Ra 6713
Ra 6713
Ra 6713
Objectives Tool
1. ?
2. ?
Attitude Is Your Key to
Attitude is your mental
position with regard to
facts – or simply the way
you view things.
Attitude Is Your Key to
• Background of Code of Ethics
• RA 6713
• Duties of Public Officials and Employees
• Prohibited Acts
• Penalties
What is code of ethics?
a set of rules about good and bad behavior
What is code of ethics?
In each codes carry general obligations and
admonitions, but they are far more than
that. They often capture a vision of
excellence, of what individuals and
societies should be striving for and what
they can achieve.
Why Code of Ethics
• When applied to certain classes of people
– public servants, doctors – codes are the
ultimate terms of reference
• framework upon which professions are
Some Examples
King of Babylonia (18th Century B.C.)
• Hammurabi’s Code is the earliest
complete known legal code
• sets forth in cuneiform legal procedure
and penalties for unjust accusations,
false testimony, judicial injustice and
other rules with the goals of "stable
government and good rule,” and that “the
strong may not oppress the weak"
"Into whatever houses I enter, I will go
into them for the benefit of the sick,
and will abstain from every voluntary
act of mischief and corruption“
• Maintain and defend
Philippine sovereignty
against foreign intrusion
• Commit yourselves to the
democratic way of life and
values, maintain the
principle of public
accountability and
manifest by
deeds and supremacy of civilian
authority over the military
• Uphold the constitution and
put loyalty to country above
loyalty to persons or party
• Do not indulge in extravagant or
ostentatious display of wealth in any
• Lead modest lives
appropriate to
position and income
Values 21st Century DBO Workforce
Group Name:
Group Leader:
Duties of Public Officials and
duties of public officials and
Act promptly on letters and requests