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Speakout Starter Wordlist de FR IT A Z

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Speakout Starter A-Z - Wordlist English / German / French / Italian

Speakout Starter A-Z

Wordlist English / German / French / Italian

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a 10 determiner ə ein, eine un/e un, una I'm a doctor.
a lot 25 adv ə lɒt viel, häufig beaucoup molto We're on the phone a lot.
He leaves at 10 a.m. tomorrow
a.m. 145 ˌeɪ ˈem vor 12 Uhr mittags du matin del mattino
à propos de, au The story is about two doctors in
about 46 preposition əˈbaʊt über di
sujet de Greece.
act 107 v ækt Theater spielen jouer recitare, agire, My friend can act very well.
acting 32 n ˈæktɪŋ Schauspielkunst jeu recitazione He is famous for his acting.
activity 47 n ækˈtɪvəti, ækˈtɪvɪti Aktivität activité attività What activites do you do in summer?
actor 10 n ˈæktə Schauspieler/in acteur/actrice attore He wants to be an actor.
actress 79 n ˈæktrəs, ˈæktrɪs Schauspielerin actrice, comédienne attrice She is an actress on television.

address 12 n əˈdres Adresse adresse indirizzo My address is 37 King street, London.

There are job adverts in the local
advert 106 n ˈædvɜːt Anzeige publicité inserzione
afraid 140 adj əˈfreɪd Angst haben avoir peur de avere paura di I'm afraid of the sea.
after 55 prep ˈɑːftə danach après dopo After that, I came home.
afternoon 43 n ˌɑːftəˈnuːn Nachmittag après-midi pomeriggio We can meet this afternoon.
ago 77 adverb əˈgəʊ vor, vorher il y a fa He played football two days ago,
airport 50 n ˈeəpɔːt Flughafen aéroport aeroporto Heathrow Airport is in London.
am Leben, lebendig,
alive 46 adj əˈlaɪv en vie vivo My grandparents are still alive.
all 21 determiner ɔːl alle tous/toutes tutto All the students are in the classroom.

all right 78 adj ɔːl raɪt ganz in Ordnung passer encore bene The food's all right, but it's not great.
alone 138 adj əˈləʊn alleine seul solo I am alone at the moment.
also 21 adv ˈɔːlsəʊ auch aussi anche The hotel is big and also beautiful.
ˈɔːlwəz, ˈɔːlwɪz,
always 90 adv immer tourjours sempre They always play football on Saturdays.
m, əm; strong
am 8 v bin suis sono I am Spanish.

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amazing 112 adj əˈmeɪzɪŋ erstaunlich stupéfiant It was an amazing show.
American 139 adj amerikanisch américain americano That's an American car.
ein, eine (vor
an 10 determiner ən Nomen mit un/e un, una He's an engineer.
ənd, əŋ; strong We visited Poland and Germany last
and 77 conjunction und et e
ænd year.
angry 140 adj ˈæŋgri verärgert en colère arrabbiato My parents are angry.
animal 49 n ˈænəməl, ˈænɪməl Tier animal animale Do you like animals?
answer 81 n ˈɑːnsə Antwort réponse risposta Can you tell me the answer?
answer 138 v ˈɑːnsə beantworten répondre rispondere Can you answer my question?
any 62 determiner ˈeni irgendwelche de, du del, della Are there any books on the table?
anything 34 pronoun ˈeniθɪŋ irgendetwas quelque chose qualcosa Anything else?
Apple 102 trademark ˈæpəl Apple Apple Apple Apple makes the iPod and iPhone.
apple 143 n ˈæpəl Apfel pomme mela I eat an apple everyday.
April 75 n ˈeɪprəl April avril aprile We went to Egypt in April.
Arabic 106 adj ˈærəbɪk Arabisch arabe arabico He can’t speak Arabic.
aren't 62 (v) ɑːnt sind nicht ne sont pas non sono There aren't any trains.
Argentina 9 country ˌɑːdʒənˈtiːnə Argentinien Argentine Argentina Argentina is in South America.
Argentinier/in, Argentin/e,
Argentinian 139 adj ˌɑːdʒənˈtɪniən argentino He's Argentinian.
argentinisch argentin/e
around 14 adv, prep əˈraʊnd um ... herum autour de intorno a We walked around the building.
arrive 24 v əˈraɪv ankommen arriver arrivare People arrive for the big day.
art 36 n ɑːt Kunst art arte They love modern art.
Asiate, Asiatin, aus
Asian 81 adj ˈeɪʃən, ˈeɪʒən Asiatique, asiatique asiatico The new students are Asian.
Asien, asiatisch
ask 138 v ɑːsk fragen poser une question chiedere Can I ask you a question?
aspirin 114 n ˈæsprən, ˈæsprɪn Aspirin aspirine aspirina I need some aspirin from the pharmacy
at 19 prep ət, strong æt auf à a He's at university.
attraction 37 n əˈtrækʃən Attraktion attraction attrazione Big Ben is a famous tourist attraction.

audience 77 n ˈɔːdiəns Publikum public, audience pubblico The audience laughed at the actors.
When I was young, all the music was on
audio cassette 102 n ˈɔːdiəʊ kəˈset Hörkassette cassette audio audiocassetta
audio cassettes.

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August 44 n ɜːˈgʌst August août agosto My birthday is in August.
Australia 8 country ɒˈstreɪliə Australien Australie Australia She is from Sydney in Australia.
Australier/in, Australien/ne,
Australian 139 adj ɒˈstreɪliən australiano I like Australian people.
australisch australien/ne
autumn 47 n ˈɔːtəm Herbst automne autunno In autum the trees change colour.
available 44 adj əˈveɪləbəl verfügbar disponible disponibile What lessons are available?
avatar 42 n ˈævətɑː Avatar avatar avatar This is my Second Life avatar.
It was an awful concert. The band
awful 78 adj ˈɔːfəl furchtbar horrible, affreux terribile
wasn't very good.
bad 53 adj bæd schlecht mauvais cattivo This is a bad idea.
bag 140 n bæg Tasche sac, sachet borsa What's in your bag?
ball 88 n bɔːl Ball balle palla The children played with the ball.
Ballsaal / ballroom
ballroom 76 n ˈbɔːlrʊm, ˈbɔːlruːm dancing = salle de danse sala di ballo My mother loves ballroom dancing.
banana 143 n bəˈnɑːnə Banane banane banana Bananas are usually yellow.
band 42 n bænd Band orchestre complesso She's a singer in a band.
bank 138 n bæŋk Bank banque banca I go to the bank to get money.
ˌbɑːsəˈləʊnə, Barcelona is the largest ciry in northeast
Barcelona 86 Barcelona Barcelone Barcelona
ˌbɑːsɪˈləʊnə Spain.
basketball 33 n Basketball basket-ball, basket pallacanestro Luoi Deng is a basketball player.
She plays bass guitar in the college
bass guitar 106 n beɪs gɪˈtɑː Bass (gitarre) basse chitarra bassa
bathroom 53 n ˈbɑːθrʊm Badezimmer salle de bains bagno The bathroom in the house is big.
be 142 v bi, strong biː sein être essere He wants to be a pilot.
beach 14 n biːtʃ Strand plage spiaggia Shall we go to the beach today?
bean 143 n biːn Bohne haricot fagiolo He likes to eat beans.
beautiful 14 adj ˈbjuːtəfəl, ˈbjuːtɪfəl schön beau bello The village is very beautiful.
beauty 97 n ˈbjuːtɪ Schönheit beauté bellezza She buys a lot of beauty products.
The food is fantastic because the cook is
because 20 conjunction bɪˈkɒz, bɪˈkəz weil parce-que perché
very good.
become 84 v bɪˈkʌm werden devenir diventare They became great friends.
bed 50 n bed Bett lit letto I go to bed at eleven thirty.
beef 143 n biːf Rindfleisch boeuf carne di manzo English people like roast beef.
before 55 prep bɪˈfɔː vor, bevor avant, avant de prima di He goes running before breakfast.
behind 88 preposition bɪˈhaɪnd hinter derrière dietro The box is behind the desk.

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beste, bester,
best 25 adj best meilleur/e migliore She's my best friend.
between 88 preposition bɪˈtwiːn zwischen entre fra I sit between Joe and Maria in class.
big 14 adj bɪg groß grand grande He drives a big car.
bike 64 n baɪk Fahrrad vélo bicicletta Do you ride your bike to college?
billion 24 number ˈbɪljən Milliarde milliard miliardo Billions of people are by their TVs.
observation des osservazione degli My father often goes bird watching at
bird watching 97 n bɜːd ˈwɒtʃɪŋ Vogelbeobachtung
oiseaux uccelli the weekends.
birthday 24 n ˈbɜːθdeɪ Geburtstag anniversaire compleanno My birthday is 7th March.
biscuit 143 n ˈbɪskət, ˈbɪskɪt Keks cracker, biscuit biscotto Can I have a biscuit?
black 33 adj blæk schwarz noir nero Can I have a black coffee, please?
blue 33 adj bluː blau bleu blu, azzuro The sea is very blue today.
boat 71 n bəʊt Boot, Schiff bateau, navire barca I don’t like travelling by boat.
body 58 n ˈbɒdi Körper corps corpo The sportsman has a healthy body.
Bollywood is the name of the Indian film
Bollywood 68 n ˈbɒliwʊd Bollywood Bollywood Bollywood
book 86 v bʊk buchen réserver prenotare Did you book a hotel for us?
boot 141 n buːt Stiefel botte stivale Her boots are black.
boring 96 adj ˈbɔːrɪŋ langweilig ennuyeux noioso The lesson was very boring today.
boss 21 n bɒs Chef, Vorgesetze/r patron capo Mani is my boss.
both 32 determiner bəʊθ beide tous les deux entrambi My sister and I both play tennis.
box 30 n bɒks Schachtel boîte scatola There are two boxes on my desk.
boyfriend 42 n ˈbɔɪfrend Freund ami ragazzo Jack is Fiona's boyfriend.
Brazil 9 country brəˈzɪl Brasilien Brésil Brasile They are from Brazil
Brasilianer/in, Brésilien/ne,
Brazilian 139 adj brəˈzɪliən brasiliano Brazilian people love dancing.
brasilianisch brésilien/ne
There is white or brown bread for the
bread 34 n bred Brot pain pane
break 22 n breɪk Pause pause pausa Let's have a break.
breakfast 52 n ˈbrekfəst Frühstück petit déjeuner colazione I have breakfast at half past six.
bridge 46 n brɪdʒ Brücke pont ponte The bridge over the river is very old.
We walked over the bridge to the other
bridge 84 n brɪdʒ Brücke pont ponte
side of the river.
broken 62 adj ˈbrəʊkən kaputt cassé rotto My camera is broken.
brother 18 n ˈbrʌðə Bruder frère fratello James is Sarah's brother.

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brown 33 adj braʊn braun brun marrone He has brown hair.
brush 38 n brʌʃ Pinsel pinceau pennello This is Picasso's brush.
building 14 n ˈbɪldɪŋ Gebäude batiment, immeuble edificio The hotel is a big building.
Bulgaria is between Romania and
Bulgaria 87 bʌlˈgeəriə Bulgarien Bulgarie Bulgaria
bus 6 n bʌs Bus bus autobus I usually catch the bus to college.
affari, orario The supermarket is open for business
business 11 n ˈbɪznəs, ˈbɪznɪs Geschäft commerce
d'apertura 24 hours a day.
businessman 10 n Geschäftsmann homme d'affaires uomo d'affari John's father is a businessman.
businesswoman 10 n Geschäftsfrau femme d'affaires donna d'affari She wants to be a businesswoman.
They waited for hours, but the bus
but 77 conjunction bʌt aber mais ma
didn't come.
I like to buy interesting gifts for my
buy 56 v baɪ kaufen acheter comprare
Cadillac 34 n Cadillac Cadillac Cadillac He has an old Cadillac.
café 22 n ˈkæfeɪ Café café caffè We can have a pizza in the café.
cake 34 n keɪk Kuchen gâteau torta Your chocolate cake is on the table.
call 32 v kɔːl heißen s'appeler chiamare What is this called?
Some people count the number of
calorie 54 n ˈkæləri Kalorie calorie caloria
calories they eat.
Cambodia is between Thailand and
Cambodia 86 kæmˈbəʊdiə Kambodscha Cambodge Cambogia
Vietname in southeast Asia.
camera 138 n ˈkæmərə appareil photo macchina fotografica I've got a new camera.
camping 86 n ˈkæmpɪŋ Camping, Zelten camping campeggio We often go camping in the mountains.
can 6 modal verb kən, strong kæn können pouvoir potere Can you repeat that please?
Canada 139 country ˈkænədə Kanada Canada Canada She is from Toronto in Canada.
Kanadier/in, Canadien/ne,
Canadian 139 adj kəˈneɪdiən canadese They are Canadian.
kanadisch canadien/ne
non sapere, non
can't 107 (v) kɑːnt kann nicht ne peut pas potere, non essere She can't swim well.
capace di
capital 11 n ˈkæpətl, ˈkæpɪtl Hauptstadt capitale capitale Paris is the capital of France.

