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 Operator components and networking ___________________

System settings 1
(IM5) ___________________
Configure the system
network 2

Network configuration 3
Service and diagnostics 4
Operator components and networking

Commissioning Manual

Valid for:

CNC software Version 2.7

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Table of contents

1 System settings ......................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Settings for SINUMERIK solution line............................................................................................5
1.2 Thin Client Unit (TCU)....................................................................................................................7
1.3 Factory default settings..................................................................................................................9
2 Configure the system network ................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 System boot with system network................................................................................................11
2.2 Synchronize DHCP server ...........................................................................................................13
2.3 Commissioning TCU ....................................................................................................................16
2.3.1 Using the TCU's main menu ........................................................................................................16
2.3.2 Using additional TCU menus .......................................................................................................20
2.3.3 How to register a TCU on the system network ............................................................................30
2.3.4 Connecting-up the SIMATIC Thin Client Touch Panel ................................................................33
2.3.5 This is how you configure the SIMATIC Thin Client Touch Panel ...............................................35
2.3.6 Settings in the "config.ini" file.......................................................................................................36
2.3.7 Settings in the "TCU.ini" file .........................................................................................................38
2.3.8 Displacement mechanism for TCUs ............................................................................................42
2.3.9 Disable switchover between TCUs via PLC ................................................................................44
2.3.10 Example: How to select the behavior of the TCUs during boot up ..............................................46
2.4 System Network Center (SNC) ....................................................................................................47
2.4.1 Function overview of the System Network Center.......................................................................47
2.4.2 SNC: "Adapter" tab ......................................................................................................................49
2.4.3 SNC: "OPs" tab ............................................................................................................................50
2.4.4 How to configure an OP...............................................................................................................52
2.4.5 How to configure VNC connections .............................................................................................53
2.4.6 SNC: Configuring TCU support services .....................................................................................55
2.4.7 SNC: Configuring "TCU mode" ....................................................................................................57
2.4.8 SNC: Configuring the X120 interface (System network) .............................................................59
2.4.9 SNC: Configuring the X130 interface (Company network) ..........................................................61
2.4.10 SNC: Configuring parameters on the "System basics" tab..........................................................62
2.4.11 SNC: "Scanned devices" tab .......................................................................................................62
3 Network configuration .............................................................................................................................. 67
3.1 Permissible network topologies ...................................................................................................67
3.2 Networks without connection to the company network................................................................68
3.2.1 Configuration 1: NCU and TCU ...................................................................................................68
3.2.2 Configuration 2: NCU and PCU with direct OP............................................................................69
3.3 Networks with NCU connection to the company network............................................................70
3.3.1 Configuration 3: NCU and TCU ...................................................................................................70
3.3.2 Configuration 4: NCU and PCU with direct OP............................................................................71
3.3.3 Configuration 5: PCU with TCU on NCU .....................................................................................72
3.3.4 Connecting the programming device (PG) to the NCU................................................................73
3.4 Application example.....................................................................................................................74

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Table of contents

4 Service and diagnostics ........................................................................................................................... 77

4.1 Booting of the TCU...................................................................................................................... 77
4.1.1 Messages during booting ............................................................................................................ 77
4.1.2 Diagnostics options during booting ............................................................................................. 77
4.2 How to calibrate a touch panel.................................................................................................... 82
Index........................................................................................................................................................ 85

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4 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
System settings 1
1.1 Settings for SINUMERIK solution line

Area of application
This description applies to NCU 7x0 with software V2.6 SP1 and PCU 50 with PCU base
software V8.6 SP1.

This manual describes the structure and commissioning of the system network with
SINUMERIK solution line control and operator components with Ethernet-based
communication. The fundamentals of the system network are described first, details and
special cases are described in subsequent chapters.

The system network for SINUMERIK solution line is structured as a star topology with a
central Ethernet switch, to which all Ethernet-based components of the system are
For an NCU the connection is executed via the X120 Ethernet socket, for PCU 50 it is
executed via the "Ethernet 2" connection. There is no default for all other components with
two Ethernet connections. These components have an internal 2-port switch and may be
used to connect an additional operator component. Thus in this case there can be deviation
from the strict star topology.

System network
In the system network the IP address 192.168.214.xxx with subnet mask is
pre-selected. Here, there is precisely one DHCP server with DNS that can run on one NCU
or one PCU 50. The server ensures assignment of IP addresses to the Ethernet components
in the system network (DHCP clients) from a specified address band.
The following rules apply for assignment of IP addresses in the system network:
● For all NCUs and PCUs the commissioning engineer assigns fixed IP addresses in the
associated address bands, as well as appropriate computer names (host names). All
other (operator) components are automatically assigned an IP address from the DHCP
server. Its name is generated automatically (for MCP, MPP, HT 8), or is entered at
commissioning (TCU).
● If there are multiple NCUs and/or PCUs in the system network the system automatically
(depending on the start-up sequence) specifies the DHCP server and automatically
ensures synchronization of all necessary data so that the next time the system boots any
other NCU or PCU could take on the role of DHCP server. However it is a good idea to
specify a DHCP master. This is an NCU or PCU in the system network that is available at
each system boot and which regularly takes over the task of the DHCP server and DNS

Operator components and networking (IM5)

Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0 5
System settings
1.1 Settings for SINUMERIK solution line

Synchronization of data takes place in any event so that any other NCU or PCU can take
over this task. All non-master NCUs / PCUs wait in the system boot an adjustable length
of time for availability of the master.

In a system network, on a boot server respectively - i.e. the NCU 7x0.2/PCU 50 which
houses the active DHCP server - a maximum of 30 operator stations may be operated
simultaneously with a TCU.
A maximum of 10 operator stations with a TCU may connect up simultaneously with the
same HMI application when powering up.

Connection to a company network

Each NCU 7x0 can be connected via X130, and each PCU 50 can be connected via
"Ethernet 1" to the company network. The company network is used to exchange HMI
software data with servers or to execute part-programs directly from servers in the company
network. Company network and system network should always be logically and also
physically separated.

Service interface X127

The service interface X127 of the NCU 7x0 is used for direct connection of a programming
device/PC for service purposes. Here access with STEP 7 to the PLC, and with NCU 730 PN
to PROFINET as well is possible.
With direct connection (peer-to-peer) of a PG/PC to X127 it is absolutely necessary that as
from V2.6 the PG is operated as a DHCP client.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

6 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
System settings
1.2 Thin Client Unit (TCU)

1.2 Thin Client Unit (TCU)

TCU overview
The Thin Client Unit (TCU) for the distributed configuration permits spatial separation of the
SINUMERIK operator panel front (OP/TP) and the SINUMERIK PCU or NCU. On the
SINUMERIK solution line, the TCU is used to display the user interface of the PCU 50 or the
It is possible to connect one TCU to several PCUs. All TCUs and PCUs that are connected
to one another via a switch form the "system network". The user interface of a PCU is copied
to several OPs with one TCU each. In other words, all of the TCUs display the same screen.
Operator actions can only be performed on one TCU at a time. This TCU then has user
authorization. The PCU can also have its own OP connected directly to it.
An example of a configuration with HMI Advanced for a distributed configuration is shown

7&8 7&8 7&8 +7




The mobile SINUMERIK HT 8 handheld terminal works on the thin client principle and
combines the functions of an operator panel with a machine control panel.
The configuration and cabling of the whole plant system based on a permissible
configuration is described in the chapter 'Network configurations".

Supplementary conditions
For operation of a TCU:
● In the system network, the number of active TCUs is limited:
– a maximum of 2 TCUs: NCU 710.2 and 710.3 PN
– a maximum of 4 TCUs: NCU 720.2 / 720.3 PN / 730.2 / 730.3 PN
– a maximum of 4 TCUs: PCU
Any number of TCUs can be operated in the system network.
● CompactFlash Cards cannot be used on the TCU.
● A 16 bit or 32 bit depth of color setting may be selected.
● If a PC keyboard is connected to the TCU, it is not possible to ensure that all special
keys, e.g., multi-media keys, will be transferred to the software of the NCU / PCU.

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System settings
1.2 Thin Client Unit (TCU)

● Machine control panels connected via a PROFIBUS network are not supported for
● Distributed memory media that are connected to the TCU via USB can be used.

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8 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
System settings
1.3 Factory default settings

1.3 Factory default settings

Meaning of the symbols:

○ Eth 1 as a DHCP client
● Eth 2 as a DHCP server
■ Eth 2 with a fixed IP address

Preconfiguration of the TCU

The TCU is configured as a DHCP client and primarily accepts IP addresses from
SINUMERIK components, from the DHCP server of such components that are inherent to
SINUMERIK, for example, an NCU at X120 or a PCU on the system network or from a
default DHCP server. The behavior of the TCU cannot be modified here.


The TCU has a single Ethernet connection.

A TCU executes a boot via the network. The boot server is the computer node from which
the TCU also obtains its IP address.

Pre-configuration of the PCU

A PCU has two Ethernet interfaces with default settings suitable for use with SINUMERIK
solution line:

Eth 1 is pre-selected as a default DHCP client for connection to a

company network.
Eth 2 is pre-selected as a SINUMERIK DHCP server for
connection to a system network. On Eth 2 the fixed IP address is pre-selected.

A PCU with PCU Base software V8.0 or higher already contains the "PCU Base software
Thin Client" when delivered. For retrofitting, the software is available in the D:\Update
directory on the hard disk.

Preconfiguration of the NCU

On the X120, the NCU is preconfigured for the SINUMERIK DHCP protocol. The NCU is pre-
selected here as a SINUMERIK DHCP server. On X120, the NCU occupies the fixed IP
address with the subnet mask in its capacity as a DHCP
server. The DHCP server of the NCU assigns IP addresses from the range
to The behavior of the NCU on X120 cannot be modified.

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System settings
1.3 Factory default settings

Restricting the available address band that is managed by the DHCP server of the NCU
frees up IP addresses to as well as addresses to for network nodes with fixed IP addresses.

