Assessment of Street Food in Catbalogan City, Philippines: Janice D. Elli
Assessment of Street Food in Catbalogan City, Philippines: Janice D. Elli
Assessment of Street Food in Catbalogan City, Philippines: Janice D. Elli
Abstract: Street food vending provided economic opportunities to local entrepreneurs, most of which
belong to the marginalized sector of the community. Food sold on the streets is prone to various forms of
contaminants which may endanger health and life of its consumers. This study was conducted to assess the
situation of street food vending in Catbalogan City, Philippines. Using questionnaires, observation
checklist and camera, a total of 25 street food vendors, 60 consumers were observed and interviewed. The
observation made to fifteen street food vendors appears to have major GMP violations such as multiple
uses of water in washing, unprotected storage, non-food grade surface, unclean containers, improper food
handling, wearing inappropriate outfit, dirty surroundings and the presence of insects and rodents. Despite
government visits to the establishments, indicators suggest that vendors do not practice GMP regularly or is
not aware of it. Statistical analyses have shown that vendors tend to believe they are practicing some of the
GMP indicators but observation of customers and the researchers contradicts. There is a need for a strict
monitoring of the street food vendors to ensure compliance to RA 10611 of the Philippine Government.
Training of vendors on basic GMPs must be required from every food vendors of the city.
Elli (2016) 12
Table 1 presents the frequency washes it with water which have been used
distribution and percentage of responses on several times.
the implementation sanitary standard as per
observation. Data shows that majority of the The surface where food are served
required standards for GMP has not been and more importantly where it is prepared
complied with. Water used in cleaning must be clean and made of material which
utensils was re-used several times before does not encourage massive bacterial
replaced. Only about 10% of the observed growth. (Rane, 2011). Disinfection of non-
food stalls uses running water in washing. food-contact areas were also not observed.
GMP standards require that water used in Seldom that a vendor uses water, a clean rug
cleaning utensils is clear running water to clean the working area or the stall itself.
(Stier, 2006). It also recommends that the On three occasions, a filthy looking rug was
water used is heated to at least 110 degrees. used to wipe-put dirt on the surface of the
Even the kind of detergent used in washing food stall. Also, the food was prepared very
is not appropriate. Based on the observation close to the ground. About half of stalls
made stalls used a laundry detergent bar, observed prepared their food below what is
others used dishwashing liquid of which recommended distance from the ground.
potency in cleaning dirt however is not Preparing closer to the ground increases
known. chances of contamination as ground along
streets are naturally dirty.
Utensils used in preparing as well as
handling of food must also be kept from Covering of food, storing of utensils as well
various contaminants. Street as the uncooked food must at all-time is
situation/environment is full of various observed as street environment is very open
forms of food contaminants. There is the to all sort of potential contaminants. The
dust, insects, other air-borne bacteria, insects food should be prepared in a clean and well-
such as flies and other form of street- kept place, sheltered from the dust, sun, rain
environment-contaminants. Flies and other and wind, and far from all sources of
insects are potential carriers of contaminants contamination such as wastes (FAO, ND).
from fecal matters and the likes. According Survey result suggests that about half of the
to Nkere, et. al. (2011), coliforms connote food prepared on streets are not covered all
faecal contamination, resulting in the risk of the time, about a quarter even did not cover
exposure to pathogens that cause it all. As per appearance of the containers
gastrointestinal diseases, such as diarrhea used, the observer noted that about 40%
and typhoid fever. These pathogens can be looks unclean. The assessment is based on
controlled through disinfecting, sanitizing the fact that the containers are in the open
and sterilizing of the utensils and the the entire time, suggesting that it must have
working environment. Sanitization of dishes, been exposed to a variety of contaminants.
glassware, utensils, cutting boards, pots and
pans maybe enough to reduce the number of Water served in food stalls varies
bacteria to safe levels on food-contact from tap water served in glass/plastic/paper
surfaces (NCSU, ND). Data shows that cups to bottled water. A little more than half
street food vendors in Catbalogan City do of stalls offer water on a container believed
not practice sanitization with 80% of those to be somewhat clean (60%) and clean
using non-disposable spoon and fork only (33%). Tap water basically is clean as it
have been subjected to treatment which is
Elli (2016) 13
Indicators/Questi Observations Responses Observations
f % f % f %
1. The utensils Yes 9 60.0 15 60.0 32 53.3
P=0.9106 (NS)
p=0.9598 (NS)
p=0.1026 (NS)
(plate/saucers/cu Sometimes 1 6.7 2 8.0 5 8.3
p/glass/spoon No 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 5.0
etc.) are washed Uses disposable 5 33.3 8 32.0 15 25.0
every time it is utensils/food
used. containers
Not aware 0 0 0 0.0 5 8.3