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ˈkæpətl, ˈkæpɪtl You need a capital letter at the start of
capital letter 75 n Großbuchstabe majuscule maiuscola
ˈletə a sentence.
cappuccino 34 n Cappuccino cappuccino cappuccino Can I have a cappuccino, please?
car 40 n kɑː Auto la voiture macchina I have a small car.
card 30 n kɑːd Karte carte biglietto Here is my business card.
Fürsorge, Sorgfalt,
care 63 n keə souci, attention cura, attenzione Take care
carpet 36 n ˈkaːpət, ˈkaːpɪt Teppich tapis tappeto There is a big red carpet in the room.
carrot 143 n ˈkærət Karotte carotte carota Carrots are orange.
cash 62 n kæʃ Bargeld espèces, cash denaro contante I used cash to buy dinner.
cat 27 n kæt Katze chat gatto She also has two cats.
catch 46 v kætʃ fangen attraper prendere, pescare He catches fish every day.
ˈkætəgəri, There are different categories of
category 49 n Kategorie catégorie categoria
ˈkætɪgəri animals.
CD 102 n ˌsiː ˈdiː CD CD CD I recorded the information on a CD.

celebrate 44 v ˈseləbreɪt feiern célébrer festeggiare We celebrate our birthdays with a party.

cent 67 n sent Cent cent centesimo The cake is three dollars fifty cents.

centre 20 n ˈsentə Zentrum centre centro The cafe is in the centre of the town.

cereal 54 n ˈsɪriəl Müsli, Zerealien céréales cereali He usually has cereal for breakfast.

Zeugnis, Nachweise, We got some gift certificates for

certificate 146 n səˈtɪfɪkət bon, bon d'achat certificato
Gutschein Christmas.

chair 30 n tʃeə Stuhl chaise sedia There are twenty chairs in the room.
She changes her clothes two or three
change 46 v tʃeɪndʒ wechseln changer cambiare
times every day.
I haven’t got any change for the parking
change 146 n tʃeɪndʒ Wechselgeld monnaie spiccioli
chat 111 v tʃæt plaudern chatter, tchatter chiacchierare I chatted to him for about ten minutes.
The train ticket was very cheap. It was
cheap 145 adj tʃiːp billig bon marché economico
only four dollars.
check 138 v tʃek prüfen vérifier controllare The teacher checked the answers.

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cheese 54 n tʃiːz Käse fromage formaggio They eat a lot of cheese.
The chef at the new restaurant cooks
chef 80 n ʃef Chefkoch chef, cuisinier chef
very well.
chef 139 n ʃef chef de cuisine chef, capo Jane is a chef in a restaurant.
cheque 146 n tʃek Scheck chèque chèque He wrote me a cheque for £200.
chess 107 n tʃes Schach échecs scacchi Can you play chess?
chicken 54 n ˈtʃɪkən, ˈtʃɪkɪn Huhn poulet pollo She likes chicken.
childhood 76 n ˈtʃaɪldhʊd Kindheit enfance infanzia We had a very happy childhood.
Sarah and James are the Mary's
children 18 n ˈtʃɪldrən Kinder enfants figli
Chilene / in , aus
Chiliean 80 adj ˈtʃɪliən Chilien, chilien cileno The miners were Chilean.
Chile, chilenisch
China 9 country ˈtʃaɪnə China Chine Cina Beijing is in China.
The Chinese language isn't easy to
Chinese 139 adj ˌtʃaɪˈniːz chinesisch Chinois/e, chinois,e cinese
chips 54 n tʃɪp Pommes frites pommes frites patatina The children love fish and chips.
chocolate 6 n ˈtʃɒklət, ˈtʃɒklɪt Schokolade chocolat cioccolato Can I have some chocolate, please?

Christmas 103 n ˈkrɪsməs Weihnachten Noël natale Christmas Day is on December 25th.
cinema 138 n ˈsɪnəmə. ˈsɪnɪmə Kino cinéma cinema I watch films in the cinema.
cinema 142 n ˈsɪnəmə, ˈsɪnɪmə Kino cinéma cinema We can go to the cinema.
circle 138 v ˈsɜːkəl einkreisen entourer girare intorno a Please circle number six.
city 11 n ˈsɪti Stadt ville città Birmingham is a city in England.
class 25 n klɑːs Klasse cours, classe classe There are 30 people in my class.
ˈklɑːsrʊm, Klassenzimmer,
classroom 19 n salle de classe classe, aula The students are in the classroom.
ˈklɑːsruːm Unterrichtsraum
homme/femme de
cleaner 139 n ˈkliːnə Reinigungskraft addetto alle pulizie He is a cleaner in a hotel.
climb 147 v klaɪm klettern, erklimmen monter scalare He climbs mountains for fun.
clock 30 n clɒk Uhr, Wanduhr horloge orologio There is a big clock on the wall.
close 56 v kləʊz schließen fermer chiudere The shop closes at six.
closed 62 adj kləʊzd geschlossen fermé chiuso The shops are closed on Sundays.
clothes 36 n kləʊðz, kləʊz Kleider vêtements abiti, vestiti He is an assistant in a clothes shop.
It was cloudy in the morning but now
cloudy 146 adj ˈklaʊdi bewölkt nuageux nuvoloso
it's sunny.

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club 42 n klʌb Club club locale notturno She sings in a night club.
They went on a coach holiday through
coach 91 n kəʊtʃ Bus autocar pullman, carrozza
coat 141 n kəʊt Mantel, Jacke manteau cappotto It's cold. You need your coat today.

coin 146 n kɔɪn Münze pièce (de monnaie) moneta He had a silver coin in his hand.
cola 34 n ˈkəʊlə Coca-Cola cola Coca-Cola There's a can of cola on the desk.
cold 14 adj kəʊld kalt froid freddo It's cold today.
come 142 v kʌm kommen venir venire He comes home at six in the evening.

comedy 90 n ˈkɒmədi, ˈkɒmɪdi Komödie comédie commedia She enjoys comedy programmes on TV.
comma 75 n ˈkɒmə Komma virgule virgola Where do I put the comma?
My father is a manager in a big
company 21 n ˈkʌmpəni Unternehmen, Firma entreprise società
competition 32 n Wettbewerb compétition competizione We are in a football competition.
computer 138 n kəmˈpkuːtə Computer ordinateur computer Do you like computer games?
concert 27 n ˈkɒnsət Konzert concert concerto The music concert is today.
He's in England for an international
conference 10 n ˈkɒnfərəns Konferenz conférence conferenza
contact 106 v ˈkɒntækt kontaktieren contacter contattare She contacted us by email.
control 102 n kənˈtrəʊl Fernbedienung télécommande comando Where is the control for the TV.
cook 20 n kʊk Koch/Köchin cuisinier cuoco Frank is the cook in the restaurant.
cook 59 v kʊk kochen cuisiner cucinare Mjy mother cooks wonderful food.
cook 139 n kʊk Koch, Köchin cuisinier cuoco Frank is a cook in a restaurant.
cookbook 146 n ˈkʊkbʊk Kochbuch livre de recettes libro di cucina I've got a wonderful Italian cookbook.
copy 53 v ˈkɒpi kopieren copier copiare Don’t copy my work!
They usually have Corn Flakes for
Corn Flakes 89 kɔːn flaɪks Corn Flakes cornflakes Corn Flakes
correct 115 adj kəˈrekt richtig correct corretto Is this the correct word?
cost 142 v kɒst kosten coûter costare How much does it cost?
He can count from one to ten in
count 115 v kaʊnt zählen compter contare
How many countries are there in
country 139 n ˈkʌntri Land pays paese

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Land (im Gegensatz
countryside 14 n ˈkʌntrisaɪd campagne campagna I like walking in the countryside.
zu "Stadt")

coursebook 31 n ˈkɔːsbʊk Lehrbuch livre de cours libro scolastico Look at page 31 in your coursebooks.

crash 80 n kræʃ Aufprall, Unfall collision scontro There was a car crash outside the office.
crazy 53 adj ˈkreɪzi verrückt fou pazzo, matto Loud music drives me crazy.
credit card 140 n Kreditkarte carte de crédit carta di credito You can pay by credit card.
crisps 143 n plural krɪsp Chips, Kartoffelchips chips patatine Have you got a bag of crisps?
passare, They cross the bridge many times
cross 46 v krɒs überqueren traverser
attraversare everyday.
voll mit Menschen, The bus is crowded. There are no
crowded 68 adj ˈkraʊdəd, ˈkraʊdɪd bondé, blindé pieno, affollato
überfüllt seats.
cry 76 v kraɪ weinen pleurer piangere She cried because she was sad.
cup 140 n kʌp Tasse tasse tazza Can I have a cup of coffee
custard 143 n kʌstəd Senf moutarde salsa alla vaniglia I like custard with my apple pie.
customer 50 n ˈkʌstəmə Kunde client cliente The salesman visits his customers.
cycle 42 v ˈsaɪkəl Rad fahren faire du vélo pedalare He cycles to work every day.
andare in bicicletta,
cycling 71 n ˈsaɪklɪŋ Radfahren vélo He likes cycling.
daal / dahl 68 n dɑːl Dal daal / dal daal Indian dish of beans, pease or lentils.
He goes for a daily run early in the
daily 115 adj ˈdeɪli täglich quotidien quotidiano
dairy 89 n ˈdeəri Milchprodukte produit laitier fatto con il latte Dairy foods include milk and cheese.
dance 76 v dɑːns tanzen danser ballare My parents often dance together.
danger 144 n ˈdeɪndʒə Gefahr danger pericolo He's in danger. We must help him.
dangerous 46 adj ˈdeɪndʒərəs gefährlich dangereux pericoloso The river can be dangerous.
dark 145 adj dɑːk dunkel foncé scuro She's got short dark hair.
date 81 n deɪt Datum date data What's the date today?
daughter 18 n ˈdɔːtə Tochter fille figlia Sarah is John and Mary's daughter.
day 20 n deɪ Tag jour, journée giorno There are twenty-four hours in a day.
dead 46 adj ded tot mort morto I think her parents are dead.
dear 63 adj dɪə lieb cher caro Dear Mr Jones ………

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Many people were sad when they heard
death 96 n deθ Tod mort morte
of the Michael Jackson's death.
They usually have a holiday in
December 75 n dɪˈsembə Dezember décembre dicembre
delicious 78 adj dɪˈlɪʃəs köstlich délicieux delizioso The pizza was delicious.
delivery 106 n dɪˈlɪvəri Lieferung, Liefer- livraison consegna He works for a delivery company.
democracy 77 n dɪˈmɒkrəsi Demokratie démocratie democrazia Is this country a democracy?
Denmark is a country in northern
Denmark 86 ˈdenmɑːk Dänemark Danemark Danimarca
What time will you be back? I'm not
depend 97 v dɪˈpend abhängen von dépendre dipendere
sure. It depends on the traffic.
describe 115 n dɪˈskraɪb beschreiben décrire descrivere Can you describe your new house?
desert 59 n ˈdezət Wüste désert deserto There is little water in a desert.
desk 30 n desk Schreibtisch bureau tavolo The computer is on the desk.
Can you give me details of the holiday,
detail 44 n ˈdiːteɪl Detail, Einzelheit détail dettaglio
diary 140 n ˈdaɪəri Kalender, Tagebuch agenda diario Check in the diary.
You can find the word in your
dictionary 140 n ˈdɪkʃənəri Wörterbuch dictionnaire dizionario
didn't 76 (v) ˈdɪdnt tat nicht ne faisait pas non I didn’t like the food.
Do you remember when Michael
die 81 v daɪ sterben mourir morire
Jackson died?
die 93 v daɪ sterben mourir morire The man died in a hotel.
What's the difference between the two
difference 63 n ˈdɪfərəns Unterschied différence differenza
Life in America is different from life in
different 40 adj ˈdɪfərənt anders, verschieden différent diverso
my country.
difficult 46 adj ˈdɪfɪkəlt schwierig difficile difficile Life is difficult here.
dinner 46 n ˈdɪnə Abendessen dîner cena We have dinner at seven o'clock.
Can you give me directions to the
direction 115 n dɪˈrekʃən, Wegbeschreibung direciton, itinéraire direzione
cinema, pelase?
discount 36 n ˈdɪskaʊnt Preisnachlass remise, discount sconto They give us a special discount.
do 56 v duː tun faire fare Do you do exercise every day?
doctor 10 n ˈdɒktə Arzt, Ärztin docteur, médecin dottore, medico Nina is a doctor.
doesn't 42 (v) ˈdʌzənt tut nicht ne (fait) pas non (fa) She doesn’t like chocolate.
dog 27 n dɒg Hund chien cane She has two dogs.

