Bilingual Court Dictionary 105627

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The document provides definitions for over 350 English legal terms translated to Spanish.

The document aims to provide Spanish translations for English legal terms to help Spanish speakers understand English legal concepts.

The document covers a wide range of legal topics including different types of court cases, legal procedures, roles in the legal system, and components of contracts.

Amel mokdad

Glosario jurídico bilingüe general


Las definiciones de los términos ingleses son complementarias puesto que el objetivo
inicial era el de aportar únicamente un equivalente español. Así, se han omitido algunas

Término inglés Definición Equivalente

1. Ab initio Latin for "from the beginning." Ab initio

2. Absent parent An absent parent refers to non-custodial parent who is Padre no custodio
obligated to pay partial child support and who is
physically absent from the child's home.

3. Absolute divorce The final ending of a marriage. Both parties are legally Divorcio en firme
free to remarry.

4. Abuse the system Actuar de mala fe

5. ACAS The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service is a SMAC o CMAC
publicly funded agency that provides advice to both
employers and employees on industrial relations
issues. It offers guidance, conciliation, mediation and
arbitration upon request where there is a dispute
between a worker, or a union, and an employer. It
produces helpful Codes of Guidance on issues such as
disciplinary procedures.
6. Acceptance Aceptación
7. Acquittal In criminal law, an acquittal is a verdict of not guilty, Absolución
or some similar end of the proceeding that terminates
it with prejudice without a verdict of guilty being
entered against the accused.
8. Act Ley
9. Action A lawsuit or proceeding in a court of law. Demanda, litigio,
proceso, actuación
10. Acts of terrorism The calculated use of violence (or the threat of Delitos de
violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that terrorismo
are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is
done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.
Amel mokdad

11. Actus reus Sometimes called the external element or the objective Element objetivo
element of a crime — is the Latin term for the "guilty del delito
act" which, when proved beyond a reasonable doubt in
combination with the mens rea, i.e., the "guilty mind",
produces criminal liability in common law.

12. Administrator A person appointed to handle the affairs of the Administrador

deceased. judicial de una
13. Admission A defendant’s failure to deny, or his voluntary Allanamiento,
acknowledgment of the truth, of an allegation in a reconocimiento
complaint, counterclaim, or request for admissions.

14. Adultery Voluntary sexual relations between an individual who Adulterio

is married and someone who is not the individual's
15. Affidavit A written statement under oath. Declaración jurada

16. Affray A fight, noisy quarrel, or disturbance between two or Participación en

more persons in a public place. riña tumultuaria

17. Aggravating Circumstances, facts, or situations that increase the Circunstancias

circumstances culpability, liability, or the measure of damages or agravantes de la
punishment for a crime or a tort. responsabilidad
18. Agreement A verbal or written resolution of disputed issues. Contrato, acuerdo

19. Allotment A portion, share, or division. The proportionate Asignación

distribution of shares of stock in a corporation. The
partition and distribution of land.

20. Alternative dispute Usually referred to as ADR, is the collective term for Procedimientos
resolution the ways that parties can settle civil disputes, with the para resolver
help of an independent third party and without the disputas sin litigio
need for a formal court hearing.

21. Ancillary relief In English law, an application for financial relief Medidas
proceedings following the presentation of a petition for divorce, económicas del
nullity or judicial separation is described as ancillary divorcio y
relief. The term arises because the financial application liquidación del
is 'ancillary' to the petition. patrimonio

22. Annulment A marriage can be dissolved in a legal proceeding in Anulación

which the marriage is declared void, as though it never
took place. In the eyes of the law, the parties were
never married. It is available only under certain limited
Amel mokdad

23. Answer The written response to a complaint, petition, or Contestación a la

motion. demanda

24. Appeal A legal action where the losing party requests that a Apelación
higher court review the decision.

25. Appear before a court Comparecer ante

un tribunal
26. Applicant One who applies for or requests something. Demandante
27. Articles Estatutos
28. Assessment of costs The method by which the amount of costs payable by Tasación de costas
one party to another, or payable by a client to his
solicitor, is determined by an officer of the court

29. Assets Items of value. Bienes, patrimonio

30. Attachment of Earnings Method by which money will be stopped from a Orden de embargo
Order defendant's wages to pay a debt and as such will only de la nómina
help if the defendant is in paid employment.

Before you can ask the court to issue an attachment of

earnings order:

 the defendant must be behind with at least one

payment (called 'being in arrears'); and
 the amount he or she still owes you must be
£50 or more.

31. Attend a court Comparecer ante

un tribunal
32. Authenticate To prove that something, such as a document, is what Elevar a público
it purports to be, especially so that the item can be
admitted into evidence at a trial or hearing. For
example, a party wishing to admit a letter into
evidence may ask the witness whether it is, indeed, the
letter he received, does he recognize the handwriting,
and similar questions.

33. Authorised share capital The total number of shares a company is authorised to Capital escriturado
issue by reference to its memorandum and articles of
association. The amount of issued share capital must
be lower or equal to the authorised share capital - i.e. a
company cannot issue more shares than it is authorised
to issue in its articles.

34. Basic will A basic will distribute everything to your spouse (if Testamento básico
living) or to your children if 18 years or older.
35. Be entitled to Tener derecho a
36. Beneficiary A person named to receive income or assets from a
Amel mokdad

trust; someone who benefits from a will.

37. Beneficiary Person named in a will or insurance policy to receive Beneficiario de una
money or property; person who receives benefits from herencia
a trust.

