Uchronia Rules en
Uchronia Rules en
Uchronia Rules en
45-60 mn
Carl Chudyk You may not
construct two
Buildings with
draconians bonus
Transfer 1 card from an opponentʼs Building
under construction (even if the player doesnʼt
have an Order on his Domain) to your Stock.
the same name.
The effect of a Building is active as
Welcome to Uchronia, city of
wonders, where dinosaurs never died
goal • Shuffle the Resource cards to
constitute a draw pile. Starting
soon as it is completed.
out, and the rising columns of the The player with the most Victory with the first player and conti- buildings
temples testify to the inhabitants' Points at the end of the Last Turn nuing clockwise, each player
wins the game. When you wish to begin a new
pride in their legacy. While explorers draws six cards and places them in construction, choose a Building
and merchants seek treasures
from afar, the cries of workers and
his Hand [ N ] without revealing
them to the other players. Each
among Great Works. It must be the
same color as a card in the Forum.
dinosaurs blend together as they setup player then discards any one card Buildings earn you Victory Points
toil under the critical eye of the • Each player takes a Domain and and puts it at the center of the [ ] and have effects that alter
architects. All of these individuals places it before him. Set the 5 table in the Forum [ ]. game rules.
play a part in building Uchronia to Monopoly cards on the table.
greatness, in the heart of the jungle. resource cards
• Shuffle the Building cards to
You are the patriarch of a great make up the Great Works draw pile. game The cards are identified by color
Uchronian noble house, competing • Determine the first player. MECHANISMS and have three functions which
depend on how you use them:
with the other houses, who have Each player draws a Building
also committed their wealth to As patriarch of a great House, your • Order, you can issue an Order by
and sets it face up in the Great goal is to build and develop your
glorifying the city, enriching it with Works area. The player with the playing one or two cards from your
new construction, and winning the district of the city and become the Hand to your Domain [ ].
building whose name is first in most influential family in Uchronia.
hearts of the people. alphabetical order plays first.
Each turn, you will choose an action • Resource, the card is transferred
The most powerful patriarch will The player to his right plays last to collect Resources, construct Buil- to a Building or to your Stock.
become the undisputed master of and takes the Last Turn card. If dings, or launch Activities. You can
Uchronia. a player draws a Building that • Activity, the card is in your Acti-
also Plot to prepare your next moves. vities. Activities enable you to en-
has already be drawn he puts
Victory Points [ ] are won by hance the effect of your Orders, to
that Building back under the constructing Buildings and establishing
pile and draws a new one. duplicate your Construction Orders,
a Monopoly on Activities [ ]. or to copy another player's Order.
Contents • Then, add Buildings to the Great
Works area until there are 5.
• 5 Domains / Player's guides concepts Detail of a resource card
• 80 Building cards The concepts listed hereunder are
• 174 Resource cards 1st player detailed later on.
• 5 Monopoly cards Domain
• 1 Last Turn card Each player owns a Domain that
already have 5 or more.
draw just 1 CARD if you COMMAND or PLOT
have 5 CARDS in hand, or then choose an Action:
color as those you revealed. exploration Order,
Then draw until you your Domain to the Forum,
On your turn, move the cards on Stock as many cards of the same from your Hand with an
color. • Transfer from the Forum to your
Activity of the same
same color as one of those revealed.
if you have at least one
Hand to your Stock 1 card of the
another player’s Domain
on their Domain transfer from their
Copy an Order on and execute any Order. production Order,
• Players who have at least 1 card
Do not play cards. Play 2 identical CARDS card per Draconians Activity.
from the Forum with a
OR PLOT corresponding Order.OR • Reveal 1 card from your Hand +1 Place the cards you transfer to Stock here:
and execute the
or with a draconians Order: STOCK
indicated on the
Victory Points
Earn the number of from your Stock as the construction cost.
Their effects are Foundation: Discard one card of the same color as the Building from the Forum.
Place the Buildings you start constructing with a construction Order here.
Buildings here.
1 per Activity of its color. to 2 +1 per completed Building.
Your number of Activities is limited Each Monopoly you have earns you
• 1 set of rules
by any player.
MONOPOLY Building of that color is completed
• You can transfer transfer
color as your Monopoly each time a
1 trade
card card
to your Hand 1 card of the same trade Order here.