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dollar 67 n ˈdɒlə Dollar dollar dollaro A coffee is two dollars.
don't 6 v dəʊnt nicht (tun) ne pas (faire) non (fare) I don’t know.
ne fait pas, ne font
don't 40 (v) dəʊnt nicht tun non I don’t know him
dot 13 n dɒt Punkt point puntino The web address is yahoo dot com.
The London tourist buses are double-
double-decker 64 adj ˌdʌbəl ˈdekə Doppeldecker bus à impériale autobus a due piani
decker buses.
down 22 adv daʊn nieder-, hinunter bas, en bas sedersi, giù Let's sit down.
downtown 20 adv ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn centre-ville centro She lives in downtown New York.
draw 147 v drɔː zeichnen dessiner disegnare My brother draws wonderful pictures.
dress 32 n dres Kleid robe abito She's got a new red dress.
drill 80 v drɪl bohren forer trapanare BP are drilling for oil here.
drink 55 n drɪŋk Getränk boisson bibita, bicchierino Can I have a drink please?
drive 40 v drɑɪv fahren conduire guidare My brother drives a Cadillac.
drums 98 n drʌm Schlagzeug batterie batteria My brother plays the drums in a band.
dry 46 adj draɪ trocken sec asciutto My shoes aren't dry. They're wet.
Dublin is the capital of the Republic of
Dublin 85 ˈdʌblən, ˈdʌblɪn Dublin Dublin Dublino
DVD 6 n ˌdiː viː ˈdiː DVD DVD DVD I have the DVD.
each 68 determiner ɪːtʃ jeder chaque ogni There is a gift for each child.
easy 46 adj ˈIːzi leicht, einfach facile facile It isn’t easy to live in this place.
eat 22 v iːt essen manger mangiare Let's eat a pizza.
Edinburgh 91 Edinburgh Édimbourg Edimburgo Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
egg 34 n eg Ei oeuf uovo I love egg sandwiches.
Egypt 139 country ˈIːdʒɪpt Ägypten Égypte Egitto Ahmed is from Egypt.
Ägypter/in, Égyptien/ne,
Egyptian 139 adj ɪˈdʒɪpʃən egiziano The Egyptian people built the Pyramids.
ägyptisch égyptien/ne
eight 6 number eɪt acht huit otto The number is zero eight one.
eighteen 20 number ˌeɪˈtiːn achtzehn dix-huit diciotto Is your sister eighteen?
She goes into hospital on March the
eighth 75 adj eɪtθ achter huitième ottavo
eighty 20 number ˈeɪti achtzig quatre-vingts ottanta She's old. She's eighty
eleven 20 number ɪˈlevən elf onze undici He is eleven years old.
else 34 adverb els sonst autre, d'autre altro Do want anything else?

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I got an email from my friend this
email 138 n ˈɪːmeɪl Email courriel, email email
empty 145 adj ˈempti leer vide vuoto There's no milk. The bottle is empty.

end 50 n end Ende fin fine He goes home at the end of the day.
engineer 10 n Ingenieur/in ingénieur ingegnere My father is an engineer.
England 9 country ˈɪŋglənd England Angleterre Inghilterra My teacher is from England.
English 139 adj ˈɪŋglɪʃ Anglais/e, anglais/e inglese His teacher is English.
What kind of entertainment do you like?
entertainment 100 n ˌentəˈteɪnmənt Unterhaltung divertissement intrattenimento
Films, computer games?
entrance 144 n ˈentrəns Eingang entrée entrata This is the entrance to the school.
entry 144 n ˈentri Eintritt entrée entrata There is free entry to museum today.

episode 58 n ˈepəsəʊd, ˈeɪəsəʊd Episode épisode episodio There are 10 episodes in each series.

especially 96 adv ɪˈspeʃəli besonders particulièrement particolarmente I love presents, especially chocolates.
espresso 34 n Espresso expresso (caffè) espresso Two espressos, please.
euro 34 n ˈjʊərəʊ Euro euro euro That's four euros fifty.
every 43 determiner ˈevri jede/r, jedes chaque ogni They play tennis every weekend.
everyone 31 pronoun ˈevriwʌn jeder, alle chacun, tous ognuno, tutti Everyone is here now.
He walks everywhere because he
everywhere 47 adv ˈevriweə überallhin, überall partout dappertutto
doesn’t have a car.
Activity gifts are popular, for example,
example 96 n ɪgˈzɑːmpəl Beispiel exemple esempio
theatre tickets.
The shop is open every day except
except 56 conjunction ɪkˈsept außer sauf salvo che
Wechsel, We need to get some dollars from the
exchange 56 n ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ change cambio
Geldwechsel money exchange.
ˌekskləˈmeɪʃən Did you put exclamation mark after
exclamation mark 75 n Ausrufungszeichen point d'exclamation punto esclamativo
mɑːk "wow"?
Excuse me. Can I have a mineral
excuse 37 v ɪkˈskjʊːz entschuldigen excuser scusare
We bought an exercise bike to help us
exercise bike 98 n ˈeksəsaɪz baɪk Heimtrainer vélo d'appartement cyclette
get fit.
ˈegzət, ˈegzɪt,
exit 144 n Ausgang sortie uscita This door is exit only.

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expensive 37 adj ɪkˈspensɪv teuer cher caro The carpet is expensive.
extreme 46 n ɪkˈstriːm Extrem extrême estremo The world is place of extremes.
The book has a lot of facts about
fact 64 n fækt Tatsache fait fatti
factory 144 n ˈfæktəri Fabrik usine fabbrica They make cars in this factory.
The Angel Falls in Venezuela are
falls 46 n plural fɔːlz Wasserfälle chute, cascade cascata
There are four girls and two boys in my
family 12 n ˈfæməli Familie famille famiglia
famous 32 adj ˈfeɪməs berühmt fameux famoso She's a famous singer.
fan 27 n fæn Fan supporter appassionato Jessica is a big music fan.
fantastic 20 adj fænˈtæstɪk fantastisch fantastique fantastico The film is fantastic.
far 145 adj fɑː weit loin lontano The museum isn't far from here.
farm 144 n fɑːm Bauernhof ferme fattoria My family has a farm.
fast 53 adv fɑːst schnell vite veloce Do you drive very fast?
father 18 n ˈfɒːðə Vater père padre John is the father of Sarah and James.

favourite 33 adj ˈfeɪvərət, ˈfeɪvərɪt Lieblings- préféré preferito Purple is my favourite colour.
February 75 n ˈfebruəri, ˈfebjʊri Februar février febbraio It's always cold in February.
festival 27 n ˈfestəvəl. ˈfestɪvəl Festival festival festival They're at a festival this week.
The hotel is fifteen minutes from the
fifteen 20 number ˌfɪfˈtiːn fünfzehn quinze quindici
city centre.
fifteenth 75 adj ˌfɪfˈtiːnθ fünfzehnter quinzième quindicesimo The concert is November the fifteenth .
fifth 75 adj fɪfθ fünfter cinquième quinto Her birthday is December the fifth.
fifty 20 number ˈfɪfti fünfzig cinquante cinquanta His father is fifty.
film 44 n fɪlm Film film film Do you want to see a film?
End-, Schluss-,
final 37 adj ˈfaɪnəl final finale, definitivo The final price is 200 euros.
I always had a busy today and finally
finally 55 adv ˈfaɪnəl-I schließlich finalement, enfin finalmente
got home at 10 in the evening.
Can you find out the name of the new
find out 32 phrasal v faɪnd aʊt herausfinden se renseigner sur informarsi
fine 140 adj faɪn gut bien, bon bene I'm fine today.
finish 80 v ˈfɪnɪʃ beenden terminer finire We finished the work last night.
finsh 142 v ˈfɪnɪʃ aufhören terminer finire They finish work at half past five.

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faɪə ˈegzət, ˈegzɪt,
fire exit 144 n Notausgang sortie de secours uscita di sicurezza There are two fire exits on this floor.
first 10 adj fɜːst erster premier primo This is my first time in London.
fish 46 n fɪʃ Fisch, Fische poisson pesce The fish in the river are good to eat.

fish finger 58 n fɪʃ ˈfɪŋgə Fischstäbchen bâtonnet de poisson bastoncino di pesce Children usually love fish fingers.
fit 108 adj fɪt fit en forme in forma I went to the gym to get fit.
five 6 number faɪv fünf cinq cinque It's five o'clock.
flat 40 n flæt Wohnung appartement appartamento They live in a flat.
floor 64 n flɔː Stockwerk étage piano The house has two floors.
He gave his mother some beautiful
flower 96 n ˈflaʊə Blume fleur fiore
flowers for her biirthday.
food 20 n fuːd Essen nourriture cibo The food in the café is very good.
football 6 n ˈfʊtbɔːl Fußball football calcio The children are playing football.
for 21 prep fə; strong fɜː für pour per The restaurant is good for Italian food.
für immer,
forever 102 adv fərˈevə à jamais per sempre The world changed forever.
ˈfɔːmjələ, ˈfɔːmjʊlə He always watched the Formula 1 races
Formula 1 97 n Formel 1 Formule 1 Formula 1
wʌn on TV.
forty 20 number ˈfɔːti vierzig quarante quaranta My mother is forty.
forum 69 n ˈfɔːrəm Forum forum forum Do use forums on the internet?
four 6 number fɔː vier quatre quattro There are four books on the table.
There are fourteen students in the
fourteen 20 number ˌfɔːˈtiːn vierzehn quatorze quattordici
fourth 75 adj fɔːθ vierter quatrième quarto My birthday is April the fourth.
frame 146 n freɪm Rahmen cadre cornice My favourite photos are in frames.
France 139 country frɑːns Frankreich France Francia Francois is from France.
free 31 adj friː frei libre libero This desk is free. Mike isn't here today.
French 139 adj frentʃ französisch francese She likes French food.
fresh 46 adj freʃ frisch frais fresco I like French food.
Friday 43 n ˈfraɪdi, ˈfraɪdeɪ Freitag vendredi venerdì We see our parents on Fridays.
frit, sauté, au plat
fried 54 adj fraɪd gebraten fritto He eats three fried eggs for breakfast.
friend 19 n frend Freund/in ami/e amico Julie is Sarah's friend.

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friendly 25 adj ˈfrendli freundlich aimable socievole Jack is a friendly person.
from 8 prep frəm; strong frɒm aus de di We're all from London.
front 88 n frʌnt vor, Vorderseite devant davanti My car is in front of my house.
frozen 46 adj ˈfrəʊzən tiefgefroren gelé, surgelé ghiacciato He doesn’t eat frozen food.
fruit 54 n fruːt Obst fruits frutta We eat a lot of fruit.
full 34 adj fʊl voll plein pieno The museum is full of memorabilia.
Put a full stop at the end of the
full stop 75 n fʊl stɒp Punkt point punto
fun 91 n fʌn Spaß marrant, rigolo divertimento The party was a lot of fun.
Now we need to buy some furniture for
furniture 100 n ˈfɜːnɪtʃə Möbel meubles mobili
our new house.
future 109 n ˈfjuːtʃə Zukunft futur futuro What are you going to do in the future?
gate 66 n geɪt Ausgang, Tor porte barriera The bus leaves from gate five.
German 139 adj ˌdʒɜːmən Deutsche/r, deutsch tedesco The maths teacher is German.
Germany 139 country ˈdzɜːməni Deutschland Allemagne Germania We are from Germany.
get up 52 phrasal v get ʌp aufstehen se lever svegliarsi, alzarsi I get up at six o'clock every morning.
gift 56 n gɪft Geschenk cadeau regalo I like the gift shop in the musem.
girl 58 n gɜːl Mädchen fille ragazza, figlia They have a little girl.
girlfriend 42 n ˈgɜːlfrend Freundin amie ragazza Fiona is Jack's girlfriend.
give 36 v gɪv geben, schenken donner, offrir dare Give your books to the teacher.
glass 140 n glɑːs Glas verre bicchiere Can she have a glass of water?
I've got glasses because my eyes aren't
glasses 32 n plural ˈglaːsəz Brille lunettes occhiali
My hands are cold. I need some
glove 32 n glʌv Handschuh gant guanto
go 22 v gəʊ gehen aller andare We go to a good school.
go out 42 v aʊt ausgehen sortir uscire He goes out on Friday evenings.
I go out with my friends at the
go out 53 phrasal v gəʊ aʊt ausgehen sortir uscire
goal 108 n gəʊl Ziel but obiettivo What your goals in life?
gold 32 adj gəʊld Gold d'or d'oro His watch is gold.
golf 142 n gɒlf Golfspiel golf golf Do you play golf?
golf course 64 n gɒlf kɔːs Golfplatz parcours de golf campo da golf We play golf on the city golf course.

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good 11 adj gʊd gut bon buono We have a good teacher.
goodbye 110 gʊdˈbaɪ auf Wiedersehen au revoir arrivederci, addio They said goodbye to their friends.
goodnight 63 gʊdnaɪt gute Nacht bonne nuit buona notte Good night. Sleep well.
grammar 115 n ˈgræmə Grammatik grammaire grammatica I find English grammar difficult.
grape 143 n greɪp Weintrauben raisin uva We use grapes to make wine.
great 57 adj greɪt großartig génial grande That's a great idea.
Greece 139 country griːs Griechenland Grèce Grecia Are you from Greece?
Greek 139 adj griːk griechisch Grec/que, grec/que greco I like Greek history.
green 141 adj griːn grün vert verde Is the apple green?
group 21 n gruːp Gruppe groupe gruppo A group of tourists is in the hotel.
The store guide tells where you can find
guide 100 n gaɪd Wegweiser, Plan plan guida
visita guidata, giro The guided tour round the city starts at
guided tour 56 n ˈgaɪdəd tʊə Führung visite guidée
guidato 10 o'clock.
guitar 32 n gɪˈtɑː Gitarre guitare chitarra Some singers play the guitar.
guitarist 106 n gɪˈtɑːrəst, gɪˈtɑːrɪst Gitarrist guitariste chitarrista He's a rock guitarist in a famous band.
guy 84 n gaɪ Kerl, Typ mec, gars, type tipo, ragazzo He's a good guy.
gym 48 n dʒɪm Fitnessstudio salle, gymnase palestra He goes to the gym every morning.
habit 53 n ˈhæbət, ˈhæbɪt habitude abitudine What are your bad habits?
haircut 56 n ˈheəkʌt Haarschnitt coupe (de cheveux) taglio (di capelli) You can get a haircut in the hotel.
hairdresser 139 n ˈheəˌdresə Friseur/in coiffeur/coiffeuse parrucchiere I am a hairdresser.
half 44 n hɑːf halb, Hälfte demi mezzo, metà It's half past ten.
hamburger 48 n ˈhæmbɜːgə Hamburger hamburger hamburger They don’t like hamburgers.
handbag 141 n ˈhændbæg Handtasche sac à main borsa She has many things in her handbag.
passieren, sich
happen 113 v ˈhæpən se produire succedere When did this happen?
happy 11 adj ˈhæpi glücklich heureux felice, contento Sam is happy because it's his brithday.
hard 145 adj hɑːd schwierig dur, difficile duro, difficile This exercise is very hard.
hat 33 n hæt Hut chapeau cappello My head is cold. I need a hat.
hate 96 v heɪt hassen détester odiare I hate buying gifts for people.

