adonis, who
the Temple in Jerusalem. was resurrected by Astarte.
The Sanskrit scriptures Adonis (meaning Lord) was
of the Indian sub continent revere the egg as born in a cave in Bethlehem, son of the
the symbol of the egg-shaped cosmos, the virgin Myrrah; he died at the Vernal Equinox
ever expanding universe. In China the myth and was buried in the same cave in Beth-
of Pangu has that entity being born in a lehem. His cult was active during the first
hatching egg. Part of the body became the centuries of Christianity. His feast occurs
sky, part became the earth. One empress each year, the annual resurrection of Adonis, tlantis Rising Video presents
claimed a divine birth for herself from an on the Christian Easter. English Sacred Sites: The At-
egg. In Finland the goddess Ilmatar (literally So does the very similar story of the hero- lantis Connection.
“the Mother”) brought forth the heavens and god Attis. His cult was brought to Rome in The new 40-minute VHS
earth from an egg. 204 BC. The Roman Temple to him was on program pulls together powerful evi-
A number of egg games were played on Vatican Hill. He was the son of the Goddess, dence linking Stonehenge, Avebury,
the spring celebration: Easter egg hunts, egg the virgin Nana, who conceived him eating a Glastonbury and many other English
rolling, egg tapping, and a traditional Egg- pomegranate. He was a god without a father, locations with an advanced ancient
Dance where contestants dance around eggs the son of a virgin, who became a sacrificial order now lost to history. Written and
and attempt to avoid breaking any. In the UK victim to bring salvation to mankind. His narrated by Atlantis Rising editor Doug
the Pace Egg is a game of hero vs. villain and body was eaten in the form of bread. His pas- Kenyon, the video is based primarily
ends with the hero killed but brought back sion and resurrection occurred on Mar. 25, upon the discoveries of Cambridge-
to life. nine months before his birth on Dec. 25. trained scholar and author John Mi-
The Egg then was the mystical symbol One early Christian writer blamed the chell. The program demonstrates how
from prehistoric times of the creatress, similarity on Satan. He reversed time to a mysterious network of perfectly
whose world egg contained the universe in make it look like the life of Jesus imitated straight tracks, laid out for hundreds
embryo. Where goddess worship was most Adonis and Attis when it was the other way of miles across the English landscape,
prominent, the world egg was identified with around. A more likely answer is that the early proves the great advancement of pre-
the moon; and what became the Easter church understood religion and custom prac- historic science. Michell’s deep insight
bunny was the moon-hare. This moon-rabbit ticed for centuries could not be altered in an into the origins of English culture illu-
connection was not just made in the east. instanct. Dates, celebrations, and even places minates a startling new vision of the
Meanwhile, cross the Atlantic Ocean, one of were made to accommodate the old while in- roots of civilization.
the most important goddesses of Mayan cos- troducing the new. Beautiful on-location footage inter-
mology was Ix-Chel who is often depicted sit- Pagan sites in Ireland became sacred to spersed with spectacular 3-D anima-
ting on a crescent moon and cradling a St. Patrick. The cathedral of Notre Dame of tion and a great original music score
rabbit. The Peruvians called the moon Mama Chartres in France was built over a pagan make English Sacred Sites not only
Quilla, who married the Sun and gave birth site dedicated to the Mother goddess. Rome moving and persuasive but enter-
to Mama Ogllo, the Egg. Just why the cres- itself has no problem with referring to a taining as well.
cent moon is sacred is a mystery seated in Catholic site as Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
the trinity of aspects of the goddess. In (St. Mary over the shrine to Minerva).
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Continued on Page 61
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Secrets of Spiritual Lineage
and the Transmission of Power
stand that the square and compass, perhaps
the most well known Masonic symbols, rep-
A martial arts resent the concepts of judgment and discern-
master receives
ment. However, only a Freemason who has
and passes on
• BY PATRICK MARSOLEK the secrets gone through the rituals and embodied the
practices of Masonry truly knows the esoteric
from a master
s the mystery and magic in our world meaning of these symbols and embodies
diminishing? Are there still secrets or them in his being. A Master Mason initiating
subtle esoteric teachings to learn by fol- a new apprentice knows the living depth of
lowing a metaphysical path of study? Masonry as only a sitting President can truly
You may think that modern science has dis- know the full meaning and power of his
pelled magic from the world, but if you look office.
closer, you can see it exists in full view. The The relationship between Elijah and
rituals we use to inaugurate a new President, Elisha represents one of the earliest Western
to initiate a new member into a civic organi- records of the intentional transfer of a spiri-
zation, or to begin a path of martial arts or tual power. Elijah placed his mantle or robe
spiritual study serve to make more concrete on Elisha’s shoulders, effectively transferring
the intangible powers that inhabit our lives. his power of prophecy to Elisha. In modern
Every time a new President is inaugu- times we still refer to a transfer of responsi-
rated, a tremendous amount of power passes bility as “passing the mantle.” Whatever tan-
from the current president to the next. After gible symbol is used to represent a transfer of
Barak Obama was elected, George Bush in- power becomes imbued with the power of the
vited him and his wife into the White House office. If Elijah’s mantle were still around, it
for coffee. Continuing with Presidential tra- The Presidential rituals are just one sec- would be considered a sacred object.
ditions, Bush left a note for Obama in the ular example of a transmission of power that When an outside observer examines the
desk at the Oval Office. With each of these occurs in many different forms in our world. elaborate and often puzzling rituals of the
actions, Bush was furthering the transfer of There are many different lineages of spiritual Freemasons, the traditions of the Roman
power. Although the official transfer of power and understanding, as well as physical Catholics, the Episcopalians, or other relig-
power occurs at the inauguration ceremony, learnings in the martial arts, and even social/ ions, or even many martial arts disciplines,
all the other rituals, public and private, are moral traditions that utilize elaborate rituals it’s easy to judge them as having no logical
equally important to fully install a new Presi- to facilitate the transmission of different be- use or meaning. You might try to separate
dent. We the people see each ritual event lief systems and powers. the teachings from the ritual and believe you
happening; and with growing belief and un- The Freemasons, for example, have a tra- have the essence of what is important in
derstanding, we collectively give our new dition rich in symbolism and meaning. An these traditions in order to live in an ethical,
President his power. Barak Obama may al- initiate has to follow a long, intricate path of spiritual, or healthy way in the world. But in
ready be surprised to find that he is now discovery, learning, and subsequent under- doing so, you might be throwing out one of
living with the ‘President’ inside himself, a standing in order to come into the knowl- the most powerful ways in which these line-
wholly independent and mysterious addition edge and spiritual “freedom” that is esoteric ages could give you power and peace. The
to his regular personality. Masonry. A lay person or initiate may under- symbols and rituals may be what keeps them
32 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
strong and vibrant. In a deeper way, the rit- Pat a guru will touch the third eye, the spot
uals may help to transfer the most important in the center of the forehead of the spiritual
part of the teachings, which may not be seeker, and initiate a cascade of insight, en-
verbal. ergy, even physical transformation. Swami
Symbols have power. When a Catholic Muktananda was one famous Yogi who regu-
priest offers the Eucharist to a Christian pa- larly gave Shakti-Pat as part of his spiritual
rishioner, the bread and the wine have be- teaching. There are many stories from his
come the body and blood of Christ, enabling followers of the transformations that they ex-
both priest and parishioner to contact perienced—some sudden, some more
Christ’s consciousness and teachings. The gradual. Some devotees reported a sensation
priest, through his own initiation, education, of immense heat, energy, and insight, some-
and faith practice embodies his own under- times involving a momentary loss of con-
standing of the Eucharist. When he offers sciousness. Others reported only mild sensa-
communion he knows the validity of this act, tions with lingering long-term effects that
not just in his mind, but in his whole being. changed their lives.
That knowledge vibrates in his body, blood, One can note the similarities between
and consciousness. If a person is open to ex- Shakti-Pat and the laying on of hands as a
perience the Catholic faith and its symbols, healing practice as used in many different
he might receive the full meaning of that faiths. In some Jewish traditions, Semikhah
ritual. If a person is skeptical of the Christian refers to the laying on of hands in Rabbinic
beliefs and symbols or simply not aware of ordination. When a Pentecostal practitioner
them, he may not experience any deeper is “slain in the spirit,” the minister lays her
meaning. At the moment of communion, if a hands on the person’s head and transfers the
person is open and receptive to the mystery spirit. It seems that if one is a believer or if
and teachings of Christ, he might experience one is receptive to the teaching being of-
a spiritual awakening, as many people have fered, there can be an immediate transforma-
reported. tive response. More commonly though,
In some Yogic traditions the transmission people experience much milder sensations—
of spiritual awareness can be achieved warmth, a lightening of body or mind, or a
In the first half of the twentieth century the quickly by awakening a person’s spiritual en- calmness. Even then, if there is a receptivity
great Indian spiritual teacher Paramahansa ergy, or kundalini, with a transmission of en- to the teaching being offered, one is said to
Yogananda (right) wrote in his bestseller ergy called Shakti-Pat. “Shakti” in Sanskrit be initiated into that stream of meaning and
Autobiography of a Yogi of powerful initiations
from his teacher Sri Yuteshwer (left) means pure divine energy and “Pat” refers to knowledge, with its symbols and living
that energy coming down or in. In Shakti-
Continued on Page 62
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an Brown’s recent bestselling novel,
The Lost Symbol, depicts Freema- vault beneath the floor of Rosslyn Chapel ence in Jerusalem. Part of the treasure may
sonry as having a fundamental role near Edinburgh, Scotland, may hold some have been actual gold and jewels; that would
in the founding of America. The long-lost scrolls once possessed by the help to account for the meteoric rise in
“lost” symbol or final secret of Freemasonry Knights Templar. (Rosslyn Chapel’s floor wealth which the Templars are known to
as used by Brown in his fast-paced thriller, plan replicates a section of the Temple of have achieved. But the greatest treasure, it is
gives, along the way, very good information Solomon; Rosslyn Castle and environs, believed, would have been the scrolls con-
about Masonic lore and its taining ancient esoteric
role in the formation of our knowledge about the secret
nation. (I speak as a Mason, of Jesus and the Bible.
myself.) Central to it all are What is that secret knowl-
Replica of the Ark of the Covenant in the Royal Arch initiatory
images of light, and the an- chamber of the George Washington Masonic National edge? In a word: enlighten-
swer—during Masonic initia- Memorial. (Photo: Ben Schumin) ment. I do not mean simply
tions—which a candidate psychological transformation
gives to the question, “What of the mind, but rather psy-
do you desire most of all?” is chophysical transformation
“More light.” or transubstantiation of
Put plainly, light means flesh, blood, and bone into a
knowledge or, more properly, body of light—precisely the
wisdom. The purpose of resurrection body which
proper Freemasonry is to Jesus Christ demonstrated in
“make good men better” by his conquest of death. That is
imparting ethical teachings the “way to return to the way
and esoteric knowledge of life founded on the princi-
which, when deeply under- ples of the Bible” which
stood, impart wisdom. Tucker mentions above. It
The tradition of Freema- would certainly qualify as
sonry speaks of the “Lost “the rediscovery of the lost
Word” which its legendary Master’s Word in the rubble
founder, Hiram Abiff, took of Solomon’s temple” noted
with him to the grave as he by Thomas C. Berry in a
was building the Temple of letter to the editor of Royal
Solomon in Jerusalem about Arch Mason (Summer 2001,
1,000 BC. Is there a secret p. 167).
knowledge embedded in Free- On the basis of my
masonry which has become reason, research, and per-
“lost” or “invisible” to Free- sonal experience, I have con-
masonry itself? Various Ma- cluded that the real secret of
sonic writers have indicated pharaonic Egypt, from which
that is precisely the case. so much in Freemasonry
Freemasonry, they say, has purportedly derives, is the at-
lost touch with the deeper tainment of the light body.
wisdom of its tradition. Some That, I think, is the highest
teaching which was con-
of its rituals seem to obliquely
refer to that original-but-lost Do Forgotten Ancient ferred on initiates in the
knowledge. For example, in King's Chamber of the Great
“Royal Arch Masonry” by W. L. Secrets Lie Buried in Pyramid. I also think that es-
oteric knowledge was
Tucker (Royal Arch Mason,
Vol. 20, No. 5, Spring 2001, p.
CT-5), we read:
Misunderstood Rituals? brought by Moses from Egypt
into Judaism and later was
“…we are told of the re- recorded on the copper
turn of the sojourners [Jews scrolls presumably hidden
in exile in Babylon] who beneath the Temple in Jeru-
wanted to assist in the rebuilding of the under the Earl of Sinclair, allegedly became salem. (Moses, a Hebrew, was adopted as a
Temple and we are told of the Vault. This is the headquarters of the Knights Templar baby by the Pharaoh’s daughter and was
pure history. After the candidate is lowered after they fled arrest in France in 1307 when raised as royalty, so he would have been
into the Vault [in the modern Scottish Rite King Philip IV violently suppressed the Tem- schooled in the spiritual practices of Egypt.)
ceremony reenacting the history] he feels plars.) So if the Templars recovered that hidden
around until he finds something like a scroll teaching, it would be the greatest treasure in
According to this emerging view of the
of vellum or parchment, part of the long-lost Order of the Temple, or Templary, those the world, far more so than gold and jewels.
Sacred Law. What was found really was a way scrolls, purportedly copper, were obtained by It would be the secret of immortality and
to return to the way of life founded on the the very first Templars in the twelfth century what Freemasonry calls “the lodge on high
principles of the Bible, symbolized by the when they were allowed by the King of Jeru- not made with human hands.” I can’t help
scroll which was found.” but wonder if those scrolls are now buried
salem to establish their headquarters on the
In the last decade or so, a growing site of the Temple of Solomon. Working beneath the floor of Rosslyn Chapel, as the
number of Masonic scholars and historians stealthily to excavate a secret vault beneath
Continued on Page 36
34 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 35
a three-ship expedition which reached Nova
FREEMASONRY Scotia and the East Coast of America, where
the remains of a buried Scottish knight at
Westford, Massachusetts, and the so-called
Continued from Page 34 Viking Tower at Newport, Rhode Island, in-
dicate the presence of the Sinclair expedi-
recent book The Hiram Key indicates. If this tion. The Westford site has a knight carved
speculation is correct, the greatest and most into a rock ledge where the remnant of what
valuable aspect of the Templar treasure appears to be a broken ancient sword was
would be a Codex of Enlightenment. found. The knight’s shield bears the crest of
There is another aspect to the newly Clan Gunn, who were subjects of Sinclair.
emerging story of the Knights Templar The Viking Tower’s interior geometry, the
which also excites me. It is the possibility researchers say, is reflective of Templar de-
that America is the result of a Templar/ sign and fourteenth century Scotland rather
Masonic experiment intended to create the than Viking architecture.
New Israel or Promised Land in the New Sinclair’s forebears had granted refuge in
World—not a Jewish nation but a universally Scotland to fugitive Knights Templar when
God-centered and moral society, as Israel King Phillip of France disbanded the Order
was called to be by Jesus and, earlier, by the of the Temple in 1307 and burned its Grand
prophets. Here’s my thinking about it, which Master, Jacques deMolay, at the stake. The
I admit is highly
Several recent
books about the
Knights Templar
and the Holy Grail
indicate that the Af-
rican kingdom of
Mali should be cred-
ited with two mo-
mentous facts
bearing profoundly
on Euro-American
history. According
to Michael Bradley
in his 1988 book
Holy Grail Across
the Atlantic and,
building on that,
William F. Mann’s
1999 The Labyrinth
of the Grail, by the
fourteenth century Washington, in full Masonic regalia, lay the
the Emperor of Mali cornerstone for the Capitol.
had ships going to
the New World, and
other Africans had crossed much earlier. Templar fugitives’ fleet of ships left La Ro-
Stone statues in Central America of men chelle, France, and sailed around Ireland to
with Negroid features appear to be mute tes- Scotland. Those Knights Templar made
timony to this extraordinary achievement. Rosslyn Castle, the ancestral home of the
Transatlantic travel could not have been Sinclairs, their center of operations. Rosslyn
done without the development of a method Chapel was begun in the mid-1400s and
to measure longitude. That means Africans completed before the end of that century. It
solved the problem of determining longitude contains carvings of maize (Indian corn) and
at sea long before Europeans did. However, aloe, plants which are native to the New
the knowledge was lost and apparently had World. (Also see The Lost Treasure of the
no influence on the solution developed by Knights Templar by Steven Sora.)
Europeans in the eighteenth century. How did the builders of Rosslyn Chapel
Why it was lost and why Malian seafaring get knowledge of New World plants a cen-
culture declined are topics for research. The tury before Columbus discovered America?
Bradley-Mann thesis contends that knowl- As I mentioned above, the Templar contact
edge of longitude measurement was passed with Mali-Arab culture during the crusades
from Mali to Arabic culture, and thence to led to it.
the Knights Templar, whose interactions Because of their experience with the po-
with Arab Muslims in the Middle East were litical corruption of the Old World, the Tem-
sometimes friendly rather than hostile. The plars apparently conceived a secret plan for
Knights Templar, in turn, kept that knowl- creating a new and better society in the
edge secret, using it for their own purposes. North American wilderness. That plan be-
Those purposes may have included voy- came the basis of Freemasonry and its influ-
ages to the New World a full century or more ence over the founding of America. Francis
before Columbus, through Prince Henry Sin- Bacon, who was a driving force behind the
clair of Scotland and Orkney. In 1398 he sent
Continued on Page 64
36 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
Slow down, Speed up, Reverse and Manipulate
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efore Dr. Raymond Moody named
the Near-Death Experience (NDE)
and popularized it in his 1975 best-
selling book Life After Life, very few
people were aware of the phenomenon. Over
in the
the past 35 years, however, there have been
dozens of books discussing the NDE—a phe- Olden
nomenon which suggests that there is an en-
ergy body or spirit body which separates
from the physical body at death and lives on
in another dimension of reality. But skeptics
and debunkers now question new NDE re-
ports, claiming that reading about such expe-
riences has “programmed” people to imagine
or to expect the phenomenological features
of the NDE, including being out of body,
passing through a dark tunnel, seeing and
passing into the “light,” meeting deceased
relatives or friends, having a panoramic life
review, and being told by a deceased relative
The British Rear
Admiral Sir
or spirit guide of some kind that the person
must return to the physical body as it is not Phenomenon Francis
yet his or her time to transition to their side
of the veil. Did Not Begin devisor of the
Wind Scales and
Or the person may just consciously make
up a story based on what he has read so that with Modern near-death-
his name will make it into a book. But,
whether or not people consciously make up
stories or are unconsciously programmed to
expect such things, it is difficult to discount
the earliest reports of such experiences—
some of which took place long before Dr.
