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Asian Social Science April, 2008
Consequently, the true understanding of mathematics as a natural exploratory endeavor has been overshadowed by
teachers’ concern with students working problems to get the correct answers. With the pressure to exhibit consistently
positive test data, elementary math students tend to rely more on memorization than on reasoning. This gap exposes an
inability for many math students to grasp basic operational concepts. In an effort to fill the gap, the researcher has
investigated the problem of how to engage the natural curiosity of young learners in the exploration of mathematical
concepts. Classroom teachers seldom take the time to survey research addressing instructional strategies for teaching
abstract mathematical concepts. However, in the process of pursuing a graduate degree, this researcher, who is also a
third-grade mathematics teacher, asked the following question. “What are the most effective ways to teach mathematics
to elementary school children?” A review of the literature supplied some answers to this question. The application of
these suggested research findings in an Alabama elementary school helped the math teachers improve instruction which
resulted in increased students’ understanding and appreciation for mathematical operations, and ultimately affected
students’ performance on chapter tests.
1. Literature Review
Among the many articles reviewed in this study, the researcher focused specifically on articles which suggested a
variety of practical instructional strategies for teaching mathematics to children in the elementary grades. Third grade
seems to be the most pivotal point in a student’s educational career. At this time a student either develops a comfort
with mathematics or loses the desire to succeed in the subject. The researcher chose the following articles based on their
practical suggestions for mathematical instruction.
Ediger (2001) proposes that teaching mathematics “. . . requires the securing of pupils’ attention, having pupils
understand what is taught, guiding pupils to perceive reasons for learning that which is stated in the objective, and
sequencing learning opportunities in the teaching of mathematics.” Wakefield (2001) gives three principles a teacher
should consider when teaching mathematics: “Encourage children to think, encourage children to think about thinking,
and encourage representations of thinking.”
Schorr and Koellner-Clark (2003) believe that while students may be allowed to engage the tactile mode with the use of
manipulatives, elementary math students do not necessarily make the intuitive leap allowing them to connect the
concrete items with the symbolic meaning of the objective process. These authors propose a multi-tiered program that
“. . . encourages teachers to reflect upon their own mathematical concepts and to discuss these with a group of peers
before planning a mathematics lesson.” This practice allows teachers to engage colleagues, some of whom are master
teachers, in exploring different ways of relating the mathematics objectives to the students in their school.
Ufuktepe and Ozel (2002) take Schorr and Koellner-Clark one step further. They suggest the integration of music and
drama with concrete manipulatives. Employment of music and drama with traditional mathematical instruction not only
reduced math anxiety but also improved student performance on unit tests.
Building mathematical concepts by making connections of abstract symbols to concrete materials with the use of
manipulatives, music, and drama are vital ways to engage tactile, auditory, and kinesthetic activity in learning.
Engaging as many of the five senses as possible helps make the abstract more concrete for the learner. But it is still
difficult for young math students “. . . to make connections between conceptual and procedural knowledge” (Yetkin,
2003). The language of mathematics is different from the verbal language of every day communication. Yetkin (2003)
points out that the written symbols of mathematics create confusion for many students. He suggests using number lines
in addition to manipulatives, in an effort to more concretely visualize the abstract symbol.
Furthermore, Yetkin emphasizes the importance of tapping into prior knowledge as a necessary building block for the
attainment of new knowledge. Mathematical processes are intricately linked; each new concept builds on a former
concept. Just as learning to read depends on a scaffolding process, so does the learning of the mathematical processes.
The learner hikes up each new step in the ladder by launching off from the firm footing of the wrung below. The
fledgling math student clings to concrete supports until those supports may be gradually relinquished as mastery takes
Baker, Gersten, and Lee (2003) offer suggestions for supportive activities. They recommend scaffolding components
which include “. . . providing teachers and students with data on student performance, using peers as tutors or
instructional guides, providing clear, specific feedback to parents on their children’s mathematics success, and using
principles of explicit instruction in teaching math concepts and procedures.”
Carey (1998) advocates consistent parent-teacher relationship as a key factor in achieving any educational objective.
Parents can reinforce mathematical concepts in many ways. From the spending of a weekly allowance to figuring the tip
at a restaurant, parents can engage their children in practical applications of mathematical concepts. Students are more
highly motivated and more personally excited about learning when their parents actively participate in the learning
process with them.
Vol. 4, No. 4 Asian Social Science
Although a variety of methods are essential to effectively reach all students, from at-risk to gifted, the teacher is the
primary decision maker in planning the specific combination of instructional strategies to accommodate the needs of
every learner (Little, 2003). The teacher holds the ultimate responsibility for planning an instructional program that
blends a variety of methods into the most appropriate mix for his/her classroom of diverse learners.
2. Summary of Literature Review
A summary of the review of the literature suggesting proven instructional techniques for teaching mathematics in the
elementary school includes the following.
Reflect on practice.
Consult with colleagues.
Sequence learning opportunities.
Model logical thinking processes and get students to think about their thinking.
Engage students in the use of manipulatives.
Integrate music and drama.
Help students visualize with the use of number lines.
Tap prior knowledge.
Offer scaffolding.
Set up peer tutoring.
Provide step-by-step explicit instruction.
Share student assessment results with all stakeholders.
Involve parents.
Take responsibility, as the ultimate decision maker in planning classroom instruction.
In an effort to apply the research findings into elementary classrooms, the researcher engaged in a mini-action-research
project. The school involved in the project was a K-5 school, with two classes of each grade level. Children in these
classrooms shared similar socioeconomic backgrounds with 97% on partial or free lunch. The population of the school
is 98% African American.
