Organic Derivatives of Water
Organic Derivatives of Water
Organic Derivatives of Water
Alcohols, phenols, and ethers can be thought of as organic derivatives of water in which one or
both of the hydrogens have been replaced by organic parts. They are different functional groups whose
common denominator is the presence of a singly bonded Oxygen atom in their chains. Thus, all three
classes of compounds have nearly the same geometry as water. The C-O-H or C-O-C bond angles are
approximately tetrahedral—109° in methanol and 112° in dimethyl ether, for instance—and the oxygen
atoms are sp3-hybridized. The leaving groups of alcohols and ethers 1HO-, RO- 2 are much stronger
bases than the leaving group of an alkyl halide. Because they are stronger bases, they are poorer leaving
groups, and therefore are harder to displace. Consequently, alcohols and ethers are less reactive than alkyl
halides in substitution and elimination reactions. (McMurry, 2011)
Alcohol is an organic compound in which a hydroxyl functional group (-OH) is bound and
connected to a carbon atom or hydrogen atom. It has two reactive covalent bonds, C-O bond and the O-H
bond. Alcohol also contains both polar (OH group) and nonpolar alkyl group, which is a factor why
alcohol tends to be water-soluble. Similar to water, an alcohol can be pictured as having an sp3
hybridized tetrahedral oxygen atom with nonbonding pairs of electrons occupying two of the four sp3
hybrid orbitals. Alkyl groups are generally bulkier than hydrogen atoms however, so the R−O−H bond
angle in alcohols is generally larger than the 104.5° H−O−H bond angle in water. Water and alcohols
have similar properties because water molecules contain hydroxyl groups that can form hydrogen bonds
with other water molecules and with alcohol molecules, and likewise alcohol molecules can form
hydrogen bonds with other alcohol molecules as well as with water. Because alcohols form hydrogen
bonds with water, they tend to be relatively soluble in water. The hydroxyl group is referred to as a
hydrophilic (“water-loving”) group, because it forms hydrogen bonds with water and enhances the
solubility of an alcohol in water. Methanol, ethanol, n-propyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, and t-butyl
alcohol are all miscible with water. Alcohols with higher molecular weights tend to be less water-soluble,
because the hydrocarbon part of the molecule, which is hydrophobic (“water-hating”), is larger with
increased molecular weight (Wade, 2011).
The chemical behavior of phenols is different in some respects from that of the alcohols, so it is
sensible to treat them as a similar but characteristically distinct group. A compound which contains a six-
membered aromatic ring, bonded directly to a hydroxyl group (-OH) is called phenol. Its structure is that
of a hydroxyl group (-OH) bonded to a phenyl ring and it is an aromatic compound. It is much acidic
compared to alcohol and has limits in solubility in water. Because phenol contains an alcohol group, it is
not only able to form a very strong hydrogen bond with other molecules, but this bond contributes to
phenol's affinity towards polar substances. As a polar molecule, phenol is soluble in water. In other
words, phenol and water are friends (Essays, 2013).
Ethers are similar in structure to alcohols, and both ethers and alcohols are similar in structure to
water. Ethers are a class of organic compounds that contain an ether group. An ether group is an oxygen
atom connected to two alkyl or aryl groups. Ethers are stable in bond and are relatively inert molecules
that results to being generally unreactive. It has an oxygen atom directly bound to two hydrocarbon (alkyl
or aryl) groups and its common example is diethyl ether. The ether linkage C–O–C, is quite stable and can
be cleaved only under drastic conditions. The oxygen of the ether is more electronegative than the
carbons. Thus, the alpha hydrogens are more acidic than in regular hydrocarbon chains. The unshared
pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom, however, make the ethers susceptible to electrophilic attack. Ethers
are rather nonpolar due to the presence of an alkyl group on either side of the central oxygen. The
presence of the bulky alkyl groups that are adjacent to it means that the oxygen atom is largely unable to
participate in hydrogen bonding. Ethers, therefore, have lower boiling points compared to alcohols of
similar molecular weight. However, as the alkyl chain of the ethers becomes longer, the difference in
boiling points becomes smaller. This is due to the effect of increased Van der Waals interactions as the
number of carbons increases, and therefore the number of electrons increases as well. The two lone pairs
of electrons present on the oxygen atoms make it possible for ethers to form hydrogen bonds with water
(Boundless, 2016).
