Minimising Post Harvest Loss of Tomato
Minimising Post Harvest Loss of Tomato
Minimising Post Harvest Loss of Tomato
Submitted to:
Mrs. Kalyani Mishra
Lecturer, Course in-charge
Department of Horticulture
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science
Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Submitted by:
Praveen Sapkota
Class Roll No: 19
Exam Roll No:
BSc Ag 6th Semester
IAAS Rampur, Chitwan
July 2006
Socio economist: Sarbottam Piya
Post harvest horticulturist: Rakesh Awale
Out reach officer: Santosh Adhikari
Lab technician: Diwash Bista
District agriculture development office, Chitwan
Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill), belongs to the nightshade or Solanaceae
family and to the genus Lycopersicon, is grown all over the world. The genus
comprises a few species of annual or short-lived perennial, herbaceous plants. It
is a warm-season plant and requires relatively long growing season to produce
profitable yields. It is used as salads, soups, sauces, juice and in several cooked
forms (Saini, 1996).It is grown in nearly all home gardens and a large percentage
of market gardeners and truck growers. As a processing crop it ranks first among
the vegetables. Tomato is one of the most highly praised vegetables consumed
widely and it is a major source of vitamins and minerals. (Shanmugvelu, 1981).
The areas under tomato crop and number of farmers growing tomato have been
increasing due to high income obtained from this crop compared to cereals and
other annual crops (Budhathoki et al., 2001). It is estimated that 22,000 hectares of
land is under tomato in Nepal with productivity of 10.5 ton/ha. This
productivity is lower as compared to that of world (25.7tonnes/ha) (Zhiling et
al., 2000). The poor productivity is due to the factors partly associated with the
pre-harvest practices and partly with the lack of appropriate post harvest
techniques post harvest factors include the lack of cold storage facilities,
transport problem, lack of sound marketing facilities post harvest diseases,
insects and pest (Budhathoki et al., 2001). Post harvest losses of tomato are a
paramount factor that should be considered by all. In fact, the amount of losses
recorded after harvesting reflects the efficiency of the marketing system. A
mostly post harvest loss of tomato occurs during packaging and transportation.
Assessments on postharvest deterioration have shown loss of 20 –30% while
transporting from field to market. The rate of losses depends upon the produce
itself and upon environment, establishing each produce requirements for post
harvest handling.
What work has previously been done or currently pursued towards purpose
and activities of the project?
Raconsley has reported that the post harvest losses could be reduced from
15-30% by using “upright cone” baskets together with dry grass as packaging
materials between layers of fruit in place of “inverted cone” baskets.
Ben- Yehoshua et al., investigated the effects individual seal packaging of
tomato fruits in a 10-mm thick film of high density polythene on the
development of fruit blemishes to be effective.
Devkota and Ghale, 1992 stated that the post harvest loss in tomato crops
in Nepal was upto 17.85% during marketing affair. Various methods of
packaging tomatoes are currently in use. For local markets little attention is given
to method of packaging or to the kind of package used. The top layer of fruit is
often placed by hand and too often this layer of fruit is much better than the
reminder in the package (Thompson, 1931). Results of several studies have
shown that the major problem in tomato production and marketing is lack of
efficient packaging and transportation methods.
Gautam et al., (2002) conducted participatory rural appraisal at major
tomato growing areas of Dhading, Kavre, Chitwan and Kalimati market and
reported 10-15% post harvest loss. This loss was mainly due to improper
handling practices.
Specific research conducted in Teari (Lalbandi), in Kalimati market, and in
retail shops in Kathmandu, showed that backsets and sacks carried on the top of
buses, results in rough handling conditions, and are the main factors responsible
for high losses and quality reduction. So, farmers and traders in Lalbandi,
subsequently decided to begin using mini-trucks with full loads of tomato in
plastic crates (Shakya, 1995).
According to Spillman and Davis, (1929) the containers most commonly
used for the shipment of tomatoes are the 6-basket crate, the 4-basket flat, the
California box, the New Jersey 20-quart crate and the Climax basket. In the first
two the fruits are packed in till baskets, while in the others they are packed
without sub containers. Spill man and Davis state over 50 percent of the carload
shipments are, made in the 6-basketand the 4-basket crate.
Agnihotri and Ram in 1970 had reported that the treatment of tomato
fruit with 6 and 9% waxol-o- emulsion prolong the post harvest life by retarding
ripening and minimizing loss of weight during handling and transportation.
Work and Carew in 1970 have reported that vegetables should be packed so as to
give a good finish to the package. This means orderly arrangement, smooth
surface and usuallu a reasonable bulge or arch.
The practice of wrapping tomatoes in paper before packing is common
one in many regions where the crop is grown for shipment. Wrapped fruits stand
Section D
Outputs and activities
The consumption and demand of tomato is increasing every year in Nepal
mainly due to rapid growth in urban population. Tomatoes are considered as
high value crop by APP. They are the cheap source of nutrients and income per
unit area of land is high compared to other crops. They are also less risky to grow
than fruits and provide quicker return as seasonal crop: so this study is very
necessary to identify suitable post harvest packaging and transportation
methods, which will go a long way to prevent the post-harvest loss and
eventually encourage poor farmers for more intensive and extensive cultivation
of this crop. The production of tomato is not able to meet the market demand
due to high post-harvest losses and tomatoes have to be imported form India.
So this study is necessary to identify efficient post harvest handling which
will help to reduce post harvest losses and to meet the market demand, which in
turn will help to maintain domestic demand. Farmers are reluctant about the
storage and packaging materials that have forced them to accept low prices in
the local market even though they produce quality tomato fruits.
Farmer's income increased through identification of efficient packaging and
transportation method.
Identification of efficient packaging and transpiration method to reduce post
harvest losses
Methodology of activities
3.2 Publications
Research findings will be published in national and international papers/
journals and also will be distributed to the local farmers and traders.
1. Primary beneficiaries
Tomato-growing farmers
2. Secondary beneficiaries
3. Tertiary beneficiaries
Developmental workers
Section E:
Personal involved
Post harvest specialist: Indra Bahadur Thapa
Socio-economist: Pramod Gautam
Trader: Secretary of traders’ union.
Farmers groups
Aug Sept. Oct. No. Dec Jane Feb Mar. Apr. MayJuneJuly. Aug. Sep.Oct. Nov. Dec.Jan FebMar. Apr. May.Jun. July. Au.
Activity Description 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08
1.1 Collection of
1.2 Field survey
1.3 Field trial to
packaging and
2.1 Past reviews
about effective
3.1 Analysis
3.2 Published in
4.1 Gathering
Farmers and
4.2 Field
and training
4.3 Frequent
Section F :
Total financial support requested as budget summary: