INSHPO Capability Framework
INSHPO Capability Framework
INSHPO Capability Framework
OHS Professional
OHS Practitioner
November 2016
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Acknowledgements....................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 INSHPO .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Definition of “Capability” .............................................................................................................. 6
1.3 The OHS Professional Capability Framework – An overview ........................................................ 7
2 Clarifying OHS roles............................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 OHS Professional and OHS Practitioner ...................................................................................... 10
2.1.1 The OHS Professional .......................................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 The OHS Practitioner........................................................................................................... 12
2.2 Scope of practice in the context of other professionals and specialists ..................................... 13
2.3 OHS and other functional roles................................................................................................... 14
2.4 OHS roles in organizations of different OHS maturity ...................................................................... 14
3 Position profiles .................................................................................................................................. 15
4 Activities .............................................................................................................................................. 22
4.1 Activities ...................................................................................................................................... 24
5 Knowledge........................................................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Knowledge matrix ....................................................................................................................... 33
6 Skills..................................................................................................................................................... 39
6.1 Skills matrix ................................................................................................................................. 40
7 Hazard types managed ....................................................................................................................... 48
Appendix: OHS roles and cultural maturity ................................................................................................ 51
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The Board of Directors of the International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organisations
(INSHPO) initiated the development of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Capability Framework.
With the editorial support of Laura Clements at the American Society of Safety Engineers and research
support from Bradley Turner, the Framework was developed by a small working party consisting of:
Pam Pryor, Registrar of the Australian OHS Education Accreditation Board (AOHSEAB)
Andrew Hale, Professor Emeritus, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands and Chair of
HASTAM in the UK
Dennis Hudson, CEO, American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
The INSHPO Board of Directors supported the development of the Framework by providing
documentation, access to national experts and critical reviews of the emerging results. They provided
these reviews by seeking comments from their respective member organizations. Thanks are due to the
following past and present Board members and supporters:
The working party collected and reviewed the documentation from national professional associations
and certification bodies, including that already analyzed by ENSHPO in the EUSafe project,1 to define the
role, functions and competencies of OHS practitioners and professionals. Given the great diversity of
1 See
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approaches across countries, the working party developed a new overarching structure designed to
encompass all approaches.
The draft framework document was subject to critical review, both through INSHPO’s own channels and
at international conferences and presentations, including the XX World Congress on Safety and Health at
Work 2014 in Frankfurt and the 7th International Conference of the Working on Safety Network
(wosnet2014) in Scotland. The framework has been further enhanced through a collaborative project
with the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) on OHS capability in the mining and metals
industry. Dr. David Borys, adjunct associate professor at RMIT University, Australia was a member of the
working group on the mining project and has made a significant contribution to the capability
framework overall.
The working party first developed two parallel frameworks, one for the OHS Professional2 and one for
the OHS Practitioner. On the advice of the reviewers, the two roles have been compared and presented
in this single document, with this final version being endorsed by the INSHPO Board of Directors.
INSHPO (International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organisations. (2016). The
Occupational Health and Safety Professional Capability Framework: A global framework for practice.
International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organisations (INSHPO). Park Ridge, IL, USA.
While the term “Occupational Health and Safety” or “OHS” is used in this document, it should be
considered interchangeable with “Occupational Safety and Health” (OSH) or “Work Health and Safety”
2First published online in October 2015. The single framework document is superseded by this document, which addresses
both Professional and Practitioner descriptions.
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1 Introduction
The International Network of Safety and Health Practitioner Organisations (INSHPO) is the global voice
for the occupational health and safety (OHS) profession. INSHPO provides an international forum for
engagement on OHS-related matters and for advancing the OHS profession through the exchange of
evidence-based practices and the development of a harmonized framework for the profession. Its
member organizations include OHS professional bodies from the United States, Canada, the United
Kingdom, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, the Russian Federation, Singapore and Korea.
INSHPO has recognized the need for a global framework for practice of OHS Professionals. In addition to
this project, which defines the roles, knowledge and skills for both vocationally and university-educated
(or other higher education) OHS personnel, related projects by INSHPO include:3
The relationship of these different projects is shown in Figure 1, which integrates them into a global
framework for practice.
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Figure 1: A Global Framework for Practice
While many may use “competency” to describe the nature of a professional framework, this document
adopts a different approach in using the term “capability.” In developing this framework, INSHPO
considered that while it is vital for both OHS Professionals and OHS Practitioners to be competent,
effective and influential, OHS personnel must go beyond competence to capability.
“Competence” has been defined as the ability to transfer and apply knowledge and skills to new
situations and environments, consistently applying knowledge and skills to a standard of performance
required in the workplace.4 In comparison, “capability” is:
4 Naidu, R., Stanwick, J., & Fraser, K. (2013). Glossary of VET. Adelaide: NCVER.
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The applied theoretical knowledge that underpins practice in occupations and professions and
also the industry-specific knowledge and skills that transcend particular workplaces and the tacit
knowledge of the workplace.5
The difference between competency and capability is that competency is about delivering the present
based on the past, while capability is about imagining and being able to realize the future.6 Competency
is a necessary part of capability,7 but capability goes much further. Capability is about confidence and
adaptability as well as the development and effective use of knowledge and skills in complex and
changing circumstances, including those that may not have been previously experienced.
Capable people have knowledge, skills, self-esteem and values that make them confident in their ability
as individuals and in association with others in a diverse and changing society8 to:
take effective and appropriate action
explain what they are about
live and work effectively with others and
continue to learn from their experience
Thus, while competence is essential for OHS practice, the concept of capability provides a further
dimension that expands our understanding of the required knowledge and skills and how these should
be applied as part of positioning the OHS profession and OHS Professionals and Practitioners for the
facilitate a shared understanding of the difference in roles of the OHS Professional and the OHS
position the OHS Professional as a key advisor, strategist and leader in fully integrating the
management of OHS risk into sustainable business practice
position the OHS Practitioner as a skilled implementer of OHS activities and an effective OHS
supporter and communicator at the site level
5 Wheelahan, L., & Moodie, G. (2011). Rethinking skills in Vocational Education and Training [Electronic Version], from
6 Stephenson, quoted in Lewis, J. (2009). Introducing the ACEL leadership capability framework. Curriculum and Leadership
Journal, 7(16).
7 Hase, G., & Davis, L. (1999). From competence to capability: the implications for human resource development and
management. Paper presented at the Millennial challenges in management, education, cyber-technology and leadership:
Association of International Management, 17th Annual Conference San Diego.
8 Stephenson, J. (1992). Capability and quality in Higher Education In J. Stephenson & S. Weil (Eds.), Quality in Learning. Kogan
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OHS professional associations and related certification bodies: to inform their certification and
other assessment processes.
OHS Professionals and OHS Practitioners (subsequently, collectively referred to as “OHS
specialists”): to act as a reference and basis for gap analysis in relation to their professional
practice and career development, to aid the development of continuing professional
development plans and to assist in promoting the OHS Professional and OHS Practitioner roles in
relation to each other.
OHS educators: to use while developing and reviewing OHS education programs.
Employers and recruiters: to assist in developing position descriptions for OHS roles, in
recruiting OHS personnel and in performance evaluation as a basis for professional
OHS regulators: to aid in understanding the range of OHS specialist roles in order to clarify the
requirements for certification/registration/licensing of OHS specialists as well as to inform the
professional development of government and other regulatory inspectors.
The community: to assist in creating a better understanding of the scope of OHS specialist roles.
The framework promotes a high standard of capability for OHS specialists and in turn informs employers
and regulators as to the differential capabilities of OHS Practitioners and OHS Professionals. The sections
on knowledge and skills provide benchmarks for education and training bodies and OHS professional
associations in developing the detail of certification schemes, educational programs and continuing
professional development. It is recognized that differences will exist in terminology and emphasis across
different countries depending on history, legal and regulatory frameworks and industry mix. This
framework gives generic guidance, which may need to be adapted and developed in more detail by each
country to account for such differences.
The framework was developed by comparing documents provided by OHS professional bodies and OHS
certification bodies for European Union countries (particularly the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and
those included in the EUSafe project), the United States, Canada, Australia, Singapore and the Russian
Federation. Variation in the structure and underlying organizing principles of these documents lent itself
to the creation of a new structure drawing on each country’s strengths. This structure describes the
activities of OHS Professionals and OHS Practitioners at a generic level that allows for variations in
national regulations, histories and cultures as they pertain to OHS practice.
The document begins by clarifying the roles of the OHS Professional and of the OHS Practitioner and the
context in which they work. It provides position profiles that set the roles in an organizational context
and highlight gradations across the roles. It then indicates that these gradations are partly related to
differences in the maturity of the OHS management system in the employing organizations. Finally, it
details the activities, knowledge, skills and hazards that the OHS Professional and OHS Practitioner may
be expected to advise on and help manage.
