School Charter 2018-2020 Including Strategic Plan and Annual Plan
School Charter 2018-2020 Including Strategic Plan and Annual Plan
School Charter 2018-2020 Including Strategic Plan and Annual Plan
Annual Plan
Strategic Plan
School Charter
teacher in a small
school is great. I’ve been at this
Hillside has school for 8 ½
encouraged me to go years and loved
out of my comfort it all the way.
zone. I feel more
than ready for high
This school has
This school has
prepared me for
made me
high school very
confident in
Our Vision
Pathway to the Future
What We Do At Hillside School( Mission Statement)
Our school provides an environment to encourage innovation, celebrate and respect
differences, promote excellence and a life- long love for learning. Encourage confidence in
children for them to grow as individuals in a happy , positive environment. Fostering good
communication with parents , staff and community.
Introductory Section
Who we are.
Hillside School Charter 2018-2020
Procedural Information – How we developed our charter and strategic plan .
Strategic Section
Strategic Goals and
Strategic Plan 2018 -2020
Annual Section
Achievement Targets For Reading , Writing and Mathematics
Annual Action Plan
Hillside Primary School Charter 2018-2020
The School’s Vision
Our school aims to provide an environment to encourage innovation, celebrate and respect differences, and promote excellence and a lifelong love for
learning. Encourage confidence in children for them to grow as individuals in a happy positive environment. Fostering good communication with parents,
staff, Board Of Trustees and community to instil pride in our school
Introduction Teachers will maximise learning by building on what students know and help them to
Who We Are make connections across learning areas and to relevant life experiences.
Hillside School is situated in Browns township 9 kms from Winton. The school serves mainly a
mixed farming community and families who are associated with related industries in the At Hillside School we recognise that teaching can be enhanced when there are positive interactions
Browns, Hokonui, Lora Gorge and Springhills area. We are a full primary with pupils from Yr 1 between the learner, the school and the home. In order to foster these interactions we will:
to Yr 8 situated in beautiful grounds with good tree shelter. It has an upgraded community Involve the students in setting and monitoring realistic learning goals
adventure playground. The school is strongly supported by the parents and community who Provide opportunities for children to become self-motivated and self-regulated learners
are committed in assisting the school to provide a well-balanced education for all students. Report meaningful and relevant information about student’s learning to parents,
We welcome students from outside our local area. The School roll ranges from 30 – 40 caregivers and BOT and provide guidance on how to support their child at home.
children. 79% of our students are of New Zealand European descent with 14% identifying with
Maori being their first ethnicity and the remaining 9% of Asian descent. There are no Pasifica The National Priorities
or other ethnicities within the school at present. Our small rural school enjoys the cultural 1. Success For All
diversity it has and the Principal, Staff and BOT are committed to provide a learning All students are given a range of learning opportunities and are expected to gain knowledge, skills
environment which promotes all cultures and ethnicity that makes up Hillside Primary School. attitudes and values as identified in the New Zealand Curriculum and National Curriculum
We also belong to a cluster of rural schools who participate in sporting and cultural activities. Statements. The School’s Curriculum Delivery documents outline procedures for effective planning
We have a well-established school garden which the students take responsibility for. The of programmes to facilitate the individual learning needs of all the students at Hillside School.
garden began from an inquiry 6 years ago and has continued with students planning for its We are committed to delivering learning programmes which meet different learning styles.
sustainability. Through the garden the children learn about environment issues, horticulture At Hillside we follow an inquiry approach to learning. We take a whole school approach to inquiry
and the financial responsibility of growing and selling their produce. learning. The decision to teach using an inquiry approach is based on the following.
Principles Children are powerful learners who must be actively engaged in their learning
High expectations, inclusion, Learning to Learn, innovation, community, coherence, future Children need to be forming their own questions and have time to explore the answers.
focus, cultural diversity, Treaty of Waitangi Inquiry learning encourages learners to make sense of their world instead of being told
Our focus is on preparing learners for life in a global and ever-changing world. simple answers
Our teaching begins with the belief that all students can learn and achieve and that teachers Inquiry learning has the potential to develop skills and competencies for lifelong learning
can make a difference for all students. eg. Independence, thinking skill, confidence, decision making, co-operative learning,
At Hillside School, we have high expectations for our students and share these expectations perseverance, flexibility.
with everyone involved in their learning. Through consultation with our community we All students are supported throughout the inquiry process in order for them to be fully
endeavour to provide teaching and learning programmes which reflect their priorities. engaged in all learning experiences.