38. Bequeath To leave or give (personal property) by will. Mandar, dejar en

testamento, legar
39. Bequest To give or leave personal property or assets by will to Legado de bienes o
an individual or charity. A bequest may be for a derechos
specific amount or percentage of the estate.
40. Bind Vincular, obligar
41. Binding Vinculante
42. Blackmail The crime involving a threat for purposes of Extorsión
compelling a person to do an act against his or her
will, or for purposes of taking the person's money or

43. Board This word is used to designate all the magistrates of a Consejo de
city or borough, or all the managers or directors of any administración

44. Branch An office or subsidiary of a company that exists and Sucursal

conducts operations in a country other than the one in
which the company is headquartered.
45. Branch of law Rama del derecho
46. Breach of contract Failing to perform any term of a contract, written or Incumplimiento de
oral, without a legitimate legal excuse. contrato

47. Burden of proof The responsibility of proving a disputed charge or Carga de la prueba

48. Burglary The crime of either entering a building as a trespasser Allanamiento de

with the intention of committing theft, rape, grievous morada
bodily harm, or damage, or, having entered as a
trespasser, of committing one or more of these

49. Calling of shareholders Convocatoria de

meeting juntas de
50. Capital Money injected into a company by way of share Capital social
capital and loan capital plus retained earnings.

51. Casting vote The vote of a presiding officer in an assembly or Voto de calidad
council, given to break a tie.

52. Child abuse Physical, sexual, or emotional ill-treatment or neglect Abuso de menores
of a child, especially by those responsible for its
Amel mokdad


53. Child Support Agency The Child Support Agency (or CSA) is an arm of the Agencia de
Child Maintenance Enforcement Commission in Great mantenimiento de
Britain and the Department for Social Development in los hijos
Northern Ireland. Launched on April 5 1993, the CSA
is responsible for implementing the 1991 Child
Support Act and subsequent legislation.

54. Children maintenance The ongoing obligation for a periodic payment made Pensión alimenticia
directly or indirectly by a non-custodial parent to a
custodial parent, caregiver or guardian, or the
government, for the care and support of children of a
relationship or marriage that has been terminated. In
family law, child support is often arranged as part of a
divorce, marital separation, dissolution, annulment,
determination of parentage or dissolution of a civil
union and may supplement alimony (spousal support)
55. Civil law Derecho civil
56. Civil procedure rules 1998 the rules of civil procedure used by the Court of Ley de
Appeal, High Court of Justice, and County Courts in enjuiciamiento civil
civil cases in England and Wales. They apply to all inglesa
cases commenced after April 26, 1999, and largely
replace the Rules of the Supreme Court and the
County Court Rules.
57. Claim form Demanda
58. Codicil A document which serves to modify the original Codicilio
provisions of a prior will. testamentario

59. Collateral heir A successor to property—either by will or descent and Heredero colateral
distribution—who is not directly descended from the
deceased but comes from a parallel line of the
deceased's family, such as a brother, sister, uncle, aunt,
niece, nephew, or cousin.

60. Collective agreement A negotiated agreement, which is not enforceable at Convenio colectivo
law, between an employer and employees'
representatives, covering rates of pay or terms and
conditions of employment, or both

61. Collective bargaining Process whereby workers organize collectively and Negociación
bargain with employers regarding the workplace. In colectiva
various national labor and employment law contexts
collective bargaining takes on a more specific legal
meaning. In a broad sense, however, it is the coming
together of workers to negotiate their employment.

62. Collusion An agreement between two or more persons that one Colusión
of the parties brings false charges against the other. In
Amel mokdad

a divorce case, the husband and wife may agree to use

adultery as a ground in order to obtain a divorce more
quickly, knowing full well that adultery was not
committed. Collusion is illegal.

63. Common law marriage A common law marriage comes about when a man and Matrimonio de
woman who are free to marry agree to live together as hecho
husband and wife without the formal ceremony. To be
common law married, both spouses must have
intended to be husband and wife. Only certain states
recognize common law marriages.

64. Common law, case law Refers to law and the corresponding legal system Jurisprudencia
developed through decisions of courts and similar
tribunals, rather than through legislative statutes or
executive action

65. Community law Law of the member states of the European Union, as Derecho
adopted by the Council of Ministers. comunitario

66. Companies act A statute of the United Kingdom regulating companies Ley inglesa de
within that jurisdiction. It received Royal Assent on 8 sociedades
November 2006.

67. Compensate Indemnizar,

68. Complainant The one who files the suit, same as plaintiff. Demandante

69. Complaint Demanda

70. Compliance Cumplimiento
71. Compliant Called a Bill of Complaint. The legal paper that starts a Escrito de agravios,
case. escrito de demanda

72. Comply with Cumplir

73. Compulsory Vinculante
74. Conduct crimes Those in which the actus reus is concerned with Delitos de mera
prohibited behaviour regardless of consequences. actividad

75. Consideration Something of value given by one party to another in Causa del contrato
return for entering into a contract. To be enforceable
under UK law, contracts require that each party has
given consideration to the other, however small. Hence
the reason for contracts entered into 'for consideration
of £1'.

76. Constructive dismissal Situation where an employer creates such working Despido a la
conditions (or so changes the terms of employment) inversa, despido
Amel mokdad

that the affected employee has little or no choice but to indirecto

resign. In such cases, the employee retains the right to
seek legal compensation as having been dismissed
unfairly. Also called constructive discharge. See also
unfair dismissal.

77. Contact (access) One of the general terms which denotes the level of Derecho de visita
contact a parent or other significant person in a child's
life can have with that child. Contact forms part of the
bundle of rights and privileges which a parent may
have in relation to any child of the family.