1 draconians
• the can
You to your
Forum transfer from Monopoly: transfer from the Forum
transfer from your Stock with a
from the whenever to your Hand
1 production a playercard
Place the Activities that you
Hand whenever
fromcompletes ) ayour
Bonus: you copy the Order once.
athe ( ato
Brick Marble
When you Plot, you don’t get the Activity
Hand whenever
Building. a player ( )
completes a Clay ( )
• thislong
• As long Building.
Monopoly as this
Monopoly is yours, eachis yours,
• As long as this each
Monopoly + 1 .you
is yours,
is worth
is worth eachhave
you have
production Activity +1 .
have 5 CARDS in hand, or
another player’s Domain
if you have at least one
Foundation: Discard one card of the same color as the Building from the Forum.
indicated on the
Their effects are
Buildings here.
Place the Buildings you start constructing with a construction Order here.
from your Hand with an
Your number of Activities is limited Each Monopoly you have earns you
exploration Order,
production Order,
from the Forum with a
corresponding Order.OR
and execute the
by any player.
Building of that color is completed
color as your Monopoly each time a
to your Hand 1 card of the same
When you Plot, you don’t get the Activity
Monopoly: transfer from the Forum
color as your Monopoly each time a
Your number of Activities is limited Each Monopoly you have earns you
on their Domain transfer from their
Complete your Buildings by using Construction Orders to transfer as many Resources
your Domain to the Forum,
corresponding Order.OR
then choose an Action:
Place the cards you transfer to Stock here:
to 2 +1 per completed Building.
transfer from your Stock with a
Place the Activities that you
exploration Order,
production Order,
Activity of the same
Victory Points
indicated on the
Then draw until you
Buildings here.
Copy an Order on
Great works
2 3 11 1 2
How to play Activity bonus: You can duplicate an
Order or enhance its effect for each card of
Note: If you have no Activity that corresponds to the
card(s) on any other player's Domain, or if there are
The game is played clockwise, starting with the first the same color as that Order that you have in no cards in opponents' Domains, you copy no Order.
player. Activities (see Orders).
When you plot, whether you copied an Order or not,
On your turn, begin by moving the card(s) that you Example: Carl plays Production (Yellow) and has 2 draw cards at the end of your turn:
played the previous turn from your Domain to the Productions in his Activities. He may therefore take 3 • keep drawing until you have 5 Resource cards in Hand,
Forum. Then choose an Action: Command or plot. cards from the Forum (1 for the card he played, and 1 • or draw just 1 card if you already have 5 cards or
for each Production in his Activities). more in Hand.
• Command
Play 1 card to execute the corresponding Order, Resource shortage: If there are no more
• plot cards to draw, shuffle the discarded cards to
OR Do not play a card; draw one or more cards. make up a new draw pile.
Play 2 cards of the same color to execute any Order. When you Plot, you play no card but you can
When you command, choose one card or two identical copy the Order from the card(s) on another At the end of your turn, if you started any construc-
cards from your Hand and place them face up in your player's Domain, provided you have at least one tion, draw new Buildings into the Great Works, so
Domain. Activity of the same color. there are always 5 there.
Execute the Order described on the card, or any of Execute the copied Order only once even if you Note: If all the Buildings available in the Great
your choice if you played two identical cards. have more than one Activity of this color. Works are of the same color, discard them and
draw five new ones.
Buildings under construction • You can transfer
1 draconians card
Completed Buildings
exploration from the Forum to your
• This is where you place Hand whenever a player
completes a Brick ( )
• This is where you place your completed
When you Plot,
Buildings you are constructing. ACTIVITIES
you don’t get the Activity
Bonus: you copy the Order once.
• As long as this
Monopoly is yours, each Buildings.
Place the Activities thatayou
The Square requires 3 Marble transferconstruction
from your Stock with a
trade Order here.
Monopoly: transfer from the Forum
to your Hand 1 card of the same
draconians Activity
you have is worth + 1 .
+ • You can benefit from their effects.
[ ] for completion, you are color as your Monopoly each time a
Building of that color is completed
1 short.
by any player.
Your number of Activities is limited Each Monopoly you have earns you • You win as many points as indicated
to 2 +1 per completed Building. 1 per Activity of its color.
on the Building and it increases your Activity
Place your completed limit by 1.