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To facilitate use of the Framework, guidelines and online tools have been developed to support the
various target audiences in applying the Framework for their particular purpose and context.9
The OHS Professional’s role should be reconceptualized as a continuous improvement expert, or “value
engineer” as opposed to the current conceptualization of the role as just a problem solver or enforcer.
The role needs to be that of a safety engineer who truly understands work processes as a system and
offers solutions to improve the system of work before anything goes wrong or an actual injury or
damage is identified. A further benefit of this approach is the potential to break down barriers (silos)
between safety and operations. Safety can be integrated into business operations where OHS specialists
work alongside workers, supervisors and managers with the shared purpose of continually improving
work processes. As a result, OHS specialists can demonstrate their value to the organization.10 11
Concomitant with the changing role, soft skills, including coaching and the ability to work with
organizations at different levels of cultural maturity, are appearing as skills in demand for OHS
Professionals and OHS Practitioners. Terms such as “soft skills” and “coaching” are vague and are better
understood from the perspective of relationship building. The ability to build a web of relationships
enables the OHS specialist to influence others to bring about change in organizational practices focused
on risk control, which, in turn, should allow the organization to move up the safety culture ladder.
OHS specialists also need to be sensitive to the cultural maturity of the organization in which they work
since it will determine their role in the organization and the way in which they can best exert influence
(see Section 2.4 below).
9 See
10 See also the proposals for an ISO standard on “The Human-Centred Organization.” British Standards Institution March 2016.
BS ISO 27500
11 See Borys, D. (2014). The Value Proposition for the Occupational Health and Safety Professional – Literature Review. INSHPO.
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2.1 OHS Professional and OHS Practitioner
The OHS profession or role advises and supports management in its overall task of managing risks to
prevent or mitigate work-related fatalities, injuries and illnesses. This emerging profession is often not
well defined, locally or globally. The scope and nature of the role, education requirements and
regulatory context vary across and even within countries. The OHS role originated in many organizations
as a technical compliance officer, educated via a vocational track and mainly engaged at lower levels in
the organization, providing technical12 advice focused on compliance, personal protective equipment
and a reactive response in the workplace. However, as OHS management has matured over the last
century, it has taken two paths, one the vocationally-trained OHS Practitioner, the other a more
managerial/professional role that influences, engages and coaches all levels of the organization,
including senior management.
While the workplace may have a range of OHS roles, two clear categories exist:
the OHS Professional, who is usually university educated (or has attained a similar level of
higher education), and
the OHS Practitioner,13 who is usually vocationally educated.
Table 1 summarizes the key differences between the two roles with further detail provided in Section 3,
Position profiles.
12 “Technical” is normally used in the rest of this document not in its narrow sense relating only to hardware, engineering and
physical sciences, but in the broader meaning of the appropriate, detailed knowledge of the application of the broad range of
disciplines relevant to OHS, including human factors.
13 In some countries the OHS Practitioner role may be termed “OHS technician,” “OHS technologist” or similar.
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Advice/action based on technical knowledge, Advice/action based on conceptual and technical
experience and input by OHS Professionals and knowledge mediated by analysis of evidence,
other technical advisors experience and critical thought
Focuses on organization’s primary processes Able to extend his or her understanding and
operating in known contexts within established control to novel, unknown and complex risks and
parameters their control
Accesses, evaluates and uses a broad range of Understands how to use, critically evaluate and
workplace and industry sources of information develop the evidence base
Usually works under direct or indirect supervision Works autonomously within own initiative and
or mentorship with substantial responsibility for responsibility but values professional
planning own work collaboration
May work with SMEs in well-known hazards or Usually works in large, complex and/or high-
under OHS Professional supervision in larger hazard organizations or as a consultant to
organizations medium-sized organizations
Usually educated through vocational or technical Usually educated through university or higher
streams education sector
The OHS Professional is a key advisor, strategist and pilot to the organization’s leadership in fully
integrating the management of OHS risk into sustainable business practice at all levels. The OHS
Practitioner implements strategy, notably at site level, with an emphasis on state-of-the-art-compliance.
While the two roles may overlap, role clarity is imperative in enabling organizations to improve their
business and OHS performance. The two roles are further clarified below.
The OHS Professional role requires an understanding of a unique multidisciplinary body of knowledge
concerning risk and the elimination or reduction of work-related fatalities, injuries and illnesses as well
as property damage and associated social and financial losses. Typically, the OHS Professional provides
broad-based advice, support and analysis to organizations regarding risk assessment and controls and
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their management processes. The role also supports health and wellness as it relates to the work
The capable OHS Professional has generic knowledge appropriate to risk in all activities and
employment, supported by deeper knowledge of his or her specific industry, including its characteristic
hazards and risk prevention, management and mitigation processes. They also possess a broad
understanding of a core range of hazards and hazard controls.
OHS Professionals may be engaged as internal employees in medium to large or global organizations,
particularly in complex and major hazard technologies, or as external consultants advising small to
global organizations. They may work solo, as part of a team or give direction to others.
The relationship of the OHS Practitioner to the OHS Professional in larger organizations is similar to that
of the nurse practitioner to the general practitioner and hospital specialist in the medical profession.
Like nurse practitioners working under doctors in medical practices, OHS Practitioners are generalists in
the practice of OHS, liaising with and referring as appropriate to higher-level OHS Professionals, while
catering on their own authority for less complex problems in familiar environments and known and
proceduralized tasks. This practice model can also be compared in the small- and medium-sized
organizations with that of an accountant as compared to a bookkeeper, where the accountant (cf. OHS
Professional) sets up the chart of accounts and accounting practices and provides strategic oversight
whereas the bookkeeper (cf. OHS Practitioner) undertakes the day-to-day activities.
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Capable OHS Practitioners have generic knowledge appropriate to the management of OHS hazards and
their controls, supported by deeper knowledge of their specific industry, including its characteristic
hazards and standard risk controls, risk prevention and mitigation processes. They also possess a broad
understanding of a core range of hazards and hazard controls.
OHS Practitioners are usually engaged as internal employees in medium to large or global organizations,
particularly those with developed and well-known technologies involving manual and machine labor.
They may work in smaller organizations, sometimes in a multifunction role preferably under supervision
from an OHS Professional, as part of a team or with the support of an OHS Professional as consultant.
OHS Practitioners will engage most frequently with shop floor, supervision and middle management.
The focus of activity for OHS specialists is providing advice and support for the prevention and
management of work-related fatalities, injuries and illnesses, property damage and associated social
and financial losses. Work health and the promotion of physical and mental wellness are increasingly
becoming important areas for the OHS Professional, although less so for the OHS Practitioner. In some
countries and organizations, the OHS role also encompasses prevention and management of
environmental hazards and promotion and management of sustainability.
While many OHS specialist position descriptions may include one or more of the following areas of
responsibility, this document does not consider them to be core functions and does not address them in
detail. The scope of this Framework is limited in the following way:
Environment: the core OHS role is limited to environmental aspects and impacts associated with
work activities.
Emergency response management: the core OHS Professional role is limited to planning and
liaising with other services providing firefighting, rescue and emergency treatment and business
continuity, while that of the Practitioner is likely to be limited to site-level responses.
Rehabilitation, return to work: the core OHS role is limited to liaising with medical and
occupational health specialists and advising on workplace adjustments to aid early return to
Security: the core OHS role is limited to managing and resolving conflicts between safety and
security measures. While the OHS Practitioner may have some site-level security-related
responsibilities, these are not considered core OHS activities.
Section 7 sets out a range of hazards of which the OHS Professional may be expected to have some
knowledge. It is likely that there will be considerable variation in the range of hazards forming the core
of the OHS specialist’s knowledge and practice depending on the industry within which they work, their
professional interests and the country or countries within which they practice. Individual position
descriptions may also note other areas of safety that share approaches, knowledge and skill bases and
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management and regulatory principles with OHS, such as transportation safety, product safety, patient
safety, public safety, home and leisure safety, and sport safety. These are not covered in this document.
It is expected that OHS Practitioners and Professionals will liaise with and enlist the assistance of OHS
specialists with deeper knowledge bases that may not be core to the OHS Professional or Practitioner
but are important in the overall risk picture. These OHS-related specialists include, among others,
ergonomists, occupational/industrial hygienists, organizational/occupational psychologists, occupational
health professionals and professionals from allied professions, such as fire protection or structural
engineers/specialists. OHS Professional and Practitioners may also collaborate with experts from
disciplines, such as sustainability, environmental protection, emergency response, security,
rehabilitation and mental health, law and insurance. OHS Professionals and Practitioners need to have
sufficient understanding of each of these fields to identify the potential need for involvement of
professionals in these and other disciplines.
