Intro To Wildfire3 Training
Intro To Wildfire3 Training
Intro To Wildfire3 Training
Course Code TRN-1803-T
Course Length 5 Days
This course is designed for new users who want to become proficient with Pro/ENGINEER
Wildfire 3.0 as quickly as possible. You will focus on learning core-modeling skills in this
comprehensive, hands-on course. Topics include sketching, part modeling, assemblies,
drawings, and basic model management techniques. The course also includes a
comprehensive design project that enables you to practice your new skills by creating
realistic parts, assemblies, and drawings.
At the end of each module, you will find a set of review questions to reinforce critical topics
from that module. Your instructor will discuss these with the class. Both in the middle and at
the end of the course, you will find a course assessment in Pro/FICIENCY intended to
evaluate your understanding of the course as a whole.
After completing the course you will be well prepared to work effectively on product design
projects using Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire.
• None
This course is intended for product designers, drafters, industrial/conceptual designers, and
routed systems designers. People in related roles will also benefit from taking this course.
• Capturing Sketched Design Intent
• Creating Sketched-based Features
• Creating Part Models
• Assembling Components with Constraints
• Assembling Components with Connections
• Creating Drawings
• Editing Models
• Creating Reference Geometry
• Creating Direct Features
• Managing Parent/Child Relationships
• Resolving Regeneration Failures
• Managing Layers
• Managing Assemblies
• Duplicating Design Model Features
• Analyzing Design Models
• Comprehensive Design Project
Day 1
Module 1 Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0
Module 2 Editing Design Models
Module 3 Creating Direct Features
Module 4 Sketching Basic Geometry Features
Day 2
Module 5 Capturing Design Intent with Sketcher
Module 6 Assembling Components using Constraints and Interfaces
Module 7 Managing Parent/Child Relationships
Module 8 Project I
Day 3
Module 9 Creating Drawings
Module 10 Resolving Regeneration Failures
Module 11 Managing Layers
Day 4
Module 12 Sketching Advanced Geometry Features
Module 13 Assembling Components using Mechanism Connections
Module 14 Duplicating Design Model Features
Module 15 Enhancing Design Models using Family Tables, Relations, and Parameters
Day 5
Module 16 Managing Assemblies
Module 17 Project II
Module 18 Analyzing Design Models
Table of Contents
Introduction to Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0
Introduction ............................................................................................................ 8-1
Objectives .............................................................................................................. 8-1
Lecture Notes......................................................................................................8-2
Project Lab: The Air Circulator .............................................................................. 8-3
Lab Exercises .....................................................................................................8-6
Objective 1: Creating the PISTON_PIN.PRT ........................................................ 8-6
Objective 2: Creating the PISTON.PRT ................................................................ 8-8
Objective 3: Creating the CONNECTING_ROD.PRT ......................................... 8-13
Objective 4: Creating the CRANKSHAFT.PRT ................................................... 8-18
Objective 5: Creating the PISTON_ASSY.ASM .................................................. 8-28
Introduction .......................................................................................................... 17-1
Objectives ............................................................................................................ 17-1
Lecture Notes....................................................................................................17-2
Lab Exercises ...................................................................................................17-7
Objective 1: Creating the ENGINE_BLOCK.PRT................................................ 17-7
Objective 2: Creating a Drawing........................................................................ 17-20
Objective 3: Creating the IMPELLER_HOUSING.PRT ..................................... 17-26
Objective 4: Creating the IMPELLER.PRT........................................................ 17-37
Objective 5: Creating the FLANGE.PRT ........................................................... 17-42
Objective 6: Creating the BLOWER.ASM ......................................................... 17-43