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v, əv, həv; strong
have 22 v haben avoir avere We have a problem.
he 11 pronoun hi er il lui He is Saudi Arabian.
He listens to the music through the
headphones 102 n ˈhedfəʊnz Kopfhörer casque, écouteurs cuffie
healthy 54 adj ˈhelθi gesund sain sano It's important to eat healthy food.
heavy 145 adj ˈhevi schwer lourd pesante Is that bag too heavy for you?
hello 8 interjection həˈləʊ, heˈlɛʊ hallo bonjour, allo, salut salve Hello, my name's Jessica.
help 34 v help helfen aider aiutare Can I help you?
help 106 n help Hilfe aide aiuto I need your help with the homework.
her 21 determiner ə, hə; strong hɜː ihr, ihre son, sa suo Her sister is very happy.
The teacher gave her a one-to-one
her 99 pronoun ə, hə; strong hɜː ihr son, sa, lui lei, la, le
here 11 adv hɪə hier ici qui We are here in London.
hi 8 haɪ hallo bonjour, hello, salut ciao Hi, my name's Jessica.
him 99 pronoun ɪm; strong hɪm ihm le, lui lui, lo, gli I sold him my old bike.
his 21 pronoun ɪz, strong hiz sein, seine son/sa suo His wife is French.
ˈhɒlədi, ˈhɒlɪdi, -
holiday 21 n Ferien vacances vacanza We are on holiday in Greece.
home 19 n həʊm zuhause à la maison casa We are at home.
homework 99 n ˈhəʊmwɜːk Hausaufgaben devoirs compiti The teacher always gives us homework.
Hong Kong 86 ˌhɒn ˈkɒŋ Hongkong Hong Kong Hong Kong Hong Kong is part of China.
horse 106 n hɔːs Pferd cheval cavallo I ride my horse every day.
hospital 144 n ˈhɒspɪtl Krankenhaus, Klinik hôpital ospedale He is in hospital because he is ill.
hot 14 adj hɒt heiß chaud caldo It was very hot today.
We went in a hot air balloon over our
hot air balloon 97 n hɒt eə bəˈluːn Heißluftballon montgolfière mongolfiera
hotel 6 n həʊˈtel Hotel hôtel albergo, hotel We are in a small hotel in Paris.
I am in school for eight hours every
hour 20 n aʊə Stunde heure ora
house 40 n haʊs Haus maison casa We live in a small house.
comment / ici:
how 20 adv haʊ wie quanto, come How old is she?
how much 35 determiner mʌtʃ wie viel combien quanto How much is the sandwich?

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human 46 adj ˈhjuːmən menschlich humain umano People are human beings.
There are a hundred people at the
hundred 20 number ˈhʌndrəd hundert cent cento
Hungarian 139 adj hʌnˈgeəriən Ungar/in, ungarisch ungherese She is Hungarian.
hungry 22 adj hʌŋgri hungrig avoir faim, affamé aver fame We're hungry. Let's have a pizza.
husband 18 n ˈhʌzbənd Ehemann, Gatte mari marito John is Mary's husband.
I 6 pronoun aɪ ich je io I am a student.
idea 22 n aɪˈdɪə Idee idée idea That's a good idea.
identity 42 n Identität identité identità I don’t know his real identity.
ill 140 adj ɪl krank malade malato Susan isn’t at school today. She's ill.

immediately 96 adv ɪˈmiːdiətli sofort immédiatement immediatamente I phoned them immediately I got home.
important 15 adj ɪnˈpɔːtənt wichtig important importante He has a very important job.
improve 115 v ɪmˈpruːv verbessern améliorer migliorare He wants to improve his speaking.
in 6 prep ɪn in en in What's the word in English?
The party is for everyone, including the
including 64 prep ɪnˈkluːdɪŋ einschließlich y compris incluso
India 139 country ˈɪndiə Indien Inde India He is a student in India.
Indian 139 adj ˈɪndiən indisch Indien/ne, indien/ne indiano We often have Indian food.
I need more information about the
information 138 n ˌɪnfəˈeɪʃən Information informations informazioni
inside 23 adverb ɪnˈsaɪd hinein, innen à l'intérieur dentro Let's go inside. I'm cold.
instant 84 adj. ˈɪnstənt instantané immediato We were instant best friends.
interested 140 adj interessiert intéressé interessato I'm interested in business.
ˈɪntrəstɪŋ, There was an interesting programme on
interesting 78 adj interessant intéressant interessante
ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ TV last night.
international 10 adj ˌɪntəˈnæʃənəl international international/e internazionale He works in an international bank.
You can find the information on the
internet 138 n ˈɪntənet Internet internet internet
intonation 115 n ˌɪntəˈneɪʃən Betonung intonation intonazione Use intonation to sound interested.
introduce 102 v ˌɪntrəˈdjʊːs vorstellen présenter He introduced his friend to me.
He's got all his music and videos on his
iPod 102 n ˈaɪpɒd iPod iPod iPod

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Ireland 8 country ˈaɪələnd Irland Irlande Irlanda He is from Ireland.
Irish 139 adj ˈaɪrɪʃ irisch irlandais/e irlandese He speaks with an Irish accent.
is 6 v s, z, əz; strong ɪz ist est è Is he English?
island 59 n ˈaɪlənd Insel île isola They live on small island.
isn't 11 (v) ˈɪzənt ist nicht, ist kein n'est pas non è He isn’t Scottish.
it 6 pronoun ɪt es ce esso, è It's a book.
technicien/ne de
Informationstechnik lavoratore
IT worker 139 n ˌaɪˈtiː ˈwɜːkə maintenance en George is an IT worker.
er/in informatico
Italian 139 adj ɪˈtæliən italienisch Italien/ne, italien/ne italiano He usually eats in the Italian restaurant.
Italy 9 country ˈɪtəli Italien Italie Italia Rome is the capital of Italy.
itch 32 n ɪtʃ Jucken, Juckreiz démangeaison prurito I have an itch on my hand.
Gegenstand, Posten,
item 103 n ˈaɪtəm pièce, article articolo This is my favourite item of jewellery
jacket 33 n ˈdʒækət, ˈdʒækɪt Jacke veste giacca Her black jacket is old.
January 75 n Januar janvier gennaio They don’t enjoy January.
Japan 9 country dʒəˈpæn Japan Japon Giappone Tokyo is in Japan.
Japaner/in, Japonais/e,
Japanese 139 adj ˌdʒæpəˈniːz giapponese Many Japanese students visit Britain.
japanisch japonais/e
jeans 141 n plural dʒiːnz Jeans jean, jeans jeans These jeans are from America.
jewellery 36 n ˈdʒuːəlri Schmuck bijoux gioielleria The jewellery is very beautiful.
job 10 n dʒɒb Arbeit travail lavoro Teaching is a good job.
juice 59 n dʒuːs Saft jus succo Can I have an orange juice?
jukebox 102 n ˈdzuːkbɒks juke-box jukebox There was an old jukebox in the café.
July 75 n dzʊˈlaɪ Juli juillet luglio My favourite month is July.
jump 147 v jʌmp springen sauter saltare Can you jump over the table?
June 75 n dʒuːn Juni juin giugnio Her birthday is 6th June.
halten, behalten,
keep 80 v kiːp maintenir mantenere Good food keeps you healthy.
Eintritt verboten! rester dehors /
keep out 144 v kiːp aʊt non entrare Keep out! You can't go in the room.
Betreten verboten! entrée interdite
key 30 n kiː Schlüssel clé chiave Here are the keys to your office.
kill 93 n kɪl töten tuer uccidere William killed the old man.

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ˈkɪləˌmiːtə, The shops are 3 kilometres from my
kilometre 40 n Kilometer kilomètre chilometro
kɪˈlɒmətə house.
king 81 n kɪŋ König roi re The King of Spain is King Juan Carlos.

kiss 63 n kɪs Kuss bisou bacio She gives the children a goodnight kiss,

kitchen 106 n ˈkɪtʃən Küche cuisine cucina She is in the kitchen cooking dinner.
know 6 v nəʊ kennen connaître conoscere He knows the new teacher.
Koraner/in, Coréen/ne,
Korean 139 adj kəˈriːən coreano He's a Korean football player.
koreanisch coréen/ne
lamb 143 n læm Lamm agneau agnello Lamb is the meat from a young sheep.
lamp 30 n læmp Lampe lampe lampada This lamp is new.
language 42 n ˈlæŋgwɪdʒ Sprache langue lingua He speaks three languages.
last 145 adj lɑːst letzter dernier scorso Where were you last month?
later 108 adv ˈleɪtə später plus tard più tardi See you later!
They all laughed because the film was
laugh 76 v lɑːf lachen rire ridere
learn 36 v lɜːn lernen apprendre imparare He's in Rome to learn Italian.
learning 96 n ˈlɜːnɪŋ Lernen apprendre apprendimento Learning in our college is fun.
leather 36 n ˈleðə Leder cuirs cuoio He has black leather bag.
leave 142 v liːv quitter, partir uscire, partire She leaves home after breakfast.
left 88 n left links, die linke Seite à gauche sinistra My house is on the left.
less 108 adv les weniger moins meno I want to work less next year.
lesson 44 n ˈlesən leçon, cours lezione Do you like the English lessons?
let 89 v let lassen laisser lasciare Let me check the information.
letter 93 n ˈletə Brief lettre lettera She wrote a letter to her grandmother.
level 44 n ˈlevəl Niveau niveau livello His English level is good.
library 144 n ˈlaɪbrəri, ˈlaɪbri Bücherei bibliothèque biblioteca I get books from the library.
licence 106 n ˈlaɪsəns permis patente Have you got a driving licence?
life 40 n laɪf Leben vie vita I have a new life in America now.
lifestyle 46 n ˈlaɪfstaɪl Lebensstil mode de vie stile di vita His lifestyle is very expensive.
lift 147 v lɪft heben, hochheben soulever sollevare The bag is too heavy. I can't lift it.

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light 145 adj laɪt hell clair chiaro My mother has got light brown hair.
You can find a lamp in the lighting
lighting 100 n ˈlaɪtɪŋ Leuchten lampe, luminaire luce
like 6 prep laɪk so wie comme come Open your book like this.
like 40 v laɪk mögen aimer piacere I like my job.
Linie / train line =
line 69 n laɪn voie ferrée binario Don’t walk along the train line.
Lisbon 99 ˈlɪzbən Lissabon Lisbonne Lisbona Lisbon is the capital of Portugal.
list 32 n lɪst Liste liste lista Write a list of famous people you know.
listen 138 v ˈlɪsən hören écouter ascoltare I always listen to music.
listing 44 n ˈlɪstiŋ Verzeichnis listage, programme lista Look at the cinema listings.
little 58 adj ˈlɪtl klein petit piccolo My little brother is 3 years old..
local 86 adj ˈləʊkəl einheimisch régional, local del posto, local The local people are very friendly.
London Eye, auch
Millennium Pier, You can see a lot of things from the
London Eye 58 n ˈlʌndən ai London Eye London Eye
größtes Riesenrad London Eye.
Europas in London
long 145 adj lɒŋ lang long lungo Her friend's got very long blond hair.
look 37 n lʊk Blick regard sguardo Can I have a look?
look 138 v lʊk regarder guardare Look at your books, please.
lose 106 v luːz verlieren perdre perdere I often lose my keys.
loud 52 adj laʊd laut bruyant, fort alto, forte He plays loud music.
love 32 v lʌv lieben aimer amare Jane loves chocolate.
lovely 57 adj ˈlʌvli entzückend joli, adorable carino That's lovely, thank you.
lover 96 n ˈlʌvə Liebende, -er amant amante Red roses are for lovers.
You can only take hand luggage on the
luggage 146 n ˈlʌgɪdʒ Gepäck bagages bagaglio
lunch 46 n lʌntʃ Mittagessen déjeuner pranzo Lunch is at one o'clock
machine 58 n məˈʃiːn Maschine machine macchina, lavatrice Is this the washing machine?

magazine 92 n ˌmægəˈziːn Magazin, Zeitschrift magazine rivista I like reading car magazines.

