UBI230110110 Industry CompetitorAnalysis 20180314222113
UBI230110110 Industry CompetitorAnalysis 20180314222113
UBI230110110 Industry CompetitorAnalysis 20180314222113
Competitor Analysis
* When selecting the Period as Latest FY, LTM or Estimate, the stock price and the market cap of the previous day would b
Compare By Industries
(Summary) Hotels Industry
*Calculated by P/E. P/E is calculated by Market Cap / Net Profit.
*Calculated by Market Cap + (Interest Bearing Debt - Cash and Cash Equivalents - Short-Term Investments) + minority sha
The forcasted value of EBITDA is defined as Operating Income (forecast) + Depreciation Expense (LTM) + goodwill (L
* The exchange rates for translation are the exchange rate at the end of the year for PL and the average exchange rate for
* Average, Median, Minimum, Maximum are calculated under each region/country tab.
* * in company name indicates automatic industry classifications by algorithm.
* ** by companies with TSR listed as the source indicates that parts of the information displayed are restricted.
cap of the previous day would be used for calculation.
erm Investments) + minority shares. Refer to the above for the definition of Market Cap. LTM value of balance sheet items use the lates
on Expense (LTM) + goodwill (LTM). Operating Income (forecast) refers to the forecast for the current period disclosed by the company,
alue of balance sheet items use the latest LTM value available for calculation as of the given date. Note that for calculations based on da
current period disclosed by the company, or when chosen, forecasted values of the current and next periods are provided by Toyo Keiza
te. Note that for calculations based on data from Flash Earnings Report, some companies do not disclose balance sheet items.
next periods are provided by Toyo Keizai. N/A if the fiscal year period is less than 12 months, Enterprise Value is negative, or the comp
not disclose balance sheet items.
Enterprise Value is negative, or the company does not disclose Operating Income and Depreciation Expense necessary to calculate EB
ation Expense necessary to calculate EBITDA.