Managers are responsible for the management of OHS and risk. All roles within the organization have
specific responsibilities not only for individual health and safety, but for their contribution to the OHS
management system. Shared understanding and clarity of responsibility between line and corporate
management and the OHS function are vital for effective and efficient management of OHS. Any gaps
resulting from role confusion may result in exposure to legal or critical risk.
Organizations can be classified based on the maturity of their approach to managing OHS. A much-used
classification14 identifies five stages in development:
Pathological: does not care about safety, conceals accidents and breaches of OHS regulation
Reactive: cares about safety only after something goes wrong
Calculative/bureaucratic: cares about safety in a rule-bound way, if it can be shown to be cost-
neutral or advantageous
Proactive: cares about safety, makes plans in advance to achieve it and seeks innovative
strategies, beyond inflexible rules, to achieve it
Generative: gives priority to safety; fully understands the interactions between social and
technical aspects of work and how OHS can be integrated with other imperatives
It is a general objective of all OHS specialists to help shift their organization/client to move up the
hierarchy to the most suitable level for their organization. The emphasis in the role of OHS specialists
14Parker D., Lawrie M., Hudson P. (2006). A framework for understanding the development of organizational safety culture.
Safety Science, 44(6), pp.551-562.
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will differ depending on the cultural maturity of the organization, as will the division of roles between
the OHS specialists and the line and staff of management. While no current studies relate this
organizational maturity scale to differences in OHS specialist roles, knowledge and skill requirements,
some general principles are discussed below.
At the pathological and reactive levels (and to a lesser extent the calculative level) the role of the OHS
Professional will be focused on opportunities provided by actual accidents or dramatic near-misses to
persuade the organization to move up the maturity hierarchy, while the role of an OHS Practitioner may
be limited to fulfilling unavoidable legal requirements and enforcing them. Practitioners at these three
lower levels may need to resist attempts by line and senior management to make them, rather than the
line, primarily responsible for OHS performance. At the calculative level, there will be more scope for
the OHS Practitioner to propose and support the implementation of state-of-the-art risk controls. As the
organization moves to the proactive and generative levels, many aspects of the role of the OHS
Practitioner may be incorporated and accepted into the task specifications of line and staff, leaving the
Practitioner primarily with support and monitoring tasks. The OHS Professional, on the other hand, may,
at the proactive and generative levels, have increased opportunities to support and influence the
development and implementation of effective OHS management strategies and the integration of OHS
into the corporate strategy and practice.
Cultural maturity may vary according to the age, financial status and organizational history of the
business as well as the economic and regulatory environment of the country or region. Being sensitive
to the maturity of their organization will enable OHS specialists to tailor their relationships and social
interaction with managers, front-line supervisors and workers to become effective contributors to OHS
management and champions of culture change.
The Appendix summarizes the potential variation in the OHS roles alongside an organization’s cultural
3 Position profiles
The Capability Framework describes the activities, knowledge and skills for OHS specialists. These roles
occur within organizations, and the positions of OHS Practitioner or OHS Professional will have many
parameters in addition to the OHS-specific components. Gradations in the OHS Practitioner and OHS
Professional positions also reflect the position’s seniority, the role’s demands and the organization’s
INSHPO has developed position profiles based on the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF),15 the
European Qualification Framework (EQF)16 and several professional frameworks from related
See for details of the Australian Qualification Framework.
See for details of the European
Qualification Framework.
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professions. The profiles (Table 2 and 3) give an outline of the OHS Professional and OHS Practitioner
roles at three levels for each role in terms of:
Position details
Professional parameters
Nature and complexity of knowledge and skills
The position profiles do not address the OHS capabilities in any detail, as these will be found for the two
generic levels (Practitioners and Professionals) in Sections 4–6 of this document. The profiles provided
here show how each of these two generic OHS roles can be developed into three more differentiated
roles and how the activities, knowledge and skills can be contextualized to create a defined
organizational role statement or position description. The resultant position descriptions will not only
inform the recruitment of suitably capable people into OHS roles, but will provide a structure for
performance appraisals and ongoing professional development of incumbents.
Organizations will have their own structure and format for documenting position descriptions. In some
cases, the position details may be used to confirm that the organization position description is accurate.
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Practitioner Level 1 Practitioner Level 2 Practitioner Level 3
May manage a small site OHS
Typical OHS manager or OHS manager in larger OHS manager in larger
reporting line coordinator in larger organizations. organizations.
In SME, may report to operations In SME, may report to
In SME, may report to manager/CEO with advice from manager/CEO with advice from
operations manager with contracted consultant. contracted consultant.
advice from contracted
Professional parameters
Autonomy Limited responsibility in Identified responsibility in known Defined responsibility in contexts
known or changing or changing contexts and within that are subject to change within
contexts, within established broad but established broad parameters.
parameters. parameters.
Stops work if unsafe. Stops work if unsafe.
Stops work if unsafe.
Works under general direction Works under general direction
Works under direction with with personal responsibility for within a clear framework of
responsibility for own own outputs within broad accountability, exercising
output. parameters. substantial responsibility and
autonomy in area of work.
Determines when issues should
be escalated to a higher level.
Influence/ Interacts and engages with Interacts with and influences Influences work across a
leadership operational staff, operational, supervisory and line designated area/site, including
supervisors and and middle management and projects and team activities; may
consultative groups in own consultative groups across a have some responsibility for
area. Focuses on designated area. resource allocation and
compliance monitoring. engagement with external
May make decisions with a agencies.
potential to influence others’
Encourages and supports Initiates and supports change in
others in adapting to Supports change management area of responsibility.
change. processes in local area.
Establishes communication
Mentors line workers. Builds relationships as a basis for channels and develops and
influence, mentors supervisors maintains relationships to
and workers with a focus on influence and mentor line
empowerment of others rather managers in local area.
than control.17
Complexity Performs a range of varied Performs a range of work that is Performs a range of complex
work activities, usually as largely routine, but sometimes advisory and technical activities in
defined in written complex, in a specified range of a variety of contexts.
procedures, in a structured work environments.
and specified environment.
17The term “builds relationships as a basis for influence” is used in preference to “coaching” as coaching implies a power role
rather than empowering. See Section 3.3 of Element 2: Overview for an explanation of the importance of the terminology.
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Practitioner Level 1 Practitioner Level 2 Practitioner Level 3
Business and Demonstrates an Demonstrates an understanding Demonstrates an understanding
organizational understanding of the of the implications of OHS of how OHS interacts/integrates
skills operational activities and strategies and activities for with the broader operational
demands in his or her area operational functions and areas environment within the
of work. of the organization. organization/site.
Takes advice and input from Considers the views and input of
others as part of collecting and others as part of collecting and
analyzing information. analyzing information as a basis
for decision making
Problem Applies a methodical Applies cognitive and technical Applies cognitive and technical
solving approach to provide skills to analyze, plan and skills to develop creative solutions
technical solutions of a evaluate approaches to to nonroutine and sometimes
routine or contingency sometimes unpredicted problems complex problems in a defined
nature to a defined range of within a framework of existing but wide range of environments.
predictable problems in systems and processes and in
known environments. known and specified
Transmit Applies communication Applies communication and Applies communication and
knowledge skills to guide activities and training skills to transfer OHS training skills to transfer
skills and ideas share information across knowledge and skills to others. sometimes specialist knowledge
the work group(s). and skills to others in a persuasive
manner to achieve desired
Prepares basic reports using Prepares reports on OHS
appropriate writing style, performance and trends using Develops reports for site and
grammar and data displays. appropriate writing style, regional/commodity managers on
grammar and data displays. OHS performance with
recommendations for site-level
action to improve OHS.
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Practitioner Level 1 Practitioner Level 2 Practitioner Level 3
Soft skills Works well in a team and Applies communication, Applies communication,
engages with other engagement and skills to engagement and leadership skills
frontline colleagues in promote and support change. to initiate and support change.
informal and formal
environments. Applies mentoring skills to Applies mentoring skills to
develop capability of site develop capability of site
operational personnel. operational and OHS personnel.
Qualification AQF 4/ EQF 4 AQF 5/EQF 4 AQF 6/EQF 5
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Professional Level 1 Professional Level 2 Professional Level 3
Professional parameters
Autonomy Works under broad Makes high-level independent Makes high-level independent
direction, independently or judgements with guidance only judgments regarding technical and
as part of a team, on in the most complex situations. strategic OHS issues and operates
activities that may be self- Plans, implements and monitors with a high level of autonomy to
initiated; is accountable for substantial projects within the conceptualize, plan, implement and
meeting milestones and boundaries of the corporate evaluate major OHS projects.
timelines. business strategy and priorities.