make 142 v meɪk machen, zubereiten préparer fare She makes a sandwich for lunch

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directeur, patron,
manager 139 n ˈmænɪdʒə Manager direttore Mr Jones is a hotel manager.
map 44 n mæp plan, carte pianta, carta You can find the cinema on the map.
marathon 76 n ˈmærəθən Marathon marathon maratona He did the London marathon last year.
March 67 n mɑːtʃ März mars marzo His birthday is in March.
market 36 n ˈmɒːkət, ˈmɒːkɪt Markt marché mercato The Grand Bazaar is a famous market.
Prince William and Kate Middelton are
married 26 adj ˈmærid verheiratet marié sposati
match 44 n mætʃ Spiel (Sport), Match match partita We can watch the football match.
ˈmæksəməm, The maximum number of things you can
maximum 59 n Maximum, Größter maximum massimo
ˈmæksɪməm take is 5.
May 75 n meɪ Mai mai maggio Is your birthday in May?
me 99 pronoun mi; strong miː mir, mich me, moi mi He bought me a new computer.
mean 96 v miːn bedeuten signifier significare What does this word mean?
meat 59 n miːt Fleisch viande carne Some people don't eat meat.
ˈmedl-əst, ˈmedl- vincitore di
medallist 32 n Medaillengewinner médaillé/e Usain Bolt is a gold medallist.
ɪst medaglia
meet 8 v miːt kennenlernen rencontrer incontrare Nice to meet you.
meeting 22 n ˈmiːtɪŋ Begegnung, Treffen réunion incontro This is their first meeting.
member 77 n membə Mitglied membre socio He is a member of the golf club.
The museum has a lot of Michael
memorabilia 32 n ˌmemərəˈbɪliə Erinnerungsstücke souvenirs cimeli
Jackson memorabilia.
memory 106 n ˈmeməri Gedächtnis mémoire memoria She has a good memory for names.

vêtements pour You can get a jacket for your father in

menswear 100 n ˈmenzweə Herrenbekleidung abiti da uomo
hommes the menswear department.
It's 200 metres to the shops from my
metre 40 n ˈmiːtə Meter mètre metro
ˈmeksəkən, Mexicain/e,
Mexican 139 adj mexikanisch messicano Mexican food is often very hot.
ˈmeksɪkən mexicain/e
Mexico 139 country ˈmeksəkəʊ Mexiko Mexique Messico He's not from Mexico.
The singer had the microphone in his
microphone 80 n ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn Mikrophon microphone microfono
milk 35 n mɪlk Milch lait latte He has milk in his coffee.

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million 64 number ˈmɪljən Million million milione Millions of people live in New York.
millionaire 93 n ˌmɪljəˈneə Millionär millionaire milionario He is now a dollar millionaire.
The miners were underground for 69
miner 80 n ˈmaɪnə Bergarbeiter mineur minatore
mineral water 34 n ˈmɪnərəl ˈwɔːtə Mineralwasser eau minérale acqua minerale Can I have a mineral water, please?
minute 23 n ˈmɪnət, ˈmɪnɪt Minute minute minuto Let's stop in five minutes.
miss 91 v mɪs verpassen manquer perdere He arrived late and missed the train.
mistake 86 n məˌsteɪk Fehler faute errore He made mistake.
mix 15 n mɪks Mischung mélange misto, mistura There is a mix of old and new buildings.

mobile 19 n ˈməʊbaɪl Handy portable numero di telefonino What is your mobile number?
modern 27 adj ˈmɒdn modern moderne moderno The music is very modern.
moment 24 n ˈməʊmənt Augenblick, Moment moment momento This is a big moment for her.
Monday 43 n ˈmʌndi, ˈmʌndeɪ Montag lundi lunedì He works on Mondays.
money 50 n ˈmʌni Geld argent soldi She takes customers' money.
month 43 n mʌnθ Monat mois mese I visit my grandparents every month.
monthly 66 adj ˈmʌnθli monatlich mensuel mensile It's a monthly magazine.
more 108 adv mɔː mehr plus più I want to relax more.
morning 43 n ˈmɔːnɪŋ Morgen matin mattina He arrives at 8 every morning.
Moroccan 21 adj məˈrɒkən marokkanisch marocchino He eats Moroccan food.
mother 18 n mʌðə Mutter mère madre Mary is the mother of Sarah and James.

motorbike 64 n ˈməʊtəbaɪk Motorrad moto, motocyclette moto He's travels to work on his motorbike.
mountain 14 n Berg montagne montagna We like climbing in the mountains.
mouse 140 n maʊs Maus souris mouse My mouse isn't with the computer.
move 64 n muːv Bewegung, Umzug movimento More and more people are on the move.
move 76 v muːv umziehen déménager muoversi We moved home last year.
There are many interesting objects in
museum 32 n mjuːˈziəm Museum musée museo
the museum.
musician 18 n mjuːzɪʃən Musiker/in musicien/ne musicista He's a musician. He plays the guitar.

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my 19 determiner maɪ mein, meine mon/ma mio John is my best friend.
name 11 n neɪm Name nom nome My name is Sarah.
I always have nan when I eat an Indian
nan 68 n nɑːn Naan-Brot naan / nan nan
national 33 adj ˈnæʃənəl National-, national national nazionale He is in the national team.
ˌnæsəˈnæləti, Students of many different nationalities
nationality 139 n Nationalität nationalité nazionalità
ˌnæsəˈnælɪti study here.
That's very good. I think you're a
natural 112 n ˈnætʃərəl Naturtalent talent naturel talento naturale
natural at this.
nahe, in der Nähe
near 46 preposition nɪə près vicino I live in a house near the river.
He gave his wife a silver necklace for
necklace 100 n ˈnek-ləs, ˈnek-lɪs Kette collier collana
her birthday.
avere bisogno di, Sports people need to eat a lot of
need 54 v niːd brauchen avoir besoin de
necessitare calories every day.
negative 109 adj ˈnegətɪv negativ négatif negativo She said a lot of negative things.
neighbour 52 n ˈneɪbə Nachbar voisin vivcino John is my neighbour.
never 54 adv ˈnevə nie jamais mai We never go to the cinema.
new 14 adj njuː neu nouveau nuovo He has a new car.
New Zealand 139 country njʊː ˈziːlənd Neuseeland Nouvelle-Zélande Nuova Zelanda They are from New Zealand.
New Zealander 139 n njuː ˈziːləndə Neuseeländer/in Néo-Zélandais neozelandese They are New Zealanders.
news 142 n njuːz Nachrichten les nouvelles notizie I watch the news on TV.
Zeitschriftenladen, marchand de We buy our newspapers from the
newsagent 62 n ˈnjuːzˌeɪdzənt giornalaio
Zeitungshändler journaux newsagent.
newspaper 140 n ˈnjuːsˌpeɪpə Zeitung journal giornale Can I see your newspaper, please?
next 67 adj nekst nächster prochain prossimo When is the next train?
next to 88 preposition nekst tə neben à côté de vicino a The museum is next to the cinema.
nice 8 adj naɪs schön beau, belle bello He has a nice house.
night 42 n naɪt Abend, Nacht soir, nuit sera, notte They play computer games every night.
nightmare 36 n ˈnaɪtmeə Alptraum cauchemar incubo The holiday was a nightmare.
nine 6 number naɪn neun neuf nove There are nine women in the class
nineteen 20 number ˌnaɪnˈtiːn neunzehn dix-neuf dicianove Nineteen people are in the room.
ninety 20 number ˈnaɪnti neunzig quatre-vingt-dix novanta He's very old. He's ninety.
no 6 adv nəʊ nein non no Are you English? No. I'm Canadian.
laut, geräuschvoll,
noisy 68 adj ˈnɔɪzi bruyant rumoroso The café is very noisy.

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continu, sans non-stop,
non-stop 76 adj ˌnɒnˈstɒp ohne Unterbrechung They played a non-stop tennis match.
interruption continuamente
noodle 143 n ˈnuːdl Nudel nouille pasta The Chinese eat a lot of noodles.
noon 145 n nuːn Mittag midi mezzogiorno They arrived at noon.
normal 42 adj ˈnɔːməl normal normal normale He is a normal twenty-eight year old.
not 6 adv nɒt nicht, hier: kein ne pas non That's not a good idea.
note 80 n nəʊt note note Here's a note from your teacher.
note 146 n nəʊt Note, Schein (Geld) billet nota Have you got a twenty pound note?
notebook 140 n ˈnəʊtbʊk Notizbuch cahier, carnet taccuino Write the words in your notebook.
nothing 90 pronoun ˈnʌθɪŋ nichts ne rien niente I usually do nothing at the weekend.
The information about the concert is on
noticeboard 88 n ˈnəʊtəsˌbɔːd Anschlagtafel panneau d'affichage tabellone
the noticeboard.
nəʊˈvembə, My parents usually go to Spain in
November 75 n November novembre novembre
nəˈvembə November.
now 11 adv naʊ jetzt maintenant adesso Now I'm a waiter.
Nowadays, people know it's important
nowadays 96 adv ˈnaʊədeɪz heutzutage de nos jours al giorno d'oggi
to eat healthy food.
Nuklear-, ein
There was a terrible nuclear accident in
nuclear 81 adj ˈnjuːkliə Kernkraftwerk nucléaire nucleare
number 6 n ˈnʌmbə Nummer numéro numero Look at page number five.
nut 143 n nʌt Nuss noisette, noix noce I don’t eat nuts. They're too hard.
October 75 n ɒkˈtəʊbə Oktober octobre ottobre We had a big party last October.
office 14 n ˈɒfəs, ˈɒfɪs Büro bureau ufficio This is my office.
often 55 adv ˈɒfən, ˈɒftən oft souvent spesso He often goes the gym.
old 14 adj əʊld alt vieux/vieille vecchio We live in an old house.
on 11 prep ɒn auf sur su My book is on the table.
once 54 adv wʌns einmal une fois una volta We have steak once a week.
one 6 number wʌn eins un uno I have one brother
one-to-one 97 adj ˈwʌn-tə-ˌwʌn Einzel- tête-à-tête privato I had one-to-one dance lessons.
online, auf dem
online 55 adj ˈɒnlaɪn en ligne online He usually reads the news online.
open 6 v ˈəʊpən öffnen ouvrir aprire Open the window, please.
open 20 adj ˈəʊpən geöffnet ouvert/e aperto The shop isn’t open now.

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opposite 88 preposition ˈɚpəzət, ˈɚpəzɪt gegenüber en face de dall'altra parte di The sports centre is opposite the hotel.
Orange is the colour between red and
orange 141 adj ˈɒrəndʒ orange orange arancio
order 115 v ˈɔːdə bestellen commander ordinare I ordered the present online.
organised 108 adj ˈɔːgənaɪzd organisé organizzato She's a very organised person.
other 42 adj ˈʌðə andere/r, anderes autre altro This job is different from my other job.
our 21 determiner aʊə unser, unsere notre nostro Here is our hotel.
outside 97 adv aʊtˈsaɪd draußen dehors fuori Can you wait outside, please?
People all over the world eat my
over 21 prep ˈəʊvə in, über partout in tutto
mother's salsa.
p.m. 145 piɜ em nach 12 Uhr mittags de l'après-midi nel pomeriggio They arrive at 2 p.m. this afternoon.
page 6 n peɪdʒ Seite page pagina What's on page seven?
Her father paints beautiful pictures of
paint 147 v peɪnt malen peindre dipingere
the sea.
Paar / paarweise /
pair 138 n peə par deux a due a due We all had to work in pairs.
zu zweit
parents 18 n ˈpeərənts Eltern parents genitori Sarah's parents are John and Mary.
Paris 86 ˈpærəs, ˈpærɪs Paris Paris Parigi Paris is the capital of France.
park 144 n pɑːk Park parc parco The children are playing in the park.
partner 93 n ˈpɒtnə Partner partenaire socio, partner Johann is my business partner.
party 27 n ˈpɑːti Party fête festa, party Let's have a party tonight!
pass 66 n pɑːs Fahrkarten-Abo pass abbonamento He's got a monthly pass for train travel.

passenger 66 n ˈpæsɪndʒə Passagier passager passaggero There are ten passengers on the bus.
passport 63 n ˈpɑːspɔːt Pass, Ausweis passeport passaporto Have you got a passport?
past 44 preposition pɑːst nach après e, dopo It's ten past five.
I always have pasta in the Italian
pasta 54 n ˈpæstə Pasta, Nudeln pâtes pasta
pay 98 v peɪ bezahlen payer pagare How much did you pay for the new car?
Münzfernsprecher, I can’t find my mobile phone. I need to
payphone 62 n peɪ fəʊn téléphone public telefono pubblico
Telefonzelle use a pay phone.
pea 143 n piː Erbse petit pois pisello Peas are his favourite vegetable.