We recognise the need to have highly effective teachers and support staff within our school The Board of Trustees and staff are committed to develop a planned approach to e-learning and
and a commitment to providing on-going professional development for them. digital citizenship. Starting in 2017 Hillside School has undertaken Professional Development in
Effective teaching and learning programmes at Hillside School will be based on the following digital technologies in order to provide creative and innovative ways to assist our students to
principles: become confident, connected, curious, citizens of our community and in a global context The Board
Teachers will use a range of evidence to identify students’ learning needs and plan meaningful of Trustees is consistently focused on providing a modern learning environment which is resourced
and relevant learning programmes which meet these needs to promote learning that is personalized, student centred engaging and connected to the real world.
Teachers will develop programmes that address the diverse range of learning needs and styles We are also part of a local cluster, supported by REAP which provides a GATE programme for
by using a range of instructional learning strategies students from Yr 1 – 8.Through REAP Hillside students have taken part in enrichment programmes
Teachers will create a supportive, inclusive and stimulating learning environment where which include Science, Maths, Writing, Leadership and Robotics. In 2018 Hillside School will be a
children are encouraged to take risks in their learning. pilot school for REAP’s Robotics in the Classroom programme.
At Hillside School we aim for success in learning for those with special education needs by 6. Reporting
ensuring they are identified and receive appropriate support. We aim to provide programmes Reporting will include reporting on individual and group achievement as well as the progress of
which enable those with special education needs and abilities to reach their full potential. students identified in the National education priorities. Reporting procedures are annually reviewed
Transition between classes, schools and pre-school options are managed through the recording to assess their effectiveness as part of the self-review plan. We will be reporting to students,
and sharing of information. At Hillside School we run pre-school afternoons each term for pre- parents and BOT on students’ progress and achievement in relation to the National Standards twice
schoolers from the age of 4 and accompanied by a parent. This enables child and parent to a year and all other curriculum subjects over a 2 year cycle
familiarise themselves with school routines. In addition to these preschool afternoons N.E 7. Improving Maori Outcomes – Maori Achievement
children will be offered at least 2 ½ days of schooling to make the transition to school a smooth Appropriate Maori consultation will take place to plan and set targets for Maori as outlined in
process. Educational support materials are also supplied to those pre-school families to School Policy. Te Reo and Tikanga Maori are taught explicitly on a regular basis and integrated into
enhance the transition at the start of their schooling. Being a small school we encourage termly inquiries for all students. All reasonable steps will be taken to provide instruction in Te Reo
activities that promote transition and the sharing of learning between the classes. These Maori for those parents who ask for it. We will achieve this by:
activities include speeches, science fair, inquiry sessions, buddy reading, gardening and science
afternoons. We are proud of the way we work together and the way this approach promotes Consulting with the Maori community every 2 years.
learning and well-being for all our students. Continuing to deliver programmes and inquiries that integrate te reo Maori and tikanga
2. A Safe Learning Environment Maori into their content. At Hillside School te reo Maori and tikanga Maori are given
The Board Of Trustees and Staff are committed to providing a safe physical and emotional explicit focus on a regular basis in order to demonstrate the unique position of Maori
environment for all students. Health and Safety policies and procedures are regularly reviewed culture.
to ensure all aspects of the school’s physical and emotional environment are attended to. Our Providing Professional Development for staff in Tikanga Maori / Te Reo Maori if required
community is consulted every two years about the Health syllabus. Priorities and concerns are Following consultations, plans are developed which sets out targets for improving
identified and the school’s Health syllabus is amended accordingly. outcomes for Maori students.
3. National Standards / Improving Outcomes For Students at Risk The School reports and reviews the achievement of its Maori students in relation to
Using a range of assessment tools and the National Standards statements we identify those targets and National Standards as scheduled in its strategic plan.
students who are not achieving or are at risk of not achieving. Programmes and strategies for All students take part in Kapa Haka and the School participates in the Murihiku Polynesian
assisting these students are put in place. These programmes may include individual Festival every year.
programmes, specialized teaching, group tuition and parent liaison. Hillside School aims to implement programmes of learning that include reference to New Zealand’s
We regularly review all assessment procedures and the staff undertake professional unique cultural diversity including knowing about our past heritage.
development in new assessment initiatives. Improvement targets are identified each year Programmes and inquiries are often chosen to:
based on assessment information collected. Targeted groups of students are monitored Identify with local and regional history
throughout the year in relation to their progress towards the identified target.