78. Contact order A contact order is an order made by the court under s.8 Orden de derechos
Children Act 1989. The order makes clear who shall de visita
have contact with the child, how often this will be and
how long the contact will be for.

79. Contempt of court Failure to follow a court order. One side can request Desacato al tribunal
that the court determine that the other side is in
contempt and punish him or her.

80. Contract Legally binding exchange of promises or agreement Contrato, acuerdo

between parties that the law will enforce.

81. Contract for service Contract for a job undertaken by a self employed Contrato de
person. While he or she may hire others to carry out arrendamiento de
(or help) in the work, he or she is solely responsible servicios
for the satisfactory completion of the job.

82. Contract of service Also called contract of employment, oral or written, Contrato laboral
express or implied, agreement specifying terms and
conditions under which a person consents to perform
certain duties as directed and controlled by an
employer in return for an agreed upon wage or salary.

83. Contracting parties Persons taking part in a contract. Partes contratantes

84. Contractual capacity The legal ability to enter into a conract. Capacidad
85. Conveyance 1. Transfer of ownership (title) of land from a seller to Transmisión
a buyer through a document called a deed because it inmobiliaria
cannot be transferred otherwise (by a mere contract of
sale). Such transfer effected through a will is not a

2. Voluntary transfer of a right from one living person

Amel mokdad

to another.

86. Conviction In law, a conviction is the verdict that results when a Condena
court of law finds a defendant guilty of a crime.

87. Costs When a court orders you to pay the legal costs incurred Costas procesales
by the winning party, or when your costs are paid by
the losing party.

88. Counterclaim A claim filed in opposition to another claim, especially Reconvención

in a legal action.

89. Countersigned To write your name on a document which already has Abajo firmante
the signature (= name written) of another person,
especially in order to show that you are certain that the
first person is who they say they are.
90. Court Juzgado, tribunal
91. Covenant 1. Written, solemn, and binding agreement. Pacto, contrato;
2. Binding promise explicitly or implicitly stipulated in
a deed or contract (a loan agreement, for example), by
a covenantee (a lender, for example), which the
covenanter (a borrower, for example) must agree to
(otherwise there is no agreement or deal). Once agreed
to, the covenant is usually enforceable even if it is
unwarranted and/or is unsupported by a consideration.

92. Crime An act committed or omitted in violation of a law Ilícito penal

forbidding or commanding it and for which
punishment is imposed upon conviction.

93. Criminal damage Damage or destruction done to public or private Daños a la

property, caused either by a person who is not its propiedad
owner or by natural phenomena
94. Criminal law Derecho penal
95. Criminal liability Legal obligation arising out of wrongs against a Responsabilidad
government or society in general. Liability insurance penal
does not cover criminal liability.

96. Cross-petition Application for a legal remedy made by a respondent Reconvención

against the petitioner in the same court.

97. Crumbling of prices Caída repentina de

las cotizaciones de
98. Culprit Under English law properly the prisoner at the bar, is Delincuente
Amel mokdad

one accused of a crime. The term is used, generally, of

one guilty of an offence.

99. Curtesy The life interest which a husband has in certain events Derechos de
in the lands of which his wife was in her lifetime usufruto
actually seised or sasined for an estate of inheritance.

100. Custodial sentence Judicial sentence, imposing a punishment (and hence Pena privativa de
the resulting punishment itself) consisting of libertad
mandatory custody of the convict, either in prison
(incarceration) or in some other closed therapeutic
and/or (re)educational institution, such as a
reformatory,) psychiatry, etc.

101. Custody Law enforcement officials' act of holding an accused Prisión preventiva
or convicted person in criminal proceedings, beginning
with the arrest of that person.

102. Damages Monetary compensation that is awarded by a court in a Daños y perjuicios

civil action to an individual who has been injured
through the wrongful conduct of another party.

103. Dangerous driving Driving in a manner which falls far below that of a Conducción
competent driver temeraria

104. Deceased A person who has died. Difunto

105. Decree The court's written order or decision finalizing the Decreto
divorce, often issued in conjunction with the court's

106. Decree absolute The Decree Absolute is the decree which ends the Sentencia definitiva
marriage. de divorcio
107. Decree nisi (from the Latin nisi, meaning "unless") is a court order Sentencia
that does not have any force until such time that a provisional de
particular condition is met, such as a subsequent divorcio
petition to the court or the passage of a specified
period of time (six weeks and one day).

108. Decree of divorce Sentencia de

109. Deed A document sealed as an instrument of bond, contract, Escritura
or conveyance, especially relating to property

110. Deem To judge or consider. Juzgar, considerar

111. Default Failing to answer a petition or complaint for divorce. Incumplimiento

Failing to file an answer or appear in court as required
can result in the court awarding everything requested
Amel mokdad

by the filing spouse.

112. Default judgement binding judgment in favor of the plaintiff when the Sentencia en
defendant has not responded to a summons or has rebeldía
failed to appear before a court.

113. Defeasance An instrument which defeats the force or operation of Anulación,

some other deed or estate; as distinguished from a resolución,
condition— that which in the same deed is called a revocación
condition is a defeasance in another deed.