Wide scope of authority to operate
within the constraints of the
business plan.
Influence/ Builds internal and external Develops relationships with Develops long-term strategic
leadership relationships to create senior management, OHS relationships with the senior
influence, mentors line Professionals and Practitioners management team and operational
managers and site OHS to create/influence OHS-related managers and builds relationships
personnel to achieve OHS policy, objectives and strategy with external stakeholders,
objectives. and to act as a change agent to including industry bodies and OHS
support improvement in OHS. regulatory agencies. Directs OHS
strategy across the organization and
Liaises with industry leaders and sometimes the industry and the
OHS regulatory agencies. profession.
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Professional Level 1 Professional Level 2 Professional Level 3
wider organizational management of OHS as well as business and operational
requirements. the interdependency of OHS environment to OHS management.
and operations.
Manages own activities to Uses planning and organizational
meet work/project Personal planning and skills to manage a group to meet
timelines. organizational skills to meet work/project deadlines.
work/project deadlines.
Collaborates to ensure required
Engages to support availability resources are available.
of required resources.
May manage an OHS group.
May manage an OHS group.
Knowledge and skills
Knowledge Demonstrates familiarity Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates advanced and
with and understanding of a advanced theoretical OHS integrated understanding of a
broad range of OHS concepts and technical complex body of OHS knowledge,
concepts with depth of knowledge within a systematic including an extended
technical knowledge in and coherent OHS body of understanding of recent
some hazard areas. knowledge. developments as a basis for critical
Recognized as an expert within
and outside the organization.
Analyze and Applies cognitive and Applies cognitive and technical Applies cognitive, technical and
evaluate technical skills to access, skills to access, analyze and creative skills to investigate and
information review, critically evaluate evaluate information to think analyze complex information,
and consolidate information critically, generate and evaluate concepts and theory and to reflect
from a range of external and complex ideas and inform OHS critically to generate new
internal sources to inform strategy and practice. knowledge and apply it to
OHS practice. professional practice.
Problem Applies critical thinking, Applies critical thinking, Applies critical reflection to
solving information gathering, information gathering, problem synthesize information and
communication skills and solving and communication established theory from a variety of
judgment to identify and skills and judgment to identify sources to generate creative,
analyze routine and and analyze complex OHS practical evidence-informed
sometimes complex OHS problems to generate solutions to OHS problems within a
problems to generate innovative, practical evidence- business environment while taking
practical evidence-informed informed solutions while taking into account legislation and industry
solutions while taking into into account legislation and standards.
account legislation and industry standards and the
industry standards. organizational environment.
Applies cognitive, technical Applies cognitive, technical and Applies knowledge of the OHS
and communication skills to communication skills to justify evidence base, logical reasoning
justify proposed solutions and prioritize proposed and a business evaluation process
from an OHS perspective. solutions while taking into to explain the risks and benefits of a
account OHS principles as well range of options and to justify
as organizational, legal, industry recommendations while taking into
and other relevant factors. account current thinking in OHS,
commercial factors, industry
standards and legislation.
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Professional Level 1 Professional Level 2 Professional Level 3
Applies problem-solving
techniques to develop an
integrated strategy for OHS and
related management issues.
Transmit Selects and appropriately Interprets and tailors Challenges existing thinking and
knowledge, applies a broad range of information to communicate practices while acknowledging
skills and ideas written, oral and nonverbal knowledge and ideas to perspectives of others.
communication skills and workplace, professional and
formats to explain technical regulatory audiences using Interprets and tailors technical and
information and concepts to appropriate communication organizational information, complex
a range of workplace strategies and formats. concepts and theories to
audiences. communicate complex concepts
and ideas to a range of senior
management, specialist and
nonspecialist audiences using a
variety of appropriate
communication strategies.
Uses technology effectively Prepares reports for a range of
to prepare reports for a audiences using appropriate Prepares reports for company’s
range of workplace data displays. internal and external audiences
audiences. and, where required, prepares
regulatory standards.
Soft Skills Uses communication, Uses communication and Uses communication, engagement
engagement and mentoring engagement skills, including and leadership skills to be a trusted
skills to develop OHS negotiation and conflict advisor and mentor to senior
capability of site operations management skills, to initiate, managers and to initiate and
and OHS personnel. promote and support change. support change.
4 Activities
The OHS Capability Framework defines the role of the OHS Professional and the OHS Practitioner in
terms of OHS-related activities. These activities are divided into two levels:
Dimensions – providing the scope of the distinguishing boundaries of the roles.
Domains – describing fields of activity within the dimensions.
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A third level of detail in the form of explanatory comments for the domain is incorporated in the online
tools developed to support implementation of the Framework.18
Seven dimensions are used to outline the roles of the OHS Professional and OHS Practitioner:
1. Systems management approach
2. Organizational culture and its impact on OHS
3. OHS risk management processes
4. Measurement and evaluation of OHS performance
5. Knowledge management
6. Communication, engagement and influence
7. Professional and ethical practice
INSHPO has developed job position builder and self-assessment tools to support use of the Framework
for these purposes. Information on access and availability of the tools is available at
It should be noted that the scope of application of the activities is different for the OHS Professional
compared with that of the OHS Practitioner.
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4.1 Activities
19The term “builds relationships as a basis for influence” is used in preference to “coaching” as coaching implies a power role rather than empowering. See Section 2.3 for an
explanation of the importance of the terminology.
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OHS Practitioner OHS Professional
Dimension Domain Dimension Domain
2 Organizational workers on culture focused on OHS. Recognize and including Recognize the maturity of the organization’s
culture and its methods to support the increase in the maturity of managers, on culture and work with managers as a change
impact on OHS foster and the organization’s culture and its effect strategies to agent to increase organizational OHS
monitor a on how to function effectively as an OHS foster an maturity.
positive OHS Practitioner. organizational
culture. 2.2 Support implementation of change culture that Facilitate the identification and management
processes to improve OHS, being aware prioritizes OHS. of OHS implications of organizational change
of the cross-functional impacts of and influence the change process to minimize
change. adverse effects and maximize positive effects
of the change.
2.3 Engage with supervisors and middle Engage with managers at all levels in the
managers to develop responsibility and organization to develop their responsibility
leadership in OHS. and leadership in OHS.
2.4 Engage with stakeholders and others to
promote innovation in managing OHS.
3 OHS risk Support 3.1 Conduct hazard identification in well- Lead Develop and implement processes for hazard
management implementation known tasks in sometimes dynamic development of identification, including those for major risks.
processes and conditions. OHS risk
maintenance of 3.2 Use technical, human factors and other management Use technical, human factors and other
routine OHS risk knowledge to identify causation, processes and theoretical knowledge, to research, review
assessment, consequences, possible risk controls, facilitate and and interpret information on hazards to
control and including critical controls, and potential support their identify causation, consequences, possible
management failure in controls related to the hazards implementation risk controls, including critical controls, and
processes in of well-known tasks in sometimes and potential failure in controls related to all
normal dynamic conditions. maintenance. relevant hazards in all lifecycle phases.
operations and
3.3 Contribute to identification of risk factors Develop and lead processes to identify risk
and analysis and prioritization of OHS factors and to analyze and prioritize OHS risks
risks associated with known and routine with an emphasis on critical risk.
work processes in familiar environments.
3.4 Provide technical information to inform Provide technical, organizational and
risk analysis and risk estimation strategic information to inform risk analysis
processes. and risk estimation processes.
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OHS Practitioner OHS Professional
Dimension Domain Dimension Domain
3.5 Provide information on the requirements Provide advice on the strategy requirements
for compliance with detailed, for compliance with OHS-related laws and
operational-level OHS-related regulations standards.
and standards.
3.6 Take appropriate steps to stop unsafe Ensure processes are in place to empower
work. workers to stop work considered an
immediate threat to health or safety.
3.7 Advise on hazard control for routine and Advise on cost-effective and efficient hazard
sometimes complex tasks. controls, including critical controls, and risk
minimization/mitigation strategies, taking a
lifecycle approach.
3.8 Advise on and support implementation Support identification and implementation of
of efficient controls, including critical critical controls for effective OHS risk
controls for effective risk management and OHS risk minimization.
minimization/mitigation strategies.
3.9 Prepare and check specifications and
orders for the purchase of preventive
and protective safety equipment and
other physical risk controls.
3.10 Coordinate the issue, testing, availability,
use and replacement of personal
protective and/or emergency equipment.
3.11 In liaison with operational staff, write Oversee, evaluate and approve the collection,
and keep up–to-date procedures for safe development and implementation of safety
working. procedures and documentation, including for
3.12 Write and keep up-to-date emergency situations.
documentation for emergency planning.