Observe and reflect on National days such as Waitangi Day and ANZAC Day.
4. Improving Literacy and Numeracy
Identify local issues of importance and concern.
Hillside School places a high priority on improving student achievement in literacy and
Integrate the five principles of Ka Hikitia which are:
numeracy, especially in years 1 – 4 and throughout the school. Procedures for identifying those
Treaty of Waitangi
students who are at risk of underachieving in literacy and numeracy are in place. During 2016
Maori potential approach
to 2018 we will be targeting the areas of Reading, Writing and Numeracy and ensuring that the
objectives of the National Standards are included in the School’s literacy and numeracy Ako – a two way learning and teaching process
programmes. We will be reviewing the Reading, Writing and Mathematics programmes in order Identity, language and culture count
to ensure they reflect the intention of the National Curriculum and the needs of our students. Productive partnership
5. Effective use of Student Assessment
The School’s assessment policy outlines the assessment process for all students. It is designed 8. Values
to meet the needs of NAG 1 (i :ii) and NAG 2A on the basis of good quality assessment At Hillside School exploration and understanding of values will be an integral part of the interactions
information which identifies students and groups of students who: that occur within our classrooms.
are not achieving Students will be encouraged to explore values and the links between beliefs, values, attitudes and
are at risk of not achieving behaviour.
have special needs and identify aspects of the curriculum, which require particular attention Each year we focus on one main value which is given extra attention throughout the year. This value
Teachers’ gather sufficient data in order to is also a focus in each inquiry and links the inquiries together.
know the extent of student achievement
determine further learning needs, and
Through their learning experiences, students will learn about:
evaluate the effectiveness of both teaching and learning activities
What they and others value Throughout each inquiry the students are encouraged to reflect on how they have used the key
The different things we can value such as attitudes, behaviours, concepts, people, competencies across the curriculum.
relationships and objects. To assist in planning for the key competencies, Teachers identify how the key competencies will be
The things that are valued by New Zealand’s culture, institutions and groups encouraged through specific learning activities
What other groups and cultures value.
Through their learning experiences, we will support and facilitate our students to develop their The key competencies are usually used in combination and are an integral part of everyday learning
ability to: experiences for the children.
Identify and express what they value Teachers assist the students to understand what the key competencies mean and clarify the
Explore, with empathy, what others value conditions that will help the competencies to develop. Teacher guidance and feedback assist
Critically analyse what people value and the resultant actions students to develop and self-monitor their performance in relation to suitable criteria.
Discuss disagreements that arise from differences in what people value and negotiate At the end of each inquiry the students are encouraged to reflect on how they have used the key
solutions competencies across the curriculum.
Make ethical decisions and act on them ensuring their behaviours and actions have To assist in planning for the key competencies, Teachers identify how the key competencies will be
integrity in terms of what they value encouraged through specific learning activities.
Recognising that this list is neither exclusive nor exhaustive ….
Students will be encouraged to value: 10. Health and Nutrition
Hillside School is committed to promoting healthy food and nutrition for all learning programmes
Excellence by aiming high and by persevering in the face of difficulties
and practice.
Integrity, which involves being honest, responsible, accountable and acting ethically
Curiosity, a driving force of learning
11. Physical Activity
Questioning, an attitude and skill central to learning and thinking
The Staff are committed to providing regular quality physical activity for all students. At Hillside
Innovation, inquiry, and curiosity, by thinking critically, creatively and reflectively Primary School we encourage all our students to take part in sporting activities and regularly use
Diversity, as found in our different cultures, languages and heritages visiting experts for a range of sports and skills. We belong to the Central Southland Sports cluster. As
Equity, through fairness and social justice part of this cluster we participate in athletics, cross country, touch rugby, basketball, soccer and a
Community and participation for the common good Central Tournament which provides all students from years 4-8 an opportunity to take part in a
Ecological sustainability which includes care for the environment and to Respect variety of sports.
themselves, others, human rights and the natural environment in which we live and
interact. 12. Learning Languages
At Hillside Primary School each year there is an overarching value which links each Term’s Language and culture play a key role in shaping our personal, group, national and human identities.
inquiry. Over 8 years we have focused on Community and Participation, Environmental All languages are to be treasured.
