Questions On The Operational Amplifier
Questions On The Operational Amplifier
Questions On The Operational Amplifier
Answer: a
Explanation: Op-amp was introduced by Fairchild
semiconductor in 1968.
Answer: c
Explanation: Inverting input, the Non-inverting input, Output,
1 of 6 3/16/18, 10:27 AM
Electric Circuits Test - Sanfoundry about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: The Op-amp is a type of differential amplifier.
a) Non-inverting input
b) Non-inverting output
c) Inverting input
d) Inverting output
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Answer: c
Explanation: V+: Non-inverting input and V- : Inverting
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b) Linear device
c) Complex device
d) Bipolar device
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Answer: b
Explanation: When │vp-vn│is small then Op-amp acts as a
linear device as the output voltage is a linear function of
input voltages.
Answer: b
Explanation: If output voltage is not a linear function of input
voltage then Op-amp acts as a non-linear device.
Answer: c
Explanation: Negative feedback means a signal is fed back
from output terminals to the non-inverting input terminals
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a) -2
b) 2
c) -1
d) 1
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Answer: a
Explanation: In this circuit, the only node is at the negative
terminal of the Op-amp (say Vn) and by ideal rules of Op-
amp, Vn= Vp =0(in this circuit). Gain= Vout/Vin= -R2/R1.
a) 0.719
b) 2.572
c) 1.390
d) 1.237
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Answer: c
Explanation: Gain= Vout/Vin= -R2/R1 = -5.98*10-3/4.3*10-3.
a) -4v
b) -2.5v
c) 4v
d) 2.5v
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the given circuit, a negative feedback exists
between Op-amp’s output and its inverting input (voltage
here is 0, as vp =vb=0 and vn=vp). Node-voltage equation is
i50= (va-vn)/50 =1/50 mA.
I125= (v0-vn)/125 = v0/125 mA.
1/50 + v0/125 = 0.
v0 is -2.5volts.
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6 of 6 3/16/18, 10:27 AM
Inverting & Non-Inverting Amplifier Circuit Que... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: We assume that the opamp is in linear region.
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Inverting & Non-Inverting Amplifier Circuit Que... about:reader?url=
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Answer: c
Explanation: The goal of an inverting circuit is to express
output voltage vo as a function of source voltage vs.
Answer: a
Explanation: The gain is also known as scaling factor and it
is the ratio of Rf/Rs in case of an Inverting amplifying circuit.
Answer: b
Explanation: Rf/Rs ≤ │VCC/vs│.
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Inverting & Non-Inverting Amplifier Circuit Que... about:reader?url=
Answer: d
Explanation: A is called open loop gain.
Answer: b
Explanation: Inverting amplifying circuit- Rs, Rf.
Non-Inverting amplifying circuit – Rs, Rf, Rg.
Answer: a
Explanation: Assume that opamp is ideal. The condition for
the linear region operation in a Non-inverting amplifying
circuit is (Rs+Rf)/Rs <│VCC/vg│.
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c) vo= 3vg
d) vo= vg
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Answer: c
Explanation: vo= ((Rs+Rf)/Rs) *vg.
9. If Rs= 5Ω, Rf= 25Ω and -2.5V ≤ vg ≤ 2.5V. What are the
smallest power supply voltages that could be applied and
still have opamp in linear region?
a) ±9V
b) ±2.5V
c) ±6V
d) ±15V
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Answer: d
Explanation: vo= ((Rs+Rf)/Rs) *vg. By substituting the
values, we have vo=6vg.
vo=6(-2.5) = -15
vo=6(2.5) =15.
Answer: b
Explanation: Gain= Rf/Rs= 10 and vo= (-Rf/Rs)*vs.
4 of 6 3/16/18, 10:28 AM
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gain= Rf/Rs= 13 and vo= (-Rf/Rs)*vs.
→ vo= -13vs and given -22V≤ vo ≤ 22V.
→ -22= -13vs. So, vs=1.692 V
→ 22=-13vs. So, vs=-1.692V.
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