4 Measurement Support 4.1 Develop and Facilitate processes to develop criteria for
and evaluation of monitoring and lead processes determining criticality of risk.
OHS performance measurement of 4.2 Build relationships with supervisors and for monitoring, Develop criteria for monitoring OHS
OHS managers to develop their understanding measuring and performance that take into account the
performance. as to why work as done may differ from evaluating OHS overall organizational goals.
documented procedures. performance.
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OHS Practitioner OHS Professional
Dimension Domain Dimension Domain
4.3 Implement activities to monitor OHS Design and implement processes for
performance. monitoring OHS performance at strategic and
operational levels.
4.4 Monitor the integrity and effectiveness Monitor the effectiveness of hazard and risk
of controls, with an emphasis on critical controls with an emphasis on critical controls,
controls, to identify actual and potential including the identification of actual and
failures in control. potential failure in controls.
4.5 Coordinate workplace inspection
activities to monitor the presence and
use of hazard controls.
4.6 Monitor and provide feedback on
compliance with safety-critical
4.7 Prepare and use equipment to undertake
basic measurement and monitoring of
the work environment.
4.8 Contribute to monitoring of employees
and contractors’ personnel and their
compliance with OHS requirements.
4.9 Monitor and report on the effectiveness Monitor, evaluate and report on the
of risk management and OHS effectiveness of risk management and OHS
management processes. management processes at operational and
strategic levels.
4.10 Support processes and procedures to Implement, monitor and evaluate processes
investigate, analyze, record and report and procedures to investigate, analyze and
on incidents and nonconformities report on incidents and nonconformities
indicating failures or inadequacies of indicating failures or inadequacies of controls.
controls. Mentor operations personnel to participate in
incident investigations.
4.11 Participate in OHS hazard and Develop, manage, evaluate and improve OHS
management system audits. audit processes and conduct OHS hazard and
management system audits.
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OHS Practitioner OHS Professional
Dimension Domain Dimension Domain
4.12 Conduct and analyze emergency drills. Develop, evaluate and manage emergency
and disaster preparedness.
4.13 Support periodic management reviews to Support and structure periodic management
systematically assess, monitor and reviews to systematically assess, monitor and
identify areas for improvement in the identify areas for improvement in the OHS
OHS management system and OHS strategy, management system and OHS
culture. culture.
4.14 Make recommendations to improve OHS, Make recommendations to address identified
including addressing identified issues and improve OHS management and
nonconformities to improve OHS risk minimization.
5 Knowledge Implement 5.1 Use and maintain data management Develop and Specify, develop and use data management
management processes for systems for collecting information implement systems for collecting and validating
knowledge relevant to OHS. processes for information relevant to OHS.
collection and 5.2 Collect and keep up-to-date relevant knowledge Collect and critically evaluate information
management to internal and external OHS information, collection and from diverse internal and external sources
enable positive regulations, standards, good practice and management to and databases as part of evidence-based
OHS outcomes. OHS record systems. enable positive practice.
5.3 OHS outcomes. Collect, collate and interpret information to
develop business cases for OHS improvement
strategies and activities.
5.4 Analyze and apply data to monitor OHS Analyze and apply data to identify trends and
performance and produce summary information to monitor and report OHS
reports. performance.
6 Communication Communicate, 6.1 Implement OHS-related communication Communicate, Develop and implement OHS-related
engagement and engage with and and consultation processes with engage with communication and consultation systems and
influence influence line stakeholders. and influence processes engaging all stakeholders.
and middle decision-
management, 6.2 Contribute to the preparation of training makers and Lead and facilitate OHS knowledge and skill
supervisors and and information material to develop OHS other development, training and understanding of
workers to skills and awareness in workers and stakeholders to OHS responsibilities, obligations and actions
mitigate risk and supervisors. mitigate risk required to meet legal and risk management
optimize worker and optimize requirements.
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OHS Practitioner OHS Professional
Dimension Domain Dimension Domain
health and 6.3 Conduct and support OHS training and worker health Support the development and delivery of OHS
safety. skill development related to OHS for and safety. training for all levels in the organization.
supervisors and workers.
6.4 Develop relationships with supervisors Develop relationships with managers to
and middle managers to support their support OHS development relevant to their
development in OHS related to their role. roles.
6.5 Provide varied and up-to-date OHS Analyze and interpret information to
information to middle managers, communicate technical and theoretical
supervisors and workers. concepts and knowledge about OHS.
6.6 Communicate and liaise with business
partners, OHS regulators and other external
bodies on behalf of the organization.
6.7 Be a “trusted advisor” to influence Be a “trusted advisor” to influence
middle managers, supervisors and management decision making to consider
workers. OHS implications.
7 Professional and Apply legal and 7.1 Comply with laws and regulations Promote and Promote and comply with laws and
ethical practice ethical standards governing practice of OHS and related apply regulations governing professional practice of
to practice activities. professional OHS and related activities.
7.2 Make decisions and judgments and ethical Make decisions and judgments impartially
impartially based on standards, standards to based on scientific evidence and verifiable
legislative requirements, OHS knowledge practice theoretical and professional knowledge and
and practice. practice.
7.3 Operate under the (direct or indirect) Operate with a level of autonomy to
direction of an OHS Professional to conceptualize, plan, implement and evaluate
implement OHS projects and risk controls OHS projects and risk control and
and management processes. management processes.
7.4 Observe relevant codes of conduct Observe relevant codes of conduct provided
provided by professional associations by professional associations and other
and other assessment and advisory assessment and advisory bodies nationally
bodies nationally. and internationally.
7.5 Ensure that employers and others who Ensure that clients, employers and others
may be affected by their activities are who may be affected by their activities are
aware of their levels of OHS competence. aware of their levels of professional
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OHS Practitioner OHS Professional
Dimension Domain Dimension Domain
Seek specialist support and advice where competence. Seek specialist support and
necessary and appropriate. advice where necessary and appropriate.
7.6 Ensure currency of own OHS technical Ensure currency of own OHS conceptual
knowledge and knowledge of industry understanding, technical knowledge and
practice. industry practice.
7.7 Seek out and form a collaborative Engage in evidence-informed reflective
relationship with an OHS Professional practice, evaluative activities and professional
mentor. discussion with a view to testing ideas
through peer appraisal. Provide mentoring to
OHS Practitioners.
7.8 Provide leadership in OHS and act as an Provide leadership in OHS and act as an
exemplar of good OHS practice and exemplar of good OHS practice and behavior
behavior to peers, coworkers and the to peers, coworkers and the public.
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5 Knowledge
A conceptual framework together with specific technical knowledge is essential for both the OHS
Professional and OHS Practitioner. Such a knowledge base supports innovation, flexibility and openness
to new and advancing thinking about OHS. It enables OHS specialists to develop and adapt their
professional practice to changing demands of business and society and also enables them to mentor and
develop others. As shown in Section 5.1, considerable overlap exists in the knowledge topics for the OHS
Professional and OHS Practitioner with differences in the depth and breadth as applicable to the
Professional and the Practitioner.
Such a knowledge base will be gained through a combination of formal education and experience. It is
not expected that an OHS Professional or OHS Practitioner would gain the knowledge through education
The knowledge matrix of the Framework is described under six areas with each area having many
categories with illustrative generic topics indicating the intended scope of the knowledge category. This
is described at a high, generic level to allow flexibility in the way it is applied to suit the legal and OHS
context in individual countries.
This classification is not the same as that used for the dimensions and domains described in Section 3 on
Activities. While Section 3 discusses tasks, this section describes the underlying knowledge needed to
perform those tasks, which means a move to a classification that resides in the underlying disciplines
and subjects constituting OHS. For each activity in the roles, many pieces of knowledge are relevant, and
each piece may underpin several, if not many, of the activities. This produces a many-to-many mapping
or matrix, which is not made explicit in this document. Between this section on knowledge and the
activities described in Section 4, a many-to-many mapping is also found between the headings A to D of
applied knowledge and the underlying disciplines of headings E and F.
The conceptual and technical knowledge under these areas must be integrated to enable the OHS
Professional and Practitioner to develop a “mental model” to inform his or her OHS practice.
The illustrative topics in the knowledge matrix are annotated with an indicative range to reflect the
expected nature and complexity of the knowledge of the OHS Professional and OHS Practitioner. The
coding is based on the following four knowledge levels, which address depth, breadth, maturity and
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integration of the knowledge. These levels are informed by and developed from Bloom’s hierarchy of
educational objectives.20
Level Knowledge
1 Awareness: Understands the need for and general principles of application of the
2 Routine application: Applies the knowledge to routine, well-known situations,
with depth in some areas.