In this experiment, 1-butanol, 2-butanol, t-butyl alcohol, diethyl ether and phenol will be tested
for their solubility behavior and chemical reactivity to different solvents.
A. Solubility behavior
The solubility behavior of the compounds in water, NaOH and conc. H2SO4 were tested. In order
to do so, 2 ml distilled water was placed in 5 different test tubes. The test tubes were then labeled as 1-
butanol, 2-butanol, t-butyl alcohol, diethyl ether and phenol. In each of the test tubes, 10 drops of the
sample was added and was then mixed and examined. After so, the same process was done but instead of
using water, NaOH was used. For compounds that were slightly soluble and insoluble in NaOH, their
solubility was then again tested with H2SO4. The observations were then recorded.
B. Chemical Reactivity
1. Reaction with potassium permanganate
To test for the sample’s reactivity with slightly acidic potassium permanganate, 3 ml of the said
solvent was placed on 5 clean test tubes. The test tubes were labeled 1-butanol, 2-butanol, t-butyl alcohol,
diethyl ether and phenol. In each of the test tubes, 5 drops of the sample was added and were then gently
warmed in a water bath for 5 minute and was examined.
A. Solubility Behavior
Water is a polar solvent which dissolves polar compounds. Several structural features of the
unknown can be deduced if it is water-soluble. It must be of low molar mass and will usually contain no
more than four to five carbon atoms, unless it is polyfunctional. It must contain a polar group that will
form a hydrogen bond with water, such as the hydroxyl group of an alcohol. Aqueous sodium hydroxide
is a strong base that dissolves compounds to form sodium salts that are soluble in aqueous medium.
Concentrated sulfuric acid protonates all organic compounds that contain oxygen and/or nitrogen, as well
as alkenes and a few aromatic hydrocarbons. These protonated organic compounds exist as ionic salts in
sulfuric acid. Because sulfuric acid is a highly polar liquid, it dissolves the protonated compounds. The
dissolution of compounds in H2SO4 may also produce large amounts of heat and/or a change in the color
of the solution (Festin, A. J. M. & Raquepo, V. V., 2014).
Table 1. Solubility behavior of the samples in water, NaOH, and conc. H2SO4
Solvent 1-butanol 2-butanol t-butyl diethyl ether Phenol
Water - ++ ++ - -
NaOH - - - - ++
conc. H2SO4 - - + + untested
Note: (++)-soluble, (+)-slightly soluble, and (-)-insoluble
Table 1 shows the results of the solubility behavior test performed for each of the sample and
only 2-butanol and t-butyl alcohol were soluble in water. This is because, as the alkyl group increases in
size, becoming a more significant fraction of the entire alcohol molecule, the compound becomes less and
less soluble in water. In other words, the molecule becomes more and more like an alkane. Groups with
four carbons such as 1-butanol, 2-butanol and tert-butanol tend to straddle the dividing line at room
temperature. So alcohols with fewer than four carbons are soluble in water, but alcohols with more than
four carbons are insoluble in water. Thus, an OH group can drag about three or four carbons into solution
in water. Alcohols with branched alkyl groups are more soluble in water than alcohols with unbranched
alkyl groups with the same number of carbons. Branching minimizes the contact surface of the nonpolar
portion of the molecule. Thus, tert -butyl alcohol is more soluble than 2-butanol. N-butanol however, did
not show any sign of solubility in water because of its unbranched alkyl group. Diethyl ether is insoluble
in water because it is a nonpolar molecule. The oxygen of an ether, like the oxygen of an alcohol, can
drag only about three carbons into solution in water, thus rendering the diethyl ether insoluble in water.