The action research was conducted in an Alabama elementary school which was under a state-mandated school
improvement program. This school fell below the margin of acceptability in benchmark scores required by the Alabama
Reading and Math Test (ARMT) and the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT).
3. Methods
The design of the study included three major components. First, all ten teachers in the school were asked to respond to a
questionnaire. Teachers were asked about instructional methods they employ for teaching math, and they were asked
about the difficulties they encountered while trying to achieve the Alabama Course of Study Objectives for their
respective grade levels, K-5. Figure 1 shows the results of the Teacher Methods Survey and Figure 2 shows the results
of the Problems in Teaching Mathematics. (See Figure 1)
Figure 1 indicates that the K-5 teachers surveyed were already using a variety of instructional strategies. Whole group
instruction and use of the textbook were used by all teachers in this elementary school. Intervention techniques were
used by all teachers except for one fifth-grade teacher. Manipulatives were more often employed with the children in
grades 1-3; whereas parental involvement was specifically used by third-and-fourth-grade teachers in this school. The
two fifth-grade classes were the only ones using computer software for math instruction. Computer software was used
the least, possibly due to the minimum amount of computer hardware and availability at the school. (See Figure 2)
Figure 2 indicates that the children in the lower grades had difficulty visualizing math concepts and they put forth little
effort in trying to learn it. Neglecting to do assignments, lack of discipline on the part of the students, and lack of
involvement by the parents appeared to be a trend in almost every grade.
The second component of the research design was that parents were asked to sign a permission slip allowing their
children to be part of the study where math teachers experimented with instructional strategies. They were also invited
to be part of the action research by personal involvement with their child’s math progress.
The third and major part of the study was the implementation of a variety of instructional strategies during the daily
math period. Math teachers in the study employed a variety of techniques to include (1) modeling logical thinking in the
use of intervention activities, (2) using manipulatives and number lines during whole-group instruction, (3) focusing on
explicit instruction with small-groups, (4) engaging students in partner learning and peer tutoring, (5) integrating music,
Asian Social Science April, 2008
videocassettes and computer software, (6) working problems from the textbook, and (7) involving the parents by
sending home the results of daily math quizzes and by requesting that the parent or guardian oversee math homework
4. Findings
The K-5 teachers participating in this study report that the concentrated use of the varied instructional strategies affected
the atmosphere of the classroom during math period. The students were more involved in math activities, especially
during partner learning and peer tutoring. The students enjoyed the music as well as the entertaining videocassette with
the mathematics objective as the subject of a story. Perhaps as a result of the audio, visual, and kinesthetic modes of
instruction, students actually appeared more attentive during direct instruction. Teachers reported that students whose
parents supervised their homework assignments performed better on daily quizzes. Carrying through with manipulatives
and number lines with the fourth-and-fifth graders helped them to grasp abstract concepts and become more accurate in
solving problems in the math textbook.
Figure 3 (below) shows the difference between the pre-and-posttest based on textbook chapter tests. ( See Figure 3)
Figure 3 shows pretest score results based on three chapter tests taken before the action research study. The post test
scores are the result of three chapter tests taken at the end of the three-week study. During this short study, a 27-point
increase was achieved between the pre-and posttest.
The results of this isolated action-research study tends to support the use of a variety of instructional strategies and tools
for teaching mathematics in grades K-5. Carefully-planned units that include manipulatives, explicit instruction, music,
narratives, small group, partner learning, peer tutoring, and parental involvement, from kindergarten through fifth grade,
definitely influence student interest, enjoyment, and ultimately, test scores.
Baker, S., Gersten, R., & Lee, D. (2003). A synthesis of empirical research on teaching mathematics to low-achieving
students. Elementary School Journal, 103(1), 51-73.
Carey, L. M. (1998). Parents as math partners: A successful urban story. Teaching Children Mathematics, 4(6), 314-19.
Caudle, R. (Producer), & Caudle, B. (Writer, Director). (2000). Rock ‘N Learn: Beginning Fractions & Decimals
[Motion Picture].United States: Big Kids Productions.
Ediger, M. (2001). Motivating pupils to learn in mathematics. (Report No. SE064507) (ERIC Document Reproducible
Service No. ED449038)
Little, M. E. (2003). Successfully teaching mathematics: Planning is the key. Educational Forum, 67(3), 276-282.
Schorr, R. Y. & Koellner-Clark, K. (2003). Using a modeling approach to analyze the ways in which teachers consider
new ways to teach mathematics. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 5(2-3), 191-210.
Ufuktepe, U., & Ozel, C. T. (2002). Avoiding mathematics trauma: Alternative teaching methods. (Journal No.
RIEFEB2004). Paper presented At the International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, Crete, Greece. (ERIC
Documents Reproduction Service No. ED477833)
Wakefield, A. P. (2001). Teaching young children to think about math. Principal, 80(5), 26-29.
Yetkin, E. (2003). Student difficulties in learning elementary mathematics. (Report No. SE068412). In ERIC Digests.
Ohio. (ERIC Documents Reproduction Service No. ED482727)
Vol. 4, No. 4 Asian Social Science
9 (5th)
8 (4th)
7 (4th)
6 (3rd)
5 (3rd)
4 (2nd)
3 (2nd)
2 (1st)
1 (1st)
Teacher Small Interven- Mani- Whole Partner Homework Computer Class work Other
Group tion, pulative Group Learning Family Software using
Teacher led Instruction Involvement Textbook
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Asian Social Science April, 2008
Test Results
80% 88%
60% 61%
Average Test Pretest Post Test
Figure 3.