The NCU has three Ethernet connections:

; ; - X120 to connect to the system network with an active DHCP
server (Eth 2)
1&8 - X130 to connect to the company network as a default DHCP
; client (Eth 1)
- X127 as a service connection with an active DHCP server (Ibn
On X130, the NCU is set as a default DHCP client for the address reference from a company
network. The IP address received here is specified by the DHCP server from the company
On X127, an NCU is a standard DHCP server (in contrast to the SINUMERIK DHCP server).
On X127, the NCU has the fixed IP address with the subnet mask The range to is reserved and can be used
by network stations with a fixed IP address from this range. On X127, IP addresses in the
range to are assigned via DHCP; e.g. to connect a
programming device.

Reserved IP addresses for NCU and PCU

The following defaults apply on delivery:
● Connection to the system network with subnet mask

IP address Network station Remark NCU on X120 Default – 9 For additional NCUs with a fixed IP address Unassigned
on the system network – 239 For additional TCUs, subsequently for DHCP clients
additional PCUs, NCUs, MCPs, MPPs Reserved for EKS (Electronic Key System) Default Fixed IP address of the PCU on Eth 2 Default – 249 For additional PCUs with a fixed IP address Unassigned – 254 For PGs with a fixed IP address (service Unassigned

● Service connection with subnet mask

IP address Network station Remark NCU on X127 Default – 9 For programming devices with a fixed IP Unassigned
address – 30 E.g., for programming device DHCP clients

Operator components and networking (IM5)

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Configure the system network 2
2.1 System boot with system network

System behavior at boot

As of NCU system software V2.4 SP1 and PCU-Basesoftware V8.1, system boot behavior is
based on the following principle:
● For configuration of an NCU 7x0 with a PU 50, the default for a network configuration is
as follows: The NCU keeps the default IP address on X120, the PCU 50
keeps the default IP address on Eth2.
● For a configuration of more than 1 NCU 7x0 without PCU, with one or several PCU 50,
then a differentiation must be made between two cases:
– At boot automatically all address conflicts and DHCP conflicts are resolved and the
system is ready for operation. In this configuration there is no guarantee that all NCUs
and PCUs will always receive the same IP address at each system boot.
– If in the user's view there is a requirement that all NCUs, and possibly also the PCUs,
get a defined constant IP address at each boot, for example because the IP address is
entered in the respective PLC program, then the user must configure a fixed IP
address for each NCU 7x0/PCU 50 in question, in the basesys.ini file.
● The user can specify a DHCP master in the basesys.ini file.
● Assigning names:
– The user should assign meaningful names for all NCUs in the basesys.ini file; if not
the names will be generated automatically.
– A PCU 50 always has a computer name that can be changed as needed.
● The IP addresses of TCUs and MCPs are freely assigned within the specified address
band at each boot. The MCPs are identified in the PLC via their DIP switch setting.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

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Configure the system network
2.1 System boot with system network

Using DNS name service

Availability of the DNS (Domain Name System) name service offers the following
advantages for system network administration:
● The name service enables easier configuration with names instead of IP addresses for
management of operating units: All components in the system network can be addressed
via a symbolic computer name. This name can to some extent be freely assigned, to
some extent it is derived automatically from a DIP switch setting (MCP, MPP, EKS, HT 8,
HT 2).
● A computer node in the system network (NCU, PCU, TCU, MCP, HT 8, etc.) can be
addressed solely through assignment of the IP address, either via a freely selectable
name or via an internally generated name in the system network, and thus becomes
independent from its network address in the system network. Thus a change in the
network address does not necessarily necessitate a series of additional setting changes.
● In addition, the name service is used by the system for address resolution for MCP/MPP,
direct keys, and EKS when changing the user authorization.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

12 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Configure the system network
2.2 Synchronize DHCP server

2.2 Synchronize DHCP server

Synchronization in the system network

Synchronization of the DHCP servers makes it very easy to commission the system network:
The complete system network consisting of NCU7x0, PCU, TCU, HT 8, MCP, MPP is
configured dynamically when booting via the DHCP protocol and thus can be booted without
any prior configuration processes.
Only one DHCP server may be active in a computer network.
Each of the components NCU7x0 and PCU is shipped with the DHCP server switched to
active. With this setting simple systems as well as system networks are immediately ready
for operation.

Configuration with 1 NCU and 1 PCU

To operate a PCU 50 which has V8.0 SP2 or higher of the PCU basic software installed on
an NCU, the DHCP server on the NCU must be activated (NCU service command: "sc
enable DHCPSvr -x120") and deactivated on the PCU.
To deactivate services DHCP, TFTP and FTP and activate service VNC on its own, proceed
as follows:
● Start the "System Network Center" in the service mode of the PCU and set the default
configuration in the "TCU support" tab to "No boot support".
● For MCP operation the entry "addrmode" in the mcp_client.ini file of the NCU must be set
to (HWS). This is the default setting (see /card/siemens/sinumerik/mcp_client).
● If TCUs or HT 8 is available in the system and must be switched to the PCU (with HMI-
Advanced) after booting, a "config" file (not config.ini !) must be created on the NCU for
each TCU / HT 8 under /user/common/tcu/<TCU name>/common/tcu with the following
This is the IP address of the PCU to which the TCU / HT 8 must connect when booting.

System redundancy
With the available redundancy of DHCP servers in the system, continued operation of the
system is ensured in the following cases:
● Particularly when commissioning, the situation can occur that the computer node that
takes on the role of DCHP server fails in operation or is switched off. In this case, an
additional NCU 7x0 or PCU can take over the role of the DHCP server.
● Mobile components such as HT 8 and HT 2, that are accepted during system operation
can be properly supplied by the system and execute their boot process.
● Because the DHCP server has also integrated the DNS name service necessary for
operation of the MCP, MPP, and EKS systems, it is also possible to continue to operate
these components on the system even if the original server should fail.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

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Configure the system network
2.2 Synchronize DHCP server

 Important system and network settings for the NCU-Basesoftware are preset in the
basesys.ini file in the /card/user/system/etc directory and can be modified in this file. The
original basesys.ini file is called "template-basesys.ini" and can be found under
 Every NCU in the system network should be allocated a unique ("meaningful") computer
name via the "Hostname=..." entry in basesys.ini. The name can include lower/upper
case letters, digits, and minus signs.
 As a basic principle, the DHCP server for the NCU should be switched on.
 When upgrading SW 1.3/1.4, it is important to ensure there is no old mcp_client.ini file left
in /card/user/sinumerik/mcp_client.

● Configuration 1 NCU with TCU and MCP
No special settings are required in basesys.ini for this configuration.
DHCP server and internal HMI-Embedded remained switched on.
● Configuration 1 NCU with 1 PCU, MCP, and, if applicable, TCU
The following settings are required in the NCU's basesys.ini for this configuration:
Hostname = ....
The internal HMI-Embedded should usually be switched off, as it is only permissible to
operate two HMI applications (HMI-Advanced and HMI-Embedded) on one NCU in
exceptional circumstances.
We recommend that PCU Base software V8.1 SP3 or higher is used on PCU 50.3.
Select the "No boot support" default configuration on the "TCU support" tab in the System
Network Center.
If there is a TCU (HT 8) in the system to be switched to the PCU by default, the following
entries will have to be made on the NCU in the file called /card/user/common/tcu/<TCU
MaxHostIndex = 1
Address = <IP address for the PCU>
● Configuration several NCUs and, if applicable, 1 or more PCUs, TCUs, MCPs
The following settings are required in the NCU's basesys.ini for this configuration:
Unique Hostname = .... for every NCU
Unique InternalIP= ....
The same InternalNetMask= ....
Precisely one NCU with SyncModeDHCPD_SysNet = ON_MASTER
PCU base software V8.1 SP3 or higher must be used on PCU 50.3.
Leave the "Complete TCU support" default configuration on the "TCU support" tab in the
System Network Center. "Sync mode low priority" is the recommended option on the
"DHCP settings" tab.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

14 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Configure the system network
2.2 Synchronize DHCP server

All the operator panels in the system network (TCUs, HT 8, PCU) are managed with
"ON_MASTER" on the NCU. Consequently, this is where you will find the config.ini files
relevant to the runtime and the .leases file containing all the IP addresses assigned within
the system.
The config.ini files are distributed across all of the other NCUs/PCUs from the NCU,
which is the DHCP server, using the "sc distribute tcudata" service command.
After the "sc clear dhcp" service command has been executed and the entire system has
been switched off and on, the NCUs/PCUs receive their predetermined IP addresses.
These addresses are then reassigned for TCUs and MCPs and the .leases file is
distributed to all the other NCUs/PCUs.

System Network Center → OPs tab
On every PCU, the config.ini files of all operator panels can be edited directly on the
master NCU. Every time a change is made, data is distributed to all NCUs/PCUs in the
system network automatically.

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Configure the system network
2.3 Commissioning TCU

2.3 Commissioning TCU

2.3.1 Using the TCU's main menu

Key assignment
Functions of the keys and softkeys in the "Operator panel service system":

Softkey Key on OP External Description

HSK1 <F1> Moves the cursor down a row

HSK2 <F2> Moves the cursor up a row

Page HSK3 <F3> Moves the cursor down a page

Page HSK4 <F4> Moves the cursor up a page

Char HSK5 <F5> Inserts text or digits

Char HSK6 <F6> Inserts text or digits

VSK7 ← Cancel / Return


VSK8 → OK / Confirm

--- Pos1 Moves the cursor to the top row

--- End Moves the cursor to the bottom row

Exceptions to the above are mainly the result of input fields. Where these are present, the
left/right cursor keys move the input cursor rather than performing an OK/cancel function.
The Return key takes you to the next field (like the "down" key) rather than closing the entire
dialog with OK. There are also Backspace (deletes character to the left) and Delete (deletes
character to the right) keys for editing text and numbers. The F5, F6, Backspace, Delete, and
Select keys (between the cursor keys on the panel) can be used to switch between Yes/No
With a touch screen, you can activate all the softkeys and even select rows in a menu simply
by touching them.
Touch panels without any additional keys still have a special function which allows you to
edit letters and numbers with HSK5/HSK6 by moving characters forwards or backwards.
See also: How to calibrate a touch panel (Page 82)

Operator components and networking (IM5)

16 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Configure the system network
2.3 Commissioning TCU

"Main menu"

The dialog "Main menu (TCU1)" is started with the menu back
key and the key <MENU SELECT>:

Figure 2-1 TCU menu: Main menu

The main menu contains:

● A "Main menu" title followed by the TCU name in brackets
● A central area listing the servers from config.ini. This is followed by two more fixed items,
"Select service session" and "Service this panel".
– The penultimate menu item, "Select service session", triggers a server scan which
detects all the VNC servers in the local (system) network. These are then displayed in
a session menu which largely reflects the main menu.
– The last menu item on the main menu, "Service this panel", opens the "Service menu
for operator panel" submenu.
● The right-hand side of the menu has a column containing 8 softkeys for use on a context-
specific basis.
● The lower section of the menu has a row of 4 softkeys for navigating with the cursor.
● There is an error line for displaying error messages directly above the row of softkeys.
Transient status messages also occasionally appear in this line.
● There is a further message line above this error line. The contents of this line can be set
from the servers using HWS commands.