114. Defence The action of the defendant in opposition to Contestación a la

complaints against him or her. demanda
115. Defence to Contestación a la
counterclaim reconvención
116. Defend To attempt to disprove or invalidate (an action or Defender, actuar
claim). por la defensa

117. Defendant The person the case is brought against. Demandado

118. Delegated Also referred to as secondary legislation or Legislación

legislation subordinate legislation, is law made by an executive delegada
authority under powers given to them by primary
legislation in order to implement and administer the
requirements of that primary legislation.
119. Deliver a Dictar sentencia
120. Desertion The act by which a person abandons and forsakes, Abandono
without justification, a family life, renouncing its
responsibilities and evading its duties.
121. Devise A will or clause in a will transmitting or giving real Legado de bienes
property. raíces, disposición
122. Die intestate Die without a legal will. Morir intestado

123. Discharge of Termination of a contractual obligation on court orders Extinción del

contract (via an order of discharge) or mutual agreement (see contrato
Accord And Satisfaction), or caused by breach of
contract, frustration of contract, performance of

124. Disclosure the giving out of information, either voluntarily or to Divulgación,

be in compliance with legal regulations or workplace revelación

125. Discontinuance The stopping of a legal action prior to trial, either Sobreseimiento
voluntarily by the plaintiff or by order of the court.
Amel mokdad

126. Discretion The power of a judge, public official or a private party Discrecionalidad
(under authority given by contract, trust or will) to
make decisions on various matters based on his/her
opinion within general legal guidelines.

127. Dismissal When your contract of employment is ended by Despido

management. In most cases you are entitled to receive
notice of your dismissal and be paid for the period of
notice and any pay and leave that is owing to you.

128. District judge A judicial officer of the Court whose duties involve Juez de distrito
hearing applications made within proceedings and
final hearings subject to any limit of jurisdiction.
129. Distrust Desconfianza
130. Domestic violence Physical abuse or threats of abuse occurring between Violencia
members of the same household. doméstica

131. Done in duplicate Por duplicado y a

both texts being equally un solo efecto
132. Duress A complete common law defence, operating in favour Miedo insuperable
of those who commit crimes because they are forced
or compelled to do so by the circumstances, or the
threats of another.
133. Elements of Elementos del
contract contrato
134. Employment A special court of law which hear employment cases, Juzgado de lo
tribunal for example, sex discrimination, unfair dismissal, non- social
payment of National Minimum Wage.

135. Emption The act of buying Compra,

136. Enact To make into law Promulgar
137. Enforceable Capable of being enforced Que tiene fuerza de
138. Enforcement The act of enforcing; ensuring observance of or Ejecución,
obedience to. cumplimiento

139. Engross To write or print the final draft of an official Redactar en forma
document. legal
140. Enter into a Celebrar un
contract contrato
141. European Agrupación
Economic Interest Group Europea de Interés
(EEIG’s) Económico
142. Evidence Prueba
143. Family division A division of the High Court of Justice dealing with División o sala de
divorce, the rights of access to children, etc. asuntos de la
Amel mokdad

144. File Presentar
145. File a petition for Interponer una
divorce/ a divorce petition demanda de
146. First above written Ut supra
147. Float To start selling shares in a business or company for the Cotizar en bolsa
first time.
148. Flotation When a company's shares are sold to the public for the Lanzamiento a
first time bolsa
149. Forfeit Something surrendered or subject to surrender as Sujeto a multa,
punishment for a crime, an offense, an error, or a confiscado
breach of contract.

150. Frustration when after a written or oral contract is entered into Imposibilidad
between parties, some unforeseen uncontrollable event sobrevenida
occurs, which makes it impossible for one of the
parties to fulfill his/her duties under the contract. This
circumstance allows the frustrated party to rescind the
contract without penalty.
151. Full hearing Juicio
152. General partners A partner with unlimited legal responsibility for the Socios colectivos
debts and liabilities of a partnership.
153. Glasshouse Calabozo militar
154. Government bill Proyecto de ley
155. Grievous bodily Really serious injury caused by one person to another Lesiones
harm (GBH) Abbreviation GBH.

156. Gross wages The total amount of wages/earnings/salary one has Salario bruto
earned before any taxes or other deductions have been
taken out of one's paycheck.

157. Grounds for The legal basis for a divorce; the law sets out specific Motivos de
divorce reasons for a divorce which have to be proven before divorcio
the court can grant a divorce.

158. Guarantor A person who commits to guarantee an obligation, Avalista

typically the debts of another. For example if an
individual fails to meet his/her obligations on say hire
purchase repayments, the guarantor will be obliged to
make those repayments.

159. Guardian Person assigned by the court to take care of minor Tutor
children or incompetent adults. Sometimes called a

160. Habeas corpus A writ ordering a person to be brought before a court Habeas corpus
or judge, esp so that the court may ascertain whether
his detention is lawful.
Amel mokdad

161. Handling stolen known as receiving stolen godos, it takes place after a Receptación
goods theft or other dishonest acquisition is completed and
may be committed by a fence or other person who
helps the thief to realise the value of the stolen goods.

162. Harassment The act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and Acoso
annoying actions of one party or a group, including
threats and demands.
163. Hear a case Conocer de un caso
164. Hearing The formal examination of a cause, civil or criminal, Vista
before a judge according to the laws of a particular

165. Hedge An investment made in order to reduce the risk of Evasiva

adverse price movements in a security, by taking an
offsetting position in a related security, such as an
option or a short sale.
166. Heir by adoption Heredero adoptivo
167. Heir-at-law the person legally entitled to inherit the property of Heredero legítimo
someone who dies intéstate

168. Heirs Persons who are entitled by law to inherit the property Herederos,
of the deceased if there is no will specifying how it's sucesores
169. Hereby Por la presente
170. Hereby Por el/la presente
171. Herein En la presente,
172. Hereinafter En adelante, en lo
173. Holographic will A will and testament that has been entirely handwritten Testamento
and signed by the testator ológrafo

