2m Interference Reduction System PDF
2m Interference Reduction System PDF
2m Interference Reduction System PDF
by Trevor S Day, G3ZYV
device as eese were 10 hand (Fig 2 ). Almost aners ee input tuning ol pre -amplilier 2 b ul
HIS CIRCU IT WtU substanlla lly
reduce or completely eliminate any common dual gat e M OSFET wiU work in more importantly sligh tly shi fts the phase ol
mertereece Irom almost any l0- this coofiguratiOn. eg the 406 73, AV3 con- the signal arriving at the pre-ampl ifier . The
cal source whilst leavirog the tr<*s the gain 01 pre- amplt1tef 2 and is adJust- ou tpu l of the phase swit ch and of pre-ampli-
wan ted signal relatively unaf- able from the front panel. tts purpose is 10 her 1 are boIh led 10 a Signal combiner cern-
fected . even though il may be on the same mat ch the level 01 the in terlering signallrom prising R8 .C14,C15, L5and L6. This is a 50U
frequency! Once the unit is adjusted lor a pre-amphflef 2 10 the interlering signal lrom signal spIi11er operating in reverse , Its per -
particular source 0 1 interference, the use r is pre -amplifier 1 altha signal combiner. thus pose is to add boIh signals and, as the int er-
tree 10 operate anywhere in me band without ensuring complete eerceeeseo. RV2 is a pr e- l er ing signal in one pa th is 180" out ol phase
further adjustment. set potenllOme ler COOlrol hng the gain of pre- WIth its compIemenl in the other path. the
The design of the circuit linlllS operallon to amplifier 1 in the wanted signal path from the interle nng signal is dra stically reduced or
a sma. band 01 frequencies, however it is ma in anlenna. elomlnated completely ,
sufticienl lo cover the entire lwo metre band . Pre-am plifier 2 l eeds lis output to a l illed
The principle can also be used at 50 and 180" phase inver1er (OL 1) lormed by an eiec-
Incal haft-wavelength of RG I 74U m iniatu re
70MHz and indeed this unit was hrsl con-
structed 10 work al SOMH z in o rde r to remove 50U ec-enet cable which may be switched in THE MAIN PCB IS conslructed from do uble -
computer hash. (See iss ue 28 otme UK Silt Of out 01 circu il by thediode switch comprising sided g lass libre boa rd : the underside layout
Metre Group Ne wsJeNet) . 06,07.08 and 52. A lu rll~r variabl e 180" is shown in Fig 3. The top side is blan k
pha se sh ill is achieved by 53. T his is a hall · copper, Tra ck wicllhs a re nol especially crib-
wa velength o f RG174U cable in eleven sec- ca l and the board can eaSily be marked wi lh
PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION lions. swi tch ed in approll ima tely 16° phase a Oalo type pen on the track side and some
THE BLOC K DI AGRAM (Fi g 1) shows the change slaps. na il varnish o n lhe reve rse . The ga te 2 volt-
method of ope ration . Both the wanted and Th e co nnecting cables Irom the switch to age to each pre ·a m plil ier has been derived
interfering signals arrive at pre-amplifier 1 the PCB shou ld be a s short as practically sepa rately to a llow the two 'halves' 01 the
Irom the main antenna via the antenna switch. possible (sill inc hes mall) as these will mtro- circ uit to be sepa rated by sc reens In ord er to
The sense antenna, by wfue of its ineHi- duce additional phase change s. Howeve r, red uce cross-ta lk. The sc reens a re con-
clancy at the wa nted rrequency . picks up the se a re co mpe nsated l or by the fine phase struc ted from the same do uble -sided PCB,
predominanlly the intorlaring signal and co nt rol , Fin e phase control is ac hieved by a about 20mm Wide an d SOlde red into place
passes this to pre-amouuee 2. Both pre- 1N914 diode actin g as a varac tor across the prior lu lII ounlillY 111.. c om pone nts.
a mp lifier out puts even tua lly a dd in the sign a l inpu t circuit 10 p re- am plifie r 2 . The add itional T he p hase switch is a twe lve wa y ro ta ry
co mbiner. However, the interl e ring signa l is ca pacitance o f the diode, controlled by RV 1, switch so lder ed to a PC B ca rri er which holds
first changed in phase by 180°. The re sulta nt
o utp ut of the co m biner is the sa me as the
input to pre-amphfler 1 fro m the m ain ant enna , o +ll V
less the inlerle ring signal.
"'" ca "
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION l£DI 1---!1c..1 w "'" cs Ou, p ut
- I", "
+' Zv
,~. '"
'" 00.
CS 'nO " v C l - ' ~ _2 00
0 1- lD .'._ '019"
TR1. 2 •__ )SOl"
Rr c _ l l¢'
III I _ 51e ... of RGr74U
u,o .. a l . a l>l..
RYl 7>0
••••• rEFO
- -
+ 12V
o o "
S ~n.~
. n t~ nn ..
Fig 3: Undenlide and componentlaYOll l 01the PCB, shown acilla l aize, Track widt ha are no t especia lly cri tic al.
the eleven loops of RG174U co-ax (F ig 4). approxima tely 203 x114 x64mm , Component the rec eiver and main antenna, leaving
The PCB carrier should be fashioned to suit values are not especially cr itical , although the the sense antenna disconnected.
the size of switch used along the lines shown coil dimensions should be adhered to and the b) Tune 10 a weak signa l on FM or a carrier
inthe diagram. Losses lhrough lheswitch are components fonning the combiner should be on SSB fCW and with the l ine phase con-
not particularly significant as only the amp li- as close to those specified as possible. Note trol at mid posi tion, adjusl VC1 andVC2 at
fied interfering signal passes through it The that a small screen is also requ ired 10 sepa- pre-ampli fier 1 for best signal 10 noise.
carrier is made from the same double-sided rate l 5 and l 6 in the signal combiner, The Adjust RV2 for optimum signal level atme
PCB stock as the main board. When com- fixed 180" phasing line DL1 may be coiled receiver.
plete ,the co-a x loops lie in the same prene as and taped up tor compactness.
c) Disconnect the main antenna and con-
the switch shall. (See photograph). The fine
nect the sense antenna . With RV3 ad -
phase control will compensate for the e xtra
SETTING UP justed for a low'S' meter reading, adjust
path length through varying sizes of switch;
ADJUSTME NT PA IOR TO use is quite VC3 and VC 4 in pre -amplifier 2 for
however, a smaller switch is preferred to r
strai ghtforward and requires no test equ ip- ma ximum signal.
compactness. Whichever box is used to hold
the device, it should be RF tight A die-cast ment: d) ge -connectthe main antenna.
aluminium box is ideal and will need to be a) Power up the unit and connect it between This completesthe setting up adjustments.