Curriculumn - Vitae - Dr. Simon Gisege Omare
Curriculumn - Vitae - Dr. Simon Gisege Omare
Curriculumn - Vitae - Dr. Simon Gisege Omare
Department of Philosophy, Religion and Theology
Moi University,
P.O. Box 9199,
Eldoret, Kenya.
Mobile Phone +254722616761.
[email protected]
[email protected]
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Religion and society, Religion and environment, Religion and
development, Religion and science, mysticism, Religion and
M.A. Religion,
Maseno University,
22nd Dec. 2006.
St. Paul’s Gekano Secondary School,
Eronge Primary School,
Ekegusii, Kiswahili and English.
Assistant Lecturer,
Department of Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studies,
Moi University.
March 2008 – July 2011.
T. S. C.-Nyangweta Secondary school,
2006 January-Feb. 2008.
1. Examination coordinator department of Philosophy, religion and Theology from January
2. School representative in the Moi University alumni, 2012- 2013
3. Course registration officer, 2008-2014
4. Departmental welfare officer, 2010-2014
5. Part-timer university of Eldoret 2015-Current
6. Part-timer the Catholic University of East Africa
7. Academic advisor for the 2017 Young African Scholars of the Harry Frank Guggenheim
a) Books
b) Chapters in books
1. With Eunice Kamaara ‘in Gordon L. Heath and David K. Tarus, Eds., Christian
Responses to Terrorism: The Kenyan Experience. McMaster General Studies Series.
Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017. ISBN: 9781498229272.
2. With Eunice Kamaara ‘Ethnicity and Political Violence in Kenya’ in Our Burning
Issues. A Pan African Response. A publication of the All Africa Conference of
Churches (AACC) Nairobi: Zapf Chancery Publishers Africa Limited. 2013. ISBN:
978-9-9660-4065-7. 10th general Assembly 2013. Pages, 204-220.
3. ‘The Role of Abagusii Religious Beliefs and Practices in Violence to Witch Suspects
in Kisii County, Kenya’ in Contemporary Issues in Philosophy, Religion and
Theology. A publication of the Department of Philosophy, Religion and Theology,
Moi University: December 2013. Eldoret: Utafiti Foundation.2013.ISBN:978-9966-
c) Articles in Journals
1. With Samuel Obuchi, ‘Critical Discourse Analysis of Natural Environmental
Conservation in Kenya: A case of Kakamega Forest’ in Reyono journal of
interdisciplinary studies. St. Thomas College Kozhencherry Kerala, India-689641. Vol. 5
Issue 2. July 2016. ISSN. 2277-7652. Pages 3-19.
2. With Eunice Kamaara and Lucy Kiyiapi, ‘The Role of Women in the Conservation of the
Kakamega Forest, Kenya. A Feminist Perspective.’ in Theologies and Cultures. People
and Earth. A symbiotic Partnership. FORMOSA Christianity and Culture Research
Center of Chang Jung Christian University and Tainan Theological College and
Seminary. Vol. X No. 1 June 2013. ISSN no. 1813-7024. Pages, 102-131.
3. With Abwire Akuloba and Sussy Gumo, ‘Religion and Politics in the
Contemporary Kenya’ in European scientific Journal, European Scientific Institute.
ISSN: 1857 – 7431 (online).Vol 8, No 18 (2012)., Macedonia.
4. With Sussy Gumo, Evans Raballah and Collins Ouma, ‘Communicating African Spirituality
through Ecology: Challenges and Prospects for the 21st Century’ in Multidisciplinary
Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). ISSN 2077-1444. OPEN ACCESS Vol. 3, page 523–54.
19 June 2012, Basel, Switzerland.
5. With Michael Ntabo, ‘Obstacles facing Isukha Religious Indigenous Knowledge Systems in
the Conservation of Natural Resources. A Case Study of Kakamega Forest’ in International
Journal of Disaster Management and Risk reduction. Masinde Muliro University of Science
and Technology. ISSN. 1992-274. 1st on line edition Vol. 4, Issue 1. January, 2012.
6. With Martin tanui ‘The Role of the Church in Fighting Machiavelism in Kenyan Politics’ in
International Journal of Current Research. ISSN: 0975-833x. Vol. 3, Issue, 10, pp.126-
137, September, 2011.
1. I am an active member of the Christian and Scientific Association of Kenya (CSAK).
2. I am a member of CODESRIA.