174. Implead Entablar un pleito,

175. In witness whereof En virtud de lo
cual, en testimonio
de lo cual
176. Income statement Summary of a management's performance as reflected Cuenta de pérdidas
in the profitability (or lack of it) of a firm over a y ganancias
certain period. It itemizes the revenues and expenses of
past that led to the current profit or loss, and indicates
what may be done to improve the results. In contrast to
a balance sheet (which is a 'still photograph' taken at a
certain time) an income statement is a 'movie' that
depicts what happened over a month, quarter, or year.
It is based on a fundamental accounting equation
(Income = Revenue - Expenses) and shows the rate at
Amel mokdad

which the owners equity is changing for better or

worse. Along with balance sheet and cash flow
statement it forms the basic set of financial
information required to manage a firm. Also called
earnings report, operating statement, or profit and loss

177. Incriminate To charge with a crime Incriminar

178. Indecent exposure The exposure of one's body, especially one's genitals, Exhibicionismo
in a public place and in a way considered offensive to
established standards of decency.
179. Indictable offense Crime which (unlike a summary offense) is serious Delito gravo o muy
enough to be tried on indictment, and may attract grave
punishment from imprisonment of more than one year
up to life (or death-penalty, in the USA).

180. Indictee Someone with a formal accusation or indictment Procesado, acusado

against (a party) by the findings of a jury, especially a
grand jury.

181. Inheritance Herencia

182. Inheritance tax A tax levied by the county of residence of a person
who inherits something from a will. The rate of
taxation applied will vary on the size of the inheritance
and the relationship between the person who inherits
and the deceased.
183. Inheritor Heredero
184. Injunction Court order forbidding something from being done Interdicto
(prohibitory injunction), or commanding something to
be done (mandatory injunction). Injunctions are issued
where mere award of damages at the end of a trial
would not be satisfactory or effective, or may lead to a
greater harm or injustice.

185. Innuendo Explanatory material set forth in the complaint in an Alusión,

action for libel or slander which explains the insinuación
expressions alleged to be libelous or slanderous
186. Intangible asset Activo nominal,
activo inmaterial o
Reputation, name recognition, and intellectual inmovilizado
property such as knowledge and know how. Intangible
assets are the long-term resources of an entity, but
have no physical existence. They derive their value
from intellectual or legal rights, and from the value
they add to the other assets.
Amel mokdad

187. Intangible property Property that represents only real value (i.e. bank Bienes intangibles,
accounts or promissory notes) incorporales o
188. Intention Dolo
189. Intestacy The condition of the estate of a person who dies Sucesión intestada
owning property greater than the sum of his or her
enforceable debts and funeral expenses without having
made a valid will or other binding declaration.

190. Irretrievable The deterioration of a marriage to such an extent that Ruptura

breakdown the court (of a marriage) will grant a divorce. The sole matrimonial
ground for a divorce in England and Wales. irrecuperable

191. Irrevocable Trust A trust that is not amendable or revocable by the Fideicomiso
grantor. Normally created during a grantor's lifetime. irrevocable
192. Issue a judgement Dictar sentencia
193. Issue shares Emitir acciones
194. Judgement A court's decision. Fallo, sentencia

195. Judicial decision, Decisión judicial

case decision
196. Judicial precedent In common law legal systems, a precedent or authority Precedente judicial
is a legal case establishing a principle or rule that a
court or other judicial body adopts when deciding
subsequent cases with similar issues or facts.

197. Judicial separation A court decree requiring a man and wife to cease Separación de
cohabiting but not dissolving the marriage cuerpos

198. Judicial summons A judicial summons is addressed to a defendant in a Citación,

legal proceeding. Typically, the summons will notificación,
announce to the person to whom it is directed that a convocatoria,
legal proceeding has been started against that person, emplazamiento
and that a file has been started in the court records.
The summons announces a date by which the
defendant(s) must either appear in court, or respond in
writing to the court or the opposing party or parties.
The summons is the descendant of the writ of the
common law.
199. Jurisprudence The philosophy or science of law. Filosofía del
200. Landlord One that owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling Arrendador

201. Law reports Series of books which contain judicial opinions from a Repertorio de
selection of cases that have been decided by the courts. jurisprudencia
When a particular judicial opinion is referenced, the
law report series in which the opinion is printed will
determine the case citation format.
Amel mokdad

202. Lawsuit A legal action started by a plaintiff against a defendant Demanda

based on a complaint that the defendant failed to
perform a legal duty, resulting in harm to the plaintiff.

203. Lease A written agreement under which a property owner Arriendo

allows a tenant to use the property for a specified
period of time and rent.

204. Legacy Money or property bequeathed to another by will Legado

205. Legal system A system for interpreting and enforcing the laws Ordenamiento
206. Legislation A law which has been promulgated (or "enacted") by a Legislación
legislature or other governing body. The term may
refer to a single law, or the collective body of enacted
law, while "statute" is also used to refer to a single law.
Before an item of legislation becomes law it may be
known as a bill, which is typically also known as
"legislation" while it remains under active

207. Leniency Mercifulness as a consequence of being lenient or Clemencia, lenidad

208. Liability Responsabilidad
209. Libel Use of print or pictures to harm someone's reputation Libelo, difamación
210. Limitation period Plazo de
A maximum period set by a statute within which a prescripción
legal action can be brought or a right enforced.

211. Limited company A business structure used in Europe and Canada, in Sociedad mercantil
which shareholder responsibility for company debt is
limited to the amount he/she has invested in the
company. Abbreviated Ltd or plc.