2. Type of water Running water 1 10.0 6 24.0 5 8.3
p=0.0084 (S)
p=0.0081 (S)
used in washing Washed in a pail 9 90.0 19 76.0 47 78.3
or containers of
water (used for
several washing
Not aware 0 0 0 0.0 8 13.3
3. For re-used Water is replaced 3 30.0 19 76.0 22 36.7
P=0.1977 (NS)
P=0.0000 (S)
water after 2-3 reuse
P=0.000 (S)
Replaced after 4 – 6 60.0 4 16.0 25 41.7
6 reuse
Replaced after 7 1 10.0 2 8.0 5 8.3
or more reuse
Not aware 0 0 0 0.0 8 13.3
4. Washing uses Yes 1 10.0 17 68.0 7 11.7
Sometimes 5 50.0 8 32.0 31 51.7
No 4 40.0 0 0.0 19 31.7
Not aware 0 0 0 0.0 5 8.3
5. Utensils are Yes 3 20.0 6 24.0 15 25.0
stored in closed Partly closed 8 53.3 16 64.0 28 46.7 (NS)
P=0.0000 (S)
Elli (2016) 14
Continuation of Table 1
Authors Vendors Costumers
Indicators/Questi Observations Responses Observations
f % f % f %
8. Food Yes 4 26.7 15 60.0 15 25.0
Preparation/ Not all the time 3 20.0 8 32.0 15 25.0
P=0.6977 (NS)
P=0.0000 (S)
P=0.000 (S)
cooking area is No 8 53.3 2 8.0 30 50.0
elevated 0.60 m
(approximately 2
ft. or at least
above knee of an
9. Foods are Yes 3 20.0 25 100.0 36 60.0
stored in clean Sometimes 6 40.0 0 0.0 11 18.3
containers No 6 40.0 0 0.0 10 16.7
Not sure 0 0.0 0 0 3 5.0
10. Foods are Yes all the time 8 53.3 18 72.0 25 41.7
kept covered
Sometimes 4 26.7 6 24.0 20 33.3
No 3 20.0 1 4.0 15 25.0
11. What No water/takeout 1 6.7 3 12.0 6 10.0
drinking water is counter only
p=0.0000 (S)
p=0.0003 (S)
P=0.0001 (S)
served to Bottled water 4 26.7 7 28.0 32 53.3
costumers Tap water 7 46.7 5 20.0 12 20.0
Mineral water 2 13.3 10 40.0 8 13.3
from water
refilling stations
Unknown source 1 6.7 0 0.0 2 3.3
12. Drinking Glass 5 33.3 4 16.0 15 25.0
water is served Plastic cup 6 40.0 15 60.0 28 46.7
p=0.00000 (S)
p=0.0000 (S)
container/cup/ stain, no scratch
glass used are marks)
Clean 5 33.3 8 32.0 36 60.0
Somewhat clean 9 60.0 1 4.0 12 20.0
(Looks) unclean 1 6.7 0 0.0 6 10.0
14. Food Plain clothes 12 80.0 7 28.0 55 91.7
handlers wear Uniform (with 3 20.0 15 60.0 5 8.3
some protective
p=0.0000 (S)
p=0.0000 (S)
p=0.0000 (S)
Elli (2016) 15
safe for drinking. However cross placed in clean containers and serve clean
contamination (i,e, unclean water container, water as well as store food and utensils in
unsecured container, etc.) cause it to be secured cabinets. Random interviews of the
unsafe. costumers believe that the vendors would
not endanger their costumers by using
Personal hygiene of food preparers is unclean containers. However, based on the
an important aspect in ensuring food is safe keen observation of the authors who have
for consumption. Shorter hair, using hairnet, knowledge on basic hygiene, some of the
or tying hair at the back will minimize the food stall owners are not using clean
possibility of it falling into the food. (FEHD, containers all the time. The vendors perhaps
ND) Wearing of gears and proper clothing is believe that the containers were clean but
also essential in preparing and handling of based on GMP standards it is not clean due
food. In Honkong for example, failure to to possible exposure to contaminants.
observe the prescribed clothing and personal
effects is a breach of licensing condition 4.2 Practice of Vendors in Food Preparation
which means revocation of permits to as Perceived by the Customers
operate business (ibid). Food handlers
should wear disposable gloves, masks and Table 2 presents the practices of
wears clean and light colored outer clothing vendors in food preparation as perceived by
or protective overalls in handling food the customers. About half of the customers
(ibid). asked say that they saw vendors handling
food with their bare hands that might not be
4.2 Statistical Analysis of Observation and clean. They say that about six in every ten
Responses of Vendors and Costumers never saw the food handler washing their
hands before serving food. In a food code
The categorical responses were published by FDA (2003) says that food
analysed and determined if those were employees must handle ready-to-eat food
similarly distributed. Chi-square analysis of with their bare hands. Suitable utensils, such
data have shown that most of the responses as deli paper, spatulas, tongs, dispensing
of vendors are significantly different from equipment, or gloves shall be used. Hand
the observation made of the researchers and washing is a valuable way to manage spread
the costumers. For example, vendors feel of bacteria and viruses, which can cause
they are sanitizing or sterilizing their spoon infections and foodborne illness. Food
and fork but the observers (costumers and handlers can be a significant source of
the authors) says they are not. Also, the harmful microorganisms (MDH, 2010).
vendors say they are wearing appropriately
and uses gloves and hairnets and the likes in Street conditions put street foods into
handling food but observers says otherwise. greater risk of contamination. Dust, flying
This implies that the vendors are not keen on insects such as flies alone contains
observing proper hygiene when it comes to significant number of potential food
food handling and preparation. contaminants. Bacteria in air ordinarily have
a direct relation to the amount of dust, many
There are also cases where of which are attached to dust particles
costumers assume that the process is okay (Roseanau, 2011). Flies most The risk of
and shared the same views with the vendors. contamination can be reduced through food
The costumers believe that the food are covers (Hilario 2015).
Elli (2016) 16
Elli (2016) 17
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