Ques Cust Satisfaction

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1) Name
2) Age
a) Below 20 yrs b) 21-30 yrs
c) 31-40 yrs d) above 41yrs
3) Gender
a) Male b) Female
4) Marital Status
a) Married b) Unmarried
5) Educational level
a) Illiterate b) School level c) graduate
d) Professional e) Others
6) Occupational level
a) Student
b) Pvt /Govt employee
c) Businessman
d) Professionals
e) Others
7) Income level
a) Below Rs.5000
b) Rs.5001-10000
c) Rs.10001-15000
d) Above Rs.15000
8) No.of Family members
a) Below 2 members
b) 2-3 members
c) 4-5 members
d) Above 5 members

9) Nature of Family

a) Nuclear b) Joint

10) Are you the regular customer of NANDI PIPES?

a) Yes b) No

11) How many years are you using Nandi Pipes?

a) Less then one year

b) 1-5 years

c) 5-10 Years

d) More then ten years

12) Awareness on Competitive Brands?

a) Yes

b) No

13) How Do You Come to Knowing About Nandi Pipes?

a) Dealer

b) Reference

c) Commercial Ads

d) Others

14) Preferable Factors on Nandi Pipes?

a) Brand

b) Quality

c) Price

d) Availability

e) Others
15) Opinion on Quality Standards of Nandi Pipes Comparer to Other Brands

a) Very much Satisfy

b) Satisfy

c) Dis – Satisfy

16) Opinion on Durability of Nandi Pipes

a) Yes

b) No

17) Opinion on Service of Nandi Pipes?

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Average

d) Poor

18) Opinion on Delivery of Nandi Pipes?

a) Yes

b) No

19) Opinion on After Sales Service of Nandi Pipes

a) Satisfied

b) Can t say

c) Not Satisfied

20) What are the Attributes that you like in Nandi

a) Reasonable price

b) Durability

c) Quality

d) Services
21) Opinion on Offers and Discount of Nandi Pipes?

a) Yes

b) No

22) Do you Recommend Nandi Pipes to others to purchase?

a) Sure

b) Can’t say

c) No

23) Which company provided better services?

a) Nandi

b) Monarch

c) Finolex

d) Sudhakar

24) Opinion on Price of Nandi Pipes

a) Lower

b) Reasonable

c) Higher

25) Are you getting the solutions for your problems regarding Nandi pipes

a) Yes

b) No

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