Moody began his investigation—since there
was no body of stories to draw from.
Moody’s interest in the phenomenon was
a result of hearing the story of Dr. George
Ritchie, a psychiatrist, while Moody was a
student at the University of Virginia in 1965.
Ritchie’s experience took place on December
21, 1943, when he was a 20-year-old Army
private at Camp Barkeley, Texas. Suffering
from double pneumonia and with a tempera-
ture of 106 degrees, Ritchie was discovered
that morning to have no vital signs and was veled. “The good, the bad, the high points, ships in Portsmouth harbor. He was sculling
pronounced dead by the medical officer on the run of the mill.” The life review seemed about in a small boat endeavoring to fasten
duty, after which a sheet was pulled over his to go on endlessly until he was told by the the boat to a ship when he stepped upon the
head. Nine minutes later a ward boy began “presence” that he belonged to the body gunwale, lost his balance, and fell into the
prepping the body for transfer to the under the sheet and must rejoin it. water. Not knowing how to swim, he
morgue, when he saw Ritchie’s hand move. A The oldest NDE on record appears to be splashed about before he began to sink below
doctor was summoned, adrenalin was in- the story of Er, as told by Plato in the Re- the surface. “All hope had fled, all exertion
jected into the heart, and Ritchie was public. After being “killed” in battle, Er came ceased, and I felt that I was drowning,” Beau-
breathing again. back to life on the funeral pyre and told of fort related in a lengthy letter to Wollaston.
Ritchie vividly recalled the period during his journey into another world. He was told While his plight came to the attention of
which he was “dead.” He remembered that he must be a messenger to humanity by others, it took a minute or two for them to
looking at his body in bed and not realizing returning and informing others what he had reach him. Beaufort went on to say that one
that he was looking at himself. He recalled observed. would assume that a drowning person is too
traveling out-of-body to a distant town, then Taking a big leap back to around 1795, much occupied in the struggle or too much
racing back to the camp hospital to find his we have a fairly detailed record of an experi- absorbed by alternate hope and despair to re-
physical body, but then had trouble finding it ence reported by British Rear Admiral Sir member what happened. “Not so, however,
until he saw his ring on a hand hanging out Francis Beaufort, who is most remembered with the fact which immediately ensured,” he
from the sheet covering the body. As he sat today for devising the Beaufort Wind Scales. wrote. “My mind had then undergone the
next to his body wondering what was going After telling his experience to his physician, sudden revolution which appeared to you
on, he was awe-struck by a “radiant pres- a Dr. Wollaston, he was asked to put it all in (Wollaston) so remarkable, and all the cir-
ence” and then saw every single episode of writing. cumstances of which are now so vividly fresh
his entire life. “Every detail of twenty years of The experience took place when Beaufort
living was there to be looked at,” he mar- was a young sailor on one His Majesty’s Continued on Page 65
38 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
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87 87 • ATLANTIS
Persephone, queen
queen ofof the
mysteries, consults
consults her
votive tablet
n a certain night in the middle of scene blurred and vanished. The mirror had
the seventeenth century, in a room revealed all that it would. ditions of Great Britain. Many such tales of
in the Canongate section of Edin- Some months later, Lady Primrose’s magic mirrors have come down through the
burgh, Scotland, a beautiful Scot- brother returned from a trip to the conti- ages.
tish noblewoman named Lady Primrose held nent. He told her that, while in Amsterdam, You might think that, in today’s ultra-
onto the hand of a somber, monk-like man in the Netherlands, he had been invited to technological world, the only kind of “magic”
in a black silk robe while she gazed into a the wedding of a resident Scotsman’s mirror still around—if it may be called
magic mirror. daughter and a wealthy Dutch businessman. that—is the Hubble Space Telescope, which
Lady Primrose had recently been aban- He’d arrived late at the ceremony to discover orbits 360 miles above the earth, where it is
doned by an abusive husband. The man be- that the bridegroom was his own, bigamous, entirely free of the earth’s obscuring atmos-
side her was the Central European seer who brother-in-law.The outraged brother ran up phere.
had constructed and polished the mirror on the aisle and drew his sword. The bride- From its vantage point, the 22-year-old
the wall. He claimed it could conjure up im- groom took flight and escaped. telescope (refurbished by NASA in May 2009)
ages of anybody in the world, even indicating Is this famous old tale of magic mirrors can, thanks to its 94.5-inch primary re-
if that person was dead. Lady Primrose true? Perhaps not. It was retold by Scottish flecting mirror, see farther out into the uni-
hoped that, in gazing into its depths, she novelist/poet Sir Walter Scott in a version verse, and farther back in time, than any
would find out where her husband was. She that came to be reprinted in John H. In- man-made object before it. In 2010, the
hoped she would learn he was no longer gram’s The Haunted Homes and Family Tra- Hubble Telescope glimpsed a galaxy forming
alive. 13.2 billion light-years from Earth—that is,
As the Scottish noblewoman watched, 13.2 billion years ago, when our universe, it
mist rose from the surface of the mirror. Hubble is believed, was a mere 480 million years old,
She saw the mist stream away on either side Telescope one-twenty-first its present age.
to reveal the interior of a church. A wedding There is one uncanny artifact, from the
was taking place; a clergyman was asking the time when men believed reflecting surfaces
bride and groom to join hands. could peer into man’s future, his past, and
Lady Primrose gasped. The bridegroom even the afterworld, that has resurfaced in
was her husband! Just then, she saw another our modern era. This is the pychomanteum,
man race up the aisle. She watched as he or “oracle of the dead,” of which there were
drew his sword and lunged at the bride- many in ancient Greece, and which was
groom. thought to be able to summon up images of
Before she could see the interloper’s face, the dead. This beguiling device was brought
mist enveloped the mirror. The chaotic Continued on Page 66
40 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
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id the Nazis produce a UFO-style array of technology and weaponry. Many his-
craft toward the end of WWII, which torians equate the successful invention of Die Glocke’s complex system of opposing
they called “Die Glocke” (The Bell), the V series rockets with the much-touted turbines was purported to generate a field of
intended to be the war-winning ace wunderwaffe (wonder weapon) Hitler, in his antigravity so powerful it wreaked havoc on
up Hitler’s sleeve? Researchers Igor Wit- efforts to curb catastrophic losses, was anx- all life in its vicinity and may even have tele-
kowski, Joseph P. Farrell, William Lyne and ious to possess. However, Witkowski argues ported matter over vast distances. Some
others think so. that the V-1 and V-2 were largely ineffective, speculate that Die Glocke functioned as a
In Twentieth Century: History of the thus not the “wonder” of modern weaponry time machine, a theory often associated with
World 1901 to 2000, J. M. Roberts quotes many perceive them to be (from Farrell’s UFO conjecture and corroborated by former
Winston Churchill’s speech concerning the The SS Brotherhood of the Bell). Wit- U. S. Army remote viewer Joseph McMo-
Nazis’ insatiable conquest of Europe. If the kowski’s The Truth About the Wunderwaffe neagle who claimed in Atlantis Rising #18
Allied forces “fail, then the whole world . . . (translated into English, 2003) is a detailed (1999) that “UFOs are real vehicles—possibly
[will] sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age examinations of Die Glocke—a major inspi- time machines.” The deleterious effects de-
made more sinister . . . by the lights of per- ration for many later works on the subject. scribed above sound like the pivotal weapon
verted science.” Roberts points out that the Die Glocke was built in a facility near the Nazis were searching for except their in-
Nazis did not act insanely as historians main- Breslau known as Der Riese (the Giant). It terest in antigravity had a more logical or-
tain. “The crimes of Nazism had been carried was constructed of a metallic or ceramic ma- igin. With their Luftwaffe’s runways de-
out not in a fit of barbaric intoxication with terial, approximately 9 feet in diameter and stroyed by Allied bombing raids, the need for
conquest, but in a systematic, some 12 to 15 feet in height. aircraft that could take off and land vertically
scientific . . . way about which In keeping with their penchant (VTOL) became vitally important. The most
there was little that was irra- Die Glocke sensible assumption indicates Die Glocke’s
for occult iconography, Nazi
tional except the appalling end scientists embellished Die capabilities for propulsion rather than its use
that it sought and the lunatic Glocke with a band of Runic as a weapon. The Nazis’ desperation to create
mythologies which fed it.” symbols near its base, meant such technology may have prompted their
These “lunatic” ideals refer to to amplify the intensity of the scientists to sidestep conventional maths.
more than the Nazis’ desire for awesome machine. The device William Lyne’s Occult Ether Physics:
race purity, they include their was powered by massive elec- Tesla’s Hidden Space Propulsion System and
quest to prove connections to trical generators but could the Conspiracy to Conceal It (2003) details
their presumed Teutonic heri- only be engaged for several the use of Nikola Tesla’s scaler physics in
tage and their obsession with minutes. It emitted high “German flying saucer[s].” Farrell agrees
occult symbolism and the amounts of electromagnetic
powers it might unleash. radiation (which, in early tests, Continued on Page 68
42 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
HITLER’S Did the End of the War
Prevent One Last
Terrifying Surprise from
the Nazi War Machine?
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44 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
The Lady of
he Virgin of Kazan is one
of the most revered Rus- monks of a nearby church about
sian religious icons. Its what she had just experienced.
disappearance at the When they dug at the indicated
time of the Russian Revolution location, the icon was recovered.
was a catastrophe, but its resur- A copy was sent to Czar Ivan the
gence and its link with Pope Terrible, who had a cloister built
John Paul II and Fatima has con- on the site. Matrena, as well as
firmed the icon’s mythical status her mother, then joined the re-
of securing the fate of “Mother ligious community that was in-
Russia.” stalled there.
In 1612, St. Sergei was said
The fall of the Iron Curtain in to have appeared to Bishop Ar-
1989 not only meant a new era seni. The saint—who had died in
for politicians; it also changed 1392 —told the bishop that the
the religious landscape of Lady of Kazan would intervene
“Mother Russia”—a once ex- in battle. Hence, the icon was
tremely religious country. Com- brought to lead the troops of
munism, after all, had been Prince Pozharski that were
atheist, whereas the new Russia trying to free Moscow. True to
was assumed to have freedom of the prophecy, on November 27,
religion again. Pope John Paul II 1612, the Kremlin was liberated.
had attempted to improve rela- Afterward, whenever Russia
tions with the Orthodox Church, went into battle, the Virgin of
though a visit to Russia itself was Kazan or one of its copies was
blocked by the Russian branch, carried before the army. Later,
which saw the Vatican as trying the Virgin would rescue Russia
to take advantage of the situa- from Napoleon’s troops. In Sep-
tion. In November 2003, Russian tember 1812, Marshal Koutesov
president Vladimir Putin did took the icon from Moscow’s Ca-
Icon that
meet the pope in Rome. On that thedral and rallied his troops to
occasion, an icon known as the cut off Napoleon’s supply routes.
Virgin of Kazan was brought The icon is thus often consid-
ered to be a “palladium,” an
from the Pope’s private chapel
into the Vatican Library. Putin
watched as John Paul blessed the
image upon which the safety of a
city or a country—Mother The
Saved Russia
icon and then Putin himself Russia—was said to depend.
kissed it. Few observers seemed At the time of the Russian
to realize the significance of the Revolution, the basilica housing
event but Putin and the Pope the icon was destroyed, appar-
did. ently to prove that God did not
Discovered on July 8, 1579, exist. As great sledges and rams
in the city of Kazan, the Virgin of knocked down the church, loud-
Kazan is one of Russia’s most sa- speakers blared: “You see, there
is no God! We destroy the
When the Political Story
cred relics. Interestingly, it is
said that the Virgin Mary herself,
in an apparition, revealed the ar-
church of the so-called protec-
tress of Russia, and nothing hap-
Barely Scratches the Surface,
tifact’s buried location to a little
girl, Matrena. The icon appar-
pens!” A green plot of grass in
front of Lenin’s tomb marked What Is Really Going On?
ently shone to Matrena as bright the site where the Basilica of
Our Lady of Kazan had once Western Europe in 1935. On Mitchell-Hedges and Hillman,
stood as the national Marian April 15, 1953, the English ad- until, on September 23, 1953,
Anna Shrine of Russia.
Mitchell-Hedges venturer “Mike” Mitchell- Mitchell-Hedges finally pur-
But what happened to the Hedges—known for his infa- chased the icon. Mitchell-Hedges
and icon. icon at the time of the Russian mous crystal skull—was ap- never came to see the artifact
Revolution? Though some argue proached by letter from a busi- prior to purchasing it, and it is
that it was sold by the Emperor’s ness friend, Arthur Hillman, who therefore unclear whether he
family to sustain itself in exile (a was negotiating the purchase of fully realized what he was
hope that never materialized for a collection of great historical buying.
them), it is more probable that and artistic value. It was initially The icon’s movements be-
the icon was sold to help pay for referred to as “The Louis Tus- tween 1917 and 1953 are diffi-
the Bolshevik Revolution. This saud’s Collection,” apparently cult, if not impossible, to assess.
was the opinion of American art because it had been on display in Some suppose that it was actu-
expert Frank Dorland, who Tussaud’s museum in Blackpool ally in the possession of Herman
studied the icon in the 1960s. (England). Between April 1953 Göring, Hitler’s designated
From the little that is known, and September 1953, several let-
the icon apparently reached ters were exchanged between Continued on Page 70
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ANCIENT MYSTERIES The 180-foot giant of Cerne-Abbas
hen the biblical author (divine or none of them allowed for a really proper consciousness out of their bodies, high over
anonymous) of the Old Testa- view. Even after climbing to the top of a high the desert, then to direct their gaze earth-
ment stated in Genesis 6:1-4 that hill on the opposite side of the valley over- ward. If they afterward correctly reported
“there were giants in the earth in looking the huge effigy, it still appeared dis- having seen the animal or geometric designs
those days”—i.e., before the Deluge—he torted and badly out of proportion. What I as- otherwise too enormous to discern at
might have been referring to the truly gi- sumed then had already been confirmed by ground level, their teacher knew their expe-
gantic image of a man etched into the side of much earlier aviation surveys: the Cerne- rience had been authentic. That the Cerne
a green hill in the south of England. There, Abbas Giant can be fully appreciated only Abbas Giant was similarly employed is im-
visitors may still behold the 180-foot high, from a perspective several hundred feet di- possible to know, but inability to see it prop-
167-foot wide depiction of a naked man, rectly above him. erly, save from several hundred feet high
phallus erect, wielding a knotted, 120-foot He reminded me of those other, colossal overhead, must at least give us pause for
long club in his right hand. The entire bio- geoglyphs on the other side of the world consideration.
morph was formed by a 12-inch wide trench sprawling across the Peruvian Desert, the so- The randy, old titan’s mystery did not end
uniformly excavated at about the same depth called “Nazca Drawings,” likewise seen to with South American comparisons, however.
through topsoil into the underlying chalk, their best advantage exclusively from an The same, conventional scholars unable to
resulting in a white outline against a aerial point of view. In both cases, why would satisfactorily account for his aerial perspec-
spreading cover of green grass. their creators have gone to the immense tive guess he is probably a parody of Oliver
This strange hill-figure was the object of trouble of executing such images without Cromwell made by his arch-enemy, Denzil
my 1985 visit, as I hiked one crisp October being able to see them correctly? Mainstream Holles, the First Baron of the Manor, some-
morning six miles out of the town of Dor- theorists guess these terrestrial illustrations time between 1642 and 1649, during the
chester, north along the A352 road through were simply meant to be observed by the English Civil War, even though nothing con-
Dorset’s rolling countryside. An hour or so gods, not mere mortals—a baseless assump- nects either man with the hill-figure. Indeed,
into my journey, I passed a tiny, medieval- tion, less a real explanation than a dismissal local documentation contradicts any such as-
looking structure hung with an ornate sign- of something deserving deeper consideration. sociation. For example, the earliest recorded
board proclaiming “England’s oldest, While visiting Cuzco, the former imperial mention of the Giant appears in a Cerne
smallest pub.” By early afternoon, I de- capital of Peru’s Inca Empire, I had been in- Abbas churchwarden’s account of three shil-
scended into the valley of the River Cerne, formed by a knowledgeable elder of the Ay- lings paid in 1694 for its re-cutting, hardly a
soon after entering Cerne-Abbas (from the mara Indians that at least one of the Nazca process any pious churchwarden would have
“Abbey of Cerne”), some years later voted Drawings’ original functions was to serve as funded for a lascivious parody. Ever since—if
Britain’s “Most Desirable Village,” which had teaching aids for advanced student shamans. not long before—villagers every seven years
been founded as long ago as AD 987. He stated that their instructors supposedly ritually performed a shuffling dance over the
Inquiring from any one of its 700 or so held classes at the intaglios, the very exis- chalk lines of the image to preserve its con-
residents about the precise location of their tence of which had been kept secret from all figuration. Since 1920, when the site and an
46 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
acre surrounding it were acquired by the Na- tionary of Mythology,
tional Trust, the image is scoured by profes- Folklore and Sym-
sional landscapers every quarter of a century. bols (Volume 3, page
In 1755, William Stukeley—the famous 187), “The death of
father of British archaeology, the friend and Hercules is an astro-
biographer of Isaac Newton—reported that nomical allegory,
local peasants referred to the earthwork in representing the end
his time as Helis, an Indo-European title for of the year, when the
the sun-god, a slight variation of Helith, sun reaches the most
common during the sixth Century. Ac- westerly point in its
cording to Dorset folklore, a woman who annual journey at the
sleeps at the site will be blessed with preg- time of the winter
nancy, while sexual intercourse on top of the solstice.”