Sustainability, Innovation, Respect, Integrity, Excellence, Cultural Diversity and Equity. At Hillside Primary School, we believe that by learning an additional language and its
related culture students come to appreciate that languages and cultures are systems, which are
In addition to this approach, each week at assembly we discuss with children ideas about the organised and used in particular ways to achieve meaning.
values that will be at the forefront of their thinking that week.
9. Key Competencies
The Key Competencies are “both end and means” (P 38 NZ Curriculum)
They are:
Using language, symbols and texts
Managing self
Relating to others
Participating and contributing
At Hillside School the key competencies underpin the learning areas. The curriculum and
learning programmes at Hillside School provide challenging opportunities for students to use
and develop the competencies in a range of complex and unfamiliar situations. Guidance and
feedback assist students to develop and self-monitor their performance in relation to suitable
Procedural Information
Formulation of Charter and Strategic Plan for 2018-2020
The Board and staff undertook robust discussions on the best way to
update our charter and strategic plan. This is still a process we are
working on and will continue charter and strategic plan development
throughout 2018. During 2017 we consulted with outside agencies in
order to assist us with charter and strategic plan development.
Strategic goals have been refined and streamlined to become
increasingly more focused on outcomes.
Consultation- We have consulted with:
1. Parents about curriculum areas and what they considered we did
well and what we could improve on. This feedback was analysed
by the BOT and teaching staff and has assisted in the formulation
of goals and development of curriculum areas.
2. Students about emotional safety and curriculum focuses for
2018.This feedback was analysed but teaching staff and has been
used to create curriculum programmes for 2018.
3. Ex –students about transition to high school and what they
considered we could do better to prepare them for high school.
This feedback has been analysed by the BOT and staff and we were
confident that ex- student suggestions either have already been
actioned or are in our development plans.
During Terms 2 and 4 assessment information was collected and this
was used to assist with reporting to the Board of Trustees and
parents. Teaching staff work together to analyse assessment
information and plan next steps for individuals and whole school. This
information is used to identify strengths and weaknesses in
curriculum areas. The strategic plan and annual plan are reviewed at
each BOT meeting.
Strategic Goals
To achieve this all staff and BOT members will undertake the necessary development and training. The staff and BOT will ensure the school
is organized and resourced for modern learning styles.
Strategic Planning and Self Review Strategic direction for the Hillside School through the Charter, policies ,
consultation and Self –Review.
Property and Finance A safe, modern learning environment which is resourced to promote
learning that is personalized ,student centred, engaging and connected to
the real world.
Health and Safety A safe ,healthy physical and emotional environment for students, staff and
our community.
Maori Education Policies and practices that reflect the new Zealand’s cultural diversity and
the unique position of Maori. The aim of Hillside School is to give Maori
students the opportunity to know success as Maori.
Strategic Goal 2 Quality of Education /Leadership and Assessment / self Review
As a school to ensure our vision, values, goals and priorities for equity and excellence are continually being developed and sustained
through effective planning and self-review.
1.3 Begin to integrate new digital technologies 1.3 Continue to integrate new Digital
curriculum with Technology programme. Technologies curriculum into classroom
Analysis of Variance- 2018
Actual Outcomes Reasons for Variance Further Development
Strategic Goal 2 Quality of Education /Leadership and Assessment / self Review
As a school to ensure our vision, values, goals and priorities for equity and excellence are continually being developed and sustained
through effective planning and self-review.
3.3 To develop new IT action/ development 3.3 Review to ensure we are on track to meet 3.3
plans which reflect the changes made to needs of digital fluency throughout the school.
Review to ensure we are on track to meet needs
curriculum delivery with a particular focus on
Also , ensure needs of year 8 students are met . of digital fluency throughout the school.
digital fluency – with special focus on providing
opportunity , capability and engagement. Also , ensure needs of year 8 students are met.
We will be also paying attention to the results of
consultation with parents and ex –students
(especially in relation to transition to high school)
Analysis of Variance-2018
Actual Outcomes Reasons for Variance Further Development
Supporting Documentation
To support us in improving student To support us in developing good management To support us in fostering positive community
achievement: practices and effective organizational systems partnerships
Strategic Aim: For all students to be able to access the New Annual Reading Goals
For all students to achieve at the National Standard for their end of year
Zealand Curriculum as evidenced by progress across the level
curriculum and in relation to National Standards. For all students at the 6yr observation survey to be reading at the Green
After 2 years at School to be a Purple level
After 3 years to be reading beyond Gold
From Year 4-8 students are expected to be reading at or beyond their age
appropriate level based on the Probe Comprehension assessment
For students from Yr4-8 to achieve at least the average NZ mean for their
age as measured by e-asTTle assessment
Ongoing monitoring of
targeted students’ progress
by use of a variety of
assessment tools.