3 Comprehensive application: Integrates, adapts and applies the knowledge to all
relevant areas and situations.
4 Creative mastery: Applies the theoretical concepts and applied knowledge
critically and creatively to new situations.
The lower number in the range reflects the minimum level of knowledge expected of an effective OHS
Practitioner or Professional with the higher number providing a target for development. In providing a
target level, there is no intention to create a “ceiling.” The actual target knowledge level will depend on
qualifications, personal interest as well as the organizational and industry context. A single number
rather than a range indicates that while the level of technical knowledge required for practice may be
similar, the scope of application or the complexity of application may be greater. Where an overlap
exists in the range of knowledge levels across the Practitioner and the Professional role, the application
of the knowledge by the Practitioner will usually be site-based while the Professional will have a broader
As with the activities, when considering required knowledge, the scope of activities and so the
application of knowledge is as follows for each of the two roles:
The knowledge component of the Framework should not be seen as a standalone item. An integrated
knowledge base (or mental model) is essential for providing informed advice, so it would be too
complex to map individual knowledge topics to specific activities. However, the required breadth and
depth of knowledge should take into account the scope of relevant activities as well as specific
requirements related to the role that may be organization- or country-specific.
The knowledge framework supports the applications described for the position profiles and the activity
matrix. More specifically, the knowledge matrix may be used:
In recruitment, as a basis for specifying applicants’ required qualifications
In assessing job applicants as part of assessment tests or interview questions
As part of a detailed duty statement or position description
20See Bloom, B.S., Engelhart, M.D., Furst, E.J., Hill, W.H., & Krathwohl, D.R. (Eds) (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives:
Handbook 1 Cognitive domain. New York: David McKay.
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As a basis for performance appraisals
To inform development of internal training programs
To identify areas for OHS Professional development
The knowledge matrix has been incorporated into the online tools developed by INSHPO to support
implementation of the framework.21
The OHS knowledge matrix is limited to specific OHS-related knowledge. It does not address industry or
process-specific knowledge. It should be recognized that to operate as an effective OHS Professional or
Practitioner, one must understand the technical and cultural aspects of the industry in which s/he
practices, with practical knowledge of the industry and its processes being more important for the
Complex hazard analysis methods (i.e., FMEA, HAZOP, Fault Tree, 0-1 2-4
Bowtie, etc.)
Knowledge of exposure standards and their application 2-3 2-3
21 See
22 The degree to which safety and health professionals are involved with the control of psychosocial hazards differs from
country to country. The degree of involvement will govern how much knowledge is required under these headings.
23 The term “accident” in this document includes incidents (sometimes called dangerous situations, near-misses or precursors)
degree of involvement will govern how much knowledge is required under these headings.
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Code Knowledge Illustrative generic topics OHS OHS
category Practitioner Professional
For each specific hazard:25 2-3 3-4
o Basic underpinning science to understand the hazard’s behavior,
how it causes damage and how it can be controlled
o Relevant definitions, units and methods of measurement
o Mechanisms of damage, injury and health outcomes, including
those leading to material unwanted events
o How the hazard is used/occurs in the occupational environment
and specific industries
o Risk factors
Hazard-specific legislation and standards 2-4 2-3
B Hazard and risk controls
6. Control – Principles Time sequence of pre event, event and post event and relevant 2-3 3-4
control/intervention points
Hierarchies of control, barriers and defenses, critical controls, 2-4 4
requisite variety of controls
Criteria for critical controls and principles of critical control 1-3 3-4
Health protection and promotion27 1-2 3
7. Control – Process Concept of inherent safety and engineered safe design 1-3 3
and workplace
design Process and equipment instrumentation and control 2-3 2-3
Human factors and ergonomics (including physical and cognitive 2-3 2-4
User-centered design 1-3 3
Workplace layout 2-3 3
Impact of technology, including automation 1-2 3
8. Control – Barriers Types of barriers (machinery guarding, access control, separation, 2-4 3-4
containment, work skills, PPE, etc.)
Role and limitations of barriers 2-4 3-4
Barrier maintenance requirements 2-4 3-4
Establishing and managing a PPE program (including selection, 3-4 3-4
fitting and maintenance)
9. Control – Systems of work 1-3 3-3
Procedural and
administrative Handovers, permit to work systems, lock out/tag out 2-4 2-3
controls Inspection, maintenance and testing 2-4 2-3
25 See Section 7.
26 See International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). (nd). Health and Safety Critical Control Management: Good practice
27 The degree to which OHS personnel are involved with health promotion differs from country to country.
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Code Knowledge Illustrative generic topics OHS OHS
category Practitioner Professional
Outsourcing, contractor management 2-3 3
Role of work and the workplace in worker recovery (establishing 1-2 2-3
and managing a return-to-work program)
12. Safety management OHS management systems (structure and elements, relevant 2-3 4
standards, limitations)
Processes for implementing a critical control management program 2-3 3-4
System safety 1-2 3-4
Systems of work, work procedures and instructions 2-4 3-4
Decision making 2 3-4
Theories of safety management, including new and emerging 1-3 3-4
theories and insights
Relationship of safety management systems to environmental, 1-2 3-4
quality and business management approaches
OHS roles and responsibilities 2-4 4
Principles of assessing and managing contractors 2-3 3-4
13. Organizational Organizations as complex sociotechnical systems 1-2 3-4
Concepts of national, organizational and safety culture 1-2 3-4
Relationship between employee (manager and workforce) behavior, 1-3 3-4
organizational culture, safety culture and safety climate
Organizational maturity 2-3 3-4
Role of leadership 2-3 4
Healthy work 2 3
Limitations of the role and use of safety and health incentives, 2-3 3-4
awards and competitions in relation to culture
14. International regulatory context 0-1 2-4
Regional and national regulatory context 2 3-4
28The degree to which OHS professionals are involved with these health mitigations differs from country to country. The degree
of involvement will govern how much knowledge is required under these headings.
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Code Knowledge Illustrative generic topics OHS OHS
category Practitioner Professional
Law, regulation and Legal principles and comparative legal systems and regulatory 1 3-4
societal context29 frameworks
Criminal and civil law and effect on OHS 1 3-4
OHS-specific law 2-3 3-4
Compliance and enforcement policies and strategies in the 2-3 4
Workers’ compensation law 0-1 1-2
Product liability law 0 1-2
Basics of contract law 0-1 1-3
Best practice as it affects due diligence, common law, standard of 1-2 3-4
care and regulation
29 The degree to which OHS professionals are involved with these legal aspects differs from country to country depending on
their legal and compensation systems. The degree of involvement will govern how much knowledge is required under these
30 As Low As is Reasonably Practicable.
31 While health surveillance and health monitoring are the purview of the health professional, the generalist OHS specialist
should have an understanding of the role of these activities and be able to engage with health professionals on these activities.
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Code Knowledge Illustrative generic topics OHS OHS
category Practitioner Professional
Key performance indicators (qualitative, quantitative, lead and 2-3 3-4
Criteria and processes for monitoring and validating critical controls 2-3 3-4
Benchmarking 1-2 3-4
Basic principles of quantitative and qualitative evaluation 2-3 3-4
17. OHS information Sources of OHS information (internal and external) 2-3 4
Workplace requirements for OHS information 2-4 4
32 See International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM). (2012). Overview of leading indicators for occupational health and
safety in the mining industry.
33 Including right to know and right to refuse unsafe work.
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Code Knowledge Illustrative generic topics OHS OHS
category Practitioner Professional
E. Underlying technical, human and social sciences
21. Systems Systems as a concept, including variability 1-3 3
Systems thinking in an OHS context 0-2 2-4
22. Human as a Basic human biology 2 2
biological system Physiology as it relates to work 1-2 2
Biomechanics as it relates to work 2 2-3
Cumulative compared with acute impacts on the body 1-2 3
Basic principles of toxicology 1-2 2
23. Individual Psychobiology (structure and function of the brain and nervous 1-2 2
Psychology systems, role of endocrine systems in response)
Cognitive psychology (situation awareness, memory, cognitive 1-2 2-3
biases in decision making)
Behavioral psychology (learning, conditioning, motivation) 2-3 3
Communication 2-3 3
Human error 2-3 3
Fatigue and stress 1-3 3
Impact of aging on work capability 1-3 3
24. Social psychology Perceiving individuals (attribution theory and biases) 1-2 3
Self in relation to others (social comparison theory) 1-2 2-3
Group membership (development of groups, in-groups and out- 1-3 3
groups; social identity and self-categorization theories; stereotypes,
prejudice and discrimination, contact hypothesis)
Groups as they relate to team work 2-3 3
Norms and group pressure to conform 1-3 3
Task performance (decision-making biases; group task 1-2 2-3
Power (sources of power, compliance, inequality, obedience to 1-2 3
Attitudes and behavior (e.g., theory of planned behavior; cognitive 1-2 2-3
dissonance theory, persuasion theory)
Understanding and resolving conflict (competition and cooperation; 1-3 2-3
conflict management styles; distributive and procedural justice)
25. Statistics and Basic arithmetic and algebraic manipulation 2-4 4
quantitative Units of measurement, prefixes and logarithmic scales 2-4 4
Data display and reporting 3-4 4
Probability, sampling distribution and confidence levels 3
Basic statistical measures, including sources of error 1 3
Principles of survey methods 1 3
Principles of epidemiological analysis 2-3
Principles of designing assessments of intervention effectiveness 0-2 3-4
26. Science and Basic science and technology to understand the damage and control 2-3 4
engineering mechanisms of hazards covered; types of machinery and processes;
and their functioning and hazards.