portrayed glans is touted as a cure for infer- Above the Giant’s
tility. These pre-Christian traditions compli- head is a smaller
structure known as A giant spide on Peru’s Nazca Plain
ment remnants of a 2,000-year-old Iron Age
settlement found nearby, although any ar- the Trendle, or
chaeological relationship with the Giant has “frying pan,” com-
not been established. prising three, rounded quadrangles arranged fying powers originated long before Oliver
More certainly, sub-surface investigations in concentric rings, at the center of which Cromwell’s day.
revealed in 1996 that the outlines of a cloak was—until as recently as the early nine- Spain’s well-preserved Jaen Cup, circa 70
originally draped from his left, outstretched teenth Century—a maypole, around which BC, at Madrid’s National Museum, features
arm, and a severed head lay at his feet. These childless couples would dance to promote fe- Hercules’s head at its center surrounded by
disclosures were repeated using improved cundity. “The maypole is the cosmic pole,” the zodiac’s 12 houses. Similar representa-
survey techniques three years ago to confirm writes mythologist Jill Purce in The Mystic tions have been found in Greece. The Cerne-
the hill-figure’s identity as Hercules, the he- Spiral: Journey of the Soul (page 16), “the Abbas site is reinforced in its zodiacal associ-
roic demi-god classically envisioned with a axis mundi, which, instead of branching, ations by a six-sided figure enclosing the bio-
mighty club in his right hand and the skin of leafing or flowering out into the world [like morph, known as a sextile, an astrological
a lion he killed hanging from his left arm. He its metaphysical counterpart, the Tree of term for the position or “aspect” of two ce-
was also the personification of the fertilizing Life] centers on the Pole Star, around which lestial bodies 60 degrees apart.
sun, as it transited through all dozen houses the heavens revolve. From here, it descends “Hercules,” however, was only the latest,
of the zodiac, a passage symbolized by his to become the Axis of the World.” Accord- Roman version of the same hero familiar
Twelve Labors undertaken in myth. As Ger- ingly, those old folk references to the Cerne-
trude Jobes points out in her classic Dic- Abbas Giant as Helis or Helith and his fructi- Continued on Page 72
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 47
in Aries Mythology
Uranus is the Latinized form of Ouranos,
the Greek word for sky. Unlike the rest of the
planets, except Earth which is Germanic, his
name is Greek rather than Roman. The
Uranus and several of it moons, as Roman equivalent was Caelus, likewise from
photographed by the Hubble Space caelum, the Latin word for “sky.” In Hesiod’s
Telescope (NASA)
Theogony, Uranus, or Father Sky, was per-
sonified as the son and husband of Gaia,
Mother Earth. Uranus and Gaia were ances-
tors of most of the Greek gods, but no cult to
Uranus survived into classical times, and
“It’s exhilarating to be alive in a time of Earth’s. Along with Jupiter and Neptune, Uranus does not appear among the usual
awakening consciousness; it can also be Uranus is one of the three gas giants and is themes of Greek painted pottery. Most Greeks
confusing, disorienting, and painful.” four times larger than Earth. The atmos- considered Uranus to be primordial, proto-
Adrienne Rich phere of Uranus is composed of hydrogen genos, and gave him no parentage.
(83%), helium (15%), methane (2%), and In the Olympian creation myth, Uranus
small amounts of acetylene and other hydro- came every night to cover the earth and mate
• BY JULIE LOAR carbons. Methane in the upper atmosphere with Gaia, but he hated the children she bore
illiam Herschel, a musician who absorbs red light, giving Uranus its blue- him. Uranus imprisoned Gaia’s youngest chil-
took up astronomy as a hobby, of- green color. Uranus is similar in composi- dren deep within the earth, where they
ficially discovered Uranus on tion to Neptune, and both are of different caused her pain. She shaped a great flint-
March 13, 1781. Later, it was re- chemical composition than the larger gas bladed sickle and asked her sons to castrate
alized that Uranus had been seen and re- giants Jupiter and Saturn. Therefore, astron- Uranus. Only Cronus (Saturn), youngest and
corded at least 20 times between 1690 and omers sometimes place them in a separate most ambitious of the Titans, was willing. He
1781, as Uranus is visible to the unaided eye category called “ice giants.” ambushed his father and castrated him. The
under exceptionally clear conditions when The planet’s axis of rotation lies nearly in Giants, Furies, ash-tree nymphs and, ac-
the planet is opposed to the Sun and appears the plane of its orbit, rather than perpendic- cording to some, the Telchines, emerged
as a faint star. Astronomers couldn’t con- ular, so Uranus rotates almost on its side. As- from the blood that spilled from Uranus onto
ceive that the faint trace of light they saw trologically, this seems apt for the indepen- the earth. Aphrodite (Venus), rose on a giant
was significant enough to disturb a comfort- dent and trail-blazing ruler of Aquarius. This clamshell after she had been created from the
able and numerically powerful cosmological unusual position is thought to be the result genitals that fell into the sea. After Uranus
scheme of seven planets. of a collision with a planet-sized body early was deposed, he and Gaia prophesied that
Uranus, characteristic with its now- in the solar system's history. Because of the Cronus in turn would be overthrown by his
familiar astrological nature, became an un- strange tilt, one hemisphere can face the own son. He tried to avoid this fate by de-
settling eighth. The presence of Uranus dra- Sun for years at a time, leaving the other in vouring his children. Zeus/Jupiter escaped
matically increased the size of the solar nearly perpetual darkness. Our only direct through the deception of his mother Rhea,
system since Uranus is twice as far from the spacecraft observation of Uranus came from who fed Cronus a swaddled stone instead.
Sun as Saturn. That’s a trend that is contin- Voyager 2 in 1986. Voyager 2 found that one The mythical castration of Uranus by his
uing as more distant objects are discovered of the most striking influences of the side- son may have an astronomical origin. Astron-
orbiting the Sun and evidence mounts that ways position is its effect on the tail of the omers speculate that a catastrophic collision
proves the existence of the Oort Cloud. magnetic field, which is also tilted 60 de- with a large body may have upset the planet,
Uranus is the third largest planet in the grees from the planet's axis of rotation. The tilting it onto its present axis, and at the
solar system and takes 84 years to make one magnetotail is twisted by the planet’s rota- same time ejected gas and debris that coa-
circuit around the Sun. By comparison, tion into a long corkscrew. lesced and formed Uranus’s moons. Rem-
Uranus rotates very quickly on its axis, Uranus has a faint system of 13 narrow, nants of this collision may also exist as
making one rotation in barely more than 17 elliptical-shaped rings that are composed of Saturn’s dramatic ring system.
hours; so its day is seven hours shorter than dark dust and rocks up to about 10 meters in The planet was called Herschel for more
48 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
than a hundred years until Johan Bode, of and earned his ire, which prompted Zeus to tion as the first woman, meant to punish hu-
Bode’s Law fame, suggested the name take fire from humanity in spite. But Prome- manity, was a later invention of the patriar-
Uranus. Uranus was Saturn’s father, Jupiter’s theus lit a torch from the Sun and gave it chal Greeks. Originally, her “box” was a pi-
grandfather, and the great-grandfather of back. Prometheus prophesied the downfall of thos, an earthen honey jar, from which she
Mars, so there is an elegance and symmetry Zeus/Jupiter at the hands of ancient female poured only sweet blessings.
to this idea because of the sequence of the powers of justice (karma). Barbara Walker
planets moving outward from the Sun. How- says “the Prometheus myth presaged the The Awakener
ever, astrologer and scholar of myth, Richard Gnostic’s sympathy for Lucifer, who was the Modern planets could not be perceived
Tarnas, has argued convincingly that Prome- same sort of hero—a philanthropic anti-god without the aid of technology. Uranus was
theus, the Titan who stole fire for humanity, unfairly punished for giving ‘light’ or ‘en- the first to be recognized in this way and as-
is a better name because of his more revolu- lightenment’ to humanity.” In the more an- trologically is said to have a direct relation-
tionary mythic character. Tarnas believes cient myths Prometheus was married to Pan- ship with science. Astrologers consider that
that the name Uranus arose from conven- dora, “all giver,” and together they bestowed humanity’s development had to reach a cer-
tional, eighteenth-century logic not from ar- countless gifts to humanity. Pandora’s crea- tain stage where we could conceive of the
chetypal insight. After the revolutionary and radical in-
planet’s discovery astrologers crease in knowledge heralded by
studied the horoscopes of this upsetting change to the
people who had Uranus em- system of seven. Isabel Hickey,
phasized. The character of author of Spiritual Astrology,
the planet’s influence does claims “Uranus is the force
not resonate with the nature which beckons us to the dis-
of the myth. covery of the undiscovered.”
Prometheus, whose name Uranus is said to represent
means “foresight,” was a ben- occult knowledge, since it is
efactor to humankind and in hidden from the domain of Mer-
some stories actually created cury’s ordinary awareness.
humans on a potter’s wheel. Uranus is seen to be the ruler of
It’s interesting to note that it astrology itself; and in myth,
was Athena, goddess of Urania was the muse of as-
wisdom, who taught Prome- tronomy. Astrologer Rob Hand
theus much of what he knew has remarked that “Uranus repre-
and who actually breathed sents the random element of
life into his creations. In
some stories he tricked Zeus Gaia and her children Continued on Page 73
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 49
or the spiritual adven- through their minds and light
turer or the adventuring bodies, have developed the ability
spirit, this issue’s assort- to access higher dimensions.
ment of DVD provide These people who knew the se-
more than a little food for crets of the Gate of Eternity have
thought, if not an opportunity to been called prophets, seers, and
trip out over some truly cosmic diviners.
concepts. “In my work,” continues Wil-
liam, “I have revealed a startling
SOUL RISING: truth encoded in history’s ‘star-
The Awakening; The Trans- gate art.’ There once existed a
formation; The Ascension high level of spiritual tech-
William Henry nology—a Stargate Meta-
“From ancient wormholes physics—incomprehensible until
and stargate metaphysics to a the present day that accompanies
quest for the next human is my these gates that was known to
journey of transformation,” says these prophets and advanced be-
William Henry, internationally ings. The goal of this metaphysics
recognized for his innovative in- is to transform us into beings of
terpretations, continual discov- light preparatory to traveling
eries about ancient gateways, and through the stargates of the gods
human transformation. “During as star beings, or light beings.
my 25 years of research, I have This is the original revelation or
pursued a startling but undeni- secret we are meant to discover. I
able fact that throughout history have found and presented evi-
and across widely diverse cul- dence of this secret encoded in
tures, there is an absolutely art and texts of ancient Sumeria
seamless tradition of the exis- and Egypt that is reflected in the
tence of portals and gateways to Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, Is-
the stars, which have been pre- lamic, and other faiths.”
served in the art and myths of Did the ancients possess ac-
each era and place. Advanced be- tual chambers that transformed
ings that came from the light of them into divine beings? Are we
the vastness of the Milky Way, on the verge of duplicating such
and beyond, did go through these a chamber? Henry believes it is
gateways. They left the secrets of more than possible. In his mind
a Stargate-Way, what I call the he finds it is more than a little in-
‘Gate of Eternity,’ for us to dis- teresting that an icon that resem-
cover. In my quest to discover bles these ancient chambers in
the secrets of this Gate of Eter- shape and in function has
nity, I have searched museums, emerged in the modern mind:
libraries and temples the world over to un- to hypothesize that the ancients possessed the phone booth. Hollywood and new science
cover and follow the visual code of the Gate advanced stargate technology and wormhole utilizes the phone booth to denote time
of Eternity.” science, and he believes that we are on the travel, transformation, and travel via worm-
His presentation here of what he discov- verge of reclaiming this sacred science, holes. He questions why is it that the phone
ered and brought to the world’s attention is which will change everything. booth is used today to symbolize transforma-
truly amazing. That is, the symbolism used In his book Hyperspace Michio Kaku ably tion or transfiguration into a higher being?
by the ancient Egyptians to depict their gods demonstrates that the existence of higher di- Does it trigger the subconscious mind to
traveling the stars matches illustrations used mensions and hyperspace is well grounded think “transformation” as in the ancient
by modern science to symbolize stargates in scientific principles. Today’s theoretical symbolism? Is there a “universal” set of star-
and wormholes. Stargates or wormholes are physicists have clearly defined hyperspace, gate symbols? Fascinatingly, the phone
cosmic gateways that theoretically link re- introduced the existence of “wormholes” or booth is not only an accepted icon for time
gions of the universe millions of light years tunnels between dimensions, parallel uni- travel but also for the transformation of hu-
apart and allow nearly instantaneous com- verses, and, theoretically, have postulated ac- mans into “super” humans. Think of Clark
munication between these regions. In his cess to both the past and the future. Most of Kent using the phone booth to transform
books and presentations, Henry has investi- these physicists are searching for ways to ac- into Superman. The connection between the
gated the meaning of this extraordinary cess hyperspace by a mechanical, third-
union of symbols. His research has led him dimensional means. But myth and history Continued on Page 52
50 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 51
52 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
grammed to deny our divinity,” seeker new to William Henry’s
says William, “hence, we do not work, you might find this new
embrace the incredible powers DVD to be your next step; he in-
of the Light Body. Instead, we vites you to rise to the next level.
seek external power. Now is the DVD - 5 hrs. (3 disks)
time for these keys to be re- $39.95
vealed. Join me on this quest for 1-800-228-8381
the secrets of the Next Human
encoded in myth and incompar- LEAP!
able art spanning the ancient Let Your Adventure Begin
and modern world. Our search Chad Cameron
for the Next Human is a search Filmmakers and seminar
for what is possible for human- leaders Ike Allen and Chad
kind. We are each a representa- Cameron explore the ancient
tive in this process. It is a trans- spiritual idea that our world is an
formative journey that connects illusion, and that you are the
us with a power latent within hero of your own “Ultimate
ourselves…the next human. It’s Human Amusement Park”! Each
time for the next human to of us is cast into this amazing
emerge.” human game, no matter how un-
Featuring breathtaking and successfully we choose to play it.
rare images from William’s re- For many, we’ve created
cent journeys to Egypt, Italy, countless situations and story-
and England, and his search of lines to hide our true power and
the world’s greatest museums, limit our experiences while
Soul Rising contains one of, if playing. Our daily life has dwin-
not the, most profound and in- dled, become less than real, and
spiring collections of soul em- only small proportions seem en-
powering Ascension and Trans- joyable to us.
figuration art ever assembled; They say that you’re not here
and his presentation here of the by accident or to suffer. You’re
artwork across America is im- here to be the main character
pressive, as well. If you loved his and hero within an infinite ma-
DVD Morph or are a spiritual trix that you actually created.>
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 53
Your matrix is designed for you to have lim- ture and the answers to the mysteries of
itless human experiences and ultimately, to mankind’s past.
uncover your own meaning, totality, and As this is the fifth installment in the An-
true identity—that once you’ve experienced cient Technology series, I won’t repeat mate-
Leap!, limits and restrictions you’ve imposed rial from previous reviews. What needs to be
on yourself fall away at a rapid rate, and you pointed out, though, is that even though
now have the opportunity to enjoy a life there was a previous DVD on Peru (Ancient
filled with fun, love, & joy. Technology in Peru and Bolivia), this presen-
Among others, Leap! features several tation takes you to new areas—a continua-
contemporary visionaries, including: Dan tion, not a repeat.
Millman, Author, Way of the Peaceful War- You’ll join David as he heads down the
rior; James Twyman—The Moses Code; Joe Pan American Highway from Lima to Ica and
Vitale, Zero Limits; Will Arntz, Creator of Nazca. In Ica he investigates the huge elon-
What The Bleep?!; Cassandra Vieten, Di- gated skulls discovered in the area and then
rector of Research at the Institute of Noetic investigates the strange museum of Dr. Cab-
Sciences; Fred Alan Wolf, Physicist and Au- rera and its stones depicting dinosaurs and
thor, Time Loops and Space
Twists, et al.; Gary Renard,
Disappearance Of The Uni-
verse; Peter Russell, From
Science To God, et al.; Lyn
Corona, featured in A
Course In Miracles The
Movie; Ken Wapnick, editor
of A Course in Miracles; and
Stuart Hameroff, anesthe-
siologist and featured in
What The Bleep!?
And then there’s a spe-
cial guest, the eminent sage
“Puppetji”—that’s right, a
puppet—make that a puppet
Master, if you will—the
filmmakers’ refreshing re-
fusal to treat the subject of
Ultimate Reality with the
usual deep and reverent so-
lemnity. For those who are
fans of The Secret, What the
Bleep?!, and the study of the
Law of Attraction, you
might want to add this one
to your collection, as well.
However, it must be
said—this DVD won’t satisfy
all. Its continual message of
illusion, illusion, illusion
won’t be fulfilling for those
truth seekers who need
more in-depth explanations.