Classroom teachers will
discuss progress/ support
and ways to support at
home with parents
,caregivers and whanau
All targeted students will
receive individual support if
identified as an appropriate
course action.
Target 2
PACT – Reading
For those students who are close to
achieving “above” the National Standard Assessment data for aspects
targeted students will be PAT comprehension
to make progress to move them from “at”
collected and learning Running Records
to above.
needs required to move Probe Comprehension
students from at to above. assessments
Oral Language PLD
Digital Technologies
programmes/support will
be developed and put in
Literacy progressions
National Standards
Assessment information will
guide the reviewing of support
Classroom teachers
with parents,
caregivers and whanau
ways to support
students at home.
Teachers are
able to identify the
needs of students and
either plan individual
programmes or
precise teaching
within the class
Classroom teachers.
Analysis of Variance- 2018
Actual Outcomes Reasons for Variance Further Development
Annual Achievement Targets
Actions To Achieve Goals Timeframe Monitoring and Progress Led by Resources and
Indicators Professional
Annual Goals For All Students Conferencing with Class teachers Sheena Cameron
students. resources.
Focus on editing Throughout the year PACT –mid-year and Teachers to attend
procedures and end of year Sheena Cameron
develop processes for assessments. workshop.
each class, using Possible visits to other
Sheena Cameron’s schools to see how
resources. SMART Tvs /
Pre-school afternoon technology is used to
to include support writing
pencil/crayon skills. programmes.
Continue to use At each pre-school
SMART TVs for afternoon assess
editing and shared progress. Discuss with
writing. parents ways to Mary Haworth
Continue to use PACT practise these skill.
writing aspects for Throughout the year
assisting with
planning. PD on PACT if
Plan for large number available.
of year 4 students Teachers to become
transitioning into more familiar with
Room 1. Continue to PACT aspects and can
develop buddy system spontaneously know
within class. what aspect are being
addressed in writing
Continue to use older
student and ex – Throughout the year sessions. Mrs Shaw
student’s writing to Teacher to observe
provide good models how the buddy system
and show the purpose is working.
of writing and that PACT and Learning
writing is valued and Progressions will help
enjoyed by others. to monitor quality of
Continue with guided writing.
writing to provide
scaffolding for
students who need it.
Continue to provide
rich and authentic
purposes for writing.
Continue with writing
for inquiry learning
and the rich
opportunities it
Extend use of online
opportunities for
Extend ways to share
students’ writing.
For Improvement Targets Actions Monitoring and Progress Led By Resources and
Indicators/ Timeframe Professional
Analyse assessment data and Assessment Class teachers PACT – Writing
determine needs of identified information will be aspects
student collected at regular Literacy Progressions
Develop classroom intervals National standards
Target 1 programmes which will PACT assessments Examplars
assess the meeting of will show progress
For all students who are learning needs of identified and indicate aspects of
“below” the National Standard student writing progress that Oral Language PLD
to make progress to move Individual support provided needs attention. Mid – Digital Technologies
them to “at” the National Ongoing monitoring using a year and end of year. PLD
Standard. variety of assessment tools Teacher Aides
including PACT.
Analyse mid-year and end of
year data to inform progress
and to plan for next steps
Teachers will be participating
in a range of professional
Teacher Aide will be
working with new entrants
Target 2 and targeted students
Assessment Tools: SEA, PACT, Gloss, I KAN, JAM, PAT Mathematics Improvement Targets
Baseline Data: At the end of 2017 assessment in Mathematics showed: Mathematics Goal
Students achieving at expected standard 21 For all students who are achieving “below” the national Standard in Mathematics
Students achieving above expected standard 14 to make progress to move them to “at” the National Standard.
Students achieving below expected standard 2
Students achieving well below 0
expected standard
For Improvement Targets Actions Monitoring and progress Resources and Professional
indicators/ Timeframe Development
Target: Analyse assessment data to Monitor progress after each PD opportunities where
determine needs Maths area has been completed appropriate.
For all students who are achieving Individual programmes to be by assessment . Teacher Aide support.