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Configure the system network
2.3 Commissioning TCU

"Service Network" softkey

The System Network Center (SNC) (Page 47) opens when the "Service network" softkey is
The following message only appears if an error has occurred:

Figure 2-2 TCU menu: Fault signal

Operator components and networking (IM5)

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Configure the system network
2.3 Commissioning TCU

"Details" softkey
The following connection data for the selected device appears when the "Details" softkey is

Figure 2-3 TCU menu: Connection data

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Configure the system network
2.3 Commissioning TCU

2.3.2 Using additional TCU menus

"Service sessions" dialog

When "Select service session" is selected from the main menu, the resulting process begins
by triggering a server scan:

Figure 2-4 TCU menu: Scanning

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Configure the system network
2.3 Commissioning TCU

After this, the following dialog appears:

Figure 2-5 TCU menu: Active sessions

Central area with the server list:

The individual server lines contain either "Show WHAT on NAME (IP)" or the IP address only
where the name is unknown.

Session number VNC server

Session 0 HMI
Session 4 Command shell
Session 5 System logfile
Session 6 System Network Center (SNC)
Session <N> other server

These details are followed by a status message regarding the accessibility of the VNC
server. "Connection not ok" appears if it is already impossible to access the VNC server from
the IP side (if switched off, for example). If it can be accessed, a message shows whether an
HMI-VNC server is also accessible ("HMI running/not running").
The VSK8, Return or right cursor keys can be used to launch a VNC viewer for the selected

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Connection status:
Further details on the connection status can be called with the "Details" softkey. In the next
dialog, "not ok" or "not running" are accompanied by an additional error message with more
precise details on the reason for the loss of function. With more favorable scenarios, the
session name for the VNC server will also be specified along with its resolution.
The connection and HMI status are monitored on a regular basis in the background. This
may mean that these details change spontaneously if a change is made on the relevant
server (for example, it may be switched off, the HMI may become available, etc.).

"Service menu for operator panel (TCU)" dialog

The following dialog appears when "Service this panel" is selected from the main menu:

Figure 2-6 TCU menu: Service menu

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The following menu items are available here:

● "Show status" displays status information including the software version, HW information,
TCU network data, and the contents of the config.ini.

Figure 2-7 TCU menu: OP status

● "Show local logfile" displays a filtered version of the system logfile in the
/var/log/messages directory containing local TCU messages only.

Syslog messages received via the network are not displayed.

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Figure 2-8 TCU menu: Local logfile

● "Show logfile of remote devices" displays the logfile of the other devices in the network:
The syslog messages of devices in the system network which send syslog messages by
broadcast, such as NCU 7x0, ...
● "Modify operator panel settings" calls a further submenu. Please refer to the next section.
● "Calibrate touch screen" is only active if there is a touch screen. This menu item
recalibrates the touch screen.
● "Reboot" restarts the TCU.

Where the contents of a line exceed the space available, the remaining text runs onto the
next line so that you do not have to waste time scrolling across. When this occurs, the
line has a right-facing arrow at its right edge.

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"Modify settings for operator panel (TCU)" dialog

The following dialog appears when "Modify settings" is selected from the main menu:

Figure 2-9 TCU menu: Settings

The central area is for setting the TCU parameters:

● "HT 8 individual mode" (yes/no)
This is only visible with HT 8, and is used to switch between Auto Mode and Individual
There is no need to make any settings if an HT 8 is in Auto Mode, as the name is
determined automatically: ("DIP<n>") the MCP address and TCU index are determined
by the DIP setting ("DIP<n>").
It is possible, however, that another device is registered for the name selected. Such
situations may only prove to be temporary, as is the case when DIP settings or two HT 8
have been confused. For this reason, this status is not reported as an error immediately,
but identified as a possible problem instead ("potential name/DIP setting collision"). The
text will only read ("Name/DIP settings collision") if the situation remains unchanged after
some time has elapsed.
The process itself is unaffected, as the changes only relate to how the warning or error is
displayed. The explanatory text informs the user that they have probably assigned the
same DIP number twice and suggests they change one of them before rebooting the
HT 8.
● "Operator panel index - TCU" (0-255)"
This specifies the TCU index. It matches the [Station] tcuIndex setting from the config.ini

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● "Machine control panel address - MCP" (0-255)

This specifies the address of the associated MCP. It matches the [Station] mcpIndex
setting from config.ini.
● "Electronic key system index - EKS" (0-255)"
This specifies the index of the associated EKS. It matches the [Station] eksIndex setting
from config.ini.
● "Enable direct keys" (yes/no)
This specifies whether direct keys (if present) should communicate with the PLC (yes) or
be treated as ordinary keys (no).
"OK" saves any modified values to the config.ini file or to the Flashstore (HT 8 individual

Parameters for the "config.ini" file

Two steps need to be performed:
1. Select "New" or "Replacement for existing panel".
2. Select what is to be replaced.
When an unknown TCU (i.e. not yet registered with the boot server) is started, a selection
menu containing both the "New" and "Replacement for existing panel" items will appear. The
accessibility of all the registered TCUs is tested in the background.
The status of this test process appears in the message line: "(0/3 panels inactive)".

Figure 2-10 TCU menu: New TCU

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If all the TCUs are active, the new one cannot be a replacement. The system will then
automatically switch to the name assignment phase after a set period of time has elapsed.

Figure 2-11 TCU menu: Name of TCU

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Replacing a device
If "Replacement" is selected, all the registered TCUs will appear in a selection menu. Those
which are active in the network will be grayed out. (As these are functioning, there should be
no question of replacing them.) The cursor automatically defaults to the first row for
As the accessibility test is still running in the background, the active status of the rows may
change if panels are switched on or off.
If a name is ultimately chosen, it will be applied to the new TCU along with the associated
saved settings.

Figure 2-12 TCU menu: Spare TCU

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Assigning a name
If, as described above, the system automatically follows the "New" path, an additional
message will appear: "This operator panel (TCU) must be new, because there are no
inactive panels." This message will not appear if "New" is selected manually.

Figure 2-13 TCU menu: Name of TCU

An available TCU name is suggested in the input field, although the user is able to change
this. The default name is "TCU<N>", where <N> is the lowest number yet to be used. If,
however, the name is already allocated after the OK softkey has been pressed (which may
happen if a number of TCUs log on at the same time) and the suggestion has not changed, a
new and unused name will be specified.
If the name selected was still available, this will now be allocated, and the TCU settings can
still be adapted if required. To enable any changes to be made, a new dialog will appear in
which all the parameters have been pre-assigned their default values. You can make any
changes you like or just select "OK" to accept the existing values.

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2.3.3 How to register a TCU on the system network

The boot server (NCU or PCU 50) defined in the system network as a DHCP master, must
be switched on and be available in the network.

Sequence for a TCU

1. Connect TCU.
This opens the dialog "New operator panel (TCU)".
2. Select "New" to connect a new TCU and "OK" to confirm.
3. In the next dialog, accept the name suggested by the system or enter a name and
confirm this with "OK".
The following parameters are pre-selected for the TCU:

Operator panel index - TCU [0-255] 1_

Machine control panel address - MCP [0-255] 192
Electronic key system index - EKS [0-255] 0
Enable direct keys No

4. Restart the TCU to apply the new settings.

5. If you want to change the parameters, select "Main menu" → "Service this panel" →
"Modify operator panel settings".

Sequence for the HT 8

1. Connect HT 8 to a connection module and calibrate the touch screen.
→ See also:How to calibrate a touch panel (Page 82)

Additional softkeys are available for convenient touch panel operation:
 "OK" has the same effect as the <INPUT> key
 Select "DEF" to save the "Default" settings.
 "Edit" has the same effect as the <F10> or <MENU SELECT> key.

2. Select HT 8 Individual Mode:

According to the default setting for an HT 8, "HT 8 Individual Mode" is deselected with
"No". This means "Auto" mode is activated for automatic detection in the system network.
The HT 8 is automatically detected based on its name "DIP_". If "HT 8 Individual Mode" is
activated with "Yes", the HT 8 is identified by its MAC address on the system network.

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3. For an HT 8, confirm the "DIP..." name proposed by the system or adapt the name. You
can select any other characters.
Press the <INPUT> key to apply the following values as default settings for the HT 8:

HT8 Individual Mode No

Operator panel index - TCU [0-255] 10
Machine control panel address - MCP [0-255] 10
Electronic key system index - EKS [0-255] 0
Enable direct keys No

The following message will then appear: "New TCU 'DIP10' registered."

The TCU index is used to evaluate the direct keys. Direct keys can only be activated by
appropriate devices. For an HT 8 the TCU index cannot be set, but is assigned by the

Activate direct keys

The signals from pressing the direct keys are sent directly to the PLC. In the PLC, the keys
appear as 16 digital inputs.
Additional information on programming the PLC is provided in:
References: Function manual basic functions, basic PLC program (P3 sl)

Definition: Operator panel

The term operator panel designates a unit that consists of an OP/TP, a TCU or PCU and a
machine control panel (MCP), that are connected to each other via Ethernet.
All TCUs and PCU 50 can be used along with OP/TP with "integrated TCU", e.g.: OP 08T,
OP 015T, TP 015AT.