And the cinematography
technique of panning back
and forth from one breath-
less speaker to the next,
without giving time for the
viewer to observe and pro-
cess, might be irritating to
some; however, as Leap! un-
folds, you are taken on a cosmic adventure to humans. Then the team flies over the Nazca
the source of reality itself, so enjoy! figures in order to grasp their amazing com-
DVD - 85 min. plexity. Were they meant to be seen only
$29.95 from the air by the sky people? The team
1-800-228-8381 then journeys to Cuzco in central Peru and
visits the megalithic sites of Ollantaytambo,
ANCIENT TECHNOLOGY IN NAZCA AND Machu Picchu, and Sacsayhuaman, including
CENTRAL PERU a special examination of a megalithic rock
David Hatcher Childress quarry near the Inca Trail. Extra features are
David is known as the real-life Indiana included.
Jones to the many fans of his books, and he DVD - 85 min.
is a captivating individual. He has traveled $19.95
the world several times over, seeking adven- 1-800-228-8381
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gartner to Nikola Tesla’s patents and articles,
ited from 1977 to 1987, followed by Causes
MANNING long before many people knew about Tesla.
newsletter co-written with Rhetta Jacobsen.
The young immigrant got an opportunity to
repeat Tesla coil experiments and pulsing- They were teaching workshops when I met
the-earth experiments after a fortunate job them in 1986.
Continued from Page 17 change; supervising a pumping station for Baumgartner described the vortex as “Na-
natural gas left him with spare time. He had ture’s Tool with which it creates anything it
At the 2011 International Conference on chooses.” Human technologies can copy nat-
machine shop tools, and papers from John
Cold Fusion, held in India, one of the leading ural processes, he said, if we recognize na-
Searl of England, so he built two Searl-type
scientists looked back at reasons why the ture’s movements. “In the center of the
rotating magnetic disks. That was the first of
“cold fusion” field got off to a poor start be- vortex you have the invisible shaft. The shaft
many projects in which he built prototypes
sides the fact that in 1989 most of the experi- accumulates ether energy. You have to
of energy devices in order to learn what
ments failed to produce excess heat. The create a steady flow out of the void, or space
mainstream physics community, believing fabric, or ether or whatever you want to call
His friend from Vancouver was more in-
that cold fusion should act like hot fusion, it.” He coined a name for that process: vortex
terested in Tesla memorabilia, but agreed
still can’t get over the fact that these experi- mechanics.
that money for research was needed. Their
ments don’t release neutrons. “We’re still He was certain that the etheric energy of
plan was that Baumgartner would write and
searching for respectability in the scientific the vacuum of space is very real. “With our
sell information by mail order to raise
community,” said Professor George Miley. machinery today we dissipate this force so it
never accumulates or
Vortex-tech Pioneer Exits flows steadily.”
It shouldn’t come as a sur- William His hands-on work
prise that inspiration strikes in Baumgartner was varied. Over the
various parts of Earth. Another years he built large hy-
branch of advanced research orig- draulic turbines, Tesla’s
inated in Europe during the mechanical oscillator,
1920’s. Austrian naturalist Viktor ozone equipment, a pan-
Schauberger discovered how to cake-shaped generator, a
build technologies based on the levitating platform and
fact that vortices create special ef- other projects such as
fects and properties in nature. In the Baumgartner Immer-
more recent decades my friend sion Heater. From 1977
William Baumgartner taught on, Schauberger’s work
workshops on the basic theories was never far from his
of Schauberger’s “implosion tech- mind. Across the Atlantic
nologies” and did related experi- from the visionary Rus-
ments such as showing how light sell who saw the hidden
can be generated from specially geometry of space,
constructed water flow assem- Schauberger had been
blies, unless the water is polluted the hardware designer
or has been deadened by being who brought vortexian
piped through great lengths of or- mechanics into manifes-
dinary water pipes. tation.
Sadly, we’ve lost a leading ex- When William was
perimenter, author, inventor, and living in Albuquerque,
longtime researcher. William Baumgartner money for research. They advertised in Pop- New Mexico, around 1993 I visited his work-
left the physical world on December 29, ular Mechanics and were surprised when up shop where he was constructing Schau-
2010. I lost a wise mentor who was a special to 40 letters per day addressed to Tesla Re- berger technology he called Twister Pipes.
soul, and the world lost much of his vast search Centre showed up in the local post of- He had to fabricate molds for the unique
store of insights about the works of Schau- fice. Most of the mail was from California, twisting, indented pipes, and when the pipes
berger, Walter Russell, John W. Keely and Ni- which led to contacts in the field then called were formed he used variations in his tur-
kola Tesla. “free energy” when he later lived in Cali- bines. The theory was that tornado power
Eighty years ago he was christened fornia. could be contained in channels shaped like
Walter Baumgartner, but changed his name One contact sent Baumgartner a page out the spiraling in nature. When air, water, or
to William in 1993. As a teenager in Bavaria, of Walter Russell’s book Atomic Suicide and another medium spirals through, its vor-
he had felt closest to truth when out skiing noted that Russell (1871-1962) had met texian movement creates an inward-pulling
the Alps or mountain climbing. So after stud- Tesla occasionally in New York. That was the centripetal force that moved a machine’s
ying mechanical engineering at Technisches beginning of Baumgartner’s thorough inves- metal shaft. He was also learning more about
Institute in Zurich, Switzerland, his love of tigation of Russell’s experiments and Rus- principles behind the inventions, such as the
nature led to a dream of living off the land in sell’s many writings about the background compression principle of nature that Russell
a trapper’s hut in northern Canada. He emi- invisible geometry of the universe. Baum- described.
grated in 1954. The dream gave way to the gartner eventually traveled to Virginia to William Baumgartner worked with
immigrant’s reality of working in a sawmill visit the mansion called Swannanoa where Schauberger’s successors in Europe; they
on Vancouver Island and studying English on Walter and Lao Russell had established a commissioned him to build prototypes. To-
the side. Then he landed a job as an electri- University of Science and Philosophy. Rus- ward the end of his life, Baumgartner con-
cian on power dam projects. Later he would sell’s widow gave Baumgartner access to a cluded that there were easier approaches
read books such as the Schauberger biog- wealth of information and an extended stay. than Schauberger technology, such as mag-
raphy Living Water and see the importance Baumgartner’s research path later took him netics.
of letting a river run naturally in unfettered around the world, from Mexico to Australia He was a visionary who never stopped
spiraling movements. He learned there are and also to the UK and to Europe as a con- learning and expressing uplifting concepts
workable alternatives to hydro dams or pol- sultant. that would help people glimpse the larger re-
luting sources of energy. He pioneered in New-Energy print media alities of new and ancient science.
Someone in Vancouver introduced Baum- by publishing the magazine Energy Unlim-
58 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
standing on a panther, which the burglars final permit was drastically changed, echoing
EGYPTOLOGY may have thought was made from gold. Ac- Hawass’ wishes. Interestingly, however, the
cording to televised reports seen around the original permit had come from within Egyp-
world, some objects were stolen; and, appar- tian archaeological circles, while the
Continued from Page 23 ently, two royal mummies had been decapi- changed permit had come through the police
tated. These, however, turned out to be and security services, suggesting Hawass had
Farouk Hosni from his post as Minister of skulls used to test a CT scanner. Less cov- more sway in the political arena than in sci-
Culture. Hosni was one of the most hated ered by the media was a break-in at a storage entific circles.
politicians in Egypt, who could go nowhere facility at Qantara, in the Sinai, where hun- After Mubarak stepped down, protests
without several bodyguards. On February 22, dreds of objects in six boxes were stolen. continued, including two demonstrations at
he was forbidden to travel, pending a serious Within weeks 393 of those objects were re- the Hawass office by 200 unemployed archae-
investigation into potential criminal activity. covered. ologists. During the first protest, a Sky News
Zahi Hawass, as leader of the Supreme Hawass, at first, publicly denied objects television crew was with Hawass when his as-
Council of Antiquities (SCA), who had re- had been stolen from the Museum, adding “I sistant came in to tell him that they (the ar-
ported to Hosni, was given the new position am a man of honor, and I would never hide chaeologists) were trying to climb in. The re-
of Minister of Antiquities. anything from you.” But immediately after porter described how “Hawass phoned the
As is evident when he appears on televi- army, and then the Interior Ministry, to ask
sion, like the recent History Channel produc- for protection. He told the army commander
tion “Chasing Mummies,” Hawass is any- Zahi Hawass that the mob had been organized by the
thing but democratic and has been a in 2006 Muslim Brotherhood.” In truth, they were
creature of Mubarak’s dictatorial regime. complaining about nepotism and corruption
Even after the president had resigned, inside the Supreme Council of Antiquities.
Hawass continued to say publicly that Mu- Wafaa El Saddik, the former head of the
barak was “a good man.” When the people re- Egyptian Museum, proclaimed that “every-
belled, Hawass declared, “My heart is broken body knows that there is corruption at SCA.”
and my blood is boiling. I feel that every- The Big bombshell, however, came on
thing I have done in the last nine years has February 17 on the Egyptian AlWAFD TV.
been destroyed in one day.” The headline was that Hawass was impli-
Hawass also said he believed “the Sphinx cated—with Mubarak’s wife Suzanne and Fa-
is keeping watch; he has witnessed the bad rouq Hosni—of illegally selling antiquities.
days and the good days of Egyptian history. Some commentators argued that this was
He is not only the guardian of Egypt, but of nothing new and that similar allegations had
the whole world.” During the crisis, Hawass been made before, but this report was dif-
had gone to Giza and “felt in my heart that ferent. It came from the Director of the Ar-
he (the Sphinx) was sad. I looked carefully chaeological Sites in Egypt within the Min-
into his eyes and imagined that I saw tears. istry of Culture, Dr. Noureddine Abdel
The Sphinx is sad because of what has hap- Samad. Abdel Samad had amassed 1600 doc-
pened; Egypt will lose billions and billions of uments which date back to 2004 and estab-
dollars, and for Egypt to recuperate this lish that 38 golden artifacts disappeared from
money it will take at least three years. Today the Egyptian Museum, while several hundred
in Tahrir Square there are about 3,000 pieces disappeared from warehouses else-
young people, and I hope they will go home where in Egypt. Their total value is more
today, so that life in Egypt can go back to than 1.5 billion dollars. Abdel Samad charges
normal.” they were stolen with the full knowledge and
For years, Hawass has loudly demanded Mubarak’s removal, Hawass announced (or agreement of both Hawass and Hosni.
that Egyptian artifacts in various European confessed?) that 17 important objects had in- When the complaint was lodged, says
and American museums—chiefly the Rosetta deed been stolen from the Egyptian Mu- Abdel Samad, Hawass made the reports dis-
Stone in London and Nefertiti’s bust in seum. These included some statues from the appear and fired the policemen in charge of
Berlin—should be returned to Egypt. In late Tutankhamun collection, as well as from the the dossier. For seven years, the file has re-
January, it was clear that Egypt is not neces- Amarna period, and objects connected to mained “open” but with no police officer in-
sarily the best place to safeguard its own an- Yuya—collections which were initially re- vestigating it. Abdel Samad also alleged that
tiquities. Before going into any detail, one of ported as damaged, but which was then de- Suzanne Mubarak and Hawass received mil-
the big problems of Egypt’s Museum of An- nied by Hawass before ultimately conceding lions of dollars to give false results about
tiquities is its geographic position: it sits that they were stolen. DNA analysis of certain royal mummies as
next to the political headquarters of Mu- The same scenario played out in Saqqara, well as the dating of the pyramids. The
barak’s party; and for several days, it was where Hawass admitted that several locks on doctor in charge of the study of the royal
feared that if protesters were to raid that tombs had been broken, but said nothing mummies at Kasr el Aini apparently resigned
building and put it on fire, there might be se- had been stolen. Archaeology Magazine re- in disgust when he discovered the plot. Dr.
rious damage to the museum next door. ported nevertheless that “several archaeolo- Abdel Samad has handed the papers over to
On the evening of Friday, January 28, the gists with contacts at Saqqara, who re- the relevant authorities in the hope that with
Egyptian Museum was not well-guarded, quested anonymity, [stated] that storage Mubarak ousted, the police will now take ac-
when about a thousand people began to jump facilities were robbed, something the Su- tion.
over the wall on the eastern side and into the preme Council of Antiquities has denied.” Abdel Samad is not alone. Hawass has
courtyard. Ten men somehow got into the There was a 36-hour gap before the army been under fire from several organizations,
building, with the goal, we are told, not of took control of the site and closed to the including the Arabic Network for Human
looting the museum but, instead, the Mu- public. Rights Information (ANHRI), who, in 2009,
seum gift shop. The beautiful jewelry on sale The fact of the matter is that Egyptian ar- alleged that Hawass pushed aside Ahmed
there was taken by the burglars. According to chaeology under Hawass was a dictatorship. Saleh for stating views that differed from the
reports, the burglars then ran through the In Egyptian Dawn Robert Temple relates SCA Secretary-General’s, which led to dozens
museum, smashing glass in some display how he had been given permission to study of investigations. Saleh had proposed a new
cases. Seventy objects were reported certain archaeological sites. He learned that approach on how to deal with “some Egyp-
broken—most visibly a statue of King Tut Hawass was not pleased with this, and the tian antiquities, especially the mummy of >
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 59
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87 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
heavens is hidden in the Odyssey. It tells the
EASTER story of Ulysses who is away 10 years to fight
a war and nearly 10 more to find his way
home. The tale actually explains what we
today call the Metonic Cycle. This cycle rec-
Continued from Page 31 onciles the lunar and solar calendar and
takes nineteen and one-half years. The hero
as stories to conceal the complications of god is married to the moon goddess. She like
timekeeping. The solar calendar, of course, other goddesses spin the fates of man. His
has twelve months. The zodiac has twelve wife Penelope weaves during the day and un-
houses. Jesus had 12 apostles. The tale of ravels her work at night to insure Ulysses’ re-
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Ulysses starts with 72 men, and quickly is re- turn to his home and his wife. Penelope, al-
duced to 12. Along the way he has 12 adven- though given a relatively modest role in the
into one, flowed into the area, and then di- tures. The story of Hercules has 12 labors. Odyssey, should not be considered a minor
vided into a delta composed of four main His mother was Alcmene (Power of the player. The Egyptian goddess Neith was
streams to flow out). The people were driven Moon). At the end of his journey he is equally a center of man’s fate; her name gives
out, not by an angel with a fiery sword, but clothed in red, the scarlet robe of the sacred us the word “Knit.” Athena is the name given
by the relentless rise in sea levels. In the king, and killed, resurrected, and finally as- to Neith in Europe. Ulysses doesn’t die in his
Bible, the flood occurs long after the time in cended to heaven. Like Jesus, he was called tale; he does, like other resurrected gods and
the garden, so clearly there is some confu- the Savior (Soter). Unlike Jesus, Hercules, goddesses, descend into hell for a brief time
sion regarding the sequence of events. And after ascending to Heaven would marry the before reaching his salvation.
the legend, if it represents the dawn of agri- virgin goddess. The Etruscans preserved the tale of The-
culture and the end of the hunter-gatherer The magic of the number 12 is shared in seus who has to enter the labyrinth to defeat
life, does not fit, for the ancestors of the Su- the story of King Arthur and the round table. the evil Minotaur. Ariadne gives Theseus a
merians appeared to have had an advanced The table fits the 12 knights although it con- thread to find his way out. The thread is ac-
farming culture before the end of the Ice ceals the 12 houses of the zodiac. Arthur in tually called a clewe, which became our word
Age, or, at the very latest, some time before one context is the sacred king. He is mortally for help in solving a puzzle, clue. On an
they were forced to move north into present- wounded and taken to the west (the under- Etruscan wine jar, a maze is depicted, and
day Mesopotamia. In fact, there may have world). He returns to the universal mother the maze is written TRUIA (meaning Troy).
been many such forced migrations all around at death only to, sometime in the future, rise With the help of Ariadne, Theseus escapes
the world from the continental shelves onto again. the maze and displays the Easter Egg, a
higher ground and, given what we are begin- This device in storytelling, connecting counter-charm, the egg of resurrection.
ning to learn about the antiquity of our spe- the processions of the heavens to a story on It may be fair to assume that the ancient
cies, repeated transformations of people from the earth does not mean Arthur or Jesus stories of the gods conceal learning available
hunter-gatherers to farmers as civilizations were not actual people. to the few, the initiated, and moral tales
rose, fell, and rose again. An even more complex telling of the available to all.
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 61
physical transference may relate to a belief that djinni. This djinni may ultimately decide
LINEAGE from many traditions about the importance to join forces with the student enabling him
of the lineage of the teaching. Is there a line to do geomancy, healing, or prophecy as
of direct knowledge transmission from the Elisha was able to do.
Continued from Page 33 originator of the practice to the present In some traditions, there needs to be a
teacher? If so, then the current teacher may physical transference such as a hard knock
energy. be thought to be carrying in her body the es- on the forehead of the student to initiate
This transfer of power is not just in the sence of the teaching and, therefore, may be Shakti-Pat. Saliva or sweat are also some-
mind of the believer. There may be measur- able to more effectively communicate the times used to catalyze the change and allow
able physical correlates to phenomena such original inspiration. the djinni to transfer successfully. The
as Shakti-Pat. Mahendra Kumar Trivedi, The importance of lineage is strongly teacher might spit into a student’s mouth at
commonly known as Guruji, is a living spiri- supported in the martial arts. There are the right moment in the initiation. Sharing
tual teacher who claims to have given “en- many different schools that can trace their food is thought to have the same effect, sim-
ergy transmission” to over 100,000 people in lineage to original teachers. The same is true ilar to that of the Eucharist ritual. As with
the last 16 years with thousands of anecdotal with the various forms of Buddhist disci- Elijah’s mantle, the Baraka of a teacher is
reports of healing. His organization, the Tri- plines. What is passed down through each also thought to be imbued into the objects
vedi Foundation, is doing scientific research successive generation is a teaching and a that surrounded him and even the place
into how his particular form of energy trans- form, but what is passed on through direct where he lived. One can access the lineage of
missions can affect reality in the following lineage is what could be called the spiritual a great saint by touching or meditating with
ways: 1) affect the genetics of plants to in- DNA of the teaching—the blood and the objects from her life or meditating at the
crease nutritional value and yields; 2) alter genes. Encoded in this spiritual DNA is a same place where she did her prayer.
harmful microbes to become less virulent; 3) body of knowledge, particular methods, and In secular life we also honor the idea of
reduce viral loads in people with HIV or Hep- principles for living the practice. The hard- lineage. We desire to attend a prestigious
atitis B and C; and 4) alter the mass and sizes coded knowledge that isn’t able to be com- school because of it’s history. When we enter
of atoms and affect their boiling and melting municated by language is what is embodied the work force, we show on our BIO what lu-
points. These measurable, physical effects by each successive teacher in that lineage. minaries we studied with in our given field,
make us wonder whether belief is necessary For this kind of knowledge we could also use from which schools we earned our diplomas,
to experience a ritual’s effects. The plants the word “meme,” referring to an individual and even which lands and languages we lived
and molecules being affected do not seem to unit of cultural or spiritual knowledge. In within. This information gives credibility and
have a choice in the matter, yet they are still addition to certain physical effects, it may be informs others which educational genes and
affected. Why? What is going on? the memes that are transferred from person memes we carry.