212. Limited partners A business organization with one or more general Socios
partners, who manage the business and assume legal comanditarios
debts and obligations, and one or more limited
partners, who are liable only to the extent of their
investments. Limited partners also enjoy rights to the
partnership's cash flow, but are not liable for company
213. List Cotizar en bolsa
214. Listed company Sociedad que cotiza
en bolsa
215. Listing for trial Señalamiento de
216. Lodge To make an official complaint about something. Interponer
Amel mokdad

217. Lump sum A sum of money that is paid in one large amount on
one occasion

218. Main contract Contrato principal

219. Main contractor Chief contractor who has a contract with the owner of Contratista
a project or job, and has the full responsibility for its principal
completion. A prime contractor undertakes to perform
a complete contract, and may employ (and manage)
one or more subcontractors to carry out specific parts
of the contract. Also called main contractor.

220. Mandatory Vinculante

221. Manslaughter The unlawful killing of a human being without malice Homicidio culposo
or premeditation, either express or implied;
distinguished from murder, which requires malicious

222. Marriage certificate The official record that two people have undertaken a Certificado de
marriage ceremony matrimonio

223. Maternity leave Unpaid leave, usually between six and 52 weeks, Baja maternal
available to female employees who have been in the
permanent employ of one employer for a set period
(usually 12 months) before taking leave and who are
pregnant at the time of application for leave. Maternity
leave enables a working woman to have and care for
her child for a limited period without losing her job.

224. Meeting of the Mutual assent to terms by parties to a Contract. A Acuerdo común,
minds traditional rule of contract law is that the agreement, to acuerdo de
be legally enforceable, must be accurately expressed voluntades
within the terms of the contract the parties create, for
therein lies the required meeting of the minds.

225. Memorandum The Memorandum of Association is the first Escritura de

constitutional document of a company containing constitución
fundamentals such as the name, the companys objects
and powers, and its original share capital.

226. Mens rea Latin for "guilty mind"; guilty knowledge or intention Elemento subjetivo
to commit a prohibited act. del delito

227. Method of payment Terms stating the acceptable forms of remittance for a Formas de pago
given sales transaction. The party selling the product
or service declares the acceptable method of payment.
Amel mokdad

228. Middleman 1. A trader who buys from producers and sells to Intermediario,
retailers or consumers. mediador
2. An intermediary; a go-between.

229. Mitigating The situations or conditions which compelled or Circunstancias

circumstances influenced a person in doing a crime. Though such atenuantes de la
situations does not absolve the liability or relives the responsabilidad
accused, it influence the judge while ordering the penal
punishment. Eg of mitigating circumstances are killing
a person who continuously molest the culprits

230. Moonlighting To work at another job, often at night, in addition to Pluriempleo

one's full-time job.

231. Murder The unlawful killing of one human by another, Asesinato

especially with premeditated malice

232. Name check Certificación

negativa de nombre
233. National minimum Salario mínimo
234. Negligence The failure to use reasonable care. The doing of Negligencia
something which a reasonably prudent person would
not do, or the failure to do something which a
reasonably prudent person would do under like
circumstances. A departure from what an ordinary
reasonable member of the community would do in the
same community.

235. Net wages The pay received by an employee after all employer's Salario neto
deductions, such as tax and national insurance, have
been subtracted.

236. Non custodial If someone who has been found guilty of a crime or Pena no privativa
sentence offence is given a non-custodial sentence, their
punishment does not involve going to prison.

237. Notice A notification of the end of employment which comes Preaviso

from either an employer or employee.
238. Notorize Elevar a público
239. Nullity Something that is null, especially an act having no Nulidad
legal validity.

240. Oath The words or formula of such a declaration or promise. Juramento

241. Of the one part...of De una parte….de
the other part la otra
242. Offence A violation of the penal law. Ilícito penal
Amel mokdad

243. Offender Autor del delito

244. Offer Oferta
245. Out-of-court Resolution of a dispute prior to the rendering of a final Acuerdo o
settlement decision by the trial court. transacción
246. Parent company A company that owns enough voting stock in another Empresa matriz
firm to control management and operations by
influencing or electing its directors. Sometimes called
a holding company.

247. Parental The rights and privileges which underpin the Patria potestad
responsibility (custody) relationship between a child and either of the child's
parents or those adults who have a significant role in
the child's life.

248. Parliamentary Legislación

legislation parlamentaria
249. Partnership Generally, two or more individuals or entities Sociedad civil
conducting business for mutual benefit. Specifically,
two or more people who jointly own an unincorporated

250. Party Parte (de un

251. Party in default Parte incumplidora
252. Pay slip A piece of paper that an employee gets every time they Nómina
are paid, showing the amount they have been paid and
the amount that has been taken away in tax.

253. Pendente lite Latin term meaning "while the litigation is pending" Pendent lite,
which is used for court orders or legal agreements mientras el juicio
entered into while a matter (such as a divorce) is continúa
pending. In divorce a pendente lite order is often used
to provide for the support of the lower income spouse
while the legal process moves ahead.

254. Performance Cumplimiento

255. Persistent offender A person who has been convicted of a crime at least Delincuente
three times before and is likely to commit the crime habitual

256. Petition A formal letter to a court of law requesting a particular Demanda

legal action. It’s a legal paper that starts a case.