Specifying settings without machine control panel

If a PCU or a TCU has no Machine Control Panel (MCP), you must set one of the two
following options:
● MCP address = 0 or no entry
After the change of user authorization, there is no switchover of the machine control
panel; the previously active MCP remains active.
● MCP address = 255
If the user authorization is transferred to this PCU or TCU, the previous machine control
panel is deactivated and there is no active machine control panel from this point on.

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Connecting a replacement TCU

1. Connect the new TCU.
The following dialog lists the TCUs on the system network along with their "active" or
"inactive" status.

Figure 2-14 TCU menu: New operator panel (TCU)

2. Select the name previously assigned to the faulty TCU from the "New operator panel
(TCU)" dialog. As a result, the new TCU is recognized on the network and acquires all of
the configuration settings from the TCU that has been replaced.

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2.3.4 Connecting-up the SIMATIC Thin Client Touch Panel

Registration in the system network

The SIMATIC Thin Client Touch Panel behaves just like a TCU when connecting-up. When
registering in "Operator Panel Service System" enter a name in the system network. After
this, the device is available in the "Service Network Center" with the hardware ID "SIMATIC

Figure 2-15 SIMATIC Thin Client

See also
How to register a TCU on the system network (Page 30)
Using the TCU's main menu (Page 16)

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Connection via USB at the rear
The SIMATIC Thin Client Touch Panel has a USB connection at the rear, which behaves just
like the USB connection X204 of a TCU.
An external keyboard is recommended for commissioning and to operate the "Operator
Panel Service System".

Operating the Touch Panel

To operate the Touch Panel, use the integrated keyboard:

Figure 2-16 Virtual Keyboard

The integrated keyboard is activated using the button to the far right on the start bar.

SIMATIC HMI, Operating instructions: Thin Client, Thin Client PRO

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2.3.5 This is how you configure the SIMATIC Thin Client Touch Panel

Operating the start bar

The following functions are available in the start bar of the SIMATIC Thin Client:
To select the SINUMERIK mode, press the button:

● The following buttons are important for operation as SINUMERIK operator panel:

To configure the SIMATIC Thin Client, press the button "Settings". You therefore open
the "Operator panel service system":




To exit the SINUMERIK mode, press the button "Close".

● To make the configuration settings, press the button:

Select "Configure Thin Client":



To exit the SIMATIC configuration menu, press the button "Close".

● Press the button to activate the integrated keyboard:

To make the following settings, you must be logged on as administrator.
Press the "Settings" button:

1. Log on as a administrator using the specified password.

Result: As administrator you can see the complete menu of the SIMATIC Thin Client.

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All changes only become effective after pressing the "Enter" button on the "Virtual Keyboard"
on the relevant side.

SINUMERIK mode when restarting

In order to return to the SINUMERIK mode automatically after a restart, proceed as follows:
1. In the "Applications" menu, select the "Autostart client application" tab.
2. Select the "SINUMERIK" option.

Calibrate Touch Panel

To calibrate the Touch Panel, proceed as follows:
1. In the "Device setup" menu, select the "Touch calibration" tab.
2. Follow the instructions and touch the Touch Screen at the appropriate points to calibrate.

2.3.6 Settings in the "config.ini" file

Boot server
The active boot server (DHCP server) is detected and displayed in the System Network
Center (SNC). The boot server accesses this configuration file accordingly. Changes to the
config.ini file do not become effective until the relevant TCU or PCU is next booted.

If too much time (> 15 min.) elapses between commands when the user is making entries
(e.g. TCU name) as part of the initial TCU log-on process, the time-out error will be
suppressed. No error message will appear and the FTP connection will be reopened.

Configuration of the config.ini file

The config.ini file has the following configuration:

Range of values Default Meaning

tcuIndex = Number 0 ... 255 DIP | 1 for TCU
mcpIndex = Number 1 ... 254 DIP | 192 for MCP via Industrial Ethernet
eksIndex = Number 0 ... 255 DIP | 0 for EKS
dckEnable = 0 0 or 1 0 for DCK

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Range of values Default Meaning

MaxHostIndex = Number Number of subsequent PCUs or NCUs to which
you can switch over.
SessionNumber = Number
Password = String
SuspendLock = Number 0 or 1 0 0: No displacement disable
1: Displacement disable set
SuspendPriority = Number 1 ... 10 1 1: Lowest priority
10: Highest priority
StartupPrio = Number Boot sequence:
The lower the number the higher
the priority
ScreenOnFocus = String | Number Not relevant
ChannelOnFocus = Number Not relevant
Address = [hostname | IP-Adresse] From data file structure
SessionNumber = NUMBER
Password = STRING
SuspendLock = NUMBER 0 or 1 0 0: No displacement disable
1: Displacement disable set
SuspendPriority = NUMBER 1 ... 10 1 1: Lowest priority
10: Highest priority
StartupActive = 0 0 or 1 Display screen after boot
StartupPrio = NUMBER 0 ... not too high Boot sequence:
The lower the number the higher
the priority
ScreenOnFocus = STRING | NUMBER Not relevant
ChannelOnFocus = NUMBER Not relevant


SK1 = ch_grp x 2 x 8 characters Empty Softkey inscription (2 lines)
SK2 = ch_grp x 2 x 8 characters Empty Softkey inscription (2 lines)
SK3 = ch_grp y 2 x 8 characters Empty Softkey inscription (2 lines)
SK32 = ch_grp z 2 x 8 characters Empty Softkey inscription (2 lines)

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Connecting an MCP via PROFIBUS
If an MCP is connected via PROFIBUS, then the MCP Index = 0 should be set.
Compatibility of software versions
If a "config" file is available for the TCU, the data file structures of older versions are
transferred to the config.ini file and the data file structure is then deleted.
In the config.ini file comment lines are indicated by the # character preceding a line.

2.3.7 Settings in the "TCU.ini" file

The tcu.ini files is created in the following directories:

 NCU: /siemens/system/etc/tcu.ini
 PCU: F:\addon_base\system\etc\tcu.ini

Only the following entries are evaluated by SINUMERIK Operate:
 VNCServer/VetoMode
 VNCServer/AlarmBoxTimeOut
 VNCServer/FocusTimeout
 VNCServer/AdaptResolution
 VNCServer/MaxActiveTCUs
and VNCViewer/ExternalViewerSecurityPolicy

Structure and content

In the tcu.ini file comment lines are indicated by the # character preceding a line.
# VetoMode enabled:
# VNC server notifies the HMI regie before another
# panel gets the focus.
# VetoMode disabled:

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# Focus timeout mode enabled (implicitly; see FOCUS TIMEOUT)


# Guaranteed time period (in sec) a panel can hold the
# focus at least before another panel can get the focus.
# The time period starts from the moment the panel has
# gained the focus.

# The time period (in sec) a messagebox is shown (i.e. is
# operable) in the case of VetoMode=1; no meaning else

1 = AUTO_OP_1 (default)
2 = AUTO_OP_2
3 = AUTO_MON_1
4 = AUTO_MON_2
5 = 640X480
6 = 800X600
7 = 1024X768
8 = 1280X1024

# AdaptResolution enabled:
# At system runtime, the system resolution is automatically
# adapted to the resolution of that panel which
# currently owns the focus.
# AdaptResolution disabled:
# The system resolution is set at system startup phase.
# At system runtime, system resolution remains unchanged
# whichever resolution the currently focused panel owns.

# The value the system color depth is set at system
# startup phase
# ColorDepth SYSTEM:
# System color depth remains unchanged whichever value
# the color depth is currently set to.
# COlorDepth 16_BIT
# System color depth is set to 16 bit.
# COlorDepth 32_BIT
# System color depth is set to 32 bit.
# (0=SYSTEM, 1=16_BIT, 2=32_BIT)

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# Guaranteed time period (in sec) the HMI manager waits
# for VNC server initialization.


# Attention: The parameter is only provided for a PCU
# configuration with local attached OP !
# The startup phase is completed if this timeout period
# has passed and no registration of a TCU has been car-
# ried out at this time.
PCUStartupTimeout = 90


# The startup phase starts at the first TCU registration.
# The startup phase is completed if the TCUStartupStepTime
# period has passed and no registration of another TCU has
# been carried out at this time.
TCUStartupStepTime = 30

# Maximum number of external Viewer Connections (1 or 2)
# ExternalViewerMaxConnections=2


# The user rights, assigned to an external VNCViewer
# ExternalViewerSecurityPolicy=0 : no external viewers allowed
# ExternalViewerSecurityPolicy=1 : Guest Mode (View-Only)
# ExternalViewerSecurityPolicy=2 : Administrator Mode
# ExternalViewerSecurityPolicy=1


# Number of refused external viewer requests, after which
# a timeout period is carried out for the viewer.


# Timeout Period in seconds, after MaxRefusedRequest
# is reached. No viewer request is possible during the
# Timeout Period.


# The time period (in sec) the request-messagebox is shown (i.e. is
# operable)

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# The behaviour if request-timeout elapsed
# ExternalViewerReqTimeoutMode=0 : dismiss request
# ExternalViewerReqTimeoutMode=1 : accept request


# IP-V4-format

# IP-V4-format

# NCU with teleservice adapter on its X127 interface
# Use "Self" for your own X127 interface
# IP-V4-format or DNS-Name or Self



# IP-V4-format






# Period in minutes, in which transmission data will be sent


# Time-interval in seconds between two pings


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# List of accepted TCUs in IP-V4-format (index 1 to maximal 16)


# Guaranteed time period (in sec) the HMI manager waits
# for TCUs recognized as connected TCUs by the TCU_HWS
# service.


# Guaranteed time period (in sec) the HMI manager waits
# for TCUs recognized as connected TCUs by the TCU_HWS
# service, if a PCU panel doesn't exist and no TCUs are
# connected till now. This time period is effective ad-
# ditionally to the time period TCUConnectTimeout.