This research suggests that something to person in a lineage. You, as a practitioner, It benefits us greatly not just to read the
tangible may be transmitted when one re- may have direct access to these memes when writings of great thinkers and activists but to
ceives a blessing, an energy transmission, or you spend time in the company or the aura be in their company. When we exchange
even a ritual initiation into a spiritual order. of those who are realized or empowered with thoughts and ideas with someone immersed
There may be something physically held in knowledge. in a particular stream of knowledge, we ab-
the body of a teacher that is transferred to In some Muslim practices, the teacher’s sorb the physical resonance of her ideologies
the student, something not communicated abilities are thought to be caused by an affili- and spiritualities. Modern schooling in these
just through words and language. Was there ation he has with a certain djinni, or spirit. aspects becomes similar to the gradual initia-
something imbued in Elijah’s mantle that When he gives his student his Baraka, or tion and attitudes one would gain in a secret
sparked a transformation in Elisha? This blessing, what is transferred is thought to be society or a faith. We are given diplomas,
62 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
with robes and sashes, signifying certain DNA. In this primary relationship, we may ATLANTIS RISING
stages of learning. We learn the languages of learn the joy of being open and receptive to
the practices we study and gradually embody what resonates within us in our hearts and MAILING
the core symbols we have adopted. A student bodies, an awareness which is at the core of
may not truly feel he has accomplished the many people’s personal learning. Even with POLICIES
learning of his field until he feels the di- such a powerful and pervasive teacher, the A regular subscriber to Atlantis Rising
ploma in his hands, and parents and peers innate tendencies of a person often direct (for either 6 or 12 issues) is mailed each
may only fully recognize him as learned him towards what he is attracted to, which new issue directly from the printer at the
when they recognize the same diploma. might be different than the maternal way. A time of publication. Address labels go
Each of these initiations that we embody guru can give Shakti-Pat, but the student directly on the cover, with no additional
is a kind of trance, a lens and lexicon will only open if that is what his spirit wants packaging. Such mailings are sent 4th
through which we engage with the world. and if he is ready for it. It is because of a class to the U.S. postal system only.
Yet I think it’s worth mentioning that we re- child’s unique spirit path that some children
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eage, in the sense of a human chain of That person expresses her symbols in the (airmail only)
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art thought to have originated from an an-
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imal spirits through their shamanistic prac- and enlarge or not. What mysteries and sym- 6-issue $ 7.20 $ 2.00 $ 80.15
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gressed, have become structured to fit within you might live the greater depth and breadth
various human cultures. of those mysteries.
Foreign orders for other products which we
The first great guru for any of us though Patrick Marsolek is the director of Inner sell will have the appropriate postage added to the
could be our mother, who in so many non- Workings Resources. He is also a clinical bill. In the case of back issues, foreign orders will
verbal ways instructs us from birth in the hypnotherapist and the author of A Joyful be charged an additional 50¢ per issue plus the
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Intuition. See www.AJoyfulIntuition.com for
bols—her faith and her physical and spiritual more information.
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 63
Benjamin Franklin constitute the “lodge on high not
FREEMASONRY discovers electricity made with human hands.” The Illumi-
nati conspiracy launched in 1776 by
Adam Weishaupt of Bavaria was a false
Continued from Page 36 and corrupt use of the term which was
rightly denounced by true Masons.)
creation of the Royal Society for scien- It’s all very far from being clear
tific research, was connected to the and certain to me, but if there is any-
Templar remnant. He also wrote The thing sacred about America, it is the
New Atlantis about a mythical land to idea that God is the author of our
the west, and his account of that land being and the source of our freedom,
shows remarkable parallels to later our sovereignty, our rights, our jus-
historical developments in the New tice, and our human dignity. Those
World, as if his book were a kind of se- are very Masonic ideas, injected into
cret blueprint for Masonic endeavors the social-political institutions of our
in the vast and virgin continent. nation by those great Masons who
Over several centuries, according were among the creators of America.
to the new view, Templary was trans- Was it purely chance, or has the
formed into Freemasonry; and by the hidden hand of God been guiding our
time of the American Revolution, affairs through the centuries and
many of the Founders of America— working through barely visible means
those who fought for the nation, those which carry the symbols and sub-
who signed the Declaration of Inde- stance of Freemasonry?
pendence and those who created the
Constitution—were Masons. Among The author is a 32° Mason of the
them were George Washington, Ben- Scottish Rite and a Knight Templar of
jamin Franklin, John Adams, John the York Rite. He has published 15
Hancock, Paul Revere, John Paul books, including The Meeting of Sci-
Jones, and many others. part a Templar/Masonic effort to advance ence and Spirit, What Is Enlighten-
Perhaps, just perhaps, there is a secret human society on the basis of secret knowl- ment?, A Practical Guide to Death and Dying
history to America, much like what has been edge and secret activities, much as fables and, for children, The Christmas Mice. His
alleged by Manly Palmer Hall in America’s about the Illuminati claim. (Please note: I writing has appeared in The New York Times,
Secret Destiny and by others who claim refer to the true Illuminati, better known as Saturday Review, Reader’s Digest, Science of
there is an occult or esoteric foundation to Ascended Masters, whose native state is the Mind, Esquire, Omni, Woman’s Day, and
America. Perhaps, just perhaps, America is in resurrection body, or light body, and who other publications.
64 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
of thought or knowledge of existence in ab- nently above my power to reproduce that my
ANTIQUE NDES solute unconsciousness,” Wiltse recalled for rendition of it is far short of the original. The
Myers. “I came again into a state of con- following is as near as I can render it: ‘This is
scious existence and discovered that I was the road to the eternal world. Yonder rocks
Continued from Page 38 still in the body, but the body and I had no are the boundary between the two worlds
longer any interest in common. I looked in and the two lives. Once you pass them, you
in my memory as if they had occurred but astonishment and joy for the first time upon can no more return into the body. If your
yesterday.” myself—the me, the real Ego, while the not- work is complete on earth, you may pass be-
He went on to explain that from the mo- me closed it upon all sides like a sepulcher of yond the rocks. If, however, upon considera-
ment that all exertion had ceased—which he clay.” tion you conclude that…it is not done, you
imagined was the immediate consequence of can return into the body.’
complete suffocation—“a calm feeling of the Wiltse approached the rocks and was
Fanny Paget tempted to cross the boundary line, but then
most perfect tranquility succeeded the most
tumultuous sensation. It might be called ap- hesitated. “I knew that I was to be stopped. I
athy, certainly not resignation; for drowning felt the power to move or to think leaving
no longer appeared an evil; I no longer me. My hands fell powerless at my side, my
thought of being rescued, nor was I in any head dropped forward, the cloud touched my
bodily pain. On the contrary, my sensations face and I knew no more.” In “astonishment
were now of rather a pleasurable cast, par- and disappointment,” Wiltse then found him-
taking of that dull but contented sort of self back in his physical body. “What in the
feeling which precedes the sleep produced by world has happened to me?” he exclaimed.
fatigue.” “Must I die again?”
His senses were deadened, he continued, Suffering from pneumonia in 1911,
but not his mind, “for thought rose after Fanny Ruthven Paget, a resident of Houston,
thought with a rapidity of succession that is Texas, told of her experience in a 1917
not only indescribable, but probably incon- book, How I Know that the Dead Are Alive.
ceivable, by anyone who has been himself in “All about and above me I could see nothing,
a similar situation. The course of these but fancy my astonishment if you can, when
thoughts I can even now in a great measure looking down, I saw my body resting peace-
retrace: the event that had just taken place, fully on the bed, representing what is com-
the awkwardness which produced it—the monly called a ‘dead person’,” Paget recalled.
bustle it must have occasioned, for I had ob- “I could not move my eyes from it; it fasci-
served two persons jump from the chains— nated me as it lay in the cold whiteness,
the effect it would have on a most affec- robed in a gown of lavender silk, with dainty
tionate father, the manner in which he laces and ruffles…The deep blue ‘windows of
would disclose it to the rest of the family, the soul,’ the eyes, were at half mast; the soul
and thousand other circumstances minutely Wiltse went on to say that he could see being absent the light was gone; the lips
associated with home, were the first series of the wonders of his bodily anatomy and real- slightly parted wore just a suggestion of a
reflections that occurred.” ized that he was dead. “I have died, as men smile; the left hand rested lightly on the
Although he estimated that not more term death, and yet I am as much a man as breast—the engagement ring scintillating as
than two minutes elapsed between the time ever,” he recalled thinking. “I am about to brightly as ever; the right, which no doubt
he fell into the water and when he was res- Carl
get out of the body. I watched the interesting had been lifted unconsciously at the shock of
cued, his entire life played back before him. process of the separation of soul and Gustav
body. impact, had fallen a little apart from the body
“…traveling backwards, every incident of my By some power, apparently not my own, Jung
the and lay, palm upturned. How peaceful it
past life seemed to me to glance across my Ego was rocked to and fro, laterally, as a looked!” Abraham
recollection in retrograde procession; not, cradle is rocked, by which process its con- Paget then concerned herself with her fi-
however, in mere outline as here stated, but nection with the tissues of the body was ancé in another town and found herself being
the picture filled up with every minute and broken up. After a little time the lateral mo- propelled by a vibratory sensation to his
collateral feature; in short, the whole period tion ceased, and long the soles of the feet be- sleeping body. “As I looked upon him I saw
of my existence seemed to be placed before ginning at the toes, passing rapidly to the the shadow body more distinctly than the
me in a kind of panoramic view, and each act heels, I felt and heard, as it seemed, the physical,” she related. “Viewed from the
of it seemed to be accompanied by a con- snapping of innumerable small cords.” other side of life, the ‘shadow’ body seemed
sciousness of right or wrong, or by some re- As he emerged from the head, he floated the original and the physical the duplicate,
flection on its cause of consequence—indeed up and down laterally until the soul broke the soul the real, the body the unreal. Within
many trifling events, which had been long loose from the body. He arose, his wife and and interpenetrating all was a light, which I
forgotten, then crowded into my imagina- sister weeping at his bedside oblivious to his had not before perceived as being a part of
tion, and with the character of recent famil- separation. He then wandered outside, but the spiritual anatomy. This light penetrated
iarity.” could see a small spider web-like cord run- from within, both the shadow and physical
Beaufort speculated on the meaning of it ning from his soul body back to his physical bodies, maintaining through and about the
all, seeing it as some indication that we body to the area of the solar plexus. He soon body an aura or illumination which envel-
awaken in another world after death and that became aware of a “presence,” which he oped it; clothing it, as it were, in a magne-
it at least warrants the inference that death is could not see, but which he knew was en- tized illumination. How wonderful this
only a change or modification of our exis- tering into an overhead cloud. “The presence three-in-one life-manifestation seemed, espe-
tence, in which there is no real pause or in- did not seem, to my mind, as a form, because cially when we generally recognize only the
terruption. it filled the cloud like some vast intelli- one—the physical!”
Dr. A. S. Wiltse, a physician of Skiddy, gence.” He began receiving thoughts. Moving closer to her fiancé, Paget at-
Kansas, related his 1889 experience to Fre- “These, I said, are his thoughts and not tempted to converse with him, but he slept
deric W. H. Myers, a pioneering psychical re- mine; they might be in Greek or Hebrew for on, even though his soul, which was not
searcher. Wiltse was suffering from typhoid all power I have over them. But how kindly sleeping, responded joyously and tried to
fever and his “apparent death” was said to am I addressed in my mother tongue that so help her penetrate his physical consciousness
have lasted about a half-hour according to I may understand all his will. Yet, although as he moaned and turned restlessly in his
his own physician. “I lost, I believe, all power the language was English, it was so emi- sleep. After a few moments, he cried out,>
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 65
of leaves on a wall. They shared with the
ANTIQUE NDEs MIRROR priests of ancient Greece the practice of ca-
toptromancy—moistening with castor oil
ashes of incense, rubbing the mixture into
Continued from Page 40 the hands of “child seers,” and gazing into
“Fanny, Fanny,” and sat up in bed, wide the images reflected on the palms.
awake. As he turned on a light and reached back to life in the mid-1990’s by best-selling The ancient Chinese fastened bits of pol-
for his glasses and a magazine, she tried to author and investigator into past-life recall ished concave glass to their doors so that
communicate, but he did not react to her and near-death-experiences Dr. Raymond prowling malevolent spirits would be fright-
words. She perceived that her vibratory envi- Moody. ened away by their own reflection.
ronment did not harmonize with his. “Mine Before looking at Dr. Moody's “Theater of The divination practices of ancient times
was the vibration of perpetual motion—his the Mind” (as he calls it), let’s glance at the are still carried out in parts of the world
more like a ‘dead sea’ into which these vibra- long and crowded history of magic mirrors. today. In Polynesia, when someone is robbed,
tory currents ebbed and flowed, and it It’s not surprising that an aura of the su- a priest digs a hole in the floor of the
seemed such an easy matter to move out of pernatural clings to mirrors even today. victim’s hut and fills it with water. The ap-
the ‘deadness’ into the ‘ebb and flow’ that I After all, primitive man, gazing into the wa- propriate god is asked to manifest an image
waited and watched a long time before I real- ters of a lake or river and seeing his reflec- of the thief above the water so that it can be
ized that he would make no effort to do so.” tion, thought, or so an- seen reflected on the sur-
Realizing that she would not be able to thropologists believe, face. Native American
penetrate his physical consciousness, she that he was seeing the medicine men peer into
bade him farewell and attempted to move on; image of his soul. The crystals to find lost or
however, the vibratory force seemed to re- idea of our reflection as stolen goods, or tell their
strain her. Instead of struggling against the having a connection with patients to gaze into
force, she tried to understand it. “Almost in- our soul persisted right water to discover what
stantly the lesson sank into my conscious- up through Europe's kinds of food and medi-
ness and I realized that the long arm of mun- Middle Ages, when people cine they need. Such
dane interests can reach into the Beyond and believed vampires practices still persist
hold its victims within the shadow of earth— couldn’t be seen in mir- among the seers of Syria,
pitting its magnetism against the promise of rors because they had no Iran, Egypt, Greece,
higher things.” souls. Rome, China, Japan and
She then felt herself moving in an undu- The ancient Greeks India, and among Africa's
lating way within the propelling vibration strove to see the future Zulus, New Zealand’s Ma-
and was suddenly enveloped in oppressive and cure illness through oris, Australia’s aborig-
heavy darkness, feeling alone in eternity and a variety of reflecting sur- ines, and Siberia’s sha-
waiting in awesome uncertainty. She per- faces, including mirrors, mans.
ceived that the darkness was really within crystals, and the surface “Scrying” (from “de-
her and could be eliminated only from of water. Hydromancy— scrying”)—crystal-
within. “There were loved ones and many gazing into water, in- gazing—survived in Eu-
others welcoming me and rejoicing that I cluding tide waters —was The Crystal Ball rope up into the Renais-
was with them.” Her spirit guide, who identi- practiced at the temple of (Waterhouse) sance, even though the
fied himself as Meon, was also there. She Demeter in Patrae: a sick Roman Catholic Church
now felt light and carefree. man lowered a mirror on believed evil spirits were
Meon took her for a tour of the lower a string from the top of the temple wall behind the images appearing in crystal balls.
spirit realms and then into the “Dawn down to a fountain standing in front of the The Church regarded the practitioners of
World” where she was allowed to view some- temple; when the mirror touched the water, this “black art”—they called them specu-
thing that was not unlike a “moving picture” priests peered into it to try and see—wrote larii—as heretics and punished them accord-
of her entire life. This “movie” of her life second century AD Greek traveler Pau- ingly.
