Physioex 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology

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PhysioEx 2: Skeletal Muscle Physiology

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1. An action potential in a motor acetylcholine 12. Does the force generated Also increased, and a
neuron triggers the release of by the muscle change with limiting maximum value
which neurotransmitter? each additional stimulus? was observed
2. Active force Is determined by the 13. During an isometric The skeletal muscle is
amount of myosin contraction generating force but it
bound to actin remains at a fixed length
3. Active tension (or force) in a activation of cross 14. During an isotonic Greater than
skeletal muscle fiber results from bridge cycling via contraction, the force
increased generated by the muscle is
intracellular calcium _______ the weight of the
levels attached load.
4. As the load on the muscle Latent period: 15. During an isotonic Increases with heavier loads
increases, what will happen to the increase contraction the latent
latent period, the shortening Shortening velocity: period
velocity, the distance that the decrease 16. During a single twitch of a maximal force is never
weight moves, and the contraction Distance: decrease skeletal muscle achieved
duration? Contraction
duration: decrease 17. During cross-bridge cycling Myosin heads
in skeletal muscle, force is
5. As the resting length of the muscle Total force can created by the power stroke
is changed, what will happen to the increase or decrease of the _____
amount of total force the muscle depending upon the
generates during the stimulated starting resting 18. During fatigue The number of active cross-
twitch? length bridges begins to decline
although the rate of
6. As the stimulus frequency increases Increase. There will stimulus delivery remains
further, what will happen to the be a limit constant
muscle tension and twitch
appearance with each successive 19. During the latent period for the cellular events involved
stimulus. Will there be a limit to this an isometric contraction in excitation-contraction
response? coupling occur
7. As the stimulus frequency First increase and 20. During the latent period for Cross-bridges cycle and,
increases, what will happen to the then decrease as the an isotonic contraction when muscle tension
muscle force generated with each stimulus frequency exceeds the load, muscle
successive stimulus? Will there be a becomes very high shortening occurs
limit to this response? 21. The force that results from Passive force
8. As the stimulus voltage is increased The active force will muscles being stretched is
from 1.0 volt up to 10 volts, what will first increase and 22. How does the trace at 130 Fused tetanus develops at
happen to the amount of active then plateau at some stimuli / s compare with the this greater stimulus
force generated with each stimulus? maximal value as the trace at 50 stimuli / s? frequency
stimulus voltage
increases 23. How do the traces with 146- Maximal tetanic tension
150 stimuli / s compare with develops with these very
9. By definition, the _____ voltage is the maximal the trace at 130 stimuli / s? high stimulation
amount of stimulus required to frequencies
successfully recruit all of the
muscle fibers into developing active
24. If an intervening rest period Development of fatigue will
is imposed on active be delayed
skeletal muscle, the
10. A decline in a muscle's ability to Fatigue
maintain a constant level of force,
or tension, after prolonged,
repetitive stimulation is called
11. Decrease in maximal force indicates muscle fatigue
25. If the stimulator is briefly turned off for Proportionately 40. A skeletal muscle twitch is one contractile
defined periods of time, what will increase response to a
happen to the length of time that the single action
muscle is able to sustain maximal potential
developed tension when the stimulator
41. Stimulus frequency Rate that
is turned on again?
stimulating voltage
26. indicator used to turn starch purple Potassium pulses are applied
Iodide to an isolated
27. In order to produce sustained muscle Yes whole skeletal
contractions with an active force value
of 5.2 g, do you think you will need to 42. The term tetanus refers to Sustained muscle
increase the stimulus voltage? tension due to very
28. In resting skeletal muscle, calcium is sarcoplasmic frequent stimuli
stored in the reticulum 43. The _______ voltage is the minimal threshold voltage
stimulus needed to cause a
29. In skeletal muscle, active force Utilize ATP
depolarization of the muscle plasma
stimulated through a range of muscle hydrolysis to
membrane (sarcolemma)
lengths will drive the cross-
bridge cycle 44. Was there any change in the force Yes, the second
30. In this experiment, the isolated skeletal Wave generated by the muscle during the twitch generated
muscle was repetitively stimulated such summation second stimulated twitch? more force
that individual twitches overlapped with 45. Wave summation increases the force Increase the