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pencil 140 n pensəl Bleistift crayon matita Use a pencil to write.
people 20 n (plural) ˈpiːpəl Menschen, Leute gens persone, gente There are sixty people in the restaurant.

perfect 21 adv ˈpɜːfɪkt perfekt, vollkommen parfait perfetto The hotel is perfect.
perfume 146 v ˈpɜːfjuːm Parfüm parfum profumo My mother never wears perfume.
person 52 n ˈpɜːsən Person personne persona Sarah talks about a person at work.
assistant/e de
personal assistant 139 n ˈpɜːsənəl əˈsɪstənt Assistent/in, assistente personale Mr Jones has a personal assistant.
Peru 86 pəˈruː Peru Pérou Perù People speak Spanish in Peru.
pharmacy 62 n ˈfɑːməsi Apotheke pharmacie farmacia The pharmacy sells medicines.
phone 6 n fəʊn Telefon téléphone telefono The phone is ringing. Please answer it.
photo 19 n ˈfəʊtəʊ Foto photo foto This is a photo of my friend.
picture 30 n ˈpɪktʃə Bild photographie, image foto This is a picture of my sister.

piece 54 n piːs Stück morceau pezzo Can I have a piece of bread, please?

pilot 139 n ˈpaɪlət Pilot/in pilote pilota Mary Taylor is a pilot for British Airways.
pink 141 adj pɪŋk pink rose rosa The skirt is pink.
pizza 138 n ˈpiːtsə Pizza pizza pizza We have pizza in the Italian restaurant.
place 21 n pleɪs Ort lieu posto This place is beautiful.
plan 111 n plæn Plan projet piano, progetto What are you plans for the weekend?
plane 63 n pleɪn Flugzeug avion aereo What time does your plane leave?
planet 46 n ˈplænət, ˈplænɪt Planet planète pianeta We live on planet Earth.
His grandmother has a lot of plants in
plant 146 n plɑːnt Pflanze plante pianta
her garden.
plate 54 n pleɪt Teller assiette piatto He has big plate of pasta for lunch.
platform 67 n ˈplætfɔːm Bahnsteig, Gleis quai marciapiede The train leaves from platform six.
play 44 n pleɪ Theaterstück pièce opera teatrale I like Shakespeare plays.
play 142 v pleɪ spielen jouer giocare Do you play football?
player 33 n ˈpleɪə Spieler/in joueur giocatore, tennista Serena Williams is a tennis player.
s'il vous plaît, s'il te
please 6 interjection pliːz bitte per favore Can I have a drink of water, please?

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pocket 102 n ˈpɒkət, ˈpɒkɪt Tasche poche tasca The keys are in my coat pocket.
Poland 8 country ˈpeʊlənd Polen Pologne Polonia Warsaw is in Poland.
police 58 n pəˈliːs Polizei police polizia The police want to talk that man.
pəˈliːs ˈɒfəsə, policier, officier de
police officer 139 n Polizist/in poliziotto My brother is a police officer.
ˈɒfɪsə police
Polish 139 adj ˈpɒlɪʃ Pole/Polin polacco Many Polish people live in Britain.
She is very polite and says 'please' and
polite 100 adj pəˈlaɪt höflich poli cortese
'thank you' all the time.
ˌpɒləˈtɪʃən, homme/femme J F Kennedy and his brothers were
politician 81 n Politiker politico
ˌpɒlɪˈtɪʃən politique politicians.
popular 68 adj ˈpɒpjələ, ˈpɒpjʊlə beliebt populaire benvoluto Indian food is very popular in Britain.
Porridge is a traditional breakfast from
porridge 89 n ˌpɒrɪdʒ Haferbrei porridge porridge
Portugal 139 country ˈpɔːtʃəgəl Portugal Portugal Portogallo He is from Portugal.
Portugiese/Portugies Portugais/e,
Portuguese 139 adj ˌpɔːtʃəˈgiːz portoghese His wife is Portuguese.
in portugais/e
It was important to keep healthy and
positive 80 adj ˈpɒzətɪv, ˈpɒzɪtɪv positiv positiv positivo
He needs to be more positive about his
positive 109 adj ˈpɒsətɪv, ˈpɒsɪtɪv positiv positif positivo
possession 103 n pəˈzeʃən Eigentum, Besitz possession, bien possesso Her favourite possession is her guitar.
We can take our letters to the post
post office 144 n pəʊst ˈɒfəs, ˈɒfɪs Post(amt) bureau de poste ufficio postale
You make chips and crisps from
potato 143 n pəˈteɪtəʊ Kartoffel pomme de terre patata
pottery 36 n ˈpɒtəri Keramik poterie ceramica The old pottery is from China.
My parents gave me a watch as a
present 96 n ˈprezənt Geschenk cadeau regalo
birthday present.
presenter 36 n prɪˈzentə Moderator présentateur presentatore He is an Italian TV presenter.
president 80 n Präsident président presidente Who is the president of your country?
price 36 n praɪs Preis prix prezzo The price of the carpet is 1,000 euros.
Prince William is the son of Prince
prince 24 n prɪns Prinz prince principe
printer 30 n ˈprɪntə Drucker imprimante stampante Is this a colour printer?
problem 22 n ˈprɒbləm Problem problème problema What's the problem?

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programme 24 n ˈprəʊgræm Sender programma There is a BBC programme on TV.
pronounce 115 v preəˈnaʊns aussprechen prononcer pronunciare Can you pronounce this word correctly?
There's a good public transport system
public transport 69 n ˈpʌblɪk ˈtrænspɔːt öffentlicher Verkehr transport public mezzi pubblici
in London.
pull 144 v pʊl ziehen tirer tirare Pull the door closed, please.
Punctuation is important when you
punctuation 115 n ˌpʌnktʃuˈeɪʃən Zeichensetzung ponctuation interpunzione
purple 141 adj ˈpɜːpəl lila violet violetto, paonazzo They both have purple dresses.
push 144 v pʊʃ drücken pousser spingere Push the door to open it.
quarter 44 n ˈkwɔːtə Viertel quart quarto It's quarter past nine.
Queen Elizaebeth is the Queen of
queen 81 n kwiːn Königin reine regina
question 77 n ˈkwestʃən Frage question domanda The teacher asked me a question.
When you write a question, don’t forget
question mark 75 n ˈkwestʃən mɑːk Fragezeichen point d'interrogation domanda
the question mark.
She completed the questionnaire about
questionnaire 90 n ˌkwestʃəˈneə Fragebogen questionnaire questionario
quiet 68 adj ˈkwaɪət ruhig calm zito Be quiet! The baby is sleeping.
quite 107 kwaɪt ziemlich assez abbastanza She sings quite well.
r, adv
racquet 32 n rækət, rækɪt Schläger (Sport) raquette racchetta Can I have this tennis racquet?
radio 53 n ˈreɪdiəʊ Radio radio radio I often listen to the radio.
It's raining today so we can’t play
rain 91 v raɪn regnen pleuvoir piovere
The rainy season is dangerous
rainy 46 adj ˈreɪni regnerisch, Regen- pluvieux piovoso
read 138 v riːd lesen lire leggere My little brother is learning to read.
real 36 adj rɪəl echt, wahr vrai vero, reale This is real leather.
really 53 adv ˈrɪəli wirklich vraiment "He's Canadian." "Really?"
When you buy something you get a
receipt 146 n rɪˈsiːt Quittung reçu ricevuta
receipt from the shop.
receptionist 139 n rɪˈsepʃənɪst Rezeptionist/in réceptionniste receptionist The hotel receptionist is Polish.
recipe 21 n ˈresəpi, ˈresɪpi Rezept recette ricetta The salsa recipe is from my mother.
They got the world record for their non-
record 76 n ˈrekɔːd Rekord record record
stop tennis match.
red 33 adj red rot rouge rosso Her new bag is red.

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regards 63 n plural rɪˈgɑːdz Grüße amitiés saluti Regards to your mother.
relationship 28 n rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp lien rapporto What's their relationship?
relax 108 v rɪˈlæks entspannen se détendre rilassare He relaxed on holiday.
repeat 6 v rɪˈpiːt wiederholen répéter ripetere Can you repeat that, please?
The story of miners' rescue was in all
rescue 80 n ˈreskuː Rettung secours salvataggio
the newspapers.
restaurant 138 n ˈrestərɒnt Restaurant restaurant ristorante The Chinese restaurant is very good.
Mrs Green is retired. She's seventy
retired 139 adj. rɪˈtaɪrd pensioniert retraité stanco
years old.
return ticket 66 n rɪˈtɜːn tɪkət, tɪkɪt Rückfahrkarte billet aller-retour biglietto di ritorno Do you want a single or return ticket?

rice 143 n raɪs Reis riz riso Do you want white rice or brown rice?
fahren (Rad, aller à la / faire de
ride 106 v raɪd andare Can you ride a motorbike?
Motorrad) la (moto)
right 19 n raɪt rechts droite essere in giusto They are in the right.
rechts, die rechte
right 88 n raɪt à droite destra Your chair is on the right.
ring 24 n rɪŋ Ring bague anello She has a beautiful wedding ring.
The Nile is the longest river in the
river 14 n ˈrɪvə Fluss rivière fiume
Straße, Landstraße,
road 47 n rəʊd rue, route strada My sister lives in this road.
There was a robbery at the bank last
robbery 64 n ˈrɒbəri Raub vol rapina
rock 27 n rɒk Rockmusik rock rock It's rock music.
rock and roll 34 n rɒk ən rəʊl Rock'n Roll rock and roll rock-and-roll He loves rock and roll music.
rope 84 n rəʊp Seil core corda The bridge is made of rope.
rose 96 n rəʊz Rose la rose rosa Peter gave his girlfriend a red rose.

routine 115 n ruːˈtiːn Routine, Programm routine routine What is your daily routine?
I'm interested in the British royal
royal 24 adj ˈrɔɪəl königlich, Königs- royal/e reale
rubbish 102 n ˈrʌbɪʃ Müll, Abfall ordures, déchets spazzatura We need to put the rubbish outside.
rude 90 adj ruːd impoli sgarbato The boy was rude to his teacher.

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running 32 adj ˈrʌnɪŋ laufen, joggen course à pied da corsa These are his running shoes.
rush hour 68 n rʌʃ aʊə Hauptverkehrszeit heure de pointe ora di punta The roads are very busy at rush hour.
Russia 9 country ˈrʌʃə Russland Russie Russia Moscow is in Russia.
Russian 139 adj ˈrʌʃən Russe/Russin Russe, russe russo Her husband is Russian.
sad 77 adj sæd traurig triste triste The story was very sad and I cried.
safe 46 adj seɪf sicher sûr sicuro It isn’t safe to go in the river.
sale 21 n seɪl Verkauf vente vendita The food is on sale all over the world.
salesman 36 n ˈseɪlzmən représentant de commesso My father is a salesman.
salsa 21 n ˈsælsə Salsa, Sauce salsa, sauce salsa salsa The salsa is very good.
salsa 97 n ˈsælsə Salsa-Tanz salsa salsa He loves dancing the salsa.
same 40 adj seɪm der-, die-, dasselbe même stesso We like the same things.
ˈsænwɪdʒ, Sandwich, belegtes
sandwich 34 n sandwich panino, tramezzino Can I have a sandwich, please?
ˈsænwɪtʒ Brot
Saturday 43 n ˈsætədi, ˈsætədeɪ Samstag samedi sabato TThe football match is on Saturday
Saudi Arabia 9 country ˈsaʊdi əˈreɪbiə Saudi-Arabien Arabie saoudite Arabia Saudita Is Riyadh in Saudi Arabia?
Saudi, Saudi- Saoudien/ne,
Saudi Arabian 139 adj ˈsaʊdi əˈreɪbiən saudita We're Saudi Arabian.
Araber/in saoudien/ne
He eats suasages and chips once a
sausage 143 n ˈsɒsɪdʒ Würstchen saucisse salsiccia
save 108 v seɪv sparen économiser risparmiare I'm saving money for a holiday.
say 6 v seɪ sprechen dire dire Say the word after me.
avere paura di,
scared 140 adj skeəd große Angst haben effrayé They are scared of the dog.
scarf 146 n skɑːf Schal foulard sciarpa It's cold today. Put a scarf on.
schedule 44 n ˈʃedjuːl, ˈskedjuːl Terminplan, Zeitplan horaire orario What's the schedule for the day?
school 22 n skuːl Schule école scuola We are at Forest High School.
science fiction 58 n ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃən Science-Fiction science-fiction fantascienza I love science fiction films.
She isn’t from England. She's from
Scotland 139 country ˈskɒtlənd Schottland Écosse la Scozia
Schotte/Schottin, Écossais/e,
Scottish 139 adj ˈskɒtɪʃ scozzese Donald is Scottish.
schottisch écossais/e

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The Rad Sea lies between Arabia and
sea 14 n siː Meer, See mer mare
North Africa.
season 46 n ˈsiːzən Jahreszeit saison stagione Winter is my favourite season.
second 36 number ˈsekənd zweite/r, zweites deuxième secondo This is my second day in Istanbul.
see 19 v siː sehen voir vedere See you later.
développement He bought a self-help book to help him
self-help 108 n ˌself-ˈhelp Selbsthilfe autoaiuto
personnel change his life.
sell 98 v sel verkaufen vendre vendere He sold his car last week.
seller 36 n ˈselə vendeur/vendeuse venditore He is a carpet seller.
send 59 v send schicken envoyer spedire I send emails to my friends.
September 75 n sepˈtembə September septembre settembre I went to France in September.
series 46 n ˈsɪəriːz Serie série serie The new TV series is very interesting.
Service, Their business is a cleaning service for
service 106 n ˈsɜːvəs, ˈsɜːvɪs service servizio
Dienstleistung offices.
I bought a beauty set for my mother's
set 146 n set Set set set
seven 6 number ˈsevən sieben sept sette There are seven men in the class.
seventeen 20 number ˌsevənˈtiːn siebzehn dix-sept diciassette He's seventeen years old.
seventy 20 number ˈsevənti siebzig soixante-dix settanta He's seventy.
she 11 pronoun si sie elle lei She is a student.
she 20 pronoun ʃi; strong ʃiː sie (Singular) elle lei She is a teacher.
shelter 80 n ˈʃeltə Obdach, Unterkunft abri, refuge, asile rifugio The people need food and shelter.
shirt 33 n ʃɜːt Hemd chemise camicia Is this Elvis Presley's shirt?
shoe 32 n ʃuː Schuh chaussure scarpa My new shoes are great.
shook / shake 102 v ʃʊk / ʃeɪk schüttelte/schütteln agiter agitare Shake the bottle before you open it.
I am a shop assistant in Marks and
shop assistant 139 n ʃɒp əˈsɪstənt Verkäufer/in vendeur/vendeuse in pensione
shopping 48 n ˈʃɒpɪŋ Einkaufen faire du shopping shopping We go shopping at the weekend.
We often go to the shopping centre at
shopping centre 144 n ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˈsentə Einkaufszentrum centre commercial centro commerciale
short 76 adj ʃɔːt kurz court corto He's got very short hair.
show 90 n ʃəʊ Vorstellung spectacle spettacolo We went to see a show at the theatre.
We walked to the other side of the
side 84 n saɪd Seite côté parte