continued her childhood on to the time she sanias—“the presage of death or recovery, The most powerful European rulers of the
came down with a severe case of laryngitis according as the face [of the sick man] ap- time often disregarded the dictates of the
and lost her singing voice. She saw herself peared fresh and healthy, or of a ghastly as- Church. England’s famed Queen Elizabeth I
cursing God and being enveloped by a pect.” The Greeks practiced lecanomancy— (1533-1603) had access to a type of magic
shadow-stained covering of materialism. She dropping stones into a basin of water, oil, or mirror: the “shew-stone” of the Elizabethan
saw both her parents pass into the spirit wine and listening to the sounds made by polymath Dr. John Dee. This “stone that
world, leaving her alone, fighting the bitter the stones when they struck the water while shows”—it can be seen in the British Mu-
fight. She saw even the most trivial matters observing the patterns formed by the ripples; seum in London to this day—was an egg-
in her life review. “Its faithfulness to detail these would provide the sought-after mes- shaped crystal ball that Dee said the “child-
was perfectly marvelous. Nothing was sage. Another mode of divination used by the angel Uriel” had given him in a vision. Dee
hidden, nothing slurred over. It was all Greeks was gastromancy—filling “large- wasn’t psychic; he recruited the services of
there. I was standing face to face with my bellied” glass containers with water, lighting the disreputable but clairvoyant Edward
earth life just as I had lived it, awaiting its torches behind the containers, and in- Kelley, who had had his ears chopped off for
condemnation or justification.” structing especially chosen youths to deci- thievery. Kelley claimed he could see and
When the life review ended, Meon stood pher the messages written by “demons” in hear myriads of angelic spirit guides swim-
waiting. He told her that the purpose of the the heat-agitated water. ming inside the shew-stone and milling
review was to build an edifice on the ashes as Yet another form of Greek divination was around outside it. Dee was Elizabeth I’s per-
she returned to earth life. “Meon and other onycomancy—coating the fingernails of sonal astrologer and probably spoke to these
spirits were hovering about me,” she ended “pure” children with a mixture of oil and “angels,” via Kelley, on her behalf; but
the story. “I could feel the electrified es- soot, and then, when the mixture dried, there’s no evidence Elizabeth used the advice
sence, which had manifested its presence holding the childrens' fingers up to the sun- of the shew-stone for help in guiding Eng-
everywhere during my voyage, drawing itself light to read, reflected in the shining finger- land. The tradition of British monarchs’
away—letting me go, as it were. Then the nails, the prophecies of the gods. using magic mirrors goes back to King
burden of physical life was full upon me and In ancient India, priests believed the fu- Ryence of North Wales, long-time foe of King
what a misfit I was!” ture was spelled out by the gods in the glitter Arthur; Merlin the magician was said to have
• Number
• Number
87 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
given Ryence an enchanted, all-seeing mirror the same crystal ball and reported “many im- ture—Moody had a modern-day psychoman-
that was “round and hollow, and . . . like a ages, some vivid re-creations of her child- teum (also called an “apparition chamber”)
great globe of glass.” hood, and others from mysterious sources.” constructed on his property in Anniston, Ala-
Not long before the reign of Elizabeth I, Moody conducted a “group viewing,” using bama. In the heart of this small room is a
France’s King Francis I (1494-1547), ac- four crystal balls, with the forty members of mirror, four feet tall and three-and-a-half
cording to legend, captured Milan through a class he taught. Half the students saw feet wide, that is mounted in such a way that
the agency of a magic mirror that provided people in the ball. Twice, two students, the reflection of the viewer can’t be seen in
him with remote viewing of everything hap- gazing into the same crystal ball, saw the the mirror.
pening in and around the Italian city. Francis same image, the first one a dark-robed Moody and his assistants have escorted
I’s mirror was powered up by exposure to hooded figure, the second a ballerina scores of people through this room, which he
moonlight, as prescribed by the ancient dancing in time to the background music calls the Theatre of the Mind. Often, medi-
Greek philosopher-seer Pythagoras. The ma- being played in class. tating beforehand on someone they’ve lost
chiavellian Catherine de Medicis (1519- Moody’s researches into crystal-ball and remaining alone in the chamber for
1589), Queen Consort to Francis I’s son gazing were only a part of far more compel- awhile, these modern-day oracle seekers have
Henry II, was said to own a magic mirror ling discoveries he was making at the time. been able to see and talk to apparitions of
that allowed her to monitor everything in In Reunions: Visionary Encounters with De- their departed loved ones.
France concerning her personally. Cathe- parted Loved Ones (1994), he describes oc- Surprised at the apparent success of his
rine’s mirror was supposedly adorned with cult establishments known as psychomantea, device, Moody determined to test it himself.
star-like jewels that made it espe- Entering the apparition chamber,
cially potent. Henri IV (1553- he gazed into the mirror and
1610), one of France’s greatest “Shew-stone” of Dr. sought to conjure up a vision of
kings, reputedly owned a mirror John Dee, minus his own deceased, much-beloved,
enabling him to eavesdrop on any crystal grandmother. To the researcher’s
plots being hatched against him amazement, an apparition of his
in European courts. The mirror other, deceased, grandmother—
was said to have been given to the one with whom he’d had a
him by Father Pierre Coton, his difficult relationship in life—
Roman Catholic confessor. Its appeared in the mirror. The two
possession didn’t save King talked; and the conversation
Henry from being stabbed to brought peace of mind to Moody
death by a lone assassin during a and, somehow, a new and loving
street procession. Apparently, the relationship with this grand-
magic mirrors of royalty can’t mother.
eavesdrop on lone assassins! (The In December 2009, on his
assassination of Henri IV, website “PSYCHMANTEUM: The
strangely resembling that of U.S. Portal,” Dr. Moody summed up
President John F. Kennedy in the results over a period of fifteen
1963, generated its own con- years of his adventures into the
spiracy theory, which was only re- uncanny world of the
futed, by Voltaire, 150 years psychomanteum:
later.) “Thus far, well over a hundred
The art of scrying made a dra- or “oracles of the dead,” that, flourishing in subjects have been guided
matic comeback in 1992 with the publica- ancient Greece, are described in Homer’s through this procedure at the Theatre of the
tion of Raymond Moody’s Coming Back, a Iliad and the plays of Aristophanes among Mind with the result that over 50% of them
best-seller that refreshed the memory of the other ancient writings. Men and women of experienced vivid visionary encounters with
world regarding the mysterious powers of the ancient world journeyed to these psycho- departed loved ones. There were a number of
crystal balls. mantea to see and consult with the spirits of highly surprising features of these results:
Moody makes extensive use of Ernest their deceased relatives and friends. In 1957, Thus far, all subjects have taken the reunions
Schal’s Crystal Gazing, published in 1905. Greek classical archaeologist Sotirios Dak- to be real events and not as fantasies or day-
The Austrian researcher revealed the ancient aris excavated one of the most famous of dreams. Approximately 25% of the subjects
Egyptian practice of using crystal balls to see these psychomantea: the Oracle of the Dead encountered some other departed loved one
the future and locate persons and objects. at Ephyra, on the Archeron River in Epirus. than the one they had prepared to see. Ap-
Schal claimed these practices were preserved Moody traveled to Greece to personally proximately 25% of the subjects experiencing
by generation after generation of gypsies investigate the ruins of the psychomanteum apparitions reported some further encounter
(“gypsy” comes from “Egyptian”), who, up at Ephyra, one of hundreds that had been with the departed after they returned to their
through the Renaissance, roamed from city partially destroyed during the Roman con- own homes. Almost every subject said in one
to city asking a small fee for practicing divi- quest of Greece. He writes in Reunions that way or another that the reunion had helped
nation in the same way as had the high this elaborate oracular construction, when them resolve unfinished business with the
priests of the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt. fully excavated, “turned out to be an enor- deceased.”
Moody found that when he gazed into a mous subterranean complex, a maze of pas- Dr. Moody says that at least ten other in-
crystal ball vivid, uncanny images soon ap- sageways and chambers that opened at last vestigators, working independently of him,
peared. “In one sense, it was obvious they into a lengthy and cavernous hallway in have constructed their own Theatres of the
were coming from within myself,” he writes, which the apparitions were seen.” In the Mind, reporting results similar to his.
“and yet these images were plainly projected center of the psychomanteum stood a bronze It seems that, despite the powerful influ-
into the crystal ball in color and three di- cauldron on whose sides, Moody surmised, ence of modern science and technology, the
mensions. It was like a holographic television the oracle seekers must have believed they millennial-long era of magic mirrors has not
set.” were catching glimpses of, and messages yet come to an end—even though modern
Moody saw a Chinese woman and recog- from, their departed loved ones. researchers still do not understand just how
nized her as the same woman he had seen To test his hypothesis that psychomantea mind, imagination, memory, and desire can
when undergoing past-life regression were thought to have the power of conjuring interact with a reflecting surface to bring
therapy; he thought this must be a previous up images of the dead—and, perhaps, of forth the uncanny apparitions still seen in
incarnation of himself. His wife gazed into evoking from them revelations about the fu- crystal balls and “magic” mirrors.
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 67
It Takes a Rocket Scientist to
NAZI UFOs Understand It
Discussing the wave of UFO sightings oc-
curring in the decade after WWII, Frank Ed-
Continued from Page 42 wards detailed another interesting connec-
tion between this phenomenon and the
that the Nazis eschewed “Jewish physics” in seemingly omnipresent Hermann Oberth.
favor of those devised by non-Jewish scien- West Germany . . . the scene of so many
tists. This egregious anti-Semitism is corrob- visits by the UFO’s, including some reported
orated by biographer Walter Isaacson. He landings, named the world-famous rocket
describes how German scientists received and space-travel scientist, Professor Her-
Einstein’s theories. mann Oberth, to head their probe . . . . The
Arnold Sommerfield . . . was among the outspoken Oberth said . . . in 1954: ‘There is
first to suggest there was something Jewish no doubt in my mind that . . . (UFO’s) are in-
about Einstein’s theoretical approach, “ . . . . terplanetary craft of some sort. . . . It is also
It lacked due respect for the notion of order our conclusion that they are propelled by dis-
and absolutes . . . As remarkable as Einstein’s torting or converting the gravitational field”
papers are, . . . it still (Strange World).
seems to me that some- Was similar tech-
Hans nology channeled into ex-
thing almost unhealthy Kammler
lies in the unconstruable periments conducted by
[sic] and impossible to vis- the U. S. government?
ualize dogma. An Eng- Farrell notes the prob-
lishman would hardly have ability that Werner von
given us this theory. . . . It Braun, along with other
might be [that] here too . . German rocket scientists
. the abstract conceptual brought over during Pro-
character of the Semite ex- ject Paperclip, most likely
presses itself.” (Einstein: contributed to research
His Life and Universe). which fueled UFO sight-
Lyne proposes that the ings from the late 1940s
public’s acceptance of the to now. Several failures
“[r]elativistic bromides” required cover-ups like
described by curved space- those at Roswell, NM and
time, serve only to cover Kecksburg, PA.
up Tesla’s “Occult Ether The involvement of
Physics” employed by the von Braun and Oberth
Nazis to power their UFOs. with UFO phenomenon
Max B. Miller’s article “Field Theory and pales in comparison to the identities of those
Gravity Drive” (Fate Magazine, Vol. 11, No. who oversaw Die Glocke. Reichsführer Hein-
5, May 1958) notes Dr. Hermann Oberth’s rich Himmler, head of the SS, was obsessed
conclusion that the “behavior of the UFO . . . with the occult, yet his involvement with Die
discounts any means of propulsion— Glocke seems tangential until one considers
including the reaction rocket—known to his closest associate. In 1942, Himmler chose
us,” and that the “principle of an ‘anti- Dr. Hans Kammler, formerly a high-level Air
gravity device’ might be expected.” An inter- Ministry officer in charge of engineering, to
esting conclusion since, as Farrell points take over the rocketry program. In his me-
out, Oberth was directly involved with Die moir Inside the Third Reich, Albert Speer
Glocke and the creation of Nazi UFOs. claims that at first he “liked [Kammler’s] ob-
Analyzing Oberth’s pronouncement from jective coolness” but later understood how
the perspective of contemporary physics, Kammler’s “zeal” made him dangerous.
mathematician Ward Locke combined Ein- Speer states that “SS Grupenführer
stein’s gravitational theorems with a later Kammler, already responsible for the rocket
tensor model developed by Hermann Weyl. weapons, was to be in charge of the develop-
The math revealed the potential for the gen- ment and production of all modern aircraft”
eration of an antigravity field when the equa- [emphasis added] forcing him out of this po-
tion begets a negative number. Professor sition. Speer notes the incredible number of
Locke confides that sustaining such a system workers (both skilled and slave labor) com-
requires a continued energy input of at least mandeered by Kammler for his endeavors.
900 kiloamperes (or the transfer of 1020 The creation of “All modern aircraft” would
electrons) per second. Without an effective have provided Kammler free reign to pursue
heat-sink, the temperature will instantly rise the elusive wunderwaffe sought by Hitler.
to 28,000º Kelvin (nearly equivalent to the The displacement of “half a million workers a
surface temperature of the sun). Although year,” noted by Speer, would have provided
dubious that the Nazis harnessed such a Kammler the means to achieve this goal.
force, Professor Locke concedes that, if true, As WWII ground to a grim close for Ger-
this may have been the reason behind the many, Kammler disappeared. While his
short intervals sustained during Die Glocke’s driver, Kurt Preuk, swore in court he had
early tests. The scientists simply couldn’t witnessed Kammler’s dead body, Farrell be-
generate enough power to keep it going. lieves Kammler made a deal with either the
American or Argentine government in ex-
change for safe passage and sanctuary from
68 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
war crimes. Kammler’s greatest Whether or not one believes in
bargaining chip may well have visitations by aliens, the descrip-
been Die Glocke. tion of the Kecksburg craft and
that of Die Glocke seem too sim-
Alleged saucer craft
The Kecksburg/Die Glocke developed at
ilar for coincidence. Several re-
Connection Peenemunde searchers propose that Kammler’s
During the early evening of Die Glocke technology ended up
December 9, 1965, reports of a in the hands of the American mili-
fireball in the skies over Canada tary where it was obviously tested
and the Midwestern United States (if unsuccessfully), generating in-
flooded meteorological centers cidents like Kecksburg in 1965
and police bureaus. Newspapers and perhaps others throughout
commented on the amazing me- the years.
teor that appeared to break apart
over northern Ohio before From Antarctica to the Moon
veering east as it descended into (and Back Again)
rural Pennsylvania, just southeast Iron Sky (2011), a soon-to-be-
of Pittsburgh. What interests released Finnish film, presents an
ufologists about the Kecksburg alternative view of history. While
incident (apart from the altera- the Allies dug through the rubble
tion in trajectory) is the unusual after WWII, the Nazis built a se-
manner in which the presumed cret facility in Antarctica where
meteor broke up. Some witnesses they developed UFO technology.
reported details one associates They soon moved to a base on the
with large meteors hitting the at- dark side of the moon and con-
mosphere and splitting into tinued, throughout the decades,
pieces. Others saw what appeared to construct an armada of flying
to be a craft spewing a fiery rain saucers. The Nazis plan to invade
of burning debris. Several pieces the world anew in 2018.
of the burning material fell into a Teasers have already scored
field in Elyria, Ohio, starting over four million hits on YouTube
small fires. Firemen easily put out proving that conspiracies never
the blaze, yet found nothing to die; they simply inspire fresh per-
cause it. Werner Von Braun in suit with colleagues at Peenemunde spectives. While not exactly a
The bulk of the material “new” idea (see Philip K. Dick’s
landed in the woods outside Keck- The Man in the High Castle, 1962,
sburg, PA. Several witnesses re- and W. A. Harbinson’s Projekt
ported the incident to the local Saucer series, 1991), the movie’s
radio station and to police. Within premise seems like much Holly-
the hour, people from the area, wood-inspired science fiction.
policemen, firemen, and news re- However, there is the possibility
porters arrived on the scene—so that Iron Sky comes close to the
too did the U. S. Army. Captain truth.
Kevin D. Randle’s article “The The German magazine Faktor-
Kecksburg UFO Crash” (UFO Uni- X (issue 11, 1997) reported Apollo
verse, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1991) exam- 14 astronauts’ description of
ines the incident from the per- strange objects visible on the sur-
spective of those who presume face of the moon. Astronaut
the object an alien spacecraft Gordon Cooper claimed to have
Purported photo of giant Hannebu antigravity craft
tested by the military, resulting in seen UFOs and Neil Armstrong
less-than-spectacular results. said that NASA was not the first to
Randle writes that, the radio report[ed] . . . feet in diameter, [with] a gold band around it reach the moon. Ham radio operators, by-
something . . . landed . . . . and . . . the State with writing on it. The writing was described passing frequencies used by TV and radio
Police . . . cordoned off a section of the as like ‘ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.’ But during the 1969 moon landing, heard an ex-
woods. News media . . . were broadcasting then, more importantly, he said that there change between NASA and Armstrong de-
from . . . the site. A number of them were were characters of broken and straight lines, scribing other spacecraft lining the crater
talking about an unidentified flying object dots, rectangles and circles.” rim in which the Eagle module had landed.
crash in Westmoreland County. None of the A craft approximately “nine to twelve feet Those who believe in visitations by E. T.
reporters were allowed to enter the woods. in diameter,” shaped like an “acorn” (or cite such encounters as evidence of alien
Although no reporter made it into the ra- sometimes described as “bell-shaped”) with a presences. Yet what if the answer is less pro-
vine where the object had partially buried it- band of hieroglyphs around the base? The saic? What if the first man to set foot on the
self, Randle reports that “Stan Gordon, of the mystery deepens into conspiracy when one moon was not Neil Armstrong, but a Nazi
Pennsylvania Association for the Study of the includes other reports of NASA personnel stormtrooper? If Die Glocke experiments pro-
Unexplained (PASU), said that he’d inter- working alongside Army troops to load the duced antigravity technology, what was to
viewed a fire fighter who had gotten deep craft onto a flatbed truck. The item was spir- stop Nazi engineers and rocket scientists
into the woods before the military sealed off ited away to the nearest base (presumably from taking the next step, beyond ballistic
the area . . . [A]ccording to Gordon . . . the Wright-Patterson in Dayton, Ohio, asso- missiles and into the cold reaches of outer
object [was] not a meteor!” ciated with the mysterious “Hangar 18”). space? If the Nazis made it to the moon,
Where the Kecksburg incident overlaps Several witnesses stated seeing a man who might they not lurk there still, waiting for an
with Die Glocke is in its physical description. looked like von Braun at the scene, but no opportunity to continue where they left off
The man who found the Kecksburg object de- photographic evidence corroborates such with Hitler’s master plan or start a new
scribed it as “acorn shaped, nine to twelve claims. Reich for a new millennium?
