Lisa Goolcharan Resume

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204.881.5399 [email protected]

Education Professional Profile

• Innovative, deeply-committed education leader in discreet and multi-leveled
MASTER OF EDUCATION classrooms, higher education and online learning settings
Leadership & Administration • 12+ years in international education with extensive experience in educational reform
University of New Brunswick
and instructional design, serving diverse communities
2015 – April 2018
• Developed an organization that informs, supports and inspires inclusive practices
BACHELOR OF EDUCATION and social justice in schools and communities.
University of Winnipeg • Strategic planning, implementation and development of holistic programs,
2000 – 2005 instruction and resources for students and staff. Familiar with adult teaching and
learning pedagogy, culturally relevant education and EAL strategies
BACHELOR OF SCIENCE • Able to improve student well-being and performance within diverse contexts and
University of Winnipeg manage multiple tasks across learning communities. Engages all stakeholders in
2000 – 2005
planning, implementation and on-going educational processes
• Fluent in English and basic French and Arabic

Areas of Expertise
INSTRUCTOR University of Manitoba 2017-present
Educational Leadership • Provides language support and delivers career preparation workshops for
Diversity and Inclusion Applied Business and Applied Human Resource Programs
Community Empowerment • Teaches beginner, intermediate and advanced courses in the Intensive English
Program utilizing EAL and adult teaching and learning strategies.
Culturally Relevant Education
• Taught a range of courses such as International Business Communications for
Professional Learning Programs paraprofessionals and Academic Experience to prepare students for Canadian
Creativity & Innovation universities
Instructional Design • Collaboratively develops assessments and utilizes Desire2Learn and Aurora
Differentiation technological platforms for e-learning and assessment
• Mentors student teachers by modelling, encouraging innovation and
providing on-going feedback and support

CEO Inclusion Canada 2017-present
Programming and Resources • Creates and provides content that informs, supports and inspires inclusive
being used as a model in practices and social justice in schools and communities.
Coalinga, California. • Develops research-based leadership and instructional frameworks
• Actively involved in community outreach, web design and marketing
Improved English reading and
writing by 68% over a 3-year
period in Abu Dhabi, UAE ENGLISH TEAM LEADER Ministry of Education 2013-2017
• Created curriculum plans, literary resources and assessment materials for use
Created Provincial Website for
across 83 secondary schools that focused on inquiry-based, differentiated,
Inclusion and social justice culturally relevant instruction
• Spearheaded ICT integration into ESL and English teaching and launched
curriculum-based, interactive websites for students, parents and educators
• Team Leader for Grade 11 & 12. Hosted weekly meetings to continually refine
team planning, resource development and assessment moderation
• Empowered students in the learning process through student directed,
project-based learning using layered, differentiation and blended instruction

204.881.5399 [email protected]

Professional Experience continued

INSTRUCTIONAL DESIGN • Identified statistical trends in learning using the External Measurement of
University of New Brunswick Student Achievement (EMSA) by compiling data leading to strategic school
Winter 2018 improvement plans in cooperation with school-based committee

University of New Brunswick HEAD OF GRADE 4 Ministry of Education 2010-2013
Winter 2018 • Designed and implemented student-centered, differentiated lessons in
English, science and mathematics. Established on-going student and teacher
CURRENT EDUCATION ISSUES portfolios and created bi-weekly, bi-lingual parent newsletters
University of New Brunswick
Fall 2017 • Acted as a master teacher for principals and educators modeling best
practices, collaborative student-centered learning and differentiated learning
University of New Brunswick • Conducted Learner Analysis, Needs Assessment, Content/Task Analysis and
Winter 2017 design plans.
ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE • Developed and implemented a data driven school-wide reading program
University of New Brunswick, aimed at improving reading levels by 20% and organized school-wide
Summer 2015 professional learning to meet SIP goals
• Mentored student teachers from Sheikh Zayed University
Related Experience
CLASSROOM TEACHER New English School 2008-2010
Community Coordinator
• Created and facilitated lessons in Grade 4 English, science, math, geography,
HR Department of Canada
Elmwood Centre & Association
history and art. Conducted specialized classes in multiple intelligences,
debate, essay writing and problem solving
Special Projects Coordinator • Collaborated with colleagues in developing schemes of work and assessment
Family Centre of Winnipeg criteria
• Headed an international team of educators in developing the LINC campaign:
a student leadership and community outreach program
Technical Skills • Led special events and managed clubs to increase school morale

Microsoft Office Suite

ENGLISH TEACHER Poly Institution 2006-2008
Website Design
• Taught Language Arts, TOEFL and ILETS from beginner to advanced levels.
IPADs in the Classroom Developed individualized instruction in reading, writing, speaking and world
Digital Media & Research issues
HTML • Improved student literacy levels resulting in many students matriculated into
Interactive Whiteboard Tools advanced-level classes and prestigious English high schools
Educational Software & Apps • Designed and implemented a gifted and talented program to inspire and
Programming and Resources empower learners with a focus on choice, collaboration, creativity and critical

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