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unterschreiben /
Johnny Depp signed his name on my
sign 99 v saɪn hier: Autogramm signer firmare
theatre ticket.
sign 144 n saɪn Zeichen symbole, signe segno What does this sign mean?
Her wedding ring was unusual because
silver 99 adj ˈsɪlvə silbern en argent argento
it was silver and not gold.
simple 46 adj ˈsɪmpəl einfach simple semplice He likes the simple things in life.
simple 115 adj ˈsɪmpəl einfach simple semplice This exercise is simple.
singer 10 n ˈsiŋə Sänger/in chanteur, chanteuse cantante Jodie is a singer with a pop band.
single 31 adj ˈsɪŋgəl alleinstehend célibataire single She isn't married. She's single.
single ticket 66 n ˈsɪŋgəl tɪkət, tɪkɪt einfache Fahrkarte aller simple (billet) biglietto di andata He's got a single ticket to France.
sister 18 n ˈsɪstə Schwester soeur sorella Sarah is Jame's sister.
sit (down) 22 v sɪt sitzen s'asseoir sedere You can sit in the classroom.
situation 90 n ˌsɪtʃuˈeɪʃən Situation situation situazione He is in a difficult situation.
six 6 number sɪks sechs six sei We have six classrooms.
sixteen 20 number ˌsɪksˈtiːn sechzehn seize sedici I'm sixteen.
They arrive in New York on June the
sixteenth 75 adj ˌsikˈstiːnθ sechzehnter seizième sedicesimo
sixty 20 number ˈsɪksti sechzig soixante sessanta An hour is sixty minutes.
size 98 n saɪz Größe taille numero What size are your shoes?
skiing 47 n ˈskiːɪŋ Skifahren ski sci We go skiing in winter.
skirt 141 n skɜːt Rock jupe gonna She has a white jacket and a black skirt.
sky 100 n skaɪ Himmel ciel cielo Look at the birds in the sky.
slow 68 adj sləʊ langsam lent lento In rush hour, the buses are very slow.
small 14 adj smɔːl klein petit piccolo He lives in a small house.
smoke 53 v sməʊk rauchen fumer fumare He doesn’t smoke.
The sign says 'No Smoking'. You can't
smoking 144 n ˈsməʊkɪŋ Rauchen fumer fumo, fumare
smoke in here.
snow 146 v snəʊ schneien neiger nevicare In winter is snows for four months.
so 86 conjunction səʊ daher donc perciò I was hungry, so I ate a sandwich.
sock 141 n sɒk Socken chaussette calza Put your socks on before your shoes.
soft 145 adj sɒft weich mou molle The bed is very soft.
some 65 determiner sʌm manche, einige certains alcuni Some hotels are very expensive.
someone 84 pronoun ˈsʌmwʌn jemand quelqu'un qualcuno Someone is waiting for you.

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sometimes 46 adv ˈsʌmtaɪmz manchmal parfois a volte We sometimes work late.
son 18 n sʌn Sohn fils figlio James is Mary and John's son.
soon 19 adv suːn bald bientôt presto See you soon.
sorry 6 adj ˈsɒri Entschuldigung Pardon mi dispiace Sorry, I don’t know the answer.
résonner / donner
sound 115 v saʊnd klingen sembrare He sounds interested.
l'impression que
South Africa 8 country saʊθ ˈæfɪikə Südafrika Afrique du Sud il Sudafrica Are you from South Africa?
Südafrikaner/in, Sud-Africain/e, sud-
South African 139 adj saɪθ ˈæfrɪkən sudafricano His parents are South African.
südafrikanisch africain/e
South Korea 139 country saʊθ kəˈriːə Südkorea Corée du Sud Corea del Sud We are from South Korea.
spa, station They went to a spa to relax for a few
spa 97 n spɑː Spa centro di benessere
thermale days.
space 58 n speɪs Weltraum espace interplanetario, Doctor Who travels in space.
Spain 8 country speɪn Spanien Espagne la Spagna I am from Spain.
Spanish 139 adj ˈspænɪʃ Spanier/in, spanisch spagnolo He has a Spanish friend.
sparkling 34 adj ˈspɑːklɪŋ sprudelnd pétillant gasata I love sparkling mineral water.
speak 106 v spiːk sprechen parler parlare He speaks three languages.
special 36 adj ˈspeʃəl besondere/r, particulier particolare This is a special book.
spell 13 v spel buchstabieren épeler scrivere Can you spell your name for me?
verbringen, He wants to spend more time with his
spend 108 v spend passer passare del tempo
ausgeben friends.
spice 36 n spaɪs Gewürz épice spezia I love spices in my food.
sport 40 n spɔːt Sport, Sportart sport sport What sport do you like?
sportswoman 81 n ˈspɔːtsˌwʊmən Sportlerin sportive, athlète sportiva Serena Williams is a sportswoman.
spring 47 n sprɪŋ Frühling printemps primavera Spring is my favourite season.
stadium 58 n ˈsteɪdiəm Stadion stade stadio We can visit the Olympic Stadium.
stairs 64 n plural steəz Treppe escalier scale I climb the stairs to get to my bedroom.
At night you can see the stars in the
star 100 n staː Stern étoile stella
star 112 n stɑː Star vedette, star star Miranda is the star of the show.
start 142 v stɑːt anfangen, beginnen commencer cominciare He starts work at eight-thirty.

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statement 93 n ˈsteɪtmənt Aussage déclaration dichiarazione They gave statements to the police.
stay 21 n steɪ Aufenthalt séjour soggiorno The hotel is perfect for your stay.
steak 54 n steɪk Steak steak bistecca He eats a steak once a week.
still 32 adverb stɪl noch encore, toujours ancora Are you still here?
still 34 adj stɪl still encore ancora Can I have still mineral water, please?
stop 22 v stɒp aufhören arrêter fermare Let's stop now.
store 100 n stɔː Geschäft, Laden magasin negozio We bought our presents in a big store.
story 24 n ˈstɔːri Geschichte histoire storia It is the story of a our city.
street 24 n striːt Straße rue strada People are in the streets.
stuck 112 adj stʌk coincé incastrato I can’t move. I'm stuck.
student 10 n ˈstuːdənt Student/in étudiant/e studente She's a student at Oxford University.
study 36 v ˈstʌdi studieren étudier studiare I study French and Spanish.
stupid 112 adj ˈstuːpəd, ˈstuːpid dumm stupide, idiot stupido I did something stupid.
Hard Rock Café is an American-style
style 34 n staɪl Stil style stile
The New York subway is like the
subway 64 n sʌbweɪ U-Bahn métro metropolitana
London underground.
suit 141 n suːt, sjʊːt Anzug costume completo His business suit is black.
summer 14 n ˈsʌmə Sommer été estate It gets very hot here in summer.
Sunday 43 n ˈsʌndi, ˈsʌndeɪ Sonntag dimanche domenica I play basketball on Sundays.
sunglasses 33 n plural Sonnenbrille lunettes de soleil occhiali da sole These are her sunglasses.
The weather was hot and sunny
sunny 146 adj ˈsʌni sonnig ensoleillé di sole
supermarket 138 n ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkət Supermarkt supermarché supermercato We bought the food in a supermarket.

sure 81 adj ʃɔː sicher certain sicuro I'm not sure this is the right answer.
After 69 days the miners travelled to
surface 80 n ˈsɜːfəs Oberfläche surface superficie
the surface.
surprised 140 adj səˈpraɪzd überrascht étonné sorpreso He's surprised to see you.
sushi 97 n suːʃi Sushi sushi sushi I love Japanese food, especially sushi.
pull-over, sweat-
sweater 33 n ˈswetə Pullover golf Her red sweater is beautiful.

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sweet 36 n swiːt Süßigkeit, Bonbon bonbon dolci They have sweets for the children.
Schwimmbad, We take the children to the swimming
swimming pool 56 n ˈswɪmɪŋ puːl piscine piscina
Schwimmbecken pool on Saturdays.
Sydney 86 ˈsɪdni Sydney Sydney Sydney Sydney is the largest city in Australia.

system 69 n ˈsɪstəm, ˈsɪstɪm System système sistema The new computer system works well.
table 140 n ˈteɪbəl Tisch table tavolo My cup is on the table.
I take a camera with me when I go on
take 50 v teɪk nehmen prendre prendere
talk 52 v tɔːk sprechen parler parlare He talks about his girlfriend all the time.
taxi 138 n ˈtæksi Taxi taxi taxi We got a taxi to the train station.
taxi driver 10 n tæksi ˈdraɪvə Taxifahrer/in chauffeur de taxi tassista The taxi driver took us to the hotel.
tea 34 n tiː Tee thé té Can I have a cup of tea, please?
teach 42 v tiːtʃ unterrichten, lehren enseigner insegnare Miss Jones teaches English.
teacher 10 n ˈtiːtʃə Lehrer/in instituteur/institutric insegnante Miss Lind is my English teacher.
team 33 n tiːm Team équipe equipe They play in the basketball team.
New technologies are changing the
technology 102 n tekˈnɒlədʒi Technologie technologie tecnologia
world everyday.
telescope 38 n ˈteləskəʊp Teleskop téléscope telescopio The telescope is Galileo's.
ˈteləˌvɪʒən, Many children watch too much
television/TV 138 n Fernsehen télévision televisione
ˈtelɪˌvɪʒən / tiː ˈviː television.

tempura 68 n ˈtempʊrə Tempura tempura tempura My favourite Japanese food is tempura.

ten 6 number ten zehn dix dieci He's ten years old.
tender 32 adj ˈtendə zärtlich tendre tenero It is a tender love song.
tennis 138 n ˈtenəs, ˈtenɪs Tennis tennis tennis We played tennis yesterday.
terrible 78 adj ˈterəbəl, ˈterɪbəl schrecklich horrible, éprouvant terribile It's a terrible film.
schreiben, schriftlich
text 109 v tekst envoyer des textos messaggiare He texted me this morning.
thank you 6 interjection θæŋk jʊː, jʊː danke merci grazie Thank you.
thanks 31 interjection θæŋks danke merci grazie Thanks.
that 30 determiner ðæt das, jenes celui-là, celle-là questo That is my book.

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ðə; before vowels
the 20 article, der, die das le, la il, la Mr Gaunt is the teacher.
ði; strong ðiː
The Black Sea is a large inland sea in
the Black Sea 86 ðə blæk si Schwarze Meer la mer Noire Mar Nero
les années Rock and roll music was popular in the
the fifties 102 n ðə ˈfɪftiːz Fünfziger(jahre) anni cinquanta
cinquante fifties.
02 Arena in London,
the O2 58 n ði ˌɛʊ ˈtuː für Sport- und O2 Arena stadio O2 There is a music concert at the O2.
les années soixante- We had audio cassettes in the
the seventies 102 n ðə ˈsevəntiːz Siebziger(jahre) anni settanta
dix seventies.
The Beatles became famous in the
the sixties 102 n ðə ˈsɪkstiːz Sechziger(jahre) les années soixante anni sessanta
the USA 8 country juː es ˈeɪ USA les États-Unis gli Stati Uniti New York is in the USA.
We can see famous actors in the
theatre 32 n ˈθɪətə Theater théâtre teatro
ihr, ihre (Plural,
They are brother and sister. Their
their 21 pronoun ðə; strong ðeə Possessivpronomen leur loro
parents are French.
them 99 pronoun ðəm; strong ðem ihnen les, leur loro, li I told them about my holiday.
We get up at 6 and then we have
then 55 adv ðen dann puis poi
there 31 adverb ðeə dort là lì Those are my friends over there.
these 30 determiner ðiːz dies (Plural) ces questi These are his shoes.
they 19 pronoun ðəɪ sie (Plural) ils/elles loro They are students.
thing 32 n θɪŋ Ding chose cosa What two things are on my desk?
think 21 v θɪŋk denken penser, croire pensare I think the café is very good.
third 75 adj θɜːd dritter troisième terzo We were in London on May the third.

thirsty 22 adj ˈθɜːsti durstig avoir soif, assoiffé aver sete We're thirsty. Let's have some water.
thirteen 20 number ˌθɜːˈtiːn dreizehn treize tredici My brother is thirteen.
thirty 20 number ˈθɜːti dreißig trente trenta The restaurant is thirty years old.
this 6 ðɪs dies ce, ceci questo I don’t like this.