See Our Great 8-page Catalog Beginning on Page 74 Number 87 • ATLANTIS RISING 69
age.” tion of the artifact as being the original. The
LADY OF KAZAN His verdict might seem surprising now, identification was based on the rizza, with its
but we need to note that in the 1950s, at the configuration of jewels, which provides the
height of the Cold War, there was still great easiest method to establish a positive identifi-
Continued from Page 45 confusion about which relic went where and cation: the icon in possession of the Mitchell-
how. He concluded that the Mitchell-Hedges Hedges family had a rizza that only the orig-
successor and commander of the Luftwaffe. icon was a copy of the original, but that it inal icon, on display in Moscow in 1917, had
The suggestion is not implausible, as in the was nevertheless the artifact that had been possessed.
same lot put up for sale, there was also a carried by Prince Pozharski during his The Mitchell-Hedges Virgin of Kazan was
copy of “Mein Kampf.” It is unknown march on Moscow with his Nationalist Army the original… but what to do with it? With
whether Mitchell-Hedges bought the entire in 1612. Today, however, that icon is known Russia off limits, a new venue for the Virgin
lot or merely the Virgin of Kazan. to have been the original, not a copy. of Kazan had to be found; and as early as
Between 1953 and 1965, the precious At the time of Bunt’s analysis, though, it 1963, there seemed to be but one choice: the
icon hung in the home of Anna Mitchell- had been the likes of Grand Duchess Zenia Portuguese town of Fatima, where in 1917
Hedges, Mike’s daughter. Though there was and the priests which had actually handled the Virgin Mary had apparently appeared to
no doubt that the relic was important, the the original icon in Moscow—like Patriarch three small children. John Shahovskoy, the
question remained, was it the original or one Leonty of New York—who had aided verifica- Archbishop of San Francisco and the
of the many copies. One Western United States,
who tried to answer that wrote how “the Roman
October 13, 1917, at Fatima, Portugal, the gathered crowd watches Catholic faith holds that
question was Cyril G.E. “The Dance of the Sun”
Bunt, the author of a the blessed Virgin ap-
book on Russian art peared at Fatima and
and—for 49 years—on predicted the reconver-
the staff of London’s Vic- sion to the government
toria and Albert Mu- of Holy Russia to Chris-
seum. “Experts will tianity. There must be
agree,” he wrote, “that it something more than
is the work of a great coincidence that this oc-
icon painter of the six- curred in 1917 AD, the
teenth century […] the year that our beloved
pigments and the wood Russia was lost to the
of the panel are perfectly Bolsheviks and Commu-
preserved as exhaustive nism.”
X-ray tests have proved, Meanwhile, in 1964-
and have mellowed with 1965, a special pavilion
70 ATLANTIS RISING • Number 87 Subscribe or Order Books, DVDs and Much More!
was erected at the World Trade Fair in New tion of the Virgin herself. He believed that The president, it seemed, did not wish to see
York to house the icon so that people could the Third Secret of Fatima had predicted his a papal visit to Mother Russia either… and
come to admire it. On October 4, 1965, Pope survival and that the Virgin had personally definitely not one in which he brought the
Paul VI came to bless the icon. saved him from death. Equally, the Polish- Virgin of Kazan back.
And then entered the “Blue Army,” an born pope had tried to bring religion back to Little happened for a decade, but after
American organization that had embraced the communist countries. Putin’s visit to the Vatican in 2003, it became
the role of Fatima in the strife with commu- When he discovered the icon in 1991 obvious that the seriously frail and aging
nism. The icon was the perfect billboard to during one of his many visits to Fatima, he pope would not be invited to Russia any time
promote their campaign. The Blue Army had realized the icon was most important politi- soon. Pope John Paul II realized that he had
its first “official contact” with the icon on cally but maybe also to his own personal to lower the stakes if he wanted to accom-
September 13, 1965, at the New York World’s cause. He asked to have it transferred to the plish anything. As such, he consented to a
Fair. That night, the pavilion was filled with Vatican where it was installed in the papal lower key process in which a Vatican mis-
members of the group, led by the Bishop of apartment. In 1993, the Blue Army con- sionary would present the icon to the Rus-
Fatima himself. It appears that the entire sented to this transfer. sian Church.
night was spent in adoration and prayer for Rome was never meant to be its destina- In late August 2004, the Pope said
the conversion of Russia and for world peace. tion, of course. In 1989, when communism goodbye to the icon in an incense-filled Lit-
Blue Army groups, in many cities around the had collapsed, Metropolitan Alexy of Lenin- urgy of the Word celebration inside the Vat-
world held similar all-night ican. “How many times
vigils on that same date. have I prayed to the
The group learned Mother of God of Kazan,”
about the opportunity to he lamented about the icon
purchase the icon in Jan- that had hung over his
uary 1970. Anna Mitchell- desk in the papal apart-
Hedges demanded $125,000 ments for the past ten
for it—a most reasonable years, “asking her to pro-
price. tect and guide the Russian
Father Karl Pazelt, the people and to precipitate
director of the Byzantine the moment in which all
Center in San Francisco, the disciples of her Son,
begged the leaders of the recognizing themselves as
Blue Army to make sure brothers, will know how to
the necessary funds were reconstruct in fullness
raised. Then, it seems, an- their compromised unity.”
other miracle of Fatima He then handed the icon
happened. The group was over to two emissaries,
able to purchase the arti- Patriarch Alexius II and Cardinals Walter Kasper
fact, even though officially Mintimer Shaymiev, the and Theodore McCarrick,
President of Tatarstan,
there was nothing to indi- place the Lady of Kazan in
the latter archbishop of
cate they would ever be the Annunciation Cathedral Washington, who took it to
able to raise the required of the Kazan Kremlin Russia.
funds. This is why some ac- Interestingly, Cardinal
counts claim that Anna Walter Kasper, the presi-
Mitchell-Hedges was only grad, the future Patriarch Alexy II of dent of the Pontifical
paid $25,000. Moscow, visited Seattle and had dinner with Council for Christian Unity, stated that the
Once the icon was then taken to Fatima Father Frederick Miller, then-executive di- icon was “a symbol of the new Europe and its
and Russia’s most precious relic now hung in rector of the Blue Army. The meeting could formation, of which Russia is a part.” He
the very place where the Virgin had predicted be seen as the first step in a process that added that “Our Lady of Kazan is the pro-
the vice that was communism, not surpris- might see the return of the icon to Russia. tector of Europe and its Christian roots. […]
ingly, the Soviet regime—perfectly aware But in 1993, it was no longer the Blue After two world wars, and the phenomena of
that the icon was courting a date with des- Army but the pope himself who was nego- secularization, Europe needs to be founded
tiny—became quite nervous and argued that tiating with the Russian Orthodox leaders. again in the faith.”
the icon was not the original one. John Paul did not merely want to see the ob- On August 26, 2004, the Virgin of Kazan
The West, of course, wanted to see the ject on display in Moscow, he personally went on display on the altar of St. Peter’s Ba-
icon returned to Moscow. Its return clearly wished to visit Moscow or Kazan when he silica. Two days later, it was delivered to
would be interpreted by the Russian people would return the icon to the Russian Or- Moscow. Vatican Cardinal Walter Kasper
as an omen that the evil of communism was thodox Church. It was clear that the Vatican handed the icon back to the Russian Or-
about to be vanquished by the Virgin. But wanted to show to the people of Mother thodox Church in a ceremony at the
would the people of Russia, inspired by the Russia that it was the Catholic Church, not Kremlin’s Cathedral of the Assumption, as a
return of the icon, rebel against their the Orthodox Church, which had preserved personal gift from Pope John Paul II.
leaders? And would such a revolt be suc- their most precious relic. Unsurprisingly, It would be almost one year later, on the
cessful? That was definitely not a foregone these plans were blocked by the Moscow Pa- next feast day of the holy icon—July 21,
conclusion. And if the icon failed to bring triarchate, who wanted to see the relic’s re- 2005—that Patriarch Alexius II and Min-
about a popular revolt, then what? It was turn but without the Vatican’s fingerprints timer Shaymiev, the President of Tatarstan,
therefore agreed that the icon would remain all over it. placed it in the Annunciation Cathedral of
in Fatima until Russia was free from commu- Officially, the pope wanted to deliver the the Kazan Kremlin. The Virgin of Kazan was
nism… a far safer option. relic personally as a sign of rapprochement back where she belonged—and where she
What happened next was a surprise; for between the two Churches that had been di- had conquered, it seemed, the forces of com-
rather than to Russia, the icon went to the vided since 1054. This was also the dream of munism. Destiny had been fulfilled, through
Vatican… to the private quarters of Pope the Blue Army, but it was clear that this divine will and/or political engineering, with
John Paul II. After the papal assassination at- would be a very high-profile state visit, the participation of several popes, an English
tempt in 1981, the pope became convinced which would have to meet with the total ap- treasure hunter, maybe Hitler’s inner circle,
that his life had been saved by the interven- proval of Russian president Vladimir Putin. and maybe even the Virgin Mary herself.
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tants, descendants from the titan, Albion, ASTROLOGY
brother of Atlas.
These mythic parallels affirm the Atlan-
tean identity—Ogyges, Og, Oengus-Og, Gog- Continued from Page 49
magog, Tir-nan-Og—of the culture-bearing
flood-hero, Ogimos. If, in fact, the Cerne-
mutation that is necessary for creative inno-
Abbas Giant was meant to signify his image,
vation.” As a result Astrologers associate
which seems likely, we may conclude that
Uranus with inventions such as television
the same, New Stone Age people were re-
and radio. Uranus also governs the realm of
sponsible for both the English hill-figure and
psychology and metaphysics, calling us to ex-
Ireland’s New Grange. It would appear, then,
plore unseen knowledge. The energy and
that the earth-effigy at Dorset was designed
character of Uranus represents flashes of in-
by sun-worshippers from Atlantis. But there
sight and intuition. The planet’s influence
is more of the sunken kingdom and its sa-
appears unpredictable and seems to come
cred mysteries in Ogimos-Hercules.
upon us suddenly, although if we are paying
The hero’s Twelve Labors constituted
attention, we can feel the momentum
something beyond an epic zodiac, because
building. Uranus energy is seen as liberating
his myth is likewise a synthesis of history, ge-
and is believed to stimulate revolution,
ography, and religion—a legend personified
breakthroughs in humanitarian ideals, and
in Gilgamesh’s savage friend, Enkidu. (Her-
cules, too, had a much younger eromenos, or inventions. Prometheus’s famous theft of fire
boon companion, his nephew, Iolaus). For falls into this category and can be seen as the
radical manner in which this energy oper-
example, in his Eleventh Labor, Hercules
temporarily took over Atlas’s position as up- ates.
holder of the sky, indicating the sun’s pas- Uranus urges individualistic expression,
and revolution is the planet’s middle name.
sage over the far-flung Atlantean Empire.
The first of 10 twin sons sired by Poseidon on Uranus breaks up Saturn’s entrenched pat-
terns and offers the chance for more evolved
a mortal woman, Atlas was the earliest king
of Atlantis, which derived its name— forms to develop. Uranus seeks to overthrow
“Daughter of Atlas”—from him. But this bastions of power that are seen to have out-
lasted their time. There can be genius in
mythic episode may have signified something
Uranus: however, the expression can also be
else, perhaps the identification of Hercules
rebellious and nonconforming just for the
with Atlas himself, the merging of metaphors
sake of it. Old power structures are chal-
into a single tradition. Hence, the ancient
lenged to prepare for new ways of thinking.
name for today’s Straits of Gibraltar—the
This is as true for individuals as it is for
Pillars of Hercules—fronting the Atlantic
Ocean, the realm of Atlas, were originally
Uranus entered the sign of Aries for two
known before Hercules’ arrival (in other
months in June and July of 2010, forming
words, during the Bronze Age and even be-
part of dramatic T-Square configurations,
fore) as the Pillars of Atlas. Prometheus (Gustav Moreau)
then backed into Pisces by retrograde mo-
The hero’s Labors were defined—in con-
tion. Uranus enters Aries in March 2011, change that’s in the wind.
cert with their astrological symbolism—as a
moving through the sign of the Ram until
series of monumental irrigation, construc-
2019. We will get a five-month preview of Stealing Fire
tion, and exploration projects undertaken by
Uranus in Taurus from May-Oct of 2018 to- We will certainly experience the Prome-
far-ranging, maritime civilizers of prehistory.
ward the end of the Aries transit. thean character of this planetary energy as it
Their exploits were collectively expressed in
Uranus in the cardinal fire sign of Aries makes it way through the fiery sign of Aries,
the representative imagery of a mighty world
can awaken an irresistible urge for freedom and the nearly eight years of influence will
traveler to dramatize their sphere of influ-
and the will to create personal destiny. We have a profound affect. Uranus in Aries can
ence spread out between the Atlantic Ocean
live at the changing of an age, a shift from a be the light in the mind that illuminates true
and the Near East. These may have been the
time shaped by hierarchy and the illusion of vision. Choices we make now will reverberate
formidable, sea-faring culture-bearers who
separation into an era of equality in principle into the future, bringing consequences that
wrought the image of their gigantic sun god
and the toppling of hierarchies that are per- may be unexpected. I don't believe that the
on a hillside in Britain either as conquering
ceived to be corrupt and dictatorial. The shift genie of change can be shoved back inside
imperialists or survivors from the natural ca-
of Uranus into Aries, the first sign of the zo- the lamp. If individuals or nations become
tastrophe that obliterated their oceanic
diac, coincides with the closing of a five-sun responsive to the frequency of Uranus/
cycle in the Mayan calendar, and will also Prometheus, an inner feeling of right action
As made clear during our investigation,
begin a new 84 year cycle for the planet of becomes natural. Intuition becomes a
old names associated with the huge effigy
awakening. Uranus plants idealistic and uto- guiding force, and the mind learns to trust
contain and reveal much. Perhaps especially
pian seeds for the future that may require an these inner promptings. This faculty will be-
so in the monumental Bibliotheca historica,
entire cycle to germinate. We may see things come more valued and sought after.
or “Historical Library,” written by a Greek
come to fruition that were conceptually We are advised to stay tuned as our solar
geographer, Diodorus Siculus, during the
planted eight decades earlier. system continues to expand, stretching our
second century BC. In the first of its 40 vol-
Uranus in Aries might be viewed as a sense of limits and boundaries. We should be
umes, he tells how the capital city of Atlantis
wake-up call for a new generation at the prepared for exponential change. In Feb-
was curiously known, long before its final de-
cusp of the new age. I believe unfolding ruary, reports of a giant new solar system
struction, as “Cerne.” The name occurs no-
events in the Middle East are being fueled in planet, Tyche, was in the news. As the fa-
where else on Earth, nor again throughout
part by this revolutionary zeal or driven by mous line from the Star Trek series affirms,
history, save only in the quiet English village
this galvanizing impulse. If we had any we can go “where no one has gone before.”
of Cerne-Abbas, with its herculean figure and
doubt about the power of this energy, the so-
its own, mythic ties to visiting heroes from a
called “Arab Youth Quake” that is rocking www.QueenOfCups.com and www.Julie
sunken civilization.
the Middle East is revealing the character of Loar.com
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Reviewing the cycles of history ATLANTIS RISING
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without a trace, leaving the “Quickening” of the human race. She explains why so INVENTING THE
NEW! only memories of their past many “great prophecies” have failed and presents the IMPOSSIBLE
on those small islands and 12,000-year-old Egyptian system of prediction so exact it Here, at last, is
virtually nothing in the European archives; the rift in his- can foretell every day of the year, a method based on the story of a
tory had begun. Noel’s research on one small snippet of St. Earth’s magnetic rhythms. handful of inven-
Croix's history has exposed something much larger—a 6X9 P/B, 384 pp. $20.00 tors battling to
trail leading directly back to Jerusalem, King Solomon’s TRINITY SECRET: The Power of save the world
Temple Mount, to be exact. This story makes every attempt
to weave facts as they were recorded throughout history.