External VNC Viewer
The "Operation without SINUMERIK OP" option is required when using more than 1 external
VNC Viewer.

See also
SNC: Configuring "TCU mode" (Page 57)

2.3.8 Displacement mechanism for TCUs

Supplementary conditions
The following supplementary conditions apply when operating the TCU:
2 active TCU connected in parallel to NCU 710.2, 710.3 PN
4 active TCU connected in parallel to NCU 720.2, NCU 730.2, NCU 720.3 PN,
NCU 730.3 PN
4 active TCU connected in parallel to PCU
To operate a machine with more operating stations then the maximum number the
displacement mechanism ensures that only the permitted number of TCUsare active in
shadowing grouping. The remaining TCUs are switched to a passive mode, which means
they no longer represent a load relative to the resources. Thus the number of TCUs that can
be connected to one HMI application is practically no longer limited, the limitation is the
number of concurrently active TCUs.

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There are two new entries in the config.ini file for a TCU for the displacement mechanism:
● SUSPENDLOCK: controls whether the TCU can be displaced via the displacement
SUSPENDLOCK = 0 means that a displacement disable is not set (preset), i.e. the TCU
may be displaced by any other TCU.
SUSPENDLOCK=1 means that this TCU can never be displaced.
● SUSPENDPRIORITY: This entry specifies a priority for the displacement mechanism to
the TCU. In a displacement process the TCUs among the active TCUs with the lowest
priority that do not have a displacement disable will displaced. The priority is specified
as numeric value in the range 1 - 10.
The preset is 1 (lowest priority).

If you set a displacement disable for a TCU then specification of a displacement priority is
unnecessary because it never is used due to the displacement disable.

Displacement rules
The TCU can assume the following states:
● The TCU is active and has user authorization: This can be identified as the TCU shows
the screen of the operating software and the screen is bright.
● The TCU is active, however, in the monitoring mode (i.e. it presently has no user
authorization): This can be identified as the TCU shows the screen of the operating
software, however, it is darkened in comparison to the TCU with user authorization.
● The TCU is passive: The TCU shows the selection menu of the possible connections
instead of a screen of the operating software, and the softkey for selection of the last
active connection of the TCU is shown in color.

When a TCU boots, the TCU always attempts to establish the first connection specified in its
config file. The TCUs from a shadowing group establish their specified connection one after
the other as long as the maximum number of permissible active operator units is not
If a TCU encounters the situation that this number is already reached in its power up, then it
attempts to obtain a connection via the displacement mechanism. If it can displace a
formerly active operator unit then it takes on the active status itself, otherwise it transitions to
passive status immediately after booting.

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2.3.9 Disable switchover between TCUs via PLC

The TCU switchover disable offers the option of dynamically disabling switchover from one
TCU to the next when the system is running via the PLC. For the duration of the disable, a
user authorization request to change user authorizations between TCUs will be ignored by
the system and rejected.
The rejected user authorization request causes a message to be output in the dialog line of
the HMI, in the form of a feedback message for the requester. The message disappears after
five seconds.

HMI ↔ PLC data interface

The “switchover disable” function is always active and does not have to be switched on
explicitly. The function is controlled by a data bit in the PLC. The HMI transfers the active OP
to the PLC, thus forming the basis of the control function in the PLC.
The control bits and control information for this function are stored in the m:n data interface
of the PLC. In terms of m:n, this function can be operated separately for the currently
overridden HMIs in both m:n online interfaces (DB19.DBW120 ff for HMI1 and
DB19.DBW130 ff for HMI2). If a system is not running an m:n, only the first m:n online
interface is used for this function.
Switchover disable is controlled by a TCU_SHIFT_LOCK bit, managed by the user, on each
HMI in the PLC. The bit address for the first HMI is DB19.DBB126.6 and DB19.DBB136.6 for
the second HMI.
The PLC m:n online interface is expanded so that byte DB19.DBB118 is still added to the
first interface and byte DB19.DBB119 to the second. These bytes acquire the index of the
active TCU (of the active OP) for the appropriate HMI. The byte is called TCU_INDEX. The
appropriate HMI uses the TCU index configured for the active TCU to describe the
The TCU_SHIFT_LOCK bit is monitored by the appropriate HMI. A value = 1 triggers the
switchover disable; switchover is enabled if the value returns to 0. The TCU_SHIFT_LOCK
bit can be set, for example, to the PLC by the user pressing a key or it can be managed by
the PLC user program according to its own logic. The TCU_SHIFT_LOCK bit is managed in
the PLC exclusively by the user; the HMI only accesses this bit in read-only mode.
The HMI assigns the configured index of the TCU or PCU whose OP currently possesses
user authorization in the shadow grouping. If no OP is active, a value of 0 is entered in
If no TCU index is configured for the active TCU (active OP), the value 255 = undefined is
presented as the TCU index. This means that the values 0 and 255 may not be configured
as the TCU index.

The TCU index and machine control panel address (MCP address) are configured on the
PCU. The TCU index is set in the "OP Properties" dialog of the "System Network Center"

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Operating principle
If the TCU_SHIFT_LOCK bit is set for switchover disable, a user authorization request is not
carried out independently of the mode set on the HMI for allocation of user authorizations
(veto mode), i.e., a change of user authorization is rejected.
This message appears on all OPs for approximately 5 seconds:
"No switchover: Switchover disable set in current PLC."
While this message is displayed, operations on the OP with the user authorization can still
be carried out unaffected.

The switchover disable only relates to changing the user authorization on the OPs in a
shadowing grouping on a PCU.
Active switching from one OP to another PCU is not prevented.

Special features
The following special cases should be noted:
● Even if switchover disable is set, the TCU_INDEX field value may change in the PLC.
This is the case if:
– The OP in possession of the user authorization is actively switched to another PCU.
Depending on whether another TCU takes on the user authorization or whether no
TCU is currently active, either the index of the TCU or the PCU itself (if its directly
connected OP becomes active) is entered, in exactly the same way as when there is a
user authorization switchover.
This can also be the value 255, if no TCU index is available for the OP. 0 is entered if
an OP is no longer available in the shadow grouping.
– An m:n switchover is in progress. The HMI program of the incoming PCU deactivates
the HMI program which is active on it. An OP from the shadow grouping of the new
(incoming) PCU must receive the user authorization. The TCU index of this OP is
entered in the TCU_INDEX field.
– A PCU is disconnected from a NCK/PLC in the context of m:n. No HMI program and,
therefore, no OP with user authorization is then available on the exited NCK/PLC. This
is signaled independently of a switchover disable by entering the value 0 into the
TCU_INDEX field.
● If a TCU is actively switched over to another PCU, it can be deactivated there, i.e. it does
not obtain the user authorization, if a switchover disable is set for the destination PCU.
● With an m:n PCU switchover – the PCU is switched to another NCK and, therefore, to
another PLC – the PCU takes on the switchover disable settings of that PLC.
● The m:n interlock options on the PLC side have priority over the TCU switchover disable,
so that a set TCU switchover disable cannot prevent an m:n switchover. If necessary, the
m:n interference options should be synchronized here with those for the TCU in the PLC.
It may, for example, be practical to set or remove the m:n displacement disable
simultaneously with the TCU switchover disable.

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2.3 Commissioning TCU

2.3.10 Example: How to select the behavior of the TCUs during boot up

Example: Distributing boot support across two PCUs

To distribute boot support over two PCUs, "Boot support runtime and configuration only
(TFTP/FTP)" must be selected on PCU_1 and "Boot support IP address only (DHCP)" must
be selected on PCU_2.
The "No boot support" configuration must be selected on PCU_3:

Table 2- 1 "TCU support" settings

VNC connections: VNC connections: VNC connections: VNC connections:
Switch to system network
Services: Services: Services:
Company network
In this case, PCU_2 serves as the DHCP server which provides the IP addresses for the
connected TCUs. PCU_3 is not involved in booting the TCUs, it is however displayed by the
TCUs using VNC.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

2.4.1 Function overview of the System Network Center

System Network Center (SNC) functions

The individual tabs are used to configure the system network:

Tab PCU NCU Function

Adapter ✓ ✓ The active network adapter (Page 49) is displayed.
OPs ✓ ✓ A list of the known OPs (Page 50) and their codes are
displayed: Status, name, IP address, resolution ,and depth of
color, MAC address, the assigned MCP address and TCU
The VNC connections available and the associated IP
address of the boot server, displacement disable, and
displacement priority are listed for each TCU.
TCU support ✓ -- This tab is only active and available on a PCU.
The services needed to operate a TCU (Page 55) can be
started, stopped, and activated or deactivated.
TCU mode ✓ ✓ TCU configuration (Page 57): "Veto mode", resolution
adjustment, and the waiting times when booting.
System network ✓ ✓ This tab is used for setting the X120 interface (Page 59).
Company network -- ✓ This tab is only active and available on an NCU. This tab is
used for setting the X130 interface (Page 61).
System basics -- ✓ This tab is only active and available on an NCU. This tab is
used for setting additional parameters (Page 62).
Scanned devices ✓ ✓ The devices in the system network (Page 62) are displayed
on this tab.

Start SNC
The "System Network Center" program is available on both the NCU and the PCU:
● Use this link on the PCU's desktop to start the "System Network Center" program.
● Use the "sc start snc" command on the NCU to call the "System Network Center"
program. To operate it, you will need a mouse.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

Using the SNC

The following softkeys are available when using the SNC:

Button Meaning
"Apply" Press "Apply" to accept the changed settings.
This button restarts a TCU or HT 8. Where changes have been made on a
PCU (to the MCP index, for example), the PCU will be need to be restarted
"Discard changes" Select "Discard changes" to discard the changes.
"Distribute TCU data" "Distribute TCU data" distributes TCU data to other machines in the system
network. The "Distribute TCU data" button is only active on the active
DHCP server.
"Invalidate cache"
"Refresh view" The data belonging to a TCU is reloaded in the display by pressing
"Refresh view".
"Exit" Press "Exit" to exit the dialog.