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ceux, celles/ ceux-
those 30 determiner ðəʊz jene quelli Those are John's business cards.
là, celles-là
thousand 24 number ˈθaʊzənd tausend mille / millier mille Thousands of people are here.
three 6 number θriː drei trois tre Look at page three.
The children threw the ball into my
throw 147 v θrəʊ werfen lancer lanciare
I meet my friends on Thursday
Thursday 43 n ˈθɜːzdi, ˈθɜːzdeɪ Donnerstag jeudi giovedì
tick 138 v tɪk markieren cocher spuntare Please tick the correct answer.
ticket 63 n tɪkət Ticket, Karte billet biglietto You need to buy a ticket.
tie 141 n taɪ Krawatte cravate cravatta My father always has a tie.
time 10 n taɪm Mal fois volta This is your first time in Paris.
tired 22 adj təɪəd müde fatigué/e stanco I'm tired. I need to sleep.
to be bored 22 adj bɔːd sich langweilen s'ennuyer annoiato I'm bored. Let's go to the cinema.
She has two pieces of toast for
toast 54 n təʊst Toast pain grillé, toast pane tostato, toast
today 66 adv təˈdeɪ heute aujourd'hui oggi What are you doing today?
together 25 adv təˈgeðə zusammen ensemble insieme They're in a French class together.
toilet 144 n ˈtɔɪlət, ˈtɔɪlɪt Toilette toilette bagno The toilets are upstairs.
Can I have a cheese and tomato
tomato 143 n təˈmɑːtəʊ Tomate tomate pomodoro
tonight 27 n təˈnaɪt heute Abend ce soir stasera Our meeting is at 7 o'clock tonight.
too 22 adv tuː auch aussi anche I'm tired and he's tired, too.
too 98 adv tuː zu trop troppo The dress was too small for me.
touch 102 v tʌtʃ berühren toucher toccare Someone touched her on the arm.
Angestellte/r in
tourist information ˈtʊərəst, ˈtʊərɪst einem assistant/e en He is a tourist information assistant in
139 n informazioni
assistant əˈsɪstənt Fremdenverkehrsam tourisme Paris.
I want to buy some toys for my baby
toy 100 n tɔɪ Spielzeug jouet giocattolo
traditional 27 adj trəˈdiʃənəl traditionell traditionnel/le tradizionale The music is traditional.
trainers 141 n plural ˈtreɪnəz baskets scarpe da ginnastica Where are my sports trainers?
My favourite type of transport is the
transport 64 n ˈtrænspɔːt Verkehrsmittel transport trasporto
travel 64 v ˈtrævəl gehen, reisen aller, voyager andare, viaggiare Most people travel to work by car.

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viaggiare, fare un
travelling 47 n ˈtrævəlɪŋ Reisen voyager Travelling is difficult sometimes.
tree 42 n triː Baum arbre albero I can see a big tree outside my window.
trip 97 n trɪp Reise voyage viaggio Did you have good trip?
trousers 33 n ˈtraʊzəz Hose pantalon pantaloni I love your blue trousers.
T-shirt 33 n ˈtiː ʃɜːt T-Shirt T-shirt T-shirt, magliettaThis is my white T-shirt.
The tsunami destroyed thousands of
tsunami 81 n tsʊˈnɑːmi Tsunami tsunami tsunami, maremoto
Tuesday 43 n ˈtjuːzdi, ˈtjuːzdeɪ Dienstag mardi martedi She has Spanish lessons on Tuesday.
Some Indians use tuk-tuks to go around
tuk-tuk 68 n ˈtʊktʊk Tuk-Tuk tuk-tuk tuk-tuk
the city.
They drilled a tunnel to get to the
tunnel 80 n ˈtʌnl Tunnel tunnel galleria
twelve 20 number twelv zwölf douze dodici She's twelve tomorrow.
Come to London on October the
twentieth 75 adj ˈtwentiəθ zwanzigster vingtième ventesimo
twenty 20 number ˈtwenti zwanzig vingt venti Twenty people work in the hotel.
twenty-fifth 75 adj ˈtwenti fɪfθ fünfundzwanzigster vingt-cinquième venticinquesimo Christmas is December the twenty-fifth.
She starts work on January the twenty-
twenty-first 75 adj ˈtwenti fɔːst einunzwanzigster vingt et unième ventunesimo
Twitter 113 trademark ˈtwɪtə Twitter Twitter cinguettio, Twitter Do you use Twitter?
two 6 number tuː zwei deux due I have two sisters.
type 59 n taɪp Art genre tipo What type of films do you like?
type 147 v taɪp tippen taper scrivere a macchina Some people can type very fast.
typisch, I start work at 8 o'clock on a typical
typical 50 adj ˈtɪpɪkəl typique tipico
durchschnittlich day.
under 146 preposition ˈʌndə unter sous sotto The dog is under the table.
The underground is the best way to
underground 64 n ˈʌndəgraʊnd U-Bahn métro metropolitana
travel round Lonon.
underline 138 v ˌʌndəˈlaɪn unterstreichen souligner sottolineare Underline the name of the book.
understand 6 v ˌʌndəˈstænd verstehen comprendre capire I don’t understand this word.
We are unhappy because the hotel isn’t
unhappy 140 adj ʌnˈhæpi unglücklich malheureux scontento, infelice
university 11 n ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəti Universität université università She is going to university next year.

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Some people think the number thirteen
unlucky 96 adj ʌnˈlʌki unglücklich malchanceux portare sfortuna
is unlucky.
unusual 84 adj ungewöhnlich étrange, spécial insolito She told us an unusual story.
us 99 pronoun əs, s; strong ʌs uns nous noi, ci Our daughter never phones us.
I like the smartphone because it is
useful 103 adj ˈjuːsfəl nützlich utile utile
gewöhnlich, in der
usually 54 adv ˈjuːzuəli, ˈjuːzəli en général normalmente We usually have cereal for breakfast.
vase 146 n vɑːz Vase vase vaso She put the roses in a pretty vase.
vegetable 54 n vedʒtəbəl Gemüse légume verdura Carrots and potatoes are vegetables.
Venezuela 139 country ˌvenəˈzweɪlə Venezuela Vénézuela Venezuela I'm from Venezuela.
ˌvenəˈzweɪlən, Venezolaner/in, Vénézuélien/ne,
Venezuelan 139 adj venezuelano He's Venezuelan, not Spanish.
ˌvenɪˈzweɪlən venezolanisch vénézuélien/ne
very 11 adv ˈveri sehr très molto You are very happy.
I remember video cassettes. They were
video cassette 102 n ˈvɪdiəʊ kəˈset Videokassette cassette vidéo videocassetta
big and black.
view 44 v vjuː ansehen voir, regarder vedere You can view the photos online.
village 14 n ˈvɪlɪdʒ Dorf village paese I come from a small village in France.
vision 68 n ˈvɪʒən Vision vision visione This is my vision for the future.
fare una visita,
visit 93 v ˈvɪzət, ˈvɪzɪt besuchen rendre visite We visited our grandparents last week.
visitor 37 n ˈvɪzətə, ˈvɪzɪtə Besucher, Tourist visiteur visitatore I'm a visitor in London.
vitamin 59 n ˈvɪtəmən, ˈvɪtəmɪn Vitamin vitamine vitamina You find vitamin C in orange juice.
vəˈkæbjələri, They write new vocabulary in their
vocabulary 115 n Vokabular, Vokabeln vocabulaire vocabolario
vəˈkæbjʊləri, vəʊ- notebooks.
wait 76 v weɪt warten attendre aspettare You can wait in my office.
waiter 10 n ˈweɪtə Kellner/in serveur, serveuse cameriere She asked the waiter for the menu.
Wales 91 weɪlz Wales Pays de Galles Galles Wales is part of the United Kingdom.
gehen, zu Fuß camminare, andare
walk 40 v wɔːk marcher I walk to work every day.
gehen a piedi
My father bought one of the first
Walkman 102 n ˈwɔːkmən Walkman baladeur, Walkman walkman
Geldbeutel, portefeuille, porte-
wallet 36 n ˈwɒlət, ˈwɒlɪt portafoglio The money is in his wallet.
Brieftasche monnaie
want 142 v wɒnt wollen vouloir volere He wants a new job.

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was 74 (v) wəz; strong wɒz war était era He was at a concert.
wasn't 74 (v) ˈwɒzənt war nicht n`était pas non era She wasn't happy.
watch 140 n wɒtʃ Armbanduhr montre orologio It's ten o'clock by my watch.
watch 142 v wɒtʃ sehen, zusehen regarder guardare We watch TV in the evenings.
waterfall 46 n ˈwɔːtəfɔːl Wasserfall chute, cascade cascata The river has a lot of little waterfalls.
way 46 n weɪ Weg chemin strada direzione This is the way to my house.
we 19 pronoun wi; strong wiː wir nous noi We are in England.
weather 47 n ˈweðə Wetter temps tempo The weather is very hot today.
Look at the website for details of the
website 49 n ˈwebsaɪt Webseite site web website
Wednesday 43 n ˈwenzdi, ˈwenzdeɪ Mittwoch mercredi mercoledì We go the cinema on Wednesdays.
week 20 n wiːk Woche semaine settimana There are seven days in a week.
fine settimana,
weekend 42 n ˌwiːkˈend, ˈwiːkend Wochenende le week-end What do you do at the weekends?
weight 108 n weɪt Gewicht poids peso Did she lose weight last year?
welcome 10 interjection ˈwelkəm willkommen bienvenue benvenuto Welcome to England.
well 140 adj wel gut bien bene Are you well?
were 74 (v) wə; strong wɜː waren étaient erano They were at a party.
weren't 74 (v) wɜːnt waren nicht n'étaient pas non erano We weren't at the party.
Abbazia di
Westminster Abbey 24 n ˈwestmɪnstə ˈæbi Westminster Abbey Westminster Abbey The wedding is in Westminster Abbey.
wet 46 adj wet nass mouillé bagnato My shoes are wet.
welche, welcher,
what 6 determiner wɒt quel, quelle che What colour is your new car?
quand, à quelle
when 27 adv wen wann quando When is the concert?
where 138 adv weə wo où dove Where is your house?
Nominativ: welche,
determiner, welcher, welches /
which 6 wɪtʃ quel, quelle quale Which book do you like best?
pronoun Akkusativ: welche,
white 33 adj waɪt weiß blanc bianco Milk is white.
Weißwandtafel, The teacher writes the sentence on the
whiteboard 63 n ˈwaɪtbɔːd tableau blanc lavagna bianca
Whiteboard whiteboard.
who 42 pronoun huː wer qui chi Who is your favourite singer?

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whole 54 adj həʊl ganze/r,-s entier tutto Did you eat the whole pizza?
wife 18 n waɪf Ehefrau, Gattin femme moglie Mary is John's wife.
window 31 n ˈwɪndəʊ Fenster fenêtre finestra Open the window. It's hot in here.
windy 146 adj ˈwɪndi windig venteux ventoso It was very windy by the sea.
Federer is the winner of the tennis
winner 32 n ˈwɪnə Sieger vainqueur vincitore (-trice)
winter 14 n ˈwɪntə Winter hiver invierno It gets very cold here in winter.
wish 63 n wɪʃ Wunsch voeu auguri Best wishes for your birthday.
with 76 prep wɪð, wɪθ mit avec con She's the girl with brown hair.
She's a witness because she saw what
witness 93 n ˈwɪtnəs, ˈwɪtnɪs Zeuge témoin testimone
wonderful 57 adj ˈwʌndəfəl wundervoll merveilleux meraviglioso The restaurant is wonderful.
work 25 n wɜːk Arbeit travail lavoro He's at work now.
work 40 v wɜːk arbeiten travailler lavorare He works in an office.
workplace 103 n ˈwɜːkpleɪs Arbeitsplatz lieu de travail posto di lavoro I live near my workplace.
world 14 n wɜːld Welt monde mondo She wants to travel around the world.
einpacken, I wrapped my friend's birthday gift in
wrap 96 v ræp emballer avvolgere
verpacken yellow paper
She used the silver and purple wrapping
wrapping paper 104 n ˈræpɪŋ ˈpeɪpə Geschenkpapier papier cadeau carta da regalo
paper for the gift.
write 6 v raɪt schreiben écrire scrivere Write your name here, please.
year 20 n jɪə, jɜː Jahr an, année anno He is 50 years old.
yellow 33 adj ˈjeləʊ gelb jaune giallo Bananas are yellow.
yen 69 n yen Yen yen yen A tourist pass costs 1,000 yen.
yes 6 adv jes ja oui sì Are you Ann? Yes, I am
yesterday 75 adv ˈjestədi, ˈjestədeɪ gestern hier ieri What did you do yesterday?
yoga 68 n ˈjəʊgə Yoga yoga yoga She goes to a yoga class once a week.
yoghurt 143 n ˈjɒgət Joghurt yaourt yogurt She likes fruit yoghurt.
you 6 pronoun jə, jʊː, strong juː du, Sie tu, vous tu You can write it.
young 77 adj jʌŋ jung jeune giovane He's very young. He's only five.
your 6 determiner jə, strong jɔː dein, deine ton, ta, tes tuo, vostro, suo This is your book.
zero 6 number ˈzɪərəʊ null zéro zero The temperature is zero degrees.
zoo 144 n zuː Zoo zoo zoo Many interesting animals live in the zoo.

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