“below” the national Standard in developed , PACT will highlight areas that PACT
Mathematics to make progress to move Support to be provided e.g Teacher need attention and also will .
them to “at” the National Standard. Aide outline next steps learning.
Review programmes and make Mid- year and end of year
changes where appropriate. assessment
Discuss with parents, caregivers and Teachers to report to families
Whanau ways to support students at about student progress at
home parent/teacher
Assessment data will be collected interviews(March and August)
mid-year and at the end of the year, and in written report(July and
analysed and used for reporting and December)
planning next steps PD opportunities
will be arranged for all Staff.
Analysis of Variance -2018
Actual Outcomes Reasons for Variance Further Development
Annual Plan 2018(Business as usual completes the legal requirements within NAGS and NEGS)
Strategic Goal 1
Teaching and Learning
For all students to be able to achieve and progress in their learning as evidenced by assessment and evaluations in relation to the New
Zealand Curriculum, National Standards and other identified school and community priorities.
To achieve this all staff and BOT members will undertake the necessary development and training. The staff and BOT will ensure the school
is organized and resourced for modern learning styles.
Complete a deep, roust
curriculum review of:
PE and Health Carry out a SWOT Teaching Staff The SWOT analysis
programmes for analysis. Teaching staff will confirm the
all year groups, Develop action plans. areas we are
ensuring there is Incorporate ideas from succeeding in and
consistent parental and student also identify areas of
coverage and surveys. weakness and
assessment. Monitor action plans opportunities which
termly. will form actions for
Research PD the action plan.
opportunities Action plan will be
monitored termly
and reviewed
accordingly and new
Teaching staff initiatives and
Principal and actions will be
teaching staff. added as required.
PE and Health
programmes will
benefit from PD
More sporting
opportunities for all
Maori language Carry out a SWOT Teaching staff The SWOT analysis
and culture analysis. will confirm the
programmes Incorporate ideas from areas we are
delivered across Maori consultation. succeeding in and
the school in Develop an action plan. also identify areas of
order to ensure Monitor action plans weakness and
they reflect termly. opportunities which
Maori tikanga
and promotes
Research PD will form actions for
opportunities for staff the action plan.
Maori Teaching staff Action plan will be
and expertise
opportunities for Principal and monitored termly
students. teaching staff. and reviewed
accordingly and new
initiatives and
actions will be
added as required.
Staff set goals that
2.2 Continue with PLD in Carry out appraisal PLD provided by
Ministry. focus on the grow
digital technologies in order process for all staff
to consolidate and extend
model and that are
and set goals that
good practice. measurable and
consolidate the good
practice that is
evident at Hillside
2.3 Through the appraisal and is shown through
and self- review process use achievement
ERO recommendations and information. All staff
indicators to review Continue to use ERO Principal to
teaching as inquiry to recommendations
accelerate student undertake staff
from previous review appraisals.
achievement and further and ERO indicators Independent
develop student leadership. as a form of internal appraiser to
review. undertake
Continue to Principal appraisal.
formalize processes
to further develop
student voice and
Analysis of Variance
Actual Outcomes Reasons for Variance Further Development
Annual Plan 2018(Business as usual completes the legal requirements within NAGS and NEGS)
Strategic Goal 3
Finance and Property
To provide a safe, modern learning environment which is resourced to promote learning that is personalized , student
centred, engaging and connected to the real world.
3.1 Continue working with BOT and staff. Plans for development
To continue
KGR Design to make of administration area
investigation into decisions on changes to will be agreed on and
developing the administration area and an action plan will be
administration area learning spaces. developed.
and develop modern Develop an action plan
learning spaces which outlines the
throughout the school. organization for preparing
the school for the
alterations ensuring the BOT and staff
continuation of the smooth
running of the school.
3.2 To continue Develop an action plan for BOT, staff and Action plan will be
investigation into the development of the Home and completed with
developing the new responsibilities and a
hall area School timeframe agreed upon.
hall area.
3.3 To develop new Develop action plans. Staff, BOT. Action plan will be
IT action/ developed and new
equipment will facilitate the
development plans development of digital
which reflect the fluency for all students.
changes made to
curriculum delivery
with a particular
focus on digital
fluency – with
special focus on
opportunity ,
capability and
We will be also
paying attention to
the results of
consultation with
parents and ex –
students (especially
in relation to
transition to high
Analysis of Variance
Actual Outcomes Reasons for Variance Further Development