Response after selecting "Apply"
When "Apply" is used to confirm changes made to the settings for an OP, the OP will
perform a restart to activate the changes.
During the boot sequence after the restart, the OP connects to the default server - which is
SINUMERIK operate. The SNC does not start automatically during the boot sequence.
If you wish to change additional settings and/or parameters with the SNC, restart the SNC in
the manner described above.

Integration in HMI PRO sl

Precondition: The option "Operation SW HMI PRO sl RT" is available.
For commissioning and network diagnostics in HMI PRO sl, integrate the "System Network
Center" program in the operating software.
1. Open a DOS command shell with "Start menu" → "Run" and enter "cmd".
2. Enter, for example, the following command into the DOS command shell:
SNC -page scanned_devices -subpage all
Result: The "System Network Center" is opened with the tab page "Scanned devices" and
the sub-tab "All" and can be edited. A mouse is recommended for operation.

All tab pages can be specified. Spaces when labeling the tab page can be replaced in the
command line using "_" underline.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

Storage path for the "basesys.ini" file

Settings for the system network are also made in the "basesys.ini" file. In the current version
note the following storage paths:
● On the PCU 50, the file is stored under E:\Siemens\system\etc and the user versions are
stored under F:\user_base\system\etc.
In this basesys.ini file only the section [InternalInterface] is available.
● For a Linux basic system the original file can be found on the CompactFlash Card under
the path /system/usr/etc. OEM versions are stored under /oem/system/etc, as well as
user versions under /user/system/etc.

Commissioning Manual Base Software and Operating Software: "NCU Operating System"

2.4.2 SNC: "Adapter" tab

"Adapter" tab
Default setting:
● PCU delivery condition: "Ethernet 2 (System Network)"
● Only "Ethernet 1 (Company Network)" is available on the NCU.

Figure 2-17 "Adapter" tab (default)

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The following slave states are displayed:

The connection is selected and active.

The connection is selected and not active because the TCU is not switched on for
The connection is not selected and cannot be accessed because e.g. no network
cables are plugged in.

2.4.3 SNC: "OPs" tab

The "OPs" tab is divided into two areas:

① In the top portion select an OP that you want to configure in the list of "Available OPs".
② In the lower portion select a VNC connection that you want to configure in the list of "VNC
③ It is necessary to reboot all active TCUs for the changed data to become effective. To do this
use the "Apply" button. Use the "Discard changes" button to discard the changes.
Figure 2-18 "OPs" tab

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What will be displayed?

The "Available OPs" list contains all OPs that either have configuration data on the CPU or
that are registered with the TCU hardware service. This produces the following states
("State" column) for an OP:

State Meaning
PCU The local OP is switched on (or registered with the TCU hardware service) and
configuration data is present on the CPU.
Within this state all columns of the list are filled out.
The TCU is switched on (or registered with the TCU hardware service) and configuration
data is present on the PCU.
Within this state all columns of the list are filled out.
The TCU is switched on (or registered with the TCU hardware service) however no
configuration data is present on the PCU.
Within this state the MAC address, the MCP address, the index, and all VNC connection
data are not available. Moreover this TCU cannot be edited because the appropriate
configuration data are not available.
The TCU is not switched on (or not registered with the TCU hardware service) however
configuration data is present on the PCU.
Within this state the IP address and the resolution are not available because these values
cannot be determined for the TCU.
? Question mark: the status of the device is unknown.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

2.4.4 How to configure an OP

Configuring an OP
The "OPs" tab is divided into two areas.
All the devices in the system network are displayed under "Available OPs".
Use the following procedure:
1. To configure a TCU that has not yet been connected, use "Add".
2. A TCU that is presumably no longer operated on this system can be deleted. To do this
click on the "Remove" button. Deleting the configuration data is only possible if the TCU
is not connected.
3. If you click on the "Properties" button the dialog box opens for configuring the settings of
the selected components:

Figure 2-19 "OP Properties" dialog

Parameter Range of values Meaning

Name <TCU Name> The name of the TCU can be changed.
MAC Displays the MAC address.
Related MCP 1 ... 254 DIP switch setting will be transferred.
Default setting: Previous MCP
DCK enable <No> Direct keys not activated (default setting).
<Yes> Direct key activated (only useful for appropriate devices).
TCU index 0 ... 255 The TCU index is used to evaluate the direct keys (only
practical for appropriate devices).
EKS idex 0 ... 255 DIP switch setting will be transferred.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

Parameter Range of values Meaning

Virtual keyboard <Never> The virtual keyboard is never displayed.
<Always> The virtual keyboard is always displayed.
<Auto> The virtual keyboard is displayed when required (default
Configuration of T:M:N enabled
Softkey text <2 x 8 characters> Softkey inscription (2 lines)

See also
Settings in the "config.ini" file (Page 36)
t:m:n configuration
● Commissioning Manual Base Software and Operating Software (IM9)
● Commissioning Manual Base Software and HMI-Advanced (IM4

2.4.5 How to configure VNC connections

Configuring a VNC connection

The "OPs" tab is divided into two areas:
All the connections that the selected TCU can make with VNC servers are shown under
"VNC connections". The servers are specified using their IP address.

The defaults for VNC connections cannot be deleted.
If a TCU or an HT 8 is operated via a PCU using direct keys or MCP, the IP address of the
PCU and the IP address of the NCU must be entered under "VNC connections".

Use the following procedure:

1. To add a new connection use "Add".
2. If the selected TCU can no longer establish a connection to the selected VNC server,
then delete the connection by clicking on the "Remove" button.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

3. If you click on the "Properties" button the dialog box opens for configuring the VNC

Figure 2-20 Dialog box "Edit VNC connection"

Parameters Range of values Meaning

Server list IP address or name of a VNC server (NCU or PCU)
consisting of a character string in accordance with the
rules for hostname.
Password password Password, default setting: "password"
Suspend lock 0 or 1 0: No displacement disable
1: Displacement disable set
Suspend priority 1 ... 10 1: Lowest priority
10: Highest priority
Start active 0 or 1 After power up a screen is displayed.
Start priority 0 ... not too high Boot sequence: The lower the number the higher the
Screen on focus
Channel on focus 0, 1 ... 8 Default setting: 1

If the operator panels have been set up in such a way that several operator panels are
connected to the same HMI after booting, it is not possible to predict which operator panel
will be active after booting. This may occur under the following conditions:
 No assignment has taken place in the config.ini.
 The config.ini file specifies that several operator panels are connected to the same HMI.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

"Scan devices" button

Figure 2-21 Scan devices

See also:
SNC: "Scanned devices" tab (Page 62)

2.4.6 SNC: Configuring TCU support services

"TCU support" tab

On the "TCU support" tab select which services will be started on the TCU at power up: The
preset is the configuration "Complete TCU support".

Figure 2-22 "TCU support" tab

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

Selecting a configuration
The following configurations are available under "Default configuration":
● Complete TCU support:
Complete TCU support is activated in these configurations and all the services listed
below are carried out.
● No boot support:
The services for booting connected TCUs are deactivated in these configurations. The
TCU hardware service and the VNC service are executed. The TCUs can only be booted
from another PCU or NCU.
● Boot support runtime and configuration only (TFTP/FTP):
DHCP services are deactivated in this configuration. The remaining services are carried
out. The IP addresses of the connected TCUs must come from another PCU or NCU.
Booting is however executed from this PCU. To do this, the PCU or NCU supplying the IP
addresses must use this PCU as "boot server".
● Boot support IP addresses only (DHCP):
TFTP and FTP services are deactivated in this configuration.
The remaining services are executed.
The PCU provides the TCUs with IP addresses but the TCU must be booted by another
PCU or NCU. A corresponding boot server must be specified for this purpose on the
"DHCP settings" tab.
● Manual configuration:
With the manual configuration, each service can be started or stopped and activated or
deactivated individually. The current status of the corresponding service is displayed in
the status bar.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

2.4.7 SNC: Configuring "TCU mode"

"TCU mode" tab

Set the following parameters on the "TCU mode" tab:

Figure 2-23 "TCU mode" tab

Description Relevant parameter in the tcu.ini

 Activate "Veto mode" on the TCU that loses the user VetoMode
authorization, a message will be output in this regard. The VNC FocusTimeOut
service reports to HMI sequence control before another
operating device receives user authorization. AlarmBoxTimeOut
 Enter a time in seconds (Alarm box timeout) during which
change of user authorization to a different TCU can be
 If "Veto mode" is selected (this is the default setting), a user
authorization request will appear. The user authorization
request can be refused from the active OP. The "Veto mode" is
only effective when the HMI program is active. "Veto mode"
does not apply in "Service mode".

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Description Relevant parameter in the tcu.ini

 If "Resolution Adaption" is activated (default) then during AdaptResolution
runtime the screen resolution is always adapted to the currently
displayed operator panel.
 If "Resolution adaption" is deactivated, the zoom function will
use the greatest resolution. In a worst-case scenario, the
screen resolution may change from 15" to 8" and become
difficult for the user to view.
 The default setting for color depth is 16 bits. The color depth Color depth
should only be changed where this is definitely demanded by
an application.
For an external VNC viewer on a PG/PC or PCU 50: ExternalViewerSecurityPolicy
 no ext. viewer allowed: Maximum of 2 are permissible.
 Guest mode (view only): The user can only view.
 Administrator mode (operation mode): The user can also
operate the system.

If the PCU has a directly connected OP, its resolution must be greater than or equal to the
resolution of all the OPs on the TCUs.
This applies with and without "Resolution adaptation":
If a PCU does not have a directly connected OP, the greatest resolution of the active
(switched on) TCUs/panels is determined and set during booting.

Advanced Settings (PCU only)

Use the "Advanced Settings" button to display additional setting possibilities. The changes
made are saved in the tcu.ini file under F:\user_base\system\etc\tcu.ini.

