This document contains a log of feedback submissions over time with associated timestamps, names, and comments. There are over 200 entries in the log from November 2009 to January 2010. The feedback covers a wide range of topics from simple test messages to longer comments on projects and websites. Many entries also include URLs or contact information.
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This document contains a log of feedback submissions over time with associated timestamps, names, and comments. There are over 200 entries in the log from November 2009 to January 2010. The feedback covers a wide range of topics from simple test messages to longer comments on projects and websites. Many entries also include URLs or contact information.
This document contains a log of feedback submissions over time with associated timestamps, names, and comments. There are over 200 entries in the log from November 2009 to January 2010. The feedback covers a wide range of topics from simple test messages to longer comments on projects and websites. Many entries also include URLs or contact information.
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This document contains a log of feedback submissions over time with associated timestamps, names, and comments. There are over 200 entries in the log from November 2009 to January 2010. The feedback covers a wide range of topics from simple test messages to longer comments on projects and websites. Many entries also include URLs or contact information.
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Timestamp Name Feedback
11/5/2009 17:11:27 test test 11/5/2009 17:13:50 test1 test1 ndex.jsp? ### mmm raaa inviteId=3075119 11/16/2009 6:20:09 cvbhcvhb fhfghfdh 11/16/2009 7:36:55 oupijh[psdfuh kj;l 11/16/2009 7:37:02 asdasd ndex.jsp? saDazsd 11/16/2009 9:11:49 Donald inviteId=abhi_uno test 11/17/2009 2:28:41 briain feedback example 11/17/2009 2:55:44 Pieter This is it ndex.jsp? 11/17/2009 4:26:32 rw Rwr inviteId=923691015 11/17/2009 5:27:15 dsfagyadfh adfgdfgdfg 3 11/17/2009 5:42:54 Abhishek Pandey 11/17/2009 6:23:13 Scott Shetler I like this site Feedback de 11/17/2009 6:25:23 saul shiraishi ejemplo 11/17/2009 8:07:35 luca hello 11/17/2009 8:26:17 test tesst ### testings this is a test for u ### testings testimgs yessi ### anthony hello there ### test Hallo I am impressed so ### test js;fgh far. We will see as ### Antônio Lopes oi the project goes ### John Nye along. ### Douglas teste ### test name Sayed Mohamed test feedback 20900255@Student 11/18/2009 3:43:31 Maki Naser 11/18/2009 4:32:12 amponvizhi Testing 11/18/2009 9:22:39 asdfasdf asdfasdfas ### Thoma s';alsd ### aaa aaa ### Jeff Widholm cell: 317.250.8652 ### Anthony Hello there Anto 11/19/2009 2:53:29 doy testiranje forma 11/19/2009 2:56:11 doy testiranje 11/19/2009 4:48:37 Amber Johnson I love the site! Comment if you 11/19/2009 6:17:36 NONE want but no names 11/19/2009 8:36:42 Arijit Hi how are you? 11/19/2009 9:36:13 tyler boom ### raj test ### dfhgdgh gdhghg ### tesr dsg 11/20/2009 4:41:31 Troy Test of feedback. ### Xingchen Su Good ### test this is a test ### rerer erererere ffeeedddbbbaaccck оооооооооооооооо ### jlasdfk kk ### Пишу вот же и прробую 11/23/2009 7:04:10 gv vv 11/24/2009 3:26:44 Abdul abcd ### f fStill waiting for ### Joko Sarwono UT/TUare There proposal. some ### terry fdjslakfd dates, meeting 11/25/2009 7:08:59 Alejandro please contact me. if you have any questions please contact Altug Gurer at [email protected] 11/25/2009 8:27:18 aa aa rg. 11/25/2009 8:54:08 Altug Gurer 11/26/2009 2:47:45 Dr. James 949-273-2006 11/27/2009 2:26:48 cv dfg 11/28/2009 1:58:34 pradeep boy ### salam salamualaikum ### Tony Nguyen testing The new feedback support ### marcia supplyer is defined. 11/30/2009 0:16:26 asda asdasd TEST TEST TEST 11/30/2009 3:51:38 dd ddd DOES THIS 12/1/2009 0:59:39 test test REALLY GET 12/1/2009 8:38:04 test test COPIED INTO 12/1/2009 15:05:39 TEST EACH ONE? 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WEBSITE(RUSS) de la Ciénega 12/5/2009 19:44:14 Valencia-Botín Ocotlán i hope this Jalisco is not 12/6/2009 16:32:03 really public i hope this is not 12/6/2009 18:40:55 really public i hope this is not 12/6/2009 18:40:59 really public 12/7/2009 10:18:40 Rob test 12/7/2009 16:13:43 ojoj l,mn,m 12/8/2009 16:13:00 nikolay inqma am trning officer of da idvam puppets how at 12/9/2009 6:09:51 testing 1. 2.to3.see if this is Test laore 12/9/2009 6:28:22 Fernando copied over. 12/9/2009 10:35:25 Bob Jones Bob's i have feedback. 4 year ### Robert Aliota Good work of experiance 12/13/2009 8:41:57 yaqub khan puppet show ### mahmoud d ### The Name The Feedback ### ppp ppp 12/15/2009 4:52:48 test teset ### test lehg ### test test ### Rick Hohenstein Test ### test tulalit sir, how to insert ### Test Test this SUBMIT format ### tal jfjf nemam into sta site google da 12/24/2009 7:26:31 mihailo kazem pages? 12/27/2009 5:58:31 dennis Thank you. 12/28/2009 9:36:08 abc abc ### test test oseijas@innovabiz. 12/29/2009 9:45:27 Oscar Seijas net oseijas@innovabiz. ### Oscar Seijas net goulartdonizeti@ig. ### josé donizeti goulart goulartdonizeti@ig. olá gostaria de ### josé donizeti goulart [email protected] com.brse isto saber 1/1/2010 18:16:42 om funciona 1/1/2010 19:03:15 陳錦輝 好嗎? 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