Buildings here.
Place the Buildings you start constructing with a construction Order here.
3 Foundation: Discard one card of the same color as the Building from the Forum.
Complete your Buildings by using Construction Orders to transfer as many Resources
Their effects are
from your Stock as the construction cost. Earn the number of
Victory Points
indicated on the
Building. 2
STOCK or with a draconians Order: and execute the
corresponding Order.OR OR PLOT
Place the cards you transfer to Stock here: • Reveal 1 card from your Hand +1
card per Draconians Activity.
from the Forum with a Play 2 identical CARDS Do not play cards.
production Order, • Players who have at least 1 card and execute any Order.
on their Domain transfer from their Copy an Order on
trade Hand to your Stock 1 card of the
another player’s Domain
When you complete the square, you can if you have at least one
same color as one of those revealed.
execute 3 Orders of your choice, without production Activity of the same
Activity bonuses. • Transfer from the Forum to your trade color.
from your Hand with an Stock as many cards of the same On your turn, move the cards on
your Domain to the Forum, Then draw until you
SQUARE exploration Order, color as those you revealed. then choose an Action: have 5 CARDS in hand, or
COMMAND or PLOT draw just 1 CARD if you
already have 5 or more. The effects of your Brick ( ) Buildings are
active even if they are not completed.
Stock Domain
• This is where you place the cards that you take thanks to Production, Exploration, and Draconians. • This is where you play
• These cards are Resources and enable you to construct Buildings and launch Activities. your cards when you
• There is no limit to the number of Resources in your Stock.
Orders draconians Example: Carl plays Trade. He chooses a Clay
( ) Resource from his Stock and transfers
There are five Orders. When you choose an Order, it to his Activities. He now has one Production
apply its effect and possibly the effects of one or Activity. He also has a Trade in his Activities, so
more of your Buildings. + he can launch a second Activity. However, he
Your Activities enable you to enhance the effect has already reached his Activity limit and cannot
of your Order when you Command, or to copy an Effect: Reveal 1 card from your
benefit from his Activity Bonus.
Order from another player's Domain. Hand. Players who have at least
one card on their Domain
(cards they played on their pre-
+ 1 / ACTIVITY Monopoly
When a player launches an Activity
vious turn) must transfer to you one card of the
production same color as the one you revealed, from their
of a given color and has more
Activities of that color than any
Hand to your Stock, if they can.
• Take this Monopoly as
soon as you have more
production Activities of this color
Also transfer 1 card of the same color from the card of that color. In case of a tie, the player
Forum to your Stock, if there is one. who presently has the Monopoly keeps it.
Effect: Transfer 1 card from the Finally, return the revealed card to your Hand.
Victory Points: As long as the
Forum to your Stock. Activity Bonus: If you have one or more Draco- Monopoly is yours, each Activity you have
Activity Bonus: You can transfer 1 nians Activities, you can reveal one extra card from of that color is worth + 1 point.
extra card from the Forum to your stock for each of your Hand for each of your Draconians Activities.
construction bonus: Every time
your Production Activities. Affected players must give you 1 card of their anyone completes a Building of your
Remember: There is no limit to the number of choice based on any of those you revealed. Monopoly's color, you can transfer one card of
cards in your Stock. Take from the Forum as many cards of the same that color from the Forum to your Hand.
color as any of those you revealed.
Example: Carl plays Production. He chooses a blue Example: Carl plays Draconians and has two
card from the Forum and places it in his Stock. He
now has 1 Marble ( ) in his Stock.
Draconians Activities. He reveals three cards from construction
his Hand, a Clay and two Marbles ( ).
As he has one Production in his Activities, he can Cedric is the only player who has a card in his Choose an effect:
transfer an extra card from the Forum to his Stock. Domain and has one Clay ( ), one Wood ( )
and one Marble ( ) in Hand. He decides to start the construction of a new
transfer one Clay ( ) to Carl's Stock. Then Carl Building by discarding a card of the same
exploration transfers 2 Marble ( ) from the Forum (there color from the Forum.
is no Clay in the Forum) to his Stock. . or
Effect: Transfer 1 card from your Transfer one Resource from your Stock to one
Hand to your Stock. trade
of your Buildings under Construction.