See also
Settings in the "TCU.ini" file (Page 38)

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

2.4.8 SNC: Configuring the X120 interface (System network)

"System network" tab

Set the following parameters for X120 on this tab:

Figure 2-24 "System network" tab on NCU

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Figure 2-25 "System network" tab on PCU

Description Relevant parameter in the

basesys.ini file
DHCP IP address allocation
 This is used to specify the address range from which the clients InternalDynRangeStart
of the DHCP server are supplied with IP addresses. The InternalDynRangeEnd
default range is sufficient for most cases.
 The default setting for "Subnet type" is "24 bits network part".
DHCP server synchronisation
 As default synchronization of the DHCP server is activated. SyncModeDHCPD_SysNet
The "master priority" option only needs to be activated if a DHCPDNoMasterWait
preferred server is to take over the role of the active server.
 Under "Timeout for waiting for master" set the time period that
is allowed for the intended DHCP master to become the active
DHCP server, regardless of whether it is switched off shortly
afterwards or takes longer to boot than other controllers.
 The default for the DNS service is ".local" and can be edited. InternalDNSDomain

"Clear DHCP" button

The "Clear DHCP" button is only active on the active DHCP server: It is used to execute the
"sc clear dhcp [-X120]" command: This clears the status of the DHCP server at the specified
interface (default setting: system network). It is reset to its starting status.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

"Distribute DHCP" button

The button "Distribute DHCP" is only active at the active DHCP server: It is used to execute
the "sc distribute dhcp" command:

2.4.9 SNC: Configuring the X130 interface (Company network)

"Company network" tab

Set the following parameters for X130 on this tab:

Figure 2-26 "Company network" tab

[See basesys.ini: parameter InternalDNSDomain]

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

2.4.10 SNC: Configuring parameters on the "System basics" tab

"System basics" tab

Set the following parameters on this tab:

Figure 2-27 "System basics" tab

[See basesys.ini: parameter EnableSysNetToIBNForwarding]

2.4.11 SNC: "Scanned devices" tab

"Scanned devices" tab

The devices in the system network are displayed on this tab.
The following parameters are set for each device: name, IP address, and MAC address. If a
fault occurs during the production cycle, it is possible to check whether all the configured
devices are also accessible online and whether they have the defined attributes. Any
deviations from the target state will become immediately apparent.

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2.4 System Network Center (SNC)

Saving the system configuration as the target configuration

In order to check (once a scan of the accessible stations has been performed) whether all
the devices belonging to the system can also be accessed, a target configuration based on
the accessible stations is defined and saved. This target configuration determines which
devices belong to the system and (given this) must always be present.
When the target configuration is saved, a check is performed to see whether one already
exists. If this is the case, a prompt asks whether it should be overwritten. It is always saved
in a separate subdirectory of the active DHCP server's TCU directory. This has the
advantage of allowing the target configuration to be transferred to the standby servers as

Figure 2-28 "Scanned devices" tab

Provided there is no preexisting target configuration before the scan is performed, the
devices will appear on the screen against a light gray background as it is not yet clear
whether they will be accessible in the system network. Editable table cells have a white

Button Effect
Save project Saves the target configuration (with callback, if applicable)
Load project Loads the target configuration
Start scanning Starts the scanning process.
→ Verify project Aligns the target and actual states if there is a preexisting target

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Devices which do not log onto the DNS server cannot be detected during scanning. This
includes SIMATIC devices, for example. The cells in the table containing the name and HW
type can still be edited; data can be inserted by double-clicking these cells.

A target configuration can only be saved after all the devices selected have been given
their own unique form of identification. This means each should have a unique name and IP
address/MAC address.

Data type and storage location

The target configuration is always stored in a separate subdirectory of the active DHCP
server's TCU directory. This does not apply if systems do not have an active DHCP server or
if this server cannot be accessed. In such cases, an attempt is made to access a target
configuration from the TCU directory on the local computer.
The target configuration is stored under:


The target configuration is saved as an INI file and has the following structure:
A central section [SOLL] containing:
● A scanning range for all 4 address bytes, a start and an end
● "NUMBER_DEVICES", the number of devices
For each device, there is a section [DEVICE_x] containing the following entries:
● "NAME", the name of the device (only if this was determined by the system)
● "ALIAS", the alias for the device (only if the system was unable to determine a name and
the operator entered a name instead)
● "IP", the IP address for the device
● "MAC", the MAC address for the device
● "HWID", the HWID for the device (only if this was determined by the system)
● "HW_TYPE", the HW type for the device (only if the system was unable to determine a
HWID and the operator entered a HW type instead)

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Example for the target configuration

The file's contents might look like this:




Target/actual comparison
For set/actual comparison, a check is made as to whether the devices configured in the
system network can be reached: If a target configuration has been saved already, this
information is retained and will be automatically loaded during any subsequent sessions. The
operator can only perform a target/actual comparison if a target configuration has been
saved already. This involves rescanning the defined range and comparing it with the existing
list. Different colors are used to highlight deviations:
● Green: Problem-free devices which are configured and can also be accessed online.
● Red: Missing devices which are configured but cannot be accessed online.
● Yellow: Additional devices, which are not configured but can be accessed online.
Modified system configurations can only be saved if the green and yellow entries are
selected by activating the corresponding check boxes.

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Figure 2-29 Result of the comparison

Descriptive text
In addition, a descriptive text for the device can be entered under the "All" tab in the
"Comment" column so that the device can be more easily identified.

A device (HT 8) was not found. Possible causes for this are:
● The device is not switched on.
● The device was not connected to the system network.
● By loading a new PLC project, the device has been allocated an IP address, which does
not lie in the scanned address range.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

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Network configuration 3
3.1 Permissible network topologies
This chapter provides an overview of the permissible network topologies.

Ethernet connection
A SINUMERIK 840 D sl can only be operated as a network within which the individual
components communicate with one another via Ethernet connections. This network must be
set up.
The individual components are factory-set so that the most frequently occurring standard
configurations can be operated without changing the settings related to the network.

Division into system network and company network

On the SINUMERIK solution line, the components are generally split into a company network
on the one hand and a system network on the other.
The connection to the company network provides access to the network drives, for example.
On the system network, process data communication and image transmission runs from the
components with operator software to the display units – the TCUs.
This split is performed physically by means of the prescribed use of the Ethernet interfaces
on the components:
● A TCU is connected exclusively to the system network.
● An NCU is always connected to the system network via X120.
● Ethernet interface Eth 2 of the PCU is preconfigured for connection to the system
network; while Ethernet interface Eth 1 is used for connection to the company network.
● An NCU is connected to the company network via X130.

Meaning of the connections:

○ Eth 1 as a DHCP client
● Eth 2 as a DHCP server
■ Eth 2 with a fixed IP address
Green connection Uncrossed Ethernet cable
Gray connection Crossed Ethernet cable (crossover)

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Network configuration
3.2 Networks without connection to the company network

3.2 Networks without connection to the company network

3.2.1 Configuration 1: NCU and TCU







A direct Ethernet connection is used to connect a TCU to X120 of the NCU. NCU and TCU
are suitably preconfigured with IP addresses.
The IP addresses are not significant for further operation.
The TCU is connected to the NCU via a crossed Ethernet cable.
The direct connection of the NCU via X120 to the TCU automatically forms a simple system
network consisting of two computer nodes.

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Network configuration
3.2 Networks without connection to the company network

3.2.2 Configuration 2: NCU and PCU with direct OP



; (WK

1&8 3&8


The NCU and PCU are connected via a crossed Ethernet cable.
The NCU is the DHCP server with the IP address
For this Eth 2 configuration, the PCU is assigned a fixed IP address in the range – with a subnet mask .

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Network configuration
3.3 Networks with NCU connection to the company network

3.3 Networks with NCU connection to the company network

3.3.1 Configuration 3: NCU and TCU









The TCU is connected to the NCU (directly) using a crossed Ethernet cable. On X130, the
NCU is connected to a switch to the company network with a straight cable.
As in configuration 1, there is a direct Ethernet connection between a TCU and X120 of the
NCU. NCU and TCU are suitably preconfigured with IP addresses. The IP addresses used
here are not significant for further operation.

IP configuration: DHCP server on the company network

On X130, the NCU is set to the address reference via DHCP. If the company network has a
DHCP server that provides the NCU with an IP address (IP configuration), the NCU is
integrated into the company network.
Depending on the infrastructure available or the level of network administration of the
company network, the following network parameters must be set for the NCU on X130:
● Computer name on the company network
● Address of a DNS server
● Address of a gateway (default router)
The IP address of the NCU to this connection is also assigned via network administration.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

70 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Network configuration
3.3 Networks with NCU connection to the company network

If the company network offers a low level of administration (in the worst case scenario the
network has only one DHCP server that assigns the addresses from a predefined address
range) the NCU receives an IP address that is initially unknown.

3.3.2 Configuration 4: NCU and PCU with direct OP



; (WK

1&8 3&8

; (WK



The NCU and PCU are connected via a crossed Ethernet cable.
On X120, the NCU occupies the fixed IP address in its capacity as a DHCP
server (not used in this configuration). For this Eth 2 configuration, the PCU is assigned a
fixed IP address in the range – with a subnet mask .
The observations made for configuration 3 also apply here in relation to the connection to the
company network. The connection to a switch on the company network is made via a non-
crossed Ethernet cable.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

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Network configuration
3.3 Networks with NCU connection to the company network

3.3.3 Configuration 5: PCU with TCU on NCU




; (WK

1&8 3&8

; (WK



In this configuration, a switch is also required for the system network. All components are
connected using straight Ethernet cables.
In terms of address allocation and the settings that need to be made, this configuration is
identical to that of configuration 4. However, in this case, the DHCP server of the NCU
actually supplies the TCU with an IP address and serves as a boot server for the TCU.
The observations made for configuration 3 also apply here in relation to the connection to the
company network. The connection to a switch on the company network is made via a
straight Ethernet cable.
To connect one TCU to both HMI systems you must create an additional connection to the
NCU for the TCU, as described in the following chapter:

See also
How to configure VNC connections (Page 53)

Operator components and networking (IM5)

72 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Network configuration
3.3 Networks with NCU connection to the company network

3.3.4 Connecting the programming device (PG) to the NCU





1&8 3&8

; (WK



A programming device is connected to the NCU on X127 as a standard DHCP client. An

NCU is a standard DHCP server on X127. On X127, the NCU occupies the fixed IP address with the subnet mask
The range – is reserved and can be used by network stations
with a fixed IP address from this range. On X127, IP addresses in the range
– are assigned via DHCP, for example to connect a programming device.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0 73
Network configuration
3.4 Application example

3.4 Application example

The configuration is suitable for the following application: Machine with concurrent operating
option to two operator panels , a full-featured operating panel with PCU and an operator
panel reduced to tool management.
Parallel operation of HMI-Advanced or SINUMERIK Operate on the PCU 50.3 and
SINUMERIK Operate as component of the CNC software on the SINUMERIK 840D sl NCU:
Any OP connected to PCU 50.3 and any OP connected to the NCU can be simultaneously
operated: in the example, OP 08T.