Phenol is also insoluble in water and was observed to form a layers when it was added to the water. This
might be due to the large amount of phenol that was made to react with water. In theory, phenol should be
slightly soluble in water due to its ability to form hydrogen bond. (Bruice, 2014)
For the test in NaOH, only Phenol had an observable reaction to the solvent. Phenol dissolves in
aqueous sodium hydroxide because it behaves as an acid and gives up its proton to the hydroxide ion,
which is a base. A soluble ionic product is formed. In this reaction, the hydrogen ion has been removed by
the strongly basic hydroxide ion in the sodium hydroxide solution. The alcohols and the diethyl ether did
not have any observable reaction to the solvent. Alcohols are about as acidic as water thus, they do not
react with weak bases such as amines or bicarbonate ion and they react to only a limited extent with metal
hydroxides, such as NaOH (McMurry, 2011).
The insoluble samples in NaOH were tested again for their solubility in conc. sulfuric acid. The
only sample that had a visible reaction to the solvent was tert-butyl and diethyl ether. The two samples
were observed to be slightly soluble in the solvent. This is because the dehydration reaction of alcohols to
generate alkene proceeds by heating the alcohols in the presence of a strong acid, such as sulfuric or
phosphoric acid, at high temperatures. The required range of reaction temperature decreases with
increasing substitution of the hydroxyl-containing carbon. For 1° alcohols: 170° - 180°C, 2° alcohols:
100°– 140 °C, and 3° alcohols: 25°– 80°C (Huang, 2016). This proves that at room temperature, among
the alcohols only tert-butyl would have a visible reaction to the solvent. Ethers serve as Lewis bases and
Bronsted bases in a reaction. Therefore, when strong acids are made to react with it the oxygen is
protonated to give "onium ions".
B. Chemical Reactivity
All the samples except for phenol formed a black precipitate when they were added to the solvent
and heated. Due to the slight acidity of the solvent, it was able to positively react with the four samples
faster than it would have without the acidity. This means that the alcohols and ether are easily oxidizable
using potassium permanganate. Base on theory though, tert-butyl is not supposed to be oxidized by
potassium permanganate because it does not have a hydrogen atom attached to the alcohol carbon.
Phenols should have also been theoretically oxidized even though they do not have an H atom attached to
the C atom carrying the OH group. Their reaction with oxidizing agents is quite different from that of
primary or secondary alcohols. Only very strong oxidizing reagents, such as permanganate would be able
to oxidize it (Herges & Wenkler, 2017).
Only the 2-butanol and t-butyl had changes when they were added to the solvent. When tert-butyl
was added to the solvent, it immediately formed a cloudy mixture pertaining to a positive test. The 2-
butanol however took a little while before a cloudy mixture was observed. The other samples did not react
at all with the solvent. Since tertiary carbocations are much more stable than primary or secondary
carbocations, tertiary alcohols will react readily with the Lucas reagent. Secondary alcohols will react
slowly (usually in 5-10 minutes). Primary alcohols will not react much at all, since a primary carbocation
is so unstable (Fossum C., 2012). Therefore, the experiment was correct and no errors were made.
Only the phenol had a positive reaction with the solvent. Therefore, the experiment’s result is
correct and no error was made. The alcohols and ethers had no reactions because comparing the mixture
of the sample and the solvent with their blanks, there were no color change.
The tert-butyl did not form any layer or precipitate with the solvent but it appeared to be soluble
in it. The 2- butanol however, formed a layer of the same color with the solvent. Among the other samples
used, it was the only one that had the same colored layer and formed little precipitates. We can therefore
say that the experiment was correct. On why the diethyl ether appear to be soluble though might be due to
some errors as it was not supposed to react with the solvent.
Alcohols, phenols, and ethers can be thought of as organic derivatives of water in which one or
both of the hydrogens have been replaced by organic parts. Though phenol and alcohol are somewhat
similar to each other, they react differently to solvents. As the number of carbon atoms in an alcohol
increases, its solubility in water and its acidity decreases. However, as the number of branched group
increases, the solubility of the alcohol in water also increases. The different types of alcohols can also be
identified using different solvent or their reactivity to a certain solvent (Lucas Test). Iodoform Test can
tell whether a sample contains a methyl group and if it is a secondary alcohol. Reaction with Ferric
Chloride can tell when a sample contains phenol due to the color change. The rate of oxidation of the
samples could also help in telling what type of alcohols they are. It is recommended that the experimnets
be done on a clean and dry test tube to avoid any contamination and to ensure that the results are accurate
to the theoretical ones.
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