Activity Bonus: You can transfer
1 extra card from your Hand to your Stock for Effect: Launch 1 Activity by Activity Bonus: You can dupli-
each of your Exploration Activities. transferring 1 Resource from cate this Order as many times as
your Stock to your Activities. construction you have Construction Activities.
Example: Carl plays Exploration. He chooses a Red
card from his Hand and places it in his Stock. He Activity Bonus: You can launch
start a
construction Note: Building construction
now has 1 Brick ( ) in his Stock. As he has one 1 extra Activity for each of your Trade Activities. rules are described on the next
Exploration in his Activities, he can transfer one page.
Remember: You can have no more than two
extra card from his Hand to his Stock.
Activities, plus one per completed Building.
Constructing 11 Viaduct
You must discard 1 Clay
There are two kinds of effects:
the card of the same color from the Forum. It is • Wood [ ] and Clay [ ] Buildings require 1
Frontier Post Building. Carl plays Draconians and has
considered to have served as Foundation. Resource for completion.
one Draconians Activity. So he shows 2 cards, Clay ( )
Note: If there is no card of the same color as the • Brick [ ] and Stone [ ] Buildings require 2 and Marble ( ), to players who have at least one card
chosen Building in the Forum, you cannot launch Resources for completion. in their Domain. He must show Cedric one card fewer
its construction. • Marble [ ] Buildings require 3 Resources for because of the Frontier Post and chooses Marble ( ).
Warning: Although there are two copies of each Buil-
When you complete a Building, you earn as many
ding, you may not launch construction of a Building
Victory Points as indicated on the Building, and End of game
that has the same name as another you've already
your Activity limit increases by one. Discard all the When a player reaches the Victory Points Threshold,
constructed or are constructing.
Resources used in the construction. as determined by the number of players, the game
The effect of a Building is active as soon as it is ends after the turn of the player who has the Last
Constructing a Building completed (see Effects of Buildings). Turn card.
How you construct a Building depends on its color
and its Construction Cost.
The player who has the Monopoly of the same color Victory Points Threshold
• Its color determines the type of Resources you as the Building you have just completed can transfer 2 players u 20 Points 3 players u 18 Points
need. a card of that color from the Forum to his Hand. 4 players u 16 Points 5 players u 14 Points
• Its Construction Cost indicates the number of Re-
sources you need to transfer to complete it. Players total their Victory Points:
The effects of a building are applied as soon as it is Effects of Buildings • + 1 , + 2 , or + 3 for completed Buildings.
completed. • + 1 per Activity in the Monopolies you have.
The effect of a Building is described on its card.
Once you have transferred as many Resources of the
• Building effects apply only once it is completed • + Effects of some Buildings.
Building's color as indicated in its Construction cost,
it is completed. (except for the Fountain whose effect enables you At the end of the last turn, the player who has the
to Construct it with a Production Order). most Victory Points wins (even if he is back under
Transferring Resources
• The effect of a Building is active as soon as it is the Victory Points Threshold, e.g. because he lost a
completed, and applies even to the player's next Monopoly for example).
orders (if any) or to his Plot action. In case of a tie, the tied player with the most com-
pleted Buildings wins.
Note: You cannot transfer a card to a Building on
the same turn you launched its construction.
credits Cover: Marcin Jakubowski
To transfer a Resource from your Stock, choose a Cards Art: Benjamin Raynal
Construction Order. Author: Carl Chudyk
Card color design: Kevin Lemoine, Laurent
Slip the chosen Resource under the Building you are Development: Carl Chudyk & Guillaume Gille-Naves Chatelier, Sylvain Fabre, Jean-David Fabre, Jéremy
constructing, in such a way that only the Resource Line Manager: Cédric Barbé & Patrice Boulet ® Guiter, Melissa Morin and Christophe Swal
symbol is showing. If you transfer extra Resources, Project Manager: Gabriel Durnerin Translation: Gil Morice - Proofreader: Nathan Morse
make sure the number of Resources under the Buil-
Development/Design/Packaging: ORIGAMES Thanks to Richard Garfield, Rodolphe Gilbart,
Art Director/Graphic Design : Igor Polouchine Thibault Gruel, Reyda Seddiki, Timothée
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