each other and resulted in a stronger produced in the muscle. Another number of
muscle contraction than a standalone way to increase the force produced activated motor
twitch. This is known as by a muscle is to units
31. An isotonic contraction of a muscle is The length of 46. Wave summation is achieved by Increasing the
one in which the muscle stimulus frequency
changes 47. What do you see in the active force 0.00 g; there was
32. Is the total muscle force generated by Yes display when the stimulus voltage is no activation of
the higher frequency simulation greater set to 0.0, and why does this skeletal muscle
than the force generated in previous observation make sense? fibers by this
simulations? stimulus
33. Maximal active tension will be produced At its resting 48. What is the lowest stimulus voltage threshold voltage
in a skeletal muscle fiber when the fiber length that induces active force in the
is skeletal muscle?
34. Muscle shortening velocity Decreases with 49. What is the period of time that the latent period
heavier loads elapses between the generation of
an action potential and the start of
35. Note the dip in total force at a muscle Active force has
muscle tension development in a
length of 90 mm as compared to the decreased in
muscle fiber?
total force at a muscle length of 80 and value and
100 mm. Why does this occur? passive force 50. What occurs during the latent period All the steps of
has not yet of these isometric contractions? excitation-
At this muscle length increased to a contraction
significant value coupling occur.
36. Passive force in skeletal muscle is The protein titin
largely caused by
37. Skeletal muscle fibers are innervated by motor neurons
38. Skeletal muscles are composed of fibers
hundreds to thousands of individuals
cells called
39. Skeletal muscles are connected to tendons
bones by
51. When a muscle receives a stimulus Treppe 60. Which of the following Muscle tension
frequency that causes non-overlapping distinguishes a state of unfused increases and
twitches to follow each other closely in tetanus from a state of fused decreases between
time such that the peak tension of each tetanus? different values for
twitch rises in a stepwise fashion up to a unfused tetanus
plateau value, the result is known as
61. Which of the following is not a hyperpolarization
52. When a skeletal muscle is repetitively wave phase of a skeletal muscle
stimulated, twitches can overlap each other summation twitch?
and result in a stronger muscle contraction
62. Which of the following is not Time
than a stand-alone twitch. This
depicted in a typical skeletal
phenomenon is known as
muscle isometric length-tension
53. When a skeletal muscle is stimulated and The muscle curve?
generates force but remains at a fixed is contracting 63. Which of the following is not one Application of higher
length isometrically of the ways that the body can voltages to the whole
54. When skeletal muscle twitches fuse so that Complete increase the force produced by a muscle
the peaks and valleys of each twitch (fused) skeletal muscle?
become indistinguishable from each other, tetanus 64. Which of the following is not Ca²⁺
the muscle is in a state known as
thought to be a contributing
55. When the stimulus frequency reaches a Maximal factor to the development of
value beyond which no further increase of tetanic fatigue?
skeletal muscle force can occur, the muscle tension 65. Which of the weights induced the The heaviest weight
has reached its
longest latent period of the that allowed isotonic
56. When the stimulus frequency reaches a Maximal muscle contraction? contraction
value beyond which no further increases in tetenic 66. Which protein is mostly Titin
force are generated by the muscle, the tension responsible for the development
muscle has reached its
of passive force in a muscle?
57. When you generate the isometric length- Tetanic 67. Why did the length of the Intracellular
tension curve, which of the following forces
intervening rest period affect the concentrations of ADP
will not be indicated on your screen?
length of time the skeletal + P_i declined
_______ force
muscle can maintain maximum
58. Which of the following correctly matches contraction: tension once the stimulator is
the twitch phase with its definition? time between turned again?
the end of 68. Why does the stimulated muscle More than one of these
the latent force begin to decrease over answers could be
period and time despite the maintained correct
peak muscle stimuli?
69. Why was a maximal voltage At the maximal
59. Which of the following distinguishes a state Muscle observed in this experiment? voltage, all the muscle
of unfused tetanus from a state of tension fibers contained in this
complete (fused) tetanus? increases muscle are depolarized
and and they all develop
decreases active force
during a
state of 70. Will changes to the stimulus No, changing the
unfused voltage alter the duration of the stimulus voltage will
tetanus latent period? not change the latent
period duration.

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