Standards relating to “state of the art and best available 1-2 3
Use of technical standards 2-3 3
Use of hazard monitoring equipment (e.g., noise, ventilation, 2-3 2
chemicals, etc.)
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Code Knowledge Illustrative generic topics OHS OHS
category Practitioner Professional
F. Underlying management sciences:
6 Skills
Personal and professional skills are vital attributes for effective practice as an OHS Professional or
Practitioner. Such skills have been identified as a priority in recruitment and a key area of professional
development for OHS personnel.
A “Bloom”35 style taxonomy approach has been used to describe skills in the Framework, which are
presented in three sections: personal skills, professional practice skills and professional technical skills.
As with the knowledge requirements, the skills have been annotated with a code to indicate the
expected skill levels for the OHS Professional as compared to the OHS Practitioner. The skill code is
based on the four skill levels, which also reflect Bloom’s taxonomy. However, while definitions of the
skill levels are similar to those for the knowledge requirements, important subtle differences reflect the
nature of skills application.
35Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl, D.R., Airasian, P.W., Cruikshank, K.A., Meyer, R.E., Pintrich, P.R., Raths, J., & Whittrock, M.C.
(2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and assessing: a revision of Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives. New York:
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Application of skill
Level Skill
1 Awareness: Understands the need for and general principles of skill application.
2 Routine application: Applies the skill independently to well-known, routine tasks
and to nonroutine tasks under supervision.
3 Skilled application: Adapts and applies the skill independently and effectively, also
to nonroutine tasks.
4 Creative mastery: Applies the theoretical concepts and the practiced skill critically
and creatively to new situations.
When considering required skills, the application of skills is as follows for each of the two roles:
OHS Professional: Across the organization, including senior management and external
agencies, including regulators and industry bodies
OHS Practitioner: Within the organization with a focus on middle management, supervisor
and workers.
The skills are structured to support self-assessment and peer or manager assessment. They may also
provide a basis for training and development, either formal or informal.
A1 Verbal Selects an appropriate time, format and venue taking into 2-4 3-4
communication account the nature of the communication and the other
person’s needs.
Focuses by giving full attention to the speaker. Puts the 2-4 3-4
speaker at ease. Uses nonverbal cues appropriately.
Uses language appropriate to the nature of the 2-4 3-4
communication and the other person; is clear and concise and
uses questioning techniques as appropriate.
Respects people by demonstrating empathy, open- 2-4 3-4
mindedness and respect. Looks at issues from others’
perspective. Lets go of preconceived ideas. Builds on others’
perspectives to enhance effectiveness and quality of
Encourages and receives feedback with an open mind, listens, 2-4 3-4
questions for clarification, reflects on the implications for own
behavior and expresses appreciation for the feedback.
Gives feedback, including praise, which is timely, specific and 2-4 3-4
focused on behaviors, not the person.
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Skill Performance criteria Practitioner Professional
Confirms and closes communication by summarizing and 2-4 3-4
clarifying the outcomes.
A.2 Professional Documents by completing forms and preparing reports and 2-4 3-4
presentation documentation that are easily understood by the intended
skills audience, demonstrating appropriate selection and
structuring of information and correct spelling, grammar and
industry-specific terminology.
Prepares professional reports and documentation that are 2-3 3-4
easily understood by the intended audience, demonstrating
appropriate selection and structuring of information and
writing style.
Customizes information in a variety of formats and 2-3 3-4
communication channels that take into account audience
characteristics, needs and cultural sensitivities.
Uses information technology effectively in preparing OHS 2-3 3-4
Uses information technology effectively in communicating 2-3 3-4
OHS information.
Makes presentations (informal and formal) that clearly -4 3-4
communicate the topic to a range of audiences, using a
variety of media.
Engages and works with the interests of people from a range 2-4 3-4
of disciplines, backgrounds and workgroups.
B. Professional skills
B1 Evidence-based practice
B1.1 Knowledge Accesses information from a range of workplace sources using 2-4 3-4
management digital skills and a variety of strategies.
Uses literacy skills to read and interpret OHS legislation, codes 2-3 3-4
of practice, guidance material, policies and procedures.
Investigates and assesses the credibility of sources and 2-3 3-4
information reliability and validity.
Collates information to identify common themes. 2-3 3-4
Critically evaluates and validates results through challenging 1-3 2-4
information, concepts and theories.
Synthesizes information to identify implications for practice. 1-2 2-4
B1.2 Problem solving Identifies a problem(s) by application of informal and 2-3 3-4
and critical structured strategies.
thinking Analyzes and applies a range of information gathering and 1-2 3-4
analytical strategies to clarify the nature of the problem and
the contributing factors.
Generates potential solutions by applying consultative and 2-3 3-4
creative processes.
Evaluates systematically and considers potential solutions 2-3 3-4
against preset criteria in a consultative process
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Applies consultative and creative processes for evaluating 2-3 3-4
potential solutions.
Decides on a strategy based on evaluation. 3-4
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Takes action to implement strategy and management 2-4 3-4
B2.2 Mentoring and Engages to establish a relationship as a basis for learning and 2-4 3-4
being mentored development of another.
Clarifies by engaging with others as a proposed mentor or 2-4 3-4
mentee to clarify their current knowledge, skill and
perspective basis, their goals and factors that may affect goal
Engages to share knowledge, skills, information and 2-3 3-4
perspective to foster others’ personal and professional
Supports others by providing constructive feedback to enable 2-3 3-4
transferable learning.
Reflects and engages with others to review their learnings and 2 3-4
strategy for achieving the goals.
B.3 Leadership
B3.1 Teamwork Understands different traits, styles and team roles. 2-4 3-4
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Skill Performance criteria Practitioner Professional
Facilitates discussion to identify alternative strategies and 2-3 3-4
compromises, which may achieve greater benefit for all
concerned than original positions.
Confirms clearly the agreement reached so that all involved 2-3 3-4
have a similar understanding of the outcome.
B3.3 Personal Shows self-awareness by identifying own leadership style and 2-3 3-4
Leadership the need for both further development and situational
adaptation to enhance leadership capabilities.
Demonstrates up-to-date knowledge on OHS and current 2-4 3-4
issues and an ability to explain complex/technical topics in a
way that others can understand.
Creates an imperative for change and a clear vision to bring 1-3 3-4
people along.
Engages people in the process, comprehends and accepts 2-3 3-4
emotions, feelings and others’ perspective and is able to build
rapport with and empathy for others.
Demonstrates assertiveness where needed in subtle, 2-3 3-4
constructive ways.
Leads by setting an example and by demonstrating 3-4 3-4
confidence, optimism and interest in others, which, in turn,
generates confidence in others.
Generates the respect of others. 3-4 3-4
Builds consensus and constructive problem solving. 2 3-4
Provides support to people to make them comfortable, bases 2-4 3-4
change on learning and enables people to have ownership of
the outcome.
Perseveres and recognizes that change takes time. 2-4 3-4
B4 Management
B4.1 Project Identifies and clearly communicates the need for 2-3 3-4
management improvement and change and the benefits of change.
and Identifies options for change to address needs and realize 2-3 3-4
management of benefits.
Applies consultative processes to developing implementation 1-4 3-4
Defines and clarifies scope of change, parameters, objectives, 1-2 3-4
budget, stakeholders, roles and timelines and interaction with
other processes and activities.
Identifies key players and establishes the project team to 1-2 3-4
facilitate change and give people ownership of outcomes.
Collaborates to develop project plan, identify project risks and 1-2 3-4
required resources and potential impact on other groups.
Uses formal processes to plan, sequence and prioritize own 2-3 3-4
activities and activities for implementation of change.
Identifies and assesses appropriate project management 1-2 2-4
tools, develops operational plans, accesses required
resources, defines and communicates and delegates roles and
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Skill Performance criteria Practitioner Professional
responsibilities. Establishes monitoring processes. Influences,
mentors and supports others in managing change.