257. Petitioner A person who is requesting action from a court of law Demandante

258. Petty jury An ordinary jury of twelve jurors (mainly in USA). Jurado

259. Petty offence Falta

Amel mokdad

260. Photofit A picture of a person made by combining images of Retrato robot

parts of the face with different characterstics; used by
the police to help identify suspects seen by witnesses
261. Plea In civil law, an answer made by a defendant to the case Conestación a la
presented by the claimant. demanda, alegato.
262. Plead guilty Declararse culpable
263. Prayer The specific request for judgment, relief and/or Suplico/petitum
damages at the conclusion of a complaint or petition.

264. Preliminary hearing In the court of law where criminal cases are concerned, Audiencia previa
the proceeding known as preliminary hearing, takes
place before the judicial officer, after the prosecutor
files a criminal lawsuit against the defendant.This
initial hearing takes place to determine whether the
accused defendant has commited any crime, and
whether the crime has been commited in the courts'
jurisdiction and finally whether there is sufficient
explanation or cause to believe whether the defendant
have commited a crime.In the preliminary hearing, the
accused defendant are sometimes counselled by the
counsel too.
265. Private limited Type of incorporated firm which (like a public firm) Sociedad limitada
company offers limited liability to its shareholders but which
(unlike a public firm) places certain restrictions on its
ownership. These restrictions are spelled out in the
firm's articles of association or bylaws and are meant
to prevent any hostile takeover attempt.

266. Private member’s A law that is proposed by a Member of Parliament Proposición de ley
bill acting as an individual rather than as a member of his
or her political party.

267. Private prosecution A prosecution for a criminal act, brought by an Acusación

ordinary member of the public and not by the pólice. particular

268. Probate The legal process which decides how, where and to Validar un
whom the decedent's property is distributed. testamento

269. Proceeds Money received through a sale or loan. The term Beneficios
sometimes refers to net proceeds (after any
commissions, fees or other charges are deducted), and
sometimes refers to gross proceeds (before such

270. Property An order made by the court in proceedings for divorce, Liquidación del
adjustment separation, or nullity that affects rights of ownership of patrimonio
property belonging to either spouse.

271. Prosecute To bring someone to court to answer a criminal charge Procesar

Amel mokdad

272. Prosecutor A legal representative who officially accuses someone Fiscal

of committing a crime, especially in a court of law.

273. Provide (of a law or decision) to state that something must Estipular
happen if particular conditions exist.
274. Provisions Estipulaciones
275. Public limited Incorporated, limited liability firm whose securities are Sociedad anónima
company traded on a stock exchange and can be bought and sold
by anyone. Public companies are strictly regulated,
and are required by law to publish their complete and
true financial position so that investors can determine
the true worth of its stock (shares). Also called
publicly held company.
276. Purchase Comprar
277. Rape The notifiable offence of forcing a person to have Violación
sexual intercourse without their consent.

278. Recitals An introduction to a deed or conveyance which sets Considerandos

out the main purpose and the parties to it
279. Recklessness In the criminal law, recklessness (also called Culpa
unchariness) is one of the four possible classes of
mental state constituting mens rea (the Latin for
"guilty mind"). To commit an offence of ordinary as
opposed to strict liability, the prosecution must be able
to prove both a mens rea and an actus reus, i.e., a
person cannot be guilty of the offence for their actions
alone. There must also be an appropriate intention,
knowledge, recklessness, or criminal negligence at the
relevant time (see concurrence). Recklessness may
constitute an offense against property or involve
significant danger to another person.

280. Reconciliation Married people getting back together. Reconciliación

281. Redundancy A state where someone is no longer employed, because Despido por causas
the job being done is no longer needed. objetivas: por
amortización de
puestos de trabajo
282. Reference number The Reference Number category shows the number of Número de auto
the Administrative Order or the Civil Action Number,
and also indicates the year in which the action was

283. Release on bail Poner en libertad

bajo fianza
284. Remuneration Remuneración
285. Render a Dictar sentencia
286. Reply A written statement by a claimant in a civil case in Réplica
Amel mokdad

answer to the defendant’s defence.

287. Republication of The re-execution with proper formalities of an existing Segunda ejecución
will will, or of a codicil to it that contains some reference de un testamento o
to the will, which has the effect of confirming that codicilio
288. Residence (care Guardia y custodia
and control)
289. Residence order Orden de guardia y
290. Respondent Demandado
291. Result crimes Delitos de resultado
292. Revocation of will When the testator in his life can intend to change the Revocación de
terms of will already executed by him or cancel the testamento
same in toto

293. Robbery The offence of stealing something from someone using Robo con
force or threatening to use forcé. intimidación
294. Salary Salario (mensual)
295. Schedule Anexo
296. Securities Valores, acciones
297. Sentence Pena
298. Serve To give someone a legal document that requires them Notificar
to do something.

299. Serve sentence To spend a period of time in prison after being Cumplir condena
sentenced to imprisonment.

300. Service The delivery of a document such as a writ or summons Notificación

to someone in person or to his or her legal

301. Share premium The amount payable for shares in a company and Prima de emisión
issued by the company itself in excess of their nominal
302. Shared parenting Custodia
303. Shareholder Somebody who owns shares in a company. Socio, accionista
304. Shares Valores, acciones
305. Shoplifting The offence of stealing goods from shops, by taking Hurto en una tienda
them when the shop is open and not paying for them.