237 237 237




Figure 3-1 Configuration example

Operator components and networking (IM5)

74 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Network configuration
3.4 Application example

Proceed as follows
To configure the application example, proceed as follows:
1. PCU 50.3 with HMI Advanced
Deactivate the DHCP server on the PCU: For this select the option "Boot support runtime
and configuration only (TFTP/FTP)" on the "TCU support" tab of the "System Network
Center" program ( SNC: Configuring TCU support services (Page 55) )
2. SINUMERIK 840D sl from CNC software, version 2.4 and higher
The systemconfiguration.ini configuration file is included on the SINUMERIK 840D sl
product DVD.
3. OP 08T operator panel
Once the installation of the OP 08T operator panel with SINUMERIK Operate has been
completed, copy the systemconfiguration.ini file from the
/Siemens/sinumerik/hmi/appl/systemconfig/tm/ directory to the /oem/sinumerik/hmi/cfg/
directory. After this, a system restart is necessary.

Configuration changes at SINUMERIK Operate
Once the file has been copied, no further settings (e.g. changing language) can be
implemented on the SINUMERIK Operate. If you want or need to implement changes
later, the systemconfiguration.ini file can be renamed (e.g., as
systemconfiguration.save). After this, a system restart is necessary. Following the
restart, the full functional scope of SINUMERIK Operate is available once again.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

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Network configuration
3.4 Application example

Operator components and networking (IM5)

76 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Service and diagnostics 4
4.1 Booting of the TCU

4.1.1 Messages during booting

Messages when booting

While the TCU is booting, progress is displayed after the BIOS has booted and before the
operating system is loaded. In addition to messages, the current booting status is also
indicated by a progress bar. While the IP address is being determined via DHCP and the
TFTP is being downloaded (boot image), a progress bar indicates that booting of the TCU is
not yet complete, or that a fault has occurred.
The structure of these messages is shown below:

Siemens AG Thin Client Boot loader


IP address

<F1> diagnosis window

You can see the current boot phase in the third line. Below that you are told whether you can
call up information via <F1> if a fault occurs.

4.1.2 Diagnostics options during booting

In the following cases, the diagnostics window is displayed and booting of the TCU is
● When the <F1> function is selected during booting
● When a warning message is displayed
● When a fault occurs

You can select the <F1> to <F8> functions shown below using the horizontal softkeys on
the OP. For example, to select <F7>, press the horizontal softkey 7.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0 77
Service and diagnostics
4.1 Booting of the TCU

Calling up the diagnostics window with <F1>

Siemens AG Thin Client Boot Loader V

Boot progress:

BIOS V 06/08/2004 11:45:07

MAC address 08:00:06:00:00:00
IP address received

OS boot loader (nonfree/linx_tcu.bin) done

<F1>details <F6>boot menu <F6>continue <F8>reboot

Further functions:

Function Effect
F1 Display detailed information
F7 Continue booting of the TCU
F8 Restart the TCU

Press <F1> to continue

Operator components and networking (IM5)

78 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Service and diagnostics
4.1 Booting of the TCU

If you select function <F1> in the diagnostics window, the following window opens:

Detail messages: (level 3) Siemens AG Thin Client Boot Loader V

*** Siemens AG Thin Client Boot Loader Start (real to protected mode) [] ***
Bldr16-->32: V 06/08/2004 11.45.07
addresses 0xFFFFE34F 0xFFFFE2ED 0xFFFFE2E0
Bldr16-->32: bldr32 at address 0xFFFB0000 length 43008
Bldr16-->32: RLE header BLDR_TCU_RLE 69632 42640 0x3A61F8B3
PCI: found ethernet adapter (dp83815/16) [address 0000EF00, irq 00000009, type 00000005]
DHCP: send DHCP_V_DISCOVER [server IP address 0x00000000 XID 0x6050004]
DHCP: received DHCP_ACK [server IP address 0x01D6A8C0]

<F1>up <F2>down <F3>page up <F4>page down <F5>home <F6>end

<F7>more details <F8>less details <F9>recall

Further functions:

Function Effect
F1 to F6 Navigate within the window
(alternatively, the relevant keys on the OP can be used).
F7 Display more information
F8 Display less information
F9 Return to diagnostics window

Press <F7> to continue

If you select function <F7> in the diagnostics window, booting of the TCU continues: If
booting is not yet complete, you can interrupt the boot procedure again with <F1>.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0 79
Service and diagnostics
4.1 Booting of the TCU

The diagnostics window is displayed automatically in the event of a fault:

Siemens AG Thin Client Boot Loader V

Boot progress:

BIOS V 06/08/2004 11:45:07

MAC address 08:00:06:00:00:00
IP address received

OS boot loader (nonfree/linx_tcu.bin) done

Linux image (free/linux.bin) 0

Error: Network connection not established

<F1>details <F8>reboot

Further functions:

Function Effect
F1 Display detailed information
F8 Restart the TCU

If the diagnostics window is already active and a warning message appears, it is displayed
inside the window.

Operator components and networking (IM5)

80 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Service and diagnostics
4.1 Booting of the TCU

Siemens AG Thin Client Boot Loader V

Boot progress:

BIOS V 06/08/2004 11:45:07

MAC address 08:00:06:00:00:00
IP address

Warning: connection established - no DHCP server available

<F1>renewed break

Further functions:

Function Effect
F1 Display detailed information

Operator components and networking (IM5)

Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0 81
Service and diagnostics
4.2 How to calibrate a touch panel

4.2 How to calibrate a touch panel

HT 8: Calibrate touch screen

Do not touch the operating elements of the display with pointed or hard objects. This may
considerably reduce their service lives.
Each device is supplied with a HT 8-Touchpen (order no. 6FC5348-0AA08-4AA0). This
should be used for calibration purposes and during operation.

The calibration is automatically started after switching on HT 8.

1. Follow the instructions on the screen:
2. Press the three calibration items one after the other.
This completes the calibration.
3. Press the corresponding horizontal softkey on the touch screen to close the command
shell and to re-establish the connection to the desired PCU.

The calibration process on the HT 8 can alternatively be started with the following key
combination: <Recall> + <MENU SELECT> and then the <U> key

Operator components and networking (IM5)

82 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0
Service and diagnostics
4.2 How to calibrate a touch panel

Recalibrate touch screen

1. The key combination below can be used to initiate further TCU calibration during
operation, if required: <F9> + <F10>.
This corresponds to the key combination on an OP: Menu back key + <MENU SELECT>.
Operator panel service system - service menu for operator panel (TCU)

Show status
Show local logfile
Show logfile of remote devices
Modify operator panel settings
Calibrate touch screen



Page Page

Figure 4-1 Starting the calibration process

Operator components and networking (IM5)

Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0 83
Service and diagnostics
4.2 How to calibrate a touch panel

2. Select the menu item "Calibrate touch screen" to start calibration.

Operator panel service system - service menu for operator panel (TCU)

Show status
Show local logfile
Show logfile of remote devices
Modify operator panel settings
Calibrate touch screen

(Screen Orientation)

Please touch upper left corner



Page Page

Figure 4-2 HT8 calibrating points

The "Touchware" program, which is available with Windows XP, is deactivated on the

Obtaining user authorization

On a TCU that has no user authorization, the first key that is pressed serves exclusively to
request the user authorization, i.e. this key is not evaluated by the operating software.
The settings for the right to veto are stored in file tcu.ini and are only effective if the operating
software is installed on the PCU. At the OP of the TCU, the operating software can be
operated in exactly the same way as an OP directly connected to the PCU.

These operator input sequence steps must only be carried out by qualified personnel!

Operator components and networking (IM5)

84 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0

Calibrate, 82
Rotary coding switch, 30
Advanced settings, 58
IP address
B Client, 59
PG, 73
Boot server, 72

Messages during TCU boot up, 77
Calibrate touch panel
HT 8, 82
TCU, 83
Calibrate Touch Panel, 36
Color depth, 58 Network topology, 67
CompactFlash Card, 7
Company network, 6
Configuration file R
basesys.ini, 49
Replacement TCU, 32
config.ini, 26, 36
tcu.ini, 38, 58
Connecting a PG, 73
Screen resolution, 58
D SIMATIC Thin Client, 33
DCK (Direct Control Keys), 31
DHCP client, 9
SINUMERIK mode, 36
DHCP server, 9
Direct control keys, 31
Adapter, 49
DNS (Domain Name System), 12
Company network, 61
OPs, 50
Scanned devices, 62
System basics, 62
Ethernet connection, 67 System network, 59
Ethernet interface, 67 TCU support, 55
Veto Mode TCU mode, 57
SNC (System Network Center), 47
F Star structure, 5
Start bar, 35
Factory default settings, 9
Switchover disable, 44
Faults when booting, 77
Boot behavior, 11
Redundancy, 13
System network, 59
HT 8 Configuring, 30, 47

Operator components and networking (IM5)

Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0 85

Target configuration, 63
Target/actual comparison, 65
Assign index, 44
Assign names, 30
Boot-up configuration, 56
Boot-up messages, 77
Main menu, 17
Settings, 30
Supplementary conditions, 7
Thin Client Unit, 7
TCU diagnostics, 77

User authorization, 7, 57, 84

Validity, manual, 5
VNC connection, 53

Operator components and networking (IM5)

86 Commissioning Manual, 02/2011, 6FC5397-1AP40-0BA0

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