Administers, establishes and maintains required 2-3 3
recordkeeping systems, including financial recordkeeping and
project progress.
Plans, prepares and conducts structured meetings with clear 2-3 3-4
Administers by using digital systems and programs to assist 1-2 3
planning and tracking of communications for implementation
Communicates with all affected groups to support change. 2-3 3-4
Completes activities, including required reports. 2-3 3-4
Administers approved processes for monitoring the outcomes 2-3 3-4
of change processes.
Reviews and evaluates project processes and outcomes 1-3 3-3
against project scope and plan with input from project team.
Documents lessons learned. Recognizes input of others and
shares credit for achievements.
B4.2 Managing Identifies and clarifies the role of others from both strategic 3
others36 and operational perspectives with an understanding of what is
reasonable given the circumstances.
Plans and allocates appropriate resources and allocation of 3
personnel to OHS and company priorities.
Reviews and monitors the processes and outputs of those 3
being managed.
Creates opportunities to support and develop the capability 3
of those being managed.
B5 Professional and ethical practice
B5.1 Professional Manages own activities and is reliable with regard to agreed 3-4 3-4
practice deliverables and timelines.
Undertakes formal and informal CPD37 activity to ensure 3-4 3-4
currency and capability.
Works effectively as a leader or as part of a team while 2-3 3-4
respecting differences and diversities.
Recognizes the value of professional, enterprise and industry 2-3 3-4
Consults by seeking information or informed opinion from 3-4 3-4
others as part of decision making.
Seeks further advice within the OHS profession and across 3-4 3
other professions and stakeholders as appropriate.
Engages to establish a relationship with a higher-level/peer 3-4 3-4
professional or other appropriate mentor as a basis for self-
36 Others include OHS staff and contractors. Not all OHS professionals will be involved in managing others. The degree of
involvement will govern the knowledge and scope of the skill required under this heading.
37 Continuous Professional Development: structured ways to develop competence and keep it up to date.
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Skill Performance criteria Practitioner Professional
Engages in professional discussion with peers with a view to 3-4 3-4
advance professional practice.
Engages appropriately and effectively with technology to 2-3 3-4
access information, collect and collate information, produce
documents and engage with people in appropriate ways. This
includes providing information, communicating as well as
developing and delivering training.
Applies formal and informal processes to reflect on current 2-3 3-4
and past practice to identify areas for improvement or
B5.2 Ethical Practice Recognizes the limits of own knowledge, skills and 3-4 4
Complies with relevant codes of conduct and laws. 4 4
Treats all individuals with respect and maintains 4 4
confidentiality of personal and business-sensitive information.
Examines critically the ethics of proposed courses of action. 2-4 4
Provides unbiased and impartial advice. 4 4
Provides advice informed by technical and conceptual 3-4 4
Acts with honesty and probity. Sets example of good OHS 4 4
Takes responsibility for and demonstrates the conceptual and 3-4 4
technical underpinning of own practice.
Recognizes when disclosure and whistleblowing may be 2-3 4
appropriate and takes action in an ethical manner.
C. OHS professional technical skills
C1 Training Identifies knowledge and skill gaps and training needs for 2-4 3
specific groups.
Develops appropriate learning outcomes to address 2-4 3
knowledge and skill gaps.
Prepares appropriate training material to address learning 2-4 3
outcomes and defined competencies.
Organizes appropriate planning processes and logistics to 2-4 3
deliver training to specified groups.
Communicates effectively during training with a range of 3-4 3
Engages with supervisors, workers and managers to help 3-4 3
them acquire and use their skills and knowledge for improving
Assesses learning outcomes for individuals and provides 3-4 3
Evaluates training outcomes and makes modifications as 2-4 3
C2 Surveying, Systematically observes the workplace, state of technology, 2-4 3
inspecting and processes and behaviors to evaluate their conformity with
auditing requirements.
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Skill Performance criteria Practitioner Professional
Designs a comprehensive monitoring system to collect and 0-2 3-4
analyze information to evaluate risk controls and OHS
management processes.
Interviews by meeting with, collecting information from and 2-3 3-4
discussing OHS with all levels of employees and managers to
gain insight into their work practices, beliefs and attitudes
toward OHS.
Combines and critically assesses information from 2-3 3-4
inspections, surveys and audits to determine the state of OHS.
Contributes to the development of written and oral reports to 1-3 3-4
managers as a basis for decisions about improvement.
Provides formal written and oral reports to stakeholders and 1-3 3-4
decision makers as a basis for improvement.
C3 Investigating Coordinates/supports identification and collection of 2-3 3-4
evidence associated with accidents and nonconformances to
determine the sequence of events and assist in uncovering
causal links.
Interviews leads/participates in collection of information from 2-3 3-4
people involved in the development of the accident/event,
while avoiding hindsight and other biases and ensuring that
conclusions are soundly based.
Collates the evidence about the development of the 0-2 3-4
incident/accident in a critical way to understand and chart
that scenario and its links to underlying practices and
Supports the analysis and synthesis of evidence to understand 0-3 3-4
and chart scenarios and links to risk controls.
Recognizes the difference between superficial and underlying 2-3 3-4
causes of incidents and unsafe conditions. Identifies
ineffective and missing barriers and assesses possible
improvements to avoid the scenario revealed and any other
related scenarios.
Synthesizes data and evidence to develop recommendations 2-3 4
for future prevention.
Writes and communicates reports to meet organizational 2-4 3-4
standards on accidents with nonfatal potential.
Contributes to the reports of OHS and other professionals on 1-3 3-4
accidents with fatal potential.
Writes and communicates reports to organizational, 2-3 3-4
professional and legal standards.
Recommends based on appropriate use of analysis 2-3 3-4
improvements in the work processes and organizational
Implements/supports changes to implement 2-4 3-4
Collects information as a basis for monitoring effectiveness of 2-4 3-4
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Skill Performance criteria Practitioner Professional
Assesses the implementation of recommended controls and 2-4 3-4
their effectiveness.
C4 Measuring and Selects the appropriate tools to assess the organization’s 0-2 3-4
monitoring processes, workplaces and working environments.
Applies appropriate tools to gather information to assess the 2-3 3
effectiveness of risk controls.
Implements appropriate strategies and tools to gather 3-4 3
information as per agreed performance criteria as part of
assessing the risks and effectiveness of hazard controls.
Uses technology to analyze data to identify trends. 2-3 3-4
Interprets data to evaluate OHS performance, the factors 2-3 3-4
affecting performance and areas for improvement.
Uses technology to develop graphical presentations as part of 2-3 3-4
The following table lists the hazards that an OHS specialist could be expected to manage. It is based on
the energy-damage categorization developed by Haddon38 and Gibson.39 It reflects the origins of the
OHS professional in technological disciplines and machinery hazards, with a later, but fairly universal,
move to include chemical and working environment hazards. Some countries have seen a move also into
psychosocial (e.g., stress, conflict, harassment, etc.) and/or environmental (e.g., pollution, biodiversity,
degradation, etc.) hazards.
OHS specialists need to understand the nature of the hazards; their modes of entry into or effect on the
body (and mind) of those exposed and on the physical environment, their mechanisms of harm to
people and other assets (including exacerbating circumstances, e.g., working alone, pregnancy, etc.).
They also need to understand the methods of assessment and measurement of the risk associated with
each hazard as well as the principles and practice of prevention and control relevant to each of the
hazards in the core of the OHS specialist role for a particular organization, country or jurisdiction. These
constitute the underpinning science related to each of the various hazards. The depth and breadth of
this underpinning knowledge will vary with the Professional or Practitioner role and the complexity of
the hazard and context. Some indications of the underpinning science are given in Section 5 on the
38 Haddon Jr, W. (1973). Energy Damage and the Ten Counter-Measure Strategies. Human Factors Journal, August.
39Gibson, J.J. (1961). The contribution of experimental psychology to the formulation of the problem of safety—a brief for basic
research. In: Behavioral Approaches to Accident Research. New York: Association for the Aid of Crippled Children, pp 77-89.
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knowledge underpinning practice. This document does not allocate different categories of hazards to
Professionals and Practitioners.
40 The degree of involvement of OHS professionals with the control of psychosocial hazards differs from country to country. The
degree of involvement will govern how much knowledge is required under these headings.
41 Workplace violence is treated as a security/criminal issue rather than an OHS issue in some jurisdictions.
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This list addresses generic OHS hazards that may occur in a range of locations and activities for which
OHS Professionals and Practitioners have responsibilities. Users of this document will need to tailor the
list of hazards to address the circumstances of their locations and activities, which fall under their
responsibility or influence.
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Appendix: OHS roles and cultural maturity