306. Sole trader A person who runs a business, usually without Empresario
partners, but has not registered it as a company. individual
307. Source of law Fuente del derecho
308. Spouse Husband or wife cónyuge

309. Spouse Financial payments made to help support a spouse or Pensión

maintenance former spouse during separation or following divorce. compensatoria
Amel mokdad

310. Statement A formal account of what happened or what was seen Declaración
at a particular time, given to the police who are
investigating a crime
311. Statute Ley
312. Statutory maternity Weekly payment made by employers to their Prestación por baja
pay employees or former employees. Employers pay SMP maternal
to those women who have been employed by them
prior to becoming pregnant and during their

313. Statutory sick pay Medical incapacity compensation scheme under which Prestación por
affected and qualified employees receive a guaranteed incapacidad
minimum income for a certain period. temporal
314. Stockholder Socio, accionista
315. Sub-contractor An individual or in many cases a business that signs a Subcontratista
contract to perform part or all of the obligations of
another's contract.
316. Sublet To let a leased property to another tenant. Subarrendar
317. Subpoena a legal document ordering someone to appear in a Citación
court of law
318. Subsidiary Filial
319. Substantive law Derecho
320. Sue Demandar
321. Suspect Sospechoso
322. Suspended prison Legal term for a judge's delaying of a defendant's Remisión
sentence serving of a sentence after they have been found guilty, condicional de la
in order to allow the defendant to perform a period of pena
probation. If the defendant does not break the law
during that period, and fulfils the particular conditions
of the probation, the judge usually throws out the

323. Tenancy agreement An agreement by which a person can occupy a Contrato de

property arrendamiento
324. Tenant A person or company which rents a house, flat or Arrendatario
office in which to live or work
325. Terms of the Condiciones del
contract contrato
326. Testamentary Sucesión
succession testamentaria
327. Theft The crime of taking of property which belongs to Hurto
someone else with the intention of permanently
depriving that person of it.
328. To enforce Ejecutar
329. Tort Damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully, Ilícito civil
negligently, or in circumstances involving strict
liability, but not involving breach of contract, for
Amel mokdad

which a civil suit can be brought.

330. Track One of three management systems by which a court Tipo de vía
case is processed: namely the small claims track, the procesal
fast track or the multi-track.

331. Triable Referring to an offence for which a person can be tried Procesable,
in a court. enjuiciable

332. Trust Property given to a trustee to manage for the benefit of Fideicomiso
a third person. Generally the beneficiary gets interest
and dividends on the trust assets for a set number of

333. Trustee Person or institution that oversees and manages a trust. Fideicomisario

334. Uncontested When the spouses have agreed to obtain a divorce. It Divorcio por mutuo
divorce assumes that the other party does not formally object consentimiento
to the divorce and that the Court accepts the grounds
for divorce without question (which is normally the

The lawyer will collect all the relevant details from the
spouse, correspond on his/her behalf with the other
parties involved and prepare and file all the relevant
papers with the Court to obtain a divorce.

335. Undefended Referring to a case in which the defendant does not No litigioso
acknowledge service and does not appear at the court
to defend the case
336. Undertake Comprometerse
337. Undue influence Any improper or wrongful constraint, machination, or Engaño
urgency of persuasion, by which one's will is
overcome and he is induced to do or forbear an act
which he would not do, or would do, if left to act

338. Unenforceable An unenforceable contract or transaction is one that is Inejecutable, que

valid, but which the court will not enforce. no se puede probar
Unenforceable is usually used in contradistinction to
void (or void ab initio) and voidable. If the parties
perform the agreement, it will be valid, but the court
will not compel them if they do not.

339. Unlimited company A company formed by registration under the Sociedad mercantil
Companies Act 1985 where the liability of the de responsabilidad
members is unlimited - that is, they are liable to ilimitada (no existe
contribute whatever sums are required to pay the debts en España)
of the company should it go into compulsory
Amel mokdad

340. Vitiating factors Vicios del

341. Void Term in a contract which is not valid, for example, if Nulo
your contract states that you will be paid less than the
National Minimum Wage.

342. Voidable A voidable contract or rule or agreement is the one Anulable

which is not automatically void but an affected party
or authorized person can declare it void at a later stage.
So unless it is declared void it is enforceable. A
voidable contract gives an option to the parties
effected to convert it as void or not.
343. Voting tie Empate
344. Wages Any sums payable to the employee by an employer in Salario (no
connection with that employment. It includes fees, mensual)
bonuses, commissions, holiday pay or other
emolument relevant to the employment whether
specified in the contract of employment or not. Wages
also include SSP, SMP or company sick pay and any
other statutory payments e.g. payment for time off for
trade union duties, jury service etc.

345. Waif Bien abandonado

346. Whereas Considerandos
347. Will An instrument executed by a person, which disposes of Testamento
a person's property on or after his or her death.

348. Witness Testigo

349. Summon A legal document issued by a court (a judicial Notificación,
summons) or by an administrative agency of convocación
government (an administrative summons) for various
purposes. Lawfully, a summons is an invitation for a
defendant to appear at a corporation's place of business
to discuss punishment, e.g. a Magistrates' Court

350. Wrongful dismissal When an employee is dismissed in violation of their Despido

contract, award or the law. A wrongfully dismissed improcedente
employee has the right to seek compensation for lost
earnings, and can take their claim to an industrial
Amel mokdad

Webiografía y bibliografía

- Alcaraz Varó, E.y Brian Hughes, Diccionario de terminus jurídicos, a

dictionary of legal terms (inglés-español/Spanish-English), Madrid:
Ariel, 2008.

- Business, disponible en:

- Cambridge dictionary, disponible en:

- Enciclopaedia Britannica, disponible en:

- Finance glossary, the online dictionary of financial terms, disponible en:

- Munley, munley Cartwright, P.C., attorneys at law, diponible en:

- The children’s legal centre, disponible en:

- The free dictionary, disponible en:

- UK divorce lawyers, disponible en:

- Uk parliament, disponible en:

- Your your last word in words, disponible en:

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