Three and the Code of Creation from industrial
Larry Flaxman and Marie D. Jones giants, like Ford,
8.5X11, H/B, 302 pages, 250+ digital art images, every Morgan, Edison and their ilk. From Nikola Tesla to
This book began with the simple
page full color, glossy $79.95 T. Henry Moray, from John Keely to Pons and
discovery that a trinity or triune na-
Fleischman, the struggle to break through with
TASTING THE UNIVERSE ture plays an integral role in all that
world-saving technologies has gone on for genera-
Maureen Seaberg ever was, is, or will be. From re-
ligion, mythology, folklore, and psy- tions, but now a new breed of inventors threatens
What happens when a journalist
chology to neurophysiology, NEW! to succeed where others have failed. Here is the
turns her lens on a mystery happening
quantum physics, and even the story and the commentary of the geniuses behind
in her own life? Maureen Seaberg did
cutting-edge world of noetics and human consciousness— many of today’s amazing discoveries in free energy,
just that and lived for a year exploring
the concept of a trinity is universal. The number three is a antigravity, rejuvenation, and much more.
her synesthesia. The wondrous brain
profound and sacred number that speaks of a secret older One-Hour VHS $19.95 DVD $24.95
trait is often described as blended
senses, but in Maureen’s quest, it be-
NEW! than humankind. Just a few of the famous trinities in-
comes much more—a window to creativity and the divine. clude: Father-Son-Holy Spirit; Unconscious-Conscious- ENGLISH SACRED
Join her as she visits top neuroscientists, rock stars, violin- Superconscious; Earth-Hell-Heaven; Maiden-Mother- SITES: THE
ists, other synesthetes, philosophers, savants, quantum Crone; Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva; Birth-Life-Death; and ATLANTIS
physicists, and even Tibetan lamas in her journey toward Newton's Three Laws of Motion. CONNECTION
the truth. 6X9 P/B, 224 pp. $15.95 Powerful evi-
8X5 P/B, 287 pp. $15.95 UNCOMMON KNOWLEDGE Al McDowell—This book de- dence linking
Stonehenge, Ave-
TEMPLE ANTIQUITIES: The Templar velops a new science of gravity and light based on the cen-
bury, Glastonbury
NEW! Papers II tury-old Le Sage theory of an “ether” that was replaced by
and many other
Oddvar Olsen Einstein's Theory of Relativity. After presenting astronom-
ical data contradicting the theory that the universe is ex- English locations
A follow-up to The Templar Papers with an advanced
this book represents the best articles panding from a Big Bang, experiments believed to prove
Relativity are shown to actually prove the ether theory in- ancient order now
from issues 7-12 of The Temple. To lost to history.
further the questers’/students’ knowl- stead. Freedom from the speed limit of light enables a sci-
ence of subatomic particles traveling faster than light to Written and nar-
edge of the grand order of the Knights rated by Atlantis
Templar; The Templar Antiquities produce gravity, electric and magnetic fields, light, and
radio waves. Rising editor Doug Kenyon, the video is based pri-
deals not only with the two hundred years of the Order’s marily upon the discoveries of Cambridge-trained
existence but also studies relating to the Templars both be- 6X9 P/B, 404 pp. $19.95
scholar and author John Michell. The program
fore and after 1118-1307. VISIONS OF THE MULTIVERSE: Is demonstrates how a mysterious network of per-
6X9 P/B, 230 pp., Illus. $19.95 Our Universe One of Many? fectly straight tracks, laid out for hundreds of miles
THERE WERE GIANTS UPON THE EARTH Zecharia Sitchin— Steven Manly across the English landscape, proves the great ad-
The Adam of the Bible, Sitchin wrote, was genetically engi- The idea of a multiple uni- vancement of pre-historic science.
neered by adding Anunnaki genes to those of an existing verse reality is no longer consid- Forty minutes VHS $19.95 DVD $24.95
hominid, some 300,000 years ago. Then, according to the ered speculative or implausible
Bible, intermarriage took place. Are we then, all of us, de- by many physicists; rather, it is TECHNOLOGIES OF
scendants of demigods? Sitchin reveals a DNA source that deemed inescapable. Distinct THE GODS
could prove the biblical and Sumerian tales true. concepts of the multiverse spring Overwhelming
6X9 H/B, 352 pp. $24.00 NEW! from quantum mechanics, cos- evidence of the ex-
mology, string theory-based cos- istence of high
TIME LOOPS AND mology, and ideas about a mathe- technology in pre-
SPACE TWISTS matics based reality that borders on the religious. In this historic times,
Fred Alan Wolf accessible and entertaining book, Dr. Manly guides you on this video shatters
In his most important book a tour of the many multiverse concepts and provides the the orthodox sce-
since “Taking the Quantum non-technical background to understand them. nario for the dawn
Leap,” Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., 6X9 P/B, 271 pp. $15.95 of civilization on
explains how our under-
standing of time, space, and WORLDS IN COLLISION (reprinted in October 2009, as was Earth. Now assem-
Earth in Upheaval) Immanuel Velikovsky—With this bled in a devas-
matter have changed in just the
book, Velikovsky first presented the revolutionary results tating one-hour
last few years and how with
of his 10-year-long interdisciplinary research to the public documentary,
these new ideas, we have a
and caused an uproar that is still going on today. Written hosted by Atlantis Rising Editor and Publisher J.
glimpse into the “mind of God.”
Making comparisons to Hindu,
NEW! in a brilliant, easily understandable, and entertaining style Douglas Kenyon, are the comments and evidence
and filled to the brim with precise information, Worlds in of breakthrough researchers such as John Anthony
Vedic, and Judeo-Christian cosmology, Dr. Wolf explains
Collision can be considered one of the most important and West, Robert Bauval, Richard Noone, Colin Wilson,
how the universal command of the Deity, “Let there be
most challenging books in the history of science. Not John Michell, Patrick Flanagan, Christopher Dunn,
light!” now takes on a new scientific meaning: Everything
without reason was this book found open on Einstein’s Zecharia Sitchin, David Hatcher Childress, Edgar
is literally made of light, and the reader will learn how
desk after his death. Evans Cayce and others.
quantum physics proves this is so.
6X9 P/B, 436 pp. $26.95 One-Hour VHS $19.95 DVD $24.95
6X9 H/B, 287 pp., 70 B&W Illus. $23.95
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BIG BANG WITHIN YOU Dr. Fred Alan Wolf—The Big Bang DNA BY DESIGN: The LEAP! Chad Cameron—
Within You shows how each one of us has the ability to ac- Origin of Life Leap! changes lives. What if
cess powerful quantum fields within ourselves, enabling us Stephen C. Meyer you woke up one day and
to fulfill our fondest dreams. Using our minds in a new Unlocking the Mystery of discovered your whole re-
way, we can reach back in time to the Universe’s origin Life—The foundations ality was an illusion? What if
and tap the energy of the big bang fueling our desires and of scientific materi- that insight liberated you
realizing our hopes for a happier life. Dr. Wolf teaches us alism are in the pro- from all your limitations?
how we can develop this energy inherent within ourselves cess of crumbling. Phi- What if today is that day?
to access infinite possibilities to improve the quality of our losopher of science Each of us is cast into this
lives. Stephen C. Meyer amazing Human Game. For
160 min. $19.95 shows how the digital many of us, we’ve created
BIOLOGY OF BELIEF Dr. Bruce Lipton—Broadly reviews the code in DNA points countless situations and sto-
molecular mechanisms by which environmental awareness powerfully to a de- NEW! rylines to hide our true
interfaces genetic regulation and guides organismal evolu- signing intelligence power and limit our experi-
tion. The quantum physics behind these mechanisms pro- behind the origin of ences while playing. Ike Allen and Chad Cameron, Interna-
vide insight into the communication channels that link life. Unlike previous arguments for intelligent de- tional Seminar Leaders and creators of several empowering
the mind-body duality. This knowledge can be employed to sign, this DVD presents a radical and comprehen- movies, have created Leap! to remind you that you are here
actively redefine our physical and emotional well-being. sive new case, revealing evidence not merely of in- to be the main character and hero in this amazing creation
120 min. DVD only $39.95 dividual features of biological complexity but and ultimately, uncover your own meaning, totality, and
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Nassim Haramein mounting exponentially in recent years, known to 85 min. $29.95
In this extraordinary DVD
presentation, filmed live, Nassim
scientists in specialized fields but largely hidden LIFE ON MARS Scientists announce the discovery of
from public view. startling artificial structures found among re-
will take you on a fantastic DVD - 120 min $24.95
journey through the history of cently released NASA/JPL photos taken by the
the evolution of humanity, EXPELLED: No Intelligence Mars Global Surveyor. Includes a spectacular col-
pointing out inconsistencies in Allowed lection of photographs presented by Dr. Tom Van
our concepts of physics and the Ben Stein Flandern, former Chief Astronomer for the United
rectification necessary to produce Big science has expelled States Naval Observatory and former NASA Astro-
HOT! smart ideas from the class- naut Dr. Brian O’Leary. See remarkable monu-
a true unification process—one
that unifies the four forces of na- room. What they forgot is ments, “T” shaped craters, gigantic glass tube sys-
ture, biological evolution, and even the occurrence of con- that every generation has its tems, ancient forest remains and grand edifices
sciousness. Astonishingly, Nassim also demonstrates that rebel! That rebel, Ben Stein, that will leave you speechless.
this new all-encompassing theory seems to have parallels travels the world on his quest DVD - 74 min. $24.95
with ancient codes left in documents and colossal monu- and learns an awe inspiring LIVING MATRIX: A Film on the New Science of Healing
ments around the world.. truth—that educators and Greg Becker & Harry Massey
DVD - Set of 4 $84.00 scientists are being ridiculed, This is a provocative film about healing and the nature
denied tenure, and even fired of human health. A full-length film, The Living Matrix
DAVID ICKE: Beyond the Cutting Edge—Exposing the for merely believing that brings breakthrough information that will transform your
Dreamworld We Believe to Be Real Since his extraor- there might be evidence of “design” in nature. Perhaps life understanding of how to get well and stay well. Dynamic
dinary awakening in the early 1990s, Icke has is not just the result of accidental, random chance. In the graphic-animation is woven with interviews with leading
been on a journey around the world and within film Ben says, “Enough”—and NOBODY messes with Ben! researchers and health practitioners as they share their dis-
himself, to find the BIG answers to the BIG ques- DVD - 96 min. plus bonus materials $26.95 coveries on the ‘miracle cures’ traditional medicine can’t
tions: Who are we? Where are we? What are we
doing here? Who really controls this world—how EXTRATERRESTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY: The DVD! David explain. These experts reveal how energy and information
Hatcher Childress—This lecture by Childress uses official fields—not genetics—drive human physiology and bio-
and why? Nowhere in the world will you see a
NASA and Soviet photos, as well as other photos taken via chemistry; and they illustrate the benefits of integrating
presentation like this one, which connects the
telescope. He seeks to prove that many of the planets (and conventional and alternative health care.
dots that form the tapestry of knowledge that can
moons) of our solar system are in some way inhabited by DVD - 83 min. $19.95
set us free from our collective enslavement by the
hidden powers behind governments, banking in- intelligent life. Includes many blow-ups of NASA photos MAYAN PROPHECIES AND CROP CIRCLES UFO TV and
stitutions, big business, the media, and all the and detailed diagrams of structures—particularly on the Spirit Culture
other agencies of manipulation and control. moon.. Researchers have discovered an extraordinary connec-
DVD - 420 min. $49.95 DVD - 98 min. $19.95 tion between rare 6000-year-old Sumerian symbols, sym-
DARWIN’S DILEMMA: The GATEWAYS TO FAERIE bols from the mysterious Mayan calendar, and signs and
John Curtis Crawford symbols among crop circle formations now appearing in
Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil the English countryside. Scientists believe that we are
and Bridget Wolfe
Record looking at a great symbolic message system. However only
The realm of
Illustra Media now with the aid of advanced code breaking technology
Faerie exists in
This film explores one of the and the work of brilliant researchers, we have been able to
myths and legends
great mysteries in the history of connect the dots, further unlocking a set of messages that
around the world.
life: The geologically-sudden ap- offer a great prophecy about the future of our planet and
Who are the Faeries?
pearance of dozens of major com- confirmation of humanity’s extraterrestrial origins.
Where did they come
plex animal types in the fossil DVD - 105 min. $24.95
from? What modern
record without any trace of the
gradual transitional steps Charles
day messages do they MORPH: The Secret of Light Body Activation William
have for humans? All Henry—In this all-new lecture presentation recorded Oc-
Darwin had predicted. Frequently described as “the Cam-
of these questions tober 11-12, 2008, at Nashville’s Union Station Hotel, Wil-
brian Explosion,” the development of these new animal
are answered, and liam Henry explores a secret, transmitted for thousands of
types required a massive increase in genetic information.
more, as artist John years, and provides us, with the key that unlocks the power
The big question that the Cambrian Explosion poses is
Curtis Crawford and writer/storyteller Bridget of our soul—OUR ULTIMATE PURPOSE IS TO MORPH.
where does all that new information come from? This DVD
Wolfe of Fairy Woodland lead us on a journey of Throughout the ages, the wisdom schools have taught that
recreates the prehistoric world of the Cambrian era with
discovery to find the Gateways to Faerie. A mys- our true selves, our true potential, and our highest purpose
state-of-the-art computer animation, and it features inter-
tical journey for all ages, this documentary film involves Transfiguring, Metamorphosing, or “Morphing”
views with numerous scientists. The new film forms the
shows us the value of seeing with our imagina- into the next level of human evolution as light beings. You
conclusion of a trilogy of science documentaries by Illustra
tion—and gives us permission to believe what we learn: What is the light body? What is it made of? How does
Media that includes the previous acclaimed films “Un-
see. it function? What are its powers? What does it take to de-
locking the Mystery of Life” and “The Privileged Planet.”
DVD - 167 min. $24.95 velop its powers?
DVD - 132 min. $19.95
DVD - 3 discs, 5.5 hours $39.95
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the ATLANTIS RISING Catalog UFOs: The Secret History
David Cherniack—This
MYSTERIOUS STONE PYRAMID CODE ground breaking, feature
MONUMENTS OF Carmen Boulter
length documentary traces
MARKAWASI PERU This five-part series
the history of one of the
Bill Cote & Peter E. explores the pyramid
most powerful stories of
Schneider fields and temples in
our time, the UFO phe-
This is probably the Egypt and megalithic
nomenon, from the dawn
most comprehensive sites around the world
of the modern era all the
documentation of looking for clues to so-
way up to present day. In-
Markawasi that has phisticated technology
cludes an examination of
in the ancient world.
ever been made.
Based on the extensive
HOT! the Extraterrestrial Hy- NEW!
Daniel Ruzo first pothesis, the notion that
visited Markawasi in research done in Egypt
some UFO reports are
1952. Cote’s crew and around the world
probably explained by extraterrestrial visitation and why
returned to the pla- by Dr. Carmen Boulter
visitation might not include contact or how an advanced
teau, this time with of the University of Calgary, it features interviews
culture might strategize contact with an emerging civiliza-
a world-famous ge- with geologists, physicists, archaeologists, engi-
tion. Also includes an in-depth examination of the abduc-
ologist (Dr. Robert M. Schoch, The Mystery of the neers, and authors.
tion phenomenon, the most detailed ever to be put on film.
Sphinx) and the former head of archaeology at DVD - 200 min. $34.95
Packed with bonus features, expert analysis, and interviews
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photos and film footage help tell the story of Mar- Discover the Secret Origins of the Knights Templar, Free- 290 min. $39.95
kawasi from the beginning. masonry, the Bilderbergers, Serpent Cults, the Illuminati
DVD - 2-disk set - 2 hr. $24.95 and more Reality Entertainment
for Intelligent Design
ORION ZONE Philip Gardiner—In this production, Gardiner’s quest is to
Illustra Media—Through state-of-the art computer anima-
Gary A. David uncover truths and secrets of the world’s most powerful
men in history. The journey takes him to dark places that tion, you’re transported into the interior of the living cell
This DVD to explore systems and machines that bear the unmistak-
features Gary existed then and still exist today. Who runs the world? Is
there a shadow world of powerful and elite men pulling able hallmarks of design. This remarkable documentary ex-
David at the amines the scientific case for intelligent design—an idea
Sedona 2009 the strings of our global society? If so, when did it origi-
nate and why? Almost everybody is now aware of the infa- with the power to revolutionize our understanding of life—
Ancient Mys- and to unlock the mystery of its origin.
teries Confer- mous history of the Knights Templar.
3 DVD Set—3 hrs. plus $24.95 67 min. DVD or VHS. DVD has 45 min. extras $19.95
ence where
the myster- Renee Scheltema
ious location Interest in psychic phe-
of Pueblos in nomena has always been evi-
the American dent. But what does science
Southwest, have to say about these mys-
circa AD terious matters? Can science
1100, that ap- explain them? Is there evi-
pear to be a dence to prove them? Schel-
mirror image tema takes the viewer on a
of the major fascinating spiritual journey
stars of the Orion constellation. A fast-paced, into the science behind psy-
visual look at such topics as The Sky Over the chic phenomena, where the
Hopi Villages; Orion Rising in the Dark Crystal; boundary between ‘real’
The Cosmo-Magical Cities of the Anasazi; Win- ability and fraud is tested. She interviews top sci-
dows Onto the Cosmos; To Calibrate the March of entists, parapsychologists, psychologists, doctors,
Time; They Came from Across the Ocean—The physicists, healers, and explorers in the field, in-
Patki (Water) Clan and the Snake Clan of the cluding: Dean Radin, Prof. Gary Schwartz, Dr.
Hopi; Ancient and Mysterious Monuments; Be- Larry Dossey, Prof. Charles Tart, Dr. Rupert Shel-
yond That Fiery Day; plus tons more. drake, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and Dr. Eric Pearl.
DVD - 80 min. $19.95 DVD - 105 min. $24.95
Illlustra Media
Many scientists and phi-
First came The Light Comprehend and Copy Nature
losophers have claimed that Body Effect and Morph in
Earth is an ordinary speck Franz Fitzke
which William Henry es- Schauberger (1885 - 1958) is considered a pioneer of
of dust adrift, without pur- tablished the spiritual
pose or significance, in a modern water research and the holistic observation of Na-
connection between star- ture. As early as the first half of the 20th century, he gave
vast cosmic sea. Yet current gates or portals and the
astronomical evidence transfiguration of the NEW! urgent warnings of the consequences of uncontrolled ex-
seems to suggest just the ploitation of the environment. As a way out, he proposed a
soul. Now, in this extraor- radical rethink and the development of totally new con-
opposite. Through stun- dinary and inspired pres-
ning computer animation, cepts of energy production in harmony with Nature.
entation, he delivers a Schauberger formulated his “C & C principle”: first one
interviews with leading sci- powerful new slide show
entists, and spectacular im- has to comprehend Nature, and then one can copy it. The
based on his latest break- applications of his ideas and his inventions include devices
ages of Earth and the cosmos, this DVD explores a startling through findings on the
connection between our capacity to survive and our ability for refined drinking water, spiral pipes for carrying water
ultimate secret—human with reduced friction, environmentally friendly river regu-
to observe and understand the universe. Is this correlation Ascension and Transfiguration—and what is to come as
merely a coincidence? Or does it point to a deeper truth lation, as well as power generation from water and air
we navigate the new world of Stargate 2012 and beyond. using the principle of contraction and inward vortexing.
about purpose and intelligent design within the cosmos? 5 hrs. (3 disks) $39.95
60 min. $19.95 DVD - 75 min. $39.95
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